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Deforestation is recognized as one of the most significant component in LULC and global changes scenario. It is imperative to assess its trend and the rates at which it is occurring. The changes will have long-lasting impact on regional climate and in turn on biodiversity. In North-East India, one of the recognized global biodiversity hotspots, approximately 30% of total forest cover is under pressure of rapid land use changes. This region harbors variety of rare and endemic species of flora and fauna. It also has a strong bearing on regional climatic conditions. Extensive shifting cultivation, compounded by increasing population pressure and demands for agriculture land are the prime drivers in addition to other proximate drivers of deforestation. It is therefore of prime concern to analyse forest cover changes in the region, assess rate of change and extent and to identify the areas, which show repetitive changes. We analyzed forest cover maps from six temporal datasets based on satellite data interpretation, converted to geospatial database since 1972 till 1999. The states of Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura show highest changes in forest cover. Arunachal Pradesh shows least dynamic areas and maintains a good forest cover owing to its topographical inaccessibility in some areas. The present study reports the forest cover changes in the region using geospatial analysis and analyse them to devise proper management strategies.  相似文献   

The availability of Landsat data allows improving the monitoring and assessment of large-scale areas with land cover changes in rapid developing regions. Thus, we pretend to show a combined methodology to assess land cover changes (LCCs) in the Hamoun Wetland region (Iran) over a period of 30-year (1987–2016) and to quantify seasonal and decadal landscape and land use variabilities. Using the pixel-based change detection (PBCD) and the post-classification comparison (PCC), four land cover classes were compared among spring, summer, and fall seasons. Our findings showed for the water class a higher correlation between spring and summer (R2?=?0.94) than fall and spring (R2?=?0.58) seasons. Before 2000, ~?50% of the total area was covered by bare soil and 40% by water. However, after 2000, more than 70% of wetland was transformed into bare soils. The results of the long-term monitoring period showed that fall season was the most representative time to show the inter-annual variability of LCCs monitoring and the least affected by seasonal-scale climatic variations. In the Hamoun Wetland region, land cover was highly controlled by changes in surface water, which in turn responded to both climatic and anthropogenic impacts. We were able to divide the water budget monitoring into three different ecological regimes: (1) a period of high water level, which sustained healthy extensive plant life, and approximately 40% of the total surface water was retained until the end of the hydrological year; (2) a period of drought during high evaporation rates was observed, and a mean wetland surface of about 85% was characterized by bare land; and (3) a recovery period in which water levels were overall rising, but they are not maintained from year to year. After a spring flood, in 2006 and 2013, grassland reached the highest extensions, covering till more than 20% of the region, and the dynamics of the ecosystem were affected by the differences in moisture. The Hamoun wetland region served as an important example and demonstration of the feedbacks between land cover and land uses, particularly as pertaining to water resources available to a rapidly expanding population.  相似文献   

The variations of Cl???, F???, and Fe?+?+? in the underground water during pre- and post-monsoon periods for 2003 have been examined, for two places in Unnao district, by argentrometric titration method (Sodic Land Reclamation Project Uttar Pradesh 1998) and atomic absorption spectrometry (Sodic Land Reclamation Project Uttar Pradesh 1998). The concentration of these ions falls outside the limits prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO 1984).  相似文献   

During the communist regime, Romania’s planned economy focused exclusively on production neglecting the environment protection. The lack of less polluting production technologies and of environmental protection measures led to excessive pollution in certain industrialized areas. This is the case of the town of Copsa Mica in Sibiu County, which in 1987 was considered one of the most polluted towns in Europe. The present study assesses the change vector analysis (CVA) technique using a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image time series to monitor land cover changes caused by carbon black and heavy metal pollution. CVA was applied to the tasseled cap greenness (TCG) and tasseled cap brightness (TCB) indices, as well as to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and bare soil index (BI). Various maps were generated for the periods 1985–1994, 1994–2003, 2003–2011, and 1985–2011, and threshold values were determined for the detection of land cover change/no change. The change direction and magnitude values were cross-tabulated and classified. The technique was assessed based on the change versus no-change error matrix. The results show that in the area of Copsa Mica, land cover changes occurred because of a considerable decrease in the area affected by carbon black and heavy metal pollution. The CVA technique proved efficient in monitoring the land cover changes caused by pollution and especially by carbon black pollution. Soil pollution by heavy metals is reflected in the bare soil surfaces present in the imagery.  相似文献   

