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Effects of Duststorms on the Air Pollution in Beijing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to investigate the air pollutionin Beijing before, during, and after duststorms occur. There aretwo different phenomena of air pollution in Beijing during a duststorm; one being related to the concentration of particulatematter and the second related to gaseous chemical pollutant concentrations. In this study, the concentrations of the chemicalpollutants, such as SO2, NOx and CO, were high prior to the occurrence of the duststorms. At the beginning of the two duststorms studied, the air quality related to these chemicalconstituents was improved due to a strong wind blowing away the chemical pollutants, which caused a decrease in the concentrations of SO2, CO and NOx. During the duststorm, the concentration of particulate matter, quantified by PM10, wasobserved to increase and the atmospheric visibility decreased.  相似文献   

To investigate the large-scale environmental conditions of duststorms occurring in Northern China, a synoptic situation of tendust events in Northern China during 2000–2001 was composed andits dynamic features were identified. The composite synoptic situation showed that the occurrence of the ten dust events was associated with the eastward movement of a strong cold high fromMongolia, and the development of a cyclone in Northeast China, which caused the pressure gradient to intensify considerably in Northern China. The upper level circulation revealed that a 500 hPa trough developed rapidly above Northern China, and diagnosis showed that composite ascending motion was pronouncedabove the Siberian district. The change of vertical motion in themiddle and low troposphere above Mongolia was also related to theoccurrence of the ten dust events. When the descendingcurrent, 12 hr before the occurrence, was completely replacedby the ascending current, the instable atmospheric stratificationof the lower troposphere enabled dry dust to be transported from the surface to high altitudes toward Northern China.  相似文献   

Meteorological characteristics and morphology of duststorms and other dust weather phenomena in the arid regions of East Asia were described in order to investigate a possible role of mesoscale cloud disturbances that develop in synoptic-scale mid-latitude cyclones in intensifying dust weather. This study is a statistical examination of conventional surface observational data as well as satellite data obtained during April 2000–2003. In the deserts of Mongolia and northern China (e.g., the Gobi Desert) duststorms and other weaker dust weather (i.e., dust whirls, blowing dust) frequently occur under a strong influence of synoptic-scale cyclones; on the other hand in the Taklamakan Desert (northwestern China), dust weather phenomena occur in a less organized fashion and may be driven mainly by local meteorological and geographical effects. A significant signal was identified, revealing of the intensification of dust weather by the presence of convective cloud disturbances. Meteorological changes such as pressure rise and temperature drop, typically found during the passage of cold fronts, were frequently observed in the cases of duststorms occurring in the analysis region. However, no definite tendency was found for moisture change and wind speed in relation to cloud activity, probably because rainfall amount is generally too low to moisten the boundary-layer air.  相似文献   

