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文章介绍环境敏感区百重7井区开发过程中的环境保护工作,为尽量降低油田开发过程中对环境的负面影响,对环境保护长效机制进行初步探索。通过油田开发前、钻井过程中、生产运行中、施工作业中各环节的环境保护技术措施的实施,节约了大量清水与天然气,实现了水资源与热能的循环利用,采出液能耗降低,废气与排放量减小。  相似文献   

新型环保钻井液体系研究综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了减少钻井废物对环境的污染,国内外钻井工作者注重研究及开发新型的环保型钻井液体系,如合成基钻井液体系、聚合醇钻井液体系、多元醇钻井液体系、甲酸盐钻井液体系、烷基葡萄糖苷钻井液体系、硅酸盐钻井液体系、化肥钻井液体系、有机盐钻井液体系等。对各种环保钻井液的特点进行了分析,并对环保型钻井液的发展方向进行了预测和探讨。  相似文献   

通过研究高含硫气田钻井完井后套管保护液对钻井废水处理效果的影响,可知:采用混凝/二次絮凝/吸附工艺处理不含套管保护液的钻井废水时,出水COD<150 mg/L;当套管保护液加量>0.5 mL/L时,出水中COD随套管保护液用量增加而急剧升高,远大于150 mg/L;采用混凝/吸附/微电解组合工艺处理含套管保护液的完井钻井废水,出水COD<150 mg/L,满足GB 8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》二级标准的要求。  相似文献   

我国页岩气开发钻井废物污染防治技术进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国在逐步加大页岩气开发力度的同时,也在加大页岩气开发过程中的环保技术研究,以促进页岩气开发绿色可持续发展。文章分析了页岩气开发过程中钻井废物处理存在的主要问题,针对这些问题,介绍了环保型钻井液、水基钻井废物处理与资源化、油基钻井废物处理与资源化等技术及其应用进展。提出了强化源头控制,从钻井液、井身结构设计、钻完井等方面进行全面管控,提高钻井液的循环使用效率,研发高效的废液净化工艺,降低钻井废物的产出,并实现钻井废物资源化的发展思路。  相似文献   

废弃水基钻井液的利用──MTC固井技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
治理与利用废弃钻井液是油气田环境保护的主要研究课题之一。MTC固井技术是在废弃钻井液中加入固化剂和化学处理剂使之转变为固井液,研究结果表明:只要固化剂、化学处理剂及配方选择得当,可使废弃钻井液转化为MTC固井液,这样既可节的固井成本,又为解决废弃钻井液的环境污染问题提供了一条行之有效的途径。  相似文献   

油气钻井节能减排及清洁生产措施实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从钻井作业各环节进一步采取节能减排措施,对企业环境保护极为重要。结合四川油气田钻井作业实际,从生产过程中的八个环节较详细地分析论述了节能减排清洁生产的主要措施,以龙岗10井为清洁生产示范工程,介绍了其清洁生产与节能减排所取得的绩效,处理后水质达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)一级标准,清洁生产主要指标达到中国石油天然气集团公司规定的钻井清洁生产指标的二级指标要求。  相似文献   

空气钻井与常规钻井相比,可以显著提高钻井效率。由于空气钻井实际应用时间较短,给油气田环境保护带来的难题亟需解决,与环保相关的配套技术还需完善,如粉尘的扩散、泡沫钻井液的回收等。文章根据塔里木油田大北X井空气钻井现场试验,分析了空气钻井条件下环境问题的成因,提出了相应的解决方法,并对一些油田未运用的环保配套技术作了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

在钻井、完井、井下作业等油气田开发生产过程中,会产生钻井泥浆压滤液、压井液、洗井液、压裂和酸化返排液等含油钻修井废水,这些废水组成复杂难处理,无法直接外排或回注。文章对冀东油田钻修井废水的水质特性及组成进行分析,开发了1套钻修井废水一体化处理技术,介绍了电催化、絮凝沉降、铁碳微电解、多级砂滤等核心工艺,开展了絮凝剂、助凝剂及pH值调节剂的最佳条件试验研究。研究结果表明:最佳药剂添加浓度分别为絮凝剂50 mg/L、助凝剂6 mg/L,最佳絮凝效果反应条件pH值为9。同时,现场试验应用结果表明:该工艺处理后的污水水质能够达到SY/T 5329—2012《碎屑岩油藏注水水质指标及分析方法》相关指标要求,实现了钻修井废水的合规化处置。  相似文献   

