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/ The management of lands adjacent to federally designated wilderness is increasingly seen to have the potential to negatively impact wilderness resources and management objectives. This paper first examines the numerous and often conflicting laws and regulations that influence how managers can mitigate transboundary issues. We then examine the various types of transboundary issues, and describe how they impact wilderness resources. Transboundary issues include recreational use, extractive activities, fire management, exotic species introductions, aircraft overflights and military operations, water diversion, urban encroachment, and transported pollutants. KEY WORDS: Adjacent lands; Buffer zones; Ecosystem management; Wilderness; Zones of influence  相似文献   

Campsite impact on three western Wilderness areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Campsites were studied in subalpine forests in the Eagle Cap Wilderness in Oregon, and in the Mission Mountains Tribal Wilderness and the Rattlesnake Wilderness in Montana. Research objectives were to examine ecological changes on these sites and the extent to which these changes become more pronounced as use increases For most parameters measured, impact on campsites used for only a few nights per year exceeds threshold values beyond which further increases in use have little effect Loss of litter, tree root exposure, and site enlargement are the major types of alteration that are more pronounced on sites occupied more frequently than several nights per year In heavily used parts of backcountry areas, this suggests that ecological change can be minimized by limiting use to a small number of sites In the three areas studied, campsite occupancy rates would probably have to be no higher than a few nights per year before dispersal of use among a large number of sites would be an ecologically sound strategy  相似文献   

This article deals with wilderness politics in relationship to values and public participation; these terms are defined for the purpose of the study. It is argued that the survival, quantity, and quality of wilderness everywhere will basically be determined by the political and governmental processes through values. Yet there is a strong tendency in these processes to avoid value exposure and emphasis.Much of governmental approach toward wilderness affairs hinges upon economic development, technoscientific facts, and short-term considerations, in contrast to the intangible noneconomic and long-term values of wilderness. By not articulating nd involving wilderness values more in public participation and the political processes, the public often misses opportunities for influencing far-reaching wilderness decisions. In short, wilderness values need to be more explicitly and implicitly stated and implemented politically.More study and emphasis need to be given to wilderness values per se. It is necessary to develop more innovative ways of educating the public on wilderness values in terms of their lives and of ensuring that their value inputs are effectively incorporated into public participation and political processes. The last section of this article is devoted to efforts by the author and others to identify and describe wilderness tropical forest values.  相似文献   

Summary In the current push for wildland preservation it is imperative to consider the inherent value of wilderness as a medium for improving psychological health. As Fritz Perls and other Gestalt psychologists have pointed out, we are living in an increasingly complex social structure which is causing us to lose touch with our ‘inner voice’—the voice that Perls claimed could tell us how to maintain organismic health and balance, if only we paid attention to it. He emphasized the need for an individual to become self-aware and self-responsible in order to reach psychological maturity (internal versus external support). However learning and developing self-awareness need not occur in a therapeutic setting alone. The process of personal growth may be greatly expedited by spending time in a wilderness setting. Environmentalists have long known about the healing powers of nature. From Thoreau to Abbey, they have pointed out the unique qualities of wilderness—simplicity and impartiality—which, in contrast to a complex, value-governed society, make it an ideal setting for self-exploration and understanding. People who experience the wilderness can return empowered to act as responsible, aware human beings, in a currently unhealthy, dehumanizing society. Ms. Suttie is a native of Northern California where the natural beauty of rugged coastline and wooded hills impressed upon her the importance of preserving the environment. Ms. Suttie completed her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry-Molecular Biology at the University of California, Santa Barbara (1981) and is presently involved in the master of Arts programme in Confluent Education, also at UCSB. She is studying under the direction of Dr George Brow, a noted Gestalt therapist. She hopes to combine the insights of the Gestalt approach with her particular interest—environmental education. Ms. Suttie has traveled extensively in Europe and the US and spent a year at St. Andrew's University, Scotland while an undergraduate. An avid backpacker, she has hiked the major mountain ranges of the Pacific northwest. Currently a resident of Santa Barbara, California, she finds the nearby San Rafael Wilderness and the coastal ranges ideal as settings for testing out her theories regarding the relationship between health and wilderness experience. Little is to be expected of that day... to which we are not awakened by our Genius, but by the mechanical nudgings of some servitor, are not awakened by our own newly acquired force and aspirations from within, accompanied by the undulations of celestial music, instead of factory bells...  相似文献   

Zink, Jason M., Gregory D. Jennings, and G. Alexander Price, 2012. Morphology Characteristics of Southern Appalachian Wilderness Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 762‐773. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00647.x Abstract: Watersheds without urbanization or impacts from logging are rare in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The Joyce Kilmer/Slickrock Wilderness of North Carolina and Tennessee contains 24 km2 of old‐growth forest, with the balance of the wilderness in a mature second‐growth forest. The watersheds of Little Santeetlah and Slickrock Creek are located within the wilderness. Morphological information, including channel dimensions and longitudinal profiles, was gathered from 14 alluvial stream reaches in these watersheds. The study sites had drainage areas from 0.25 to 41.6 km2 and stream slopes from 0.014 to 0.104 m/m. Bankfull cross‐section dimensions of the study stream reaches were strongly correlated to drainage area across the observed range of slopes and bed morphology. Cross‐section area and width relationships for the streams in this study did not differ significantly from regional curves for the mountain physiographic region of North Carolina. Observations of these reaches did not suggest a definitive rule regarding the proportion of steps and riffles in streams. Pools occupied greater than 50% of the length in all stream reaches with slopes less than 0.07 m/m. Significant correlation existed between step height ratio and slope, suggesting that step height can be approximated as the product of channel width and slope. Riffle length and riffle slope ratios were also significantly correlated with slope, though pool spacing was not.  相似文献   

