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Land disposal of olive oil wastewater using it as a soil amendment requires a knowledge of the effects that its application may produce on the status of the mineral nutrients in the plant‐soil system. A pot experiment using calcareous soil was performed in a growth chamber to examine the effects of olive oil wastewater on the availability and postharvest soil extractability of K, Mg and Mn. The experiment included 6 treatments: two rates of olive oil wastewater, two mineral fertilizer treatments containing K (which supplied K in amounts equivalent to the K supplied by the olive oil wastewater treatments), a K‐free mineral fertilizer treatment, and a control. The pots were sown with ryegrass as the test plant, harvesting 3 times at intervals of one month. Olive oil wastewater has demonstrated a considerable capacity for supplying K that can be assimilated by the plant, tending in fact to surpass the mineral potassium fertilizer tested. The application of olive oil wastewater tends to reduce the concentration of Mg in the plant, similarly to the effect of adding mineral potassium fertilizer. An enhancement of Mn availability takes place in the soil amended with olive oil wastewater, which on occasion has produced Mn concentrations in plant that could be considered phytotoxic or at least excessive. After harvesting, we observed an increase in the amount of exchangeable K in soil with added industrial wastewater. However, these increases are lower than those in soil treated with mineral potassium fertilizer. The levels of exchangeable, carbonate‐bound, organic‐bound and residual Mg in soil were higher in treatments incorporating olive oil wastewater than in those with added mineral K, with the opposite tendency occurring in the amount of Fe‐Mn oxides‐bound Mg in soil. Treatments based on olive oil wastewater, especially in high doses, increased the amount of exchangeable and carbonate‐bound Mn in soil, in comparison with treatments adding mineral fertilizers with or without K. In contrast, the addition of industrial wastewater caused a drop in the amount of Fe‐Mn oxides‐bound and organic‐bound Mn in soil.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted under simulated field conditions using large-capacity plastic pots, filled each one with 25 kg of air-dried calcareous soil. Besides the control, four treatments were prepared by applying separately two rates (20 and 80 Mg ha-1) of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost, and co-composted municipal solid waste and sewage sludge (MSW-SS). Lettuce was planted and harvested 2.5 months later. The application of composted urban wastes tended to increase Cu concentration in lettuce with respect to the control, but it was only significant when the higher rate of MSW compost was applied. The control showed values of Zn concentration in plant within a deficient range. In general, composted urban wastes treatments had increased Zn concentration values, which were within the sufficiency range. Both treatments with MSW compost increased Cu and Zn uptake in comparison with MSW-SS co-compost treatments. At the postharvest, all composted urban wastes treatments increased significantly DTPA-extractable Cu content in soil with respect to the control; it was also significant the increase in AAAc-EDTA-extractable Cu in soil produced by the addition of the higher rate of MSW compost. The application of composted urban wastes increased significantly DTPA-extractable and AAAc-EDTA-extractable Zn contents in soil versus the control, except for the lower rate of MSW-SS co-compost. The values of DTPA-extractable/total ratio for Cu and Zn were under 10%, except for the treatment applying the higher rate of MSW compost which promoted higher values. The values of AAAc-EDTA-extractable/total ratio for Cu were above 10% in all treatments including the control. This tendency was also observed in AAAc-EDTA-extractable/total ratio for Zn when applying both rates of MSW compost or the higher rate of MSW-SS co-compost.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of applying composted urban wastes on the phytoavailability and distribution of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) among chemical fractions in soil. In order to study this concern several experiments in pots containing calcareous soil were carried out. The received treatments by adding separately two rates (20 and 80 Mg ha-1) of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost and/or municipal solid waste and sewage sludge (MSW-SS) co-compost. The cropping sequence was a lettuce crop followed by a barley crop. It was observed that treatments amended with composted urban wastes tended to promote slight increases in lettuce yield compared to the control. The highest Fe levels in lettuce were found when higher rates of MSW-SS co-compost were applied; these values were significant compared to those obtained in the other treatments. In all cases, the application of organic materials increased the concentration and uptake of Mn in lettuce compared to the control; however, these increases were significant only when higher rates of MSW compost were applied. The organic amendments had beneficial delayed effects on barley yields, showing, in most cases, significant increases compared to the control. In this context, treatments with MSW compost were found to be more effective than the equivalent treatments amended with MSW-SS co-compost. Compared to the control, composted urban wastes increased Fe concentration in straw and rachis, and decreased Fe concentration in barley grain. Similarly, a decreased concentration of Mn in the dry matter of barley crop grown in soils treated with composted urban wastes was observed.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was conducted under simulated field conditions using large‐capacity plastic pots, filled each one with 25 kg of air‐dried calcareous soil. Besides the control, four treatments were prepared by applying separately two rates (20 and 80 Mg ha‐1) of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost, and co‐composted municipal solid waste and sewage sludge (MSW‐SS). Lettuce was planted and harvested 2.5 months later. The application of composted urban wastes tended to increase Cu concentration in lettuce with respect to the control, but it was only significant when the higher rate of MSW compost was applied. The control showed values of Zn concentration in plant within a deficient range. In general, composted urban wastes treatments had increased Zn concentration values, which were within the sufficiency range. Both treatments with MSW compost increased Cu and Zn uptake in comparison with MSW‐SS co‐compost treatments. At the postharvest, all composted urban wastes treatments increased significantly DTPA‐extractable Cu content in soil with respect to the control; it was also significant the increase in AAAc‐EDTA‐extractable Cu in soil produced by the addition of the higher rate of MSW compost. The application of composted urban wastes increased significantly DTPA‐extractable and AAAc‐EDTA‐extractable Zn contents in soil versus the control, except for the lower rate of MSW‐SS co‐compost. The values of DTPA‐extractable/total ratio for Cu and Zn were under 10%, except for the treatment applying the higher rate of MSW compost which promoted higher values. The values of AAAc‐EDTA‐extractable/total ratio for Cu were above 10% in all treatments including the control. This tendency was also observed in AAAc‐EDTA‐extractable/total ratio for Zn when applying both rates of MSW compost or the higher rate of MSW‐SS co‐compost.  相似文献   

