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Arye G  Dror I  Berkowitz B 《Chemosphere》2011,82(2):244-252
The transport and fate of the pharmaceutical carbamazepine (CBZ) were investigated in the Dan Region Reclamation Project (SHAFDAN), Tel-Aviv, Israel. Soil samples were taken from seven subsections of soil profiles (150 cm) in infiltration basins of a soil aquifer treatment (SAT) system. The transport characteristics were studied from the release dynamics of soil-resident CBZ and, subsequently, from applying a pulse input of wastewater containing CBZ. In addition, a monitoring study was performed to evaluate the fate of CBZ after the SAT. Results of this study indicate adsorption, and consequently retardation, in CBZ transport through the top soil layer (0-5 cm) and to a lesser extent in the second layer (5-25 cm), but not in deeper soil layers (25-150 cm). The soluble and adsorbed fractions of CBZ obtained from the two upper soil layers comprised 45% of the total CBZ content in the entire soil profile. This behavior correlated to the higher organic matter content observed in the upper soil layers (0-25 cm). It is therefore deduced that when accounting for the full flow path of CBZ through the vadose zone to the groundwater region, the overall transport of CBZ in the SAT system is essentially conservative. The monitoring study revealed that the average concentration of CBZ decreased from 1094 ± 166 ng L−1 in the recharged wastewater to 560 ± 175 ng L−1 after the SAT. This reduction is explained by dilution of the recharged wastewater with resident groundwater, which may occur as it flows to active reclamation wells.  相似文献   

In order to realistically simulate both chemistry and transport of atmospheric organic pollutants, it is indispensable that the applied models explicitly include coupling between different components of the global environment such as atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and soil system. A model with such properties is presented.

The atmospheric part of the model is based on the equations in a general contravariant form which permits easy changes of the coordinate system by redefining the metric tensor of a specifically employed coordinate system. Considering a need to include explicitly the terrain effects, the terrain following spherical coordinate system is chosen from among many possible coordinate systems. This particular system is a combination of the Gal-Chen coordinates, commonly employed in mesoscale meteorological models, and the spherical coordinates, typical for global atmospheric models.

In addition to atmospheric transport, the model also simulates the exchange between air and different types of underlying surfaces such as water, soil, snow, and ice. This approach permits a realistic representation of absorption and delayed re-emission of pollutants from the surface to the atmosphere and, consequently, allows to capture hysteresis-like effects of the exchange between the atmosphere and the other components of the system. In this model, the most comprehensive numerical representation of the exchange is that for soil. In particular, the model includes a realistic soil module which simulates both diffusion and convection of a tracer driven by evaporation from the soil, precipitation, and gravity.

The model is applied to a long-term simulation of the transport of pesticides (hexachlorocyclohexanes in particular). Emission fluxes from the soil are rigorously computed on the basis of the realistic data of the agricultural application. All four modelled systems, i.e. atmosphere, soil, hydrosphere and cryosphere, are driven by objectively analysed meteorological data supplemented, when necessary, by climatological information. Therefore, the verification against the observed data is possible. The comparison of the model results and the observations taken at remote stations in the Arctic indicates that the presented global modelling system is able to capture both trends and short-term components in the observed time series of the concentrations, and therefore, provides a useful tool for the evaluation of the source–receptor relationships.  相似文献   

The attenuation of bulk organic matter and trace organic contaminants (TOrCs) was evaluated for various aquifer recharge and recovery (ARR)-ozone (O3) hybrid treatment process combinations using soil-batch reactor and bench-scale ozonation experiments as a proof of concept prior to pilot and/or field studies. In water reclamation and especially potable reuse, refractory bulk organic matter and TOrCs are of potential health concern in recycled waters. In this study, the role of biotransformation of bulk organic matter and TOrCs was investigated considering different simulated treatment combinations, including soil passage (ARR) alone, ARR after ozonation (O3-ARR), and ARR prior to ozonation (ARR-O3). During oxic (aerobic) ARR simulations, soluble microbial-like substances (e.g., higher molecular weight polysaccharides and proteins) were easily removed while (lower molecular weight) humic substances and aromatic organic matter were not efficiently removed. During ARR-ozone treatment simulations, removals of bulk organic matter and TOrCs were rapid and effective compared to ARR alone. A higher reduction of effluent-derived organic matter, including aromatic organic matter and humic substances, was observed in the ARR-O3 hybrid followed by the O3-ARR hybrid. An enhanced attenuation of recalcitrant TOrCs was observed while increasing the ozone dose slightly (O3: DOC = 1). TOrC removal efficiency also increased during the post-ozone treatment combination (i.e., ARR-O3). In addition, the carcinogenic wastewater disinfection byproduct N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) was eliminated below the method reporting limit (<5 ng L−1) both during ARR treatment alone and the ARR-ozone hybrid.  相似文献   

