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广佛珠江河网区石油类污染数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于EFDC模型,构建了广佛珠江感潮河网区三维水动力模型;同时,通过耦合石油类污染物水力输运与悬沙吸附一沉降过程,构建石油类水质数学模型,从而更全面客观地模拟水体石油类污染物的迁移转化过程。通过2001年1月实例模拟及验证,表明模型能较好地模拟再现珠江水体石油类浓度变化过程,为日后珠江水环境质量监控与水质改善、城市河涌整治成果评价及预测等提供技术支持。  相似文献   

During the past two decades, significant efforts have been made to study contaminant transport in the presence of colloids. Several researchers reported that colloidal particles could enhance the migration of contaminants in groundwater by reducing retardation factor. When the colloidal particles are present in the aquifer, the subsurface system can be considered as a three-phase system with two solid phases and an aqueous phase. The interaction between contaminants, colloids, and solid matrix should be considered in assessing the fate and transport of the contaminant in the groundwater flow system. In this study, a one-dimensional numerical model is developed by employing a fully implicit finite difference method. This model is based on mass balance equations and mass partition mechanisms between the carriers and solid matrix, as well as between the carriers and contaminants in a saturated homogeneous porous medium. This phenomenon is presented by two approaches: equilibrium approach and fully kinetic first-order approach. The formulation of the model can be simplified by employing equilibrium partitioning of particles. However, contaminant transport can be predicted more accurately in realistic situations by kinetic modeling. To test the sensitivity of the model, the effect of the various chemical and physical coefficients on the migration of contaminant was investigated. The results of numerical modeling matched favorably with experimental data reported in the literature.  相似文献   

某化工园区潜水中氟化物超标,为控制受污染地下水扩散,沿下游河堤修建防渗帷幕。通过分析研究区水文地质条件,应用FEFLOW 7.0建立地下水数值模型,预测防渗帷幕修建前后受污染地下水迁移情况,并评估防渗帷幕污染控制效果。结果表明:化工园区受污染地下水在以粉砂、粉细砂等岩性为主的潜水含水层中迁移速度快,第200天时污染物对源强附近及下游大片范围地下水造成污染;在污染源下游沿堤修建防渗帷幕短期虽可有效阻断污染物持续迁移,但会导致污染物在帷幕前端聚集,一段时间后地下水污染羽会绕过防渗帷幕发生渗流污染,须配合其他治理措施综合控制地下水污染。  相似文献   

公路隧道内运动汽车尾气污染扩散数值仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用计算流体力学(CFD)方法,结合标准k-ε湍流模型、Mixture混合多相流模型和动网格技术,数值仿真了公路隧道内运动汽车的尾气污染扩散,结果与实验测量值吻合较好。表明,在没有其他通风方式的公路隧道内,运动汽车排出的污染物主要分布在近地面;运动汽车后方会形成1条高速风带,对隧道内污染物纵向扩散具有关键作用。  相似文献   

The Persian Gulf ecosystem is facing a variety of stresses as a result of being located within the richest oil province in the world, which hosts more than 67 % of the world oil reserve. In this paper, the distribution of oil pollution on the surface layer of the Persian Gulf is predicted for the different months after the release, based on the Coupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for Regional Shelf seas (COHERENS). An Eulerian model for the Persian Gulf is set up using the Cartesian coordinate in the horizontal direction, and the sigma coordinate in the vertical direction. Based on this model, our analysis and simulation results indicate that the winds lead to diffusion of the contaminant concentration in the direction of the Arabian coast from the initial position of the spill. The results of this study can be used to provide appropriate solutions for preventing oil from spreading further in the region.  相似文献   

Air pollution is increasingly recognized as a significant contributor to global health outcomes. A methodological framework for evaluating the global health-related outcomes of outdoor and indoor (household) air pollution is presented and validated for the year 2005. Ambient concentrations of PM2.5 are estimated with a combination of energy and atmospheric models, with detailed representation of urban and rural spatial exposures. Populations dependent on solid fuels are established with household survey data. Health impacts for outdoor and household air pollution are independently calculated using the fractions of disease that can be attributed to ambient air pollution exposure and solid fuel use. Estimated ambient pollution concentrations indicate that more than 80% of the population exceeds the WHO Air Quality Guidelines in 2005. In addition, 3.26?billion people were found to use solid fuel for cooking in three regions of Sub Saharan Africa, South Asia and Pacific Asia in 2005. Outdoor air pollution results in 2.7?million deaths or 23?million disability adjusted life years (DALYs) while household air pollution from solid fuel use and related indoor smoke results in 2.1?million deaths or 41.6?million DALYs. The higher morbidity from household air pollution can be attributed to children below the age of 5 in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia. The burden of disease from air pollution is found to be significant, thus indicating the importance of policy interventions.  相似文献   

