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公众环境关注、环境规制与中国能源密集型产业动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄永源  朱晟君 《自然资源学报》2020,35(11):2744-2758
自十八大以来,公众环境治理与环境规制成为影响能源密集型产业动态的重要因素。基于2011—2016年百度指数数据与中国海关进出口数据库,将能源密集型产业面临的环境压力划分为公众环境关注、非正式环境规制和正式环境规制,采用Logit模型综合探讨了环境压力对能源密集型产业动态的影响。研究发现:公众环境关注显著降低了能源密集型产业进入的概率,除环境建议与提案外,其他非正式与正式的环境规制均能够抑制能源密集型产业的进入。此外,在公众环境关注度高的区域,非正式和正式的环境规制对能源密集型产业进入的抑制作用更强。  相似文献   

高效、经济治理雾霾(重污染天气)已成为全社会共同行动目标.为验证中央政府制定的系统性激励政策能否有效规避传统环境规制失灵,选取中央政府及地方政府作为博弈模型参与方,将激励机制引入约束条件,建立了中央与地方政府、地方政府与企业的演化博弈模型,从最佳规制效果和规制强度两个维度构建了双方最佳规制策略.研究发现,各地政府在治理雾霾中,引入中央政府规制约束,分配治理成本和提供资金支持,是避免规制失灵的关键.此外,中央与地方应采取差异的规制策略:在中央政府层面,中央政府治理雾霾专项资金分配最优策略应是使资金量(F)与地方政府申报量(p)呈正相关,并且呈边际递减关系;地方政府对于企业的超排行为不应采取严罚的手段,随着企业超排量的加大,更好的规制手段不是加大惩罚力度,而是从更加合理的环境税费(t)以及降低企业边际减排成本[TCp3'(p3)]上着手.   相似文献   

针对如何提高环境监管能力的问题,文中介绍了环境监管部门的责任,分析了当前环境监管的现状,探讨了在环境监管中存在的主要问题,主要是在环境监管存在的问题、在环境问责制中存在的问题和在环境执法方面存在的问题,提出了对环境监管措施的建议,是如何提高对环境监管的力度、如何完善对环保政绩的考核和如何建立环境监管的舆论形式,为提高环境监管的能力进行了探究,以利于环境监管部门在环保工作中做出最大的贡献。  相似文献   

The Pollution Prevention 1997: A National Progress Report identifies pollution prevention initiatives as potentially the most effective for reducing risks to human health and the environment, as well as the most cost-effective method of environmental protection. So it is no surprise that much of the implementation of pollution prevention by local governments has been driven due to the cost savings it provides. Pollution prevention initiatives have been proven to reduce costs, improve efficiency, reduce risk, reduce liability, and provide a safer work environment. However, as many local governments have experienced budget and resource reductions, their pollution prevention programs have been impacted. Local governments, working to continue pollution prevention initiatives in spite of declining budgets, have had to change their approaches, be creative, and innovate. Montgomery County, Maryland has implemented a number of pollution prevention strategies for its own County operations. The linkages established between cost savings they achieve and environmental benefits provided have been used to continue to expand the County's pollution prevention efforts. This paper provides an overview of the pollution prevention measures and approaches that have been implemented in Montgomery County for its internal operations.  相似文献   

沈强 《上海环境科学》2004,23(5):198-200
环境管理中占主导地位的是直接管制手段,直接管制手段就是政府行政管理机构以指令控制的方式向污染排放者下达法令或提出具体的标准。直接管制在环境管理中取得了很好的成绩。但在环境和经济的协调效率上还不够灵活有效,显示出相当的局限性。阐述了排污收费,使用费,产品费,排污权交易、环境税收等常用的经济手段,并进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

王燕 《环境科学与管理》2009,34(9):110-111,116
环境影响评价现状监测是客观反映区(流)域环境本底状况的重要手段,它为预测和评价提供背景数据。虽然国家及地方已出台相应的监测规范和监测标准,但在实际操作过程中仍存在一些问题。对其中一些较常见却易被忽视的问题做了有针对性的分析,以引起重视,使环评现状监测工作取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

