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通过调查石油企业机械加工废水55套处理设施的运行情况及处理效果,介绍了机械加工废水的来源、性质和目前机械加工废水处理采用的工艺方法。目前,石油企业投入了大量的资金用于机械加工废水处理,基本解决了机加工废水污染问题。但是,石油企业机加工废水处理率低于国家平均水平,处理运行费高于国家同期水平,现行处理技术基本能满足废水处理的要求,处理设施尚有潜力可挖。建议加强对现有处理设施的管理,推广“清洁生产”技术保证废水经处理后达标排放或回用。  相似文献   

为解决东风汽车公司污水处理站排污不达标的问题,对废水处理过程的混凝、气浮两环节进行了考察分析;针对存在的问题进行了实验室内混凝实验,反应箱投药实验及气浮设备的清洗。根据实验结果处理站调整了投药量,加之设备的清洗,明显提高了处理效果,使水质能满足排放要求  相似文献   

硫化氢是油气田伴生气中的有害组分。在含硫油气田的采出水中,硫化氢的存在对于安全生产和和油田环境均会产生危害。采出水经处理后通常需作为地层回注水使用,由于油气生产的特殊性,常用的硫化氢脱除方法在使用中受到限制,探索适合于油气田生产的水处理方法十分必要。本文探讨了通常可用于油田水中硫化氢脱除的各种方法,对比了各类方法的优缺点,提出以次氯酸钠为主要脱硫剂的水处理方法,通过对模拟采出水的室内试验,证明次氯酸法可以快速有效地去除采出水中的硫化氢,并提出了消除过量氧化剂的后续处理方法。实验表明经处理后的水质可以达到油气田回注水质要求,处理成本较低。  相似文献   

高含氯采油废水生物治理技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用SBR活性污泥法,选用从海水、采油废水及长期受原油污染的土壤中筛选的耐盐有机物优势降解菌来处理高含氯采油废水。现场中试试验证明:在氯离子浓度小于10000 mg/L时,用该法可使处理后的高含氯采油废水达标排放。研究表明,解决高含氯采油废水生物治理的前提是驯化具有良好有机物降解性能的耐盐微生物。  相似文献   

以涪陵页岩气田产出水为研究对象,研究絮凝、酸析、Fenton氧化和NaClO氧化相互协同作用下,采出水COD去除率的变化程度及规律。比较了不同组合方式下水样COD去除效果及变化规律,考察了絮凝剂、次氯酸钠和Fenton试剂的加量以及体系pH值对去除率的影响,结果表明:(1)单一絮凝或酸析条件下,最高COD去除率<25%,在絮凝剂加量80mg/L、酸析pH为4时,絮凝-酸析协同处理COD去除率达到>40%;(2)原始水样直接进行次氯酸钠氧化,COD最高去除率为75.01%,絮凝-酸析后进行次氯酸钠氧化,最高COD去除率为80.34%,与原始水样相比提高了5.33%,且达到相同的COD去除效果,絮凝-酸析后水样对次氯酸钠的需求量低于原始水样;(3)絮凝-酸析后水样进行Fenton氧化与原始水样直接进行Fenton氧化相比,COD去除率提高了6.07%;(4)絮凝-酸析-NaClO- Fenton协同处理,水样COD去除率达到>90%,其中最高去除为94.17%,与絮凝-酸析-NaClO和絮凝-酸析-Fenton处理相比分别提高了13.83%和5.27%。水样首先经过絮凝-酸析预处理,达到削减后续次氯酸钠和Fenton氧化负荷、降低药剂用量目的,然后经过Fenton试剂和次氯酸钠对不同类型特征污染物选择性去除的协同作用,可达到较高的COD去除率。  相似文献   

Two important features of real-world port inspections of shipping containers for invasive species are the general absence of underlying economic considerations and the climate of severe uncertainty that surrounds the likelihood of invasive species introductions. In this article we propose and illustrate a method for determining inspection protocols that address both of these issues. We seek inspection protocols that are robust in the sense that they maximize the range of uncertainty over which the expected loss from the introduction of an invasive species plus the costs of inspections do not exceed some critical value. These inspection strategies are practical and provide ready alternatives to existing protocols.  相似文献   