0 引 言 2000年6月至12月,长庆石油勘探局(以下简称长庆局)承包了壳牌公司长北区块“长1井”、“长2井”两口井的钻井和压裂、试气施工作业任务,通过施工,按照壳牌公司要求,不仅为我们提供了科学的钻井技术和井下作业技术,还带来了先进、系统的环境保护管理技术和方法,使我们颇受启发。 1 HSE管理体系的应用 壳牌公司在生产组织中,严格按照规范的HSE管理模式进行运作,即按照戴明PDCA循环模型,在计划(P)、行动(D)、检查(C)和改进(A)4个环节的循环过程中不断前进。壳牌公司认为第4个环节为反馈,即要按反馈的信息进行…  相似文献   

高95井硫化氢处理及防治措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析总结了硫化氢对钻井的影响及在钻井中应注意的事项,并结合胜利油田高95井现场取芯钻井过程中硫化氢六次高显示的处理工艺,提出了主要防治措施,对该区块的高含硫化氢井有参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The CO2SINK project in Ketzin represents a field laboratory for the storage of CO2 in a 650-m deep saline aquifer. The project is accompanied by a microbiological monitoring programme to characterise the composition and activity of the autochthonous microbial community in rock and brine samples and their changes in response to CO2 storage. A prerequisite of these studies is the acquisition of samples free of contamination from microorganisms and organic and inorganic components. Drilling mud and technical fluids are the main sources of contamination. This study describes the application of the fluorescent dye tracers fluorescein and rhodamine B as contamination controls for rock core and brine samples. Fluorescein was added to drilling mud that was used during the coring phase of the Ketzin wells Ktzi 200, 201 and 202. In addition, total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations, reflecting the carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) component of the drilling mud, were determined to verify the tracer results. The fluorescence and TOC analyses revealed that drilling mud filtrate penetrated the outer 20 mm of mildly permeable sandstone cores. Rhodamine B was added to brines that were used to displace the drilling mud and to flush the wells after completion. The tracer monitoring during the discharge of drilling mud and displacement brines from the wells during hydraulic tests and nitrogen lifts enabled the quantification of reservoir fluid quality. After the production of 140–190 m3 (16–21 borehole volumes) of fluid, the drilling mud concentration was reduced to about 0.05%. The use of fluorescein emerged as a field-capable, sensitive and reliable method during the sampling of rock core and formation brine samples.  相似文献   


We have survived Canada's assault on our identity and our rights … Our survival is a testament to our determination and will to survive as a people. We are prepared to participate in Canada's future—but only on the terms that we believe to be our rightful heritage.

Wallace Labillois, Council of Elders, Kingsclear, New Brunswick

This paper argues for a strengthening of the theoretical relationship between neo-liberalism and environmental justice. Empirical research involving First Nations communities in southwestern Ontario suggests that neo-liberal reforms introduced in the mid-1990s were particularly discriminatory against Canada's indigenous peoples, serving to exacerbate historical disparities in health, environment pollution, and well-being. In particular, under neo-liberal reform in Ontario, recognition of environmental injustices has become much more difficult for First Nations communities. Furthermore, this ‘new’ form of environmental governance has broadly reduced legitimate opportunities for First Nations to participate in environmental governance that affects their health and welfare. In short, this research supports a widening of the definition of environmental justice advocated by David Schlosberg and others (Environmental Politics, 13(3) (2004), pp. 517–540; Agyeman, Bullard and Evans 2003 Agyeman, J., Bullard, R. D. and Evans, B. 2003a. “Joined-up thinking: bringing together sustainability, environmental justice and equity”. In Just Sustainabilities: Development in an Unequal World, Edited by: Agyeman, J., Bullard, R. D. and Evans, B. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.  [Google Scholar]; Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment, Research Advisory committee 1997; Di Chiro 1998 Di Chiro, Giovanna. 1998. “Environmental Justice from the Grassroots: Reflections on History, Gender and Expertise”. In The Struggle for Ecological Democracy: Environmental Justice Movements in the United States, Edited by: Faber, D. NY: Guilford.  [Google Scholar]) if we are to understand the subtle, complex and multiple ways that this new form of environmental governance is particularly harmful to marginalized groups, such as First Nations in Canada.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action

John Friedmann. Princeton University Press, 1987, 501pp.

