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Soil quality in urban areas is affected by anthropogenic activities, posing a risk to human health and ecosystems. Since the pseudo-total concentrations of potentially toxic elements may not reflect their potential risks, the study of element mobility is very important on a risk assessment basis. This study aims at characterising the distribution and major sources of 34 elements in two Portuguese urban areas (Lisbon and Viseu), with different geological characteristics, industrial and urban development processes. Furthermore, the potential availability of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn was assessed, by measuring the fraction easily mobilised. Lisbon is enriched in elements of geogenic and anthropogenic origin, whereas in the smaller city, the high levels observed are mainly related to a geogenic origin. Background values can be more relevant than the dimension of the city, even when anthropogenic components may be present, and this parameter should be considered when comparing results from different cities. Regarding the potential available fraction, a high variability of results was observed for elements and for sampling sites with an influence of the soil’s general characteristics. Elements showing very high concentrations due to geological reasons presented, in general, a low mobility and it was not dependent on the degree of contamination. For elements with major anthropogenic origin, only Zn was dependent on the pseudo-total content. Yet, the highest available fractions of some elements, both with major geogenic and anthropogenic origin, were observed in specific contaminated samples. Therefore, a site-specific evaluation in urban soils is important due to the high spatial variability and heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Concentrations of ten heavy elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn), as well as the pH values, organic matter contents, and electrical conductivities were measured in the surface soil samples collected from 21 sites of urban areas in the city of Novi Sad, the second largest city in Serbia, its suburban settlement and the nearby villages. Range of the heavy element concentrations was from 0.16 mg/kg (for Hg) to 18,994 mg/kg (for Fe). Significantly higher Hg and Mn concentrations were observed in subgroups with rural and market garden samples in comparison to the subgroups with urban and grassland samples, respectively, while the contents of Pb found in the grasslands subgroup were significantly higher than in the subgroup with market garden soils. Only one sample of urban soil exceeded the maximum permissible value for Zn set by the relevant Serbian legislation. According to the Dutch soil quality standard, the Cd and Co concentrations in majority of the examined soils were higher than the target values for unpolluted soil. The content of Hg was above the target value in 52% of the samples, most of them belonging to the subgroup of market garden soils. The results for the Novi Sad city area were compared to the relevant data available for other cities in the Western Balkan Countries. Principal component analysis of data revealed seven outlying samples, while the rest of the analyzed samples were grouped together indicating similar heavy element patterns most probably due to mixed emission sources.  相似文献   

This work established background concentrations for the pseudo total (HNO3 + H2O2-soluble), mobilisable (NH4-acetate + EDTA-soluble) and mobile (1?M NH4NO3-soluble) element fractions of Hungarian surface soils that can be used as reference values for the soil quality standards. The 193 soils investigated were taken from the Hungarian Soil Information and Monitoring System. The background values for Al, As, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn were given as a range covering 95% of the variance of the representative samples. The differences between observed element concentrations and the calculated background values indicated anthropogenic or pedogenic impact in each fraction. The comparison of the calculated background values with the Hungarian quality standards and the contamination limit values of other countries showed that the limit values of a certain region or country are not suitable for other areas. Generally, Mn and Al had the highest, while Cd had the lowest concentration in each fraction. Cr and Al were the least and Sr was the most mobile element. The principal component analysis indicated different geochemical and physico-chemical behaviour of the elements in the fractions; the pseudo total fraction was influenced more by the geological behaviour, while mobilisable and mobile fraction explained a much higher proportion of the total variance of soil physico-chemical properties than soil geochemical properties. The Cd–Ni and Co–Mn element pairs were always in the same principal component in each fractions indicating similar geogenic origin and showing that their solubility changes are similar in function of soil properties.  相似文献   

