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对江汉平原水文地质调查发现,该地区地下水砷含量已远超国家饮用水标准。以沉积物培养的土著细菌混合液为生物材料,以江汉平原高砷含水层沉积物为研究对象,在实验室内模拟地下水系统,研究厌氧环境条件下,不同生物量土著细菌和pH值对沉积物中砷迁移转化的影响,以及土著细菌活动下砷在不同沉积物中的迁移转化。结果表明,不同生物量菌悬液都能促进沉积物中As的释放,增加总As和As(III)的浓度,但150mL处理组,在研究后期,总As和As(III)的浓度呈现减缓趋势;在初始生物量一定的条件下,沉积物中As含量越高,细菌活动下总As相对释出量就越低,而且As(III)占所释出总As的比值就越高,但两个高砷含量沉积物组的差异较小;在初始pH值为5、7和9的培养条件下,细菌都能加速砷的迁移,但pH值为5的处理组(简称pH5处理组)最弱,在前8天,pH9处理组较pH7处理组的低,随后超过pH7处理组。研究表明,土著细菌悬液能加速As从沉积物中释出,并且释出的As以As(III)为主;在耐受的弱碱性环境条件下,细菌对砷的迁移和转化随环境的pH值增加而增强。  相似文献   


Seasonal and spatial changes in seston, (POC), particulate organic carbon, (PON) particulate organic nitrogen and chlorophyll-a concentrations were studied on a monthly basis in a Mediterranean shallow coastal area (Stagnone di Marsala, Western Sicily) in order to gather information on factors controlling particulate organic matter distribution and composition. Seston concentration and composition were connected to the main physicochemical and biological driving factors, such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, wind-speed and biomass of submerged vegetation. the Stagnone di Marsala is characterized by high temperatures with strong seasonality (range: 11–28°C), while values ranged from 33 to 45 salinity. Total suspended organic matter concentrations (by ignition loss) ranged from 2 mg l?1 (in summer) to 12mgl?1 (in winter) and chlorophyll-a concentrations from 0.02 to 2 μgl?1. Despite a low POC/PON ratios (ranging from 5 to 11), the ratio of POC to chlorophyll (CHL-a) displayed very high values (annual average of 647). the data reported in this study, highlighting the oligotrophy of the Stagnone di Marsala area, indicate that the trophic state of the basin was controlled by different degrees of wind exposure (mean monthly wind velocity at exposed sites ranged between 4.2 and 6.7 m s?1) and by gradients in vegetation cover. These two factors induced clear changes in the concentration and composition of the suspended particles, but played a different role in exposed and sheltered areas. Exposed areas with limited vegetation were characterized by large resuspension processes and wide temperature and salinity fluctuations caused by wind induced turbulence. in these areas, autotrophic biomass (as chlorophyll-a), due to phytoplankton and/or re-suspended microphytobenthos, appeared to play an important  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial changes in seston, (POC), particulate organic carbon, (PON) particulate organic nitrogen and chlorophyll-a concentrations were studied on a monthly basis in a Mediterranean shallow coastal area (Stagnone di Marsala, Western Sicily) in order to gather information on factors controlling particulate organic matter distribution and composition. Seston concentration and composition were connected to the main physicochemical and biological driving factors, such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, wind-speed and biomass of submerged vegetation. the Stagnone di Marsala is characterized by high temperatures with strong seasonality (range: 11-28°C), while values ranged from 33 to 45 salinity. Total suspended organic matter concentrations (by ignition loss) ranged from 2 mg l-1 (in summer) to 12mgl-1 (in winter) and chlorophyll-a concentrations from 0.02 to 2 μgl-1. Despite a low POC/PON ratios (ranging from 5 to 11), the ratio of POC to chlorophyll (CHL-a) displayed very high values (annual average of 647). the data reported in this study, highlighting the oligotrophy of the Stagnone di Marsala area, indicate that the trophic state of the basin was controlled by different degrees of wind exposure (mean monthly wind velocity at exposed sites ranged between 4.2 and 6.7 m s-1) and by gradients in vegetation cover. These two factors induced clear changes in the concentration and composition of the suspended particles, but played a different role in exposed and sheltered areas. Exposed areas with limited vegetation were characterized by large resuspension processes and wide temperature and salinity fluctuations caused by wind induced turbulence. in these areas, autotrophic biomass (as chlorophyll-a), due to phytoplankton and/or re-suspended microphytobenthos, appeared to play an important  相似文献   

