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ABSTRACT: In‐reservoir thermal and ecological effects of releasing some flows over the surface spillway at Blue Mesa Reservoir, Colorado, rather than routing all releases through the hypolimnetic outlet were evaluated using a calibrated and validated one‐dimensional thermal model (CE‐THERM) with a set of ecological models. Thermal model output indicated that surface water temperatures were influenced primarily by atmospheric conditions, but the release of warmer water over the spillway resulted in a thinner epilimnion and cooler metalimnetic water temperatures. Ecological model predictions indicated that spillway releases and associated temperatures resulted in lower growth rates for young‐of‐year (YOY) kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the reservoir by up to 9 percent when compared with growth rates under baseline operations with no releases over the spillway. Kokanee growth rates were reduced under spillway release scenarios because lower temperatures not only affected metabolic rates, but limited the productivity of the zooplankton as well. Thus, altering the release regime with spillway discharges could have deleterious effects on Blue Mesa's YOY kokanee. However, in other reservoirs, distributing discharges among different elevations may provide managers with a mechanism to regulate temperatures to benefit species of concern that are facing challenges imposed by environmental conditions such as global warming.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Storm water detention is an effective and popular method for controlling the effects of increased urbanization and development. Detention basins are used to control both increases in flow rates and sedimentation. While numerous storm water management policies have been proposed, they most often fail to give adequate consideration to maintenance of the basin. Sediment accumulation with time and the growth of grass and weeds in the emergency spillway are two maintenance problems. A model that was calibrated with data from a storm water detention basin in Montgomery County, Maryland, is used to evaluate the effect of maintenance on the efficiency of the detention basin. Sediment accumulation in the basin caused the peak reduction factor to decrease while it increased as vegetation growth in the emergency spillway increased. Thus, the detention basin will not function as intended in the design when the basin is not properly maintained. Thus, maintenance of detention basins should be one component of a comprehensive storm water management policy.  相似文献   

The characteristics of scour holes were discussed including the problems created by them in relation to the hydraulic structures associated with their formation. The philosophy on the design and use of deflector buckets together with the need for plunge basins to dissipate the energy of the high velocity jets were reviewed. Laboratory observations were made to study the erosion of beds of gravel caused by water jets projected from spillway buckets. Flip buckets with 15, 30, 45 and 60 degrees exit angles were utilized. One-quarter inch and %-inch nominal size bed materials were used in the investigation. The gravel was placed in a large comprehensive scour basin to observe their behavior when subjected to the water jets. Besides the formula derived for the maximum depth of scour, a set of dimensionless equations were developed to describe the three-dimensional configuration of scour holes. The dimensions of stable plunge basins could be obtained from these profiles.  相似文献   

The growing use of global freshwater supplies is increasing the need for improved modeling of the linkage between groundwater and riparian vegetation. Traditional groundwater models such as MODFLOW have been used to predict changes in regional groundwater levels, and thus riparian vegetation potential attributable to anthropogenic water use. This article describes an approach that improves on these modeling techniques through several innovations. First, evapotranspiration from riparian/wetland systems is modeled in a manner that more realistically reflects plant ecophysiology and vegetation complexity. In the authors’ model programs (RIP-ET and PRE-RIP-ET), the single, monotonically increasing evapotranspiration flux curve in traditional groundwater models is replaced with a set of ecophysiologically based curves, one for each plant functional group present. For each group, the curve simulates transpiration declines that occur both as water levels decline below rooting depths and as waters rise to levels that produce anoxic soil conditions. Accuracy is further improved by more effective spatial handling of vegetation distribution, which allows modeling of surface elevation and depth to water for multiple vegetation types within each large model cell. The use of RIP-ET in groundwater models can improve the accuracy of basin scale estimates of riparian evapotranspiration rates, riparian vegetation water requirements, and water budgets. Two case studies are used to demonstrate that RIP-ET produces significantly different evapotranspiration estimates than the traditional method. When combined with vegetation mapping and a supporting program (RIP-GIS), RIP-ET also enables predictions of riparian vegetation response to water use and development scenarios. The RIP-GIS program links the head distribution from MODFLOW with surface digital elevation models, producing moderate- to high-resolution depth-to-groundwater maps. Together with information on plant rooting depths, these can be used to predict vegetation response to water allocation decisions. The different evapotranspiration outcomes produced by traditional and RIP-ET approaches affect resulting interpretations of hydro-vegetation dynamics, including the effects of groundwater pumping stress on existing habitats, and thus affect subsequent policy decisions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Errors inherent in the conputation of water surface profiles are magnified by the shallow lateral slopes typical of most flood-plains, producing significant floodplain mapping errors. An economic optimization procedure which weighs the cost of overstating the location of a floodplain boundary against the cost of understanding the location provides a means for establishing the boundary location. In most cases the cost of overstating the boundary location exceeds the cost of understating the location by several magnitudes so that the boundary location should coincide with the minimum water surface elevation which would be expected to result from a flood of specified recurrence interval.  相似文献   

