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Abstract:  Restrictions on training potentially releasable animals such as those undergoing rehabilitation care or wild-caught captives have limited our understanding of sensory processes, cognition, and physiology important for conservation of species. It is common practice among several U.S. federal agencies to limit training of animals available for release. The behavioral argument justifying this practice is that training habituates subjects to people and conditions them to associate people with rewards such as food; habituation to and positive associations with people will lead animals into dangerous situations after their release. If under special circumstances research training is permitted, all trained behaviors must be extinguished before release because behaviors will transfer to the natural setting. Research on animal learning and memory indicates that these may not be accurate scenarios. A review of the literature on habituation, classical and instrumental conditioning, and compound conditioning suggests that learning within a research setting does not add to learning that already occurs in procedures associated with basic feeding and care. In fact, animals probably learn less about people in a training setting. Furthermore, context-specific effects on memory limit behavior transfer from captive to natural settings. Extinction is strongly susceptible to context effects, which suggests that extinction does not effectively transfer to the postrelease setting. Counterintuitively, extinction of responses to experimental stimuli under some circumstances may enhance undesirable learning about humans. Under those circumstances in which isolation from human contact is difficult or undesirable, behavioral research can present an ideal format for minimizing learning about humans and provide biological information important for conservation.  相似文献   

The cognitive processes of predators play a central role in the evolution of prey characters. Numerous studies have shown that vertebrate predators may learn to associate the characteristics of prey (e.g. color) with the cost or benefit of ingesting them, thus forming preferences and aversions for different kinds of prey. Although the distribution and quality of prey types can differ between environmental contexts, which may make it profitable to attack a prey type in some contexts but not in others, the influence of environmental cues in decisions to attack has rarely been addressed. Recent theory suggests that modification of prey preferences by environmental cues such as microhabitat or temperature may influence the evolution of prey characteristics. Here, we show that the environmental foraging context may determine prey choice in great tits (Parus major) through learned association between the prey phenotype (appearance and palatability) and a contextual background cue. The same individuals were able to learn and maintain two different sets of food preferences and aversions for use in two different environmental contexts (aviaries with red or blue wooden boards), indicating a role for contextual learning in vertebrate foraging behavior.  相似文献   

The Effectiveness of Removing Predators to Protect Bird Populations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The control of predators for nature conservation purposes is becoming an increasingly important issue. The growing populations of predator species in some areas and the introduction of predators in other areas have led to concerns about their impact on vulnerable bird species and to the implementation of predator control in some cases. This is set against a background of increasingly fragmented semi-natural habitats and declining populations for many species. To assess the efficiency of predator removal as a conservation measure, the results of 20 published studies of predator removal programs were meta-analyzed. Removing predators had a large, positive effect on hatching success of the target bird species, with removal areas showing higher hatching success, on average, than 75% of the control areas. Similarly, predator removal increased significantly post-breeding population sizes (i.e. autumn densities) of the target bird species. The effect of predator removal on breeding population sizes was not significant, however, with studies differing widely in their reported effects. We conclude that predator removal often fulfills the goal of game management, which is to enhance harvestable post-breeding populations, but that it is much less consistent in achieving the usual aim of conservation managers, which is to maintain and, where appropriate, increase bird breeding population sizes. This may be due to inherent characteristics of avian population regulation, but also to ineffective predator removal and inadequate subsequent monitoring of the prey populations.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Habitat loss and fragmentation can have strong negative impacts on populations of some native species. Spillover of generalist natural enemies from the surrounding landscape matrix is one mechanism potentially generating such effects, yet this has been rarely studied in insects. We examined the influence of habitat conversion to agriculture on the abundance and potential effects of predatory coccinellid beetles on native insect herbivores within 12 grassland remnants in central Nebraska (U.S.A.). Results of sweep sampling revealed that coccinellids were three to six times more abundant at native grassland sites embedded within cropland-dominated landscapes compared with control sites in grassland-dominated landscapes over the 3 years of the study. Exclusion experiments further demonstrated that predation intensity was strongly related to coccinellid abundances across sites and that coccinellids can dramatically reduce densities of a native aphid herbivore. In contrast to studies of specialized insect parasitoids, which have generally found reduced enemy pressure in fragmented landscapes, our results suggest that native herbivores may in some cases experience increased consumer pressure in landscapes with increasing habitat loss because of spillover of generalist predators from surrounding cropland habitats.  相似文献   

