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<正>2008年以来,随着延边州安全生产监督管理力度的加大,煤矿安全形势有所好转,由自然灾害引发的重大恶性事故已不多见;但群死群伤事故仍未能杜绝,至于零打碎敲的事故,更是时有耳闻。一、6年事故统计2008年1月至2013年年底,延边州煤矿共发生死亡事故44起,致68人死亡。其中顶板事故18起,死亡18人;运输事故16起,死亡18人;放炮事故3起,死亡4人;瓦斯事故2起,  相似文献   

根据某工地一名工人因开挖作业而被活埋致死这一事故,论述了作好安全工作防止事故的前提条件和必要的预防、检查、控制、措施及程序。  相似文献   

基于目前各种针对煤矿事故分析方法仍停留在对事故的预测估计、管理理念、法律上,提出EOC法,EOC方法是专门用于煤矿事故分析处理及控制的方法,通过采用一种改进的层次分析法进行分析,然后对结果进行目标控制,从而达到控制事故发生次数的目的.结合煤矿冒顶事故进行案例分析,结果表明:EOC相关性分析与ANP法相结合省去了层次分析前期的复杂因素分层,更加方便简单;导人事故发生的原因数据,可以动态地观测事故致因与时间的关系,方便管理者具体问题具体分析;可以控制事故发生尽量在一个目标水平之下,而且方便安全管理的绩效考评,对煤矿安全生产事故的预防控制具有一定的指导与推广意义.  相似文献   

通过对生产中能决定安全与事故因素的探索,揭示了安全与事故运动规律和预防、控制事故的规律,确认了安全、陷患、事故的概念及其自各的构成因素,同时认定了安全管理对象与安全管理要素的区别。这不仅在认识上是一次理性飞跃,而且对如何征服事故也是一次重大突破。  相似文献   

电气误操作事故是人在电气设备倒闸操作过程中发生的并造成后果的一种事故。电气误操作可以造成人身伤亡、电网瓦解和设备损坏等严重后果,所以制定了操作票制度以及实施规定,同时要装防误闭锁装置,从而减少了误操作事故的发生。  相似文献   

梅河口市政府把坚决杜绝重特大事故,有效遏制一般事故,全面减少其他事故作为2011年安全生产工作目标。安全生产工作做到"八个到位":一、责任落实到位  相似文献   

国务院《关于进一步加强安全生产工作的决定》明确指出,要把安全生产宣传教育工作纳入宣传思想工作和社会主义精神文明建设的总体布局,这表明党中央、国务院高度重视安全生产宣教工作。各级安全生产监管部门更要重视这一工作,把它与依法监管、隐患预防、事故救援、事故调查等  相似文献   

人祸1996年5月21日,河南一煤矿发生特大瓦斯爆炸事故。事故的直接原因就是矿领导为了追求产量,将瓦斯传感器向下调了0.29%~0.4%!这样,即使瓦斯超限,仍能不停电、不停产,结果84人成了游魂,68人倍受“生”的折磨!人祸猛于天灾!生产安全事故哪起能脱开与人的“亲密”关系?一次又一次的惨痛教训,一个又一个的血淋淋事实,并没有使人祸的猖撅程度减低多少,事故如常肆虐,生命依旧悲泣。大多数事故,追溯原因,源  相似文献   

岁末年初,事故倍出李庆钢在安全管理中流传着一句行话:“岁末年初,事故倍出”。为什么会有这种现象?一是突击任务。在这种急功近利的心态下,往往会出现生产第一,忽视安全的现象。二是各种会议多。诸如总结会、表彰会、团拜会……各级领导相互拜年、迎来送往,使  相似文献   

事故本身包括未遂事故和已遂事故(有人身伤亡)两种。例如,一个挂吊工在指挥吊车作业时,由于吊挂物捆绑不牢或者钢丝绳断裂等原因,造成吊起后的物件突然落下,一种情况是落下物件打伤了作业人员,另一种情况是落下物件没有伤人,前者是已遂事故,而后者是未遂事故。以上这两种现象都是由于事故隐患所导致的。所以,不能忽视未遂事故。一、抓未遂事故统计的必要性在事故统计分析过程中,对生产活动中的设备、环境和作业人员可能发生事故现象进行分析,总结其规律性,从而掌握预防事故的主动权。因此,就这一点来说,未遂事故与已遂事故对…  相似文献   

