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Critical load calculations in the Czech part of 'the Black Triangle' show exceedance of critical load in 75% of the forest area. A comparison with forest damage data shows an insignificant tendency toward more forest damage in areas with high exceedance. We conclude that high exceedance of critical load is a probable contributing factor to forest damage in the area.  相似文献   

大气环境中O_3测试方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靛蓝二磺酸钠(IDS)浓度对O3的吸收效率影响很大,增加IDS的浓度将增大IDS与O3的碰撞概率,因此,用一支单层玻板吸收管就能测定大气中的O3,其吸收效率可达100%。  相似文献   

The paper presents the analysis of anthropogenical modifications of the landscape in relation to the course and consequences of floods. The research was conducted in the Otava river basin which represents the core zone of the extreme flood in August 2002 in Central Europe. The analysis was focused on the key indicators of landscape modification potentially affecting the runoff process - the long-term changes of land-use, changes of land cover structure, land drainage, historical shortening of the river network and the modifications of streams and floodplains. The information on intensity and spatial distribution of modifications was derived from different data sources - historical maps, available GIS data, remote sensing and field mapping. The results revealed a high level of spatial diversity of anthropogenical modifications in different parts of the river basin. The intensive modifications in most of indicators were concentrated in the lowland region of the river basin due to its agricultural use; however important changes were also recorded in the headwater region of the basin. The high spatial diversity of the modifications may result in their varying effect on the course and consequences of floods in different parts of the river basin. This effect is demonstrated by the cluster analysis based on the matrix of indicators of stream and floodplain modification, physiogeographical characteristics and geomorphological evidences of the flood in August 2002, derived from the individual thematic layers using GIS.  相似文献   

A multimedia sampling of ambient air, wet deposition, surface water, sediment, soil and biota has been performed at Kosetice background observatory in the southern Czech Republic since 1988. An integrated monitoring approach was applied to assess the current state, anthropogenic impacts, and possible future changes of terrestrial and freshwater environments. Average PCB concentrations in the individual matrices calculated from ten years of sampling on multiple sites varied between 2 ng g(-1) in sediment and 7 ng g(-1) in soil or moss. DDT concentrations were lower in moss and needles (2 ng g(-1) and 4 ng g(-1), respectively) than in sediment (11 ng g(-1)) and soil (20 ng g(-1)), while the HCH level was higher in moss and needles (5 ng g(-1) and 6 ng g(-1), respectively) than in soil or sediment (1 ng g(-1) and 2 ng g(-1), respectively). The highest average level of PAHs was found in soil (600 ng g(-1)), while it was lower in needles (230 ng g(-1)), moss (210 ng g(-1)) or sediment (210 ng g(-1)). Time related trends of concentration levels of persistent organic pollutants in all matrices were investigated. Moss and needle trend patterns resembled those of the ambient air, showing a slight concentration decrease of all compounds, except for hexachlorobenzene. The soil, water and sediment concentrations showed a similar decrease of PAHs, PCBs, and HCHs, but there was no clear trend for DDTs and HCB.  相似文献   

Kosetice observatory is a facility of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, which is a part of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) network. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs: PCBs, DDTs, HCHs, PAHs) have been monitored in all environmental matrices using the integrated monitoring approach. Generally, the atmospheric levels of POPs in this Central European background station (mean values: 0.115 ng m(-3) for SigmaPCBs, 0.040 ng m(-3) for SigmaDDTs, 0.077 ng m(-3) for SigmaHCHs, and 17 ng m(-3) for SigmaPAHs) are significantly higher than those in other EMEP stations localized mostly in Northern and Western Europe. Long-term trends of POP concentrations in the ambient air and wet deposition are presented in this article and they show a slow decline in the last decade for most of the investigated compounds. Temporally increased levels of certain chemicals were associated with some local climatic (floods) or socio-economic (fuel prices) factors.  相似文献   

