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Division of labor, where thousands of individuals perform specific behavioral acts repeatedly and non-randomly, is the hallmark of insect societies. Virtually nothing is known about the underlying neurophysiological processes that direct individuals into specific behavioral roles. We demonstrate that sensory-physiological variation in the perception of sucrose in honeybees measured when they are 1 week old correlates with their foraging behavior 2–3 weeks later. Workers with the lowest response thresholds became water foragers, followed with increasing response thresholds by pollen foragers, nectar foragers, bees collecting both pollen and nectar, and finally those returning to the colony empty (water<pollen<nectar<both<empty). Sucrose concentrations of nectar loads were positively correlated with response thresholds measured on 1-week-old bees. These results demonstrated how the variable response thresholds of a sensory-physiological process, the perception of sucrose, is causally linked to the division of labor of foraging. Received. 28 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 November 1999 / Accepted: 20 November 1999  相似文献   

Foraging and the mechanisms that regulate the quantity of food collected are important evolutionary and ecological attributes for all organisms. The decision to collect pollen by honey bee foragers depends on the number of larvae (brood), amount of stored pollen in the colony, as well as forager genotype and available resources in the environment. Here we describe how brood pheromone (whole hexane extracts of larvae) influenced honey bee pollen foraging and test the predictions of two foraging-regulation hypotheses: the indirect or brood-food mechanism and the direct mechanism of pollen-foraging regulation. Hexane extracts of larvae containing brood pheromone stimulated pollen foraging. Colonies were provided with extracts of 1000 larvae (brood pheromone), 1000 larvae (brood), or no brood or pheromone. Colonies with brood pheromone and brood had similar numbers of pollen foragers, while those colonies without brood or pheromone had significantly fewer pollen foragers. The number of pollen foragers increased more than 2.5-fold when colonies were provided with extracts of 2000 larvae as a supplement to the 1000 larvae they already had. Within 1 h of presenting colonies with brood pheromone, pollen foragers responded to the stimulus. The results from this study demonstrate some important aspects of pollen foraging in honey bee colonies: (1) pollen foragers appear to be directly affected by brood pheromone, (2) pollen foraging can be stimulated with brood pheromone in colonies provided with pollen but no larvae, and (3) pollen forager numbers increase with brood pheromone as a supplement to brood without increasing the number of larvae in the colony. These results support the direct-stimulus hypothesis for pollen foraging and do not support the indirect-inhibitor, brood-food hypothesis for pollen-foraging regulation. Received: 5 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 29 August 1998  相似文献   

Two factors that influence age at onset of foraging in honeybees are juvenile hormone (JH) and colony age demography (older bees inhibit behavioral development of younger bees). We tested the hypothesis that genetic variation among bees for these factors influences genetic variation in behavioral development. Pairs of colonies showing genetic differences in rates of behavioral development were identified in a screening experiment and bees from these colonies were used for physiological and behavioral assays. Six pairs were assayed, three with European bees only and three with both European and Africanized bees. There was genetic variation for the following four components: (1) production of JH in four pairs (experiment 1); (2) sensitivity to JH in three pairs (experiment 2); (3) sensitivity to social inhibition in three pairs (experiment 3), and (4) potency of social inhibition in four pairs (experiment 4). Cross-fostering assays (experiment 5), which allowed all four components to be evaluated simultaneously, revealed genetic variation for production of JH, sensitivity to JH, or sensitivity to social inhibition in five of six pairs, and potency of social inhibition in five of six pairs. There was often evidence for genotypic differences in more than one component, and no consistent pattern of association among any of the components. Africanized bees had faster rates of behavioral development than European bees, but there were no racial differences in patterns of variation among the four components. These results indicate that there are at least several, apparently distinct, physiological processes associated with JH and colony age demography upon which natural selection can act to alter the rate of behavioral development in honeybees. Received: 8 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 29 July 1999 / Accepted: 8 August 1999  相似文献   

