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This study assessed concentration levels of particulate matter (PM) in the ambient environment of Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria, during haze episodes. Meteorological data (wind speed and direction, rainfall data, sunshine data, relative humidity and temperature) were obtained. Aerocet 531S particle counter (MetOne Instruments, USA) was used to measure four mass concentration ranges of PM (PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 and the total suspended particles (TSP)) in 10 locations taking into consideration land use patterns. Surfer® version 8 (Golden Software LLC, USA) was used to model the spatial variation of particulate matter concentration levels using kriging interpolation griding method. Human exposure assessment was done using the total respiratory deposition dose (TRDD) estimates and statutory limit breach (SLB) approaches. The appearance of dominating weak southern atmospheric wind flow was observed as wind speed ranged from 0 to 6.811 m/s while solar radiation periods ranged from 0.3 to 3.5 h/day. The relative humidity of the metropolis ranged between 28 and 57%, while daily temperature was 15 to 36 °C. Highest concentration levels of PM measured were 73.4, 562.7, 7066.3 and 9907.8 μg/m3 for PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 and TSP, respectively. Very strong negative correlations existed between the PM concentration levels and microclimatic parameters. Spatial variation of the concentration level as modelled using Surfer® version 8 indicated that particulate concentration level increases from south to north. Concentration levels of PM for the 24-h averaging period were generally above the 24-h threshold limit value set by the regulatory agencies for all the locations.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to determine the levels of bioaerosols including airborne culturable bacteria (total suspended bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), and Gram-negative bacteria), fungi, endotoxin, and viruses (influenza A, influenza B, respiratory syncytial virus types A/B, parainfluenza virus types 1/2/3, metapnemovirus, and adenovirus) and their seasonal variations in indoor air of residential apartments. Of the total suspended bacteria cultured in an indoor environment, Staphylococcus was dominant and occupied 49.0 to 61.3 % of indoor air. Among Staphylococcus, S. aureus were detected in 100 % of households' indoor air ranging from 4 to 140 CFU/m3, and 66 % of households were positive for MRSA ranging from 2 to 80 CFU/m3. Staphylococcus and S. aureus concentrations correlated with indoor temperature (adjusted β: 0.4440 and 0.403, p?<?0.0001). Among respiratory viruses, adenovirus was detected in 14 (14 %) samples and influenza A virus was detected in 3 (3 %) samples regarding the indoor air of apartments. Adenovirus concentrations were generally higher in winter (mean concentration was 2,106 copies/m3) than in spring (mean concentration was 173 copies/m3), with concentrations ranging between 12 and 560 copies/m3. Also, a strong negative correlation between adenovirus concentrations and relative humidity in indoor air was observed (r?=??0.808, p?<?0.01). Furthermore, temperature also negatively correlated with adenovirus concentrations (r?=??0.559, p?<?0.05).  相似文献   

The spatially and temporally varying environmental quality of a metropolitan area is described by means of empirically derived environmental indices. The approach is based on the principles of benefit analysis and consists of a number of logical steps including the selection, the measurement and determination of the spatial distribution, and the normalization (scaling) of the selected environmental indicators. To derive composite indices, the normalized indicators are weighted, based on the Delphi technique and subsequently aggregated. The results are given by means of isopleths, including single and composite index isopleths plotted by computer on common maps.World Health Organization  相似文献   

Several samples of airborne particulate matter (PM), collected from 6th November to 6th December 2003 at a coastal site in the south-east of Italy, have been analyzed by different techniques to characterize elemental composition and morphological properties of the inorganic PM fraction and obtain preliminary results on anthropogenic contributions. Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, V, Pb, Ti, Ca and Zn mass concentrations, evaluated by an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer, account for up to l% of the bulk PM mass in the investigated samples. According to geochemical calculations, Ca, Al, Fe and Mn are predominantly of crustal origin, while Cr, Cu, Pb, V, Ti and Zn heavy metals are of anthropogenic origin. Ion chromatography analyses have identified sulfate (SO(4)(2-)) nitrate (NO(3)(-)), sodium (Na(+)), and ammonium (NH(4)(+)) as the main ionic components accounting for up to 38% of the total PM mass and up to 90% of the total ionic mass. Besides ion chromatography, X-ray energy dispersive (EDX) microanalyses have revealed the high variability of Cl: its weight concentration varies from about 24% to below the detection limit (>or=0.5%) in the investigated samples. The marked anti-correlation between the excess of S and the Cl/Na ratio has allowed inferring that reactions between sea salt particles and acidic sulfates, which liberate HCl gas to the atmosphere leaving particles enriched in non-sea-salt sulfates, have significantly contributed to chloride depletion. Morphological analyses by scanning electron microscopy have shown that about 90% of the total sampled particles have a diameter 相似文献   