This study aims to contribute to the field of urban planning by applying policy mobilities and transfer theories to a case study of the Capital Regional District and its 13 municipalities in British Columbia, Canada, in order to analyse and understand the dynamics of how sustainability is governed locally, with a special focus on barriers to sustainability policy mobility. The empirical material is primarily based on interviews with key stakeholders who guide policy development and creation in the region to inform an understanding of how sustainable development initiatives are developed and shared. This study finds that while there is interest and demand in sustainability, policy-makers are frustrated with their lack of success in implementing sustainability programmes. While there are some instances of policy sharing and transfer among municipalities in the region, there is a clear desire for more exchanges which would allow municipalities to respond more effectively to the demands placed upon them. Significant barriers to policy mobility are also identified, in particular, an unclear understanding of sustainability, a culture of competition and hostility among municipalities, difficulty with the process of transfer itself, and a lack of time, money and resources. These barriers are in part a result of a broken governance structure which does not provide clear leadership to the municipalities, sets municipalities to be competitive with each other and provides ineffective support for municipalities through an unwieldy regional administrative body which is not well regarded by the municipalities.  相似文献   

稠油炼制废水的可生化性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高生化处理效果,运用BOD动力学方程及频数统计的方法对胜利油田石化总厂稠油炼制废水的可生化性进行了研究。研究结果表明:BOD氧化速度常数k为0.08,氧化速度m为0.52,BOD/COD范围在0.165~0.655之间,其中在0.165~0.305之间占24%,在0.305~0.655之间的占76%,平均值为0.38;CODB/COD为73%,CODNB/COD为27%。说明稠油炼制废水可生化性尚好,但生物氧化速度较小。  相似文献   

The rise in the number of fungi that resisted antifungal action is of serious concern nowadays. In this study, the potential of acid condensate (AC) produced from microwave-assisted pyrolysis of palm kernel shell (PKS) was investigated for its antifungal properties through molecular docking evaluation. The phenolic-rich AC was determined for its chemical compositions using the GC–MS analysis where compounds with the highest phenolics content were further evaluated (using the Autodock Tools 1.5.7) for its potential enzymes/protein binding properties. From the GC–MS analysis, catechol, guaiacol and syringol were present at highest percentages. This directly correlates with results obtained from the molecular docking works where all these ligands managed to bind (indicated by H-bond, π-stacking, hydrophobic interaction) with some of the amino acid at the active sites which indicate its potential to inhibit substrate binding of this enzyme. As a conclusion, this study demonstrated the potential use of AC from agricultural biomass such as PKS as a natural-based antifungal agent that can reduce environmental and health impacts.  相似文献   

Managing disposal of water produced with petroleum in Kuwait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disposal of water produced with petroleum has been of great interest in Kuwait for the last 20 years. The current problem arose when the Burgan oil field, which is the second largest field in the world, experienced successive increases in the water content of the produced oil. This study introduces a decision-making analysis of the considered alternatives for the disposal of the produced water. Four alternative solutions exist for the industry as practical solutions for the disposal of water produced in Kuwait. The first method utilizes a large number of pits to discharge water. The second alternative depends on discharging water into sealed pits. The third approach to dispose water is by injecting the water underground. The last method is similar to the previous one, but takes into consideration the recovery of reservoir pressure to maintain the rate of oil production. A questionnaire was distributed to 48 experts at the top management level of the petroleum companies and the governmental authority. The data collected considered cost, efficiency, and environmental parameters. Based on the data, a statistical analysis was conducted using the factor analysis method to reduce the number of investigated variables. The analysis concluded that the optimal solution is to use the effluent injection method to discharge water produced with oil in Burgan and similar fields in Kuwait.  相似文献   