Amending soils with compost may lead to accumulation of metals and their fractions at various concentrations in the soil profile. The objectives of this study were to determine 1) the accumulation of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn with depth and 2) the distribution of water soluble, exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxides, organic and residual forms of each metal in soils amended with MSW compost, co-compost, biosolids compost and inorganic fertilizer (as control). Total concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn were concentrated in the 0-22 cm soil layer and scant in the rock layer. These metals were in the decreasing order of Fe > Mn > Zn > or = Cu. Copper, Fe, and Zn were predominantly in the residual form followed by fractions associated with Fe-Mn oxides, carbonate, organic, exchangeable and water soluble in all treatments except MSW compost amended soil where the organic fraction was higher than the carbonate fraction. In fertilizer, co-compost and biosolids compost treated soils Mn concentrated mainly in the Fe-Mn oxides form followed by residual, carbonate, and organic forms whereas, in MSW compost treated soil the same pattern occurred except that Mn organic fraction was higher than that in the carbonate form. The MSW compost has a greater potential to be used as a soil amendment to supply plants with Cu, Mn and Zn than other treatments in calcareous soils of south Florida.  相似文献   

Mendoza C  Assadian NW  Lindemann W 《Chemosphere》2006,63(11):1933-1941
The determination of nitrogen (N) based loading rates for land application of biosolids is challenging and site specific. Over loading may contribute to environmental, agricultural, or human health problems. The objective of this study was to monitor N mineralization and losses in a moderately alkaline and calcareous desert soil amended with either anaerobically digested (AN) or lime-stabilized (LS) biosolids, and irrigated with and without urea enriched water. For Experiment 1, N inputs, leaching and residuals in soil were evaluated in an open soil column system. For Experiment 2, ammonia (NH3) emissions were evaluated in a closed soil column system. In Experiment 1, AN and LS biosolids increased soil ON (organic N) by three and two fold, respectively. Respective net N mineralization of ON from biosolids alone was 90% and 62% without urea, and 71% and 77%, respectively with added urea. Nitrogen leaching losses and residuals in amended soil did not account for all N inputs into the soil/biosolids system. In Experiment 2, NH3 emissions were not significantly different among treated soils with or without added urea, except LS amended soil receiving urea. Ammonia losses did not account for unaccounted N in Experiment 1. We concluded that deep placement and rapid mineralization of AN biosolids promoted anaerobic soil conditions and denitrification, in addition to the high denitrification potential of desert soil. LS biosolids showed greater potential than AN biosolids for safe and beneficial land application to desert soils regardless of biosolids placement and the inclusion of N rich irrigation water.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of compost addition to soil on fractionation and bioavailability of Cu, Mn, and Zn to four crops. Soils growing Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) were amended (by volume) with 0, 20, 40, and 60% Source-Separated Municipal Solid Waste (SS-MSW) compost, and dill (Anethum graveolens L.) and peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.) were amended with 0, 20, 40, and 60% of high-Cu manure compost (by volume). The SS-MSW compost applications increased the concentration of Cu and Zn in all fractions, increased Mn in acid extractable (ACID), iron and manganese oxides (FeMnOX), and organic matter (OM) fractions, but decreased slightly exchangeable-Mn. Addition of 60% high-Cu manure compost to the soil increased Cu EXCH, ACID, FeMnOX, and OM fractions, but decreased EXCH-Mn, and did not change EXCH-Zn. Addition of both composts to soil reduced bioavailability and transfer factors for Cu and Zn. Our results suggest that mature SS-MSW and manure composts with excess Cu and Zn could be safely used as soil conditioners for agricultural crops.