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《中国履行(关于持久性有机污染物(POPs)的斯德哥尔摩公约)国家实施计划》近日已经由国务院批准,该计划确定了我国履约行动措施及履约总体目标和具体控制目标。2015年前将实现四大目标。一是淘汰杀虫剂类POPs。禁止艾氏剂、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂、七氯、六氯苯、灭蚁灵和毒杀芬的生产和进口。  相似文献   

雨水污染控制在美国的发展、实践及对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着人类工业活动的增加和城市化进程的加快,土地的使用特性改变了,越来越多的不可渗透性的地面改变了水的自然循环途径.同时,人类活动的增加,产生的污染物种类和量也随之增加.这些污染物在地面上不断积累,在雨水径流的冲刷下被带入周围的河流和湖泊.不仅造成洪涝灾害的频发,也使水体的污染日渐严重.目前,雨水的控制不仅对流量和流速的...  相似文献   

A two-stage mathematical model for Hg removal using powdered activated carbon injection upstream of a baghouse filter was developed, with the first stage accounting for removal in the ductwork and the second stage accounting for additional removal caused by the retention of carbon particles on the filter. The model shows that removal in the ductwork is minimal, and the additional carbon detention time from the entrapment of the carbon particles in the fabric filter enhances the Hg removal from the gas phase. A sensitivity analysis on the model shows that Hg removal is dependent on the isotherm parameters, the carbon pore radius and tortuosity, the C/Hg ratio, and the carbon particle radius.  相似文献   

Reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and particulate mercury (PHg) were collected in Milwaukee, WI, between April 2004 and May 2005, and in Riverside, CA, between July 25 and August 7, 2005 using sorbent and filter substrates. The substrates were analyzed for mercury by thermal desorption analysis (TDA) using a purpose-built instrument. Results from this offline-TDA method were compared with measurements using a real-time atmospheric mercury analyzer. RGM measurements made with the offline-TDA agreed well with a commercial real-time method. However, the offline TDA reported PHg concentrations 2.7 times higher than the real-time method, indicating evaporative losses might be occurring from the real-time instrument during sample collection. TDA combined with reactive mercury collection on filter and absorbent substrates was cheap, relatively easy to use, did not introduce biases due to a semicontinuous sample collection strategy, and had a dynamic range appropriate for use in rural and urban locations. The results of this study demonstrate that offline-TDA is a feasible method for collecting reactive mercury concentrations in a large network of filter-based samplers.  相似文献   

Mercury has various uses in nuclear fuel reprocessing and other nuclear processes, and so it is often present in radioactive and mixed (radioactive and hazardous) wastes. Compliance with air emission regulations such as the Hazardous Waste Combustor (HWC) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards can require off-gas mercury removal efficiencies up to 99.999% for thermally treating some mixed waste streams. Test programs have demonstrated this level of off-gas mercury control using fixed beds of granular sulfur-impregnated activated carbon. Other results of these tests include (1) the depth of the mercury control mass transfer zone was less than 15-30 cm for the operating conditions of these tests; (2) MERSORB carbon can sorb mercury up to 19 wt % of the carbon mass; and (3) the spent carbon retained almost all (98.3-99.99%) of the mercury during Toxicity Characteristic Leachability Procedure (TCLP) tests, but when even a small fraction of the total mercury dissolves, the spent carbon can fail the TCLP test when the spent carbon contains high mercury concentrations.  相似文献   

Assessing sorbents for mercury control in coal-combustion flue gas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sorbent injection for Hg control is one of the most promising technologies for reducing Hg emissions from power-generation facilities, particularly units that do not require wet scrubbers for SO2 control. Since 1992, EPRI has been assessing the performance of Hg sorbents in pilot-scale systems installed at full-scale facilities. The initial tests were conducted on a 5,000-acfm (142-m3/min) pilot baghouse. Screening potential sorbents at this scale required substantial resources for installation and operation and did not provide an opportunity to characterize sorbents over a wide temperature range. Data collected in the laboratory and in field tests indicate that sorbents are affected by flue gas composition and temperature. Tests carried out in actual flue gas at a number of power plants also have shown that sorbent performance can be site-specific. In addition, data collected at a field site often are different from data collected  相似文献   

An intercomparison for sampling and analysis of atmospheric mercury species was held in Tuscany, June 1998. Methods for sampling and analysis of total gaseous mercury (TGM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and total particulate mercury (TPM) were used in parallel sampling over a period of 4 days. The results show that the different methods employed for TGM compared well whereas RGM and TPM showed a somewhat higher variability. Measurement results of RGM and TPM improved over the time period indicating that activities at the sampling site during set-up and initial sampling affected the results. Especially the TPM measurement results were affected. Additional parallel sampling was performed for two of the TPM methods under more controlled conditions which yielded more comparable results.  相似文献   

