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Development of plans to restore degraded areas in the Great Lakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The International Joint Commission's Water Quality Board has identified 42 Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes ecosystem where Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement objectives or jurisdictional standards, criteria or guidelines, established to protect uses, have been exceeded and remedial actions are necessary to restore beneficial uses. As a result of the 1985 report of the Water Quality Board, the eight Great Lakes states and the Province of Ontario committed themselves to developing a remedial action plan (RAP) to restore all uses in each Area of Concern within their political boundaries. Each RAP must identify the specific measures necessary to control existing sources of pollution, abate existing contamination (e.g., contaminated sediments), and restore all beneficial uses. Points which must be explicitly addressed in each RAP include: geographic extent of problem, beneficial uses impaired, causes of problems, remedial measures and a schedule for implementation, responsible agencies, and surveillance and monitoring activities that will be used to track effectiveness of remedial actions. The jurisdictions are responsible for developing RAPs, and the International Joint Commission is responsible for evaluating the adequacy of each RAP and tracking progress in restoring beneficial uses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A bromide tracer was used to evaluate percolate water and ion movement in the upper 1.2 m of soil at a proposed sewage effluent irrigation site located in the Missouri Ozarks. Two plots representing Doniphan silt loam and Crider silt loam soils were sprinkler irrigated with local ground water at a rate of 7.62 cm/week from June through August 1976. Soil water potential, percent soil moisture by volume, and background levels of bromide in soil water, ground water, and precipitation were measured at the study plots. Bromide exchange properties and saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soils were determined in the laboratory. During two selected time periods, irrigation water, was spiked with NaBr (5.0 mg/l Br). Bromide movement through the upper profile was quantified by soil water samples and post-sampling neutron activation analysis. Soil moisture was near saturatin in both soils when the Br tracer was applied. Bromide concentrations above background levels (0.023 mg/l Br, Doniphan silt loam and 0.016 mg/l Br, Crider silt loam) were detected within 2.60 hours at 0.9 m in the Doniphan soil and within 3.75 hours at that depth in the Crider soil. The rate of Br movement in the profile was greater in both soils than the measured saturated hydraulic conductivity, Bromide concentrations above background levels were present in soil water from the study plots for a minimum of 21 days after irrigation with the Br tracer.  相似文献   

As complex social phenomena, public involvement processes are influenced by contextual factors. This study examined agency goals for public involvement and assessed the importance of local context in remedial action planning, a community-based water resources program aimed at the cleanup of the 42 most polluted locations in the Great Lakes Basin. Agency goals for public involvement in remedial action plans (RAPs) were agency-oriented and focused on public acceptance of the plan, support for implementation, and positive agency-public relations. Corresponding to these goals, citizen advisory committees were created in 75% of the RAP sites as a primary means for public input into the planning process. Factors that influenced the implementation of public involvement programs in remedial action planning included public orientation toward the remediation issue, local economic conditions, the interaction of diverse interests in the process, agency and process credibility, experience of local leadership, and jurisdictional complexity. A formative assessment of “community readiness” appeared critical to appropriate public involvement program design. Careful program design may also include citizen education and training components, thoughtful management of ongoing agency-public relations and conflict among disparate interests in the process, overcoming logistical difficulties that threaten program continuity, using local expertise and communication channels, and circumventing interjurisdictional complexities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objectives of this paper are to discuss expectations for the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) accuracy, to review published studies related to WEPP goodness of fit, and to evaluate these in the context of expectations for WEPP's goodness of fit. WEPP model erosion predictions have been compared in numerous studies to observed values for soil loss and sediment delivery from cropland plots, forest roads, irrigated lands and small watersheds. A number of different techniques for evaluating WEPP have been used, including one recently developed where the ability of WEPP to accurately predict soil erosion can be compared to the accuracy of replicated plots to predict soil erosion. In one study involving 1,594 years of data from runoff plots, WEPP performed similarly to the Universal Soil Loss Erosion (USLE) technology, indicating that WEPP has met the criteria of results being “at least as good with respect to observed data and known relationships as those from the USLE,” particularly when the USLE technology was developed using relationships derived from that data set, and using soil erodibility values measured on those plots using data sets from the same period of record. In many cases, WEPP performed as well as could be expected, based on comparisons with the variability in replicate data sets. One major finding has been that soil erodibility values calculated using the technology in WEPP for rainfall conditions may not be suitable for furrow irrigated conditions. WEPP was found to represent the major storms that account for high percentages of soil loss quite well—a single storm application that the USLE technology is unsuitable for—and WEPP has performed well for disturbed forests and forest roads. WEPP has been able to reflect the extremes of soil loss, being quite responsive to the wide differences in cropping, tillage, and other forms of management, one of the requirements for WEPP validation. WEPP was also found to perform well on a wide range of small watersheds, an area where USLE technology cannot be used.  相似文献   