An investigation to find out presence of particulate matter in Marikana, a mining area in Rustenburg town, South Africa, was carried out in the months of August and November of 2008. Samples were collected for measurements of particulate matter (PM) of particle diameters of PM10, PM2.5, and PM1. After gravimetric analysis of daily measurements, it was found that PM10 concentration values ranged between 3 and 9 ??g/m3, PM2.5 concentration values ranged between 16 and 26 ??g/m3, and PM1 concentration values ranged between 14 and 18 ??g/m3 for the month of August 2008. For the month of November, it was found that PM10 concentration values ranged between 2 and 8 ??g/m3, PM2.5 concentration values ranged between 0 and 5 ??g/m3, and PM1 concentration values ranged between 4 and 15 ??g/m3. This study was undertaken as preliminary work having in mind that mining activities could be emitting high levels of particulate matter in the atmosphere which might be degrading the quality of the air. It was observed, however, that the daily particulate matter especially of PM10 emitted were quite low when compared to laid down International Air Quality Standards. The standards did not give guidelines for particulate matter of diameter 2.5 ??m. It was concluded that particulate matter came from three major sources: platinum mining, domestic biomass burning, and traffic emissions due to fuel burning.  相似文献   

Short-term personal exposure of passengers in different types of motor vehicles to carbon monoxide was investigated in an intensively used main road in Israel’s Tel Aviv metropolitan area. According to monitoring stations of the Ministry for Environmental Protection (MEP), concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) along the road, at a height of 3 m above pedestrian level, in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, are currently very low. However, these measurements do not reflect the actual exposure of commuters, which were the main objective of this study. Four vehicle types/travel modes were investigated: private cars with closed windows, private cars with open windows, motorcycles, and buses. The commuter CO average exposure was the accumulative exposure divided by the duration of the sampling taken along the route, for each type of vehicles. The results showed that commuters in cars with closed windows were exposed to the highest mean CO level, 27.2 ppm, for a period of 38 min; those in a car with open windows, to 19.7 ppm for 38 min; motorcycle riders, to 12.8 ppm, for 17 min; and bus users were exposed to the lowest mean pollution level, of only 3.6 ppm, for 25 min. Thus, CO values of 1 to 3 ppm, as measured at an MEP adjacent monitoring station, may indicate the exposure to CO pollution of area residents, but do not represent the actual exposure of commuters on the congested main road.  相似文献   

The potential for mercury accumulation in free-living passerine birds is now recognized to be much greater than previously assumed. However, lowest observable effect levels have yet to be well established for this taxonomic group and it is usually unknown whether levels observed in the wild are causing adverse effects. We measured total blood mercury (THg) levels and took repeated morphological measurements from nestling red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus; N?=?39) in the New York metropolitan area to investigate whether mercury affected their growth rate. We also compared THg levels of nestlings (and parents; N?=?14) between our two study sites, which included riparian habitats along a city river and surrounding ponds in a nearby suburb, to examine differences between birds within and beyond the urban core. THg levels ranged 0.009–0.284 ppm in nestlings and 0.036–0.746 ppm in adults. Adults and nestlings had significantly higher THg outside of the city than within, possibly due to the ability of rivers to flush contaminants and the higher methylation potential of ponds. Among our candidate sets, models containing THg had minimal support for explaining variation in nestling growth rate. Summed Akaike weights further showed that THg had little relative importance. Mercury pollution in our sites may be low, or feather growth may have been sufficient to protect nestlings from accumulating harmful mercury levels in living tissues.  相似文献   

Understanding the exchange mechanism between stratosphere and troposphere is one of the most important concerns of meteorologists and climatologists for decades. Different methods are being adopted to study those mechanisms. One of those methods is the study upon the tropospheric concentration of conserve or passive entities with stratospheric origin. One of those passive entities is 7Be that is produced upon the incident of cosmic rays on light atmospheric nuclei in the stratosphere. The availability of 5 years observations of 7Be concentration in surface air in Tehran (35°41 N, 51°18 E) encouraged us to investigate meteorological condition effect on the surface concentration of 7Be. Also, the intention was to see if there was any intrusion of stratospheric air into the troposphere at the time of high surface concentration of 7Be and scavenging mechanism when the concentration was low. During the course of this study, it has been found that 7Be concentration is high whenever there is a jet stream over Tehran. Since high-level jet streams normally form near tropopause folding, it could be interpreted as a sign of the intrusion of stratospheric air into the troposphere. It was also found that high concentration of 7Be in the Tehran surface air in summer is associated with an upper ridge on 500 hPa surface located east of the city, and low concentration in winter is associated with an upper trough. The latter normally is seen whenever there is precipitation that suggests wet scavenging could be the reason for that observed low concentration.  相似文献   

