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There has been increasing awareness of the possible impact of herbicide drift on vegetation in nature reserves and field-margin habitats adjacent to treated areas. However, relatively little is known about the impact of such drift on species typical of these habitats. To investigate this problem a series of bioassay experiments simulating spray drift were carried out with five native plant species of different age placed at different distances up to 4 downwind from a sprayer under standardized conditions. These experiments used three herbicides--glyphosate, MCPA and mecoprop--in three types of surrounding vegetation structure--short, medium-height and tall grassland. Many plants showed symptoms of damage after spraying but showed no significant growth reduction at the end of the season even underneath the sprayer. Where a reduction in yield was found, it occurred close to the sprayer. In general, young plants were more often affected than old ones. Yield promotion occurred for some species between 2 and 4 m downwind of the sprayer (curvilinear response) with unknown ecological consequences. The structure of the surrounding vegetation influenced the response for some species, which indicates that deposition patterns can be complex, and thus there may be difficulty in predicting effects in semi-natural communities from simple deposition models.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing awareness of potential impacts of herbicide drift on to vegetation in nature reserves and field margin habitats adjacent to treated areas. Previous work using single species bioassays has suggested that the effects of a single drift event are confined close to the sprayer (< 10 m). In the present study eight native dicotyledonous species, with and without a perennial grass (Lolium perenne), were grown in standardized microcosms in order to study (1) the effects of herbicide drift where plants were exposed to competition, and (2) the effects of a second spray application. The microcosms were arranged downwind (0-8 m) of a standard agricultural sprayer applying mecoprop at recommended rates. The effects of the herbicide drift on foliar symptoms of plant damage and end-of-season yield were assessed in each of two years. The main conclusions were that (1) growth of Stachys sylvatica and Lolium perenne (where sown) was enhanced near the sprayer and, (2) six other species (Digitalis purpurea, Galium mollugo, Hypericum hirsutum, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Primula veris and Ranunculus acris) showed some evidence of reduction in either performance (assessed non-destructively after a single exposure) or yield after two exposures. Three species (Lychnis flos-cuculi, Primula veris and Ranunculus acris) showed a reduction in flowering performance. Thus, mecoprop drift affected the aesthetic appearance, possibly the fecundity of some species and the balance between species in these microcosm experiments. The implications of these results for the persistence of attractive plant communities in sensitive areas are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of a herbicide applied at levels consistent with off target movement on hawthorn the year following exposure. In the experiment, metsulfuron-methyl was applied in five dosages to individual trees in seven different hawthorn hedgerows. Spraying was conducted both at the bud stage and at the early flowering. Five endpoints (i.e. leaves, buds, flowers, green berries and mature berries) were sampled and counted. All were significantly reduced with increasing exposure. Present day risk assessment of effects on non-target plants is therefore likely to overlook significant effects on perennial non-target plants in the spray drift zone due to the focus on results from short-term laboratory test studies. The significance of the present study is underlined by the fact that the effects observed were significant, even though other influential factors such as herbivory and differential pollination were not eliminated and that experiments were conducted in multiple locations.  相似文献   

