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土壤中零价铁还原3-氯硝基苯的作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用零价铁在常温常压下对土壤中的3-氯硝基苯的还原,对反应物和产物随时间的变化及反应的各个影响因素进行了研究。实验结果表明,零价铁能够有效地将3-氯硝基苯还原为3-氯苯胺,反应过程中没有检测到脱氯产物。其反应速率随铁粉用量、反应体系含水量的增加以及反应温度的升高而升高,随土壤初始pH值的升高而降低。在土壤中3-氯硝基苯含量约为2.5×10-6 mol/g,铁粉使用量为25 mg/g,反应体系中含水量为0.75 mL/g,pH值为6.8时,在恒温生化培养箱(25±1)℃反应5 h后,3-氯硝基苯的还原率达到92.75%。  相似文献   

改性纳米零价铁的制备及其去除水中的四环素   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP-K30)改性纳米零价铁(NZVT)用于水中四环素(TC)的去除进行研究.通过XRD,TEM和BET对改性后的纳米铁性能进行表征.探讨不同反应条件对PVP-NZVI去除四环素的影响.实验结果表明,在制备过程中添加PVP-K30改性剂可以明显减小纳米铁颗粒粒径,增大比表面积,提高TC的去除率.当初...  相似文献   

针对TiO2光催化反应中易出现电子-空穴对(e--h+)的复合、而Fenton技术又面临铁污泥的问题,向TiO2光催化反应中加入零价铁(Fe0)。通过调节溶液pH,使Fe0缓释Fe2+,且反应之后的pH仍能满足TiO2光催化反应所需。溶液中的Fe2+,一方面能减弱TiO2光催化产生的e--h+的复合,提高TiO2光催化反应的效率;另一方面,在紫外灯照射下也可以起到光Fenton降解作用。研究结果表明,Fe0共存下TiO2光催化对废水的降解率高于单独使用TiO2光催化或光Fenton对废水的降解率。对Fe0共存下TiO2光催化降解废水的褪色率的动力学研究表明,该反应属于三级动力学反应,且其对有机物的降解具有TiO2光催化和光Fenton加合增效的效果。  相似文献   

利用本实验所制备的海藻酸钠微胶囊负载纳米零价铁材料(M-NZVI)对水中不同浓度的As(V)进行了吸附去除研究,并比较了不同材料的吸附等温曲线。实验结果表明,2 g/L M-NZVI在pH=6.5±0.1,常温常压条件下对5 mg/L的As(V)的吸附去除率为90.35%,吸附速率较快,在30 min即可达到吸附平衡。通过M-NZVI、Ca-ALG和NZVI的热力学对比实验可知,M-NZVI表现出优越的吸附性能。溶液吸附剂添加量、初始pH值、离子浓度等因素对M-NZVI吸附水中砷离子的效率有一定影响:在其他条件不变的情况下,As(V)的去除率随着添加量的增加而逐渐增大;M-NZVI对As(V)的最佳吸附效果在pH=6~7范围之间;溶液中高浓度NaCl能对M-NZVI的吸附性产生较强的干扰。同时,对于As(V) ≤ 5 mg/L的溶液,M-NZVI可以不做任何处理多次利用3~4次。这些结果显示,M-NZVI是一种用于原位修复重金属污染水体的潜在理想材料。  相似文献   

不同粒径零价铁(ZVI)对污水污泥H2S和CH4释放速率的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
考察了不同粒径零价铁(ZVI),包括200目普通铁粉(200m-ZVI)、800目超细铁粉(800m-ZVI)和纳米铁粉(nZVI,粒径=20 nm),对污水污泥的硫化氢和甲烷释放速率的影响。研究发现:(1)在22 d内,添加0.1%的200m-ZVI使污泥的硫化氢释放速率提高48.0%,而添加0.1%的800-ZVI和nZVI,则使污泥的硫化氢释放速率分别降低33.1%和77.1%;(2)不同粒径ZVI均可以提高污泥沼气中的甲烷浓度,且依次为nZVI>800m-ZVI>200m-ZVI;(3)在23 d内,添加0.1%的200m-ZVI和nZVI使污泥的甲烷累计产生量分别提高了15.5%和40.6%,而添加0.1%800m-ZVI则使甲烷产生量降低了12.5%。nZVI可以有效控制污泥的硫化氢释放,并显著提升污泥在厌氧发酵过程的产甲烷速率。  相似文献   

