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施粪肥土壤中抗生素的提取条件优化及残留特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为确立高效的土壤抗生素提取条件,揭示施用粪肥土壤中抗生素的残留水平,分别采集江苏省常州市某养猪场新鲜猪粪样品6份、施用粪肥及无机肥水稻土壤样品各13份,对土壤抗生素提取液配比与超声提取时间进行筛选,利用高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)对生猪粪便和土壤中的四大类(四环素类、磺胺类、喹诺酮类和大环内脂类)15种抗生素含量进行检测分析。结果表明,最优提取条件选择为:提取液配比为甲醇:EDTA=1:1,超声提取时间为10 min,四环素类抗生素的加标回收率为73.2%~93.4%,磺胺类为81.2%~101.1%,喹诺酮类为106.3%~110.8%。该养猪场猪粪与施粪肥土壤中均未检测到大环内脂类抗生素,其余各类抗生素平均残留量从高到低排序分别为:猪粪中四环素类 > 磺胺类 > 喹诺酮类;施粪肥土壤中四环素类 > 喹诺酮类 > 磺胺类,四环素类是最主要的抗生素污染物,残留量分别为猪粪中1.9~12.5 mg·kg-1、施粪肥土壤中23.9~212.4 μg·kg-1;施无机肥土壤中未检测出抗生素,施粪肥土壤中的抗生素来源于生猪粪便。  相似文献   

典型农业活动区土壤重金属污染特征及生态风险评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
联合野外采样和室内分析,以典型农田土壤为研究对象,分析土壤中重金属Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、As和Hg的含量及污染特征,并采用单因子污染指数法、内梅罗污染指数法及潜在生态危害指数法,对农田土壤进行生态风险评价,同时利用主成分因子分析法,提取出3主因子,分析土壤重金属可能来源。结果表明,研究区农田土壤各重金属含量均高于背景值,表层污染程度高于底层;各重金属单因子污染指数对应污染等级均为清洁,内梅罗污染指数为0.46,污染等级为安全。潜在生态风险评估结果显示,研究区土壤重金属污染的潜在生态风险危害程度为中等,各重金属的潜在生态危害程度依次为Cd> Hg> As> Cu> Pb> Ni> Cr> Zn。主成分因子分析显示,研究区土壤中Hg、As和Cr主要由工业污染源贡献,土壤中Cd、Pb的污染主要来源于不合理的农业生产活动和居民生活,Ni、Zn和Cu与自然成土过程密切相关。综合评价表明,尽管研究区农田土壤目前重金属污染情况较轻,未达到警戒水平,但由于城市化的发展及长期现代化农业耕作活动造成农田土壤重金属的富集,因此,增强农田土壤安全性生产管理、严控土壤污染源与推行标准农业生产是十分必要的。  相似文献   

内蒙古某电厂周围土壤汞分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究内蒙古草原两燃煤电厂附近土壤中汞含量分布特征及其与土壤性质的关系.结果表明,48.15%的供试土壤汞含量超出当地土壤汞含量背景上限值,且距电厂越近,汞含量越高.距电厂较远、受污染较小地区的土壤汞含量与土壤理化性质密切相关:土壤pH8.0时,趋势相反;土壤有机质与汞含量呈现出正相关性;土壤颗粒越细,对汞的吸附能力越强,汞含量越高,但当颗粒细至粘粒时,随着粘粒含量的增多,汞含量呈现出减少的趋势.  相似文献   

研究了某电子垃圾拆解园周边151个农田土壤样品中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染特征和环境风险。结果表明,125个表层土壤样品中PAHs总质量浓度在149.0~2.0×104μg/kg,均值为1 805.5μg/kg,随着剖面土壤深度增加,PAHs含量总体呈递减趋势。通过来源解析,电子拆解园周围土壤中PAHs污染主要由废弃的电子电器元件的粗放燃烧和汽车尾气排放共同引起。土壤风险评估表明,7种类二噁英毒性PAHs的毒性当量(TEQPAH)在6.000×10-5~0.689pg TEQ/g,平均值为0.015pg TEQ/g;苯并(a)芘、二苯并(a,h)蒽、苯并(a)蒽、苯并(b)荧蒽、茚并(1,2,3-cd)芘致癌风险率超出百万分之一的样本比例分别为20.53%、6.62%、1.99%、2.65%、2.65%,其中采样点1、68两个点位表层土壤的苯并(b)荧蒽致癌风险率超过了万分之一。  相似文献   

王璇  熊惠磊  马骏  夏凤英  裴宇 《环境工程学报》2016,10(11):6746-6752
土壤理化性质、污染物的分布及赋存特征是土壤异位淋洗技术是否可行的关键依据。以西北某废弃铬盐厂铬污染场地土壤作为研究对象,测定了土壤基本理化参数及各粒径污染物的浓度,探究总铬和六价铬在不同粒径土壤中的分布特征,并通过铬的赋存形态分析确定清水作为淋洗剂,开展异位清水淋洗实验。结果表明:供试土壤粗颗粒物料(粒径分别为:>9.50 mm、2.00~9.50 mm、0.841~2.00 mm及0.25~0.841 mm)占土壤总质量的比例达到93.36%,总铬和六价铬污染物富集于土壤细颗粒(粒径-1,达到修复标准要求。  相似文献   