Seedlings of winter barley, perennial ryegrass and white clover were grown on a range of British soils for 21-24 weeks and exposed to simulated acid rainfall treatments of pHs 5.6, 4.5, 3.5 and 2.5. Whilst leaves of white clover developed leaf lesions after 18 weeks of exposure to the pH 2.5 treatments, there were no signs of visible injury to the other two species. At harvest, it was noted, for all species, that there was a large amount of variation in the sizes of individual plants and this made it difficult to detect differences between the treatments for plants on an individual soil. However, in combined analyses for all soils, it was found that the treatments had substantial effects on the yields of plants. The yields of both winter barley and clover were highly correlated with rainfall pH, showing substantial reductions in the more acid rains as compared to the pH 5.6 (control) treatment. In contrast, plants of perennial ryegrass produced higher yields of shoots at the most acid (pH 2.5) as compared to the other treatments. It was noted that the pH 2.5 treatment resulted in a generally lower soil pH at the termination of the experiment.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: The degree to which dose responses of model organisms (lab rodents) can adequately predict dose responses of free-ranging wild mammals or amphibians is unknown, and the relative sensitivity of such species to body loading of a toxicant such as glyphosate is seldom reported. For relative effects of dosage, we compare sensitivity of nine wild vertebrate species to effects of high doses of glyphosate in Swiss-Webster laboratory mice both by gavage and by intraperitoneal injection. We also evaluate sublethal effects of herbicide exposure on behavior and reproductive success of one mammal and one amphibian species. METHODS: Comparisons of acute toxicity of glyphosate were made with intraperitoneal dosings of technical glyphosate isopropylamine salt to nine species of terrestrial vertebrates (five amphibians, four mammals) and compared with responses in Swiss-Webster laboratory mice. Animals collected from sites that had no recent herbicide application were allowed 7-14 days to equilibrate in captivity before treatment. RESULTS: Median lethal dose ranged from 800 to 1,340 mg kg(-1) in mammals, and 1,170 to >2,000 mg kg(-1) in amphibians, with Oregon vole being the most sensitive. White lab mice were in the middle of the mammalian range. Tailed frog, at >2,000 mg kg(-1) was the least sensitive. Calibration of IP sensitivity to oral administration by gavage indicated that roughly four times as much glyphosate must be administered to obtain a comparable estimate of lethality. Administration by gavage in highly concentrated solutions tended to cause physical injury, hence may prove less useful as a relative indicator of toxicity. When sublethal dosages were given to roughskin newts or chipmunks, mobility and use of cover appeared largely unaffected. DISCUSSION: Direct toxic effects of spraying glyphosate under normal forest management seem unlikely for the nine species examined. Nor could we detect significant indirect effects of exposure on behavior and use of cover features in two species. There may be effects on other aspects of the field biology of these animals, such as reproductive rates, which we did not investigate. Recent field data indicate that changes in habitat quality following herbicide application can result in high reproductive activity in species associated with the grasses and forbs that proliferate following field applications. CONCLUSIONS: When compared to field data on body burdens of wild mammals exposed after aerial application of glyphosate at maximum rates in forests, there seems to be a large margin of safety between dosages encountered and those causing either death or limitation of movement, foraging or shelter. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: Margins of safety for small mammals and amphibians appear to be large under any probable exposure scenarios, however our results indicate high variability in responses among species. Uncertainty introduced into field studies from unknown sources of mortality (e.g, likely predation) must be considered when interpreting our results.  相似文献   

The enantioselective toxicity of chiral herbicides in the environment is of increasing concern. To investigate the enantioselective effects of the chiral herbicide imazapyr on target organisms, we exposed Arabidopsis thaliana to imazapyr enantiomers and racemate. The results show that imazapyr was enantioselectively toxic to A. thaliana. The total chlorophyll content in A. thaliana was affected more by (+)-imazapyr than (±)-imazapyr and (?)-imazapyr. Concentrations of proline and malondialdehyde reflected a toxic effect in the order of (+)-imazapyr > (±)-imazapyr > (?)-imazapyr at every concentration. Acetolactate synthase (ALS) activity was inhibited more by (+)-imazapyr than (±)-imazapyr or (?)-imazapyr. At 100 mg L?1 of imazapyr, ALS activity was 78%, 43%, and 19% with (?)-, (±)-, and (+)-imazapyr, respectively. The results suggest the significant enantioselective toxicity of imazapyr in A. thaliana for greater toxicity with (+)-imazapyr than (±)-imazapyr and (?)-imazapyr, which suggests that (+)-imazapyr has more herbicidal effect.  相似文献   

Triasulfuron, a member of the sulfonylureas class of herbicides, was tested under laboratory conditions on the collembolan Onychiurus pseudogranulosus. Pure triasulfuron and commercial formulations at different rates (starting from a dose about 5 times the recommended agricultural rate) were tested separately on one-week old juveniles and adults reared in the laboratory. The persistence of the herbicide at the end of the trials lasting 30 and 60 days was verified by HPLC analysis. Laboratory tests indicated that only the rates exceeding 500 times the soil concentration expected soon after field application of the herbicide directly affected the tested species.  相似文献   