通过间歇式实验,考察了地下水中常见硬度离子Ca2+、Mg2+及HCO3-的独立作用和联合作用对零价铁还原对氯硝基苯的影响。实验结果表明,Ca2+、Mg2+对零价铁还原对氯硝基苯反应的促进作用不明显。HCO3-浓度为0~100mg/L时可显著提高零价铁还原对氯硝基苯的速率,反应2 h后对氯硝基苯转化率由44.1%升至84...  相似文献   

通过氢氟酸和氢氧化钠改性水稻秸秆生物质炭(BC),得到改性材料BC-HF和BC-NaOH,在此基础上负载纳米零价铁(Nanoscale zero-valent iron,nZVI)制得生物质炭负载纳米零价铁(nZVI@BC)、氢氟酸改性生物质炭负载纳米零价铁(nZVI@BC-HF)和氢氧化钠改性生物质炭负载纳米零价铁(nZVI@BC-NaOH)。通过比表面积分析、元素分析、红外光谱分析、X射线衍射分析以及动力学等方法,研究了不同材料对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除性能与机理。结果表明:酸碱改性后的生物质炭比表面积、孔体积显著增加,促进了Cr(Ⅵ)的去除,BC-HF和BC-NaOH对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除量分别为30.87、19.59 mg·g−1,为BC的2.68、1.70倍;负载nZVI后,进一步增强了Cr(Ⅵ)的去除效果,其中,nZVI@BC-HF和nZVI@BC-NaOH对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除效果显著,去除量分别为76.36、65.62 mg·g−1。酸碱改性生物质炭使nZVI得到了有效分散,其表面的Si-O-Si官能团与nZVI耦合成Si-O-Fe键,增强了nZVI对Cr(Ⅵ)的还原;同时,酸碱改性生物质炭负载nZVI促进了铁铬化合物的结晶,有利于反应的持续进行。本研究表明,酸碱改性生物质炭-纳米零价铁复合材料对于地下水中Cr(Ⅵ)的去除具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

采用直接热解法和碳热还原法分别制备了黑炭(BC)和黑炭负载零价铁(BF)材料,通过土壤稳定化培养实验和盆栽实验,考察了BC和BF对复合污染土壤中铜和铬的稳定化效果及其对生物有效性的影响。实验结果表明,BC可提高土壤pH,BF则降低土壤的pH。在投加量为5 g·kg-1的情况下,处理30 d后,BC和BF对土壤中TCLP-Cu的去除率分别为76.99%和69.83%;BC对TCLP-Crtotal和TCLP-Cr(VI)去除率分别为91.07%和92.47%,BF对TCLP-Crtotal和TCLP-Cr(VI)的去除率均接近100%,两者均能有效降低土壤重金属迁移性。形态分析表明,投加BC和BF均促进了铜由酸可提取态向可还原态和可氧化态转化,同时使铬的酸可提取态降低,可氧化态增加。盆栽实验表明,BC和BF均大大降低了土壤中铜和铬的生物有效性,减弱了其由植物根部向地上迁移的能力。相比而言,BF在对复合污染土壤中铜和铬的稳定化效果、形态转化以及迁移性方面整体优于BC。  相似文献   

零价铁与双氧水异相Fenton降解活性艳橙X-GN   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Fe0与H2O2构成异相Fenton体系降解偶氮染料活性艳橙X-GN,考察了初始pH、H2O2和Fe0投加量、温度等对反应过程的影响。实验结果表明,在初始pH值为3.0、Fe0投加量为0.8 g/L、H2O2投加量为5 mmol/L和反应温度30℃的条件下,反应60 min后活性艳橙降解率达到96.2%。Fe0与H2O2投加量都存在一个最佳范围,当Fe0与H2O2浓度大于0.8 g/L和5 mmol/L时,羟基自由基会通过其他方式消耗,致使活性艳橙降解率下降。酸性条件和提高温度均有利于反应的进行。反应符合准一级动力学,表观反应速率常数k为0.064 min-1(30℃),反应活化能为80.62 kJ/mol。UV-Vis光谱扫描表明,反应过程中活性艳橙的发色基团及苯环结构均被破坏。  相似文献   