Anthropic pressure has caused severe variations of Mediterranean coastal areas currently hosting about 480 million people. The replacement of natural land covers with crops and urban environment coupled with the reduction of sediment supply to the coast, subsidence, Relative Sea Level Rise and the high frequency of storm events, have caused severe shoreline erosion. In this paper, we stress the key role of historical maps, topographic maps and free satellite images to forecast the rates of coastline changes and to recognize the main features of past landscapes as tools for risk reduction. This data was recorded into a Geographical Information System dedicated to coastal management that allows to compare different coastal zones and elaborate maps. The analysis was applied to the case study of Volturno Coastal Plain (VCP), extending from the town of Mondragone to Patria Lake (Campania Region, Southern Italy). Indeed, the intense territorial modification that occurred between the seventies and eighties, coupled with the exposure to coastal erosion, make the VCP a good test area. The spatial analysis algorithms allowed to outline the main features of past landscapes and how they changed from roman times to present while the coastal evolution (erosion, accretion) and possible future coastal trend was assessed with the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software. Starting from the Bourbon domain, the reclamation caused the first great territorial change (e.g. wetlands were transformed into agricultural lands, regimentation of surperficial water) but the negative effects of antrophic pressure, as the intense urbanization of the coastal belt, emerged in the seventies of the last century. The shoreline position was defined for 9 time intervals (from 1817 to 2012) as the ratio of the distance between two shorelines and the relative elapsed time. Moreover, for the 1957–1998 and 1998–2012 time windows, the shoreline trends were calculated with the weighted linear regression method. The first trend pointed out an intensive erosional phase (mean value: 5 m/yr) for a wide sector close to the Volturno River mouth, the eroded sediment nourished the beaches of other coastal sectors. This phase was related to the reduction of River sediment supply mainly due to the construction of the Ponte Annibale dam on the Volturno River. The second (1998–2012) showed an alternation of erosion and accretion sectors due to a sediment starved condition to deltaic zone and to a sequence of 52 sea protection works in the Gaeta Gulf. Furthermore, the regression values of more recent time interval, was assumed as a scenario to draw the probable shoreline position in 2022. The overlay of this shoreline on the Technical Maps of Campania Region at 1:5000 scale highlighted the urban area that could be exposed to damages.  相似文献   


Terrigenous inputs and sedimentary fluxes of trace metals were studied to understand the metal sources, transport and sinks in the southeastern Taiwan Strait. the major terrigenous metals come from seven major rivers in the southwestern Taiwan, even though significant fractions of most metals were retained in estuaries. the net fluxes of river borne metals contributed from 65% (Pb) to 92% (Fe, Zn) of total inputs. the remainder was attributed to marine sewage discharges (0.6–6.9%) and atmospheric inputs (5.3–31.5%). Sedimentary fluxes of trace metals were spatially variable as a result of derivation from site-specific sedimentation rates and metal distributions in sediments. in spite of imbalance between sources and sinks of trace metals, an accumulation of metals in the sediment of southeastern Taiwan Strait was found for sites close to Taiwan Island. Surface enrichment of metals in near-shore sediments beginning around 1976 was coincident with a time of industrial boom in Taiwan. the metal enrichment hierarchy was found as (Cd, Pb < Cu < Zn < Mn, Fe).  相似文献   