Guidelines provided by OECD and EPPO allow the use of data obtained in greenhouse experiments in the risk assessment for pesticides to non-target terrestrial plants in the field. The present study was undertaken to investigate the predictability of effects on field-grown plants using greenhouse data. In addition, the influence of plant development stage on plant sensitivity and herbicide efficacy, the influence of the surrounding vegetation on individual plant sensitivity and of sublethal herbicide doses on the biomass, recovery and reproduction of non-crop plants was studied. Results show that in the future, it might well be possible to translate results from greenhouse experiments to field situations, given sufficient experimental data. The results also suggest consequences at the population level. Even when only marginal effects on the biomass of non-target plants are expected, their seed production and thereby survival at the population level may be negatively affected.  相似文献   

Propanil (3,4-dichloropropionanilide) is a selective contact pesticide, recommended for post-emergence use in rice. This herbicide may end up in surface waters and present potential risk for aquatic vascular plants. Therefore, its toxicity was evaluated on Lemna minor L., an aquatic plant regularly used for toxicological studies, during time- and concentration-dependent exposure. Toxicity assessments were based on inhibition of growth of L. minor cultures after 24 days. The obtained results showed that the growth of Lemna was affected by the herbicide. The responses of the guaiacol peroxidase (G-POD) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) involved in the xenobiotic metabolism and antioxidative system were also investigated following Propanil exposure. Our results showed that Propanil has not induced enzymatic antioxidative defenses of L. minor. Both 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA) and 3,4-dichloroacetanilide are the major metabolites in this plant. On the contrary, only 3,4-DCA was found in culture media after 4 days. Probably, the enzymatic hydrolysis by acyl acylamidase and the acetylation by acetyl-CoA are the major pathways for these transformation products, respectively. The results of this study showed that the selected aquatic plant has the potential to accumulate and metabolize rice herbicide, like Propanil. Based on these toxicity data this herbicide should impair the establishment of non-target aquatic plants.  相似文献   

A fumigation experiment was performed in which six plant species representing the European flora were exposed to a range of DBP concentrations. Controlled amounts of DBP-saturated air were injected into the ingoing air-streams of plant fumigation chambers, maintaining constant concentrations there for a period of up to 76 days. The target concentrations were a control, 0.8, 1.5, 3.5, and 10.0 microg m(-3). The variation in sensitivity between plant species to atmospheric DBP was quantified on the basis of whole plant biomass in order to derive no-observed-effect-concentrations (NOECs). Significant dose-response relationships, based on realised concentrations, were thus derived using non-linear regression, resulting in NOECs of 0.51 microg m(-3) for Trifolium repens, 0.96 microg m(-3) for Brassica campestris, 1.87 microg m(-3) for Phaseolus vulgaris and 2.21 microg m(-3) for Plantago major. A significant effect was also observed for Holcus lanatus at 12.4 microg m(-3) DBP, but due to the variation at lower levels of DBP exposure, no dose-response relationship could be derived. No significant effect on growth of current year needles in Picea abies was observed, even at the highest level of DBP, 13.7 microg m(-3). Based on statistical extrapolation according to Aldenberg and Slob [Ecotox. Environ. Safety, 25 (1993) 48], an overall predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) for the plant-atmosphere compartment of 0.33 microg m(-3) DBP was calculated. The PNEC was calculated using the mean and standard deviation of the NOEC for four of the tested species and an extrapolation factor. In addition to changes in leaf colour, leaf crinkling and growth reduction, a number of not quantified observations are described, indicating that DBP affects the physiology as well as the morphology of these species.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Green vegetation improvement is an economical strategy to mitigate dust air pollution. The anticipated performance index (API) is considered a main...  相似文献   