染料废水中含有大量难生物降解的卤代有机物合成中间体,合成卤代有机物在废水的生物处理过程中容易被吸附到剩余污泥中,如不能妥善处理会引起生态健康风险。研究了零价铁还原、芬顿氧化及其组合技术对染料企业剩余污泥中AOX(可吸附有机卤代物)的去除效果,优化了处理条件,解析了去除机理。结果表明,铁粉投加量为5 g·L-1,厌氧反应30 d时,零价铁还原对污泥中AOX降解率仅为24.7%;Fe2+投加量0.059 mol·L-1,H2O2投加量0.89 mol·L-1,芬顿氧化1.5 h时,污泥中AOX去除率提高至73.7%;投加2 g·L-1的铁粉,还原30 d后再进行芬顿反应,则污泥中AOX去除率可达到90.3%。GC-MS分析结果表明,污泥中的主要AOX物质为2,6-二氯-4-硝基苯胺,该物质经过零价铁还原与芬顿氧化组合工艺处理后,比直接芬顿氧化能得到更有效的去除。  相似文献   

Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) has recently gained great interest in the scientific community as in situ reagent for installation of permeable reactive barriers in aquifer systems, since nZVI is highly reactive with chlorinated compounds and may render them to harmless substances. However, nZVI has a high tendency to agglomerate and sediment; therefore it shows very limited transport ranges. One new approach to overcome the limited transport of nZVI in porous media is using a suited carrier colloid. In this study we tested mobility of a carbon colloid supported nZVI particle “Carbo-Iron Colloids” (CIC) with a mean size of 0.63 μm in a column experiment of 40 cm length and an experiment in a two-dimensional (2D) aquifer test system with dimensions of 110?×?40?×?5 cm. Results show a breakthrough maximum of 82 % of the input concentration in the column experiment and 58 % in the 2D-aquifer test system. Detected residuals in porous media suggest a strong particle deposition in the first centimeters and few depositions in the porous media in the further travel path. Overall, this suggests a high mobility in porous media which might be a significant enhancement compared to bare or polyanionic stabilized nZVI.  相似文献   

Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F.H. Chen, a rare traditional Chinese medicinal herb, is a widely used phytomedicine used all over the world. In recent years, the arsenic contamination of the herb and its relative products becomes a serious problem due to elevated soil As concentration. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different types and dosages of amendments on As stabilization in soil and its uptake by P. notoginseng. Results showed that comparing to control treatment, the As concentrations of P. notoginseng declined by 49–63%, 43–61% and 52–66% in 0.25% zero-valent iron (Fe(0)), 0.5% bauxite residue, and 1% zeolite treatment, respectively; whereas the biomasses were elevated by 62–116%, 45–152% and 114–265%, respectively. The As(III) proportions of P. notoginseng increased by 8%, 9%, and 8%, and the transfer factors of As from root to shoot increased by 37%, 42% and 84% in the optimal treatments of Fe(0), bauxite residue, and zeolite. For soil As, all the three amendments could transform the non-specifically adsorbed As fraction to hydrous oxides Fe/Al fractions (by Fe(0) and red mud) or specifically adsorbed As fraction (by zeolite), therefore reduced the bioavailability of soil As. With a comprehensive consideration of stabilization efficiency, plant growth, environmental influence, and cost, Fe(0) appeared to be the best amendment, and zeolite could also be a good choice. In conclusion, this study was of significance in developing As contamination control in P. notoginseng planting areas, and even other areas for medicinal herb growing.  相似文献   