New Communities for Urban Squatters: Lessons from the Plan that Failed in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Charles L. Choguill, Plenum Press, New York 1987, pp. 213.

Models of Urban and Regional Systems in Developing Countries

George Chadwick, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1987, xv +320pp.

Price: £17.50.  相似文献   

While the oil industry along the Atlantic coast of Cameroon has made important contributions to the national economy, this has been accompanied with adverse environmental impacts. There has been significant pollution from oil drilling, refinery waste, oil spillage, gas and flaring. After discussing these impacts, this paper argues that prevailing regulations are inadequate and need overhauling. It proposes that cleaner production requires:
specific laws to protect dwellers in the neighbourhood of oil refineries, filling stations, service stations and pipelines;  相似文献   

Book reviews     
The Economics of Art and Culture: An American Perspective

James Heilbrun & Charles M. Gray

New York, Cambridge University Press, 1993, 378 pp., £14.95 pb

Building Cities that Work

Edmund Fowler

Montreal & Kingston, McGill‐Queen's University Press, 1992, 315 pp.

Interactive Decision Making: The Graph Model for Conflict Resolution

Liping Fang, Keith W. Hipel & D. Marc Kilgour

New York, Wiley, 1993, 221 pp., £49.50

The Politics of Nature: Explorations in Green Political Theory

Andrew Dobson & Paul Lucardie (Eds)

London, Routledge, 1993, 240 pp. + xv, £37.50

Urban Transport in Asia: An Operational Agenda for the 1990s, World Bank

Technical Paper No. 224

Peter Midgley

Washington, DC, The World Bank, 1994, 98 pp.

Landscape Ecology: Theory and Application, 2nd edition

Zev Naveh & Arthur Lieberman

New York, Springer‐Verlag, £34.50  相似文献   

While the contemporary biomimicry movement is associated primarily with the idea of taking Nature as model for technological innovation, it also contains a normative or ethical principle—Nature as measure—that may be treated in relative isolation from the better known principle of Nature as model. Drawing on discussions of the principle of Nature as measure put forward by Benyus (Biomimicry: innovation inspired by nature, Harper Perennial, New York, 1997) and Jackson (Consulting the genius of place: an ecological approach to a new agriculture, Counterpoint, Berkeley, 2010, Nature as measure: the selected essays of Wes Jackson, Counterpoint, Berkeley, 2011), while at the same time situating these discussions in relation to contemporary debates in the philosophy of biomimicry (Mathews in Organ Environ 24(4): 364–387, 2011; Dicks in Philos Technol, doi: 10.1007/s13347-015-0210-2, 2015; Blok and Gremmen in J Agric Environ Ethics 29(2):203–217, 2016), the aim of this paper is to explore the relation between the principle of Nature as measure and environmental ethics. This leads to the argument that mainstream formulations of environmental ethics share the common trait of seeing our ethical relation to Nature as primarily involving duties to protect, preserve, or conserve various values in Nature, and that, in doing so, they problematically either overlook or dismiss as anthropocentric the possibility that Nature may provide measures, understood in terms of ecological standards, against which our own practices, or at least some of them, may be judged—a way of thinking I call “biomimetic ethics”. The practical consequences of this argument are significant. Whereas mainstream environmental ethics has been applied above all to such issues as wilderness preservation, natural resource management, and animal rights and welfare, biomimetic ethics is applicable rather to the question of how we produce, use, and consume things, and, as such, may potentially provide the basic ethical framework required to underpin the transition to a circular, bio-based, solar economy.  相似文献   