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the bioremediation of diesel oil and gasoline by a series of controlled laboratory tests. Sludge from an agroindustry was used to enhance bioremediation of both gasoline and diesel oil mixed with a soil mass to compare its efficiency with that of a mineral fertilizer. Effects of soil microbiology and soil mixtures were investigated by means of evolution of CO2, microorganism populations at 90 days, pH at 65 and 95 days, mineral nitrogen, and gas chromatographic analysis of the benzene, toluene, methyl tertiary butyl ether, C8, and C9+total aromatics at the end of the experiments. Treatments containing sludge showed better soil conditions after 170 days of treatment (inorganic nitrogen and microbiota activity) compared with gasoline and diesel oil without amendments. Samples had no detectable traces of the measured hydrocarbons at 170 days of treatment.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope

Olive oil mill wastewater (OMW), a by-product of the olive oil extraction process, is annually produced in huge amounts in olive-growing areas and represents a significant environmental problem in Mediterranean areas. We studied the impact of OMW dilutions (1:20 and 1:10) on spinach plants in order to evaluate OMW dilutions as a low-cost alternative method for the disposal of this waste.

Materials and methods

The effects of OMW dilutions were evaluated on seed germination, shoot and root elongation, biomass production, nutrient uptake and translocation, ascorbic acid content, polyphenols, photosynthetic pigments, and photosynthetic performance of spinach.


Plant biomass was more affected than plant height and total chlorophyll; carotenoid and ascorbic acid content progressively decreased with decreasing OMW dilution. Exposure to both OMW dilutions resulted in overaccumulation of total polyphenols, which were negatively correlated to plant biomass and nutrients. Nutrient (Fe, Ca, and Mg) content was insufficient leading to reduced growth. Water use efficiency decreased mainly due to decreased CO2 assimilation rate rather than to a decline of transpiration rate. Disturbances in photosystem II (PSII) photochemical efficiency could be better envisaged by the ratio between variable fluorescence and initial fluorescence (Fv/Fo), which showed much greater amplitude than the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm).


From the data obtained, it is suggested that 1:20 OMW dilutions are still phytotoxic and that higher OMW dilutions should be used in order to use this waste for the irrigation of spinach plants.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Olive oil mill wastewater (OOMW) environmental impacts minimization have been attempted by developing more effective processes, but no chemical or biological treatments were found to be totally effective to mitigate their impact on receiving systems. This work is the first that reports simultaneously the efficiency of three different approaches: biological treatment by two fungal species (Trametes versicolor or Pleurotus sajor caju), enzymatic treatment by laccase, and chemical treatment by photo-Fenton oxidation on phenols removal.  相似文献   

Composts improve organic carbon content and nutrients of calcareous soils but the accumulation and distribution of phosphorus and heavy metals among various fractions in soil may vary under the south Florida conditions. The accumulation of P, Cd, Ni, and Pb with depth and the distribution of water soluble, exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxides, organic and residual forms of each element were investigated in soils amended with municipal solid waste (MSW) compost, co-compost and biosolids compost and inorganic fertilizer (as control). Total concentrations of P, Cd, Ni, and Pb were higher in the 0-22 cm soil layers and decreased considerably in the rock layers. These elements were in the decreasing order of P > Pb > Ni > Cd. Amounts of water soluble and exchangeable forms of P, Cd, Ni and Pb were negligible at 0-22 cm soil depths except for Cd in the 10-22 cm depth. Amending calcareous soil with either organic or inorganic amendments rendered phosphorus, nickle and lead in the residual form followed by Fe-Mn oxides form in the 0-10 and 10-22 cm soil layers. Cadmium was predominantly in the Fe-Mn oxides fraction followed by the residual and carbonate forms in both soil layers. A significant positive correlation was found between various organic carbon fractions and organic forms of P, Cd and Pb in the surface soil layer. Soil amended with MSW compost had higher concentration of Cd in the organic fraction whereas, co-compost and MSW compost amended soil had higher concentrations of organic Ni fraction in the 0-10 cm soil layer.  相似文献   

