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文章综合论述了微生物在高温、低温、高盐等极端条件下对石油烃的生物降解过程,研究了生物降解在生物修复中的应用效果。同时,还介绍了对于强酸、强碱及高压条件下石油烃生物降解的研究状况,论述了研究石油烃生物降解对开发和丰富微生物资源的重要性。  相似文献   

在用人工方法改变微生物所处的环境条件下进行了生物降解试验研究,以三种不同水平的碳氮比、含油量及投菌量进行了三因素、三水平正交实验。实验结果表明,在相同温度下,温度小于或等于30 ℃时,固体菌的降解效果优于液体菌;在不同温度下,30 ℃时,固体菌的降解效果最好。最终确定出石油污染物生物降解的最佳工艺条件:温度小于或等于30 ℃,接种量为10:1,碳氧比为100:10。  相似文献   

陆地石油污染生物降解技术的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物治理石油环境污染具有处理费用低、效果好、无二次污染等优点,近年来得到广泛重视和发展应用,并已在治理土壤、岩石及地下水石油污染等方面取得了较好的效果。在此对就地或集中治理过程的近期发展进行了综述,讨论了强化治理过程的途径与展望以及在我国实验室和现场开发的前景。  相似文献   

Fly ash samples from the five steam electric power stations of the Lignite Center of Western Macedonia were used in this study. They consisted mainly of anhydrite, lime, quartz and amorphous material as well as feldspars, calcite, micas + clays, portlandite and gehlenite which were all present in minor amounts. Anhydrite, lime and portlandite in the fly ash samples diminished upon treatment with ammonium acetate aqueous solution, whereas quartz, feldspars, gehlenite and amorphous material were enriched. The uptake ability of the fly ash samples ranged from 89 to 101 mequ./100g. The uptake ability of the samples was mainly attributed to the amorphous material and the microporous minerals, micas + clays. The amorphous material content was estimated at between 17 and 20 wt% in the treated fly ashes and may be unburned organic matter and amorphous inorganic material that resulted during the combustion of the lignite. A positive correlation was observed between the uptake ability and the total percentage of amorphous material and micas + clays. The relatively high uptake ability of the fly ash samples could lead to additional industrial and environmental uses of the fly ashes. The environmental advantage of fly ash exploitation will be particularly important for large electric power centers, such as the LCWM.  相似文献   

廖征军 《四川环境》2006,25(5):53-55,70
TNT和RDX废水都是毒性有机物,对人体和动植物均有严重危害。本文通过工程实例介绍了厌氧生化法处理耵盯和RDX混合废水的降解机理、工艺流程、厌氧生化塔的结构、工作过程和工艺特点。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop a general pricing model for Turkish Lignite, which is mainly sold to thermal plants. This model will contribute to the development of coal mining within the scope of privatization efforts of the Turkish energy market. The paper consists of two stages. First, data of 10 thermal plants have been evaluated by using hedonic pricing analysis to determine influential price parameters. The results of hedonic regression analysis indicate the effect and importance of calorific value and electricity price on lignite prices. Second, a general coal-pricing model has been developed by taking into account the results of hedonic analysis. Comparison of the coal prices estimated by the developed pricing model and the coal prices obtained from thermal plants indicates an acceptable relation.  相似文献   

白腐真菌生化降解TNT的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文在建立微生物降解废水中有机污染物的中间反应模型的基础上,推导出TNT废水的COD降解参数方程,并与实测值比较,基本吻合,为以后深入研究提供理论指导。  相似文献   

固定化微生物技术因处理效率高、抗冲击能力强、固液分离效果好、污泥产生量少等优点而广泛用于难降解有机废水的处理。文章简要介绍了固定化微生物技术的起源,发展过程,制备材料和方法,特点和优点;对其高效降解油田废水的机理进行了分析,综述了固定化微生物技术在高盐采油废水、稠油废水、舍聚废水、石油污染地表水等油田废水处理中的应用研究,对固定化微生物技术进一步提高油田废水降解效率的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