The rate and intensity of land use land cover (LULC) change has increased considerably during the past couple of decades. Mining brings significant alterations in LULC specifically due to its impact on forests. Parts of Central India are well endowed with both forests and minerals. Here, the conflict between human interests and nature has intensified over time. Monitoring and assessment of such conflicts are important for land management and policy making. Remote sensing and Geographical Information System have the potential to serve as accurate tools for environmental monitoring. Understanding the importance of landscape metrics in land use planning is challenging but important. These metrics calculated at landscape, class, and patch level provide an insight into changing spatiotemporal distribution of LULC and ecological connectedness. In the present study, geospatial tools in conjunction with landscape metrics have been used to assess the impact of coal mining on habitat diversity. LULC maps, change detection analysis, and landscape metrics have been computed for the four time periods (1972, 1992, 2001, and 2006). There has been a significant decline in forest cover especially of the Sal-mixed forests, both in area as well as quality, due to flouted mining regulations. Reclamation of mined lands has also been observed in some of the areas since 2001.  相似文献   

Urbanisation is a ubiquitous phenomenon with greater prominence in developing nations. Urban expansion involves land conversions from vegetated moisture-rich to impervious moisture-deficient land surfaces. The urban land transformations alter biophysical parameters in a mode that promotes development of heat islands and degrades environmental health. This study elaborates relationships among various environmental variables using remote sensing dataset to study spatio-temporal footprint of urbanisation in Surat city. Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite data were used in conjugation with geo-spatial techniques to study urbanisation and correlation among various satellite-derived biophysical parameters, [Normalised Difference Vegetation Index, Normalised Difference Built-up Index, Normalised Difference Water Index, Normalised Difference Bareness Index, Modified NDWI and land surface temperature (LST)]. Land use land cover was prepared using hierarchical decision tree classification with an accuracy of 90.4 % (kappa?=?0.88) for 1990 and 85 % (kappa?=?0.81) for 2009. It was found that the city has expanded over 42.75 km2 within a decade, and these changes resulted in elevated surface temperatures. For example, transformation from vegetation to built-up has resulted in 5.5?±?2.6 °C increase in land surface temperature, vegetation to fallow 6.7?±?3 °C, fallow to built-up is 3.5?±?2.9 °C and built-up to dense built-up is 5.3?±?2.8 °C. Directional profiling for LST was done to study spatial patterns of LST in and around Surat city. Emergence of two new LST peaks for 2009 was observed in N–S and NE–SW profiles.  相似文献   

The level of arsenic (As) contamination and the geochemical composition of groundwater in Shuklaganj area located on the banks of the Ganges Delta of Kanpur-Unnao district were elucidated. Samples (n?=?59) were collected from both India Mark II hand pumps (depth, 30-33 m) and domestic hand pump tube wells (10-12 m) located within 5 km from the banks of Ganges. Samples were analyzed for various parameters, including total inorganic As, sulfate, nitrate, alkalinity, ammonia, and iron. Hydrochemistry of the groundwater aquifer was studied through the trilinear plots between monovalent and divalent cations and anions. In Indian mark II hand pumps, arsenic concentration ranged from below detection limit to 448 μg/L. Most of the samples contained both As(III) and As(V). The pH of the samples ranged from 7.1 to 8.2. Except for a few, most of the samples were reducing in nature as evident by their negative oxidation reduction potentials. A positive correlation for arsenic with iron, ammonia, and dissolved organic carbon shows the probability of biodegradation of organic matter and reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxide processes to leach As in aquifers. For confirmation of the suggested arsenic mobilization mechanism, the presence and absence of sulfate-reducing bacteria and iron-reducing bacteria were also tested.  相似文献   

Quantifying changes in the cover of river-floodplain systems can provide important insights into the processes that structure these landscapes as well as the potential consequences to the ecosystem services they provide. We examined net changes in 13 different aquatic and floodplain land cover classes using photo interpreted maps of the navigable portions of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR, above the confluence with the Ohio River) and Illinois River from 1989 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2010. We detected net decreases in vegetated aquatic area in nearly all river reaches from 1989 to 2000. The only river reaches that experienced a subsequent recovery of vegetated aquatic area from 2000 to 2010 were located in the northern portion of the UMR (above navigation pool 14) and two reaches in the Illinois River. Changes on the floodplain were dominated by urban development, which increased in nearly every river reach studied from 1989 to 2000. Agricultural lands declined in most river reaches from 2000 to 2010. The loss of agricultural land cover in the northern UMR was accompanied by increases in forest cover, whereas in the lower UMR and Illinois River, declines in agriculture were accompanied by increases in forest and shallow marsh communities. The changes in aquatic vegetation occupied between 5 and 20% of the total aquatic area and are likely associated with previously reported regional improvements in water clarity, while smaller (1–15% of the total floodplain area) changes in anthropogenic land cover types on the floodplain are likely driven by broad-scale socio-economic conditions.  相似文献   

Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires States and Tribes to list waters not meeting water quality standards. A total maximum daily load must be prepared for waters identified as impaired with respect to water quality standards. Historically, the management of pollution in Minnesota has been focused on point-source regulation. Regulatory effort in Minnesota has improved water quality over the last three decades. Non-point source pollution has become the largest driver of conventional 303(d) listings in the 21st century. Conventional pollutants, i.e., organic, sediment and nutrient imbalances can be identified with poor land use management practices. However, the cause and effect relationship can be elusive because of natural watershed-system influences that vary with scale. Elucidation is complex because the current water quality standards in Minnesota were designed to work best with water quality permits to control point sources of pollution. This paper presents a sentinel watershed-systems approach (SWSA) to the monitoring and assessment of Minnesota waterbodies. SWSA integrates physical, chemical, and biological data over space and time using advanced technologies at selected small watersheds across Minnesota to potentially improve understanding of natural and anthropogenic watershed processes and the management of point and non-point sources of pollution. Long-term, state-of-the-art monitoring and assessment is needed to advance and improve water quality standards. Advanced water quality or ecologically-based standards that integrate physical, chemical, and biological numeric criteria offer the potential to better understand, manage, protect, and restore Minnesota’s waterbodies.  相似文献   

Land use/land cover (LULC) has a profound impact on economy, society and environment, especially in rapid developing areas. Rapid and prompt monitoring and predicting of LULC’s change are crucial and significant. Currently, integration of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) methods is one of the most important methods for detecting LULC’s change, which includes image processing (such as geometrical-rectifying, supervised-classification, etc.), change detection (post-classification), GIS-based spatial analysis, Markov chain and a Cellular Automata (CA) models, etc. The core corridor of Pearl River Delta was selected for studying LULC’s change in this paper by using the above methods for the reason that the area contributed 78.31% (1998)–81.4% (2003) of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to the whole Pearl River Delta (PRD). The temporal and spatial LULC’s changes from 1998 to 2003 were detected by RS data. At the same time, urban expansion levels in the next 5 and 10 years were predicted temporally and spatially by using Markov chain and a simple Cellular Automata model respectively. Finally, urban expansion and farmland loss were discussed against the background of China’s urban expansion and cropland loss during 1990–2000. The result showed: (1) the rate of urban expansion was up to 8.91% during 1998–2003 from 169,078.32 to 184,146.48 ha; (2) the rate of farmland loss was 5.94% from 312,069.06 to 293,539.95 ha; (3) a lot of farmland converted to urban or development area, and more forest and grass field converted to farmland accordingly; (4) the spatial predicting result of urban expansion showed that urban area was enlarged ulteriorly compared with the previous results, and the directions of expansion is along the existing urban area and transportation lines.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical parameters have been analyzed in water samples from a brackish water lagoon, Küçükçekmece, located on the western outskirts of Istanbul. Samples were collected every two months for a year from nine sampling stations. Of the parameters measured, temperature, pH, salinity, nitrate and phosphate showed changes when compared with the previously published data. The lagoon was found eutrophic as it was reported previously. Sulphate and COD levels were higher when compared with the standards established by the Turkish Water Pollution and Control Regulation. Additionally, concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) in water and bottom sediments were measured and compared with the standards established by the Turkish Water Pollution and Control Regulation and with the previously published data. The results were analysed statistically with respect to location and any relationships between the concentration of the elements in corresponding water and sediment samples were examined. Principal Component Analysis of water samples allowed us to discriminate three areas affected mainly by heavy metal contamination, possibly due to industrial, commercial and/or urban activities. Generally, the concentrations of the heavy metals were higher at stations near the three estuaries, suggesting a direct influence of the three creeks on the pollution of the Küçükçekmece Lagoon. Although elevated levels of Cd were recorded in several water samples, it was not detected in sediment. On the other hand, a particularly high level of Cr pollution was recorded most of the water and sediment samples.  相似文献   

This study explored the spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use/cover changes and urban expansion in Shanghai metropolitan area, China, during the transitional economy period (1979?C2009) using multi-temporal satellite images and geographic information systems (GIS). A maximum likelihood supervised classification algorithm was employed to extract information from four landsat images, with the post-classification change detection technique and GIS-based spatial analysis methods used to detect land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes. The overall Kappa indices of land use/cover change maps ranged from 0.79 to 0.89. Results indicated that urbanization has accelerated at an unprecedented scale and rate during the study period, leading to a considerable reduction in the area of farmland and green land. Findings further revealed that water bodies and bare land increased, obviously due to large-scale coastal development after 2000. The direction of urban expansion was along a north-south axis from 1979 to 2000, but after 2000 this growth changed to spread from both the existing urban area and along transport routes in all directions. Urban expansion and subsequent LULC changes in Shanghai have largely been driven by policy reform, population growth, and economic development. Rapid urban expansion through clearing of vegetation has led to a wide range of eco-environmental degradation.  相似文献   