We investigated the toxicity of the widely used herbicide dimethylammonium salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (DMA-2,4-D) on the lymphoid system of rats after a single dose oral administration using histological, cytochemical and molecular methods. DMA-2,4-D destroyed in a dose- and time-dependent manner the vascular integrity of the thymus and caused cell depletion in the white pulp of the spleen and in the cortex of the thymus, which was at least partly due to programmed cell death. DMA-2,4-D appeared to have hemolytic activity and caused intravascular hemolysis of erythrocytes. An increased hemosiderin content in macrophages of the spleen indicated phagocytosis of lysed erythrocytes. We conclude that acute DMA-2,4-D herbicide poisoning results in severe damage of the lymphatic organs thymus and spleen.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic toxicity tests with propanil were conducted on Daphnia magna. The 24 and 48 h LC50 were 43.74 and 5.01 mg/l respectively. Chronic toxicity tests were carried out using sublethal propanil concentrations (0.07, 0.10, 0.21 and 0.55 mg/l) during 21 days. The effect of propanil on survival, reproduction and growth of D. magna organisms was monitored. The parameters used to evaluate herbicide effect on reproduction were: mean total young ones per female, mean brood size, time to first reproduction, mean number broods per female and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r). Survival and growth (body length) were also determined after 21 days of exposure to the herbicide. Reproduction was significantly reduced when propanil concentration increased in the medium. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) decreased with increasing concentrations of propanil especially in those animals exposed to 0.55 mg/l. However, growth as well as survival of the exposed organisms only decreased in daphnids exposed to the highest propanil concentration tested. The maximum acceptable toxicant concentration (MATC) was calculated for D. magna exposed to the herbicide using as parameter of evaluation the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r). The interpolation of these results gave MATC values of 0.08 mg/l herbicide. We have derived the EC50 values for some selected parameters on D. magna exposed to propanil. EC50 values indicated that reproductive parameters were very sensitive of the effect of propanil on daphnids. Finally, the daphnids were exposed to the same sublethal herbicide concentrations as in the chronic study and the effect of the toxicant on filtration and ingestion rates was determined. Feeding rates of D. magna declined with increasing propanil concentrations. The effective propanil concentrations at which feeding rates were reduced to 50% of that in controls (EC50) were also calculated.  相似文献   

This study aims to verify the effects of the clomazone concentration used in rice fields on acetylcholinesterase (AChE), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), protein carbonyl and catalase activity in tissues of piava (Leporinus obtusidens). LC(50)-96h was 5.0 mg L(-1) and the fish were exposed to 1/10 of LC(50)-96 h: 0.5 mg L(-1) of clomazone for 96 and 192h. The same parameters were also assayed after a recovery period of 192 h in clean water. AChE activity was reduced only in the brain and heart of fish exposed for 96 h. AChE activity was decreased in the brain, muscle and heart tissues after 192 h of exposure. After 192 h of recovery period, AChE activity remained diminished in brain and muscle and showed a decrease in eye. However, after 192 h of recovery, AChE activity in heart was recovered. Fish showed increased TBARS levels in brain at all experimental periods. TBARS levels decreased in liver and muscle tissues after 192 h of exposure. The increase in muscle TBARS persisted in fish transferred to clean water. Protein carbonyl in the liver was increased in all periods studied including the recovery period. Catalase activity was reduced during all periods. The present study demonstrates the occurrence of disorders in AChE, TBARS, protein carbonyl and catalase activity in piava. The results also show changes in fish after exposure to an environmentally relevant concentration of clomazone. Most effects observed persisted after the recovery period. Thus, these parameters may be used to monitor clomazone toxicity in fish.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The main goals of conservation agriculture are to enhance soil fertility and reduce soil degradation, especially through erosion. However,...  相似文献   

Data of a multi-year (1977-1983) biomonitoring programme with marigold and petunia around polyethylene manufacturing plants was analysed to assess plant responses to atmospheric ethylene and to determine the area at risk for the phytotoxic effects of this pollutant. In both species, flower formation and growth were severely reduced close to the emission sources and plant performance improved with increasing distance. Plants exposed near the border of the research area had more flowers than the unexposed control while their growth was normal. Measurements of ethylene concentrations at a border site revealed that the growing season mean was 61.5 g m(-3) in 1982 and 15.6 g m(-3) in 1983. In terms of number of flowers, petunia was more sensitive than marigold and adverse effects were observed within ca. 400 m distance from the sources for marigold and within ca. 460 m for petunia. The area at risk (ca. 870 m) for ethylene-induced growth reduction was also limited to the industrial zone. Plants were more sensitive to ethylene in terms of growth reduction than in terms of inhibition of flowering. In the Netherlands, maximum permissible levels of ethylene are currently based on information from laboratory and greenhouse studies. Our results indicate that these levels are rather conservative in protecting field-grown plants against ethylene-induced injury near polyethylene manufacturing plants.  相似文献   