It is the contention of this paper that some progress in alleviating the social and environmental problems which are beginning to face Papua New Guinea can be achieved by supporting traditional Melanesian values through maintaining the customary system of communal land tenure. In accordance with this aim, I will proceed to contrast certain Western attitudes towards individual freedom, selfinterested behaviour, individual and communal interests and private ownership with attitudes and values expressed in the traditional Melanesian approach. In order to demonstrate the latter, I will briefly touch upon the phenomenon of wantokism and indicate how the Melanesian values associated with this concept find their locus in the system of customary communal ownership. Subsequently, I will describe how the emergence of a cash economy and the attachment to Western gadgetry and products have effected injury to the environment and undermined values which have previously maintained Melanesian social cohesion. While admitting that little can be done to eradicate the desire for cash and the products it can buy, I suggest that Melanesian communities and the environment itself would receive more protection if future development in Papua New Guinea embraced a system which incorporated certain of the traditional Melanesian values through the preservation of the communal form of land tenure. Ultimately, I suggest a way in which customary communal land tenure can be integrated into the established Anglo-Australian legal system.  相似文献   

Summary Welfare, or satisfaction of wants, is not only dependent on produced goods but also on the quality of the environment, leisure time, income distribution, working conditions, employment and the safety of the future.The same amount of production and consumption requires more labour with environmental conservation than without. Under current conditions, environmental measures, nevertheless, often lead to a loss of jobs. The paper enunciates in which conditions environmental measures lead to more employment. In the scenario study the necessary environmental measures have been formulated, their effects on the environment have been estimated in physical terms and their costs in money terms. The (negative) consequences for production and the (positive) consequences for employment have been scanned with the aid of an econometric model.In the short term (20 years) the effect on production is less than expected, among others because employment is created for many jobless: part of the measures could be carried out free of charge. In the long term more measures have to be taken and the possibilities for an ever-growing production in the industrialized world will probably diminish.In the paper, it is explained why saving the environment is not only possible, but necessary as well, in order to evade overshoots in the future and to safeguard the living conditions for generations to come. The author sincerely hopes that studies like this will be elaborated for other countries. By then the politicians and the public might become convinced that it is possible and necessary to shift the priority of economic policy to saving the environment.Dr Roefie Hueting is Head of the Department for Environment Statistics, of the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics. In 1970, he published Wat is de natuur ons waard? (What is nature's value to us?), a collection of articles from the years 1967–1970 on the deterioration of the environment, and economic growth. In 1974, he took (cum laude) a doctor's degree, his thesis being entitled Nieuwe schaarste en economische groei. An updated version in English has been published, in 1980, under the title New Scarcity and Economic Growth. He has published numerous papers and articles on environmental problems, both in Dutch and English, for seminars, periodicals and collections.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of a national project investigating Australian local government (LG) attempts to deliver beneficial environmental outcomes. It briefly describes the extensive environmental planning, management and protection roles played by Australian LGs. It notes that these roles are poorly documented within the academic literature, and makes a case for fundamental research to better understand LGs and their work from the inside. It describes this project's use of grounded theory methods in gathering and analysing 34 case studies of Australian LG environmental initiatives. The inside perspectives represented by the papers show that Australian LG environmental work:
  • extends beyond its statutory requirements;

  • is novel and creative;

  • endures by balancing ecological, social and economic values;

  • demonstrates different patterns depending on its planning, management or protection focus; and

  • usually involves environmental strategists with long-term, passionate commitments to local environmental values.


Large-scale injections of CO2 into subsurface saline aquifers have been proposed to remediate climate change related to buildup of green house gases in the atmosphere. The pressure buildup caused by such injections may impact a volume of the basin significantly larger than the CO2 plume itself. In areas with hydrological settings similar to the Gulf Coast Basin, the perturbation of the flow-field in deep parts of the basin could result in brines or brackish water being pushed up-dip into unconfined sections of the same formations or into the capture zone of fresh-water wells. The premise of the current study is that the details of multiple-phase flow processes necessary to model the near field evolution of the CO2 plume are not necessary to describe the impact of the pressure anomaly on up-dip aquifers. This paper quantitatively explores conditions under which shallow groundwater would be impacted by up-dip displacement of brines, utilizing an existing carefully calibrated flow model. Modeling an injection of water, arguably equivalent to 50 million tons of CO2/year for 50 years resulted in an average water-table rise of 1 m, with minor increase in stream baseflow and larger increase in ground water evapotranspiration, but no significant change in salinity.  相似文献   

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