Ambient levels of carbonyl compounds and their possible sources were studied at three places in the metropolitan area of Costa Rica, including a residential, an industrial, and a commercial downtown area with high vehicular flow, during the periods of April–May and September–December 2009. Fifteen carbonyl compounds were identified in the ambient air, of which acetone was the most abundant carbonyl, followed by formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Concentrations were highest in rainy season at all sites and lower in dry season. These decreases in concentration are explained by the influences of both photochemical reactions and local meteorological conditions. The strong correlation between C1–C2 and C3 indicated a common origin for these carbonyls. The C1/C2 ratios varied between 0.49 to 1.05, values which can be considered typical of an urban area.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization has estimated that air pollution is responsible for 1.4 % of all deaths and 0.8 % of disability-adjusted life years. NOIDA, located at the National Capital Region, India, was declared as one of the critically air-polluted areas by the Central Pollution Control Board of the Government of India. Studies on the relationship of reduction in lung functions of residents living in areas with higher concentrations of particulate matter (PM) in ambient air were inconclusive since the subjects of most of the studies are hospital admission cases. Very few studies, including one from India, have shown the relationship of PM concentration and its effects of lung functions in the same location. Hence, a cross-sectional study was undertaken to study the effect of particulate matter concentration in ambient air on the lung functions of residents living in a critically air-polluted area in India. PM concentrations in ambient air (PM1, PM2.5) were monitored at residential locations and identified locations with higher (NOIDA) and lower concentrations (Gurgaon). Lung function tests (FEV1, PEFR) were conducted using a spirometer in 757 residents. Both air monitoring and lung function tests were conducted on the same day. Significant negative linear relationship exists between higher concentrations of PM1 with reduced FEV1 and increased concentrations of PM2.5 with reduced PEFR and FEV1. The study shows that reductions in lung functions (PEFR and FEV1) can be attributed to higher particulate matter concentrations in ambient air. Decline in airflow obstruction in subjects exposed to high PM concentrations can be attributed to the fibrogenic response and associated airway wall remodeling. The study suggests the intervention of policy makers and stake holders to take necessary steps to reduce the emissions of PM concentrations, especially PM1, PM2.5, which can lead to serious respiratory health concerns in residents.  相似文献   

Role of meteorology in seasonality of air pollution in megacity Delhi,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The winters in megacity Delhi are harsh, smoggy, foggy, and highly polluted. The pollution levels are approximately two to three times those monitored in the summer months, and the severity is felt not only in the health department but also in the transportation department, with regular delays at airport operations and series of minor and major accidents across the road corridors. The impacts felt across the city are both manmade (due to the fuel burning) and natural (due to the meteorological setting), and it is hard to distinguish their respective proportions. Over the last decade, the city has gained from timely interventions to control pollution, and yet, the pollution levels are as bad as the previous year, especially for the fine particulates, the most harmful of the criteria pollutants, with a daily 2009 average of 80 to 100 μg/m3. In this paper, the role of meteorology is studied using a Lagrangian model called Atmospheric Transport Modeling System in tracer mode to better understand the seasonality of pollution in Delhi. A clear conclusion is that irrespective of constant emissions over each month, the estimated tracer concentrations are invariably 40% to 80% higher in the winter months (November, December, and January) and 10% to 60% lower in the summer months (May, June, and July), when compared to annual average for that year. Along with monitoring and source apportionment studies, this paper presents a way to communicate complex physical characteristics of atmospheric modeling in simplistic manner and to further elaborate linkages between local meteorology and pollution.  相似文献   