A modeling system that includes a global chemical transport model (CTM) and a nested continental CTM (TEAM) was used to simulate the atmospheric transport, transformations and deposition of mercury (Hg). Three scenarios were used: (1) a nominal scenario, (2) a scenario conducive to local deposition and (3) a scenario conducive to long-range transport. Deposition fluxes of Hg were analyzed at three receptor locations in New York State. For the nominal scenario, the anthropogenic emission sources (including re-emission of deposited Hg) in New York State, the rest of the contiguous United States, Asia, Europe, and Canada contributed 11-1, 25-9, 13-19, 5-7, and 2-5%, respectively to total Hg deposition at these three receptors. Natural sources contributed 16-4%. The results from the local deposition and long-range transport scenarios varied only slightly from these results. However, there are still uncertainties in our understanding of the atmospheric chemistry of Hg that are likely to affect these estimates of local, regional and global contributions. Comparison of model simulation results with data from the Mercury Deposition Network suggests that local and regional contributions may currently be overestimated.  相似文献   

Improvements in measurement technology are permitting development of a more detailed scientific understanding of the cycling of mercury in the global atmospheric environment. Critical to advancing the state of knowledge is the acquisition of accurate measurement of speciated mercury (gaseous and particulate) at ground research stations in a variety of settings located around the globe. This paper describes one such research effort conducted at TVA's Look Rock air quality monitoring site in Tennessee—a mountain top site (813 m elevation) just west of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the largest National Park in the eastern US and it receives environmental protection under a variety of US statutes. Gaseous and particle mercury species along with some additional trace gases were measured at Look Rock during two field studies totaling 84 days in the spring and summer of 2004. Average results for the entire sampling period are: gaseous elemental mercury Hg(0): 1.65 ng m−3, reactive gaseous mercury RGM: 0.005 ng m−3, particulate mercury Hg(p): 0.007 ng m−3. Literature review indicates that these levels are within the range found for other rural/remote sites in North America and worldwide. Reactive and particulate mercury comprised together less than 1%, on average, of total airborne mercury at Look Rock. When compared to the global background mercury literature, the Look Rock measurements demonstrate that the atmospheric mercury levels in the vicinity of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park are clearly dominated by the global atmospheric pool, not by local or regional sources.  相似文献   

Despite the remoteness of the North Water, Northwest Greenland, the local Inughuit population is affected by global anthropogenic pollution and climate change. Using a cross-disciplinary approach combining Mercury (Hg) analysis, catch information, and historical and anthropological perspectives, this article elucidates how the traditional diet is compromised by Hg pollution originating from lower latitudes. In a new approach we here show how the Inughuits in Avanersuaq are subject to high Hg exposure from the hunted traditional food, consisting of mainly marine seabirds and mammals. Violation of the provisional tolerably yearly intake of Hg, on average by a factor of 11 (range 7–15) over the last 20 years as well as the provisional tolerably monthly intake by a factor of 6 (range 2–16), raises health concerns. The surplus of Selenium (Se) in wildlife tissues including narwhals showed Se:Hg molar ratios of 1.5, 2.3, and 16.7 in muscle, liver, and mattak, respectively, likely to provide some protection against the high Hg exposure.  相似文献   

The control of mercury vapor using biotrickling filters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Philip L  Deshusses MA 《Chemosphere》2008,70(3):411-417
The feasibility of using biotrickling filters for the removal of mercury vapor from simulated flue gases was evaluated. The experiments were carried out in laboratory-scale biotrickling filters with various mixed cultures naturally attached on a polyurethane foam packing. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria, toluene degraders and denitrifiers were used and compared for their ability to remove Hg 0 vapor. In particular, the biotrickling filters with sulfur oxidizing bacteria were able to remove 100% of mercury vapor, with an inlet concentration of 300-650 microg m(-3), at a gas contact time as low as six seconds. 87-92% of the removed mercury was fixed in or onto the microbial cells while the remaining left the system with the trickling liquid. The removal of mercury vapors in a biotrickling filter with dead cells was almost equivalent to this in biotrickling filters with live cells, indicating that significant abiotic removal mechanisms existed. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria biotrickling filters were the most effective in controlling mercury vapors, suggesting that sulfur played a key role. Identification of the location of metal deposition and of the form of metal was conducted using TEM, energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and mercury elution analyses. The results suggested that mercury removal was through a series of complex mechanisms, probably both biotic and abiotic, including sorption in and onto cellular material and possible biotransformations. Overall, the study demonstrates that biotrickling filters appear to be a promising alternative for mercury vapor removal from flue gases.  相似文献   

以废弃煤矿废水治理产生的污泥(AMD污泥)为原料,制备了烟气脱汞吸附剂,在模拟烟气-固定床平台对其吸附性能进行了研究。结果表明,AMD污泥对烟气中的单质汞(Hg0)有吸附氧化作用,吸附能力为175.6 μg·g-1,氧化率为60%~75%左右。为了进一步探索AMD污泥与烟气中汞的反应机理,将实验室合成的针铁矿作为对比试样进行研究。结果表明,AMD污泥具有结构疏松、比表面积大、晶粒尺寸为纳米级别的特点,具有很好的吸附基础;污泥表面形成的晶体缺陷有利于Hg0的催化氧化反应。  相似文献   

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