Occurrence and fate of heavy metals in the wastewater treatment process   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The occurrence and the fate of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe and Ni) during the wastewater treatment process were investigated in the wastewater treatment plant (WTP) of the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece, operating in the activated sludge mode. For this purpose, wastewater and sludge samples were collected from six different points of the plant, namely, the influent (raw wastewater, RW), the effluent of the primary sedimentation tank (primary sedimentation effluent, PSE), the effluent of the secondary sedimentation tank (secondary sedimentation effluent, SSE), sludge from the primary sedimentation tank (primary sludge, PS), activated sludge from the recirculation stream (activated sludge, AS), and the digested/dewatered sludge (final sludge, FS).

The distribution of metals between the aqueous and the solid phase of wastewater was investigated. Good exponential correlation was found between the metal partition coefficient, logKp, and the suspended solids concentration. The mass balance of heavy metals in the primary, secondary and the whole treatment process showed good closures for all metal species. The relative distribution of individual heavy metals in the treated effluent and the sludge streams indicated that Mn and Cu are primarily (>70%) accumulated in the sludge, while 47–63% of Cd, Cr, Pb, Fe, Ni and Zn remain in the treated effluent.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Chlormequat (Cq) is a plant growth regulator used throughout the world. Despite indications of possible effects of Cq on mammalian health and fertility, little is known about its fate and transport in subsurface environments. The aim of this study was to determine the fate of Cq in three Danish subsurface environments, in particular with respect to retardation of Cq in the A and B horizons and the risk of leaching to the aquatic environment. The study combines laboratory fate studies of Cq sorption and dissipation with field scale monitoring of the concentration of Cq in the subsurface environment, including artificial drains.  相似文献   


Although the use of endosulfan to control cotton pests has declined, this insecticide still has widespread application in agriculture and can contaminate riverine systems as runoff from soil or by aerial deposition. The degradation of endosulfan in pure water at different pH values of 5, 7 and 9 and in river water from the Namoi and the Hawkesbury rivers of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, was studied in the laboratory. Endosulfan transformation into endosulfan sulfate in river water using artificial mesocosms was also investigated. The results show endosulfan is stable at pH 5, with increasing rates of disappearance at pH 7 and pH 9 by chemical hydrolysis. Incubation of endosulfan with river water at pH 8.3 resulted in the disappearance of endosulfan and the formation of endosulfan diol due to the alkaline pH as well as formation of endosulfan sulfate. Although the degradation of endosulfan by Anabaena, a blue-green alga, did not result in the transformation of endosulfan to endosulfan sulfate, we conclude that other microorganisms catalyzed the formation of the sulfate. Significant conversions of endosulfan into endosulfan sulfate were also reported from associated field studies using artificial mesocoms containing irrigation water from rivers inhabitated by micro-macro fauna. From these results, we conclude that the presence of endosulfan sulfate in river water cannot be used to distinguish contamination by runoff from soil from contamination by aerial drift or redeposition.  相似文献   

厌氧-好氧组合工艺去除有机物和氮的可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为寻求一种较低成本、高效率的生活污水处理工艺,研究了厌氧消化(UASB)-好氧(BF)后处理组合工艺同时去除生活污水中有机物和氮的可行性.系统的水力停留时间分别设为12、10、8、5 h,有机容积负荷分别为1.0、1.2、1.5、2.0 g / (L·d),出水COD低,平均去除率均大于92%;TN容积负荷分别为62.5、75.3、82.8、159.3 mg/(L·d),TN去除率分别为82.79%、79.97%、76.25%、67.83%.长期生存在微氧条件下,颗粒污泥的紧密度和沉降性能均低于接种厌氧,粒度增大,比产甲烷活性略有降低,但仍保持在较高水平.  相似文献   