During house hunting, honeybee, Apis melli- fera, workers perform the vibration signal, which may function in a modulatory manner to influence several aspects of nestsite selection and colony movement. We examined the role of the vibration signal in the house-hunting process of seven honeybee swarms. The signal was performed by a small proportion of the older bees, and 20% of the vibrating bees also performed waggle dances for nestsites. Compared to non-vibrating controls, vibrating bees exhibited increased rates of locomotion, were more likely to move into the interiors of the swarms, and were more likely to fly from the clusters and perform waggle dances. Recipients responded to the signal with increased locomotion and were more likely than non- vibrated controls to fly from the swarms. Because vibration signals were intermixed with waggle dances by some vibrators, and because they stimulated flight in recipients, the signals may have enhanced nestsite scouting and recruitment early in the house-hunting process. All swarms exhibited increased vibration activity within 0.5–1 h of departure. During these final periods, numerous vibrating bees wove repeatedly in and out of the clusters while signaling and motion on the swarms increased until it culminated in mass flight. The peaks of vibration activity observed at the end of the house-hunting process may therefore have activated the entire swarm for liftoff once a new nestsite had been selected. Thus, the vibration signal may help to integrate the behavior of numerous groups of workers during nestsite selection and colony relocation. Received: 17 January 2000 / Received in revised form: 5 April 2000 / Accepted: 3 May 2000  相似文献   

A honeybee queen normally mates with 10–20 drones, and reproductive conflicts may arise among a colony’s different worker patrilines, especially after a colony has lost its single queen and the workers commence egg laying. In this study, we employed microsatellite markers to study aspects of worker reproductive competition in two queenless Africanized honeybee colonies. First, we determined whether there was a bias among worker patrilines in their maternity of drones and, second, we asked whether this bias could be attributed to differences in the degree of ovary activation of workers. Third, we relate these behavioral and physiological factors to ontogenetic differences between workers with respect to ovariole number. Workers from each of three (colony A) and one (colony B) patrilineal genotypes represented less than 6% of the worker population, yet each produced at least 13% of the drones in a colony, and collectively they produced 73% of the drones. Workers representing these genotypes also had more developed follicles and a greater number of ovarioles per ovary. Across all workers, ovariole development and number were closely correlated. This suggests a strong effect of worker genotype on the development of the ovary already in the postembryonic stages and sets a precedent to adult fertility, so that “workers are not born equal”. We hypothesize a frequency-dependent or “rare patriline” advantage to queenless workers over the parentage of males and discuss the maintenance of genetic variance in the reproductive capacity of workers.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Honeybee queens (Apis mellifera) show extreme levels of polyandry, but the evolutionary mechanisms underlying this behaviour are still unclear. The sperm-limitation hypothesis, which assumes that high levels of polyandry are essential to get a lifetime sperm supply for large and long-lived colonies, has been widely disregarded for honeybees because the semen of a single male is, in principle, sufficient to fill the spermatheca of a queen. However, the inefficient post-mating sperm transfer from the queens lateral oviducts into the spermatheca requires multiple matings to ensure an adequate spermatheca filling. Males of the African honeybee subspecies A. m. capensis have fewer sperm than males of the European subspecies A. m. carnica. Thus, given that sperm limitation is a cause for the evolution of multiple mating in A. mellifera, we would expect A. m. capensis queens to have higher mating frequencies than A. m. carnica. Here we show that A. m. capensis queens indeed exhibit significantly higher mating frequencies than queens of A. m. carnica, both in their native ranges and in an experiment on a North Sea island under the same environmental conditions. We conclude that honeybee queens try to achieve a minimum number of matings on their mating flights to ensure a sufficient lifetime sperm supply. It thus seems premature to reject the sperm-limitation hypothesis as a concept explaining the evolution of extreme polyandry in honeybees.Communicated by R.E. Page  相似文献   