The process of producing cement products from solid waste can increase the level of pollutants in the cement products. Therefore, it is very important to establish a pollution control standard for cement products to protect the environment and human health. This paper presents acceptance limits for the availability of heavy metals in cement products which have been produced from solid wastes and explains how the limits have been calculated. The approach and method used to formulate these criteria were based on EN 12920. The typical exposure scenarios used in this paper involve concrete being used for drinking water supply pipelines and concrete pavements and are based on an analysis of typical applications of cement in China, and the potential for contact with water. The parameters of a tank test which was based on NEN 7375 were set in accordance with the environmental conditions of typical scenarios in China. Mechanisms controlling the release of heavy metals in concrete and a model for that release were obtained using the leaching test. Finally, based on acceptance criteria for drinking water and groundwater quality in China, limit values for the availability of heavy metals in concrete were calculated.  相似文献   

Solar and wind are inexhaustible, abundant, environmentally friendly and freely available renewable energy sources. Integration of these two sources has always been a complex optimization problem which requires efficient planning, designing and control strategies. Many researchers have designed cost effective and efficient hybrid solar-wind energy systems by using various available software tools and optimization algorithms. With the advancement in artificial intelligence methods, various new optimization techniques have been developed in the last few decades. This paper presents state of the art optimization methods applied to hybrid renewable based energy systems. A brief introduction of each technique is presented along with papers published in different reputed journals. This article also reviews different power management, control strategies and multi-objective optimization methods used for hybrid wind-solar systems. A case study is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of some of the algorithms.  相似文献   

Each year governments and industry around the globe spend billions of dollars in search of treatments and cures for diseases that shorten lives, which often means gadgets, implants, radiation and pills. These “cures”, do not get to the root of the problem. Perhaps it is time for us to adjust our thinking to be more proactive instead of reactive in public health. Perhaps we need to consider confronting environmental pollution of air, soil and water at a local level. As the Physicians for Social Responsibility point out, we should be “preventing what we cannot cure”. One such preventive measure is ensuring that our communities, including our poor inner-city neighbourhoods, enjoy a clean environment. We challenge local and national policy-makers to respond to the global call and to take action to address environmental toxins; to take local action to ameliorate the pollution of the air, water and soil in so many of our nation’s neighbourhoods. A person’s neighbourhood, and the proximity of dangerous environmental contaminants within it, is a powerful predictor of how long s/he will live. While situations like the poisoning of the water in Flint, Michigan have gotten some attention, they are generally treated as the exception rather than a reflection of real environmental hazards that exist in the west. Moreover we wonder why more endemic issues of neighbourhood environmental contamination that shorten human lives are not a priority for local action or that it is not linked to disproportionate production of greenhouse gases that cause climate change/warming/chaos.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate factors affecting public attitude towards the siting of locally unwanted land uses (LULUs) and to explore the possible strategies to resolve such conflicts. Three questionnaire surveys were undertaken in communities with different siting experiences and socio-economic profiles. Over 750 individuals were successfully interviewed in each study district. The three communities were found to share similar risk beliefs but show variations in the level of awareness of and response to LULUs. In communities with a disproportionate share of LULUs, many residents did not trust the government in handling LULU issues and thought that the siting process was unfair. The results of the binary logistic regression analysis show that people are likely to oppose the siting of a LULU in their community if they have a negative siting experience, do not perceive the need, accord a high risk to the facility and have a low level of trust in government. The resolution strategies preferred by the public are greater public participation and effective mitigation of risks and impacts, rather than provision of compensation and incentives. All these call for policy-makers to be sensitive to local concerns, engage the public in the process, communicate risks effectively and foster trust building.  相似文献   

实现农产品的无公害化是农业可持续发展的必然选择,也是农产品获得市场优势的重要举措。近年来河北省无公害食品产业得到了长足的发展,但是,无公害产品的品种、数量、面积所占比例甚少,有些地方农产品的农药、化肥等有害物质的污染现象还十分严重。本文论述了进一步推进河北省无公害食品产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

