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中共中央、国务院高度重视集体林权制度改革.近年来,怀化市在深化集体林业综合改革方面进行了探索和实践.本文分析了怀化市深化集体林业综合改革的必要性,研究了林地三权分置、金融支持林业发展、公益林经营管护、林业社会化服务等方面的改革情况,总结了改革中的创新和做法,分析了存在的问题与困难,提出继续推进林地三权分置改革,创新金融支持林业发展,完善公益林经营管护机制,提高林业社会化服务水平.  相似文献   

在商业竞争日益激烈的现代,出现了发展与环境、经济与生态的恶性循环,在此背景下西方蕴育而生了“绿色会计”,这是一门强调现代会计人在企业进行经济活动时,正确、及时、合理地对企业耗用环境资源的程度进行核算的科学.本文就我国传统林业会计存在的缺陷进行分析,提出建立绿色会计制度,对推动我国林业可持续发展具有特别重要的意义.  相似文献   

发展林业合作组织是深化集体林权制度改革的重大举措。基于河北、湖南和福建3省共239户林农的样本数据,运用Logistic模型对林农参与林业合作组织的意愿进行了分析。结果表明,林农参与林业合作组织意愿存在显著的区域差异,政策实施成熟完备、林业合作组织发展状况良好的地区,林农参与林业合作组织的意愿较高。林农受教育程度、是否参加过林业技术培训和教育、林业收入负向影响林农参与林业合作组织的意愿,而林地块数则正向影响林农参与合作组织的意愿。  相似文献   

福建集体林权制度改革热潮后的冷思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对福建集体林权制度改革完成后必须面临和亟待解决的政府职能转变、林业税费征收和使用的合理性、生态公益林补偿机制、林权流转的监督等问题的讨论与分析,提出了相应的改革建议.  相似文献   

我国林业发展没有取得令人满意效果的主要原因是社会系统与自然系统不能协调发展.土地所有者虚位、国家投入不足、急功近利等都是人组成的社会系统这一控制主体自以为是的结果.树立人与自然是"伙伴关系"的观念,针对社会系统出现的与自然系统不协调的问题采取对策,采取林业社会化发展方式,必将实现林业的社会与自然协调发展.  相似文献   

介绍了智慧林业的概念、基本特征及形成背景、新观念,分析了数字林业、智慧林业与泛在林业的关系,阐述了中国及智慧林业发展战略,建议深入研究智慧林业定义、内涵、外延、特征、观点、问题及对策,以便形成一门崭新的科学——智慧林业科学.  相似文献   

介绍了智慧林业的概念、基本特征及形成背景、新观念,分析了数字林业、智慧林业与泛在林业的关系,阐述了中国及智慧林业发展战略,建议深入研究智慧林业定义、内涵、外延、特征、观点、问题及对策,以便形成一门崭新的科学——智慧林业科学.表3,参23.  相似文献   

今天,美国许多林业工作者正在研究城市林业。城市居民和社会团体每天都要接触都市环境,管理和使用城市林业资源,因此,城市林业与市民的关系是非常密切的。其相互作用也是非常重要的。 城市林业资源的管理和使用与普通林业有广泛地联系,有时,市民们是直接按普通林业的方式来管理城市林业的。 本文论述了在城市环境中,市民与城市林业的关系、说明了城市林业的多种效益、提出了与城市林业有关的一些论点。  相似文献   

王永安教授惠寄本刊的新作—“林业持续发展与高效林业”,从林业的生态效益、社会效益、经济效益的新角度出发,阐明了高效林业的基本概念,即高效林业的关键在高效;提出了高效林业是现代林业的重要标志,是21世纪环境发展中资源—环境—人口协调的重要方面,是林业溶于社会的必由之络;指出了发展高效林业应具备的基本条件,即在不同林种,不同功能,不同类型的时间、空间分配差异的森林实施不同发展途径和方法;论述了实现高效林业的途径和指标体系。这些新的观点对指导林业生产,发展高效林业、增强森林生态功能等具有重要的指导意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

论述了林业生态环境评价的概念、特点、原则、内容、指标和标准等,构建出林业生态环境评价的基本框架,并提出了存在问题和建议。着重指出,林业生态环境的价值多重性决定了林业生态环境评价的特殊性和复杂性。  相似文献   

浅析相关因子对空气负离子水平的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
空气负离子是一种重要的森林旅游资源,其保健功能迎合了人们追求生态健康的旅游心理.论文着重对其影响因素进行分析,借助于SPSS统计软件对若干因子进行一元回归分析.在分析结果的基础上,对森林旅游地有关保健设施的规划和设计提供一定的建议。  相似文献   