Use of a harmonised sampling regime has allowed comparison of concentrations of copper, chromium, nickel, lead and zinc in six urban parks located in different European cities differing markedly in their climate and industrial history. Wide concentrations ranges were found for copper, lead and zinc at most sites, but for chromium and nickel a wide range was only seen in the Italian park, where levels were also considerably greater than in other soils. As might be expected, the soils from older cities with a legacy of heavy manufacturing industry (Glasgow, Torino) were richest in potentially toxic elements (PTEs); soils from Ljubljana, Sevilla and Uppsala had intermediate metal contents, and soils from the most recently established park, in the least industrialised city (Aveiro), displayed lowest concentrations. When principal component analysis was applied to the data, associations were revealed between pH and organic carbon content; and between all five PTEs. When pH and organic carbon content were excluded from the PCA, a distinction became clear between copper, lead and zinc (the "urban" metals) on the one hand, and chromium and nickel on the other. Similar results were obtained for the surface (0-10 cm depth) and sub-surface (10-20 cm depth) samples. Comparisons with target or limit concentrations were limited by the existence of different legislation in different countries and the fact that few guidelines deal specifically with public-access urban soils intended for recreational use.  相似文献   

Soils play a vital role in the quality of the urban environment and the health of its residents. City soils and street dusts accumulate various contaminants and particularly potentially toxic elements (PTEs) from a variety of human activities. This study investigates the current condition of elemental concentration in the urban soils of Hamedan, the largest and the fastest-growing city in western Iran. Thirty-four composite soil samples were collected from 0 to 10 cm topsoil of various land uses in Hamedan city and were analyzed for total concentration of 63 elements by ICP-MS. The possible sources of elemental loadings were verified using multivariate statistical methods (principal component analysis and cluster analysis) and geochemical indices. The spatial variability of the main PTEs was mapped using geographic information system (GIS) technique. The results revealed a concentration for As, Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni, and V in the soil samples comparable to the background values as well as a range of associations among these elements in a single component suggesting geogenic sources related to geological and pedogenic processes, while the soils mostly presented a moderate to considerable enrichment/contamination of Cd, Zn, Pb, and Sb and moderate enrichment/contamination of Cu, Zn, and Mo. It was found that anthropogenic factors, vehicular traffic in particular, control the concentration of a spectrum of elements that are typical of human activities, i.e., Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, and Zn. Lead and Sb were both the most enriched elements in soils with no correlation with land use highlighting general urban emissions over time and the impact of transport networks directly on soil quality. The highest concentrations of As were recorded in the southern part of the city reflecting the influence of metamorphic rocks. The effect of the geological substrate on the Co and Ni contents was confirmed by their maximum concentrations in the city’s marginal areas. However, high spatial variability of urban elements’ contents displayed the contribution of various human activities. In particular, the increased concentration of Cd, Sb, and Pb was found to be consistent with the areas where vehicular traffic is heaviest.  相似文献   

Made-up ground collected from layers of a trial pit excavated on a former industrial site was treated with artificial rainwater in a series of column leaching and sorption experiments. Metal mobility and the ability of various layers of material obtained from the pit to act as sources or sinks of potentially toxic elements were assessed. Samples from different layers varied in their abilities to raise the pH of rainwater applied at pH 3.5 and 4.3, and this was reflected in the amounts of metals mobilised by the rainwater as it percolated through the soil column. Material from the top two layers of the pit released cadmium, copper, manganese, lead, nickel and zinc to the aqueous phase, but the lower layers, with higher buffering capacity, were able to resist acidification even when the equivalent of 12 months' rainfall (western UK) was applied. Column sorption experiments confirmed the ability of material from layer 4 (48-50 cm) to take up copper, manganese and zinc. Metals were determined in the leachates by flame and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and principle anions by ion chromatography.  相似文献   

