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Vertical distributions of the abundant larger copepods, both adults and late copepodites, were observed day and night in the upper 500 m of the North Pacific central gyre in early November, 1971. Densities of the copepodites usually equalled or exceeded those of the adults. Copepod species with maximum densities at or above 100 m (Calanus spp., Nannocalanus minor f. major, Undinula darwini, and Euchaeta rimana) usually had no ontogenetic or diel migration. Neocalanus spp. and Haloptilus longicornis exhibited ontogenetic but not diel migrations. Nannocalanus minor f. minor, Aetideus acutus, Euchaeta media, Scolecithrix spp. and Pleuromamma spp., had both ontogenetic and diel migrations. Adults and copepodites of E. media and Pleuromamma spp. usually had their night modes at the same depth, but the daytime modes were at progressively deeper depths for progressively older stages. Daytime modes for adults and copepodites of A. acutus and Scolecithrix bradyi were at the same depth, but the nighttime modes were at shallower depths for progressively older stages. Night modes of all these migrators were usually in the mixed layer (75 m), where primary production rates were maximal. Congeners usually had similar migratory behavior, but competition probably has been a significant determinant of vertical distribution, since congeners, particularly sibling species, consistently had different depths of maximum occurrence during both day and night.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of the spring populations of Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) and C. helgolandicus Claus are described and compared. The differences we observed between the two species have probably confused the understanding of the vertical distribution and development of the populations of Calanus spp. in the shelf seas around the United Kingdom where the species occur together. The results imply that these two congeneric species have different behaviour patterns which minimise interspecific competition where the species have sympatric distributions. C. finmarchicus has its younger development stages overlying the older stages in the water column. In C. helgolandicus the converse is true; i. e., the majority of the populations of Stage I and II copepodites of the first spring generations are found below the thermocline. It is also suggested that the different behaviour patterns lead to different feeding regimes and strategies.JONSDAP Contribution No. 52  相似文献   

From deep ( 1000 m), multi-depth zooplankton samples taken in the Azores frontal region from November 1980 to June 1981, high numbers of the two larval forms ofLepas pectinata, the commonest lepadid cirripede in this area, were sampled. The nauplii and cyprid larvae are large and long-lived. Nauplii were sampled where they feed, in the upper 150 m, closely associated with the fluorescence maximum. The cyprids were mainly sampled between 300 and 400 m, with a sharp cut-off in numbers just below the distribution peak. This deep distribution is intriguing, as the cyprids, which were not migrating diurnally, are non-feeding. To complete their life cycle they must settle on floating debris at the surface, where very few were sampled. They are negatively buoyant and there is no apparent physical reason for this deep distribution. There was no obvious pattern of changes in individual length or length/dry weight distribution with depth, the population appeared homogeneous. There was also no accumulation of other zooplankton at the same depth, or evidence from gut contents of large carnivores that the distribution pattern was caused by selective predation. A close association exists betweenL. pectinata andSargassum spp. weed, the cyprids preferentially settling on small fragments of weathered weed, the supply of which may be enhanced after winter. During winter, the harsh environment at the surface of the northern Sargasso Sea may discourage cyprid settlement. The deep distribution may be an ontogenetic migration conferring some survival advantage and saving energy due to the lower temperature and oxygen levels at depth. If it is a behavioural mechanism, duration of the cyprid stage will be extended until a more clement time of year, allowing them to settle over a longer period. The cyprids of other species were also sampled at depth, so the phenomenon appears to be widespread. If subsequent research confirms these observations as an ontogenetic migration, our current understanding of the fouling behaviour of oceanic lepadid cirripedes would be considerably modified.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of the sea star species Astropecten aranciacus (L.) and A. bispinosus (Otto) consisted of roughly the same sort of prey, mostly bivalves and irregular sea urchins. However, the two predators ingested prey of different size classes. The stomach contents of A. bispinosus reflected the size distribution of the benthic macrofauna, while larger prey was more frequent in the stomach contents of A. aranciacus. As the density of prey in the investigated area is low, A. aranciacus and A. bispinosus are likely to compete for food. Possible mechanisms reducing the effect of competition are discussed.  相似文献   