The present study proposed to investigate the atmospheric distribution, sources, and inhalation health risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a tropical megacity (Delhi, India). To this end, 16 US EPA priority PAHs were measured in the inhalable fraction of atmospheric particles (PM10; aerodynamic diameter, ≤10 μm) collected weekly at three residential areas in Delhi from December 2008 to November 2009. Mean annual 24 h PM10 levels at the sites (166.5–192.3 μg m?3) were eight to ten times the WHO limit. Weekday/weekend effects on PM10 and associated PAHs were investigated. Σ16PAH concentrations (sum of 16 PAHs analyzed; overall annual mean, 105.3 ng m?3; overall range, 10.5–511.9 ng m?3) observed were at least an order of magnitude greater than values reported from European and US cities. Spatial variations in PAHs were influenced by nearness to traffic and thermal power plants while seasonal variation trends showed highest concentrations in winter. Associations between Σ16PAHs and various meteorological parameters were investigated. The overall PAH profile was dominated by combustion-derived large-ring species (85–87 %) that were essentially local in origin. Carcinogenic PAHs contributed 58–62 % to Σ16PAH loads at the sites. Molecular diagnostic ratios were used for preliminary assessment of PAH sources. Principal component analysis coupled with multiple linear regression-identified vehicular emissions as the predominant source (62–83 %), followed by coal combustion (18–19 %), residential fuel use (19 %), and industrial emissions (16 %). Spatio-temporal variations and time-evolution of source contributions were studied. Inhalation cancer risk assessment showed that a maximum of 39,780 excess cancer cases might occur due to lifetime inhalation exposure to the analyzed PAH concentrations.  相似文献   

Trends in total suspended particulates (TSP) emissioninventories were compared with ambient TSP concentrationsduring the period of 1993-1999 in the Czech Republic. TheTSP annual emission decreased within the period of observationfrom 441 300 to 67 000 of metric tonnes (by 85%). During thesame period a less pronounced downward trend from80.3 g m-3 to 31.5g m-3 (decrease by 61%)was noted also for the ambient TSP annual average. Differencebetween the two air quality indicators seems to indicate thatchanges in TSP emission inventories from year to year arebeing to some extent overestimated. Monthly ambientparticulate concentrations did not respond to overall drop inemissions proportionately but were closely associated withmonthly mean temperatures. While in the winter the correlationbetween ambient TSP and temperature was negative, in summerthe correlation between the two variables was positive. Inspring and autumn there was no clear correlation betweentemperature and ambient particulate pollution. The improvementof air quality in the Czech Republic since the economical andpolitical transformation in 1990s is substantial whendemonstrated by emission figures, however, true state ofparticulate pollution expressed by ambient levels requiresfurther attention.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability in wetland water-quality variables were examined for twenty-one wetlands in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area and eighteen wetlands in adjacent Wright County. Wetland water quality was significantly affected by contact with the sediment (surface water vs. groundwater), season, degree of hydrologic isolation, wetland class, and predominant land-use in the surrounding watershed (p<0.05). Between years, only nitrate and particulate nitrogen concentrations varied significantly in Wright County wetland surface waters. For eight water-quality variables, the power of a paired before-and-after comparison design was greater than the power of a completely randomized design. The reverse was true for four other water-quality variables. The power of statistical tests for different classes of water-quality variables could be ranked according to the predominant factors influencing these: climate factors>edaphic factors>detritivory>land-use factors>biotic-redox or other multiple factors.For two wetlands sampled intensively, soluble reactive phosphate and total dissolved phosphorus were the most spatially variable (c.v.=76–249%), while temperature, color, dissolved organic carbon, and DO were least variable (c.v.=6–43%). Geostatistical analyses demonstrated that the average distance across which water-quality variables were spatially correlated (variogram range) was 61–112% of the mean radius of each wetland. Within the shallower of the two wetlands, nitrogen speciation was explained as a function of dissolved oxygen, while deeper marsh water-quality variables were explained as a function of water depth or distance from the wetland edge. Compositing water-quality samples produced unbiased estimates of individual sample means for all water quality variables examined except for ammonium.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to characterize the variability of trace metals in the Rio Santa watershed based on synoptic sampling applied at a large scale. To that end, we propose a combination of methods based on the collection of water, suspended sediments, and riverbed sediments at different points of the watershed within a very limited period. Forty points within the Rio Santa watershed were sampled between June 21 and July 8, 2013. Forty water samples, 36 suspended sediments, and 34 riverbed sediments were analyzed for seven trace metals. The results, which were normalized using the USEPA guideline for water and sediments, show that the Rio Santa water exhibits Mn concentrations higher than the guideline at more than 50% of the sampling points. As is the second highest contaminating element in the water, with approximately 10% of the samples containing concentrations above the guideline. Sediments collected in the Rio Santa riverbed were heavily contaminated by at least four of the tested elements at nearly 85% of the sample points, with As presenting the highest normalized concentration, at more than ten times the guideline. As, Cd, Fe, Pb, and Zn present similar concentration trends in the sediment all along the Rio Santa.The findings indicate that care should be taken in using the Rio Santa water and sediments for purposes that could affect the health of humans or the ecosystem. The situation is worse in some tributaries in the southern part of the watershed that host both active and abandoned mines and ore-processing plants.  相似文献   