By using observational data and MM5, an observational analysisand numerical study was conducted on the synoptic condition of a severe dust storm that was caused by a Mongolian cyclone whichoccurred from 6 to 8 April 2001. Results illustrated thatthe cyclogenesis was due to the isentropic potential vorticity (IPV) advection in the upper troposphere and the terrain modifiedbaroclinicity in the mid-lower troposphere. The Altai-Sayan complex of mountains blocked the lower level cold air and made the isentropic surface sharply steep. When the air slid down along the isentropic surface the increasing of baroclinicity anddecreasing of stability blew up the vertical vorticity development.The formation of the dust storm was a result of a cyclonic cold front passing across the area. The occurrence of this dust stormwas closely related to the strong surface wind, which was accompanied by a cold front passing, rather than the cyclogenesis, itself. Hence, the reason for the pre-front dust storm formulation was the formation of heating convection. Reasons behind the formation of a black storm (visibilitylower than 50 m), which occurred in the mid-north part ofInner Mongolia, lay in several aspects. Firstly, in thisarea the surface wind was strong, a direct result of thedownward transport in mid-lower troposphere. Secondly,the cold front passed over the effected area near sunsetso the air obtained much more surface heating to form adeeper mixed layer (ML). Thirdly, cooperation between thelower level wind and the terrain made the atmosphere inthis area and acquired the maximum advective contributionnecessary to form a deep post-front ML. The sensitivityexperiment revealed that surface heat flux was important to the frontal lifting. In addition, the forcing of surface heating wasalso seen as the primary forcing mechanism of frontogenesis. Meanwhile, removal of the surface heat flux made the atmosphericstratification became stable and the pre-storm ML very shallow,which weakened the strength of the dust storm.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field data suggest that the movement of spilled oil at sea is in general a three-dimensional phenomenon in physical space, whereas trajectories of undrogued surface drifters are more susceptible to two-dimensional analysis. These conclusions are consistent with the intermittent failure of two-dimensional surface models to simulate the trajectories of spilled oil, although such models may be more successful with data from surface drifters. A physical explanation is presented, and a model that incorporates the key portions of the governing processes is described and tested against data from experimental oil spills at sea. Observations suggest that emulsified surface oil will drift down wind at speeds in excess of 3% of the windspeed. When surface turbulence drives oil subsurface for a significant fraction of time, however, net transport speeds are considerably less and significantly to the right of the wind in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The oil spill trajectory and weathering model OILMAP was used to forecast spill trajectories for an experimental oil spill in the Barents Sea marginal ice zone. The model includes capabilities to enter graphically and display environmental data governing oil behavior: ice fields, tidal and background current fields, and wind time series, as well as geographical map information. Forecasts can also be updated from observations such as airplane overflights. The model performed well when wind was ‘off-ice’ and speeds were relatively low (3–7 m s−1), with ice cover between 60 and 90%. Errors in forecasting the trajectory could be directly attributed to errors in the wind forecasts. Appropriate drift parameters for oil and ice were about 25% of the wind speed, with an Ekman veering angle of 35° to the right. Ice sheets were typically 1 m thick. When the wind became ‘on-ice’, wind speeds increased to about 10 m s−1 and trajectory simulations began to diverge from the observations, with observed drift parameters being 1.5% of the wind speed, with a 60° veering angle. Although simple assumptions for the large scale movement of oil in dense ice fields appear appropriate, the importance of good wind forecasts as a basis for reliable trajectory prognoses cannot be overstated.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the occurrence of sandstorms and dustfallphenomena from 1997 to 2000 was carried out. We refer tosandstorms, duststorms and blowing sand as the phenomenaoccurring in the source region, while significant dustfall is thephenomenon that occur in the sink area. It was noted that while the sandstorms in deserts and loess in NW-N China and Mongolia occurred any time during the year while severe sandstorms occurred frequently from March to May after the springthaw. The wind erosion in the source region usually occurred withwind speeds greater than 8 ms-1. However, severe sandstorm phenomenon occurred with wind greater than 15 ms-1 for at least 3 hr or more. In the source regions, sandstorms occurred over60–120 days per year. In Mongolia, the observation of thenumber of sandstorm days decreased due to the increase in rainy days.When a dust cloud from a desert reached the sink region,significant dustfall in the Korean Peninsula occurred due tothe lack of strong winds. We defined the episode ofsignificant dustfall (SD) with the following values: TSP250, PM10 190 g m-3 and visibility 6.5 km or less. In Korea, 8–12 episodes of SD occurred per yearwith 12 to 22 SD days. The maximum concentrations of TSP recorded were 989–1396 g m-3 with PM10 values of 861–996 g m-3 and with the lowestvisibility of 1.4–1.6 km.  相似文献   

A discriminate analysis method for probability forecast of dust storms in Mongolia has been developed. The prediction method uses data recorded at 23 meteorological stations in the Gobi and steppe regions of Mongolia, including surface air pressure and geo-potential height at the 500-hPa level on grid points, and weather maps from 1975 to 1990. Weather elements such as air temperature, pressure, geo-potential height etc, which influence the formation of dust storms, are prepared as predictors. To select the most informative/important predictors (variables), we used a mean correlation matrix of variables together with the Mahalonobis distance, and correlation coefficients between dust storms and predictors with an orthogonalization for removing correlated predictors. The most informative predictors for dust storm prediction are intensities of surface cyclones and migratory anticyclones, passage of cold fronts, the horizontal gradients of the surface air pressure in the cold frontal zone, cyclonic circulations from the ground surface up to the 500-hPa level, the geo-potential height at 500-hPa level and its temporal changes. Selected predictors are used in discriminate analysis for formulating dust storm prediction equations. Sandstorm data have been classified into three classes, viz., strong, moderate and weak dust storms, depending on their intensities, durations and areas covered. Predictions of the probabilities of dust storm occurrence use the prediction equations for each class. The prediction is made from 12 hours to 36 hours. Verification of the probability forecasts of dust storms is also shown. The accuracy of forecasts is 72.2–79.9% with the data used for developing equations (dependent variables), in contrast to 67.1–72.0% with unrelated data for deriving equations (independent variables).  相似文献   

