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Cattle manure is produced in large quantities in industrial breeding facilities and the storage and/or spreading of this waste on land may cause contamination of the atmosphere, soil and water. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the active phases of composting, vermicomposting, and also a combination of composting and vermicomposting for reducing the polluting potential and for stabilizing cattle manure in the short-term. For this, the degree of decomposition as well as the microbial activity and microbial composition of the resulting products after the active phase of composting and vermicomposting were analysed. None of the treatments significantly reduced the dissolved organic carbon and dissolved organic nitrogen contents relative to the control, and therefore more time may be required for stabilization. Nevertheless, the lowest values of microbial biomass and activity corresponded to the earthworm-worked substrates, in which fungal growth was also promoted; the combined treatment (composting + vermicomposting) was the most effective in terms of stabilizing the cattle manure. Moreover, earthworms promoted the retention of nitrogen and gradual release of P, as well as a reduction in electrical conductivity, thereby producing improved substrates for agricultural use.  相似文献   

Fast pyrolysis of chicken manure produced two biooils (Fractions I and II) and a residual char. All four materials were analyzed by chemical methods, 13C and 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (13C and 1H NMR), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrosphotometry (FTIR). The char showed the highest C content and the highest aromaticity. Of the two biooils Fraction II was higher in C, yield and calorific value but lower in N than Fraction I. The S and ash content of the two biooil fractions were low. The Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (CP-MAS) 13C NMR spectrum of the initial chicken manure showed it to be rich in cellulose, which was a major component of sawdust used as bedding material. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra of the two biooils indicated that Fraction I was less aromatic than Fraction II. Among the aromatics in the two biooils, we were able to tentatively identify N-heterocyclics like indoles, pyridines, and pyrazines. FTIR spectra were generally in agreement with the NMR data. FTIR spectra of both biooils showed the presence of both primary and secondary amides and primary amines as well as N-heterocyclics such as pyridines, quinolines, and pyrimidines. The FTIR spectrum of the char resembled that of the initial chicken manure except that the concentration of carbohydrates was lower.  相似文献   

Fast pyrolysis of chicken manure produced two biooils (Fractions I and II) and a residual char. All four materials were analyzed by chemical methods, 13C and 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (13C and 1H NMR), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrosphotometry (FTIR). The char showed the highest C content and the highest aromaticity. Of the two biooils Fraction II was higher in C, yield and calorific value but lower in N than Fraction I. The S and ash content of the two biooil fractions were low. The Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (CP-MAS) 13C NMR spectrum of the initial chicken manure showed it to be rich in cellulose, which was a major component of sawdust used as bedding material. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra of the two biooils indicated that Fraction I was less aromatic than Fraction II. Among the aromatics in the two biooils, we were able to tentatively identify N-heterocyclics like indoles, pyridines, and pyrazines. FTIR spectra were generally in agreement with the NMR data. FTIR spectra of both biooils showed the presence of both primary and secondary amides and primary amines as well as N-heterocyclics such as pyridines, quinolines, and pyrimidines. The FTIR spectrum of the char resembled that of the initial chicken manure except that the concentration of carbohydrates was lower.  相似文献   

林可霉素菌渣与牛粪联合堆肥实验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
抗生素菌渣因含有抗生素残留而成为一种较难处理的废弃物,不合理的处理方法极易造成环境污染和生态危害,同时也会造成资源浪费.为了探讨林可霉素菌渣堆肥化处理的可行性,设计了林可霉素菌渣与牛粪的联合堆肥实验.4个堆肥处理的林可霉素初始含量分别为1.35 mg/g(干重)、1.89 mg/g(干重)、3.52 mg/g(干重)和...  相似文献   

生物化学协同除磷研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用聚合硅酸铝和聚合硅酸铁两种混凝剂,比较了将混凝剂直接投加到反应器中和对生物反应器出水再进行混凝沉淀2种工艺的除磷效果,并对2种混凝剂的除磷效果进行了比较。结果表明:对于聚合硅酸铝,没有生物协同作用;对于聚合硅酸铁,投加量在40mg/L以下时具有生物协同作用,30mg/L时协同作用最明显;而且聚合硅酸铁的除磷效果好于聚合硅酸铝。  相似文献   

