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根据自治区人大常委会 1999年工作要点安排 ,依法推动我区工业污染源治理达标排放工作 ,落实 1996年国务院《关于加强环境保护工作若干问题的决定》中规定的“一控双达标”的治理目标 ,由自治区人大常委会牵头 ,组成“’99天山环保世纪行”组委会。自治区人大常委会副主任许鹏和自治区副主席王怀玉带队 ,自治区人大常委会委员伊明·米满夏、苏黎堂马木提·买买提玉素甫、伊布拉音·哈力克、自治区政府副秘书长阿尤甫·铁依甫以及自治区人大环资委、自治区计委、经贸委、环保局、电力局、轻工厅、化工厅、兵团经贸委、兵团环保局有关负责同志…  相似文献   

多慌嘎坝是刚果(布)古依路省幕屋第区一个十分偏僻的原始部落。2008年9月中旬,中建公司10多名施工人员来到这里帮该国修建国家一号公路。公路两旁都是莽莽原始森林,渺无人烟.于是,他们就在待修的公路边一个相对平坦的坡顶上,推出一块700平方米的空地建设住房。不料,他们竟因此遭遇了一场意想不到的灭顶之灾……  相似文献   

“教学做一体化”课程有利于理论教学与实践教学相结合,有利于高职学校长期健康的发展。“教学做一体化”教学模式是基于实际工作过程导向,以工作中典型项目任务引领,激发学生兴趣,以满足培养高等技能型人才的迫切需要。一体化课程的构建应通过项目设立、建立小组、实施、反馈等环节完成。  相似文献   

Managing the activities of commercial wildlife viewing tends to involve either restricting the number of industry participants and/or regulating the activities or industry participants. We report on operator compliance with regulations regarding humans swimming with free-ranging bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops sp.) in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. A total of 128 commercial dolphin-swim trips was studied between September 1998 and April 2000. Four permit conditions were investigated: approach type, swim time, time in proximity of dolphins, and presence of "fetal fold" calves. Results demonstrate noncompliance by operators to all of the four permit conditions studied. Compliance with temporal conditions was poorer than with other conditions. When conducting studies on the extent to which tourism affects cetaceans, investigators should consider whether tourist operations comply with existing regulations or guidelines.  相似文献   

从考察洞庭湖湿地生态特征入手,探讨了"平退"工程对洞庭湖区湿地生态环境的影响,认为通过"平退"防洪标准较低或影响江湖行蓄洪水的洲滩民垸以扩大江湖槽蓄来提高江湖调蓄洪水的能力,"平退"工程不但不会破坏湖区湿地生态环境,反而会使湖洲草滩及候鸟等越冬环境得到稳定和改善.同时,提出了保护洞庭湖湿地的相关对策.  相似文献   

本文回顾了从1972年斯德哥尔摩联合国人类环境会议到2002年约翰内斯堡联合国可持续发展首脑会议(WSSD)的历程,提出了解决环境与发展问题以及实施可持续发展战略过程中值得认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

正弦振动试验是试验室经常采用的振动方式,对应正弦振动试验国家标准GB/T2423.10应用非常广泛。本文介绍了该标准的用途、制修订背景等,在此基础上分析了现行正弦振动试验国家标准GB/T2423.10—2008与正在修订的6B/T2423.10—201×之间的异同之处,并指明了此标准应用中的几点注意的问题。  相似文献   

This paper provides applications of the integrated assessment (IA) approach in a case study in the Heihe River Basin of Northwest China. Some socio-economic and ecological impact results of forestry land use scenarios are presented in the paper. While seven types of land use scenarios for carbon sequestration purposes were considered for the IA applications, this paper mainly presents impacts of land use scenarios within the Grain for Green (GFG) category [see Yin et al., this volume]. China's national Grain for Green Project was implemented in order to protect and improve ecosystems, while allowing an evolution of agricultural management practices compatible with raising peasants' incomes. Zhangye Prefecture, located in the Heihe River Basin of an arid area in Northwest China, was chosen as the investigation site of the IA case study. Based on fundamental orientation theory, the social sustainability impacts of GFG land use options were assessed. Between 2002 and 2004, the GFG project brought US$23.56 million yuan in net income to the prefecture's peasants. Project implementation resulted in a 1.71 Gg increase in net primary productivity (NPP), as well as a 44.36 Gg rise in net ecosystem productivity (NEP). This suggested that, in Zhangye Prefecture, the Grain for Green Project could enhance the sustainability and stability of the local society, increase peasants' net income, as well as protect and remediate local ecosystems.  相似文献   