Olive oil mill wastewater (OMWW), a recalcitrant pollutant, has features including high phenolic content and dark color; thereby, several chemical or physical treatments or biological processes were not able to remediate it. In this study, the treatment efficiencies of three treatments, including adsorption, biological application, and photo-Fenton oxidation were sequentially evaluated for OMWW. Adsorption, biological treatment, and photo-Fenton caused decreasing phenolic contents of 48.69 %, 59.40 %, and 95 %, respectively. However, after three sequential treatments were performed, higher reduction percentages in phenolic (total 99 %) and organic contents (90 %) were observed. Although the studied fungus has not induced significant color reduction, photo-Fenton oxidation was considered to be an attractive solution, especially for color reduction. Besides, toxicity of OMWW treatment was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Higher levels of soil salinity due to potassium and sodium replacement of soil cations were detected in an alkaline soil after pollution with waste waters from olive oil extraction plants. The pH was practically unchanged and soil C/N ratio was increased. A reversible decrease in the count of sporulated bacteria was noted.  相似文献   

A comprehensive surveillance program was conducted to determine the occurrence of three cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS) octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5), and dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) in environmental compartments impacted by wastewater effluent discharges. Eleven wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), representative of those found in Southern Ontario and Southern Quebec, Canada, were investigated to determine levels of cVMS in their influents and effluents. In addition, receiving water and sediment impacted by WWTP effluents, and biosolid-amended soil from agricultural fields were also analyzed for a preliminary evaluation of the environmental exposure of cVMS in media impacted by wastewater effluent and solids. A newly-developed large volume injection (septumless head adapter and cooled injection system) gas chromatography – mass spectrometry method was used to avoid contamination originating from instrumental analysis. Concentrations of D4, D5, and D6 in influents to the 11 WWTPs were in the range 0.282–6.69 μg L−1, 7.75–135 μg L−1, and 1.53–26.9 μg L−1, respectively. In general, wastewater treatment showed cVMS removal rates of greater than 92%, regardless of treatment type. The D4, D5, and D6 concentration ranges in effluent were <0.009–0.045 μg L−1, <0.027–1.56 μg L−1, and <0.022–0.093 μg L−1, respectively. The concentrations in receiving water influenced by effluent, were lower compared to those in effluent in most cases, with the ranges <0.009–0.023 μg L−1, <0.027–1.48 μg L−1, and <0.022–0.151 μg L−1 for D4, D5, and D6, respectively. Sediment concentrations ranged from <0.003–0.049 μg g−1 dw, 0.011–5.84 μg g−1 dw, and 0.004–0.371 μg g−1 dw for D4, D5, and D6, respectively. The concentrations in biosolid-amended soil, having values of <0.008–0.017 μg g−1 dw, <0.007–0.221 μg g−1 dw, and <0.009–0.711 μg g−1 dw for D4, D5, and D6, respectively, were lower than those in sediment impacted by wastewater effluent in most cases. In comparison with the no-observed-effected concentrations (NOEC) and IC50 (concentration that causes 50% inhibition of the response) values, the potential risks to aquatic, sediment-dwelling, and terrestrial organisms from these reported concentrations are low.  相似文献   

Goi A  Viisimaa M  Trapido M  Munter R 《Chemosphere》2011,82(8):1196-1201
Calcium and magnesium peroxides were applied for the treatment of soil contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls-containing electrical insulating oil (Aroclor 1016). The removal of PCB-containing electrical insulating oil was achieved with the addition of either calcium peroxide or magnesium peroxide alone and dependent on dosages of the chemical. A 21-d treatment of 60% watered soil with the moderate addition (chemical/oil weight ratio of 0.005/1) of either calcium peroxide or magnesium peroxide resulted in nearly complete (96 ± 2%) oil removal, unsubstantial increase in soil pH and almost no changes in oxygen consumption and dehydrogenase activity, making it suitable for the soil decontamination.  相似文献   