采用聚合硅酸铝和聚合硅酸铁两种混凝剂,比较了将混凝剂直接投加到反应器中和对生物反应器出水再进行混凝沉淀2种工艺的除磷效果,并对2种混凝剂的除磷效果进行了比较.结果表明:对于聚合硅酸铝,没有生物协同作用;对于聚合硅酸铁,投加量在40 mg/L以下时具有生物协同作用,30 mg/L时协同作用最明显;而且聚合硅酸铁的除磷效果好于聚合硅酸铝.  相似文献   

在不同升温速率和不同O2气氛下对船舶垃圾(CSW)的燃烧特性进行热重分析,并使用不同方法对其进行动力学参数求解。根据船用焚烧炉的特点,选择温度范围为100~1 100℃,结果表明:CSW燃烬物较少,只有6.02%(质量分数);根据微分热重(DTG)曲线,燃烧的温度区间分为3段,其中在200~600℃反应基本完成,在600~800℃反应的物质较少。CSW在气氛O2/N2(体积比)=30∶70下的燃烧性能是3种气氛中最好的。在气氛O2/N2=30∶70下,通过FWO法计算得CSW的平均活化能为162.588kJ/mol,通过KAS法计算得CSW的平均活化能为160.677kJ/mol。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The ability of biochar to be used as filter or as additive for the adsorption of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from cattle manure is...  相似文献   

The first natural abundance 13C NMR investigation of a complex mixture of conjugate metabolites obtained from the gall bladder bile of fish exposed to hydrocarbons is presented. Cunners were exposed to water accommodated No. 2 fuel oil containing about 68% saturates and 22% aromatics. Spectral analysis indicated that the hydrocarbon derivatives were present predominantly as β-glucuronides, with the oxygen at carbon-1 of glucuronic acid preferentially attached to an aliphatic carbon. The conjugate metabolites were enriched in aromatic-type carbons when compared to the fuel oil or the aromatic fraction of oil.  相似文献   

This research examines the degradation of atrazine by photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) under different experimental conditions. Deisopropylatrazine, deethylatrazine and deethyldeisopropylatrazine were formed as major intermediates based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The reaction mixture was found to be toxic towards two bioassays, i.e. the Microtox and amphipods survival tests even when atrazine was completely degraded by PCO within 2 h under optimized conditions. The results indicate that adding H2O2 could significantly enhance the degradation of atrazine by PCO. Ammeline, ammelide and cyanuric acid (CA) became the major intermediates/products as detected by high performance liquid chromatography from 6th to the 40th h of PCO treatment. After 72 h PCO treatment, only CA was detectable in the reaction mixture. Further degradation of CA was carried out by a newly isolated CA-degrading bacterium, Sphingomonas capsulata. The photochemical pretreatment integrated with microbial degradation lead to the complete degradation and detoxification of atrazine.  相似文献   

城市污泥含有大量有机物和病原菌,需要稳定化处理.采用新型工艺高温微好氧与中温厌氧两级消化工艺(ATMD-MAD)处理城市污泥,与全程厌氧消化工艺(MAD)相比,不仅回收能源气体甲烷,而且缩短稳定化停留时间.55℃高温微好氧消化停留时间为2 d,后接35℃中温厌氧消化共运行24 d.结果表明,在ATMD-MAD系统中污泥的挥发性悬浮固体VSS去除率能在22 d时达到污泥稳定化要求的40%以上.ATMD-MAD工艺的单位VSS甲烷产量最高为496 mL/g VSS高于MAD工艺.在消化的前14天,可溶性挥发有机酸VFA在ATMD-MAD系统中的总量比MAD高出20%;在消化的第2天,ATMD-MAD系统中可溶性COD(SCOD)高出MAD工艺43.8%.ORP的变化反映了ATMD-MAD工艺保持了较好的厌氧状态,消化开始时的头2天限量曝气并没有给厌氧带来冲击.  相似文献   

