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The biogeochemical processes governing leachate attenuation inside a landfill leachate plume (Banisveld, the Netherlands) were revealed and quantified using the 1D reactive transport model PHREEQC-2. Biodegradation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was simulated assuming first-order oxidation of two DOC fractions with different reactivity, and was coupled to reductive dissolution of iron oxide. The following secondary geochemical processes were required in the model to match observations: kinetic precipitation of calcite and siderite, cation exchange, proton buffering and degassing. Rate constants for DOC oxidation and carbonate mineral precipitation were determined, and other model parameters were optimized using the nonlinear optimization program PEST by means of matching hydrochemical observations closely (pH, DIC, DOC, Na, K, Ca, Mg, NH4, Fe(II), SO4, Cl, CH4, saturation index of calcite and siderite). The modelling demonstrated the relevance and impact of various secondary geochemical processes on leachate plume evolution. Concomitant precipitation of siderite masked the act of iron reduction. Cation exchange resulted in release of Fe(II) from the pristine anaerobic aquifer to the leachate. Degassing, triggered by elevated CO2 pressures caused by carbonate precipitation and proton buffering at the front of the plume, explained the observed downstream decrease in methane concentration. Simulation of the carbon isotope geochemistry independently supported the proposed reaction network.  相似文献   

Leachate from the North Bay municipal landfill has contaminated an unconfined, sandy aquifer throughout the 700 m flow system from the site to a discharge zone at a creek. The major organic contaminants identified are aromatic hydrocarbons, especially substituted benzenes. The high groundwater velocity of about 75 m yr−1 and the low organic sorption properties of the sand have permitted non-transformed contaminants to spread throughout the total flow system. There is considerable temporal and spatial variability in groundwater chemistry.Most of the aqueous organic carbon has a nominal molecular weight of <2000 and the general decrease in the mass of this fraction relative to Cl indicates it is being mineralized significantly during transport. IR spectra indicate a general trend of increased aromaticity and decreased OH content of organic matter along the flow system. The aqueous organic matter has a significant apparent complexing capacity and so it is somewhat surprising that toxic metal concentrations in leachate-impacted groundwaters are low. In the leachate plume, this complexing capacity is taken up by major cations and H+ and to a far lesser extent by toxic metals such as Pb, Cd or Zn.Dispersion is clearly responsible for considerable decrease in contaminant concentration along the flow system. Biotransformation under strictly anaerobic conditions has probably caused 1,1,1-trichloroethane and trichloroethylene to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the landfill. A simple method of comparing the concentrations of pairs of organics at points along the flow system provides relative transformation rates for pairs of organics even with variable inputs from the landfill and dispersive dilution. Relative to ethylbenzene, o-xylene is rapidly lost from this system. O-xylene may be less persistent than m- or p-xylene; a result unexpected from previous studies of these dimethylbenzenes. In the initial, strictly anarobic segment of the flow system 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene and 1,4-dichlorobenzene are equally persistent, but in the final, less anaerobic segment, the former appears to be degraded more rapidly than the latter.Contaminant distributions in aquifers reflect the results of a number of processes integrated in a complex manner and so are difficult to interpret in terms of specific processes. However, they do provide evidence for what processes are most significant in real groundwater systems and they will also provide critical tests of how well laboratory-derived information relates to real groundwater contamination situations.  相似文献   