Contamination of soil with hydrocarbons occurs frequently when petroleum ducts are damaged. Restoration of those contaminated soils might be achieved by applying readily available organic material. An uncontaminated clayey soil sampled in the vicinity of a duct carrying diesel which ruptured recently, was contaminated in the laboratory and amended with or without maize or biosolids while production of carbon dioxide (CO(2)), dynamics of ammonia (NH(4)(+)), nitrates (NO(3)(-)), and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were monitored. The fastest mineralization of diesel, as witnessed by production of CO(2), was found when biosolids were added, but the amount mineralized after 100 days, approximately 88%, was similar in all treatments. Approximately 5 mg of the 48 mg TPH kg(-1) found in the sterilized soil at the beginning of the experiment could not be accounted for after 100 days. The concentration of TPH in the unsterilized soil decreased rapidly in all treatments, but the rate of decrease was different between the treatments. The fastest decrease was found in the soil amended with biosolids and approximately 30 mg TPH kg(-1) or 60% could not be accounted for within 7 days. The decrease in concentration of TPH at the onset of the incubation was similar in the other treatments. After 100 days, the concentration of TPH was similar in all soils and appear to stabilize at 19 mg TPH kg(-1) soil. It was concluded that biosolids accelerated the decomposition of diesel and TPH due to its large nutrient content, but after 100 days the amount of diesel mineralized and the residual concentration of TPH was not affected by the treatment applied.  相似文献   


Greenhouse studies were conducted to determine the influence of waste‐activated carbon (WAC), digested municipal sewage sludge (DMS), and animal manure on herbicidal activity of atrazine [2‐chloro‐4‐(ethylamino)‐6‐(isopropylamino)‐s‐trazine] and alachlor [2‐chloro‐2’,6'‐diethyl‐N‐(methoxymethyl)acetanilide] in a Plainfield sandy soil. Amendments generally reduced bioactivity against oat (Avena sativa L.) and Japanese millet (E. crus‐galli frumentacea). The extent to which herbicide phytotoxicity was inhibited depended upon the application rate and the kind of soil amendment. WAC, applied at the loading rate of 2.1 mt C/ha, showed a significant inhibitory effect on both herbicides. In DMS‐ and manure‐amended soil, the reduction of atrazine activity was not significant at the rate of 8.4 mt C/ha, but reduction of alachlor activity was significant at the rate of 4.2 mt C/ha. Despite inhibition of herbicidal activity, the ED50 of atrazine and alachlor was below 2 ppm in most of the amendment treatments. Before adopting carbon‐rich waste amendments as management practices for controlling pesticide leaching in coarse‐textured soils, further studies are needed to characterize how alterations in sorption, leaching and degradation may affect herbicidal activity.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Benzimidazoles are anthelmintics frequently used in sheep farming due to the high susceptibility of these animals to parasitic diseases. Sheep excreta...  相似文献   

Photooxidation of cathecol (1) is carried out in aqueous solution at lambda > 300 nm using different sensitizers: rose bengal (RB), 9,10-dicyanoanthracene (DCA), 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium tetrafluoroborate (Pyryl). The highest degradation is observed in the UV/RB-sensitized reaction (66% after 15 h of irradiation), mineralization and formation of dimers are the final events. This procedure has been extended to tyrosol (2), caffeic acid (3), vanillic acid (4), 4-hydroxycinnamic acid (5) and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (6) as well as to a mixture of all phenols. A reduced toxicity of the UV/RB-irradiated solutions of cathecol and tyrosol towards alga Ankistrodesmus braunii is also verified.  相似文献   

在温室条件下进行了15周的盆栽实验,考察了施用城市污泥堆肥后,土壤中养分含量的变化规律,重点研究了施用城市污泥堆肥对土壤微生物群落结构变化的影响。实验发现,污泥堆肥能改善土壤养分,有机质和氮、磷含量得到显著提高。经PCR—DGGE分析,施肥1周后土壤中细菌和真菌的群落结构均发生了较大的变化。随着施肥时间的延长,细菌在富含有机质及氮、磷等养分的土壤环境下大量生长,多样性提高,其优势菌群属于γ变形菌、α变形菌和芽单胞菌;随着有机质的不断消耗,细菌的生长活性受到抑制,最终由于养分的缺乏,细菌种群多样性呈现小幅度的降低,优势菌群变为绿弯菌门、γ变形菌亚纲和厚壁菌门。对于真菌,其多样性指数在堆肥前3周逐渐提升,在第3~12周的监测中呈现相对稳定的变化趋势,优势菌群主要为座囊菌纲和散囊菌纲。  相似文献   

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