为探讨利用蚯蚓吸收富集在猪粪中的Cu、Zn以减少其在猪粪中含量的技术途径,实验以赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia foetida)为生物反应器,采用L18(36)正交设计法,对蚯蚓吸收富集猪粪中Cu、Zn的最适条件进行了研究.结果表明,蚯蚓对猪粪中的Cu、Zn具有一定的吸收能力, 辅料类别、C/N、温度、湿度和蚯蚓密度均能影响蚯蚓对猪粪中Cu、Zn的吸收,综合考虑蚯蚓的生长及对猪粪Cu、Zn的吸收,以猪粪和玉米秸秆为饵料,C/N为22~30、温度为15 ℃、湿度为75%、接种密度为15尾/盆(100 g风干饵料中蚯蚓的生物量为2.29 g)的组合条件下,蚯蚓对猪粪Cu、Zn的吸收总量最高.  相似文献   

Livestock manure is suitable for use as a composting material. However, various intestinal microbes, such as Escherichia coli, are significant components of such manures. Thus, it is desirable that the level of intestinal microbes, and particularly opportunistic pathogens, in compost is inspected and counted regularly. The sensitivity and specificity of detection of E. coli in compost have been improved by selective cultivation followed by colony polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the ECO primer. Indeed, the sensitivity of this method is higher than that of DNA extraction from compost and PCR. In this study, changes in numbers of E. coli present in a field-scale composting process over time was assessed using selective cultivation and colony PCR. Numbers of ECO-positive colonies after 24 h decreased, with a concomitant rise in compost temperature. ECO-positive colonies were not detected from 33 to 48 h. However, ECO-positive colony numbers increased beginning on day 4 and continuing until day 42. Thus, it seems likely that the high temperatures reached during the composting process did not affect E. coli numbers in the final compost. Additionally, selective cultivation followed by colony PCR using specific primers is an appropriate method of determining levels of cultivable pathogens in composted materials.  相似文献   

The incubation of the model pollutant [U-14C]'-4-fluorobiphenyl (4FBP) in soil, in the presence and absence of biphenyl (a co-substrate), was carried out in order to study the qualitative disposition and fate of the compound using 14C-HPLC and 19F NMR spectroscopy. Components accounted for using the radiolabel were volatilization, CO2 evolution, organic solvent extractable and bound residue. Quantitative analysis of these data gave a complete mass balance. After sample preparation. 14C-HPLC was used to establish the number of 4FBP related components present in the organic solvent extract. 19F NMR was also used to quantify the organic extracts and to identify the components of the extract. Both approaches showed that the composition of the solvent extractable fractions comprised only parent compound with no metabolites present. As the 14C radiolabel was found to be incorporated into the soil organic matter this indicates that metabolites were being generated, but were highly transitory as incorporation into the SOM was rapid. The inclusion of the co-substrate biphenyl was to increase the overall rate of degradation of 4FBP in soil. The kinetics of disappearance of parent from the soil using the data obtained were investigated from both techniques. This is the first report describing the degradation of a fluorinated biphenyl in soil.  相似文献   

Livestock manure is suitable for use as a composting material. However, various intestinal microbes, such as Escherichia coli, are significant components of such manures. Thus, it is desirable that the level of intestinal microbes, and particularly opportunistic pathogens, in compost is inspected and counted regularly. The sensitivity and specificity of detection of E. coli in compost have been improved by selective cultivation followed by colony polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the ECO primer. Indeed, the sensitivity of this method is higher than that of DNA extraction from compost and PCR. In this study, changes in numbers of E. coli present in a field-scale composting process over time was assessed using selective cultivation and colony PCR. Numbers of ECO-positive colonies after 24 h decreased, with a concomitant rise in compost temperature. ECO-positive colonies were not detected from 33 to 48 h. However, ECO-positive colony numbers increased beginning on day 4 and continuing until day 42. Thus, it seems likely that the high temperatures reached during the composting process did not affect E. coli numbers in the final compost. Additionally, selective cultivation followed by colony PCR using specific primers is an appropriate method of determining levels of cultivable pathogens in composted materials.  相似文献   