Various redox reactions may occur at the fringe of a landfill leachate plume, involving oxidation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), CH4, Fe(II), Mn(II), and NH4 from leachate and reduction of O2, NO3 and SO4 from pristine groundwater. Knowledge on the relevance of these processes is essential for the simulation and evaluation of natural attenuation (NA) of pollution plumes. The occurrence of such biogeochemical processes was investigated at the top fringe of a landfill leachate plume (Banisveld, the Netherlands). Hydrochemical depth profiles of the top fringe were captured via installation of a series of multi-level samplers at 18, 39 and 58 m downstream from the landfill. Ten-centimeter vertical resolution was necessary to study NA within a fringe as thin as 0.5 m. Bromide appeared an equally well-conservative tracer as chloride to calculate dilution of landfill leachate, and its ratio to chloride was high compared to other possible sources of salt in groundwater. The plume fringe rose steadily from a depth of around 5 m towards the surface with a few meters in the period 1998-2003. The plume uplift may be caused by enhanced exfiltration to a brook downstream from the landfill, due to increased precipitation over this period and an artificial lowering of the water level of the brook. This rise invoked cation exchange including proton buffering, and triggered degassing of methane. The hydrochemical depth profile was simulated in a 1D vertical reactive transport model using PHREEQC-2. Optimization using the nonlinear optimization program PEST brought forward that solid organic carbon and not clay minerals controlled retardation of cations. Cation exchange resulted in spatial separation of Fe(II), Mn(II) and NH4 fronts from the fringe, and thereby prevented possible oxidation of these secondary redox species. Degradation of DOC may happen in the fringe zone. Re-dissolution of methane escaped from the plume and subsequent oxidation is an explanation for absence of previously present nitrate and anaerobic conditions in pristine groundwater above the plume. Stable carbon isotope (delta13C) values of methane confirm anaerobic methane oxidation immediately below the fringe zone, presumably coupled to reduction of sulfate, desorbed from iron oxide. Methane must be the principle reductant consuming soluble electron-acceptors in pristine groundwater, thereby limiting NA for other solutes including organic micro-pollutants at the fringe of this landfill leachate plume.  相似文献   

Demonstration of natural attenuation of xenobiotic organic compounds (XOCs) in landfill leachate plumes is a difficult task and still an emerging discipline within groundwater remediation. One of the early studies was made at the Vejen Landfill in Denmark in the late 1980s, which suggested that natural attenuation of XOCs took place under strongly anaerobic conditions within the first 150 m of the leachate plume. This paper reports on a revisit to the same plume 10 years later. Within the strongly anaerobic part of the plume, 49 groundwater samples were characterized with respect to redox-sensitive species and XOCs. The analytical procedures have been developed further and more compounds and lower detection limits were observed this time. In addition, the samples were screened for degradation intermediates and for toxicity. The plume showed fairly stationary features over the 10-year period except that the XOC level as well as the level of chloride and nonvolatile organic carbon (NVOC) in the plume had decreased somewhat. Most of the compounds studied were subject to degradation in addition to dilution. Exceptions were benzene, the herbicide Mecoprop (MCPP), and NVOC. In the early study, NVOC seemed to degrade in the first part of the plume, but this was no longer the case. Benzyl succinic acid (BSA) was for the first time identified in a leachate plume as a direct indicator, and as the only intermediate of toluene degradation. Toxicity measurements on solid phase-extracted (SPE) samples revealed that toxic compounds not analytically identified were still present in the plume, suggesting that toxicity measurements could be helpful in assessing natural attenuation in leachate plumes.  相似文献   