Adsorptive bleaching potentials of activated animal bone on palm oil was investigated. Palm oil was obtained locally from the mesocarp of oil palm fruits. The obtained palm oil was degummed, neutralized, and subjected to proximate analysis before bleaching. The animal bone–based activated carbon used as a bleaching material was locally prepared by cleaning, drying, carbonization, and chemical activation process. The prepared activated carbon (CBAC) was characterized using Fourier transform infrared, scanning electron microscopy, Braummer–Emmett–Teller, and x‐ray diffraction (XRD) methods. Bleaching of the prepared palm oil on CBAC was done at different process conditions. The characterization results of BET analysis show that CBAC has a surface area of 593.270 m2/g, micropore surface area 595.56 m2/g, micropore volume 0.212 cm3/g, Langmuir surface area 1.38e+04 m2/g, and adsorption energy 3.998 KJ/mol. XRD analysis indicates gypsum as the dominant mineral in the activated carbon sample. The CBAC efficiency of 75.14% was obtained for time/temperature interactions at 50 min/120°C while at 25 g/50 min dosage/time interactions an efficiency of 75.17% was obtained.  相似文献   

以磁铁矿滤料与石英砂滤料为填设滤料层的级配模式一直广泛应用于油田含聚污水处理过程中,但这种滤料级配与污水过滤性能之间的影响关系及规律认识却较为缺乏,本文以悬浮粒子吸附与截留形成的聚集特征为切入,定量分析出水水质特性,对含聚污水过滤过程中滤料级配的影响效果展开数值模拟研究。研究认为:磁铁矿滤料层厚度较大的级配模式过滤具有更好的悬浮粒子吸附与截留效果,对更小粒径悬浮粒子过滤能力更优,但滤料填充高度比与过滤效果存在一定适配性;以1.28以上磁铁矿滤料厚度较大的级配模式过滤较低含聚浓度污水、以1.67以上磁铁矿滤料厚度较小的级配模式过滤较高含聚浓度污水,均可以使出水悬浮固体颗粒与油滴含量均低于5mg/L,满足过滤出水水质指标要求。  相似文献   

政府绩效评估作为一项行之有效的政府管理工具,在提高政府的管理效能和公共服务能力方面具有重要的促进作用。政府绩效评估随着政府改革的推进而不断完善。在不同的阶段,随着政府改革的主题与目标的变化,评估的侧重点、目标和形式等也相应地发生变化。在我国,服务型政府作为一种新的政府治理模式已成为政府改革的主题和目标。服务型政府建设对行政管理体的改进、政府行政理念的拓展、政府角色的合理定位等,都为改善政府绩效评估提供了新的基础和目标导向。同时,也对完善政府绩效评估提出了新的要求。服务型政府的治理模式和治理理念,在我国环境保护方面也应当起到它应有的作用,建立起政府环境保护绩效评价制度。  相似文献   

Fly ash samples from the five steam electric power stations of the Lignite Center of Western Macedonia were used in this study. They consisted mainly of anhydrite, lime, quartz and amorphous material as well as feldspars, calcite, micas + clays, portlandite and gehlenite which were all present in minor amounts. Anhydrite, lime and portlandite in the fly ash samples diminished upon treatment with ammonium acetate aqueous solution, whereas quartz, feldspars, gehlenite and amorphous material were enriched. The uptake ability of the fly ash samples ranged from 89 to 101 mequ./100g. The uptake ability of the samples was mainly attributed to the amorphous material and the microporous minerals, micas + clays. The amorphous material content was estimated at between 17 and 20 wt% in the treated fly ashes and may be unburned organic matter and amorphous inorganic material that resulted during the combustion of the lignite. A positive correlation was observed between the uptake ability and the total percentage of amorphous material and micas + clays. The relatively high uptake ability of the fly ash samples could lead to additional industrial and environmental uses of the fly ashes. The environmental advantage of fly ash exploitation will be particularly important for large electric power centers, such as the LCWM.  相似文献   

Landscape evaluation: comparison of evaluation methods in a region of Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landscape evaluation is now widely recognised as a powerful, interdisciplinary, environmental research method. The aim of the present work was to compare two landscape evaluation methods as part of a physical planning process: the cartographic assessment method and the in situ assessment method. This comparison was performed using an area of the Montes de Toledo, in the centre of Spain. Both methods provided similar results for the majority of the landscape units studied. This shows that the cartographic method can be successfully used in landscape evaluation, allowing important savings in terms of fieldwork. However, this is only the case when the information provided by the available maps is sufficiently accurate to allow the correct assignment of coefficients by a panel of experts.  相似文献   

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