Biodegradation of pentyl amine and aniline from petrochemical wastewater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objectives of the project were to isolate a bacterial strain capable of degrading pentyl amine and aniline and to define the optimal pentyl amine and aniline degradation conditions for this bacterial strain. The bacterial strain was isolated from activated sludge obtained from a Northeastern China treatment facility for petrochemical wastewater rich in pentyl amine and aniline. Once the strain was isolated, five triplicate (5) batch tests were used to establish the conditions for maximum pentyl amine and aniline degradation, by varying one at a time the following five factors: temperature, pH, reaction time, pollutant concentrations and aeration rate. In a final test, oil refinery sludge was inoculated with the strain and tested for the degradation of pentyl amine and aniline under optimal conditions, while observing the degradation pathway of pentyl amine and aniline. The isolated strain, PN1001, is a member of the Pseudomonas species and it was capable of degrading pentyl amine and aniline. The optimal reactor conditions for the degradation of a mixture of pentyl amine and aniline, at a concentration ranging between 150 and 200mg/L, were found to be 30 degrees C at a pH of 7.0, under a reaction time of 24h and a maximum solution dissolved oxygen level of 6 mgO(2)/L. Under such conditions, the strain PN1001 degraded 93% and 89% of the pentyl amine and aniline, respectively, aniline being more toxic and demonstrating a more complex degradation pathway. The strain PN1001 degraded more contaminants when both were present because of the pi and sigma electron cloud coordination functions of aniline and pentyl amine, respectively, presumed to reduce the toxic effect of aniline. Once inoculated with the strain, oil refinery sludge degraded 93% and 88% of the pentyl amine and aniline, compared to the strain alone which degraded 72% and 82%, likely because of the sludge's buffering effect against the toxic environment.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a life cycle assessment (LCA) of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) for several lignite power plant technologies. The LCA includes post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxyfuel capture processes as well as subsequent pipeline transport and storage of the separated CO2 in a depleted gas field.The results show an increase in cumulative energy demand and a substantial decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for all CO2 capture approaches in comparison with power plants without CCS, assuming negligible leakage within the time horizon under consideration. Leakage will, however, not be zero. Due to the energy penalty, CCS leads to additional production of CO2. However, the CO2 emissions occur at a much lower rate and are significantly delayed, thus leading to different, and most likely smaller, impacts compared to the no-sequestration case. In addition, a certain share of the CO2 will be captured permanently due to chemical reactions and physical trapping.For other environmental impact categories, the results depend strongly on the chosen technology and the details of the process. The post-combustion approach, which is closest to commercial application, leads to sharp increases in many categories of impacts, with the impacts in only one category, acidification, reduced. In comparison with a conventional power plant, the pre-combustion approach results in decreased impact in all categories. This is mainly due to the different power generation process (IGCC) which is coupled with the pre-combustion technology.In the case of the oxyfuel approach, the outcome of the LCA depends highly on two uncertain parameters: the energy demand for air separation and the feasibility of co-capture of pollutants other than CO2. If co-capture were possible, oxyfuel could lead to a near-zero emission power plant.  相似文献   

河道底泥中氨氮的微生物降解分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对河北省某河段底泥进行生物降解模拟实验,研究河道底泥中氨氮的微生物降解机制.实验期间用最大可能数法测定底泥中氨化细菌和硝化细菌的分布.结果表明在溶解氧充足时,氨化细菌和硝化细菌的数量有大幅增加,出水中氨氮的含量显著降低.从氨化细菌和硝化细菌的数量和特性来分析河道底泥对上覆水体中氨氮的影响以及氨氮的降解机制.  相似文献   

偶氮染料是总量最大、种类最多的合成染料,其降解处理通常采用厌氧-好氧技术。厌氧过程可实现偶氮染料的还原,好氧过程则完成还原产物芳香胺的去除。厌氧过程受偶氮染料结构和浓度、底物的种类和浓度、其他电子受体、氧化还原介体、温度和DO等环境因素以及水力停留时间的影响。好氧条件下芳香胺的降解过程受其自身的结构、浓度、外加碳源以及降解体系等影响,且自氧化过程影响了芳香胺的生物降解。在实际废水处理中应创造良好的条件提高偶氮染料的厌氧一好氧生物降解效率。  相似文献   