Abstract: Crayfishes are both a highly imperiled invertebrate group as well as one that has produced many invasive species, which have negatively affected freshwater ecosystems throughout the world. We performed a trait analysis for 77 crayfishes from the southeastern United States in an attempt to understand which biological and ecological traits make these species prone to imperilment or invasion, and to predict which species may face extinction or become invasive in the future. We evaluated biological and ecological traits with principal coordinate analysis and classification trees. Invasive and imperiled crayfishes occupied different positions in multivariate trait space, although crayfishes invasive at different scales (extraregional vs. extralimital) were also distinct. Extraregional crayfishes (large, high fecundity, habitat generalists) were most distinct from imperiled crayfishes (small, low fecundity, habitat specialists), thus supporting the “two sides of the same coin” hypothesis. Correct classification rates for assignment of crayfishes as invasive or imperiled were high (70–80%), even when excluding the highly predictive but potentially confounding trait of range size (75–90%). We identified a number of species that, although not currently listed as imperiled or found outside their native range, possess many of the life‐history and ecological traits characteristic of currently invasive or imperiled taxa. Such species exhibit a high latent risk of extinction or invasion and consequently should be the focus of proactive conservation or management strategies. Our results illustrate the utility of trait‐based approaches for taxonomic groups such as invertebrates, for which detailed species‐specific data are rare and conservation resources are chronically limited.  相似文献   

Effects of Selective Logging on Bat Communities in the Southeastern Amazon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  Although extensive areas of tropical forest are selectively logged each year, the responses of bat communities to this form of disturbance have rarely been examined. Our objectives were to (1) compare bat abundance, species composition, and feeding guild structure between unlogged and low-intensity selectively logged (1–4 logged stems/ha) sampling grids in the southeastern Amazon and (2) examine correlations between logging-induced changes in bat communities and forest structure. We captured bats in understory and canopy mist nets set in five 1-ha study grids in both logged and unlogged forest. We captured 996 individuals, representing 5 families, 32 genera, and 49 species. Abundances of nectarivorous and frugivorous taxa (Glossophaginae, Lonchophyllinae, Stenodermatinae, and Carolliinae) were higher at logged sites, where canopy openness and understory foliage density were greatest. In contrast, insectivorous and omnivorous species (Emballonuridae, Mormoopidae, Phyllostominae, and Vespertilionidae) were more abundant in unlogged sites, where canopy foliage density and variability in the understory stratum were greatest. Multivariate analyses indicated that understory bat species composition differed strongly between logged and unlogged sites but provided little evidence of logging effects for the canopy fauna. Different responses among feeding guilds and taxonomic groups appeared to be related to foraging and echolocation strategies and to changes in canopy cover and understory foliage densities. Our results suggest that even low-intensity logging modifies habitat structure, leading to changes in bat species composition.  相似文献   

Spring distributions of some numerically dominant copepods reflect associations with two distinct water masses separated along the 80- to 100-m isobaths. Seaward of this middle shelf front, the oceanic Bering Sea hosts populations of Calanus cristatus, C. plumchrus, and Eucalanus bungii bungii; Metridia pacifica, Oithona similis, and Pseudocalanus spp. are also present. The large oceanic species are much less abundant in waters shallower than 80 m where the community is seasonally dominated by smaller copepods, O. similis, Acartia longiremis, and Pseudocalanus spp. Experimental and field-derived estimates of carbon ingestion indicate that the oceanic/outer shelf copepods can occasionally graze the equivalent of the daily plant production and probably routinely remove 20–30% of the primary productivity. Conversely, stocks of middle shelf copepods rarely ingest more than 5% of the plant carbon productivity. During 45 d between mid April to late May, 1979, approximately three times more organic matter was ingested m-2 by the outer shelf/oceanic copepod community than by middle shelf species. This imbalance in cross-shelf grazing permits middle shelf phytoplankton stocks to grow rapidly to bloom proportions, and to sink ungrazed to the seabed. Over the outer shelf and particularly along the shelf break, a much closer coupling to phytoplankton supports a large biomass of oceanic grazers. Here, copepod stocks approaching 45 g dry wt m-2 occur in late spring as a narrow band at the shelf break.Supported by National Science Foundation Grant DPP 76-23340Contribution no. 485, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, Fairbanks  相似文献   