Chloroform in the environment: occurrence,sources, sinks and effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
McCulloch A 《Chemosphere》2003,50(10):1291-1308
The chloroform flux through the environment is apparently constant at some 660±220 Gg yr−1 (±1σ) and about 90% of the emissions are natural in origin: the largest single source being in offshore sea water (contributing 360±90 Gg yr−1), with soil processes the next most important (220±100 Gg yr−1). Other natural sources, mainly volcanic and geological, account for less than 20 Gg yr−1. The non-natural sources total 66±23 Gg yr−1 and are much better characterised than the natural sources. They are predominantly the result of using strong oxidising agent on organic material in the presence of chloride ion, a direct parallel with the natural processes occurring in soils.

Chloroform partitions preferentially into the atmosphere; the equilibrium distribution is greater than 99% and the average global atmospheric concentration has been calculated to be 18.5 pmol mol−1. Atmospheric oxidation, the principal removal process, is approximately in balance with the identified source fluxes. Chloroform is widely dispersed in the aquatic environment (even naturally present in some mineral waters). Consequently, it is also widely dispersed in the tissue of living creatures and in foodstuffs but there is little evidence of bioaccumulation and the quantities in foodstuffs and drinking water are not problematical for human ingestion at the highest concentrations found. Definitive studies have shown that current environmental concentrations of chloroform do not present an ecotoxicological risk, even to fish at the embryonic and larval stages when they are most susceptible.

By virtue of the very small amounts that actually become transported to the stratosphere, chloroform does not deplete ozone materially, nor is it a photochemically active volatile organic compound (VOC). It has a global warming potential that is less than that of the photochemically active VOCs and is not classed as a greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

This study investigated the occurrence of 43 emerging contaminants including 9 endocrine-disrupting chemicals and 34 pharmaceuticals in three sites in Hebei Province, north China. Each site has a wastewater irrigated plot and a separate groundwater irrigated plot for comparison purpose. The results showed that the concentrations of the target compounds in the wastewater irrigated soils were in most cases higher than those in the groundwater irrigated soils. Among the 43 target compounds, nine compounds bisphenol-A, triclocarban, triclosan, 4-nonylphenol, salicylic acid, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, trimethoprim and primidone were detected at least once in the soils. Preliminary environmental risk assessment showed that triclocarban might pose high risks to terrestrial organisms while the other detected compounds posed minimal risks. Irrigation with wastewater could lead to presence or accumulation of some emerging contaminants to some extent in irrigated soils.  相似文献   

Fate of imidacloprid in soil and plant after application to cotton seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
El-Hamady SE  Kubiak R  Derbalah AS 《Chemosphere》2008,71(11):2173-2179
This study aimed to investigate the persistence of imidacloprid in soil after application to cotton seeds and to obtain a complete picture on the mass balance of this compound in soil and cotton plants. The study was carried out as a pot culture experiment under laboratory conditions using a Gaucho formulation containing 14C-labeled imidacloprid. Three treatments of cotton seeds were made in sandy loamy soil: live seeds grown in autoclaved soil, dead seeds put in live soil and live seeds grown in live soil. Results showed that total 14C recoveries decreased by time ranging 93.8–96.2, 77.1–88.4 and 53.5–62.4% of the applied radioactivity at 7, 14, and 21 d after application, respectively. The reduction in the extracted 14C from soil coincided with the increase of non-extracted ones. Levels of bound 14C was always less in autoclaved soil than in live ones. Results revealed also that only 1.8–6.8% of the applied 14C was taken up by the plants and fluctuated within the test period. 14C levels were higher in plants grown in autoclaved soil than those in live ones and the radioactivity tended to accumulate on the edges of cotton leaves. Most of the radioactivity in the soil extracts was identified as unchanged 14C-imidacloprid.  相似文献   