Urban parks improve the quality of urban ecological environment and residents' physical and mental health. Existing studies have measured their spatial distribution in terms of accessibility or quality, however, this is not effective. Here, this study developed a spatial distribution assessment framework for urban parks, which included four dimensions: convenient degree (D1), crowded degree (D2), diversity of choices (D3), and service quality (D4). Taking Beijing as an example, we analyzed the difference in park distribution and found that park distribution is relatively equitable except for convenient degree. However, there are significant differences from the city center to the periphery. The inner-city area has better convenience, while the middle areas have more choices, and the outer ring performs better in terms of D2 and D4. There are significant gaps among communities with different housing prices. We found a gentrification trend within the Low, Middle-Low, and High price groups when analyzing the intra-group differences. This study can help urban planners and policymakers to better identify the gaps in park distribution and provide directions for optimizing the layout.  相似文献   

A simple, sensitive, rapid, inexpensive paper strip impregnated with Salmonellal E. coli medium (SEM) was formulated, and placed in a test tube. When potable water of 10 ml was added to the test tube it detected the faecal contamination of water samples within 16-48 h when incubated at room temperature from 20 to 35 degrees C. The positive results were indicated when the medium turned black (hydrogen sulfide production) for the presence of Salmonella sp. and/or the formation of a red ring (free indole from tryptophan) when a few drops of Kovac's reagent was added for the presence of coliform bacteria (E. coli). More than 600 water samples were tested with the new test (SEM) and results showed 99% agreement with that of the standard most probable number (MPN) coliform test and also proved highly successful in the field when it was employed to detect both Salmonella and E. coli. Different water testing laboratories involved in a water quality monitoring programme and governmental agencies evaluated the test media and reported that the test was user friendly, reliable and simple to perform in the field and will be especially useful for screening of both urban and rural water supplies for routine monitoring of bacteriological contamination.  相似文献   

Tehran is one of the megacities of the world with a population of over eight million. Its air is highly polluted mainly due to the suspended particulate matters, which encompasses a wide spectrum of chemical elements. These elements based on their type, size, and impact on the life cycle have various environmental and heath risks. In this research, the neutron activation method is used to determine the concentration levels of Al, Ba, Fe, Mg, and V in the urban air. Thus, two districts of Tehran with different characteristics are selected. District 21 includes much of the industries located in Tehran metropolitan and is considered as an industrial area. In contrast, district 22 lacks any significant industrial activity. It is a newly established and expanding district adjacent to district 21 with a great deal of constructional activities. For the measurement of the suspended particulate matters in the air, the various sections of the aforesaid districts with industrial, residential, heavily congested traffic, residential/commercial, residential/heavily congested traffic, and residential/industrial classifications were identified. Subsequently, 24 sampling stations were selected. The sampling of the suspended particulate matters was conducted with the aid of a high volume pump containing 125 mm cellulose filters in two different time intervals. After completion of the sampling process, the samples were prepared and sent to the research reactor of the Iran Nuclear Energy Organization for Neutron Activation. During the next steps, the radiations emitted from the samples were registered, the radiation curves were plotted, and the amounts of the trace elements were determined. As a result, the average concentration levels of Al, Ba, Fe, Mg, and V were identified to be 3.301140, 2.273658 × 10, 4.0681696 × 10???1, 3.5525475 × 10???1, and 3.04075 × 10???2 μg/m3, respectively. Moreover, the emission sources of the aforesaid elements into the air were identified. The concentration levels of these elements in the industrial and heavily congested traffic sections were higher. Finally, it was concluded that the statistical analysis of these elements presents a meaningful correlation among them.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the enrichment, contamination, and ecological risk posed by toxic trace elements in the sediments of the Xi River in the industrialized city of Shenyang, China. Surface sediment and sediment core were collected; analyzed for toxic trace elements; and assessed with an index of geoaccumulation (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF) value, potential ecological risk factor (Er), ecological risk index (RI), and probable effect concentration quotient (PECQ). Elemental concentrations (milligram per kilogram) were 8.5–637.9 for As, 6.5–103.9 for Cd, 12.2–21.9 for Co, 90.6–516.0 for Cr, 258.1–1,791.5 for Cu, 2.6–19.0 for Hg, 70.5–174.5 for Ni, 126.9–1,405.8 for Pb, 3.7–260.0 for Sb, 38.4–100.4 for V, and 503–4,929 for Zn. The Igeo, EF, Er, and PECQ indices showed that the contamination of Cd and Hg was more serious than that of As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn, whereas the presence of Co and V might be primarily from natural sources. The Igeo index for Cr and Ni might underestimate the degree of contamination, potentially as a result of high concentrations of these elements in the shale. The RI index was higher than 600, indicating a notably high ecological risk of sediment for the river. The average PECQ for As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn ranged from 1.4 to 4.1 for surface sediment and from 5.2 to 9.6 in the sediment cores, indicating a high potential for an adverse biological effect. It was concluded that the sediment in the Xi River was severely contaminated and should be remediated as a hazardous material.  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration, which is an organism with distinct organizational characteristics, differs from a single city. In its policy-level environmental impact assessment, the ecological and health risks need to be addressed in a unified manner, because multiple cities interact and influence each other, and the environmental risks have multiple elements, multiple processes, and multiple effect interaction and superposition. To this end, this study proposed a regional-level cumulative risk assessment framework coupling a relative risk model (RRM) with a multi-media fugacity model (MFM). The RRM translated the risk causal relations into four city-differentiated matrices, which consisted of normalized factors (NFs), ranging from 0 to 1, that were indicative of the impact intensity and possibility. The MFM was embedded into the RRM to generate the NFs. The NFs were multiplied for each city-source-endpoint combination to get the overall risk score, and the score provided policy references. This framework was applied to Guangdong Province of China (GD). As heavy metal contamination is one of the GD's major concerns, this study analyzed their cumulative risks due to industrialization for the year 2020 and compared the city level and industrial level risk scores. The results showed that the central part of GD was under the highest risk, with Guangzhou, Foshan, and Jiangmen having the highest risk. From the perspective of the risk pressure sources, Pb and Cd were the biggest stressors. Non-ferrous/ferrous metals mining and processing and metal products manufacturing were the major threats. As these industries gain greater footholds in the GD's ecologically susceptible region, the relevant policies should be elaborately designed before new entrants commence their operations.  相似文献   