Three sets of experiments were carried out between April and September 1987 to assess reproductive energetics in a laboratory population of the capitellid polychaete Capitella capitata type I. In the first experiment, the population was sampled intensively over a short period of 3 wk. Weight-specific reproductive output did not differ significantly between females and hermaphrodites. However, because hermaphrodites were significantly bigger than females, their fecundity was significantly higher. In the second experiment, fecundity and weight-specific reproductive output were monitored weekly over the oscillation cycle of the population (30 wk). Both fecundity and weight-specific reproductive output varied drastically (40 to 80 eggs per female and 17 to 57%, respectively). In the third experiment, non-sexed juveniles were reared for 15 d on six ration levels (normalized on the basis of organic nitrogen) of four different food sources. The maximum weight-specific reproductive output was 70% (for females). Both fecundity and weight-specific reproductive output were positively correlated with food ration and varied with food type. The data on weight-specific reproductive output recorded in the present study have been compared with those of other iteroparous polychaetes in the literature. Reproductive output in C. Capitata type I varies more widely and is greater than in other iteroparous polychaetes. In this species, reproductive output and population dynamics vary concomitently with the level of organic matter in the habitat.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll, protein, DNA and RNA concentrations in cultures ofCyclotella nana (Hustedt) andDunaliella tertiolecta (Butcher) were higher in blue light and lower in green light than in white light of the same intensity. Total carotenoid concentrations were highest in green light. Total pigment concentrations were highest in cells grown in blue light, lowest in those from green light. The relative changes in pigment concentrations associated with differences in spectral composition of the radiation are comparable to those often observed in phytoplankton from various depths in stratified natural water. Light adaptation in algae as a response to light quality is suggested. The chemical composition of plankton algae can be expected to vary considerably with depth.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of eggs, nauplii, copepodites and adults of Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) from five oblique plankton-net hauls taken in May (1980), March and September (1981) and January (1982) at a site in the shelf sea to the south-west of the United Kingdom are described. The water depth is approximately 95 m and becomes thermally stratified during the summer months when a thermocline of ∼6 C° develops. In early spring when the water column was isothermal (∼8 °C), the development of the eggs and nauplii took place below 60 m and a single ontogenetic migration was observed between Nauplius VI (NVI) and Copepodite I (CI). As the temperature of the water increased, this migration occurred in progressively earlier naupliar stages. The eggs were distributed throughout the water column in the profile taken in early May when a 1 C° thermocline occurred between 30 to 40 m. The majority of the NI to NIV stages occurred below 40 m, with the ontogenetic migration taking place in the NIV stage; the NV and NVI stages were found above the thermocline. In September, the eggs were again distributed throughout the water column (101 490 m-2), with a maximum number of >4 500 m-3 occurring in the surface to 5 m depth interval. Nauplius I and II were found at all depths, demonstrating that hatching occurred throughout the water column. The ontogenetic migration in these late-summer profiles took place between the NII and NIII stages, the remainder of the nauplii being found above the thermocline in the top 20 m. This is the first time that an ontogenetic migration, similar to the developmental ascent observed in the naupliar stages of the euphausiid Euphausia superba in the deep ocean, has been shown for a copepod nauplius.  相似文献   

The relationship between the vertical distributions of euphausiids and fish and light intensity has been studied directly by using a photometer in conjunction with an acoustically controlled rectangular midwater trawl. Samples were taken at a position centered on 47°N; 17°W on 15 and 16 May 1978. Five species of euphausiid and six species of fish have been analysed, both groups contained migrant and non-migrant species. The population of each of these species occurred throughout a light regime spanning at least three orders of magnitude of intensity; none of them was restricted to, or followed, and isolume. There were no sexual or size differences in the distributions of the euphausiids, but the population of Argyropelecus hemigymnus was probably stratified during the day, with smaller individuals occurring shallower than large ones. The results are discussed in relation to previous observations and to the theories of photic regulation of distributions and migrations.  相似文献   