The Hanai-Bruggeman effective medium theory is used to relate bulk electrical conductivity, measured by surface and cross-borehole images, to fluid electrical conductivity, surface conductance, porosity and the geometry factor, in a medium- to fine-grained sand deposit. The change in bulk EC is caused by the presence of a landfill leachate plume. Repeated electrical images over a period of 16 months indicate that various segments of the plume are moving. The chemical constituents of the leachate plume have been determined by sampling from a bundled piezometer located in the electrical image field. Very close agreement is demonstrated between the fluid EC anomaly and the presence of elevated bulk EC indicating that the electrical images can be used to map the plume geometry and to monitor the movement of the plume segments.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry at the interface between sediments in a seasonally ponded wetland (slough) and an alluvial aquifer contaminated with landfill leachate was investigated to evaluate factors that can effect natural attenuation of landfill leachate contaminants in areas of groundwater/surface-water interaction. The biogeochemistry at the wetland-alluvial aquifer interface differed greatly between dry and wet conditions. During dry conditions (low water table), vertically upward discharge was focused at the center of the slough from the fringe of a landfill-derived ammonium plume in the underlying aquifer, resulting in transport of relatively low concentrations of ammonium to the slough sediments with dilution and dispersion as the primary attenuation mechanism. In contrast, during wet conditions (high water table), leachate-contaminated groundwater discharged upward near the upgradient slough bank, where ammonium concentrations in the aquifer where high. Relatively high concentrations of ammonium and other leachate constituents also were transported laterally through the slough porewater to the downgradient bank in wet conditions. Concentrations of the leachate-associated constituents chloride, ammonium, non-volatile dissolved organic carbon, alkalinity, and ferrous iron more than doubled in the slough porewater on the upgradient bank during wet conditions. Chloride, non-volatile dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and bicarbonate acted conservatively during lateral transport in the aquifer and slough porewater, whereas ammonium and potassium were strongly attenuated. Nitrogen isotope variations in ammonium and the distribution of ammonium compared to other cations indicated that sorption was the primary attenuation mechanism for ammonium during lateral transport in the aquifer and the slough porewater. Ammonium attenuation was less efficient, however, in the slough porewater than in the aquifer and possibly occurred by a different sorption mechanism. A stoichiometrically balanced increase in magnesium concentration with decreasing ammonium and potassium concentrations indicated that cation exchange was the sorption mechanism in the slough porewater. Only a partial mass balance could be determined for cations exchanged for ammonium and potassium in the aquifer, indicating that some irreversible sorption may be occurring.Although wetlands commonly are expected to decrease fluxes of contaminants in riparian environments, enhanced attenuation of the leachate contaminants in the slough sediment porewater compared to the aquifer was not observed in this study. The lack of enhanced attenuation can be attributed to the fact that the anoxic plume, comprised largely of recalcitrant DOC and reduced inorganic constituents, interacted with anoxic slough sediments and porewaters, rather than encountering a change in redox conditions that could cause transformation reactions. Nevertheless, the attenuation processes in the narrow zone of groundwater/surface-water interaction were effective in reducing ammonium concentrations by a factor of about 3 during lateral transport across the slough and by a factor of 2 to 10 before release to the surface water. Slough porewater geochemistry also indicated that the slough could be a source of sulfate in dry conditions, potentially providing a terminal electron acceptor for natural attenuation of organic compounds in the leachate plume.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and hydrogen isotopes can be an efficient means to validate biodegradation of organic contaminants in groundwater since it results in an isotopic fractionation. A prerequisite in applying this method in the field is the proof that other processes decreasing the contaminant concentration are conservative with respect to isotope effects. In this paper we show for carbon isotopes of halogenated hydrocarbon compounds [trichloroethene (TCE), cis-dichloroethene (c-DCE), vinylchloride (VC)] and carbon and hydrogen isotopes of BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, p-xylene) that no significant fractionation occurs during equilibrium sorption onto activated carbon, lignite coke and lignite. In general, effects were in the range of the reproducibility limit of the analytical instrument (0.5 per thousand for delta13C, and 8 per thousand for delta2H). This observation was made for fractions sorbed of less than 5% to more than 95%. Also for rate-limited sorption of TCE onto activated carbon, no significant fractionation in carbon isotopes could be observed. These findings support the assumption that for these classes of compounds, sorption processes in aquifer systems are conservative with respect to isotope effects.  相似文献   

The distillation of acidified coal tars for up to 50 years has given rise to a phenol plume approximately 500 m long, 50 m deep and containing up to 15 g l(-1) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the Triassic Sandstones aquifer. A conceptual biogeochemical model based on chemical and microbiological analysis of groundwater samples has been developed as a preliminary to more detailed studies of the controls on natural attenuation. While the development of redox zones and the production of methane and carbon dioxide provide evidence of natural attenuation, it appears that degradation is slow. The existence of sulphate in the plume indicates that this electron acceptor has not been depleted and that consequently methanogenesis is probably limited. Based on a simple estimate of sulphate input concentration, a half-life of about 15 years has been estimated for sulphate reduction. Geochemical modelling predicts that increased alkalinity within the plume has not led to carbonate precipitation, and thus within the limits of accuracy of the measurement, alkalinity may reflect the degree of biodegradation. This implies a loss of around 18% of the DOC over a 30-year period. Despite limited degradation, microbial studies show that there are diverse microbial communities in the aquifer with the potential for both anaerobic and aerobic biodegradation. Microbial activity was found to be greatest at the leading edge of the plume where DOC concentrations are 60 mg l(-1) or less, but activity could still be observed in more contaminated samples even though cells could not be cultured. The study suggests that degradation may be limited by the high phenol concentrations within the core of the plume, but that once diluted by dispersion, natural attenuation may proceed. More detailed studies to confirm these initial findings are identified and form the basis of associated papers.  相似文献   