Available water quality indices have some limitations such as incorporating a limited number of water quality variables and providing deterministic outputs. This paper presents a hybrid probabilistic water quality index by utilizing fuzzy inference systems (FIS), Bayesian networks (BNs), and probabilistic neural networks (PNNs). The outputs of two traditional water quality indices, namely the indices proposed by the National Sanitation Foundation and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, are selected as inputs of the FIS. The FIS is trained based on the opinions of several water quality experts. Then the trained FIS is used in a Monte Carlo analysis to provide the required input-output data for training both the BN and PNN. The trained BN and PNN can be used for probabilistic water quality assessment using water quality monitoring data. The efficiency and applicability of the proposed methodology is evaluated using water quality data obtained from water quality monitoring system of the Jajrood River in Iran.  相似文献   

Urban wastewater in Turkey is primarily discharged without treatment to marine environments, streams and rivers, and natural and artificial lakes. Since it has been well established that untreated effluent in multi-use waters can have acute and chronic impacts to both the environment and human health, it is important to evaluate the consequences of organic enrichment relative to the structure and function of aquatic environment. We investigated the impacts of untreated municipal wastewater discharge from the city of Gumushane in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey on the surface water quality of the stream Harsit. Several key water-quality indicators were measured: chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium nitrogen (NH 4 + –N), nitrite nitrogen (NO 2 ? –N), nitrate nitrogen (NO 3 ? –N), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total nitrogen (TN), orthophosphate phosphorus (PO 4 3? –P), methylene blue active substances (MBAS), water temperature (t), pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and electrical conductivity (EC). The monitoring and sampling studies were conducted every 15 days from March 2009 to February 2010 at three longitudinally distributed stations. While t, pH, DO, and EC demonstrated relatively little variability over the course of the study, other parameters showed substantial temporal and spatial variations. The most dramatic differences were noted in COD, NH 4 + –N, NO 2 ? –N, TKN, TN, PO 4 3— P, and MBAS immediately downstream of the wastewater discharge. Concentration increases of 309 and 418 % for COD, 5,635 and 2,162 % for NH 4 + –N, 2,225 and 674 % for NO 2 ? –N, 283 and 478 % for TKN, 208 and 213 % for PO 4 3? –P, and 535 and 1,260 % for MBAS were observed in the summer and autumn, respectively. These changes were associated with greatly diminished seasonal stream flows. Based on NO 2 ? –N, TKN, PO 4 3— P, and MBAS concentrations, it was concluded that Harsit stream water was correctly classified as polluted. The most telling parameter, however, was NH 4 + –N, which indicated highly polluted waters in both the summer and autumn. The elevated concentrations of both P and N in the downstream segment of the stream triggered aggressive growth of submerged algae. This eutrophication of river systems is highly representative of many urban corridors and is symptomatic of ongoing organic enrichment that must be addressed through improved water treatment facilities.  相似文献   

