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Parental investment theory predicts that parental effort should be related to the reproductive value of the current brood. This depends on both the number of young and the survival prospects of each of them. Thus parents may provide more care to larger broods either because of (1) the direct effect of brood size per se on reproductive value (the “brood size” hypothesis) or because (2) past mortality, reflected in current brood size, predicts future mortality of the brood and hence its reproductive value (the “brood success” hypothesis). Earlier studies have not attempted to distinguish between these alternatives. We tested the hypotheses in the precocial, nidifugous common goldeneye Bucephala clangula, a species with uniparental female care. Maternal effort was measured as the time spent by the female in rearing the brood. We found that brood size itself is not associated with maternal effort, but that females modify their maternal effort according to the mortality already experienced by the brood, supporting the prediction of the brood success hypothesis. We also found that brood mortality varied considerably between broods and that previous mortality predicts future mortality within broods, basic assumptions of the brood success hypothesis. Received: 30 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1996  相似文献   

Local mate competition,sex ratio and clutch size in bethylid wasps   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Parasitoid wasps of the family Bethylidae lay groups of eggs on the larvae of beetles and moths. The larvae develop together and pupate in the vicinity of the host. On hatching, the majority of copulations are between siblings leading to a high degree of local mate competition. Sex ratio theory predicts that as the number of individuals developing on a host increases, the population sex ratio will become progressively more female biassed. A comparative study of sex ratios across the family supports this prediction.  相似文献   

Summary Clutch size, nestling production and breeding success were studied in colonial Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris) in a subalpine birch forest during ten breeding seasons. Reproductive success was highest for central pairs in large colonies; such pairs benefited most from communal defence against nest predators. Fieldfares and Merlins (Falco columbarius) usually bred in association. Fieldfares breeding away from Merlins had lower breeding success than pairs associated with Merlins, which also benefited by reduced nest predation. Fieldfares apparently chose to nest near Merlins, which had already laid eggs when the thrushes started nest-building.  相似文献   

A simple energy-balance model, relating energetic requirements of fish schools to food production, was used to predict shoal sizes. Lower limits to school size are unlikely to be set by food but rather by predation. Upper limits depend on both food and school behavior, being greater for schools that break up to feed than for schools that remain continuously cohesive. Faced with a decreasing food supply, a school could either break into smaller schools or change behavior, increasing the area available for foraging. The models suggest that environmental productivity needs to be considered when examining fishery statistics such as (catch per unit effort), where maximum catch may be limited by maximum school size.  相似文献   

We investigated the fledging probability of oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus, chicks as a function of hatching order, brood size, territory quality and food availability. Sibling dominance was related to the hatching order in both low- (’leapfrogs’) and high-quality (’residents’) territories. Differences in hatchling mass might have aided the establishment of a dominance hierarchy, since breeders produced small late eggs and hatchlings. These mass differences were most pronounced in leapfrogs, and in large broods in years with lower food availability (’poor’ years). Late hatchlings fledged less often and with lower body masses compared to early hatchlings in all situations. Leapfrogs produced smaller broods and hatched their broods more asynchronously in poor years than leapfrogs breeding in years with more available food (’good’ years) and residents breeding in both poor and good years. Large brood sizes resulted in lower survival of hatchlings in poor years. These results favour the ’brood reduction’ hypothesis. However, contrary to the expectations of this hypothesis, hatching order also affected fledging success in residents. Moreover, large brood size resulted in higher survival of hatchlings in good years, particularly in residents. Thus, although large broods experienced losses due to sibling competition in some years, they nevertheless consistently produced more fledglings per brood in all years, both as leapfrogs and residents. We believe this effect is due to parental quality correlating with initial brood size. Most leapfrogs, at best, fledged one chick successfully each year, losing chicks due to starvation. Nevertheless, leapfrog broods were reduced in size after hatching significantly less quickly than resident broods. These results suggest that breeders lay and hatch insurance eggs to compensate for unpredictable losses due to the high predation rates on both nests (ca 50%) and chicks (ca 90%), in accordance with the ’nest failure’ hypothesis. Received: 14 February 2000 / Revised: 27 September 2000 / Accepted: 10 June 2000  相似文献   