Many important groundwater aquifers cross state and national boundaries. The flow of water in these aquifers is not influenced by the boundaries but may be materially influenced by mans activities on one or both sides of a boundary. Interstate and international problems may develop because of excessive groundwater lowering on one side of a boundary affecting water users on the opposite side of the line. Similarly, intensive groundwater development along a surface stream may influence the amount of surface water that flows across a boundary. A third type of problem may develop when pumping on one side of the boundary induces poor quality water into an aquifer on the other side of the boundary. Several specific interstate and international aquifer problems are briefly described.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Discrete cold water patches within the surface waters of summer warm streams afford potential thermal refuge for cold water fishes during periods of heat stress. This analysis focused on reach scale heterogeneity in water temperatures as influenced by local influx of cooler subsurface waters. Using field thermal probes and recording thermistors, we identified and characterized cold water patches (at least 3°C colder than ambient streamflow temperatures) potentially serving as thermal refugia for cold water fishes. Among 37 study sites within alluvial valleys of the Grande Ronde basin in northeastern Oregon, we identified cold water patches associated with side channels, alcoves, lateral seeps, and floodplain spring brooks. These types differed with regard to within floodplain position, area, spatial thermal range, substrate, and availability of cover for fish. Experimental shading cooled daily maximum temperatures of surface waters within cold water patches 2 to 4°C, indicating a strong influence of riparian vegetation on the expression of cold water patch thermal characteristics. Strong vertical temperature gradients associated with heating of surface layers of cold water patches exposed to solar radiation, superimposed upon vertical gradients in dissolved oxygen, can partially restrict suitable refuge volumes for stream salmonids within cold water patches.  相似文献   

The Las Vegas, Nevada area like most semi-arid basins, was developed through exploitation of available ground-water resources. Area growth in this large valley has occurred in a scattered and sporadic manner with development both in incorporated areas and within the County. As a result, today there exist five major water suppliers which are: a water district, three municipalities, and a large corporation, in addition to numerous small water companies and thousands of domestic wells. In the past 20 years the area has grown from a population of less than 50,000 to over 300,000 today. The bulk of the water demand for this growth has been met from the ground-water resource and as a result the basin is being severely mined. Current extractions are over three times the estimated annual replenishment. Rapidly declining water levels are increasing the costs of water and are creating water shortages during periods of peak demand. To meet both the current and anticipated water demands, the Southern Nevada Water Supply Project is being constructed to import additional water from nearby Lake Mead. Agriculture in the area is very limited, and primarily uses reclaimed waste water for irrigation. The chief water demands in the area are thus municipal and industrial, with the former predominating. This study was designed to determine how best the Las Vegas Valley Water District, supplier of 80 percent of the domestic water, might integrate the use of the existing ground water and anticipated imported surface water. Additionally the consequences of application of certain provisions in the Nevada Water Law were examined to determine their effects on the ground-water system and costs of water. To achieve these objectives, a dynamic programming technique was utilized. The problem as formulated consists of a single decision variable, single state variable dynamic programming algorithm evaluated over a fifty-year planning horizon at monthly intervals. Three alternative solutions, with different ground-water law constraints are evaluated. In all solutions certain basic operating rules regarding ground-water pumping distribution and use of surface-water systems are kept constant. The problem is considered as deterministic in all respects. Recharge to ground water is assumed to equal the estimated average annual replenishment evenly distributed over the year and additionally is not considered to be a function of average basin ground water potential. The only surface supply, Lake Mead, is considered to operate at near constant elevation and not be subject to shortage conditions. In light of the size of Lake Mead, the Colorado River flow and the size of Nevada's allotment, 300,000 ac ft, the latter assumption is reasonable. Demand for water is considered as a known function of time. Optimization of conjunctive use for the Water District is based on the objective function of minimizing water production costs. Costs of distributing water are considered to be constant regardless of source, and so are not included. Also, fixed costs of amortizing the pipeline project and well fields are not considered. Results of the study are presented as a series of policy traces under each of the three alternatives considered. These traces describe the ground-water basin response under optimal operating conditions, given an estimate as to the present worth of ground-water pumping rights, and prescribe monthly water-procurement schedules for the operation of the Water District.