Surface soil (0-5 cm) samples from 17 sampling sites including different functional areas at Ji'nan city in Shandong Province of China were collected and analyzed for 16 EPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The total PAH concentrations were in the range from 1.31 mg kg(-1) to 254.08 mg kg(-1) (dry weight), and the average level of total PAHs was 23.25 mg kg(-1). The highest total PAHs concentrations were found in steel and iron plant at industrial areas. The total PAHs concentrations in industrial areas were markedly higher than those in other different functional areas. According to comparing total PAHs concentration in Ji'nan city to that of other urban areas, it was found that total PAHs concentrations were 6 to 137 times higher than other areas because of some specific sampling sites such as steel and iron plant and one main roadside. The results showed that PAHs in topsoil of Ji'nan city were suffered from strong pyrogenic influence, especially in industrial areas. However about 52.9% soil samples were mainly originated from both pyrogenic and petrogenic mixed sources based on Flu/Pyr ratios and Phe/Ant ratios. Furthermore, It was found that all individual PAHs except Fle were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with LMW, HMW, total PAHs and SOM, and individual PAHs except Fle in soils were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with each other. The nemerow composite index to assess the environmental quality showed that the soil sample of steel and iron plant in industrial areas and one main roadside were heavy pollution of PAHs, and about 47% soil sampling sites were safety, about 53% soil sampling sites were got different grades of PAHs pollution.  相似文献   

Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and sediments collected from 1991 to 2005 from New Bedford Harbor (NBH), MA, were analyzed for two polycyclic musks (HHCB or Galaxolide® and AHTN or Tonalide®), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). HHCB and AHTN were found in mussel tissues at mean concentrations of 836 and 376 ng/g lipid weight (lw), respectively, which were two- to seven-fold higher than those found at a reference site. Mean concentrations of HHCB and AHTN in NBH sediments were 12 and 6.3 ng/g dry weight (dw), respectively. Four- and five-ringed PAHs, such as phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, and pyrene, collectively accounted for 61 % of the ∑PAHs concentrations in mussels from NBH. Mean ΣPCB concentrations in mussels from upper and lower NBH were 942 and 182 μg/g lw, respectively, and were dominated by tetra- and penta-chlorobiphenyl congeners, collectively accounting for 61 % of the ΣPCB concentrations. The mean concentration of ∑PBDEs in mussels from NBH was 277 ng/g lw, and no significant difference existed in the concentrations between upper and lower NBH. DDTs were the major OCP found in mussels, found at a mean concentration of 778 ng/g lw. The concentrations of HHCB, AHTN, ΣPBDEs, ΣPAHs, and DDTs in mussels decreased significantly (r 2?≥?0.56, p?≤?0.052) from 1991 to 2005. The concentrations of PCBs and chlordanes did not exhibit a decreasing trend in mussel tissues (r 2?<?0.50; p?>?0.076) from 1991 to 2005. Based on the temporal trends in the concentrations of HHCB, AHTN, ∑PAHs, and ∑PBDEs found in mussels from NBH, it was estimated that between 5.5 and 12 years were required for the concentrations of these compounds to decrease by half (i.e., environmental halving time) of the levels found in 1991.  相似文献   

The first paleoecological reconstruction of the biogeochemical conditions of the Gulf of Batabanó, Caribbean Sea was performed from (210)Pb-dated sediment cores. Depth profiles of 20 major elements and trace metals, organic compounds, grain size, and mollusk assemblage composition were determined from 9 stations encompassing unconsolidated sediments in the gulf. Spatial heterogeneity was evident for the geochemistry of sediments and for the mollusk assemblage composition. Our reconstruction indicates that pollution is not a critical threat to the ecosystem, although a slight historical increase of lead enrichment factor was detected probably due to long-range atmospheric fallout. Mollusk assemblages were composed by 168 species belonging to 59 families and no temporal trends in the species diversity or assemblage composition were detected, suggesting no depletion of diversity or habitat loss. Other signals of habitat loss such as changes in organic budget or increase of fine sediment fraction were absent or weak. Nitrogen retained in sediments changed by <1% in the century, indicating no historical events of eutrophication or oligotrophication in the gulf. Historical decrease of fine sediment fraction in the eastern sector would be linked to modifications in sedimentation rate, land use, and/or particle transport from the shelf border; this also suggests that both sectors have different sedimentary dynamics. Although, on theoretical grounds, historical fishery may have caused deleterious ecosystem effects by overexploitation of spiny lobster stocks, no evidence of habitat degradation or loss, caused by fisheries, could be detected.  相似文献   

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