The impact of a parasitic infestation may be influenced by nutritional state, in both individuals and colonies. This study examined the interaction between pollen storage and the effects of an infestation by the mite, Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans, in colonies of the honey bee, Apis mellifera L. We manipulated the pollen storage and mite infestation levels of colonies, and measured pollen foraging and brood rearing. Increased pollen stores decreased both the number of pollen foragers and pollen load size, while initially at least foragers from colonies with moderate infestations carried smaller pollen loads than those from lightly infested colonies. Over the course of the experiment, all colonies significantly increased pollen-foraging rates and pollen consumption, which was presumably a seasonal effect. Lightly infested colonies exhibited a larger increase in pollen forager number than moderately infested colonies, suggesting that more intense mite infestations compromised forager recruitment. Brood production was not affected by the addition of pollen, but moderately infested colonies were rearing significantly less brood by the end of the experiment than lightly infested colonies. Furthermore, the efficiency with which colonies converted pollen to brood decreased as the pollen storage level decreased and the infestation level increased. The results of this study may indicate that honey bee colonies adaptively alter brood-production efficiency in response to parasitic infestations and seasonal changes. Received: 3 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 14 September 1999 / Accepted: 25 September 1999  相似文献   

Social parasites exploit their host’s communication system to usurp resources and reproduce. In the honeybee, Apis mellifera, worker reproduction is regulated by pheromones produced by the queen and the brood. Workers usually reproduce when the queen is removed and young brood is absent. However, Cape honeybee workers, Apis mellifera capensis, are facultative intraspecific social parasites and can take over reproduction from the host queen. Investigating the manner in which parasitic workers compete with host queens pheromonally can help us to understand how such parasitism can evolve and how reproductive division of labour is regulated. In A. m. capensis, worker reproduction is associated with the production of queen-like pheromones. Using pheromonal contest experiments, we show that Apis mellifera scutellata queens do not prevent the production of queen-like mandibular gland compounds by the parasites. Given the importance of these pheromones in acquiring reproductive status, our data suggest that the single invasive lineage of parasitic workers occurring in the range of A. m. scutellata was selected for its superior ability to produce these signals despite the presence of a queen. Such resistance was indeed less frequent amongst other potentially parasitic lineages. Resistance to reproductive regulation by host queens is probably the key factor that facilitates the evolution of social parasitism by A. m. capensis workers. It constitutes a mechanism that allows workers to evade reproductive division of labour and to follow an alternative reproductive option by acquiring direct fitness in foreign colonies instead of inclusive fitness in their natal nests.  相似文献   

In honeybees, as in other highly eusocial species, tasks are performed by individual workers, but selection for worker task phenotypes occurs at the colony level. We investigated the effect of colony-level selection for pollen storage levels on the foraging behavior of individual honeybee foragers to determine (1) the relationship between genotype and phenotypic expression of foraging traits at the individual level and (2) how genetically based variation in worker task phenotype is integrated into colony task organization. We placed workers from lines selected at the colony level for high or low pollen stores together with hybrid workers into a common hive environment with controlled access to resources. Workers from the selected lines showed reciprocal variation in pollen and nectar collection. High-pollen-line foragers collected pollen preferentially, and low- pollen-line workers collected nectar, indicating that the two tasks covary genetically. Hybrid workers were not intermediate in phenotype, but instead showed directional dominance for nectar collection. We monitored the responses of workers from the selected strains to changes in internal (colony) and external (resource) stimulus levels for pollen foraging to measure the interaction between genotypic variation in foraging behavior and stimulus environment. Under low-stimulus conditions, the foraging group was over-represented by high-pollen-line workers. However, the evenness in distribution of the focal genetic groups increased as foraging stimuli increased. These data are consistent with a model where task choice is a consequence of genetically based response thresholds, and where genotypic diversity allows colony flexibility by providing a range of stimulus thresholds. Received: 3 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 23 January 2000  相似文献   

The fitness of a social insect colony depends greatly on the quality (i.e., mating ability, fecundity, and offspring viability) of its queen(s). In honeybees, there is marked variation in the quality of young queens that compete in a series of lethal duels to replace a colonys previous queen. Workers interact with queens during these duels and could increase their inclusive fitness by biasing the outcomes of the duels in favor of high-quality queens. We predicted that workers will have more antagonistic interactions (chasing, grabbing, clamping) and fewer beneficent interactions (feeding, grooming) with low-quality than high-quality queens. To test this prediction, we reared queens from 0-day-old, 2-day-old, and 3-day-old worker larvae in observation colonies undergoing queen replacement, thus producing high-quality, low-quality, and very low-quality queens, respectively. Immediately after each queen emerged, we observed her for 1 h to record her interactions with the workers. Subsequent morphological measurement of the queens confirmed that initial larval age had a significant effect on queen quality. However, there was no consistent effect of queen quality on the rates of worker–queen interactions, thus falsifying our hypothesis. The mean power of our tests was high (0.599), therefore the probability of a type II error (a false negative) is low. We conclude that if workers actively select high-quality queens, then they do so prior to queen duels, during queen development. We suggest that each worker–queen interaction has a distinct adaptive significance rather than forming a suite of behavior that favors particular queens (e.g., chasing repels any queen that approaches a queen cell, thus protecting all queen cells from destruction).Communicated by M. Giurfa  相似文献   