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The accurate and reliable determination of floodplains, floodway boundaries, and flood water elevations are integral requirements of Flood Insurance Studies. These studies are intended to be used for determining the flood insurance rates. Therefore, the accuracy of the water surface profiles are important. To ensure the high degree of accuracy, the HUD Flood Insurance Administration has developed standards which must be met in the analysis of water surface profiles. A somewhat less accurate study is required for the preparation of Flood Emergency Plans. As part of the flood insurance studies of eight locations in the State of North Dakota, various flood hazard and floodplain information reports were reviewed. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, especially the computation of the 100-year water surface profiles, were completed using both simplified and complex hydraulic computation methods. Significant differences were found (1 to 3 feet) between the profiles computed by the SCS simplified method and those computed by HEC-2 computer program. However, the floodplain boundaries determined by both methods were found to be similar. Approximate methods are recommended for rapid determination of the floodplain, floodway boundaries, and inundation area mapping, while sophisticated computer programs (HEC-2) are recommended to be used for developing areas where the 100-year flood elevation has a significant impact on the cost of land development.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study used an innovative GIS/remote sensing approach to study historical river channel changes in the Huron River, a wandering gravel‐bedded river in northern Ohio. Eight sets of historical aerial photographs (1958‐2003) span the construction of a low‐head dam (1969), removal of the spillway (1994), and removal of the dam itself (2002). Construction of the dam modified stream gradients >4 km upstream of the small impounded reservoir. This study tracked changes in the polygon size, shape, and centroid position of 12 sand‐gravel bars through a study reach 0.2‐4.1 km upstream of the dam. These bars were highly responsive, tending to migrate obliquely downstream and toward the outer bank at rates up to 9 m/year. Historical changes in the size and position of the bars can be interpreted as the downstream translation of one or more sediment waves. Prior to dam construction, a sediment wave moved downstream through the study reach. Following construction of the dam, this sediment wave became stationary and degraded in situ by dispersion. The growth of bars throughout the study reach during this time interval resulted in a progressive increase in channel sinuosity. Removal of the spillway rejuvenated downstream translation of a sediment wave through the study reach and was followed by a reduction in channel sinuosity. These results illustrate that important geomorphologic changes can occur upstream of low‐head dams. This may be a neglected area of research about the effects of dams and dam removals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Aquifers with pressure head seriously reduced by overdrafting are referred to as depleted. In coastal areas they may be invaded by saltwater. An obvious remedy is to reduce the rate of withdrawal to the permanently available dependable yield. This is being done now in two areas for New Jersey, under the authority of the State's Water Supply Management Act; but it has not previously been accomplished on a regional scale. The dependable yield was estimated by means of detailed hydrogeological modeling. “Water Supply Critical Areas” were delimited on the basis of piezometric pressure, drawn down 30 feet below sea level. Within the depleted area, water withdrawals must be reduced by a fixed ratio (35 to 50 percent) below the amount withdrawn during 1983. This reduction is effective as soon as al alternative source of water can be made available, usually from a surface source. Special arrangements are made whereby ground water users unconnected to the alternative source of supply can pay to withdrawn their full needs from the depleted aquifers, the money being used to purchase additional water from the new surface water source, in return for which some other user will reduce his ground water withdrawal below his reduced allocation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The unique characteristics of the hydrogeologic system of south Florida (flat topography, sandy soils, high water table, and highly developed canal system) cause significant interactions between ground water and surface water systems. Interaction processes involve infiltration, evapotranspiration (ET), runoff, and exchange of flow (seepage) between streams and aquifers. These interaction processes cannot be accurately simulated by either a surface water model or a ground water model alone because surface water models generally oversimplify ground water movement and ground water models generally oversimplify surface water movement. Estimates of the many components of flow between surface water and ground water (such as recharge and ET) made by the two types of models are often inconsistent. The inconsistencies are the result of differences in the calibration components and the model structures, and can affect the confidence level of the model application. In order to improve model results, a framework for developing a model which integrates a surface water model and a ground water model is presented. Dade County, Florida, is used as an example in developing the concepts of the integrated model. The conceptual model is based on the need to evaluate water supply management options involving the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater, as well as the evaluation of the impacts of proposed wellfields. The mathematical structure of the integrated model is based on the South Florida Water Management Model (SFWMM) (MacVicar