Globally expanding human land use sets constantly increasing pressure for maintenance of biological diversity and functioning ecosystems. To fight the decline of biological diversity, conservation science has broken ground with methods such as the operational model of systematic conservation planning (SCP), which focuses on design and on‐the‐ground implementation of conservation areas. The most commonly used method in SCP is reserve selection that focuses on the spatial design of reserve networks and their expansion. We expanded these methods by introducing another form of spatial allocation of conservation effort relevant for land‐use zoning at the landscape scale that avoids negative ecological effects of human land use outside protected areas. We call our method inverse spatial conservation prioritization. It can be used to identify areas suitable for economic development while simultaneously limiting total ecological and environmental effects of that development at the landscape level by identifying areas with highest economic but lowest ecological value. Our method is not based on a priori targets, and as such it is applicable to cases where the effects of land use on, for example, individual species or ecosystem types are relatively small and would not lead to violation of regional or national conservation targets. We applied our method to land‐use allocation to peat mining. Our method identified a combination of profitable production areas that provides the needed area for peat production while retaining most of the landscape‐level ecological value of the ecosystem. The results of this inverse spatial conservation prioritization are being used in land‐use zoning in the province of Central Finland.  相似文献   

前哨动物能够在污染物对生态系统或人体健康产生明显影响之前做出反应,所以利用前哨动物能够对环境污染的健康风险做早期预报,同时可提供环境中污染物种类、污染水平、生物可利用性、富集代谢等多方面的信息.虽然来自前哨动物的信息不能直接外推于人,但由于动物和人体结构和功能的相似性,这些信息可作为污染物对人体作用的早期警报.论文对作为前哨动物的某些鱼类、两栖动物和哺乳动物在环境污染物人体健康风险评价中的应用进行了简要概述,讨论了它们作为前哨动物各自的优缺点和适用范围,最后建议在国内大力开展前哨动物生态毒理学调查,以促进人体健康风险评价工作.  相似文献   

Abstract: Assessment of abundance, survival, recruitment rates, and density (i.e., population assessment) is especially challenging for elusive species most in need of protection (e.g., rare carnivores). Individual identification methods, such as DNA sampling, provide ways of studying such species efficiently and noninvasively. Additionally, statistical methods that correct for undetected animals and account for locations where animals are captured are available to efficiently estimate density and other demographic parameters. We collected hair samples of European wildcat (Felis silvestris) from cheek‐rub lure sticks, extracted DNA from the samples, and identified each animals’ genotype. To estimate the density of wildcats, we used Bayesian inference in a spatial capture‐recapture model. We used WinBUGS to fit a model that accounted for differences in detection probability among individuals and seasons and between two lure arrays. We detected 21 individual wildcats (including possible hybrids) 47 times. Wildcat density was estimated at 0.29/km2 (SE 0.06), and 95% of the activity of wildcats was estimated to occur within 1.83 km from their home‐range center. Lures located systematically were associated with a greater number of detections than lures placed in a cell on the basis of expert opinion. Detection probability of individual cats was greatest in late March. Our model is a generalized linear mixed model; hence, it can be easily extended, for instance, to incorporate trap‐ and individual‐level covariates. We believe that the combined use of noninvasive sampling techniques and spatial capture‐recapture models will improve population assessments, especially for rare and elusive animals.  相似文献   

The Arabian Gulf catfish (Arius thalassinus, Rüppell) secrete a thick layer of proteinaceous material when threatened or injured. The chemical and pharmacological properties of this material indicate that it may promote the healing of wounds. These studies suggest that the abrupt secretion of mucous-like gel in response to a perceived hazard is an externally expressed defense response; the secretion may have a primary function in healing injury beyond the commonly postulated roles of deterring predators or facilitating escape.  相似文献   

病虫害综合防治(1PM)技术旨在结合生物、农学及物理防治方法,合理使用化学农药,降低农业生产成本,保护农业劳动者健康和生态环境.以联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、环境保护部对外合作中心和全国农业技术推广中心联合启动实施的“中国含滴滴涕三氯杀螨醇生产控制及IPM技术替代全额示范项目”为例,系统分析影响农户参与IPM培训积极性的主要因素.结果表明,农户种植规模对农户参与IPM培训的积极性影响显著,学员性别和年龄不是影响其参加培训积极性的显著因素;学员参加培训的次数越多,其对IPM技术的采纳率越高.农民田间学校应更多地吸收老人和妇女参加三氯杀螨醇替代技术及IPM培训  相似文献   

Data collected over the past four years indicate that filets of suckers and some species of sunfish taken from certain sites in Missouri's Old Lead Belt consistently contain elevated lead concentrations which exceed the limit of 0.3 g/g suggested by the World Health Organization. The problem exists in bottom-feeding species taken from some sites along the Big River affected by erosion from abandoned lead tailings piles. Fish from many other sites within the Old Lead Belt and the New Lead Belt, including current wastewater treatment systems, are within the acceptable limits for lead in food. Public health implications are discussed relative to observed lead concentrations and available data regarding lead toxicity to humans.  相似文献   