“老虎”是条狗。小时候,在我的老家豫南农村,家家户户都有养狗的习俗。我的儿时记忆很多都与狗有关,“老虎”就是其中印象很深的一条。从我记事的时候起,“老虎”就在我家,据说作为看家狗它已经活了好些年了。吃饭时,它在腿前转来转去,在桌底出出进进;睡觉时,它为我们守夜;玩耍时,有它伴于身边;走路时,它前前后后地奔跑嬉闹……“老虎”陪伴我度过了多少难忘的童年时光啊!终于有一天,“老虎”不见了,母亲难过地说,“老虎”肯定是被人用“三步倒”毒死了。我当时心里很难过,流出了眼泪。但还是心存侥幸,希望“老虎”还能回来。于是站在老家…  相似文献   

2009年1月1日,《循环经济促进法》正式实施。中国发展循环经济终于实现有法可依的阶段性目标。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Weekly precipitation and stream water samples were collected from small watersheds in Denali National Park, Alaska, the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, and the Calumet watershed on the south shore of Lake Superior, Michigan. The objective was to determine if stream water chemistry at the mouth and upstream stations reflected precipitation chemistry across a range of atmospheric inputs of H+, NH4+, NO3??, and SO42?. Volume-weighted precipitation H+, NH4+, NO3??, and SO42? concentrations varied 4 to 8 fold with concentrations highest at Calumet and lowest in Denali. Stream water chemistry varied among sites, but did not reflect precipitation chemistry. The Denali watershed, Rock Creek, had the lowest precipitation NO3?? and SO42? concentrations, but the highest stream water NO3?and SO42? concentrations. Among sites, the ratio of mean monthly upstream NO3?? concentration to precipitation NO3?- concentration declined (p < 0.001, R2= 0.47) as precipitation NO3?? concentration increased. The ratio of mean monthly upstream to precipitation SO42? concentration showed no significant relationship to change in precipitation SO42? concentration. Watersheds showed strong retention of inorganic N (> 90 percent inputs) across inputs ranging from 0.12 to > 6 kg N ha?1 y?1. Factors possibly accounting for the weak or non-existent signal between stream water and precipitation ion concentrations include rapid modification of meltwater and precipitation chemistry by soil processes, and the presence of unfrozen soils which permits winter mineralization and nitrification to occur.  相似文献   

张鹏 《绿色视野》2009,(3):45-48
随着社会经济和汽车行业的迅速发展,驾驶执照有车族的一种需求,逐渐变成一种时髦,变成了个人能力的一种证明,“你考驾照了吗?”如今,这句话就像曾经“你吃饭了吗”一样,  相似文献   

傲雪 《绿色视野》2009,(2):25-28
人和鸟能对话吗?答案是肯定的。但人与鸟对话,不在于技,而在于心,就像人与人交流一样,只有来自心灵的声音,才能引起对方的共鸣。  相似文献   

安徽省皖北药业股份有限公司是国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,省100户“专、精、特、新”企业之一,省优秀民营科技企业和省医药行业“双优”企业,是集原料药、注射剂、片剂、颗粒剂、胶囊剂为一体并以抗生素发酵原料药为主的综合性医药企业。企业占地20余万平方米,总资产2.2亿元人民币,2007年企业创利税5500万元。  相似文献   

一、“ WT- FG”生物技术简介   1.技术应用情况   香港连宝实业有限公司、美国富美生物工程有限公司运用研制的“ WT- FG”微生物技术对高浓度的工业污水和城市污水以及被污染的河流进行了很有成效的治理。“ WT- FG”生物技术被中国政府列为“中国政府采购技术”。   “ WT- 12”固体微生物具有高度浓缩和高度组合的特点。公司掌握了 1200种微生物,可以针对不同的污水组合为不同的微生物菌剂。这种高效的微生物菌群,每克中含有 10亿~ 60亿个微生物。利用它治理污水,不会产生第二次污染,不会有新的活性污泥产生。公司…  相似文献   

如果我问,你认识英文 26个字母吗?我想你一定会说,这还用问,就连幼儿园的小孩都认识。的确,英文 26个字母太简单、太常用了,不过,今天笔者见到的 26个字母却着实让我这熟知英文的人也“叹为观止”。这 26个字母依次排列,但每个字母却伸出了花、草、鸟、温度计、汽车等动植物及其他物品,每个字母寓意深刻,却又一目了然,你见过吗?这就是福特汽车(中国)公司于今天( 2001年 6月 7日)在其 2001年度“福特汽车环保奖”启动仪式上发给媒体的该奖项目介绍及申请表。申请表谁都见过,不过是白纸黑字的印刷品或是彩色纸页而已,但这份…  相似文献   

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