et al., 1984) and A Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Groundwater Flow Model (MODFLOW) (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) is designed to compute daily stream discharge using satellite snow cover data for a basin divided into elevation zones. For the Towanda Creek basin, a Pennsylvania watershed with relatively little relief, analysis of snow cover images revealed that both elevation and land use affected snow accumulation and melt on the landscape. The distribution of slope and aspect on the watershed was also considered; however, these landscape features were not well correlated with the available snow cover data. SRM streamflow predictions for 1990, 1993 and 1994 snowmelt seasons for the Towanda Creek basin using a combination of elevation and land use zones yielded more precise streamflow estimates than the use of standard elevation zones alone. The use of multiple-parameter zones worked best in non-rain-on-snow conditions such as in 1990 and 1994 seasons where melt was primarily driven by differences in solar radiation. For seasons with major rain-on-snow events such as 1993, only modest improvements were shown since melt was dominated by rainfall energy inputs, condensation and sensible heat convection. Availability of GIS coverages containing satellite snow cover data and other landscape attributes should permit similar reformulation of multiple-parameter watershed zones and improved SRM streamflow predictions on other basins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In large floodplain rivers, hyporheic (subsurface) flow‐paths transfer nutrients from productive riparian terraces to oligotrophic off‐channel habitats. Because dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fuels microbial processes and hyporheic microorganisms represent the first stage of retention and transformation of these nutrients, understanding DOC flux can provide information on the constraints of microbial metabolism in the hyporheic zone of rivers. We monitored hydrology, physicochemical indicators, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics during low and high discharge periods in the hyporheic zone of a riparian terrace on the Queets River, Washington, to understand what processes control the supply of carbon to subsurface microbial communities. As discharge increased, terrace hyporheic flowpaths changed from parallel to focused, and the location of surface water inputs to the terrace shifted from the terrace edge to head. Overall, DOC concentrations decreased along hyporheic flowpaths; however, concentrations at points along the flowpaths varied with position along the head gradient and age of the overlying vegetation. We estimated that there is insufficient DOC in adverting surface water to support hyporheic microbial metabolism in this riparian terrace. These trends indicate that there are additional carbon sources to the subsurface water, and we conclude that DOC is leaching from overlying riparian soils within the forest patches. Thus, subsurface DOC concentrations reflect a balance between surface water inputs, metabolic uptake, and allochthonous inputs from forest soils.  相似文献   

Epps, Thomas H., Daniel R. Hitchcock, Anand D. Jayakaran, Drake R. Loflin, Thomas M. Williams, and Devendra M. Amatya, 2012. Characterization of Storm Flow Dynamics of Headwater Streams in the South Carolina Lower Coastal Plain. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐14. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12000 Abstract: Hydrologic monitoring was conducted in two first‐order lower coastal plain watersheds in South Carolina, United States, a region with increasing growth and land use change. Storm events over a three‐year period were analyzed for direct runoff coefficients (ROC) and the total storm response (TSR) as percent rainfall. ROC calculations utilized an empirical hydrograph separation method that partitioned total streamflow into sustained base flow and direct runoff components. ROC ratios ranged from 0 to 0.32 on the Upper Debidue Creek (UDC) watershed and 0 to 0.57 on Watershed 80 (WS80); TSR results ranged from 0 to 0.93 at UDC and 0.01 to 0.74 at WS80. Variability in event runoff generation was attributed to seasonal trends in water table elevation fluctuation as regulated by evapotranspiration. Groundwater elevation breakpoints for each watershed were identified based on antecedent water table elevation, streamflow, ROCs, and TSRs. These thresholds represent the groundwater elevation above which event runoff generation increased sharply in response to rainfall. For effective coastal land use decision making, baseline watershed hydrology must be understood to serve as a benchmark for management goals, based on both seasonal and event‐based surface and groundwater interactions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Variable Source Areas (VSAs) are zones with water saturated soils in forested wetlands fringing streams and creeks. Runoff from these areas is generated by saturation excess after a shallow water table rises and inundates the ground surface. In humid regions, like Florida and the Southeast, VSAs are believed to produce most of the runoff in shallow water table environments. Modeling the spatial extent and temporal fluctuation of a VSA is difficult because the formation of a VSA depends on a number of hydrological and morphological factors like rainfall intensity, soil texture, water table depth, and topographic attributes of the terrain. In this paper, we couple a digital elevation model with a two‐dimensional variable saturation model to illustrate the formation of a VSA at the hillside scale. The topography derived from the digital elevation model forms the upper domain geometry for the two‐dimensional finite element simulations of variable saturated flow. The objectives are: (1) to model the spatial and dynamic fluctuation of a VSA, and (2) to understand the roles of rainfall variability and terrain attributes on the formation of a VSA. Results show that hillsides with shallow water table depths, low saturated hydraulic conductivity, mild slopes, and concave slope curvature were more susceptible to runoff from a variable source. Runoff from a variable source showed little sensitivity to rainfall intensity. In general, landscapes with steep slopes generated a small VSA and a seepage face that vanished rapidly with time. In contrast, flat terrains are more amenable to VSA and retain ground surface inundation for longer periods of time.  相似文献   