本文以能量生态学原理为指导,应用投入产出法对胜利油田生态农场系统内能量流动及能量利用效率进行了计算分析,从中发现了系统生产的薄弱环节和在能量利用方面的问题,并提出了调整系统内部产业结构和能量投入结构的措施,为今后系统生产力及能量转化效率的提高,提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Retreat and advance of shoreline position occurs naturally, and also as a result of defences which are constructed to prevent erosion and flooding. Retreat more commonly manifests itself down-drift of defences due to a sediment deficit causing the coast to become ‘set-back’. Advance normally develops due to sediment accumulation up-drift of a barrier inhibiting longshore drift, resulting in the coast becoming ‘set-forward’. Many examples of set-backs and set-forwards are recorded, but their location, number and cause is not known on a national scale. Using the Futurecoast aerial photographs, approximately 200 localities were identified as set-back or set-forward in England and Wales, with half situated in the Eastern and South East regions of England. Half of the total set-backs or set-forwards were on cliffed coasts, and half on low-lying coasts. Without local knowledge it is difficult to distinguish between set-backs and set-forwards. Set-backs often indicate higher retreat rates, thus threatening cliff-top infrastructure which requires defence upgrade and extensions, as well as raising maintenance costs. Monitoring set-backs is important for shoreline management, because as retreat continues, set-backs evolve and artificial headlands form and grow. This is reinforced by the shift from hard defence policies towards softer engineering approaches, managed realignment and limited intervention.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns in site fidelity is important for defining the ecological role of species in the systems they use and for gauging the effects of human impacts on their populations. We analyzed long-term movement data of adult spottail sharks (Carcharhinus sorrah) in Cleveland Bay, Australia, to define the degree of site fidelity this species shows to coastal areas. Individuals were monitored in the study site for 28–566 days, and residency index (i.e., proportion of days present to total monitoring period) ranged from 0.08 to 0.95. Using a randomization procedure, we determined that the movement paths for 90 % of individuals (11 female and 7 male) were more constrained than random, with individuals exhibiting a high degree of site fidelity to consistent areas within the study site. Examining distances moved revealed that individuals used the same areas repeatedly and remained in close proximity (i.e., <6 km) to their location of first detection. While some individuals consistently used and returned back to the same locations, low residency among others suggests that a portion of the population may roam more widely. Long-term site fidelity to consistent areas may be a successful behavioral strategy for C. sorrah by increasing individual fitness through spatial familiarity and knowledge of resources.  相似文献   

To flee or not to flee: predator avoidance by cheetahs at kills   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammalian carnivores are unusual because their primary competitors for food are often their primary predators. This relationship is most evident at persistent kills where dominant competitors are attracted to both the carcass (as a free meal) and to the killers (as potential prey). Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are frequent victims of kleptoparasitism, and cubs, and sometimes adults, are killed by lions (Panthera leo) or spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Between 1980 and 2002, we observed 639 kills made by cheetahs in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. These kills were often visited by scavengers, including relatively innocuous species such as vultures and jackals and potentially dangerous species, like spotted hyenas and lions. We used cheetah behavior at kills to test a number of predictions about how cheetahs should minimize risk at kill sites given they face an increased risk of predation of themselves or their cubs. In particular, we examined the propensity of cheetahs of different age/sex classes to hide carcasses after making a kill, vigilance at kills, and the delay in leaving after finishing feeding with respect to ecological factors and scavenger presence. The behavior of single females at kills did not suggest that they were trying to avoid being killed, but the behavior of males, often found in groups, was in line with this hypothesis. In contrast, the behavior of mother cheetahs at kills appeared to be influenced greatly by the risk of cubs being killed. Our results suggest that cheetahs use several behavioral counterstrategies to avoid interspecific predation of self or cubs.  相似文献   

That at least some aspects of nature possess intrinsic value is considered by some an axiom of conservation. Others consider nature's intrinsic value superfluous or anathema. This range of views among mainstream conservation professionals potentially threatens the foundation of conservation. One challenge in resolving this disparity is that disparaging portrayals of nature's intrinsic value appear rooted in misconceptions and unfounded presumptions about what it means to acknowledge nature's intrinsic value. That acknowledgment has been characterized as vacuous, misanthropic, of little practical consequence to conservation, adequately accommodated by economic valuation, and not widely accepted in society. We reviewed the philosophical basis for nature's intrinsic value and the implications for acknowledging that value. Our analysis is rooted to the notion that when something possesses intrinsic value it deserves to be treated with respect for what it is, with concern for its welfare or in a just manner. From this basis, one can only conclude that nature's intrinsic value is not a vacuous concept or adequately accommodated by economic valuation. Acknowledging nature's intrinsic value is not misanthropic because concern for nature's welfare (aside from its influence on human welfare) does not in any way preclude also being concerned for human welfare. The practical import of acknowledging nature's intrinsic value rises from recognizing all the objects of conservation concern (e.g., many endangered species) that offer little benefit to human welfare. Sociological and cultural evidence indicates the belief that at least some elements of nature possess intrinsic value is widespread in society. Our reasoning suggests the appropriateness of rejecting the assertion that nature's intrinsic value is anathema to conservation and accepting its role as an axiom. Evaluar si el Valor Intrínseco de la Naturaleza es un Axioma o un Anatema para la Conservación  相似文献   

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