The United States and Finland have passed laws to classify and manage Arctic wilderness areas, but their national policies are based on different nature ideologies. Finns tend to perceive wilderness as a human-centered idea, while Americans are inclined to see the same land from a nature-based point of view. Rural residents in the Arctic, and especially indigenous peoples, use motorized vehicles for hunting and gathering in wilderness areas. Attempts of southern-based environmental groups to restrict motor use by imposing a nature-based ideology on rural residents in northern Alaska will result in high levels of political conflict. Alaska land managers need to respect the minority rights of rural residents and a study of wilderness policies in Finnish Lapland is instructive toward this end.  相似文献   

Much of the forest wealth on the plains and in the hilly areas of India has been foolishly destroyed, and the rich heritage of wildlife has been slaughtered mostly for only temporary gain. The wanton axing of the larger indigenous trees and the uprooting of other floristic elements in the hills and on the lower slopes of the mountains, gradually impoverishes them, and may be followed by erosion that ultimately leaves the slopes barren. These alarming threats to the chir (Pinus roxburghii) and fir (Abies pindrow) forests of Kashmir will have disastrous consequences. Once densely-forested, the mountain slopes in Kashmir have become largely naked through too-heavy tapping and cutting of the trees; with concomitant landslides, frequent floods, and loss of fertile topsoil. Unfortunately, the people living in the areas of the chir and fir trees, do not play a proper part in their protection, and the last two decades have witnessed, year by year, the rapid march of urbanization and manifold destructive activities which have taken a heavy toll on these precious species. Urgent conservation measures are essential to preserve these endangered trees in Kashmir.  相似文献   

Wilderness managers are charged with the challenging goal of balancing resource protection and experience quality across a broad, value-laden landscape. While research has provided insight into visitors’ motivations and their meanings for wilderness, a struggle exists to implement experiential concepts within current management frameworks. This research posits the human experience of wilderness to be an evolving, enduring relationship, and that research needs can be addressed by conceptualizing and investigating an individuals’ personal wilderness relationship. The purpose of this study was to explore wilderness relationships of visitors to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. A predictive model was proposed to investigate the internal dimensions of a visitor’s wilderness relationship. A mail-back questionnaire was distributed during the summer of 2007, resulting in a sample of 564 respondents. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Results from testing several relationship models provided support for a multidimensional structure consisting of five factors with a single overarching relationship factor. The preferred relationship model indicated the importance of identities and attachment in place relationships. Trust and commitment toward management were also important considerations. This research provided the preliminary evidence for a multidimensional wilderness relationship model and complements a perspective of wilderness experiences as wilderness. Findings may help to reframe decision-making and public-input processes that guide management actions to increased wilderness character protection and facilitate quality wilderness experiences.  相似文献   

This study assessed long-term recovery of vegetation on six wilderness campsites in subalpine forests in Oregon that were closed to use and that received common restoration treatments (scarification, soil amendments, mulch, transplanting, and seeding). Vegetation cover was assessed every year for the first 7 years following treatment, as well as 10 and 15 years after treatment. This made it possible to compare long-term treatment effectiveness to short-term efficacy. Plots that were closed and not scarified had virtually no vegetation cover even after 15 years without use. If long-used campsites in these subalpine forests are simply closed and allowed to recover on their own, restoration of undisturbed conditions will require hundreds if not thousands of years. Study results show, however, that simple treatments can accelerate recovery rates substantially. Scarification and transplanting were highly effective treatments, with seeding and soil amendment with organic matter and compost also contributing to success, but to a lesser degree. The use of a mulch mat, in contrast, had no effect, either positive or negative. Assessments of success conducted within the first few years of treatment overestimate treatment efficacy, particularly the effectiveness of soil amendments and seeding.  相似文献   

Wilderness permits are valuable tools for recording backcountry use patterns. They provide a valuable basis upon which management decisions are made. Unfortunately, significant inaccuracies in reporting permit data result from noncompliance, transmission errors, and changes in visitor plans. Data from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California show that in 1978, 97 percent of the parties obtained wilderness permits. Changes in visitor plans resulted in an over-reporting of total persons by 8 percent and of visitor nights by 23 percent. The latter was due primarily to shortening of trip length. Over-reporting was greatest when permits were issued well in advance of the trip. Backcountry managers should be aware of possible inaccuracies in permit data and may want to adjust for them under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