Coastal hazards and community-coping methods in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Addressing one of the most vulnerable coastal communities in Bangladesh, this paper explores people’s perception and vulnerabilities to coastal hazards. At the same time, it investigates the methods that communities apply to cope with different coastal hazards. Findings revealed that people perceived an increase in both the intensity of hazards and their vulnerabilities. In spite of having a number of socio-economic and locational factors enhancing their vulnerabilities, the community is creating their own ways to cope with these hazards. For different aspects of life like shelter, employment, water supply, and health, communities apply different coping methods that vary with the types of hazard. Efforts have also been made by governments and NGOs to manage coastal hazards. By highlighting both community-coping methods and efforts of development organizations, this paper attempts to devise an integrated approach for managing the coastal hazards that occur in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The geographical distributions, seasonal variations in numerical abundance and biomass (mg C m-3) of the predators of the holoplankton of the Bristol Channel, between November 1973 and February 1975, are described. The predator numbers and biomass were dominated by the chaetognath Sagitta elegans Verrill. This species represented 96% of the holoplankton carnivore biomass in the outer, seaward region of the Channel and 60% in the inner region; the remainder being ctenophores. The maximum numerical abundance of S. elegans occurred in September at 129 individuals m-3 (18 mg C m-3). Juveniles (<5 mm) reached maximum numbers of 55 individuals m-3 during June, August and September, demonstrating the reproductive activity of the population. The peak numbers were probably the result of the development of two major generations over the 90 d period from mid-June to mid-September. The tentaculate ctenophores were represented by Pleurobrachia pileus (O. F. Müller). The highest abundance was 81 individuals m-3 (3.0 mg C m-3) at a single site in July in the South Central Channel. However, June was the only month when the ctenophores dominated the carnivore biomass in all regions of the Channel; thereafter, S. elegans was more abundant. Reproduction of the ctenophore occurred from April to September, with juveniles reaching maximum abundance in June at 12 individuals m-3. The estimated food demand of the population in May for the outer region of the Channel was approximately 31% of the daily production of copepods. When the population reached its peak abundance in June, the estimated food requirement outstripped the daily production of copepods and a decline in both the prey and predator standing stocks was observed. Similar estimations were derived for the inner region of the Channel. S. elegans increased from a standing stock of 0.038 mg C m-3 in March to 6.35 mg C m-3 in September. Estimates of the copepod production compared with the derived demand of the chaetognath population showed that the decline in the copepods in the late summer was the result of feeding by this predator. The holoplankton carnivore population was approximately 66% of the copepod standing stock for the 10 mo period November 1973 to September 1974 in the outer region of the Channel and 45% of that in the inner region. The carnivores formed the greater part of the total holoplankton biomass from September through the winter months to February, suggesting a predator-dominated community.  相似文献   

戊唑醇属于内吸性三唑类杀菌农药,在国内广泛用于田间病虫防治,故其在环境中的归趋备受关注。采用室内模拟试验方法,研究了戊唑醇在水-沉积物中的降解特性、土壤中的吸附性和在斑马鱼中的生物富集性。结果表明:好氧条件下,戊唑醇在河流与湖泊水-沉积物系统中农药总量的降解半衰期分别为533.2、433.2 d;厌氧条件下,河流与湖泊水-沉积物系统中降解半衰期分别为364.8、1 732.9 d;沉积物系统降解半衰期较长,降解速率主要受水中戊唑醇的降解速率影响。戊唑醇在江西红壤、太湖水稻土、常熟乌杉土、东北黑土中的吸附性符合Freundlich方程,Kd值分别为7.4、11.8、11.2和15;吸附性大小次序为东北黑土太湖水稻土常熟乌杉土江西红壤;以有机碳含量表示的土壤吸附常数KOC在698.9~1 635.5之间;影响戊唑醇土壤吸附性的主要因素为土壤有机质含量和p H。戊唑醇在斑马鱼中的生物富集系数BCF8 d为21.52~25.30,具有中等富集性。戊唑醇在水体环境中具有较强稳定性,不易被土壤吸附,且具有一定的生物富集性,可能会对水体和水体生物造成一定的污染。  相似文献   