The concentration of mercury was determined in samples of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes, the moss Pleurozium schreberi, and the soil humus collected in Polish and Czech Euroregions Praded and Glacensis. The sampling sites were located in Bory Stobrawskie, Bory Niemodlińskie and Kotlina K?odzka in Poland, and in Jeseniki and Gory Orlickie in the Czech Republic. The mean concentrations of mercury accumulated in the lichen (0.129?mg?g(-1)), in the moss (0.094?mg?g(-1)) and in soil (0.286?mg?g(-1)) were fairly close to the corresponding concentrations in other low-industrialized regions. The highest concentrations of mercury were observed in the lichen and the moss samples from Kotlina K?odzka. The primary deposition of mercury was evaluated using the comparison factor, defined as the ratio of a difference between the concentrations of a bioavailable analyte in lichens and in mosses, to the arithmetic mean of these concentrations.  相似文献   

We describe the design and performance of two replicate field exposure systems for evaluating the ecological effects of chronic SO2 exposure on 0.5 ha plots of native Montana grassland. The SO2 was supplied at a constant rate to each plot through a network of 2.5-cm inside diameter aluminum pipes set parallel to and approximately 0.7 m above the ground with 0.8-mm SO2 release holes at 3-m intervals. The resulting SO2 concentrations on the plots varied with micrometeorological conditions. Fumigations were essentially continuous from April through October for 5 yr on one set of four plots and for 4 yr on another set of four plots. Frequency distributions of SO2 concentrations were approximately log-normal and qualitatively similar to those from various area and point sources. The diurnal pattern of SO2 concentrations was strongly correlated with the reciprocal of windspeed. Nighttime concentrations averaged almost double daytime concentrations. The diurnal concentration pattern resembled an area source more closely than a point source, a direct result of using constant SO2 source strength. Plume strikes could be simulated by turning the system on only during pre-specified meteorological conditions. Similarly, seasonal variations in area source concentrations could be simulated by varying source strength on the plots. The data from 5 years use of the system indicate that the fine-scale behavior of SO2 concentrations would be realistic.  相似文献   

To assess the long-term anthropogenic load of the Bílina River (Czech Republic), the concentrations of heavy metals and specific organic compounds in different river ecosystem matrices (water, biofilms, and sediments) were determined. Although the current concentrations of pollutants in surface water are low, frequently below the limits of the quantitative analytical methods used, the river ecosystem is still heavily loaded by anthropogenic pollution, mainly from the chemical and mining industries. This was demonstrated by analyzing biofilms and sediments. These matrices are more accurate representatives of the actual situation in the river and do not depend on hydrological conditions or random variability in water quality. The results indicate that the middle and the lower parts of the river are heavily polluted by mercury, arsenic, vanadium, polychlorinated biphenyls, hexachlorobenzene, and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane. As a tributary of the Elbe River, the Bílina River represents a significant risk for the development of quality in this major European river.  相似文献   

Within the European intensive forest monitoring programme, the native vegetation on permanent Level II plots has been monitored for visible ozone injuries. The main purpose of the programme is to assess the potential risks for the forest vegetation and the natural ecosystems at the intensive monitoring plots. During the first years of the programme the surveys were qualitative, reporting only the number and the name of the symptomatic species in selected Light Exposed Sampling Site. In 2003 a new plot design was tested, based on the distribution of a number of miniplots along the edge of the forest, so as to obtain quantitative findings about the occurrence and distribution of the symptoms. The problems that still persist are related to: (i) the forest edge assessed for ozone symptoms may have a different floristic composition from the Level II plot itself; (ii) the anthropic pressure and the disturbances affecting the forest edge alters the floristic composition; (iii) the variability of the plant composition in the forest edge, which makes comparability difficult between different sites; and (iv) the evaluation of symptoms in several species that have not yet been experimentally tested. Further difficulties are due to the fact that symptoms observed in the field are often aspecific and cannot, therefore, be attributed solely to the phytotoxic action of ozone. To improve the effectiveness of the European programme, it is necessary: (i) to individualise and select common sensitive plant species for homogeneous ecological regions; (ii) to enhance experimental activities to test the sensitivity of a large number of plant species.  相似文献   