Two-way selection for quantities of stored pollen resulted in the production of high and low pollen hoarding strains of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Strains differed in areas of stored pollen after a single generation of selection and, by the third generation, the high strain colonies stored an average 6 times more pollen than low strain colonies. Colony-level organizational components that potentially affect pollen stores were identified that varied genetically within and between these strains. Changes occurred in several of these components, in addition to changes in the selected trait. High strain colonies had a significantly higher proportion of foragers returning with loads of pollen, however, high and low strain colonies had equal total numbers of foragers Colony rates of intake of pollen and nectar were not independent. Selection resulted in an increase in the number of pollen collectors and a decrease in the number of nectar collectors in high strain colonies, while the reciprocal relationship occurred in the low strain. High and low strain colonies also demonstrated different diurnal foraging patterns as measured by the changing proportions of returning pollen foragers. High strain colonies of generation 3 contained significantly less brood than did low strain colonies, a consequence of a constraint on colony growth resulting from a fixed nest volume and large quantities of stored pollen. These components represent selectable colony-level traits on which natural selection can act and shape the social organization of honey bee coloniesCommunicated by R.F.A. Moritz  相似文献   

In anarchistic honey-bee colonies, many workers’ sons are reared despite the presence of the queen. Worker-laid eggs are normally eaten by other workers in queenright colonies. Workers are thought to discriminate between queen-laid and worker-laid eggs by the presence or absence of a queen-produced egg-marking pheromone. This study compared the survival of three classes of eggs (worker-laid eggs from anarchistic colonies, worker-laid eggs from non-anarchistic queenless colonies, and queen-laid eggs) in both queenright normal colonies and queenright anarchistic colonies, in order to test the hypothesis that anarchistic workers evade policing by laying more acceptable eggs. As expected, few worker-laid eggs from non-anarchistic colonies survived more than 2 h. In contrast, worker-laid eggs from anarchistic colonies had much greater acceptability, which in some trials equalled the acceptability of queen-laid eggs. Anarchistic colonies were generally less discriminatory than normal queenright colonies towards worker-laid eggs, whether these originated from anarchistic colonies or normal queenless colonies. This indicates that the egg-removal aspect of the anarchistic syndrome involves both worker laying of eggs with greater acceptability and reduced discriminatory behaviour of policing workers. Received: 19 July 1999 / Received in revised form: 3 November 1999 / Accepted: 20 November 1999  相似文献   

When females mate with more than one male, the ensuing sperm competition leads to the evolution of male mechanisms that skew paternity. Males of the yellow mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor) transfer a spermatophore to females during copulation, but sperm release and storage occur later. We investigated how the interval between two matings with different males affects sperm precedence by varying the interval between the copulations so that the second mating was either: (1) before sperm release from the first spermatophore (<5 min); (2) after sperm release but before spermatophore ejection (15–20 min); (3) after spermatophore ejection but before sperm storage (4 h), or (4) after complete sperm storage (24 h). We collected offspring over a period of 2 weeks and determined paternity by protein electrophoresis. There was second-male sperm precedence in all treatments, but when the interval was <5 min, the second male usually (86% of cases) had complete sperm precedence (i.e., P 2=1). Investigations into the mechanism of second-male sperm precedence during <5-min mating intervals indicate that sperm release from the first spermatophore is inhibited, a phenomenon which has not been previously documented. Received: 31 January 2000 / Revised: 9 June 2000 / Accepted: 26 August 2000  相似文献   

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