混合菌种的共固定化技术在污染治理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对混合菌种固定化技术所用的载体和改进方法作了介绍,以及在污染治理中的应用进行了综述,治理的污染物主要包括酚类、卤化烃、氮和磷及其芳香族化合物。对该技术在污染治理中的应用前景作了评述。  相似文献   

Long-term field trials using lignite fly ash (LFA) were carried out in rice crops during the period 1996-2000 at Mine I, Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Tamil Nadu. LFA, being alkaline and endowed with an excellent pozzolanic nature, silt loam texture, and plant nutrients, has the potential to improve the texture, fertility, and crop productivity of mine spoil. The rice crops were the first, third, fifth, and sixth crops in rotation. The other crops, such as green gram (second) and sun hemp (fourth), were grown as green manure. For experimental trials, LFA was applied at various dosages (0, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200 t/ha), with and without press mud (10 t/ha), before cultivation of the first crop. Repeat applications of LFA were made at the same dosages in treatments of up to 50 t/ha (with and without press mud) before cultivation of the third and fifth crops. Press mud, a lightweight organic waste product from the sugar industry, was used as an organic amendment and source of plant nutrients. Also, a recommended dosage of chemical fertilizer, along with gypsum, humic acid, and biofertilizer as supplementing agents, was applied in all the treatments, including control. With one-time and repeat applications of LFA, from 5 to 20 t/ha (with and without press mud), the crop yield (grain and straw) increased significantly (p < 0.05), in the range from 3.0 to 42.0% over the corresponding control. The maximum yield was obtained with repeat applications of 20 t/ha of LFA with press mud in the third crop. The press mud enhanced the yield in the range of 1.5-10.2% with various dosages of LFA. The optimum dosage of LFA was 20 t/ha for both one-time and repeat applications. Repeat applications of LFA at lower dosages of up to 20 t/ha were more effective in increasing the yield than the corresponding one-time applications of up to 20 t/ha and repeat applications at 50 t/ha. One-time and repeat applications of LFA of up to 20 t/ha (with and without press mud), apart from increasing the yield, evinced improvement in the texture and fertility of mine spoil and the nutrient content of crop produce. Furthermore, some increase in the content of trace and heavy metals and the level of gamma-emitters in the mine spoil and crop produce was observed, but well within the permissible limits. The residual effect of LFA on succeeding crops was also encouraging in terms of eco-friendliness. Beyond 20 t/ha of LFA, the crop yield decreased significantly (p < 0.05), as a result of the formation of hardpan in the mine spoil and possibly the higher concentration of soluble salts in the LFA. However, the adverse effects of soluble salts were annulled progressively during the cultivation of succeeding crops. A plausible mechanism for the improved fertility of mine spoil and the carryover or uptake of toxic trace and heavy metals and gamma-emitters in mine spoil and crop produce is also discussed.  相似文献   

铁元素对有机物厌氧降解的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈皓  陈玲  赵建夫  张红  孙娜 《四川环境》2005,24(6):14-16
不同价态的铁元素氧化还原性不同,对有机物的厌氧生物降解过程的影响也不同。以邻氟苯酚和硝基苯为目标污染物,投铁量为20~100mg/L的条件下,单质铁能加速硝基苯的厌氧降解,对2-氟酚降解的影响则很小;二价铁和三价铁对两种物质都表现出一定的抑制作用,投加浓度越高,抑制作用越明显。  相似文献   

通过考察Cu2+、Cd2+对渤海海岸带沉积物中甲氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯和溴氰菊酯的缺氧生物降解的影响,发现:外加Cu2+和Cd2+均对渤海海岸带沉积物中甲氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯和溴氰菊酯的缺氧生物降解有抑制作用,且随着外加金属离子浓度的增大,抑制作用更为明显。与Cu2+相比较,Cd2+对渤海沉积物中拟除虫菊酯缺氧生物降解的抑制作用更大,这跟Cu、Cd在渤海海岸带沉积物中的存在形态和对生物的毒性不同有密切的关系。  相似文献   