郑州市近地面臭氧污染特征及气象因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用国控站点空气质量在线监测数据,识别郑州市2015年近地面臭氧(O_3)污染状况、特征及与颗粒物和氮氧化物水平关系,并以烟厂站为例分析郑州市O_3污染与气象要素的相关性。结果表明:郑州市O_3日最大8 h平均值具有明显季节变化,呈现出夏季春季秋季冬季的特征,夏季岗李水库站O_3月均质量浓度为155.5μg/m3,其余站点月均质量浓度为110~150μg/m3;夏季O_3每日最大8 h浓度具有显著"周末效应",其他季节较不明显;O_3小时浓度日变化呈单峰型分布,在15:00—16:00达到峰值,早晨07:00达到谷值;前体物NOx小时浓度日变化呈双峰型分布,与O_3具有显著负相关性;气象因素相关性分析结果表明,郑州市O_3污染日多出现于高温、低湿和微风等条件,这些气象因素有利于O_3生成和累积。  相似文献   

2022年春季,受新一轮新冠疫情影响,长三角各城市采取了一系列管控措施,使得大气污染物排放水平降低。对2022年春季(3—5月)南京及长三角地区的六项污染物尤其是臭氧(O3)的变化特征进行了分析,从气象因素和O3前体物方面,同时利用基于观测的模型(OBM)对南京O3污染变化原因进行了研究,并分析了南京挥发性有机物(VOCs)的关键活性组分和来源。结果表明:2022年春季,南京PM2.5、PM10、NO2和CO均值浓度均同比下降,但O3日最大8 h滑动平均质量浓度(O3-8 h)同比上升19.8%,O3-8 h超标时间同比增加9 d;长三角区域O3-8 h同比上升17.9%,O3-8 h超标天数为2021年同期的2.5倍。南京O3浓度上升的原因:一方面是由于不利的气象条件,另一方面是由于南京O3生成处于VOCs控制区,但氮氧化物(NOx)降幅大于VOCs降幅,同时结合O3前体物削减方案的分析结果发现,VOCs和NOx不当的削减比例会导致O3浓度不降反升。南京O3生成的关键VOC活性物种依次为乙醛、丙烯、间/对二甲苯、丙烯醛和乙烯;正定矩阵因子分解(PMF)解析结果显示,机动车尾气是南京城区VOCs的主要来源,其次为液化石油气/天然气使用和石油化工。  相似文献   

At present, dynamic land use, climate change, and growing needs for fresh water are increasing the demand on the ecosystem effects of forest vegetation. Mountainous areas are at the forefront of scientific interest in European forest ecology and forest hydrology. Although uplands cover a significant area of the Czech Republic and other countries and are often covered with forest formations, they do not receive an appropriate amount of attention. Therefore, two experimental upland head micro-watersheds in the Bohemian Massif were selected for study because they display similar natural conditions, but different vegetative conditions (forest versus meadow). During the 2011 growing season, short-term streamflow measurements were carried out at the discharge profiles of both catchments and were evaluated in relation to climatic data (rainfall and temperature). The basic premise was that the streamflow in a forested catchment must exhibit different temporal dynamics compared to that in treeless areas and that these differences can be attributed to the effects of woody vegetation. These conclusions were drawn from measurements performed during dry periods lasting several days. A decreasing streamflow trend during the day part of the day (0900–1900 hours) was observed in both localities. The decrease reached approx. 44 % of the initial morning streamflow (0.24 dm3 s?1 day?1) in the treeless catchment and approx. 20 % (0.19 dm3 s?1 day?1) in the forested catchment. At night (1900–0900 hours), the streamflow in the forested catchment increased back to its initial level, whereas the streamflow in the treeless catchment stagnated or slowly decreased. We attribute these differences to the ecosystem effects of woody vegetation and its capacity to control water loss during the day. This type of vegetation can also function as a water source for the hydrographic network during the night.  相似文献   

The United States is making the transition from the 1979 1 hr maximum ozone standard to the newly adopted 8 hr ozone standard (3 yr average of the 4th highest maximum 8 hr ozone concentration). Consequently, we analyzed and compared ozone concentrations under both standards from a variety of monitoring sites throughout the central Appalachian region of Kentucky (KY), West Virginia (WV), and Virginia (VA). Data from 1988-1999 were used to determine how ozone exposure between the two metrics compared for remote sites. Most sites exceeded the 1 hr standard in 1988-1990 due to the 3 yr averaging and multiple high ozone concentrations that occurred over the region in 1988. All sites were in compliance with the 1 hr standard every year after 1991. It was much more common for the ozone exposure to exceed the 8 hr standard, particularly from 1997-1999. Many sites showed exceedences beginning in 1995; Big Meadows (VA) exceeded the 8 hr standard all years except 1994 and 1996. Response of vegetation to ozone in these areas was determined using the combination of W126 values (sigmoidally weighted exposure index), the number of hours that average concentrations > or = 0.10 ppm (N100), and the presence of moderate or more extreme droughts. In general, W126 and N100 values suggested that negative vegetation growth responses over most of the 12 yr would have been minimal for most sites, even for those exceeding ozone standards. Drought-induced stomatal closures would have overridden more extreme negative growth responses at all but the Big Meadows site in 1988.  相似文献   