澳门离岛植被生态恢复与重建及其效益   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
回顾了19世纪以来澳门凼仔岛和路环岛两个离岛的植物恢复进程,先锋和重造林群落的组成、结构,水系建设和生物多样性保育工作;评价了该重造林生态系统的直接和间接生态经济价值。结果表明,澳门离岛植被恢复与重建的生态系统在提高立地质量、空气质量的同时,每年可创造生态经济效益21929.03万澳元。其中直接经济效益13737.72万澳元,间接效益8191.31万澳元。结合南亚热带森林生态系统演替规律和澳门城市林业的美学价值需求等,分析、阐述了澳门离岛林分进一步改造的方向、树种和措施。  相似文献   

Coastal changes in the Ebro delta: Natural and human factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of the delta of the River Ebro (Ebre) has, during recent centuries, been controlled by both natural and man-induced factors. Deforestation by man of the Ebro drainage basin favoured a fast progradation of the deltaic system until this century, when many dams were constructed along the river Ebro and its tributaries. As the sediment load of the river has been retained behind the dams, the river sediment discharge has been drastically reduced and erosive processes have become dominant in the Ebro delta coastal area, changing it from a river-wave to a sea-wave-dominated coast. This situation leads to a reshaping of the nearshore delta area and a redistribution of the pre-existing beach sediment, and significant erosion has already occurred in some zones. If these conditions continue in the future, severe changes will take place in the Ebro delta, in addition to the effects of a relative sea level rise. The future development of this delta may be similar to that of abandoned deltaic lobes, but faster. The present study shows, how coastal changes generated by anthropogenic factors can be faster and more drastic than those induced only by natural factors.  相似文献   

The zonation of the vegetation along the saline and freshwater marshes of the Damietta estuary of the Nile River was studied from near the river mouth to 20 km upstream. Downstream, the estuarine water is almost stagnant and highly saline with high concentrations of nutrients. This makes the habitat unsuitable for euhydrophytes. Upstream, the vegetation consists mostly of freshwater macrophytes. 75 sampling plots were established in representative stands of the upshore and upstream vegetation zones. Classification and ordination of the data revealed seven vegetation types, indicated A—G. The dominant species of the saline marshes werePhragmites australis, Tamarix nilotica andArthrocnemum macrostachyum (A),Zygophyllum aegyptium andPolygonum equisetiforme (B),Cynodon dactylon andSuaeda vera (C). In the freshwater marshes the dominants were:Ludwigia stolonifera, Persicaria lapathifolia (D),Typha domingensis (E),Eichhornia crassipes (F) andCeratophyllum demersum (G). The first axis of the ordination axis obtained with Detrended Correspondence Analysis can be associated with the upstream gradient. It separates the salt marsh vegetation groups from those of the freshwater marshes. Plant species richness increased upshore along both saline and freshwater marshes. The concentration of dominance increased upstream. Some aspects of proper management of estuarine vegetation are mentioned.  相似文献   

Large marine protected areas (MPAs), each hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, have been set up by governments around the world over the last decade as part of efforts to reduce ocean biodiversity declines, yet their efficacy is hotly debated. The Chagos Archipelago MPA (640,000 km2) (Indian Ocean) lies at the heart of this debate. We conducted the first satellite tracking of a migratory species, the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), within the MPA and assessed the species’ use of protected versus unprotected areas. We developed an approach to estimate length of residence within the MPA that may have utility across migratory taxa including tuna and sharks. We recorded the longest ever published migration for an adult cheloniid turtle (3979 km). Seven of 8 tracked individuals migrated to distant foraging grounds, often ≥1000 km outside the MPA. One turtle traveled to foraging grounds within the MPA. Thus, networks of small MPAs, developed synergistically with larger MPAs, may increase the amount of time migrating species spend within protected areas. The MPA will protect turtles during the breeding season and will protect some turtles on their foraging grounds within the MPA and others during the first part of their long‐distance postbreeding oceanic migrations. International cooperation will be needed to develop the network of small MPAs needed to supplement the Chagos Archipelago MPA. Uso de los Patrones de Migración a Larga Distancia de una Especie en Peligro de Extinción para Informar a la Planeación de la Conservación del Área Marina Protegida más Grande  相似文献   

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