Despite increasing attention to management of headwater streams as sources of water, sediment, and wood to downstream rivers, the extent of headwater channels and perennial flow remain poorly known and inaccurately depicted on topographic maps and in digital hydrographic data. This study reports field mapping of channel head and perennial flow initiation locations in forested landscapes underlain by sandstone and basalt lithologies in Washington State, USA. Contributing source areas were delineated for each feature using a digital elevation model (DEM) as well as a Global Positioning System device in the field. Systematic source area–slope relationships described in other landscapes were not evident for channel heads in either lithology. In addition, substantial variability in DEM-derived source area sizes relative to field-delineated source areas indicates that in this area, identification of an area–slope relationship, should one even exist, would be difficult. However, channel heads and stream heads, here defined as the start of perennial flow, appear to be co-located within both of the lithologies, which together with lateral expansion and contraction of surface water around channel heads on a seasonal cycle in the basalt lithology, suggest a controlling influence of bedrock springs for that location. While management strategies for determining locations of channel heads and perennial flow initiation in comparable areas could assign standard source area sizes based on limited field data collection within that landscape, field-mapped source areas that support perennial flow are much smaller than recognized by current Washington State regulations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Demand side management is being used increasingly by Ontario municipalities as a way to improve the efficiency of water use, defer the costs associated with constructing new water treatment works, and minimize the environmental impacts associated with supplying water. A comprehensive survey of 153 Ontario municipalities was completed in mid‐1998. These ranged in size from small rural townships (with populations as low as 500 people) to the province's largest urban center, Metropolitan Toronto, with a population of approximately 2.5 million people. The questionnaire measured the use of six broad types of demand side measures, including water pricing and metering; municipal by‐laws (ordinances) that promote water conservation; operational and maintenance measures to reduce water losses and consumption; water‐saving plumbing fixtures and devices; public participation programs that encourage water conservation; and other measures, such as water audits. Additionally, the survey collected data on implementation barriers and opportunities. Since the last comprehensive Ontario survey, conducted in 1987 by Kreutzwiser and Fea‐gan (1989), there has been an increase in the use of basic tools such as metering and pricing, plumbing fixtures, and public participation programs. Additionally, new initiatives, such as water audits and computerized monitoring equipment, are being used. However, in many areas opportunities exist to make better use of demand side measures. Unfortunately, municipal capacity to do so often is constrained by (among other factors) limited finances, lack of political will, and public resistance. Demonstration of real cost savings to consumers, and the development of specific goals and objectives for demand side management programs, are two important steps needed to overcome these challenges.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water hyacinth, an attractive, floating aquatic plant, poses a substantial threat of unanticipated water loss from Texas reservoirs. A mature plant will lose about three times as much water through evapotranspiration as is lost from evaporation of an equivalent area of open water. The reservoirs of east and southeast Texas, which comprise the bulk of the state's existing and planned water storage capacity, seem likely to suffer a 20 percent average surface infestation of water hyacinth. A coverage that great will result in a yearly net loss of over 2,000,000 acre-feet of impounded water, based on present water development plans for the state. This would amount to nearly 20 percent of the anticipated yield from the reservoirs affected. An effective aquatic plant control program could head off the threat of this significant water loss.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrologic models have become an indispensable tool for studying processes and water management in watersheds. A physically-based, distributed-parameter model, Basin-Scale Hydro-logic Model (BSIIM), has been developed to simulate the hydrologic response of large drainage basins. The model formulation is based on equations describing water movement both on the surface and in the subsurface. The model incorporates detailed information on climate, digital elevation, and soil moisture budget, as well as surface-water and ground-water systems. This model has been applied to the Big Darby Creek Watershed, Ohio in a 28-year simulation of rainfall-runoff processes. Unknown coefficients for controlling runoff, storativity, hydraulic conductivity, and streambed permeability are determined by a trial-and-error calibration. The performance of model calibration and predictive capability of the model was evaluated based on the correlation between simulated and observed daily stream discharges. Discrepancies between observed and simulated results exist because of limited precipitation data and simplifying assumptions related to soil, land use, and geology.  相似文献   

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