越来越多的研究将中国的环境问题归因于执法不严.但是,很少有人探索环保机构能力和环境管制以及执法之间的关系.在前人对国家能力研究的基础上,发展了一套指标体系对中国地方环保局的机构能力进行评价,并分析了环保机构能力和污染物减排之间的关系.研究表明:具有较好人力资本(而不是预算更多)的地方环保局能够更好地从事环境监管工作,地方环保局的机构能力提升对污染物减排产生显著正面效果;另外,严格的环境监管却不一定会改善环境状况.那些工业治理环境能力强的地区通常工业较发达,污染物排放量大,抵消了环保局监管执法所产生的正面收益.由此可见,要缩小环境法律法规规定的目标和环境现状之间的差距,仅靠监管手段创新和增强地方环保局的机构能力是不够的,中国还需要努力开展全社会监管环境的制度建设.  相似文献   

环境问题已经引起世界各国政府和全社会的广泛关注。环境保护是利用环境科学的理论和方法,协调人类与自然环境的关系,以保护和改善环境的一切人类活动的总称。本文将首先分析由化学物质引起环境污染的案例,进而给出进行环境友好型的化学科学研究的方法及其重要性,以及通过化学科学的不断发展来解决业已存在的环境污染问题。  相似文献   

Environmental pollution has become one of the greatest problems in the world, and the concerns about environmental pollutants released by human activities from agriculture and industrial production have been continuously increasing. Although intense efforts have been made to understand the health effects of environmental pollutants, most studies have only focused on direct toxic effects and failed to simultaneously evaluate the long-term adaptive, compensatory and secondary impacts on health. Burgeoning evidence suggests that environmental pollutants may directly or indirectly give rise to disordered element homeostasis, such as for iron. It is crucially important to maintain concerted cellular and systemic iron metabolism. Otherwise, disordered iron metabolism would lead to cytotoxicity and increased risk for various diseases, including cancers. Thus, study on the effects of environmental pollutants upon iron homeostasis is urgently needed. In this review, we recapitulate the available findings on the direct or indirect impacts of environmental pollutants, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), heavy metals and pesticides, on iron homeostasis and associated adverse health problems. In view of the unanswered questions, more efforts are warranted to investigate the disruptive effects of environmental pollutants on iron homeostasis and consequent toxicities.  相似文献   

在中国的城市化进程中,小城镇建设发挥了重要的作用,引起了各级政府的重视。本文以聊城经济开发区蒋官屯小城镇建设项目为例,结合小城镇建设项目的特点,就小城镇建设项目的环境影响评价中相关问题进行了探讨,主要从环境影响评价的特点、评价的主要内容、评价重点、项目建设对环境的影响分析及外环境对项目的影响分析、生态及社会环境影响分析、公众参与、项目选址合理性分析、应特别关注的环境问题等几个方面进行阐述,以期为小城镇建设项目环境影响评价提供参考。  相似文献   

近几十年来,在国家和沿海各级政府的大力支持下,中国的海洋生态环境监测事业得到了迅速发展,监测体系逐步完善,监测能力显著提高,监测内容不断丰富,为海洋生态环境综合管理积累了海量的基础数据并提供了决策支撑.本文主要综述了中国的海洋生态环境监测体系,从管理体制、机构组成、监测内容等方面进行了介绍和研究,并分析了面临的主要问题,在此基础上提出了强化监测工作管理的对策.  相似文献   

主要介绍20年来中国环境科学基本理论研究及其发展。即大气和水环境科学与环境生态学和环境管理学主要理论研究及其发展。20年来中国环境科学发展甚为迅速,根据环境流体力学基本理论,研究污染物在大气和水环境中迁移扩散规律,与国际上同类研究并驾齐驱。大气环境化学研究中,对光化学烟雾和酸雨形成条件和机理;水环境化学中,对重金属形态转化和氮、磷转化规律取得许多基本结论。与国外同类研究尚有一定差距。特别污染有机化学基本理论研究甚为薄弱。环境生态学20年来做了大量研究工作,积累了许多资料,对一些巨大环境生态问题,如富营养化作用、赤潮等问题形成机理尚待突破。环境管理学成就最大,从实践中已探索出中国环境管理学研究的道路。已为1992年在巴西召开的“联合国环境与发展会议”所肯定。中国自然环境复杂,经济迅速在发展,会出现许多新的环境问题,其形成规律和防治途经有待全国环境科学研究者研究。  相似文献   

Zn2+络合促进土霉素在粘土矿物表面的吸附   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

环境问题是全球性问题,应对环境问题的需要催生了联合国环境规划署。其是联合国系统内最早成立的专门处理环境问题的机构,且为在全球层面上处理环境问题作出了重要贡献。自1972年成立以来,以里约会议为分界点,联合国环境规划署的发展可分为两个阶段,其在这两个阶段的发展状况有所不同。UNEP成立以来为世界环境保护事业做了很多努力,取得了可喜的成绩,但是世界环境恶化的趋势并没有得到遏制,国际环境管理体制存在着诸多的问题,UNEP面临着巨大的挑战和新的机遇。  相似文献   