基于水环境数学模型的流溪河环境容量计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用SWAT和HEC-RAS模型分别构建流溪河流域水文模型和流溪河水动力水质模型,采用改进的分区达标控制法计算流溪河COD的天然及背景环境容量。结果显示,流溪河的COD天然和背景环境容量分别为53 141.59 t/a和43 988.64 t/a。  相似文献   

Mathematical models for the simulation of dense nonaqueous phase liquid tracer tests (DTTs) in laboratory columns and in the field are developed and examined. The DTT technique is a means of estimating the quantity of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) in a domain of interest in an aquifer. The two-dimensional field DTT model uses the Method of Principal Directions and an asymmetrical upwind algorithm for describing advective transport. Both models include diffusion transport of tracer into and from low-permeability porous structures such as clay lenses, as well as the mass transport kinetics of partitioning tracer to and from the DNAPL droplets. The dependence of the effluent tracer concentration curves on the parameters of the models is explored, and conclusions are drawn regarding the applicability of, and several possible problems with, the DTT technique. Model results indicate that the DTT performs well at locating distributed droplets of DNAPL, but is unlikely to be useful in the assessment of pooled DNAPL.  相似文献   

通过区域空气质量模型CAMx对大连市2015年8月近地面臭氧(O_3)污染进行模拟,探讨了O_3及其生成前体物(NOx和VOCs)的来源,O_3生成控制区,并根据敏感性分析结果对前体物排放的控制效果进行了定量评估。结果表明:本地NOx排放对大连地区的NOx浓度贡献占90%以上,本地VOCs排放对大连地区的VOCs浓度贡献占80%以上,而本地NOx和VOCs排放对大连地区O_3浓度贡献仅占29%;大连市整体上为VOCs控制区,控制VOCs能有效降低O_3污染,还能有效削减O_3的峰值浓度;通过敏感性分析结果计算得出,削减大连本地工业源VOCs和民用源VOCs能够有效降低大连地区O_3浓度,削减10%的工业源VOCs能使市区O_3平均浓度降低2%左右,削减10%的民用源VOCs能使大连市区平均O_3浓度降低1%左右。建议NOx与VOCs削减比例为1∶2,对大连市O_3和PM2.5污染进行协同控制。  相似文献   

The present study describes the development of empirical models for the prediction of various trace metals i.e., Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn and Pb found in the leachates generated from the ash ponds of various thermal power plants. The dispersion phenomenon of these trace metals followed first order reaction rate kinetics. The empirical models for individual trace metals derived from the lab scale models data correlate well with the real field data with regression coefficients varying from 0.93 to 0.98. The predicted concentrations of the trace metals varied within ±3% of the observed values in the leachates generated from the ash ponds of four thermal power plants with standard deviation varying from 0.001 to 0.032. The empirical models derived from the study can be applied for prediction of trace metals in leachates generated from similar thermal power plants.  相似文献   

与一般城市道路相比,城市高架复合道路通行能力大、行车速度高、车辆行驶状态复杂,交通噪声污染极为突出。选取深圳市典型的高架复合道路——春风高架和爱国高架进行实地监测,同时运用SoundPLAN软件模拟其噪声污染现状与安装声屏障后的降噪效果。根据监测模拟结果,从合理进行道路规划、装设声屏障和铺设低噪声路面等方面提出高架复合道路噪声污染控制的对策建议。  相似文献   

Numerical modeling is frequently used in coastal engineering research and application. One possible issue associated with using this method however, is that initial outcomes might differ from expectation. Modeling manipulation addresses this issue by changing the initial parameters which in turn affects the final output results.The advancement of modeling techniques in recent years has seen a gradual but steady accruement of knowledge regarding the relationship between input parameters and possible outputs, which has resulted in improved accuracy and efficiency methods. The advancements within this field have predominantly occurred on an individual basis and as such lack standardisation. An expert numerical modeler may use this knowledge subconsciously, yet may not know how to convey it to the model users. This paper has been written to introduce a systematic intelligent coding schema designed to organise current coastal engineering modeling manipulation knowledge into a standardised format. This system is relevant to the development of appropriate strategies for improved accuracy and efficiency as well as model modification to simulate specific real phenomena in prototype application cases.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling is frequently used in coastal engineering research and application. One possible issue associated with using this method however, is that initial outcomes might differ from expectation. Modeling manipulation addresses this issue by changing the initial parameters which in turn affects the final output results. The advancement of modeling techniques in recent years has seen a gradual but steady accruement of knowledge regarding the relationship between input parameters and possible outputs, which has resulted in improved accuracy and efficiency methods. The advancements within this field have predominantly occurred on an individual basis and as such lack standardisation. An expert numerical modeler may use this knowledge subconsciously, yet may not know how to convey it to the model users. This paper has been written to introduce a systematic intelligent coding schema designed to organise current coastal engineering modeling manipulation knowledge into a standardised format. This system is relevant to the development of appropriate strategies for improved accuracy and efficiency as well as model modification to simulate specific real phenomena in prototype application cases.  相似文献   

