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蔬菜基地土壤污染状况与人类健康有着密切的关系。本研究对福州市蔬菜基地土壤中6种重金属和15种美国环境保护总署(US EPA)优控的多环芳烃(PAHs)污染状况进行了调查,并分析了污染物含量与土壤磁性指标间的关系。结果表明,土壤中重金属平均含量为Zn 147.0 mg·kg-1、Pb 55.0 mg·kg-1、Cu 45.5 mg·kg-1、Cr 21.3 mg·kg-1、As 16.0 mg·kg-1、Cd 0.6 mg·kg-1;PAHs的总量范围为324.3~1 838.6 μg·kg-1。Cu含量和PAHs总量与土壤磁化率χ都具有显著的相关性(pχfd的结果分析表明,土壤中PAHs主要来源于石油泄漏和生物质的燃烧;重金属来源复杂,为混合来源,包括人类活动排放和成土母质固有含量。污染评价结果表明,土壤中Cr和As的含量都未超标,Cu、Zn和Cd的含量均超标;参考荷兰土壤修复标准中的目标值, PAHs含量超标的土壤为11.1%,而参照我国土壤污染状况评价技术规定,PAHs含量超标的土壤为22.2%。  相似文献   

为了解焦化厂在装煤过程中产生的PM2.5及其周边区域空气环境PM2.5中多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量,采用微纤维石英滤膜对PM2.5采样,并通过气相色谱-质谱仪分析PM2.5上负载的16种毒性较大PAHs。结果表明:焦炉装煤除尘烟气PM2.5中PAHs的成分主要受到炼焦配煤的影响;布袋除尘器对装煤除尘烟气中高环PAHs的处理效果显著;焦化厂周边空气环境中PM2.5中的PAHs浓度呈明显空间递减趋势。采用特征比值法分析得到该区域空气环境中PAHs主要来源于煤炭燃烧,用毒性当量法分析得到焦化厂区域PM2.5中PAHs的毒性为其他区域的9~90倍,高环PAHs的毒性贡献较大。  相似文献   

This study characterized the dry deposition flux and dry deposition velocity (Vd) of metallic elements attached on particulate matter. Specifically, large particles (>10 μm), coarse particles (10 μm~2.5 μm), and fine particles (<2.5 μm) were studied at the Gong Ming Junior High School (Taichung Airport) and Taichung Harbor sampling sites in central Taiwan. Ambient air samples were collected to determine total suspended particulate matter (TSP), dry deposition plate (DDP), Vd, coarse particulate matter (PM2.5–10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and metallic elements concentrations at the Airport and Taichung Harbor sites between June 17, 2013, and November 14, 2013. The results revealed that the average TSP, DDP, Vd, PM2.5–10, and PM2.5 particulate at the Airport were 54.55 (μg/m3), 902.25 (μg/m2-min), 17.11 (m/sec), 0.003 (μg/m3), and 0.010 (μg/m3), respectively; while these values at Taichung Harbor were 63.66 (μg/m3), 539.69 (μg/m2-min), 9.94 (m/sec), 0.003 (μg/m3), and 0.014 (μg/m3), respectively. In addition, the results showed that the average Cu and Pb concentrations were higher than Cr, Ni, and Cd for both the airport and harbor sampling sites. Furthermore, Cr, N, Cu, Cd, and Pb had the highest average concentrations versus those reported for other study areas, with one exception: The results obtained in Kacanik, Kosovo, during 2005. The average metallic elements concentrations order was Cu > Pb > Cr > Ni > Cd.  相似文献   

A two-step analytical method is developed for the isolation and characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in crude oil contaminated soil. In the first step, those crude oil components were isolated which are easily mobilized with water from the contaminated soil (determination of groundwater pollution potential). In the second step, the fraction containing the remaining crude oil compounds was extracted using toluene. After the cleanup of the fractions, both fractions were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC of the toluene extracted fraction shows that along with the sixteen priority pollutants from the US-EPA list, many other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are present as well. It is evident from the chromatograms that a significant amount of PAHs are present as is also the case in the fractions eluted by water. The described method allows the determination of total organic pollutants from crude oil, some of them being potential groundwater contaminants. The major part of the total pollutants could not be mobilized by water and therefore remains in the soil, which was extracted in the second step.  相似文献   

A study on source apportionment of indoor dust and particulate matter (PM10) composition was conducted in a university building by using chemometrics. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential sources of selected heavy metals and ionic species in PM10 and indoor dust. PM10 samples were collected using a low-volume sampler (LVS) and indoor dust was collected using a soft brush. Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine the concentration of heavy metals, while the concentration of cations and anions was determined by atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) and ion chromatography (IC), respectively. The concentration of PM10 recorded in the building throughout the sampling period ranged from 20 ± 10 μgm?3 to 80 ± 33 μgm?3. The composition of heavy metals in PM10 and indoor dust were dominated by zinc (Zn), followed by lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and cadmium (Cd). Principle component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression (MLR) showed that the main sources of pollutants in PM10 came from indoor renovations (73.83%), vehicle emissions (16.38%), earth crust sources (9.68%), and other outdoor sources (0.11%). For indoor dust, the pollutant source was mainly earth crust. This study suggests that chemometrics can be used for forensic investigation to determine the possible sources of indoor contaminants within a public building.  相似文献   

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