A landfill leachate affected aquifer was investigated with respect to the geology and sediment geochemistry (solid organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, oxidation capacity, reduced iron and sulfur species) involving 185 sediment samples taken along a 305-m-long and 10–12-m-deep transect downgradient from the landfill. The geology showed two distinct sand layers (upper Quaternary, Weichselian and a lower Tertiary, Miocene) sandwiching thin layers of silt/clay deposits, peat and brown coal. The organic carbon content (TOC) and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the sandy sediments were low (TOC, 100–300 μg C (g DW)−1 ; CEC, 0.1–0.5 meq per 100 g DW) and correlated fairly well with the geology. Processes in the contaminant plume caused depletion of oxidation capacity and precipitation of reduced iron and sulfur species. However, some of these parameters were also affected by the geology, e.g. the oxidation capacity (OXC) was significantly higher in the Quaternary layer (OXC, 14–35 μeq g DW−1) than in the Tertiary sand layer (OXC, <5 μeq g DW−1). The intermediate layers (silt/clay and brown coal) have significantly higher values of most of the parameters investigated. This work demonstrates the need for a small scale geological model and a detailed mapping of the geochemistry of the sediments in order to distinguish impacts caused by the contaminant plumes from natural variations in the aquifer geochemistry.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation of contaminants in groundwater depends on an adequate supply of electron acceptors to stimulate biodegradation. In an alluvial aquifer contaminated with leachate from an unlined municipal landfill, the mechanism of recharge infiltration was investigated as a source of electron acceptors. Water samples were collected monthly at closely spaced intervals in the top 2 m of the saturated zone from a leachate-contaminated well and an uncontaminated well, and analyzed for delta(18)O, delta(2)H, non-volatile dissolved organic carbon (NVDOC), SO(4)(2-), NO(3)(-) and Cl(-). Monthly recharge amounts were quantified using the offset of the delta(18)O or delta(2)H from the local meteoric water line as a parameter to distinguish water types, as evaporation and methanogenesis caused isotopic enrichment in waters from different sources. Presence of dissolved SO(4)(2-) in the top 1 to 2 m of the saturated zone was associated with recharge; SO(4)(2-) averaged 2.2 mM, with maximum concentrations of 15 mM. Nitrate was observed near the water table at the contaminated site at concentrations up to 4.6 mM. Temporal monitoring of delta(2)H and SO(4)(2-) showed that vertical transport of recharge carried SO(4)(2-) to depths up to 1.75 m below the water table, supplying an additional electron acceptor to the predominantly methanogenic leachate plume. Measurements of delta(34)S in SO(4)(2-) indicated both SO(4)(2-) reduction and sulfide oxidation were occurring in the aquifer. Depth-integrated net SO(4)(2-) reduction rates, calculated using the natural Cl(-) gradient as a conservative tracer, ranged from 7.5x10(-3) to 0.61 mM.d(-1) (over various depth intervals from 0.45 to 1.75 m). Sulfate reduction occurred at both the contaminated and uncontaminated sites; however, median SO(4)(2-) reduction rates were higher at the contaminated site. Although estimated SO(4)(2-) reduction rates are relatively high, significant decreases in NVDOC were not observed at the contaminated site. Organic compounds more labile than the leachate NVDOC may be present in the root zone, and SO(4)(2-) reduction may be coupled to methane oxidation. The results show that sulfur (and possibly nitrogen) redox processes within the top 2 m of the aquifer are directly related to recharge timing and seasonal water level changes in the aquifer. The results suggest that SO(4)(2-) reduction associated with the infiltration of recharge may be a significant factor affecting natural attenuation of contaminants in alluvial aquifers.  相似文献   