We measured the vertical and horizontal movements of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) off the leeward coast of the Island of Hawaii between 20 November and 18 December 1992 while simultaneously gathering data on water temperature and oceanic currents. Fish movements were monitored by ultrasonic depth-sensitive transmitters, depth-temperature profiles by an expendable bathythermograph system, and oceanic current patterns by an acoustic Doppler current profiler. Like Indo-Pacific blue marlin (Makaira mazara), striped marlin near Hawaii spend >85% of their time in the mixed layer (i.e., above 90 m depth). The maximum depth for striped marlin appears to be limited by water temperatures 8 C° colder than the mixed layer, rather than by an absolute lower temperature. We also found that the horizontal displacements of some striped marlin can be strongly influenced by currents.  相似文献   

An anticyclonic slope water oceanic eddy (SWODDY), named AE6, was sampled in the southern Bay of Biscay from 12 to 31 August 1998 to assess changes in the abundance and composition of phytoplankton assemblages related to the mesoscale feature. SWODDY AE6 showed characteristic biological signatures. A twofold increase in chlorophyll a concentration was found at the eddy centre relative to surrounding waters. Picoplankton cells accounted for a lower fraction of total chlorophyll a values at the eddy centre (44–50%) than outside the eddy (54–61%). Microscopic cell counts and HPLC pigment analysis showed that diatoms were almost entirely confined to the eddy centre, but both techniques yielded different results when studying other phytoplankton groups. Microscopic cell counts indicated that the spatial distribution of diatoms, dinoflagellates and unidentified flagellates was significantly influenced by SWODDY AE6, showing maximum abundance inside the mesoscale feature. HPLC pigment analysis provided more detailed information about the composition of pico–nanoplanktonic organisms. Pigment data processed by means of the CHEMTAX program showed "chlorophytes", "haptophytes" and "dinoflagellates II" (having haptophyte-like pigments and gyroxanthin-diester) as the more abundant "pigment classes" at the eddy centre, whereas dominance of "chlorophytes" and higher contribution of "cyanobacteria" (type Synechococcus) were estimated in the surrounding waters.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

The effect of light quality on growth, photosynthesis and carbon metabolism in two species of marine algae,Cyclotella nana (Hustedt) andDunaliella tertiolecta (Butcher), was examined. Relative growth constants forC. nana were 0.37, 0.29 and 0.25 in blue, white and green light, respectively. Corresponding constants were 0.41, 0.31 and 0.29 forD. tertiolecta. Photosynthetic rates in both species were higher in blue light and lower in green light compared with white light of the same intensity. More than 60% of14C assimilated byC. nana orD. tertiolecta grown in blue or green light was incorporated into the ethanol-insoluble fraction, compared with 10 to 30% in this fraction in white light. The relative importance of the various components within this fraction was independent of light quality. Although less14C was assimilated into the ethanol-soluble fraction in blue or green light, there was a relative increase in some amino acids and organic acids in this fraction and a decrease in sugars and sugar phosphates relative to white light of the same intensity. These differences were independent of light intensity, photosynthetic rate and cell density in the cultures.  相似文献   

In this study, soil samples were collected to a depth of 100?cm from different land-uses, including maize field (MZ), wheat field (WT), paddy field (PD), apple orchard (OC), grassland (GL) and wetland (WL) in the Ili River Valley in northwest China, to investigate the effects of land-use on vertical distributions of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fractions, and examine whether such effects were different between topsoil (0–40?cm) and subsoil (40–100?cm). The results showed that soil organic C, water-extractable organic C, microbial biomass C, total N and microbial biomass N of croplands (MZ, WT, PD and OC) were significantly lower than those of natural lands (GL and WL) in both topsoil and subsoil, indicating that contents of soil C and N fractions can be reduced by agricultural land-uses, and the reductions are not limited to topsoil. However, the contents of soil ammonium N and nitrate N showed complex trends under different land-uses, possibly due to that the plant species and agricultural practices (e.g. application rate of fertiliser and irrigation) are considerably different among land-uses. Therefore, we suggest that more nutrient inputs should be applied to croplands to improve soil fertility in the Ili River Valley.  相似文献   