Male crickets increase sperm number in relation to competition and female size   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
There is evidence to suggest that males of various species can respond to the threat of sperm competition by varying the amount of sperm transferred during copulation. We tested this in two species of cricket, Acheta domesticus and Gryllodes supplicans (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) by varying the apparent threat of intermale competition experimentally. The results showed that males of both species increased the amount of sperm transferred as apparent competition increased and that male A. domesticus transferred more sperm when encountering larger females. The results also showed that male G. supplicans produced a larger spermatophylax when a larger ampulla was transferred, a relationship consistent with a sperm protection function. Received: 5 May 1995/Accepted after revision: 27 January 1996  相似文献   

More than a half century ago, the British ornithologist David Lack suggested that parent birds may use brood reduction to track uncertain food, a process facilitated by the asynchronous hatching of their young. Lack sketched the logic of asymmetric sibling rivalry: the phenotypic handicap imposed upon last-hatched marginal offspring renders their growth and survival conditional upon uncertain ecological conditions while buffering first-hatched core offspring from the inimical effects of overcrowding during periods of stringency. Though subjected to numerous indirect tests in short-term studies, the central prediction of Lack's hypothesis - that parents use marginal offspring to track unpredictable brood-rearing conditions and thus achieve a secondary adjustment of clutch size - has never been tested directly. Here we present the results of a 7-year study of marsh-nesting red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) showing that (1) brood size tracks interannual variability in growth and survival of nestlings, (2) the growth and mortality of marginal but not core offspring is contingent upon stochastic environmental conditions (mean air temperature) during brood rearing, (3) the mortality of marginal but not core offspring is strongly affected by developmental uncertainty in the form of both experimental and natural alterations of brood size, (4) the phenotypic handicap of hatching asynchrony buffers core offspring from poor growth conditions, but (5) its effects upon marginal nestlings are reversible when growth conditions are favourable and especially when brood size is reduced either experimentally or via hatching failure. The presence of marginal offspring ensures that blackbird parents are not left with a too small brood when brood-rearing conditions are favourable. Parents create two castes of progeny: marginal offspring that are strongly affected by both ecological and developmental stochasticity, and core offspring that are not.  相似文献   

The overall effect of the number of boats on the copper (Cu) levels in the water column and sediment, along with their spatial variability within Shelter Island Yacht Basin (SIYB), San Diego Bay, California was examined. We identified a horizontal gradient of increasing dissolved Cu and Cu in sediment from outside to the head of SIYB which was coincident with the increasing number of boats. Spatial models of Cu distribution in water and sediment indicated the presence of ‘hotspots’ of Cu concentration. From outside to the head of SIYB, dissolved Cu ranged from 1.3 μ g L?1 to 14.6 μ g L?1 in surface water, and 2.0 μ g L?1 to 10.2 μ g L?1 in bottom water. Cu in sediment exceeded the Effect Range Low of 34 mg kg?1 (i.e. where adverse effects to fauna may occur), with a peak concentration of 442 mg kg?1 at the head of the basin. Free Cu++ in surface water was several orders of magnitude higher than in sediment porewater. High-resolution data of Cu species together with probability maps presented in this paper will allow managers to easily visualise and localise areas of impaired quality and to prioritise which areas should be targeted to improve Cu-related conditions.  相似文献   

Avian incubation is often initiated before all eggs are laid. In altricial birds this has been proposed to facilitate brood reduction through asynchronous hatching. However, in precocial birds eggs normally hatch synchronously even if incubation has started before all eggs are laid. Patterns of incubation start may be the adaptive trait selected for both in altricial and precocial species. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the timing of incubation start in birds. Decreasing egg-size after incubation start may be adaptively related to an early incubation start, either to ensure synchronous hatching or to decrease fitness cost of late hatched eggs. We have measured individual body condition, egg size and start of incubation in common eider Somateria mollissima, a precocial sea-duck which does not feed during the incubation period. Females in poor body condition start to incubate earlier in the laying sequence than those in good body condition. Furthermore females in poor body condition lay smaller final eggs than females in good body condition. The laying of smaller eggs late in the sequence is therefore probably related to energetic or nutritional state. We propose that females in poor body condition start to incubate early to shorten the nest period in order to reduce their mass loss, but at the cost of reduced size and growth of the ducklings from the eggs laid after incubation start. Females in good body condition on the other hand postpone incubation start at the cost of a longer incubation period and a higher mass loss to the benefit of synchronized hatching and a higher survival of ducklings.  相似文献   

