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2005年12月29日,北京市科委在我院北科大厦主持召开了北京市科技计划项目"化学品相关紧急事故处理及决策支持信息系统研究"验收会.验收委员会专家成员包括中国科学院院士徐晓白教授、国务院参事闪淳昌教授、中国职业安全健康协会向衍荪研究员、北京理工大学爆炸与安全科学国家重点实验室钱新明教授、北京科技大学金龙哲教授等十位国内外知名专家学者.  相似文献   

2005年12月13日,北京市科委主持召开了由北京市科技新星计划入选人员姜传胜博士承担的"高层建筑火灾烟气蔓延计算机模拟技术研究"(合同号:H013610120113)项目验收会.验收会由科委人事教育处曾立坚处长主持,北京市科委机关党委书记许焕岗担任验收组组长.  相似文献   

本刊讯 5月17日,国家经贸委、国家安全生产监管局、公安部、监察部、铁道部、交通部、卫生部、国家工商行政管理总局、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家环境保护总局发出《关于开展危险化学品安全管理专项整治工作的通知》。《通知》指出,近几年,危险化学品泄漏、丢失和运输  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Responding to the lack of standardized instrumentation, especially as applied in low-income contexts, the researchers decided that an instrument should be developed to serve as an evaluation tool for a childhood (unintentional) injury prevention program as well as a tool from which injury risks (poisonings, burns and falls) could be identified within households. METHODS: Cross-sectional samples of 521 households in four low-income sites in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa, participated in the three phases of the study. The generation of an item pool based on a table of specifications, subsequent scientific item reduction procedures, reviews from experts and pilot tests were used to develop the scales for measuring the injury risks. RESULTS: The developed instrument complies with all the requirements for a valid and reliable measurement instrument. CONCLUSION: The instrument allows valid comparison of risks between communities, as well as before and after comparisons for an intervention program. IMPACT: The provision of this instrument may bring enormous benefits to research studies. It can also provide proactive, rather than reactive, information about injury risks before they develop into injuries and thus allows focusing of safety efforts for improvement of problematic areas in the households.  相似文献   

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