First-best pricing or assignment of property rights for rival and non-excludable goods is often infeasible. In a setting where the social planner cannot limit total use, we show that common-property resources can be over or under-consumed. This depends on whether the external benefits of reallocating users to less congested resources outweigh the additional costs imposed by new entrants. Importantly, we show that it may be optimal to encourage consumption of some common property resources. Our results have important implications for settings ranging from fisheries and forestry to recreational demand and transportation.  相似文献   

The EU vision of sustainable agriculture, land use, forestry and management of natural resources contributes to the balanced exploitation of the environment, taking into account rural development strategy. Whilst the EU directs activities through legislative tools, national systems of public administration are responsible for the implementation of the respective laws. Despite there not being acquis communautaire in public administration, non-formal cooperation has nevertheless emerged and systems of national public administration have to meet EU criteria and ensure the effective implementation of legislation. The paper presents an analysis of how Slovak state administration has converged with EU requirements in the field of sustainable agriculture, land use, forestry and natural resources. Administrative convergence is considered through the internal convergence represented by capacities without legal subjectivity, and through external convergence represented by legal and administrative subjectivity. Both approaches are observed at the central level within specialized public authorities. Local state administration is characterized by the creation of internal administrative capacities with the challenging delimitation of which competences are affected by the process of administrative convergence.  相似文献   

China has the fifth largest forest area in the world and any change in China's forestry development will have inevitable impacts on global ecological sustainability. China has undergone excessive logging of natural forests and also made tremendous efforts in afforestation during the past half century. China's forestry is now going through a variety of transitions and several forestry programs have been implemented to drive forestry transitions. The goal of these actions is to protect ecological services of forests and sustain China's forestry development. These forestry programs are spatially sophisticated and cannot be successfully implemented without accurate and transparent forest/forestry information. A variety of digital technologies, including forest modeling, remote sensing, geographic information systems, global positioning systems, and visualization, have been applied in handling diverse information in China's forestry. Digital forestry is not just a theoretical concept in China. Our digital forestry experience in northeast China suggests that digital technology is both usable and useful in China's forestry development. Digital technology is playing an important interactive role in China's top-down forestry administration system. The analog-to-digital transition in technology is expected to lead to the success of forestry programs and forestry transitions in China.  相似文献   

培养和提高物业管理人才的素质,适应市场经济的客观需要,是企业在新形势下必须探讨和研究的一个现实课题.该文从我国物业管理人才素质现状及社会对物业管理人才素质要求出发,分析阐述了对物业管理人才素质培养的一点浅见,以供大家参考.参5.  相似文献   

林病虫害已成为林业发展的一大难题,对中国林科院热带林业实验中心森林病虫害类型、危害特点等进行分析,并提出了具体有效防治措施与方法.参6.  相似文献   

无性系林业的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了无性系林业的基本理论及其发展状况,分析了无性系林业的优缺点,提出了无性系林业的发展方向。  相似文献   

Abstract: Logging is considered the most important threat to species in boreal forests. In contrast to eastern Canada, where most boreal forests remain largely untouched, in Fennoscandia it is possible to assess the cumulative, long-term effects of intensive forestry on wildlife. But harvesting of stands is rapidly changing Canadian boreal forests, which represent an important proportion of the world's boreal forests. We show that Fennoscandia and eastern Canada present striking similarities in terms of forest-age structure, natural-disturbance regime, and structure of bird assemblages, and we provide an assessment of the long-term effects of forestry on eastern Canadian birds of the boreal forest. We used life-history traits from habitat, nesting site, and geographical range to calculate an index of sensitivity to changes induced by modern forestry for boreal species of each region. Tropical migrants commonly found in eastern Canadian boreal forests have life-history traits that are not threat factors in relation to changes caused by modern forestry. Therefore, the general belief that tropical migrants in North America are more sensitive to landscape changes than those in Europe may not hold for species found in the boreal coniferous forests of eastern Canada. Nine Fennoscandian species present high levels of sensitivity, and at least eight eastern Canadian species are of similar concern. In both regions, most of the sensitive species are resident cavity nesters. Given the important similarities between the two regions, the northern expansion of commercial forestry in eastern Canada is likely to result in the significant decline of several resident species, as has occurred in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

林业科技成果转化为现实生产力,须通过一系列的中介才能发挥作用,尤其是在社会主义市场经济条件下,其中介更主要地表现为市场.如何使湖南林业科技成果市场化,作者认为:加强湖南林业科技推广是实现湖南林业科技成果市场化的重要环节.  相似文献   

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