Fragrances such as OTNE (marketed as Iso-E-Super®) and bactericides such as triclosan (marketed as Igrasan) are present in waste water and thus finally sorbed to sewage sludge. With that sludge they can reach agricultural fields where they potentially can undergo photodegradation processes. In this study the photodegradation of OTNE and triclosan on dried loamy sand was measured under artificial sunlight conditions in laboratory experiments. These compounds were artificially added with concentrations of 1 μg g−1 on pre-rinsed dried loamy sand. The decrease in concentration with light irradiation was measured for 32 d in comparison to soil samples without light irradiation. The estimated light source intensity was 27 W m−2. Within the experiment, the apparent half-life was 7 and 17 d for OTNE and triclosan respectively. The decrease did not simply follow first-order kinetics. The apparent rate constant decreased in the latter stage of reaction, suggesting that part of the chemicals were inaccessible for degradation. Two models, i.e., a diffusion-limited model, and a light penetration-limited model, were used in comparison to the measured data to explain the observed degradation limitations in the latter stages of the experiments. Comparing the hereby obtained model parameters with estimated physico-chemical parameters for the soil and the two chemical compounds, the light penetration-limited model, in which the degradation in the soil surface layer is assumed to be limited due to the shading effect of light in the upper thin soil layer, showed to be the most realistic in describing the photodegradation.  相似文献   

The occurrence and estimated concentration of twenty illicit and therapeutic pharmaceuticals and metabolites in surface waters influenced by wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) discharge and in wastewater effluents in Nebraska were determined using Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samplers (POCIS). Samplers were installed in rivers upstream and downstream of treated WWTP discharge at four sites and in a discharge canal at a fifth location. Based on differences in estimated concentrations determined from pharmaceuticals recovered from POCIS, WWTP effluent was found to be a significant source of pharmaceutical loading to the receiving waters. Effluents from WWTPs with trickling filters or trickling filters in parallel with activated sludge resulted in the highest observed in-stream pharmaceutical concentrations. Azithromycin, caffeine, 1,7-dimethylzanthine, carbamazepine, cotinine, DEET, diphenhydramine, and sulfamethazine were detected at all locations. Methamphetamine, an illicit pharmaceutical, was detected at all but one of the sampling locations, representing only the second report of methamphetamine detected in WWTP effluent and in streams impacted by WWTP effluent.  相似文献   

The present work focuses on the fate of two cancerostatic platinum compounds (CPC), cisplatin and carboplatin, as well as of two inorganic platinum compounds, [PtCl4]2− and [PtCl6]2− in biological wastewater treatment. Laboratory experiments modelling adsorption of these compounds onto activated sludge showed promising specific adsorption coefficients KD and KOC and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. However, the adsorption properties of the investigated substances were differing significantly. Adsorption decreased following the order cisplatin > [PtCl6]2− > [PtCl4]2− > carboplatin. Log KD-values were ranging from 2.5 to 4.3 , log KOC from 3.0 to 4.7.

A pilot membrane bioreactor system (MBR) was installed in a hospital in Vienna and fed with wastewater from the oncologic in-patient treatment ward to investigate CPC-adsorption in a sewage treatment plant. During three monitoring periods Pt-concentrations were measured in the influent (3–250 μg l−1 Pt) and the effluent (2–150 μg l−1 Pt) of the treatment plant using ICP-MS. The monitoring periods (duration 30 d) revealed elimination efficiencies between 51% and 63% based on averaged weekly input–output budgets. The derived log KD-values and log KOC-values ranged from 2.4 to 4.8 and from 2.8 to 5.3, respectively. Species analysis using HPLC-ICP-MS proofed that mainly carboplatin was present as intact drug in the influent and – due to low log KD – in the effluent of the MBR.  相似文献   

活性炭纤维及其在水处理中的应用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
介绍了活性炭纤维材料的发展历史、类别、结构性能、制备过程。活性炭纤维比普通活性炭性能优越,吸附量大,机械强度高,吸附、脱附速度快,正逐渐地被用于废水处理和饮用水的净化。其具体方法有常用的吸附法、电解法,以及尚在起步阶段的生物活性炭纤维法。  相似文献   