Little Penguins, Eudyptula minor, breed in several small colonies in New Zealand and Australia. In this study, we compare the birds’ diving performances at different sites situated throughout their breeding range. Environmental conditions and breeding success vary drastically amongst colonies, but all birds feed on similar types of prey and face similar limitations on their foraging range. We examined several diving parameters and calculated the proportion of foraging zone available during breeding to examine whether oceanographic and geographic factors in the foraging zone can explain variations in diving behaviour and fledging success among the different colonies. In colonies with high fledging success, Penguin Island and Oamaru, penguins made shallow dives <50 m depth and had lower diving effort. More than 90% of the foraging zone was in waters <50 m depth in these colonies. Motuara Island also has shallow waters with 95% <50 m depth, but the fledging success was low. Phillip Island has only 42% of waters <50 m and comparatively low fledging success. Thus, penguins dived deeper and showed a higher diving effort in colonies with lower fledging success (Motuara Island and Phillip Island), indicating that they were disadvantaged compared to conspecifics from other colonies that dived shallower and with a lesser diving effort. We concluded that bathymetry is an important factor, but not the only one, which influences fledging success.  相似文献   

Summary In some species of fishes with paternal care, females prefer to spawn with males who are already defeding eggs; moreover, in many species, paternal care increases with the number of eggs that a male is defending. If egg survival depends on the level of paternal care, and is largely independent of egg number, then egg survival should increase with clutch size. This result would provide a potential adaptive mechanism for female preference for males with eggs. I examined the effects of clutch size on paternal care and egg survival in the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, and found that both increased with male clutch size.  相似文献   

The occurrence of male pregnancy in the family Syngnathidae (seahorses, pipefishes, and sea dragons) provides an exceptionally fertile system in which to investigate issues related to the evolution of parental care. Here, we take advantage of this unique reproductive system to study the influence of maternal body size on embryo survivorship in the brood pouches of pregnant males of the broad-nosed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle. Males were mated with either two large females, two small females, a large then a small female, or a small then a large female. Our results show that offspring survivorship depends on an interaction between female body size and the number of eggs transferred by the female. Eggs of larger females deposited in large numbers are more likely to result in viable offspring than eggs of smaller females laid in large numbers. However, when females deposited smaller numbers of eggs, the eggs from smaller females were more likely to produce viable offspring compared to those from larger females. We found no evidence that this result was based on mating order, the relative sizes of competing females, or egg characteristics such as dry weight of eggs. Additionally, male body size did not significantly influence the survivorship of offspring during brooding. Our results suggest that the factors underlying offspring survivorship in pipefish may be more complex than previously believed, with multiple factors interacting to determine the fitness of individual offspring within the broods of pregnant males.  相似文献   

What is the cost of parental care in birds? Previous studies using observational and experimental techniques on nest building and clutch sizes in a small migrant flycatcher, the Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), led to contradictory results that did not show a consistent cost of current reproductive effort on residual reproductive output. The data presented here indicate that different elements of parental behaviors are indeed costly because they reduce various aspects of phoebes' subsequent reproductive performance. Experimental removal of old nesting structures at previously used breeding sites reduced but did not eliminate the chance of phoebes' settlement in the subsequent year. Comparing sites at which phoebes did and did not build new nests showed that nest builders completed their first clutches later, had lower probabilities of second breeding attempts, and more often lost their nesting attempt due to fallen nest structures than nest reusers. There was, however, no significant effect of nest building on the clutch sizes and rates of cowbird parasitism of first nesting attempts. Overall, sites with newly built nests had lower seasonal reproductive effort than sites with reused nests. I also examined phoebes' relative residual reproductive output in a separate breeding season when nest building was not experimentally manipulated. When controlled for confounding variables this analysis indicated that in those phoebes that did breed for a second time, the relative decrease of the sizes of first to presumed second clutches was greater at sites where first breeding attempts consisted of more total nestlings. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that parental care is costly in Eastern Phoebes and support predictions of trade-offs between the nest building, brood care, and residual egg-investment components of reproduction.  相似文献   

Southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina display extreme sexual dimorphism. In addition females show great variation in size and stored resources at parturition. Therefore they present an excellent opportunity for examination of responses of sex ratio to resource availability. We studied the relationships between the size of southern elephant seal females at parturition and the size and sex of their pups at South Georgia over four breeding seasons. We found a large individual variation in maternal post-partum mass (range 296–977 kg, n=151). Larger mothers gave birth to larger pups, irrespective of the sex of their pup. Male pups were on average 14% larger than females at birth and consequently more costly to bring to parturition. Our results suggest that female southern elephant seals must weigh more than 300 kg if they are to breed at all, and more than 380 kg if they are to give birth to a male pup. Above this threshold the proportion of males among offspring rapidly increases with maternal mass, and stabilizes at a level not significantly different from parity. These results show that smaller females of southern elephant seals vary offspring sex ratio in a way that is consistent with theories on adaptive offspring sex ratio. A smaller mother with a male foetus may benefit from terminating her pregnancy and allocating the resources she saves to her own growth. She could then give birth to and raise a larger pup in the subsequent season.  相似文献   

Juveniles and adult females were presented a food spectrum of three algae of different sizes (4.5, 12 and 20 m cell width). The increase in rate of ingestion of the medium-sized alga with an increase in copepod size was significantly greater than the increase in rate of ingestion of the small alga. It is hypothesized that the perception of chemical signals from the small alga by a copepod decreases as the copepod moults from stage to stage. The rate of ingestion of the large alga by copepod stage V (CV) and adult females was lower than the rate of ingestion of the medium-sized alga at mid- and high phytoplankton concentrations. The amount of nitrogen ingested when the medium-sized alga alone was offered was either higher than (stage C II) or not significantly different from that when the three algae were offered together (stage C IV). Ingestion rates are reduced when there is a multialgal food source. This implies that there is increased stability in the ocean because multiparticle food sources are more slowly depleted than unialgal foods. Weight-specific ingestion rates of copepods fed the three algae simultaneously increased from nauplius to stage C III and then decreased as adulthood approached. The contribution of the small alga to the total amount of nitrogen ingesied was greatest for naupliar stages while the contribution of the medium-sized cells was greater for later stages. The largest alga was readily ingested by stage C V and adult females but never contributed more than 25% of the nitrogen ingested. Eight to 12% of the nitrogen ingested by adult females was from the small alga. It is hypothesized that the algal cell size for maximum nitrogen ingestion in upwelled waters is relatively small, round or square and close to the size threshold below which adult females do not sense individual cells.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is a well-recognised agent in the evolution of sperm and ejaculate structure, as well as variation in female quality. Models of the evolution of ejaculate expenditure predict that male body condition, female fecundity and the risk and intensity of sperm competition may be the ultimate factors shaping optimal ejaculate size. We investigated sperm allocation in Austropotamobius italicus, a freshwater crayfish exhibiting a coercive mating system and external fertilisation, in relation to male and female traits and copulation behaviour under laboratory conditions. We found that mating males were sensitive to female size and produced larger ejaculates when mating with larger females, which were more fecund in terms of number of eggs produced. We found no evidence for female egg production being sperm-limited, as the number of eggs was not dependent on male sperm expenditure. Copulation duration and number of ejaculations reliably predicted the amount of sperm transferred, and both these behavioural measures positively covaried with female body size. These results indicate that male freshwater crayfish can modulate their sperm expenditure in accordance with cues that indicate female fecundity. In addition, a novel finding that emerged from this study is the decrease in sperm expenditure with male body size, which may either suggest that large, old male crayfish are better able than small males to economise sperm at a given mating to perform multiple matings during a reproductive season, or that they experience senescence of their reproductive performance.  相似文献   

When parental care is costly, parents should avoid caring for unrelated young. Therefore, it is an advantage to discriminate between related and unrelated offspring so that parents can make informed decisions about parental care. In the present study, we test the hypothesis that male sand gobies (Pomatoschistus minutus) recognize and differentially care for their own offspring when given a choice between a nest with sired eggs and a second nest with eggs sired by an unrelated male. The sand goby is a species with exclusive and costly paternal care. Male parasitic spawnings (e.g., sneaking) as well as nest takeovers by other males are common. Our results show that nests containing sired eggs were preferred and received significantly more care, as measured by nest building and nest occupancy, than nests with foreign eggs even when males cared for both nests. These findings suggest that males respond to paternity cues and recognize their own clutches. Relative clutch size also had a significant effect on male parental care. When sired clutches were larger than foreign clutches, males preferred to care for their own nest. In the few cases where males chose to take care of foreign nests, the foreign clutch was larger than their own clutch. Taken together, our results provide evidence that both paternity cues and clutch size influence parenting decisions among male sand gobies.  相似文献   

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