Based on statistical data about Sand and Dust Storms (SDS) and their associated dustfall, features of temporal and spatialdistribution were studied first in this article. SDS and associateddustfalls occurred most often in northern China, especiallynorthwestern China. However, in the last two years, they have atendency to occur on the central and western parts of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. As a result, Beijing is now among the impact areas, and the Chinese government is paying greaterattention to the matter. The changing trends of SDS and associated dustfalls were subsequently analyzed. Occurrences were seen to be decreasing with the feature of fluctuation duringthe period of 1954–2001, but they have slightly increased since 2000. Also, climate factors related to SDS and associated dustfalls were discussed. Finally, it was recommended that methods to predict SDS in China be further studied in the future.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the influences of synoptic-scale air flows and local wind circulations on the dust layer height (DLH) in the Taklimakan Desert, based on lidar observations performed in the north of the desert in March 2003. The DLH fluctuates approximately every three days between 2500 m (above sea level) and 5000 m, including diurnal variations. Meteorological analyses and numerical simulations show that the three-day fluctuation of DLH corresponds with variations in synoptic-scale air flows over the Taklimakan Desert, and the diurnal variations are linked to downdrafts and updrafts that are formed over the north of the desert as part of local circulations. When strong northerly winds prevail in the upper troposphere and a developed valley wind blows toward the Tienshan Mountains in the lower troposphere, the downdrafts strengthen in the middle troposphere over the north of the desert, lowering the DLH to about 2500 m. In contrast, the DLH rises to about 5000 m when the updrafts develop between strong southerly winds in the upper troposphere and a developed mountain wind blowing from the Tienshan Mountains. Simulations for the local circulation behavior without the presence of the Tienshan Mountains demonstrate that the valley and mountain winds on the southern slope of the Tienshan Mountains control the intensity of the downdrafts and updrafts, thereby influencing the DLH over the north of the Taklimakan Desert.  相似文献   

Bioventing—the injection of air into the vadose zone to increase microbial activity—is a commonly used, proven technology for remediating volatile organic compounds present in the vadose zone. Passive systems driven by wind or solar power are both more cost‐effective and sustainable than conventional systems. Such a passive system is being applied successfully to remediate a site impacted with total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in soil. Bioventing technology was approved by the regulatory agency as an interim remedial action to remove chemicals of concern (COCs) in the vadose zone. A bioventing pilot study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of COC removal and collect parameters for full‐scale design and implementation. To evaluate the potential to use wind‐driven bioventing technology, two mobile weather stations were installed at the site and monitored for one month for a wind speed study. Based on the pilot‐test data and wind speed research, 12‐inch diameter funnel/vane 360‐degree wind collectors were designed as passive wind‐driven air‐injection devices and connected to existing monitoring wells. The measured air velocity ranged from 20 to 110 feet per minute during the start‐up and the first three months of operation and maintenance. Monitoring indicated a 20 percent oxygen delivery and greater than 90 percent reduction in COC concentrations, demonstrating a successful sustainable remediation with no power requirement and minimal operation and maintenance. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We have conducted dust observations at a number of locations including Beijing, Hefei, Suwon, Fukue, Nagasaki, Tsukuba, and Sapporo using automated two-wavelength polarization lidars o study Asian dust phenomena, including generation, transport, and change during transport. We developed a method using the depolarization ratio for estimating the contributions of Asian dust and spherical air-pollution aerosols in observed aerosol mixtures. We analyzed the dust profiles statistically to derive climatological characteristics and year-on-year variations. We also studied dust source and transport path for each dust event using the regional chemical transport model CFORS. The statistical analysis clearly demonstrated the year-on-year variation of dust phenomena and the characteristics depending on the locations of the observational sites. Most major dust events in 2001 and 2002 originated in Inner Mongolia and/or Mongolia at the southern edge of a low-pressure area located in Siberia and were transported by strong westerlies. In 2003, the typical meteorological pattern for heavy dust cases accompanying a strong low in Siberia was not seen, except for one case in April. Furthermore, the lidar observation in Beijing suggests that less dust was generated in the source regions in Inner Mongolia and/or Mongolia, probably due to higher precipitation in 2003.  相似文献   

