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朋辈群体是影响大学生思想形成和发展的重要因素。在大学生思想政治工作中构建朋辈教育体系,通过设立班主任导生、政治导生、心理辅导员等形式,依靠朋辈群体开展学生思想政治教育工作,是做好学生教育和管理工作的一个独特而有效的切入点。  相似文献   

学生干部是班级党团组织的骨干和关键力量,他们不仅是辅导员、班主任的得力助手,还代表着班级工作的形象。对学生干部的培养,要精心选拔,确保学生干部队伍的质量;悉心培养,确保学生干部队伍的战斗力;大胆善用,确保学生干部在工作中不断学习和完善自己;谋求出路,确保学生干部更好地适应社会。  相似文献   

中国环境管理干部学院在各项工作中实践着特色育人的思想.学院坚持“以服务社会需求为导向,以提高教育教学质量为核心,以培养高素质、高技能人才为根本,培养大学精神,积淀大学文化,铸就大学灵魂,彰显环境教育特色,创建绿色和谐校园“的办学理念,发挥了环境教育特色所带来的优势,注重遵循教育发展的规律,取得了可喜的办学成绩.  相似文献   

深圳市观澜中学是深圳市一所教育资源丰富、办学特色鲜明的现代化完全中学。学校创建于1914年,办学历史悠久,文化积淀深厚。在九十多年的办学历程中,学校秉承了“崇文励教、育人兴邦”的传统。经过不断发展,学校现有34个教学班(初中18个班,高中16个班),学生1873人,教职工173人,  相似文献   

罗越庆 《绿色视野》2009,(12):23-24
汤池中学诞生于1958年,是岳西县三所普通高级中学之一,学校现有46个教学班、2800多名学生,教职员工160多人。五年前,自确定创建省级绿色学校目标以来,校长储新民赋予了“绿色学校”新内涵,即创建“绿色学校”应该实现人的“绿化”——具体表现为学校应是开放型的学校,是学生主动学习、探索学习的场所,是教职工实现可持续工作的场所,即在可持续发展思想指导下不断完善、自我管理、改进教育手段、降低教育投入,逐步提高办学效益和效率的多功能学校。  相似文献   

青岛第二实验初级中学,自成立以来,校领导高度重视学生的环境教育工作,把环境教育写进三年发展规划,明确提出了“深化办学理念,突出办学特色,争取三至六年的努力,达到省级规范化学校,同时争创山东省绿色学校和国际生态学校。”的理念,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

广州市芳村小学是一所具有百年历史的老校,学校环境优美,布局合理,配套设施先进.目前,学校占地面积13315平方米,现有教学班35个.芳村小学是全国教育科研"十五"规划重点课题<活动教学的理论与实践>实验学校,承担了多项课题研究.在"可持续发展"的办学理念引领下,学校以"促进学生全面发展"作为办学目标,以"给学生最美好的童年,给人生最坚实的起步"作为办学思想,从学科教改、文体教育、科技环境教育和人文教育四方面着手,形成具有办学特色的学校.1995年芳村小学被评为省一级学校,现为广东省绿色学校.  相似文献   

在可持续发展理论指导下 ,教育如何抓住知识经济时代所带来的历史性发展机遇 ,形成具有鲜明个性特征的办学思想和办学理念 ,是每一所学校必须面对的重大课题。夏履镇中心小学的“绿色学校”创建活动 ,正是这样一种从实践到理论涉及办学思想和办学理念的大胆探索。“着眼于人的和谐发展教育目的的同时 ,给学会关心和创新能力的培养以突出的地位” ,这是创建“绿色学校”的出发点和归宿点。我们认为 ,学校应该让学生掌握正确地开发利用资源和保护生态环境的双重智慧 ,这种智慧培养的目标分类为意识(敏感性)、知识(懂不懂)、态度(主动性)…  相似文献   

朱以勋,男,1940年8月生,特级教师,徐州市人大代表,睢宁县政协常委;大专毕业,1959年参加教育工作,1981年至今任大余小学校长;先后被评为全国优秀教师、江苏省环境保护先进个人、江苏省优秀少年科技辅导员、江苏省少先队“创造杯”活动辅导员奖、江苏省劳动模范、睢宁县十佳人物等40多项奖励。他主持工作的大余小学1996年获“全球500佳提名奖”,1997年4月21日获首届“地球奖”。朱以勋有强烈的事业心,工作具有  相似文献   

我们学校结合本地实际,开展了多种形式的科技教育活动。活动中特别重视发挥学生的主体作用,让学生在参加丰富多彩的环保活动中学会关心,培养责任感,形成良好的行为习惯,并在实践活动中注意活动的“微观性”、“科学性”、“实用性”、“针对性”。与课堂结合1998年,有一名学生发现校园花坛里的大叶草叶子变黄了,便去找老师询问原因。学生在老师的引导下,先查阅了书籍等资料,又结合常识课中《空气的污染》一课的学习,知道了这是一个重要的环境污染现象——酸雨造成的。以此为起点,在科技辅导员老师的指导下,组织了一个研究“酸雨…  相似文献   