/ In 1997, Oregon enacted amendments to its state hazardous waste site cleanup law which emphasize risk-based remedial action decisions. In a departure from US EPA practice, the amended statute and associated rules require that protection of ecological receptors occur at the population level for all plants and animals not listed as threatened or endangered. By rule, the acceptable risklevel for populations of ecological receptors is a 10% or less chance that 20% or more of the total local population would receive an exposure greater than the toxicity reference value for a hazardous substance. This paper describes a practical procedure for performing population-level ecological risk assessments using a combination of relatively simple techniques. The procedure involves: (1) establishing a distribution of exposures and a contaminant-specific toxicity reference value, either as a point value or a distribution, for an individual receptor, (2) estimating the abundance of these receptors within their local populations, (3) estimating the probability of an individual receptor experiencing an exposure in excess of the toxicity reference value, (4) estimating the number of individual receptors in the local population likely to experience an exposure above the toxicity reference value greater than 10% of the time, and (5) determining whether this number is greater than 20% of the total local population.  相似文献   

Irrigation management calls for objective criteria capable of representing the economy, reliability, and productivity of irrigation systems. These criteria must be compatible with long-term sustainability and conservation goals. The criteria representing the above goals are the economic effect of management on yield reduction, economic effect, and reliability referring to plant growth and operation of the network. In this study environmental indices are introduced to express the above criteria in quantitative terms. The inclusion of these indices at the farm and network level create a multicriteria framework for decision-making based on composite programming. An experimental study was conducted during the irrigation periods of 1989 and 1990 in Chania, Greece, concerning water delivered to 40 experimental plots, soil moisture content at the rootzone, and irrigation system operational failures. The data collected in real time were used for the calculation of the corresponding environmental indices. The variation in time and space is high and resulted in up to 62% of yield loss and low system performance (up to 7% of system temporal reliability). The study indicated that environmental indices could be incorporated to select alternatives and also to develop policies on water delivery. The final decision involves a trade-off analysis between cost of application and desired system performance. Measures of both primary objectives can be obtained using environmental indices that represent system operation aggregation at its basic levels (on farm and network).  相似文献   

/ Environmental regulatory agencies are responsible for protecting human health and the environment in their constituencies. Their responsibilities include the identification, evaluation, and cleanup of contaminated sites. Leaking underground storage tanks (USTs) constitute a major source of subsurface and groundwater contamination. A significant portion of a regulatory body's efforts may be directed toward the management of UST-contaminated sites. In order to manage remedial sites effectively, vast quantities of information must be maintained, including analytical dataon chemical contaminants, remedial design features, and performance details. Currently, most regulatory agencies maintain such information manually. This makes it difficult to manage the data effectively. Some agencies have introduced automated record-keeping systems. However, the ad hoc approach in these endeavors makes it difficult to efficiently analyze, disseminate, and utilize the data. This paper identifies the information requirements for UST-contaminated site management at the Waste Cleanup Section of the Department of Environmental Resources Management in Dade County, Florida. It presents a viable design for an information management system to meet these requirements. The proposed solution is based on a back-end relational database management system with relevant tools for sophisticated data analysis and data mining. The database is designed with all tables in the third normal form to ensure data integrity, flexible access, and efficient query processing. In addition to all standard reports required by the agency, the system provides answers to ad hoc queries that are typically difficult to answer under the existing system. The database also serves as a repository of information for a decision support system to aid engineering design and risk analysis. The system may be integrated with a geographic information system for effective presentation and dissemination of spatial data.  相似文献   

The need for a national consensus standard for quality assurance (QA) for environmental programs emerged from efforts to clean up sites contaminated by hazardous chemical and/or radioactive wastes. The waste management community has been using several different standards or sets of requirements for establishing the QA and quality control (QC) procedures for use during the cleanup of contaminated sites. Some of these requirements have been imposed by federal agencies, including the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Often, requirements have been chosen to fit a particular mission or regulatory requirements. The remediation and restoration of federally owned or operated hazardous waste sites has created a situation in which multiple organizations (including federal and state regulators, site operators, and remedial contractors) are overseeing or addressing the same technical problem, often at the same site, and using different QA requirements. The occurrence of multiple QA/QC requirements has resulted in costly and time-consuming duplication of effort. In addition, the perception of inconsistent and often conflicting requirements has created confusion and frustration. The need for a single set of QA/QC criteria to bring order and consistency to the application of QA in the environmental waste management area became increasingly clear, and led to the development of ANSI/ASQC E4, which may be approved and issued by this year.  相似文献   