As part of our efforts to find effective methods to the drinking water risk management, the health risk assessment of arsenic and cadmium in groundwater near Xiangjiang River was analyzed. The results suggest that although the arsenic and cadmium concentrations in 97% of groundwater sources are less than the requirement of Water Quality Standards for Drinking Water (GB5749-2006) in China, the residents served by almost all of the investigated centralized drinking water sources have a significant potential health risk by consumption, especially cancer risk. It is justified through analyses that risk assessment is an effective tool for risk management, and the maximum permissible concentration of arsenic and cadmium in drinking water (0.01 and 0.005?mg L-1, respectively) is suitable for China at present, considering the current economic status of China. Risk managers develop cleanup standards designed to protect against all possible adverse effects, which should take into account highly exposed individuals, effects of mixtures of toxic substances, attendant uncertainties, and other factors such as site-specific (or generic) criteria, technical feasibility, cost?Cbenefit analyses, and sociopolitical concerns.  相似文献   

Soils in urban parks are useful tracers of diffuse contamination and could represent a potential health risk for citizens. Soils in the parks of Torino, Italy, were sampled and analysed for a broad range of organic and inorganic contaminants. Concentrations of potentially toxic elements, PAHs, PCBs and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans were often above national legislation limits, and higher than surrounding rural areas or than other cities. Mean concentrations were 233 mg kg(-1) for Cr, 164 mg kg(-1) for Ni, 124 mg kg(-1) for Pb and 170 mg kg(-1) for Zn. Other inorganic contaminants such as Cd, As, and Hg showed high concentrations in some soils. Organic contaminants were also found to be enriched in the sampled parks (e.g. maximum concentrations of PCDDs/DFs and PCBs were 12.6 ng kg(-1) and 0.310 mg kg(-1), respectively). Data from this study reveal an important enrichment of parks for some contaminants, reflecting the intensity of phenomena of diffuse contamination. Historical parks presented the highest degree of contamination, suggesting that the age of soils rather than their proximity to sources of emissions is a key factor in determining soil contamination. Data obtained in this study could be of help in the investigation and remediation practices of urban contaminated sites within large cities.  相似文献   

The future of the environment in China until the year 2050 has been forecasted through a heuristic approach. A questionnaire survey was given to a group of Japanese experts concerning 47 selected indices, including past data and reference data about other countries. The indices were related to aspects of the economy, population, food, energy, transportation, and the environment. The experts were requested to plot a graph for each index up to 2050 based on their intuition. The lines drawn by 60 experts were compiled along with their comments, and the characteristics of each index were analyzed. Different values for the indices regarding transportation and per capita GDP were forecasted by the experts, while rather similar values were obtained for those referencing population and food consumption. The respective fields of the experts were found to affect their perspectives on the future. Economists tended to show rather optimistic views, expressing a business-as-usual scenario, while engineers predicted limited growth but technological innovation.  相似文献   