Sensitivity experiments were performed using a large-eddy simulation (LES) turbulence model of the ocean surface boundary layer. Parameters defining wind and wave forcing were varied to help understand how different forcing affects the formation and dispersive qualities of Langmuir circulation (LC). Comparison of the model with observed surface velocity variance shows a consistent linear increase in velocity scale with increasing wave Stokes drift, however, the model systematically under predicts the velocity scale for large Stokes drift. Results using particle trajectories show that in open-ocean conditions, wave forcing dominates the structure of near surface turbulence causing organized LC cells that actively collect surface material. With weak waves, surface particles display a more random pattern in comparison to strong wave cases. Analysis of the turbulence kinetic energy budget shows that the reduction in wave forcing is offset by shear production, which produces less organized patterns in surface material in comparison to LC.  相似文献   

In the Beijing area, March and April have the highest frequency of sand-dust weather. Floating dust, blowing sand, and dust storms, primarily from Mongolia, account for 71%, 20%, and 9% of sand-dust weather, respectively. Ambient air monitoring and analysis of recent meteorological data from Beijing sand-dust storm periods revealed that PM10 mass concentrations during dust storm events remained at 1500 μg m−3, which is five to ten times higher than during non-dust storm periods, for fourteen hours on both April 6 and 25, 2000. During the same period, the concentrations in urban areas were comparable to those in suburban areas, while the concentrations of gaseous pollutants, such as SO2, NO x , NO2, and O3, remained at low levels, owing to strong winds. Furthermore, during sand-dust storm periods, aerosols were created that consisted not only of many coarse particles, but also of a large quantity of fine particles. The PM2.5 concentration was approximately 230 μg m−3, accounting for 28% of the total PM10 mass concentration. Crustal elements accounted for 60–70% of the chemical composition of PM2.5, and sulfate and nitrate for much less, unlike the chemical composition of PM2.5 on pollution days, which was primarily composed of sulfates, nitrates, and organic material. Although the very large particle specific surface area provided by dust storms would normally be conducive to heterogeneous reactions, the conversion rate from SO2 to SO4 2− was very low, because the relative humidity, less than 30%, was not high enough.  相似文献   

Wang  Xu  Ma  Yu  Chen  Hongwu  Wen  Gang  Chen  Shoujun  Tao  Zuyu  Chung  Yong-Seung 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2003,3(2):67-79
With observational data spanning 1961–1999 from 90 meteorological stations in Xinjiang, China, the spatial and temporal characteristics of sandstorms and strong winds, and the contribution of strong winds to the occurrence of sandstormsare analyzed. Moreover, the dominant wind direction and minimumwind speeds during sandstorm periods are discussed. The research shows that although possessing similar climatic trends, sandstorms and strong winds in Xinjiang have opposite geographical distributions, i.e. places with more sandstorms show fewer strong winds. The contribution of strongwinds to sandstorms in northern Xinjiang is larger than that insouthern Xinjiang. The dominant wind directions clearly indicatethe paths of the weather systems that introduced the sandstorms.The minimum wind speeds in the sandstorms were over 10 ms-1in northern and eastern Xinjiang and in the Turpan and Yanqi Basins of southern Xinjiang. In Tarim Basin of southern Xinjiang,however, the minimum wind speed was about 6–8 ms-1, and even 6 ms-1 at its southern edge.  相似文献   

介绍了某电厂空预器的设计特点,该空预器运行过程中出现了一、二次风压与炉膛压力周期性波动、进出口差压偏大的问题.对该空预器实际运行情况的分析研究表明:燃用煤种含硫量超标、吹灰蒸汽带水、冬天暖风器投用不及时以及蓄热元件布置紧密是造成空预器堵灰的关键问题.通过控制入炉煤含硫量、加强吹灰、提高综合冷端温度和蓄热元件改造等措施,保证了空预器安全经济运行.  相似文献   

利用生态足迹计算方法对北京市生态安全状况进行定量分析评价。以生态足迹计算模型为方法指导,计算出2005及2010年北京市生态足迹值、生态承栽力值及生态赤字盈余值,进而对北京市生态盈亏状况进行全面分析,对北京市可持续发展生态能力作出评价。总结“十一五”期间北京市实施的可持续发展政策所取得的显著成效,着重分析优化其能源消费结构及提高能源利用效率方面的成效,以及对弥补能源生态赤字所作的贡献。最后分析北京市生态赤字形成的主要原因,并针对各因素提出弥补北京市生态赤字的对策建议。  相似文献   

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