A Triassic sandstone aquifer polluted with a mixture of phenolic hydrocarbons has been investigated by means of high-resolution groundwater sampling. Samples taken at depth intervals of 1 m have revealed the presence of a diving pollutant plume with a sharply defined upper margin. Concentrations of pollutant phenols exceed 4 g/l in the plume core, rendering it sterile but towards the diluted upper margin evidence for bacterial sulphate reduction (BSR) has been obtained. Groundwaters have been analysed for both delta34S-SO4 and delta18O-SO4. Two reservoirs have been identified with distinct sulphate oxygen isotope ratios. Groundwater sulphate (delta18O-SO4 = 3-5/1000) outside the plume shows a simple linear mixing trend with an isotopically uniform pollutant sulphate reservoir (delta18O-SO4 = 10-12/1000) across the plume margin. The sulphur isotope ratios do not always obey a simple mixing relation, however, at one multilevel borehole, enrichment in 34SO4 at the plume margin is inversely correlated with sulphate concentration. This and the presence of 34S-depleted dissolved sulphide indicate that enrichment in 34SO4 is the result of bacterial sulphate reduction. Delta34S analysis of trace hydrogen sulphide within the plume yielded an isotope enrichment factor (epsilon) of -9.4/1000 for present-day bacterial sulphate reduction. This value agrees with a long-term estimate (-9.9/1000) obtained from a Rayleigh model of the sulphate reduction process. The model was also used to obtain an estimate of the pre-reduction sulphate concentration profile with depth. The difference between this and the present-day profiles then gave a mass balance for sulphate consumption. The organic carbon mineralisation that would account for this sulphate loss is shown to represent only 0.1/1000 of the phenol concentration in this region of the plume. Hence, the contribution of bacterial sulphate reduction to biodegradation has thus far been small. The highest total phenolic concentration (TPC) at which there is sulphur isotope evidence of bacterial sulphate reduction is 2000 mg/l. We suggest that above this concentration, the bactericidal properties of phenol render sulphate-reducing bacteria inactive. Dissolved sulphate trapped in the concentrated plume core will only be utilised by sulphate reducers when toxic phenols in the plume are diluted by dispersion during migration.  相似文献   

The sorption and degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and 13 organic micropollutants (BTEX, aromatic hydrocarbons, chloro-aromatic and -aliphatic compounds, and pesticides) in acetogenic and methanogenic landfill leachate was studied in laboratory columns containing Triassic sandstone aquifer materials from the English Midlands. Solute sorption and degradation relationships were evaluated using a simple transport model. Relative to predictions, micropollutant sorption was decreased up to eightfold in acetogenic leachate, but increased up to sixfold in methanogenic leachate. This behaviour reflects a combination of interactions between the micropollutants, leachate DOM and aquifer mineral fraction. Sorption of DOM was not significant. Degradation of organic fractions occurred under Mn-reducing and SO4-reducing conditions. Degradation of some micropollutants occurred exclusively under Mn-reducing conditions. DOM and benzene were not significantly degraded under the conditions and time span (up to 280 days) of the experiments. Most micropollutants were degraded immediately or after a lag phase (32–115 days). Micropollutant degradation rates varied considerably (half-lives of 8 to >2000 days) for the same compounds (e.g., TeCE) in different experiments, and for compounds (e.g., naphthalene, DCB and TeCA) within the same experiment. Degradation of many micropollutants was both simultaneous and sequential, and inhibited by the utilisation of different substrates. This mechanism, in combination with lag phases, controls micropollutant degradation potential in these systems more than the degradation rate. These aquifer materials have a potentially large capacity for in situ bioremediation of organic pollutants in landfill leachate and significant degradation may occur in the Mn-reducing zones of leachate plumes. However, degradation of organic pollutants in acetogenic leachate may be limited in aquifers with low pH buffering capacity and reducible Mn oxides. Contaminants in this leachate present a greater risk to groundwater resources in these aquifers than methanogenic leachate.  相似文献   

A redox zonation approach is used as a framework for obtaining biodegradation rate constants of xenobiotic compounds in a landfill plume (Grindsted, Denmark). The aquifer is physically heterogeneous in terms of a complex zonation of different geological units close to the landfill and biogeochemically heterogeneous in terms of a specified redox zonation. First-order degradation rates of six organic compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene, m/p-xylene, and naphthalene) were calculated in the methanogenic/sulfate- and Fe-reducing zones. The numerical simulations show that all compounds are anaerobically biodegraded, but at very different rates. High rates of biodegradation of most of the compounds (except benzene) were found in the Fe-reducing zone. These rates generally agree with previously published rates. Only o-xylene and toluene were significantly biodegraded in the methanogenic/sulfate-reducing environment. All rates in this redox zone are generally much lower than previously published rates.  相似文献   