通过对机场运行安全规划中安全指标体系定位的分析,遵循可接受、可实施、可量化、可调控的原则,以结果和过程管理思想为指导,结合风险管理理论,构建机场运行安全规划中的安全指标体系。这个体系包括3个子体系,它们分别涉及运行安全的结果、运行安全的业务过程和运行安全管理绩效3个方面。其中,有关运行安全结果的子指标体系包括事故、事故征候、其他不安全事件3个维度11项指标;有关运行安全业务过程的子指标体系包括飞行区管理、机坪运行管理等7个维度20项指标;有关安全管理绩效的子指标体系包括安全政策与目标、风险管理等4个维度7项指标。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to examine whether the introduction of an incident reporting scheme with feedback in two industrial plants had an effect on the number of major incidents. METHOD: An intervention design with measurements before the implementation of the incident reporting scheme and two years later was used to examine the relationship between incident rates, safety climate, the willingness to report incidents and perceived management commitment to safety. RESULTS: The results showed that a successful implementation of an incident reporting scheme was followed by a decline in the incidence of major incidents at a Danish metal plant. A key factor in implementing the scheme was top management commitment, which was lacking at another plant, where the implementation of a similar scheme failed. CONCLUSION: Although the study shows some encouraging results concerning the use of incident reporting schemes to prevent occupational accidents, the possibility to draw causal conclusions is limited in the present study, and further studies are needed before the effectiveness of such schemes can be evaluated with certainty.  相似文献   

A major chemical company established a formal incident investigation and reporting system several years ago. The original system focused heavily on worker-related injuries, illnesses, and near-misses and was used primarily to track statistics reportable to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This Occupational Injury and Illness (OII) approach has been recognized to be an ineffective tool for measuring, predicting, and preventing process safety incidents. The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) recently published guidelines on how to establish safety metrics for the measurement and reduction of process safety incidents. The process safety metrics approach relies upon leading and lagging metrics to improve organization process safety. This paper is a case study of the analysis of one organization’s incident database, which represents approximately five years of data from over a dozen facilities. The aim of this investigation was to extract useful process safety metrics from the incident investigation and reporting system, which would be pertinent to the types of process units and process functions at these facilities. This paper will discuss the approach taken to extract process incident information from an OII-based database and present the difficulties of performing an analysis on such a database. This paper provides guidance on how to migrate an existing OII-based reporting system to a program that includes process safety metrics in accordance with industry best practices.  相似文献   

Many incidents have helped to define and develop process safety. Each has provided valuable learning opportunities. However, it is even more important to identify insights that can be obtained from an analysis of a large set of incidents that represents those that typically occur. This larger picture illuminates trends and commonalities and provides learning opportunities that are even more important than the causes of any one individual incident.The Chemical Safety Board has published the results of over 60 investigations of process safety incidents. These data have been analyzed to identify commonalities and trends so that measures to help protect against future incidents can be developed. Recommendations are made to address key issues identified.  相似文献   

为进一步研究建筑安全主体的身份特征对建筑安全事故防范认知的影响,通过分析现有文献,对建筑安全主体身份特征、建筑安全管理认知、建筑安全技术措施认知和建筑安全事故防范认知4个因素分别进行探讨,并提出其相互之间的关系假设。基于结构方程模型(SEM)方法,构建由4个因子16个观测变量组成的指标体系。采用LISREL8.53软件,验证因子及观测变量之间的关系。个案研究结果表明,主体身份特征对建筑安全管理认知、安全技术措施认知和建筑安全事故防范认知具有较强的社会属性效应,主体身份特征通过建筑安全管理认知、安全技术措施认知对建筑安全事故防范认知的正效应也比较明显。重塑建筑安全主体社会属性、加强安全管理和技术措施教育,均能有效提高建筑安全事故防范认知。  相似文献   