南京市臭氧污染现状及变化特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2016年南京市臭氧(O_3)及前体物监测数据,对南京市O_3污染现状、变化特征及其与前体物的关系进行分析。结果表明,2016年南京市O_3超标56 d,超标率15.3%,O_3日最大8 h滑动平均值的第90百分位数为184μg/m~3,超标0.15倍。O_3超标主要集中在4—9月份,日变化呈现"单峰"型特征,峰值出现在14:00,而上午8:00—10:00时段O_3浓度升幅最显著,小时浓度升幅超过20%。前体物VOCs和NO_2浓度变化与O_3呈反相关,且VOCs和NO_2浓度冬季最高,夏季最低,秋季和春季基本相当。  相似文献   

Evidence indicates that the concentration of stratospheric ozone has already decreased globally over the past several years and additional decreases are to be expected over the coming decades. A further depletion of the ozone layer would lead to an increase in the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. One of the adverse effects of particularly UV-B radiation on human health would be an increase in the incidence of skin cancer. In this study an integrated model is presented to assist in assessing the changes in skin cancer incidences in relation to changes in the amount of stratospheric ozone, for the Netherlands and Australia. Although surrounded by large uncertainties, model results show that, in view of the several delay mechanisms and, additionally, the ageing of the population, future increases in skin cancer incidence cannot be reversed.  相似文献   

中国城市臭氧的形成机理及污染影响因素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市臭氧(O3)污染问题日趋严重.O3主要来源于汽车尾气及工业排放氮氧化合物(NOx)和挥发性有机物(VOCs)光化学反应生成,少部分来自于平流层的向下传输.文章介绍了城市O3形成机理研究情况,概述了中国城市臭氧污染浓度特征及气象因子、气候变化、前体物等影响因素研究进展情况,并对未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Eight species of desert vegetation and associated soils were collected from the Nevada National Security Site (N2S2) and analyzed for 238Pu and 239 + 240Pu concentrations. Amongst the plant species sampled were: atmospheric elemental accumulators (moss and lichen), the very slow growing, long-lived creosote bush and the rapidly growing, short-lived cheatgrass brome. The diversity of growth strategies provided insight into the geochemical behavior and bio-availability of Pu at the N2S2. The highest concentrations of Pu were measured in the onion moss (24.27 Bq kg-1 238Pu and 52.78 Bq kg-1 239 + 240Pu) followed by the rimmed navel lichen (8.18 Bq kg-1 and 18.4 Bq kg-1 respectively), pointing to the importance of eolian transport of Pu. Brome and desert globemallow accumulated between 3 and 9 times higher concentrations of Pu than creosote and sage brush species. These results support the importance of species specific elemental accumulation strategies rather than exposure duration as the dominant variable influencing Pu concentrations in these plants. Total vegetation elemental concentrations of Ce, Fe, Al, Sm and others were also analyzed. Strong correlations were observed between Fe and Pu. This supports the conclusion that Pu was accumulated as a consequence of the active accumulation of Fe and other plant required nutrients. Cerium and Pu are considered to be chemical analogs. Strong correlations observed in plants support the conclusion that these elements displayed similar geochemical behavior in the environment as it related to the biochemical uptake process of vegetation. Soils were also sampled in association with vegetation samples. This allowed for the calculation of a concentration ratio (CR). The CR values for Pu in plants were highly influenced by the heterogeneity of Pu distribution among sites. Results from the naturally occurring elements of concern were more evenly distributed between sample sites. This allowed for the development of a pattern of plant species that accumulated Ce, Sm, Fe and Al. The highest accumulators of these elements were onion moss, lichen flowed by brome. The lowest accumulators were creosote bush and fourwing saltbush. This ranked order corresponds to plant accumulations of Pu.  相似文献   

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