Poplar (Populus) species are seen as candidates for removing heavy metal contamination from polluted soil. A bottom-up multidisciplinary approach was utilized to compare the performances of clones 58-861 and Poli (Populus nigra) and A4A, a Populus nigra × Populus deltoides hybrid to Cd toxicity. Qualitative and quantitative differences in their tolerance to Cd exposure and the uptake, accumulation and translocation of Cd were noted following the hydroponic exposure of rooted cuttings to 20 μM CdSO4 for either 48 h or 14 d. Cadmium was less toxic for the hybrid clone A4A as compared to Poli and 58-861. Cd uptake and root to shoot translocation were determined by AAS, and its compartmentation was analyzed using SEM/EDX. A comparative proteomic approach was utilized to identify changes in proteins expression according to dose and time of exposure. Toxicity to Cd mainly influenced proteins related to general defense, stress response and carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Mak MS  Lo IM 《Chemosphere》2011,84(2):234-240
This study investigated the removal kinetics and mechanisms of Cr(VI) and As(V) by Fe(0) in the presence of fulvic acid (FA) and humic acid (HA) by means of batch experiments. The focus was on the involvements of FA and HA in redox reactions, metal complexation, and iron corrosion product aggregation in the removal of Cr(VI) and As(V) removal by Fe(0). Synthetic groundwater was used as the background electrolyte to simulate typical groundwater. The results showed faster Cr(VI) removal in the presence of HA compared to FA. Fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that no redox reaction occurred in the FA and HA. The results of the speciation modeling indicate that the free Fe(II) concentration was higher in the presence of HA, resulting in a higher removal rate of Cr(VI). However, the removal of As(V) was inhibited in the HA solution. Speciation modeling showed that the concentration of dissolved metal-natural organic matter (metal-NOM) complexes significantly affected the aggregation of the iron corrosion products which in turn affected the removal of As(V). The aggregation was found to be induced by gel-bridging of metal-NOM with the iron corrosion products. The effects of metal-NOM on the aggregation of the iron corrosion products were further confirmed by TEM studies. Larger sizes of iron corrosion products were formed in the FA solution compared to HA solution. This study can shed light on understanding the relationships between the properties of NOM (especially the content of metal-binding sites) and the removal of Cr(VI) and As(V) by Fe(0).  相似文献   

The growing application of engineered nanomaterials is leading to an increased occurrence of nanoparticles (NPs) in the environment. Thus, there is a need to better understand their potential impact on the environment. This study evaluated the toxicity of nanosized TiO2, ZrO2, Fe0, Fe2O3, and Mn2O3 towards the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on O2 consumption and cell membrane integrity. In addition, the state of dispersion of the nanoparticles in the bioassay medium was characterized.  相似文献   

Na He  Peijun Li  Yuncheng Zhou  Shuxiu Fan  Wanxia Ren   《Chemosphere》2009,76(11):1491-1497
The reductive dechlorination and biodegradation of 2,24,5,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB#101) was investigated in a laboratory-scale. Palladium coated iron (Pd/Fe) was used as a catalytic reductant for the chemical degradation of 2,24,5,5-pentachlorobiphenyl, and an aerobic bacteria was used for biodegradation following the chemical reaction in this study. Dechlorination was affected by several factors such as Pd loading, initial soil pH and the amount of Pd/Fe used. The results showed that higher Pd loading, higher dosage of Pd/Fe and slightly acid condition were beneficial to the catalytic dechlorination of 2,2,4,5,5-pentachlorobiphenyl. In laboratory batch experiments, 2,24,5,5-pentachlorobiphenyl was reduced in the presence of Pd/Fe bimetal, which was not further degraded by aerobic bacteria. 2,2,4-trichlorobiphenyl (PCB#17), a reduction product from 2,24,5,5-pentachlorobiphenyl, was readily biodegraded in the presence of a aerobic bacterial strain. It is suggested that an integrated Pd/Fe catalytic reduction-aerobic biodegradation process may be a feasible option for treating PCB-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Leaching using EDTA applied to a Pb, Zn and Cd polluted soil significantly reduced soil metal concentrations and the pool of metals in labile soil fractions. Metal mobility (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure), phytoavailability (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid extraction) and human oral-bioavailability (Physiologically Based Extraction Test) were reduced by 85-92%, 68-91% and 88-95%, respectively. The metal accumulation capacity of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea) was used as in vivo assay of metal bioavailability, before and after soil remediation. After feeding on metal contaminated soil for two weeks, P. scaber accumulated Pb, Zn and Cd in a concentration dependent manner. The amounts of accumulated metals were, however, higher than expected on the basis of extraction (in vitro) tests. The combined results of chemical extractions and the in vivo test with P. scaber provide a more relevant picture of the availability stripping of metals after soil remediation.  相似文献   

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