We created a database in order to quantitatively assess the occurrence and removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). From 117 scientific publications, we compiled 6641 data covering 184 PPCPs. Data included the concentrations of PPCPs in WWTP influents and effluents, their removal efficiency and their loads to the aquatic environment. The first outputs of our database allowed to identify the most investigated PPCPs in WWTPs and the most persistent ones, and to obtain reliable and quantitative values on their concentrations, frequency of detection and removal efficiency in WWTPs. We were also able to compare various processes and pointed out activated sludge with nitrogen treatment and membrane bioreactor as the most efficient ones.  相似文献   

宁波市城市污水处理厂污泥处置方案探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市污水处理率提高导致的污水污泥产量的增长趋势也使得污水污泥的处理问题更为突出。在总结国内外城市污泥处置技术发展趋势的基础上,结合宁波市的实际情况,根据无害化、减量化和资源化的原则,提出城市污泥近远期处置方案,并对处置方案作出可行性分析。  相似文献   

Sun-blocking agents including eight UV filters (UVF) and 10 UV light stabilizers (UVLS) were measured in water and sediment collected from 22 rivers, four sewage treatment plant effluents (STPE) and three lakes in Japan. Total sun blocking agents levels ranged from N.D. to 4928 ng/L and from 2.0 to 3422 μg/kg dry wt in surface water and in sediment, respectively. Benzyl salicylate, benzophenone-3, 2-ethyl hexyl-4-methoxycinnamte (EHMC) and octyl salicylate were dominant in surface water receiving wastewater effluents and STPE, although UV-328, benzophenone and EHMC were dominant in other surface water except background sites. Three UVF and nine UVLS were observed from all sediment and their compositions showed similar patterns with UV-328 and UV-234 as the most prevalent compounds. Homosalate, octocrylene, UV-326, UV-327, UV-328 and UV-234 were significantly correlated with Galaxolide® in sediments. Concentrations of UV-327 and UV-328 also had strong correlation between those of UV-326 in sediment.  相似文献   

Li X  Ke Z  Dong J 《Chemosphere》2011,82(5):635-638
The levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were analyzed by an isotope-dilution high-resolution mass spectrometric in 16 sewage sludges, sampled from 2004 to 2009, from two municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Beijing. Total toxicity equivalent (TEQ) values were evaluated using the toxicity equivalent factors proposed by International for PCDD/Fs. The I-TEQs for these sewage sludges were from 0.97 to 15.0 pg g−1 dry weight (dw) with a mean value 4.43 pg g−1 dw, indicating that all I-TEQs were below Chinese legislation limit value regulated for agricultural use in soils.The results from limited samples (16 samples) showed that the levels of PCDD/Fs might be correlated with the sludge age. Meanwhile, the temporal trends of PCD/Fs suggested that the I-TEQs may correlate with rainfall in the present study.  相似文献   

The stability of TiO2 nanoparticles in soil suspensions and their transport behavior through saturated homogeneous soil columns were studied. The results showed that TiO2 could remain suspended in soil suspensions even after settling for 10 days. The suspended TiO2 contents in soil suspensions after 24 h were positively correlated with the dissolved organic carbon and clay content of the soils, but were negatively correlated with ionic strength, pH and zeta potential. In soils containing soil particles of relatively large diameters and lower solution ionic strengths, a significant portion of the TiO2 (18.8-83.0%) readily passed through the soils columns, while TiO2 was significantly retained by soils with higher clay contents and salinity. TiO2 aggregate sizes in the column outflow significantly increased after passing through the soil columns. The estimated transport distances of TiO2 in some soils ranged from 41.3 to 370 cm, indicating potential environmental risk of TiO2 nanoparticles to deep soil layers.  相似文献   

城市生活污泥和矿化垃圾中氮磷淋失的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过模拟土柱实验,分析了城市生活污泥和矿化垃圾中氮磷的迁移对地下水的影响以及矿化垃圾对氮磷的去除特性.测定项目包括总磷、总氮、硝态氮、pH和电导率(EC).结果表明:施用污泥和矿化垃圾后淋滤液的pH呈下降趋势;EC和总氮都有显著增加;硝态氮增加特别明显,容易造成地下水污染;总磷变化不大,污染地下水的可能性较小.矿化垃圾对氮的去除作用不明显,反而增加了淋滤液中的氮素含量,但对磷的去除效果明显.因此,在利用矿化垃圾取代土壤时,应注意矿化垃圾中氮特别是硝态氮的污染.  相似文献   

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