Contaminant plumes (e.g., associated with leakages from municipal landfills) provide a source of natural electrical potentials (or "self-potentials") recordable at the Earth's surface. One contribution to these self-potentials is associated with pore water flow (i.e., the "streaming potential"), and the other is related to redox conditions. A contaminant plume can be regarded as a "geobattery": the source current potentially results from the degradation of the organic matter by micro-organisms, which produces electrons. These electrons are then carried by nanowires that connect bacteria and thorough metallic particles that precipitate in areas of strong redox potential gradient. In the case of the Entressen landfill (South of France), reported here, the hydraulic head differences measured in piezometers outside the contaminant plume is strongly linked to the surface self-potential signals, with a correlation coefficient of -0.94. We used a Bayesian method that combines hydraulic head and self-potential data collected outside the contaminated area to estimate the streaming potential component of the collected self-potential data. Once the streaming potential contribution was removed from the measured self-potentials, the correlation coefficient between the residual self-potentials and the measured redox potentials in the aquifer was 0.92. The slope of this regression curve was close to 0.5, which was fairly consistent with both finite element modelling and the proposed geobattery model.  相似文献   

Concentrations and isotopic compositions (13C/12C) of aromatic hydrocarbons were determined in eight samples obtained from the strongly anoxic part of the leachate plume downgradient from the Vejen Landfill (Denmark), where methanogenic, sulfate-reducing and iron-reducing conditions were observed. Despite the heterogeneous distribution of the compounds in the plume, the isotope fractionation proved that ethylbenzene and m/p-xylene were subject to significant biodegradation within the strongly anoxic plume. The isotope fractionation factors (alphaC) for the degradation of the m/p-xylene (1.0015) and ethylbenzene (1.0021) obtained from the field observations were similar to factors previously determined for the anaerobic degradation of toluene and o-xylene in laboratory experiments, and suggest that in situ biodegradation is one major process controlling the fate of these contaminants in this aquifer. The isotope fractionation determined for 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene and 2-ethyltoluene suggested in situ biodegradation; however, the isotopic composition did not correlate well with the respective concentration as expressed by the Rayleigh equation. Some other compounds (1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, o-xylene, naphthalene and fenchone) did not show significant enrichments in delta13C values along the flow path. The compound concentrations were too low for accurate isotope analyses of benzene, toluene, 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene, while interferences in the chromatography made it impossible to evaluate the isotopic composition for 4-ethyltoluene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene and camphor.In addition to demonstrating the potential of assessing isotopic fractionation as a means for documenting the in situ biodegradation of complex mixtures of aromatic hydrocarbons in leachate plumes, this study also illustrates the difficulties for data interpretation in complex plumes and high analytical uncertainties for isotope analysis of organic compounds in low concentration ranges.  相似文献   

The assessment of biodegradation in contaminated aquifers has become an issue of increasing importance in the recent years. To some extent, this can be related to the acceptance of intrinsic bioremediation or monitored natural attenuation as a means to manage contaminated sites. Among the few existing methods to detect biodegradation in the subsurface, stable isotope fractionation analysis (SIFA) is one of the most promising approaches which is pronounced by the drastically increasing number of applications. This review covers the recent laboratory and field studies assessing biodegradation of contaminants via stable isotope analysis. Stable isotope enrichment factors have been found that vary from no fractionation for dioxygenase reactions converting aromatic hydrocarbons over moderate fractionation by monooxygenase reactions (epsilon=-3 per thousand) and some anaerobic studies on microbial degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons (epsilon=-1.7 per thousand) to larger fractionations by anaerobic dehalogenation reactions of chlorinated solvents (epsilon=between -5 per thousand and -30 per thousand). The different isotope enrichment factors can be related to the respective biochemical reactions. Based on that knowledge, we discuss under what circumstances SIFA can be used for a qualitative or even a quantitative assessment of biodegradation in the environment. In a steadily increasing number of cases, it was possible to explain biodegradation processes in the field based on isotope enrichment factors obtained from laboratory experiments with pure cultures and measured isotope values from the field. The review will focus on the aerobic and anaerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents as the major contaminants of groundwater. Advances in the instrumental development for stable isotope analysis are only mentioned if it is important for the understanding of the application.  相似文献   