Industrial production processes contribute the most diverse group of emissions to air, water, and land pollution. These forms of pollution were the initial focus of environmental regulations requiring control efforts. Under optimum conditions, industrial waste streams pass through some type of treatment to minimize toxicity prior to being released into the environment. Business, government, and interest groups have previously assumed that industrial productivity and environmental quality were diametrically opposed. In other words, enhanced industrial productivity resulted in environmental damage and, conversely, environmental protection resulted in costs to business. However, companies that have implemented pollution prevention (P2) strategies to address their environmental problems have usually found that their facility's productivity can improve, while at the same time waste and pollution can be reduced. Where previous environmental strategies focused on end-of-pipe control efforts, P2 strategies are implemented at the design or process phase. While there are many examples of individual companies successfully implementing P2, consensus shows P2 adoption by the business community advancing at a rate far slower than expected. Most government agencies that currently promote P2 are not typically viewed as credible sources of innovation by industry. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), however, may be able to capitalize on their dual status as respected members of the local community as well as experts in waste management thus serving as credible proponents of P2. The paper discusses how POTWs are working with industrial users to promote P2, as well as their interest in doing so and their requirements for technical assistance. Survey results are provided that describe how POTW personnel in the State of Illinois believe they could best promote P2.  相似文献   

对我国环境税收制度的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着可持续发展理论得到国际社会日益广泛的认同,环境保护问题备受各国政府的重视。税收作为政府用以调节社会经济生活的一种重要工具和手段,在保护环境方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。文中对现有税制中的环境保护措施进行分析提出弊端,并对环境保护税的课税对象、计税依据、税率和征收管理及相关问题,作出了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The construction industry, as an economically strategic sector and a large contributor to pollution generation, is expected to face enormous obstacles if it doesn't respond to the new business and regulatory environmental requirements in an increasingly competitive market after international trade liberization. A practical tool to achieve sustainable construction is through adopting Environmental Management Systems (EMS). Movement towards environmental management systems is getting momentum in the construction industry of most developed countries. However this field is still a relatively new and the concept is still marginalized in most of the developing world. It is suggested that lack of awareness is a major contributor to this lag.This paper reports on the results of a research on the environmental awareness of the top 50 contractors in Egypt. It investigates their ISO 14001/EMS awareness, opinions about contractor's responsibility towards the environment, necessity of ISO 14001, and obstacles and potentials for ISO 14001 adoption. These results will pave the way for effective implementation of EMS by contractors in Egypt. The paper also discusses integrating sustainable construction principals with EMS. This integration should result in environmental, social, as well as economical benefits.  相似文献   

针对环境生物修复技术的研究,介绍了中国生态环境现状,论述了在治理环境污染方面的优点,探讨了环境生物技术的进展,包括污染土壤的生物修复技术、水环境污染的生物修复、白色污染的生物处理和消除和生物烟气脱硫法,由于生物技术对于环境污染治理具有优势,引起相关领域学者的极大关注。在世界各国政府和相关研究机构的共同努力下,近年来理论和技术研究取得了巨大的成绩。本文就生物技术在污染治理与环境恢复方面的技术进步进行了介绍。  相似文献   

中国畜禽养殖业正由传统方式向规模化养殖不断推进,在经济的快速发展的同时产生了大量的环境问题。本文从畜禽养殖业环境污染现状和原因出发,从环境压力、政策导向、企业需求三个方面分析了畜禽养殖业实施清洁生产的必要性,提出了发展畜禽养殖业清洁生产应鼓励使用环保生态饲料,着重实施粪便资源化、无害化,加强法律法规体系和技术规范完善与监管。在此基础上,尝试建立新型农牧结合的互利机制,促进畜禽养殖业的清洁生产推进,进而实现地区农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

现代石油农业在取得巨大经济社会效益的同时,生产中化肥、农药的过度使用也引发了严重的环境问题.以中国综合社会调查(CGSS2010)的数据为基础,运用多元线性回归模型分析环境污染认识情况及其影响因素.结果表明,居民对农业环境污染认知处于高认可水平;个体的户口、年龄,社会经济地位的个人年收入和受教育年限,环境感知的环境问题严重程度、环境问题关注程度显著影响居民农业环境污染认知.提出通过引导居民形成高度的环境保护意识来改善农业生产环境,确保食品安全.  相似文献   

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