高校迎评促建工作很重要,需要各部门、各方面共同努力.校友会工作在迎评促建中可以提高学校社会认知度,总结办学特色,推进教学改革与优化专业设置,营造校园文化,拓宽毕业生就业渠道等各方面的作用.因此,我们在迎评促建中要重视校友会的工作,并充分发挥其作用.  相似文献   

总结了我国地热资源的利用和管理状况,提出了"政策统一、市场运作、合理利用、可持续发展"的地热资源开发战略,并对战略内容进行了具体阐述.  相似文献   

高职食品专业校企合作的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校企合作教育是一种充分利用学校与企业等多种不同的教育环境和资源在培养人才方面的优势,培养适应企业需要的应用性专门人才的教育模式,对高职院校培养应用型人才具有重要的意义。但当前高职院校的校企合作中存在如政策法规不健全、合作机制不完善、企业的热情不高等问题,针对这些问题从政府政策、企业和学校三方面对其解决方法提出了建议。  相似文献   

Renewable energy as well as nuclear energy are low carbon power that presents the life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases than fossil fuel energy. However, analyzing the relationship between the consumption of renewable energy, consumption of nuclear energy, CO2 emissions and economic growth is crucial for the economic and energy policy decision; we address this question for developed countries. This paper deals with the relationships between nuclear energy, environmental degradation, real GDP and renewable energy. We apply a panel data model for a global panel consisting of nine developed countries during the period 1990–2013. The group studied consists of Canada, France, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the USA. The empirical findings suggest that: (1) a causal link between emissions and real income, (2) a unidirectional causality running from renewable energy to nuclear energy, (3) a unidirectional causal relationship running from capital to environmental degradation, (4) a unidirectional causal relationship running from income to nuclear energy consumption, since the growth hypothesis is valid, (5) a unidirectional causality running from capital to income, (6) no an outstanding role of renewable energy use in the contribution of CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

Several community gardens have been developed in Edinburgh over the past five years, which reflects renewed interest in “grow your own” projects, and the recognition of the associated environmental and social health benefits they provide. Community gardens have been included in a range of policy documents at national and local levels, acknowledging their contribution to sustainable food systems, health and well-being and environment and biodiversity. This research explores how public policy influences community garden practice and, reflexively, how organisations running community gardens in the third sector are represented in public policy frameworks. A mixed methodology of desk-based research of policy documents, associated reports and academic literature; and informal interviews with community gardens staff and organisers was utilised. It was found that while community gardens are represented in policy, at a national level the framing of community gardens and related food growing projects as “alternative” hinders their full potential. Community gardens fulfil a wide range of policy goals, particularly in the health, social capital and well-being sectors which can minimise their capacity to contribute to local food production in a substantial way. It is proposed that community gardens could be normalised by promoting gardens in visible locations in neighbourhoods and within local plans; and through reflexive strategic and community action utilising a reasoning backwards approach to planning and funding.  相似文献   

以新疆奎屯铁路集中供热站锅炉烟气脱硫除尘设备的运行工况为例,介绍了一种新型TL湍流式烟气脱硫除尘设备的性能、特点.客观地评价了该脱硫除尘设备投入运营后,为改善奎屯市区域大气环境质量做出的贡献.该设备的选型符合国家环保产业政策,收到了良好的社会效益和环境效益.  相似文献   

A school was selected for the testing of the effects of resilient rubber pads as noise control devices on a nearby elevated rail track. In addition three school classrooms received acoustical treatment to the ceilings. Teachers and students reported a quieter atmosphere after installation of the pads. Reading scores in the year prior to installation were lower on the noisy side of the building, but after installation of the rubber pads and the noise-absorbing ceilings there were no differences in reading achievement between children on the noisy side and those on the quiet side. Possible explanations of these findings and implications for social policy decisions are discussed.  相似文献   

Anti‐desertification planning in Iran operates at the national level through the Five Year Development Plans, the National Plan to Combat Desertification — a long‐running scheme for which the Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Management Organisation (FRWO) is responsible — and the recently developed National Action Programme to Combat Desertification (the NAP). The Iranian NAP was formulated following the country's ratification of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and drew heavily on the experience, expertise and collaboration of personnel in FRWO. Development and implementation of the NAP has had major policy impacts in Iran in the two main areas of generating cross‐sectoral cooperation between government instruments at the national planning level and by community participation in local projects to combat desertification. Documenting the evolution of cross‐sectoral and participatory approaches to desertification in Iran shows that the NAP provided impetus towards a transformation of previous procedures, a policy impact that is continuing to generate change.  相似文献   

文章简要的介绍了创建“绿色学校”的重要意义,论述了在新疆开展“实施环境教育,创建绿色学校”的活动中存在的问题及原因,并就解决这类问题进行了分析研究,为积级推动和创建新疆“绿色学校”活动健康、有序地发展做了有益的探索。  相似文献   

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