Vertical small-scale variation in phenoxy acid herbicide degradation across a landfill leachate plume fringe was studied using laboratory degradation experiments. Sediment cores (subdivided into 5 cm segments) were collected in the aquifer and the sediment and porewater were used for microcosm experiments (50 experiments) and for determination of solid organic carbon, solid-water partitioning coefficients, specific phenoxy acid degraders and porewater chemistry. Results from a multi-level sampler installed next to the cores provided information on the plume position and oxygen concentration in the groundwater. Oxygen concentration was controlled individually in each microcosm to mimic the conditions at their corresponding depths. A highly increased degradation potential existed at the narrow plume fringe (37.7 to 38.6 masl), governed by the presence of phenoxy acids and oxygen. This resulted in the proliferation of a microbial population of specific phenoxy acid degraders, which further enhanced the degradation potential for phenoxy acids at the fringe. The results illustrate the importance of fringe degradation processes in contaminant plumes. Furthermore, they highlight the relevance of using high-resolution sampling techniques as well as controlled microcosm experiments in the assessment of the natural attenuation capacity of contaminant plumes in groundwater.  相似文献   

An emplaced source of coal tar creosote within the sandy Borden research aquifer has documented the long-term (5140 days) natural attenuation for this complex mixture. Plumes of dissolved chemicals were produced by the essentially horizontal groundwater flowing at about 9 cm/day. Eleven chemicals have been extensively sampled seven times using a monitoring network of approximately 280, 14-point multilevel samplers. A model of source dissolution using Raoult's Law adequately predicted the dissolution of 9 of 11 compounds. Mass transformation has limited the extent of the plumes as groundwater has flowed more than 500 m, yet the plumes are no longer than 50 m. Phenol and xylenes have been removed and naphthalene has attenuated from its maximum extent on day 1357. Some compound plumes have reached an apparent steady state and the plumes of other compounds (dibenzofuran and phenanthrene) are expected to continue to expand due to an increasing mass flux and limited degradation potential. Biotransformation is the major process controlling natural attenuation at the site. The greatest organic mass lost is associated with the high solubility compounds. However, the majority of the mass loss for most compounds has occurred in the source zone. Oxygen is the main electron acceptor, yet the amount of organics lost cannot be accounted for by aerobic mineralization or partial mineralization alone. The complex evolution of these plumes has been well documented but understanding the controlling biotransformation processes is still elusive. This study has shown that anticipating bioattenuation patterns should only be considered at the broadest scale. Generally, the greatest mass loss is associated with those compounds that have a high solubility and low partitioning coefficients.  相似文献   

Treatment and detoxification of a sanitary landfill leachate   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The leachate from an old sanitary landfill (Gramacho Metropolitan Landfill, Rio de Janeiro) was characterized and submitted to coagulation and flocculation treatment followed by ozonation and ammonia stripping. The performance of the treatment was assessed by monitoring the removal of organic matter (COD and TOC), ammonium nitrogen and metals. Detoxification was assessed by determining acute toxicity, using the following organisms: Vibrio fisheri, Daphnia similis, Artemia salina and Brachydanio rerio. Membrane fractionation was employed to infer the range of molecular masses of the pollutants found in the effluent, as well as the toxicity associated to these fractions. Of the techniques under investigation, coagulation and flocculation followed by ammonia stripping were the most effective for toxicity and ammonium nitrogen removal. Membrane fractionation was effective for COD removal; however, acute toxicity was almost the same in all the fractionated samples. Ozonation was moderately effective for COD removal, but significant toxicity removal was only attained when high ozone doses were used.  相似文献   

Samples from 75 sample locations in a landfill leachate pollution plume reveal a significant disappearance of specific organic compounds (SOC's) within the first 100 m of the plume. Only the herbicide Mecoprop® (MCPP) migrates further. Since sorption and dilution cannot account for the decreasing concentrations, degradation is considered to be the governing process. Non-volatile organic carbon shows a corresponding fate probably acting as a substrate for the microbial processes. The first 20 m of the plume are methanogenic/sulfidogenic, judged on the chemistry of the groundwater, followed by a significant ferrogenic zone exhibiting a substantial capacity to degrade the SOC's. The presence of intermediary products (here an oxidized camphor compound) supports the concept of degradation within the ferrogenic zone. This investigation draws the attention to the significant natural attenuation of organic contaminants and to the so far neglected ferrogenic zone in controlling the fate of organic contaminants in leachate plumes.  相似文献   

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