Oil production operations produce waste fluids that may be stored in pits, open tanks, and other sites accessible to wildlife. Birds visit these fluid-filled pits and tanks (“oil pits”), which often resemble water sources, and may become trapped and die. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has a program to reduce these impacts by locating problem pits, documenting mortality of protected wildlife species, and seeking cleanup or corrective action at problem pits with the help of state and federal agencies regulating the oil industry. Species identification and verification of protected status for birds recovered from oil pits are performed at the USFWS National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory. From 1992 to 2005, a minimum of 2060 individual birds were identified from remains recovered from oil pits, representing 172 species from 44 families. The taxonomic and ecological diversity of these birds indicates that oil pits pose a threat to virtually all species of birds that encounter them. Ninety-two percent of identified bird remains belonged to protected species. Most remains identified at the Forensics Laboratory were from passerines, particularly ground-foraging species. Based on Forensics Laboratory and USFWS field data, oil pits currently cause the deaths of 500,000–1 million birds per year. Although law enforcement and industry efforts have produced genuine progress on this issue, oil pits remain a significant source of mortality for birds in the United States.  相似文献   

In those states that have not included CWM as hazardous materials in their RCRA programs, the RCRA requirements for management of hazardous waste would not strictly apply to any of the CWM. The Army has historically implemented procedures requiring that chemical warfare agents be managed as RCRA hazardous waste regardless of the concentration, physical form, or configuration of the agent. Such application of strict hazardous waste requirements to management of potentially nonhazardous CWM can result in remedial costs well out of proportion to potential human health and environmental benefits. Recent development of chronic toxicity values for the CWM has opened the door for development of cleanup and waste management standards for waste streams or media containing small residual amounts of CWM. Implementation of this health-based approach to management of CWM remediation wastes may, in part, help to reduce potentially unnecessary hazardous waste management costs for the nonhazardous CWM.  相似文献   

Thorium concentrations at Kirtland Air Force Base training sites in Albuquerque, NM, have been previously described; however, the mechanisms of thorium migration were not fully understood. This work describes the processes affecting thorium mobility in this semiarid soil, which has implications for future remedial action. Aqueous extraction and filtration experiments have demonstrated the colloidal nature of thorium in the soil, due in part to the low solubility of thorium oxide. Colloidal material was defined as that removed by a 0.22-microm or smaller filter after being filtered to nominally dissolved size (0.45 microm). Additionally, association of thorium with natural organic matter is suggested by micro- and ultrafiltration methods, and electrokinetic data, which indicate thorium migration as a negatively charged particle or anionic complex with organic matter. Soil fractionation and digestion experiments show a bimodal distribution of thorium in the largest and smallest size fractions, most likely associated with detrital plant material and inorganic oxide particles, respectively. Plant uptake studies suggest this could also be a mode of thorium migration as plants grown in thorium-containing soil had a higher thorium concentration than those in control soils. Soil erosion laboratory experiments with wind and surface water overflow were performed to determine bulk soil material movement as a possible mechanism of mobility. Information from these experiments is being used to determine viable soil stabilization techniques at the site to maintain a usable training facility with minimal environmental impact.  相似文献   

The public clamor for repair and protection of the environment from damages, real or perceived, is growing daily. People are demanding remedial programs now; they appear willing to support long-range fundamental research in environmental areas (such as eutrophication research) as long as action programs (such as lake renewal) are undertaken too. Are short-term, remedial, environmental action programs possible? The experiences of the Inland Lake Demonstration Project afford an opportunity to evaluate one kind of action-oriented response. Some special types of problems are likely to be common to any environmental-resource action program. Recognition and anticipation of these difficulties when organizing action programs should facilitate successful implementation.  相似文献   

Summary Bioremediation has become an important method for the treatment of terrestrial oil spills and is often favoured over strictly physical-chemical methods. In this study, enzymatic analyses and signature lipid biomarkers were employed to evaluate the efficacy of selected bioremediation products on control and oil contaminated soil plots. It is envisioned that these biological indicators may be used as possible adjuncts to the strictly physical-chemical criteria most commonly employed. The application of the enzymatic and signature biomarker methods for product evaluation proved successful. The enzymatic assays provided a valuable insight into shifts in the functional diversity of the soil microbial communities resultant from the various treatments. Stimulation or inhibition of the microbial communities as a result of the various treatments was also demonstrated, particularly with regards to dehydrogenase activity. Phospholipid fatty acid profiles proved sufficiently sensitive to allow differentiation between products and resultant microbial communities that corresponded to satisfactory and unsatisfactory petroleum hydrocarbon removal.  相似文献   