In this study we compared the contribution of individual congeners and the ratios of stable carbon isotopes of two technical toxaphene products. The former US-American product Toxaphene was from 1978 and the East-German product Melipax from 1979. Both technical products showed the known complexity in GC/ECD measurements. Contributions of 24 peaks to each of the technical products were determined by gas chromatography in combination high resolution electron capture negative ion mass spectrometry (GC/ECNI-HRMS). The percentages of the compounds studied in the technical mixtures ranged from approximately 0.05% to approximately 2.5% but showed some individual differences. 2,2,5,5,8,9,9,10,10-nonachlorobornane (B9-1025 or P-62) was identified as a major congener in both mixtures. 2-Endo,3-exo,5-endo,6-exo,8,8,10,10-octachlorobornane (B8-1413 or P26) and 2-endo,3-exo,5-endo,6-exo,8,8,9,10,10-nonachlorobornane (B9-1679 or P-50) were found at similar concentration in both technical products. Identical amounts of Melipax or Toxaphene were combusted to CO2 in an element analyzer and their delta13C values were determined relative to the international standard Vienna PeeDee belemnite (VPDB). The mean delta13C values of both products varied by 2.8% (determined at two different locations) which is roughly one order of magnitude more than the precision obtained in repetitive analyses of the individual products. Thus, both investigated products could be unequivocally distinguished by stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). IRMS analyses may thus be a suitable tool for tracing back toxaphene residues in environmental and food samples to the one or both of the products.  相似文献   

Developing regulatory activities (e.g., REACh, [DGEE. 2003. Directorates General Enterprise and Environment. The new EU chemicals legislation REACH. DG Enterprise, Brussels, Belgium. (http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/reach/index_en.htm)]) will require bioaccumulation to be assessed for thousands of chemicals. Further, there is increasing pressure to reduce, refine or replace animal tests. Given this scenario, there is an urgent need to evaluate the feasibility of in vitro systems to supply data useful for bioaccumulation estimation. Subcellular and cellular hepatic systems were tested to determine the biotransformation of two surfactants: C12-2-LAS (2-phenyl dodecane p-sulfonate) and an alcohol ethoxylate C13EO8 (Octaethylene glycol monotridecyl ether). The subcellular systems tested were liver homogenates and microsomes from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Cellular systems consisted of primary hepatocytes from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and PLHC-1 cells, hepatocarcinoma cells from the desert topminnow (Poeciliopsis lucida). All in vitro systems were exposed to radiolabeled test compounds and assayed for biotransformation using liquid scintillation and thin layer chromatographic methods. First-order kinetics were used to estimate rates of biotransformation. Bioconcentration of test materials in fish were predicted using an in vitro to in vivo metabolic rate extrapolation model linked to a mass-balance model commonly used to predict bioaccumulation in fish. Subcellular biotransformation rates for each of the surfactants were greatest with microsomes. Cellular loss rates exceeded subcellular rates, leading to lower predicted BCF values. Predicted BCFs corresponded closely to measured values in several fish species, verifying the utility of in vitro systems in refining Kow-only-based BCFs via the inclusion of biotransformation rates.  相似文献   

Accurate predictions of 13C NMR chemical shifts (standard error approximately 1.7 ppm) are achieved for a subset of chlorinated bornanes by empirical scaling of shifts from GIAO calculations with geometries obtained from HF/6-31G* calculations. The optimized molecular geometries were compared with X-ray structures for three of the toxaphene components most frequently detected in environmental samples (Parlar nos. 26, 50 and 62), and the concordance between the experimental and calculated values was found to be satisfactory. Taken overall, the results indicate that theoretical methods hold great promise for rationalizing 13C NMR chemical shifts in organohalogen compounds. However, it appeared that the DFT/GIAO shifts need to be empirically scaled to achieve good numerical agreement with experimental shifts in chlorinated bornanes. Obviously, there is a need to develop new computational methods to describe the large deshielding effects of chlorine atoms properly.  相似文献   

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