Unusually high cation exchange capacity (CEC) values relative to clay content are frequently reported for lignite overburden and minesoils. The CEC to percent clay ratio is commonly greater than one and would require that the average charge of the clay fraction be greater than 100 cmol(c) kg(-1). A comparison of methods for particle-size distribution suggests that the major reason lignite overburden samples have CEC to percent clay ratios greater than one is incomplete dispersion of aggregates of clay minerals or shale fragments. Preliminary investigations revealed the presence of shale fragments, smectite, and partially weathered mica in the silt fraction. Methods commonly used in soil textural analysis underestimated clay content by approximately 24%. The silt fraction may, therefore, provide a "hidden" source of CEC. Another important factor influencing the CEC to percent clay ratio was the presence of organic materials (lignite) in the samples. Lignite may make a significant contribution to CEC in overburden materials. In a study designed to estimate the pH-dependent charge of both the mineral and organic fractions, the CEC of overburden organic constituents was determined to be approximately 158 cmol(c) kg(-1) at pH 8.2. The high CEC to percent clay ratio in lignite overburden and minesoils may be resolved by adjusting methods for clay determination to optimize dispersion and by accounting for CEC due to organic materials. An alternative approach is to use existing methodology and use correction factors to account for incomplete dispersion of clay minerals and the charge contributions of organic materials.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the longterm effects of amending sulfide-rich lignite mine spoil with fly ash (originating from a coal-fired power station and largely comprised of aluminosilicates) and/or agricultural limestone. The experiment was carried out with soil moisture maintained at field capacity or alternate cycles of wetting and drying. Results obtained suggest that the principal acidification processes were oxidation of sulfide and formation of hydroxysulfate (FeOHSO4), whereas the main neutralization processes were weathering of aluminosilicates in fly ash-treated samples and dissolution of calcium carbonate in limestone-treated samples. The highest dose of limestone rapidly raised the pH of the spoil, but this increase was not maintained throughout the one-year experiment. In contrast, fly ash-treated samples showed a more sustained increase in pH, attributable to the gradual weathering of aluminosilicates. The best results (i.e., good short- and long-term neutralization) were obtained in samples treated with both fly ash and limestone. The low liming capacity of the fly ash (47.85 cmol kg(-1)) means that it must be used in large quantities, an advantage in achieving the further aim of disposing of the fly ash.  相似文献   

耿亮  陆光华 《四川环境》2006,25(1):70-73,105
氯代芳烃及其衍生物是一类毒性强、难降解的持久性有机化合物。在我国江河水体中检出率高,其中许多是优先监测污染物。水中的难降解有机污染物,可能通过几种微生物的一系列共代谢作用得到大部分,甚至是彻底的降解。本文针对水环境中的氟代芳烃污染物,分析了共代谢的类型、发生原因及影响因素。对利用共代谢机制修复水中氯代芳烃的最新研究进展进行了综述,并对本领域的发展前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The potential of periwinkle shell (PS) in enhancing the microbial break down of crude oil spilled in soil were studied. The results revealed that the counts of crude oil degrading bacteria in oil-polluted soil fortified with PS were higher than the counts in unfortified soil. The rates and total extent of crude oil biodegradation in the soil were stimulated by the amendment. About 43.4 percent of crude oil was degraded in unfortified soil after 16 days as compared to 70.1 percent oil biodegradation, which occurred in PS fortified soil during the same period. These values were significantly (P>0.05) different from each other. Amendment of the soil with PS also raised the pH of the soil from acidic to alkaline range. The crude oil degrading microorganisms identified in PS amended soil were of the genus Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Mucor and Rhizopus. Similarly, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Mucor, Aspergillus and Penicillium were identified as crude oil degrading microorganisms in unamended soil. The bacteria formed either stable or unstable emulsions, suggesting that the organisms produce surface-active agents (biosurfactants) during the biodegradation process. The results of this study indicate that PS can be used in reclaiming oil-polluted soil.  相似文献   

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