锑矿区土壤重金属污染及优势植物对重金属的富集特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过野外调查采样,分析了冷水江锑矿区4个采样点土壤和优势植物中重金属含量,以及矿区生长的5种优势植物对Sb、As、Cd、Pb、Cu和Zn的的吸收与富集能力及其富集特性。结果表明,矿区土壤中6种重金属元素的平均含量均超出湖南省土壤背景值和全国土壤背景值,土壤受Sb污染最严重,其次是Cd、As的污染。5种优势植物淡竹叶、苎麻、芒草、狗尾草和白背叶体内Sb、As的含量都超过正常范围,具有修复矿区土壤Sb、As污染的潜力。其中苎麻对Sb的富集系数和转运系数均大于1,满足Sb超富集植物的基本特征,可作为生态恢复的先锋植物;芒草对Cd的富集系数和转运系数都大于1,对重金属有较强的耐性,作为重金属污染的修复植物具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The herbicide 2,4-D [2,4-(dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid] is a widely used broadleaf control agent in cereal production systems. Although 2,4-D soil-residual activity (half-lives) are typicaly less than 10 days, this herbicide also has as a short-term leaching potential due to its relatively weak retention by soil constituents. Herbicide residual effects and leaching are influenced by environmental variables such as soil moisture and temperature. The objective of this study was to determine impacts of these environmental variables on the magnitude and extent of 2,4-D mineralization in a cultivated undulating Manitoba prairie landscape. Microcosm incubation experiments were utilized to assess 2,4-D half-lives and total mineralization using a 4 × 4 × 3 × 2 factorial design (with soil temperature at 4 levels: 5, 10, 20 and 40°C; soil moisture at 4 levels: 60, 85, 110, 135 % of field capacity; slope position at 3 levels: upper-, mid- and lower-slopes; and soil depth at 2 levels: 0–5 cm and 5–15 cm). Half-lives (t1/2) varied from 3 days to 51 days with the total 2,4-D mineralization (M T ) ranging from 5.8 to 50.9 %. The four-way interaction (temperature × moisture × slope × depth) significantly (p< 0.001) influenced both t1/2 and M T. Second-order polynomial equations best described the relations of temperature with t1/2 and MT as was expected from a biological system. However, the interaction and variability of t1/2 and MT among different temperatures, soil moistures, slope positions, and soil depth combinations indicates that the complex nature of these interacting factors should be considered when applying 2,4-D in agricultural fields and in utilizing these parameters in pesticide fate models.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the pollution characteristics of typical veterinary antibiotics in manure and soil of livestock farms in Jiangsu province. This investigation employed solid-phase extraction (SPE) coupled with ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). A total of 53 manure and 50 amended soil samples from 16 livestock farms in Jiangsu province were collected for analysis. In the manure samples, the highest detected frequencies and concentrations were those of tetracyclines (TCs, 54.1 ± 5775.6 μgkg?1), followed by fluoroquinolones (FQs, 8.4 ± 435.6 μgkg?1), sulphonamides (SAs, 3.2 ± 5.2 μgkg?1) and macrolides (MACs, 0.4 ± 110.5 μgkg?1). Statistical analysis was used to illuminate the pollution characteristics of 23 veterinary antibiotics for various animal types and different regions in Jiangsu province. The results showed that the pollution level in cow manure was relatively lower compared with pig and chicken manure due to the relative restriction of medication. Furthermore, contamination was serious in amended soil from chicken farms. The pollution level in manure among different regions was higher to the south and north compared with the centre of the region. The same outcome was found for soil. Antibiotic residues in organic fertilizer were also investigated in this study. We found that although the detected concentration was lower in organic fertilizer than in fresh manure, detection frequencies (10–90%) were high, especially for roxithromycin (90%) in MACs (30–90%). This finding suggests attention should be paid to the pollution levels in organic fertilizer. This study is the first extensive investigation of the occurrence and distribution of many kinds of typical veterinary antibiotics in manure and soil from livestock farms of Jiangsu province. This investigation systematically assesses veterinary antibiotics usage and related emissions in southeast China.  相似文献   


The adsorption, desorption and binding of the insecticidal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk toxin) onto autoclaved sandy and clay loam forest soils were studied at 23°C in a buffer medium (pH 10.2) using the precipitated protein mixture (active + inactive) obtained from a commercial Btk formulation. The active protein in the buffer solution was quantified by ELISA technique. Maximum adsorption of the toxin onto the sandy (301 μg/g) and clay (474 μg/g) loam soils was found to occur after 3 and 4 hours of agitation, respectively. Adsorption of the toxin was higher in the clay loam soil than in sandy loam. Adsorption parameters were calculated using the Freundlich and linear isotherm equations. The KF and 1/n values for the soils were 1.12 and 1.48 (sandy), and 20.42 and 0.874 (clay), respectively, indicating stronger affinity of the toxin for the clay compared to the sandy loam soil. The linear model showed deviations at higher concentrations, nevertheless using the best fit, KD and KOC values were computed for the two soils. For sandy loam, the KD and KOC values were 9.38 and 391, respectively; the corresponding values for clay loam were 13.19 and 425, confirming the higher sorption affinity of the toxin for clay loam. The adsorption data did not fit the Langmuir equation because of heterogeneity of the soil surface. Desorption studies showed that more than half of the adsorbed toxic protein remained firmly attached to sandy (162.6 μg/g or 54.5%) and clay (314.0 μg/g or 67.4%) loam soils after six 0.5‐h washes (total 3.0 h wash time). Although the toxin appears to be a non‐leacher, its lateral mobility, soil persistence and biological consequences, including bioavailability of the bound residues, are poorly understood and require further investigation.  相似文献   

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