 Laboratory culture experiments were performed to study the changes in size-fractionated Fe concentrations during the growth of the oceanic diatom Chaetoceros sp. Fe concentration was estimated for three size fractions: large labile particles (>0.2 μm), small colloidal particles (0.2 μm to 200 kDa) and soluble species (<200 kDa). The size-fractionated Fe concentration in the nutrient-enriched filtered seawater medium without diatom cells became stable within 4 d after the spike of FeCl3 solution. Light irradiation by white fluorescent tubes with a 14 h light:10 h dark cycle did not significantly alter concentrations of the size-fractionated Fe. For the phytoplankton culture experiment, Fe-starved diatom cells were inoculated into the nutrient-enriched media aged for 19 d after the addition of FeCl3. With the growth of diatom cells, total acid-labile Fe concentrations decreased from 0.60 to 0.46 nM during 7 d of incubation. However, only the concentration of the small colloidal particles showed a significant decrease; the concentration of the other size fractions remained relatively constant. Although the media still contained sufficient amounts Fe as large labile particles and soluble species, diatom cells appeared to be Fe-limited once Fe as small colloidal particles had been used up. These results suggest that Fe in the small colloidal particle fraction was the most dynamic size fraction during the growth of the diatom Chaetoceros sp. In addition, to better understand Fe dynamics in the ocean, we must consider the influence of phytoplankton growth on small colloidal Fe [which is typically included in the dissolved Fe fraction (<0.2 μm)]. Received: 9 December 1999 / Accepted: 5 May 2000  相似文献   

The littoral zone of temperate rocky shores is normally dominated by perennial macroalgae (e.g. Fucus, Ascophyllum, Laminaria), but nutrient enrichment and/or permanently decreased wave action may lead to structural community changes from dominance of perennials to increased amounts of annual opportunistic species (mainly green algae). Macroalgal biomass, diversity and production as well as relationships between the two latter were studied using Solbergstrand’s rocky shore mesocosms in SE Norway in connection with a long-term experimental manipulation of nutrient addition and wave action (high and low levels of both factors applied in a crossed way to eight outdoor basins). After more than 2 years of experimental treatment, the total standing stock of macroalgae was larger in low nutrient than in high nutrient treatments as well as in high wave compared to low wave treatments (in autumn only). For macroalgal functional groups, bushy and filamentous brown and filamentous red algae were generally favoured by low nutrient concentrations, while annual filamentous and sheet-like green algae were stimulated by the nutrient enrichment. There was only one significant interaction between nutrient enrichment and wave action (for brown filamentous algae in autumn) and also only one significant main effect of the wave treatment (for bushy brown algae in autumn). Surprisingly, the high nutrient treatments supported a higher diversity of macroalgae, whereas the low nutrient treatments generally showed higher production rates. Moreover, significantly negative correlations were found between macroalgal diversity and primary productivity in both summer and autumn. This study shows that it is the biological components of the communities subjected to external forcing (nutrient addition or decreased wave action) that regulate production and this contradicts the common misperception that resource production in natural systems simply can be fast-forwarded by fertilization. The negative relationships between diversity and productivity, although a consequence of unexpected results for diversity and production, are also novel and hint towards species identities having more important functional consequences than general species dominance patterns and the amount of species per se. These results also emphasise the context dependency of findings within the field of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Rates of fecal pellet production have been recorded from seven species of oceanic salps feeding on natural diets. Expressed as g C defecated per mg salp body C per hour, the values range between 3.7 and 27.7. Carbon: nitrogen ratios of the salp fecal pellets average 11.4; the organic matter of the pellets is mainly protein and carbohydrate. Sinking velocities of the pellets are very high, ranging from 320 to 2 238 m d-1 for pellets from three species. However, the pellets sink slower than would be predicted from extrapolation of rates for crustacean pellets, probably due to the shape of the pellets and their density. The high rates of defecation, large size and rapid sedimentation of salp fecal pellets make them likely mechanisms for rapid transport of small particulate matter from surface waters to deep water and the benthos.  相似文献   