Chemical immobilization technology utilizing poultry waste (PW) along with a native plant (Panicum maximum Jacq.) application was assessed for the attenuation of downward Pb dissolution and modification of Pb speciation in solid and liquid phases in the soil. A large column study with and without plant and PW applications was conducted using a Pb contaminated soil collected from a shooting range area. The PW application reduced water-extractable Pb by about 43% of that of the treatment without the PW and plant applications (Control). The cumulative Pb amount in column leachates over 100d was increased by the PW amendment (0.32mg) compared to Control (0.27mg), but was reduced to 0.23mg by the combined use of plant and PW amendment. Sequential extraction analysis revealed that the Pb fractions of PW-amended soils were shifted to less soluble phases as indicated by an increased residual fraction (20%) and decreased exchangeable and carbonate fractions (22%) than those in the Control soil. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations demonstrated that predicted Pb(2+) activity was saturated with respect to cerussite in the Control soil and was supersaturated with respect to chloropyromorphite in the PW-amended soils. Our results suggest that the use of plant in combination with PW as a Pb immobilizing amendment attenuated downward Pb leaching and altered Pb species to more geochemically stable phases.  相似文献   

Soils in clay pigeon shooting ranges can be seriously contaminated by heavy metals. The pellets contained in ammunition are composed of Pb, Sb, Ni, Zn, Mn and Cu. The total concentrations of these metals in soils, and the effects of their increasing levels on the arthropod community were investigated at seven sampling sites in a clay pigeon shooting range and compared with two controls. Research revealed that the spatial distribution of Pb and Sb contamination in the shot-fall area was strongly correlated with the flight path of the pellets. Ordination obtained through Redundance Analysis showed that Collembola, Protura and Diplura were positively correlated with major detected contaminants (Pb, Sb), while Symphyla showed a negative correlation with these pollutants. Determination of the soluble lead fraction in soil, and of its bioaccumulation in the saprophagous Armadillidium sordidum (Isopoda) and the predator Ocypus olens (Coleoptera), showed that a significant portion of metallic Pb from spent pellets is bioavailable in the soil and can be bioaccumulated by edaphic organisms, entering the soil trophic network, but without biomagnification.  相似文献   

Sulfonylurea herbicides are widely used on a wide range of crops to control weeds. Chevalier® OnePass herbicide is a sulfonylurea herbicide intensively used on cereal crops in Algeria. No information is yet available about the biodegradation of this herbicide or about its effect on the bacterial community of the soil. In this study, we collected an untreated soil sample, and another sample was collected 1 month after treatment with the herbicide. Using a high-resolution melting DNA technique, we have shown that treatment with Chevalier® OnePass herbicide only slightly changed the composition of the whole bacterial community. Two hundred fifty-nine macroscopically different clones were isolated from the untreated and treated soil under both aerobic and microaerobic conditions. The strains were identified by sequencing a conserved fragment of the 16S rRNA gene. The phylogenetic trees constructed using the sequencing results confirmed that the bacterial populations were similar in the two soil samples. Species belonging to the Lysinibacillus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Paenibacillus genera were the most abundant species found. Surprisingly, we found that among ten strains isolated from the treated soil, only six were resistant to the herbicide. Furthermore, bacterial overlay experiments showed that only one resistant strain (related to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia) allowed all the sensitive strains tested to grow in the presence of the herbicide. The other resistant strains allowed only certain sensitive strains to grow. On the basis of these results, we propose that there must be several biodegradation pathways for this sulfonylurea herbicide.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The efficacy of slow-release formulations of tribenuron-methyl (TBM) embedded in the matrix of degradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) blended with birch...  相似文献   

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