On the midnight of July 31st, 2014, a catastrophic vapor explosion occurred in the downtown of Kaohsiung city. The incident was initiated from a leak of an underground pipeline transporting pressurized propylene liquid. Analysis of pipeline operation logs and pipeline break release modeling suggested that at least 90,000 kg of propylene leaked, entered the underground trench and spread into the trench 4.5 km in distance before meeting an ignition source some three hours later after the leak. The ignition caused a significant confined vapor explosion which blew out the road above the underground trench, damaged more than one hundred vehicles on the road with thirty two fatalities and more than three hundred injuries. This article will first describe the background of the pipeline installation follows by an in-depth look at the explosion incident covering the events leading to the explosion, explosion damage, cause of the leak, spread of the leak, identification of a probable ignition source, and root causes in safety culture. Finally, lessons learnt and recommendations are given to prevent and mitigate the occurrence of similar incidents.  相似文献   

中国民航局提出持续安全理念,并正在制定国家航空安全方案,推动行业安全管理由目前基于规章符合性的安全监管逐渐转向规章符合性基础上的安全绩效监管,其中一项重要的工作是设定中国民航业可接受的安全水平,来衡量民航业是否满足持续改进安全的目标的要求。本文根据国际民航组织对可接受安全水平的设定指南,同时参考国外民航常用的事故指标,设计了一套中国民航行业可接受安全水平的指标体系,该指标体系包括安全评估指标、安全绩效评估指标和安全指数三层,并对该指标体系内事故率指标和事故征候率指标设定了未来10年的目标值。该指标体系及其目标值的设定不仅可作为衡量民航是否持续安全的标准,也可为航空运输企业设定自身的安全绩效考核指标提供参考。  相似文献   

Process safety incidents can result in injuries, fatalities, environmental impacts, facility damage, downtime & lost production, as well as impacts on a company's and industry's reputation. This study is focused on an analysis of the most commonly reported contributing factors to process safety incidents in the US chemical manufacturing industry. The database for the study contained 79 incidents from 2010 to 2019, partly investigated by the Chemical Safety Board (CSB). To be included in the study, the CSB archive of incident investigations were parsed to include only incidents which occurred at a company classified as 325 in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), assigned to businesses that participate in chemical manufacturing. For each incident, all of the identified contributing factors were catalogued in the database. From this list of identified contributing factors, it was possible to name the ‘top three’ contributing factors. The top three contributing factors cited for the chemical manufacturing industry were found to be: design; preventive maintenance; and safeguards, controls & layers of protection. The relationship between these top contributing factors and the most common OSHA citations was investigated as well. The investigation and citation history for NAICS 325 companies in the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) citations database was then analysed to assess whether there was any overlap between the top reported contributing factors to process safety events and the top OSHA citations recorded for the industry. A database consisting of the inspection and citation history for the chemical manufacturing industry identified by NAICS code 325 was assembled for inspections occurring between 2010 and 2020 (August). The analysis of the citation history for the chemical manufacturing industry specifically, identified that the list of the top contributing factors to process safety incidents overlapped with the most common OSHA violations. This finding is relevant to industry stakeholders who are considering how to strategically invest resources for achieving maximum benefit – reducing process safety risk and simultaneously improving OSHA citation history.  相似文献   

从本质安全和事故预防机理角度出发,结合在西安地铁安全监督管理的实践,提出了地铁车站先修建附属结构后修建主体结构的建设理念,以及“抓大、查小、促安全”的安全管理理念,这是“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方针在西安地铁建设过程中的具体化,使西安地铁的安全监督管理工作步人科学、健康发展的良性轨道。  相似文献   

The present work was focused on maintenance hazards related to vegetable oil refining. An incident occurred in an Italian vegetable oil refinery was presented to evidence this safety criticality. The incident took place during a maintenance shut down, and was associated to the ignition of the solid residual in a packed column. No fatalities or injuries were reported, but the column was strongly damaged and removed from the plant. A specific experimental characterization of the solid residues accumulated in the column, sampled both from the damaged and undamaged parts of the column, was carried out in order to determine the conditions leading to unwanted combustion of the residues. At the same time, samples taken from the damaged column steelwork were subjected to metallurgical analysis aimed at the thermal and mechanical characterization of the steel, obtaining information about the incident duration and temperature reached during the combustion phenomenon. The study evidenced the need of adequate maintenance procedures and safety management in the generic framework of food industry, identified as key lessons learned.  相似文献   

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