Remediation methods for contaminated sites cover a wide range of technical solutions with different remedial efficiencies and costs. Additionally, they may vary in their secondary impacts on the environment i.e. the potential impacts generated due to emissions and resource use caused by the remediation activities. More attention is increasingly being given to these secondary environmental impacts when evaluating remediation options. This paper presents a methodology for an integrated economic decision analysis which combines assessments of remediation costs, health risk costs and potential environmental costs. The health risks costs are associated with the residual contamination left at the site and its migration to groundwater used for drinking water. A probabilistic exposure model using first- and second-order reliability methods (FORM/SORM) is used to estimate the contaminant concentrations at a downstream groundwater well. Potential environmental impacts on the local, regional and global scales due to the site remediation activities are evaluated using life cycle assessments (LCA). The potential impacts on health and environment are converted to monetary units using a simplified cost model.A case study based upon the developed methodology is presented in which the following remediation scenarios are analyzed and compared: (a) no action, (b) excavation and off-site treatment of soil, (c) soil vapor extraction and (d) thermally enhanced soil vapor extraction by electrical heating of the soil. Ultimately, the developed methodology facilitates societal cost estimations of remediation scenarios which can be used for internal ranking of the analyzed options. Despite the inherent uncertainties of placing a value on health and environmental impacts, the presented methodology is believed to be valuable in supporting decisions on remedial interventions.  相似文献   

Repeated application may increase rates of pesticide dissipation in soil and reduce persistence. The potential for this to occur was investigated for the fungicide, tebuconazole (alpha-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl]-alpha-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol), when used for peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) production. Soil samples were collected from peanut plots after each of four tebuconazole applications at 2-wk intervals. Soil moisture was adjusted to field capacity as necessary and samples were incubated in the laboratory for 63 d at 30 degrees C. Untreated plot samples spiked with the compound served as controls. Results indicated accelerated dissipation in field-treated samples with the time to fifty percent dissipation (DT50) decreasing from 43 to 5 d after three tebuconazole applications. Corresponding increases in rates of accumulation and decay of degradates were also indicated. Best-fit equations (r2 = 0.84-0.98) to dissipation kinetic data combined with estimates of canopy interception rates were used to predict tebuconazole and degradates concentration in soil after each successive application. Predicted concentrations compared with values measured in surface soil samples were from twofold less to twofold greater. Use of kinetic data will likely enhance assessments of treatment efficacy and human and ecological risks from normal agronomic use of tebuconazole on peanut. However, the study indicated that varying soil conditions (in particular, soil temperature and water content) may have an equal or greater impact on field dissipation rate than development of accelerated dissipation. Results emphasize that extension of laboratory-derived kinetic data to field settings should be done with caution.  相似文献   

Soil loss and surface runoff patterns were studied in erosion plots developed on manmade steep slopes (60 percent) over three years (1997–2000) in which rainfall ranged from 1338.4 to 1429.2 mm/year. Surface runoff and soil loss was examined under three different rainfall intensity classes. Runoff was mainly controlled by the rainfall distribution pattern on the seasonal scale. The soil loss was influenced by runoff during the first year. Both soil loss and runoff were reduced due to bioengineering measures in the first year irrespective of species planted. In the third year, combined effects of growth of grasses on protected plots, soil compaction and sediment exhaustion was noticed on runoff and soil loss. This was reflected by reduction in the runoff and soil loss from untreated and treated plots. In the high intensity class, reduction in runoff in treated plots was about 50 percent in three years and reduction in soil loss ranged between 94–95 percent in all plots. Physical treatment with brushwood structures was more efficient in erosion control in the low intensity class.  相似文献   

The US Army Land Condition-Trend Analysis (LCTA) program is a standardized method of data collection, analysis, and reporting designed to meet multiple goals and objectives. The method utilizes vascular plant inventories, permanent field plot data, and wildlife inventories. Vascular plant inventories are used for environmental documentation, training of personnel, species identification during LCTA implementation, and as a survey for state and federal endangered or threatened species. The permanent field plot data documents the vegetational, edaphic, topographic, and disturbance characteristics of the installation. Inventory plots are allocated in a stratified random fashion across the installation utilizing a geographic information system that integrates satellite imagery and soil survey information. Ground cover, canopy cover, woody plant density, slope length, slope gradient, soil information, and disturbance data are collected at each plot. Plot data are used to: (1) describe plant communities, (2) characterize wildlife and threatened and endangered species habitat, (3) document amount and kind of military and nonmilitary disturbance, (4) determine the impact of military training on vegetation and soil resources, (5) estimate soil erosion potential, (6) classify land as to the kind and amount of use it can support, (7) determine allowable use estimates for tracked vehicle training, (8) document concealment resources, (9) identify lands that require restoration and evaluate the effectiveness of restorative techniques, and (10) evaluate potential acquisition property. Wildlife inventories survey small and midsize mammals, birds, bats, amphibians, and reptiles. Data from these surveys can be used for environmental documentation, to identify state and federal endangered and threatened species, and to evaluate the impact of military activities on wildlife populations. Short- and long-term monitoring of permanent field plots is used to evaluate and adjust land management decisions.  相似文献   