In the assessment of human health risk, the obtainment of reference values in biological tissues and/or fluids is crucial to estimate the type and magnitude of occupational and environmental exposure. In this context, urine is the major excretion route for many noxious substances that have entered the organism and can be viewed as one of the most useful materials for biomonitoring campaigns. In this study, reference concentration ranges for Cr, Ni and V in urine were achieved in a sub-population of 131 youngsters, aged 6-10, attending primary schools in the urban area of Rome. Subjects under drug therapy or affected by any pathological diseases were not included in this investigation. Strict precautions against contamination or loss of the analytes of interest were adopted for all steps. Determinations were performed by means of high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In general, the natural log-transformed concentration data for the three elements investigated conformed to a satisfactorily normal distribution. The estimated reference ranges were as follows (microg g(-1) creatinine): Cr, 0.07-0.76; Ni, 0.20-1.23; V, 0.02-0.22. The sex of the youngsters was tentatively treated as a statistical explanatory variable using the Fischer F-test on variance.  相似文献   

We developed a coupled water–oil simulation model to simulate the migration and transformation of petroleum-derived contaminants in the soil of the Xifeng oil field. To do so, we used the HYDRUS-2D model, which simulates the diffusion, adsorption or desorption, and microbial degradation of petroleum-derived hydrocarbons in the soil–water system. The saturated soil hydraulic conductivity of petroleum-derived pollutants was 0.05 cm?day?1, which is about 1 to 2 % of the soil moisture permeability coefficient. Our numerical simulation results show that spilled crude oil was mainly concentrated in the surface horizons of the soil. The organic pollutant concentration tended to be highest nearest to the pollution source. The pollutant migration was generally concentrated within the top 20 to 30 cm of the soil, with the maximum concentration in the top 5 cm of the soil. With passing time, the pollutant accumulation increased and the adsorption and degradation functions reached a dynamic balance with the input rate at depths greater than 30 cm below the soil surface. The oil-derived pollutants totaled 50 to 100 mg?kg?1 under the dynamic balance condition, which occurred after 20 to 30 years. The petroleum-derived pollutant concentration in the loess soil was inversely correlated with the horizontal distance from the oil well, and the concentration decreased greatly at a distance greater than 40 m from the well.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for analysing the degree of consideration of sustainability principles in Strategic environmental assessment (SEA), and demonstrates its application to a sample of SEA of Italian urban plans. The framework is based on Gibson's (2006) sustainability principles, which are linked to a number of guidance criteria and eventually to review questions, resulting from an extensive literature review. A total of 71 questions are included in the framework, which gives particular emphasis to key concepts, such as intragenerational and intergenerational equity. The framework was applied to review the Environmental Report of the urban plans of 15 major Italian cities. The results of this review show that, even if sustainability is commonly considered as a pivotal concept, there is still work to be done in order to effectively integrate sustainability principles into SEA. In particular, most of the attention is given to mitigation and compensation measures, rather than to actual attempts to propose more sustainable planning decisions in the first place. Concerning the proposed framework of analysis, further research is required to clarify equity concerns and particularly to identify suitable indicators for operationalizing the concepts of intra/inter-generational equity in decision-making.  相似文献   

Alluvial soils may represent important sinks of contaminants as a result of the deposition of contaminated sediments along the river by overbank flooding or after dredging. Because of the erosion of alluvial deposits or the release of contaminants from sediments, alluvial soils can also be a source of contamination. In this paper, a risk assessment for contaminated (alluvial) soils is presented. The approach, mainly based on physico-chemical soil characteristics, single extractions and leaching tests, is illustrated by means of a case study from four Belgian catchments. The extractions and leaching tests that were used have been validated by European testing programs and can provide valuable information for classifying the potential environmental risks of soils. Irrespective of the location, pH, organic carbon content and 'mobilisable' metal concentrations were the most important factors explaining 'mobile' metal concentrations in the alluvial soils. Additionally, the data of the physico-chemical soil characterization, extractions and leaching tests were combined with local and regional factors to classify the alluvial soils in different categories according to their actual and potential risk for the environment.  相似文献   

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