Airborne total suspended particulates (TSP), dusts from smelter blast furnace and converter stacks, and filtrates of snow melt waters have been characterised in the Cu smelter and former mining town of Karabash, Russia. TSP was collected at sites up- and downwind of the smelter and large waste and tailings dumps (Oct. 2000 and July 2001). Methods for particle size, mineralogical and elemental determinations have been tested and described, and a new PSD-MicroSOURCE XRD technique developed for the mineralogical analysis of microsamples on filter substrates. TSP in downwind samples has a mean equivalent spherical diameter of 0.5 microm (s.d. = 0.2) and was found to be 100% respirable. The main element of human health/environmental concern, above Russian maximum permitted levels (1 microg m(-3), average over any time period), was Pb which was measured at 16-30 microg m(-3) in downwind samples. Individual particulates mainly consisted of complex mixtures of anglesite (PbSO4), Zn2SnO4 and poorly ordered Zn sulphates. From experimental and theoretical considerations, a high proportion of contained Pb, Zn, Cd and As in this material is considered to be in a readily bioavailable form. Chemical and mineralogical differences between the TSP, stack dusts and snow samples are discussed, as well as the implications for human and regional environmental health.  相似文献   

Water with high nitrate concentration (NO3 ) is unfit for human consumption, especially when its concentration exceeded the threshold limit (50 mg/l) recommended by the health authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In Jordan, there is a great concern for determination and monitoring organic and inorganic pollutants that may reach groundwater. Nitrate is highly mobile and present in domestic, agricultural and industrial waste in Jordan, and thus this study focused initially on nitrate as both a contaminant of concern and as an indicator of potential groundwater contamination. The present study determined the extent of nitrate contamination in groundwater in the study area and examined the likely sources of NO3 . A total of 248 groundwater samples were collected from 16 wells in different sites of Al-Hashimiya area, Zerqa Governorate, Jordan, and investigated for NO3 concentrations. Moreover, measurements of temperature, electrical conductivity and pH were carried out in the field. Analysis was carried out according to the methods described by the American Public Health Association (APHA). Results showed that there was a dramatic increasing in NO3 concentrations from the year 2001 to 2006 for some selected wells in the present study. NO3 concentration in 2006 was ranged from 10 to 330 mg/l with an average of 77 mg/l. Overall, groundwater had elevated nitrate concentration with 92% of the samples containing more than 20 mg/l NO3 , indicating the influence of human activities. This study has shown that there is a strong correlation between the nitrate concentration and the wastewater effluents as a source of pollution.  相似文献   

Revegetation and ecological restoration of a Mn mineland are important concerns in southern China. To determine the major constraints for revegetation and select suitable plants for phytorestoration, pedological and botanical characteristics of a Mn mine in Guangxi, southern China were investigated. All the soils were characterized by low pH and low nitrogen and phosphorus levels except for the control soil, suggesting that soil acidity and poor nutrition were disadvantageous to plant growth. In general, the studied mine soils had normal organic matter (OM) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). However, OM (8.9 g/kg) and CEC (7.15 cmol/kg) were very low in the soils from tailing dumps. The sandy texture and nutrient deficiency made it difficult to establish vegetation on tailing dumps. Mn and Cd concentrations in all soils and Cr and Zn concentrations in three soils exceeded the pollution threshold. Soil Mn and Cd were above phytotoxic levels, indicating that they were considered to be the major constraints for phytorestoration. A botanical survey of the mineland showed that 13 plant species grew on the mineland without obvious toxicity symptoms. High Mn and Cd concentrations have been found in the aerial parts of Polygonum pubescens, Celosia argentea, Camellia oleifera, and Solanum nigrum, which would be interesting for soil phytoremediation. Miscanthus floridulus, Erigeron acer, Eleusina indica, and Kummerowia striata showed high resistance to the heavy metal and harsh condition of the soils. These species could be well suited to restore local degraded land in a phytostabilization strategy.  相似文献   

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