A multi-attribute analysis by means of the general multi-attribute analysis (GMAA) decision support system was performed in order to rank different strategies for good water quality with respect to trophic state, and good conditions for waterfowl, in the lagoon Ringkøbing Fjord, Denmark. The remedial strategies included nutrient abatement and the construction of facilities to increase the water exchange between the lagoon and the sea. The analysis showed that it is essential to keep the mean annual salinity level constant, since a drastic change in salinity may cause massive destruction of the macrophyte belt with large effects on the water quality and waterfowl abundance. It may be cost-effective to build and maintain a saltwater pumping station or a second sluice to increase the seawater inflow. Further nutrient abatement may not be cost-effective, at least not on time-scales shorter than 20 years, but the utility from nutrient abatement increases if a second sluice is built additionally. However, all of the remedial strategies, except decreasing the salinity, were projected to cause rather small changes in the effect variables compared to the no action alternative.  相似文献   

Many engineered barriers are expected to function for hundreds of years or longer. Over the course of time, it is likely that some barriers will experience infiltration to the point of breakthrough. This study compares the recovery from breakthrough of two storage-evapotranspiration type engineered barriers. Replicates of test plots comprising thick soil and capillary-biobarrier covers were wetted to breakthrough in 1997. Test plots were kept cleared of vegetation to maximize hydrologic stress during recovery. Following cessation of drainage resulting from the wetting irrigations, water storage levels in all plots were at elevated levels compared with pre-irrigation levels. As a result, infiltration of melting snow during the subsequent spring overloaded the storage capacity and produced drainage in all plots. Relatively rapid melting of accumulated snowfall produced the most significant infiltration events each year during the study. Capillary barriers yielded less total drainage than thick soil barriers. By limiting drainage, capillary barriers increased water storage in the upper portions of the test plots, which led to increased evaporation from the capillary barrier plots compared with thick soil plots. Increased evaporation in the capillary barrier plots allowed more water to infiltrate in the second season following the wetting tests without triggering drainage. All thick soil plots again yielded drainage in the second season. Within two years of intentionally induced breakthrough, evaporation alone (without transpiration) restored the capability of the capillary barrier covers to function as intended, although water storage in these covers remained at elevated levels.  相似文献   

The high degree of physical disturbance associated with conventional response options to oil spills in wetlands is driving the investigation of alternative cleanup methodologies. In March 1995, a spill of gas condensate in a brackish marsh at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Louisiana was remediated through the use of in situ burning. An assessment of vegetation recovery was initiated in three treatment marshes: (1) oil-impacted and burned, (2) oil impacted and unburned, and (3) a nonoiled unburned reference. We compared percent cover, stem density, and biomass in the treatment marshes to define ecological recovery of the marsh vegetation and soil hydrocarbon content to determine the efficacy of in situ burning as a cleanup technique. Burning led to a rapid decrease in soil hydrocarbon concentrations in the impacted-and-burned marsh to background levels by the end of the first growing season. Although a management fire accidentally burned the oil-impacted-and-unburned and reference marshes in December 1995, stem density, live biomass, and total percent cover values in the oil-impacted-and-burned marsh were equivalent to those in the other treatment marshes after three years. In addition, plant community composition within the oil-impacted-and-burned marsh was similar to the codominant mix of the grasses Distichlis spicata (salt grass) and Spartina patens (wire grass) characteristic of the surrounding marsh after the same time period. Rapid recovery of the oil-impacted-and-unburned marsh was likely due to lower initial hydrocarbon exposure. Water levels inundating the soil surface of this grass-dominated marsh and the timing of the in situ burn early in the growing season were important factors contributing to the rapid recovery of this wetland. The results of this in situ burn evaluation support the conclusion that burning, under the proper conditions, can be relied upon as an effective cleanup response to hydrocarbon spills in herbaceous wetlands.  相似文献   

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