/ The underlying premise of this study is that wilderness areas attract visitors desiring or expecting different wilderness experiences. In this study, wilderness areas were dichotomized according to distance from a large urban center (urban-proximate vs urban-distant). Four wilderness areas in southern California were used as the study sites. Comparisons were made on selected attributes commonly associated with the wilderness experience. Differences were observed on a number of variables such as acceptable number and type of encounters with other visitors, management preferences, and preferred group sizes. The findings of this study are congruent with those from previous studies and suggest that distance to large urban centers may be a functional variable in explaining differences among selected wilderness attributes.KEY WORDS: Expectancy theory; Normative standards; Wilderness; Wilderness experience; Urbanization  相似文献   

Under the United States Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977, a class I designation safeguards wilderness areas from the negative effects of new sources of air pollution. We monitored streamwater chemistry in the class I Lye Brook Wilderness in southwestern Vermont from May 1994 through August 1995. Stream samples were collected biweekly at nine sampling locations throughout the wilderness and were analyzed for major cations and anions, dissolved organic carbon, pH, and acid-neutralizing capacity. Eight of nine sites sampled had mean annual acid neutralizing capacity values below zero. During the study period, decreases in streamwater acid neutralizing capacity values were caused primarily by SO4 2−. At some sites, however, NO3 and naturally occurring, weak organic acids were seasonally important. During high discharge, the low pH and high concentrations of inorganic monomeric Al were at levels that are toxic to acid-sensitive aquatic species. Watershed mass balances were calculated to determine annual gains or losses for measured ions. These budgets indicate that S inputs and outputs were nearly equal, there was a net loss of base cations, and a net gain in N. How long these watersheds can continue to assimilate additional N inputs is unknown.  相似文献   

Southeastern Utah is a region of world-renowned red-rock sandstone formations, large tracts of federal public land, rural communities centered on agriculture and extractive industries, and is often at the epicenter of environmental protection efforts in the western United States. Environmental groups have proposed formal Wilderness designations for much of the regions public land—proposals that have been actively fought by rural community leaders who do not want large areas locked-up from traditional livelihood and recreational uses. The debate over wilderness designation in the region has been characterized in the media as one that is particularly contentious and polarizing. A survey of southeastern Utah residents was conducted in order to better understand this conflict. The survey focused on attitudes toward wilderness designation and management. We found that residents of southeastern Utah have negative attitudes towards the designation and management of Wilderness Study Areas. We propose that these attitudes should be carefully considered and engaged in future policy and management decisions. We suggest that negative opinions expressed by residents of southeastern Utah are not directed primarily at the concept of environmental protection but rather at the strong perception that these programs and initiatives have been carried out in a heavy-handed manner and dominated by outside influences that have overwhelmed local voices.  相似文献   

Wilderness campsite impacts: Do managers and visitors see them the same?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human-induced impacts from recreational use of wilderness continue to be a significant management challenge, threatening the integrity of the wilderness resource and the quality of visitor experiences. Campsite impacts are of particular concern to managers. One approach to this problem is the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) planning system, which focuses attention on the question, “How much change in wilderness conditions is acceptable?” The research reported here compares and contrasts wilderness manager and visitor perceptions of theacceptability of different levels of campsite impacts,amount of impact, and perceptual zoning of wilderness. The results reinforce previous findings regarding differences between managers and visitors. Management implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The newly instituted management plan for the Pemigewasset Wilderness area of New Hampshire, USA, which relies principally on providing information to visitors, represents a departure from traditional plans. Logit analysis of survey data indicates limited evidence of the plan having much direct impact on visitor behavior. There is evidence of success in information dissemination to area users; however, the type of information that is being relayed to backcountry users does not appear to be that which the management plan is attempting to promote.  相似文献   

Concerns over the increasing popularity of wilderness recreation have resulted in attempts to determine the amount of use that different areas can tolerate without adverse affects to the resource. Early attempts to establish recreational carrying capacities focused on managers' assessments of biophysical impacts. The perceptions of wilderness visitors, however, are now considered integral to capacity decisions. This study used a stress appraisal framework to understand wilderness visitors' perceptions of on-site conditions. It was based on the premise that negative appraisals of wilderness conditions produce stress and that individual perceptions vary based on personal and situational characteristics. The purpose of the study was to assess the validity of a wilderness-hassles appraisal scale by testing hypothesized relationships between experience-use history (EUH), place attachment, and stress appraisal. Data collection occurred through a postal survey of hikers (n = 385) contacted in the High Peaks and Pemigewasset Wilderness Areas during the summer of 2004. An exploratory factor analysis indicated that stress appraisal is a multi-dimensional construct. Validity testing procedures were restricted to those dimensions that were consistent between study areas and provided partial support for the hassles scale. As hypothesized, EUH did not influence perceptions of wilderness conditions. Place attachment, on the other hand, was positively correlated with stressful appraisals of social and managerial conditions. Although Kruskall Wallis tests revealed significant differences in visitors' perceptions of managerial conditions between study sites, perceptions of social conditions did not vary significantly. Implications for management and recommendations for further refinement of the wilderness hassles construct are discussed.  相似文献   

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