As a result of the continuously increasing numbers of motor vehicles in metropolitan areas worldwide, road traffic emission levels have been recognized as a challenge during the planning and management of transportation. Experiments were conducted to collect on-road emission data using portable emission measurement systems in two Chinese cities in order to estimate real traffic emissions and energy consumption levels and to build computational models for operational transport environment projects. In total, dynamic pollutant emissions and fuel consumption levels from dozens of light duty vehicles, primarily from four different vehicle classes, were measured at a second-by-second level. Using the collected data, several microscopic emission models including CMEM, VT-Micro, EMIT, and POLY were evaluated and compared through calibration and validation procedures. Non-linear optimization methods are applied for the calibration of the CMEM and EMIT models. Numerical results show that the models can realize performance levels close to the CMEM model in most cases. The VT-Micro model shows advantages in its unanimous performance and ability to describe low emission profiles while the EMIT model has a clear physics basis and a simple model structure. Both of them can be applied when extensive emission computation is required in estimating environmental impacts resulting from dynamic road traffic.  相似文献   

The current paper investigates the possibility of establishing an empirically based model for predicting the emission rate of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) from oil refinery furnaces, in order to continually track emissions with respect to environmental licence limits. Model input data were collected by direct stack monitoring using an electrochemical cell NO x analyser, as well as a range of telemetry sensors to obtain refinery process parameters. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), in conjunction with Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was then used to build a series of models able to predict NO x emissions from the furnaces. The models produced were proven to be robust, with a relatively high accuracy, and are able to predict NO x levels over the range of operating conditions which were sampled. It was found that due to structural/operational variations a separate model is usually required for each furnace. The models can be integrated with the refinery operating system to predict NO x emission rates on a continuous basis. Two models representing structurally different furnaces are considered in this paper. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以事故溢油在水面上的运动轨迹和环境归宿为研究对象,重点对溢油水下分散过程、岸边黏附及受水流冲刷下油膜质量衰减过程、水体悬浮物对石油黏附/吸附量的预测模型研究成果,以及目前日益受到关注的河流溢油模型的研究进展进行归纳总结。对比分析了不同预测模型结构功能差异和适用性问题,为不同环境条件下溢油事故的后预警、后预测提供模型选择依据和技术支持。最后就溢油模型尚存的一些问题及未来发展的方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

惠州市城区NO2污染水平的分析与模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了2004年惠州市城区各监测站点的NO2数据,结果表明,NO2对城区空气质量影响不大。采用了城市空气质量管理软件模拟了NO2空间分布及日变化情况,且与实测值的比较分析表明,模拟结果在城区内有可比性。但地处城市边缘地带的污染模拟受光化学和区域性污染的影响,有待于进一步研究。所得结论可为惠州市城区优化布点的研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

根据日照理论和空间几何理论,对玻璃幕墙光污染特征进行计算分析。结果表明,南向玻璃幕墙光污染发生在冬至和春秋分,冬至以中等污染为主,上下午持续时间长;春秋分以轻微污染等级为主,上下午持续时间短;北向玻璃幕墙全年无光污染;其他朝向玻璃幕墙光污染全年均有,冬至主要在南至东的朝向,春秋分在南至东北朝向,夏至除南北朝向外所有朝向;光污染持续时间受朝向影响,冬至大,春秋分和夏至小。光污染影响区域大小、位置随朝向变化,冬至剧烈,春秋分和夏季缓和且稳定。  相似文献   

Xiao  Yi  Liu  Jie  Qin  Cuicui  Xu  Fang 《Environmental Modeling and Assessment》2022,27(4):715-726
Environmental Modeling & Assessment - An improved two-dimensional (2D) depth-averaged model for hydrodynamic, sediment transport, and morphological adjustment is proposed in an orthogonal...  相似文献   

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