不同氮源对4种海洋微藻生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡章喜  徐宁  段舜山 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2452-2457
采用实验室一次性培养的方法,研究了硝氮、氨氮、尿素和混合氨基酸等4种不同氮源对典型赤潮藻赤潮异弯藻Heterosigma akashiwo、凯伦藻Karenia sp.、球形棕囊藻Phaeocystis globosa和常见浮游植物优势种类角毛藻Chaetoceros sp.生长的影响。结果表明,这4种海洋微藻不仅能利用无机氮硝氮和氨氮,而且也均能利用有机氮尿素和混合氨基酸。赤潮异弯藻、凯伦藻和角毛藻均在以硝氮为唯一氮源时,比生长速率分别达到最大值0.45、0.52和0.70 d-1;而球形棕囊藻在以硝氮和尿素为唯一氮源时,比生长速率均达最大值0.65 d-1。可溶性有机氮库中的重要组成成分尿素和氨基酸均能显著促进4种海洋微藻的生长;相比较而言,赤潮异弯藻和凯伦藻更加喜好有机氮氨基酸,而球形棕囊藻和角毛藻更加喜好尿素。海洋微藻具备利用有机氮源的能力,无疑扩展了其氮营养来源,在无机氮缺乏而有机氮丰富的水体中,它们在浮游植物群落中更具有竞争优势。  相似文献   

对节杆菌P-1和红球菌J-5降解聚乙烯醇(PVA)的特性进行了比较研究.结果表明,P-1菌在PVA浓度小于1000mgL-1时,PVA降解效率均达到80%以上;J-5菌在PVA浓度为2000mgL-1时,PVA降解效率达到70%.用生产废水进行试验,P-1菌对低浓度PVA废水的处理效率比J-5菌高10%左右;P-1菌受温度的影响小于J-5菌;P-1菌的废水处理效果比J-5菌稳定;分段使用J-5菌与P-1菌处理高浓度的PVA废水具有很好的处理效果,出水能达到国家排放标准.图7表1参9  相似文献   

Variations in the vertical distributions of pelagic stages of decapod crustaceans are described from five hauls taken over the Great Sole Bank in June 1983. Analyses of the results discriminated between the distributions mainly according to the time of day at which the hauls were taken, suggesting that diel variations were their most significant feature. Substantial ontogenetic variations were observed in the distributions of Processa canaliculata.  相似文献   

为充分开发利用野生食用菌资源,从采集自北京怀柔的野生香蘑子实体中分离获得纯培养,编号为Lepista sp.GSM-11,结合形态学特征与ITS序列分析鉴定其分类学地位,并进一步研究其菌丝生长的最适碳源、氮源、C/N比、生长因子、最适温度和最适pH值,并测定了菌体液体发酵产漆酶、蛋白酶、植酸酶、核糖核酸酶和凝集素的特性,同时还研究了Cu2+对漆酶产量的影响.结果表明,该菌株与GenBank中报道的采集自中国辽宁、美国马里兰州和日本宫城的紫丁香蘑(Lepista nuda)同源性最高,分别为100%、99.98%和99.93%,确定该野生香蘑为紫丁香蘑(ITS序列GenBank登录号JQ519375);菌丝体生长的最适碳源为蔗糖,最适氮源为酵母浸膏,最适C/N比为20/1,最适生长因子为维生素C,最适温度为24℃,最适pH为7.0;GSM-11菌株菌丝体和发酵液中均具有漆酶活性,但缺乏其他3种酶和凝集素活性.1.0~2.0 mmol/L的Cu2+对漆酶分泌有显著的促进作用,其活性达到对照组的149.2%~196.4%.  相似文献   

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