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73/78防污公约附则Ⅰ“防止油污规则”生效以来,我国港、航等有关单位和部门在实施过程中做了大量工作,并取得了一定进展,但是也遇到了一些问题。为了交流情况,总结经验,研究对策,交通部水运环境保护科技情报网于今年四月十六日至四月十九日在南京组织召开了“73/78防污公约实施问题讨论会”。会议邀请了部内、外港航企业、机关、科技、设计及大专院校等四十个单位从事环保工作的科技和管理人员共四十七人进行了座谈讨论。交通部环境保护办公室和交通部办公厅均派员到会指导工作。会议回顾了公约生效后近两年来在我国的实施情况,就有关公约的统一解释及其新的  相似文献   

IMO所属法律委员会 (LegalCommittee)在 2 0 0 0年 3月 2 7-31日举行了第 81次会议 ,完成了其对国际船用燃料油污染损害民事责任公约 (Internationalconventiononcivilliabilityforbunkeroilpollutiondamage)草案的考虑审议工作 ,并同意该公约草案应提交一次外交会议通过。该次外交会议可能于 2 0 0 1年上半年期间举行。在本次法委会会议开幕式上 ,IMO秘书长奥尼尔提醒法委会当在起草 1 996年国际海上运输有害和有毒物质损害责任和赔偿公约 (HNS…  相似文献   

IMO法委会在其 2 0 0 2年 4月第 84次会议上 ,批准了修订《1992年国际建立油污损害赔偿基金公约》议定书的草案文本。该议定书由 2 0 0 0年 4月IOPC 1992基金大会成立的临时过渡工作小组起草。如其获通过 ,则该议定书将面向缔约国建立一个相对IOPC 1992的选择性附加  相似文献   

海湾溢油三周年为建立一个合作处理重大溢油事故的国际体系,IMO于1990年11月通过了“国际油污防备、反应和合作公约(OPRC)”.两个月后,海湾地区发生了史无前例的特大溢油事件。尽管当时该公约尚未生效,IMO毅然决定组织国际抗产溢油活动,以减缓溢油...  相似文献   

(摘自国际海事组织第14届全会第22项议程:国际海事组织长期工作计划)) 海洋环境保护委员会 Ⅰ主要目标: 1.解决73/78防污染公约在执行中遇到的问题,包括审查在特殊区域的海洋环境保护中,该公约的执行问题。 2.拟定实施有关海洋防污染公约的适当程序。  相似文献   

本文介绍了近些年来印度尼西亚针对于环境方面的全球性重大公约 ,如 :生物多样性公约、气候变化框架公约以及其它重要环境问题所采取的对策、管理实施情况。  相似文献   

刘昭青 《交通环保》2001,22(3):46-47
20 0 1年 3月 19 2 3日在IMO总部伦敦举行了一次外交大会 ,就燃料油污染损害民事责任公约的细节达成了协议 ,对船舶泄油受害者进行赔偿的国际法规的最后重要空白点已由IMO通过新国际船用燃料油污染损害民事责任公约而得以填补。该公约将在其第 14条载明的标准满足一年后生效。IMO成员国及一个协会国 (中国香港 )的 70个代表团参加了大会 ,贝宁代表作为观察员到会 ,来自非政府组织和政府间组织的观察员们也出席了会议。2 0 0 1年国际船用燃料油污染损害民事责任公约将对船上燃油舱的燃油泄漏事故确立责任和赔偿规定。目前国际上涵盖…  相似文献   

巴塞尔公约——控制危险废物的全球公约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约是1989年在瑞士巴塞尔召开的外交大会上通过的,本文描述了巴塞尔公约的实施情况。  相似文献   

IMO资料国际油污防备、反应和合作公约将于明年5月生效由国际海事组织发起并于1990年11月通过的“国际油污防备、反应和合作公约(o-PRC)”将于明年5月13日生效。届时将由国际海事组织秘书长在墨西哥主持条约文本的签字仪式,共有15个国家参加该公约...  相似文献   

国际海事组织自1958年成立至今,已制订了28个国际公约和议定书以及500多个建议案。有的国家全面采用某些公约和建议案,有的国家则依照这些公约和建议案制订相应的国内法,加强对船舶的安全和防污管理。各国海事部门的专家普遍认为,该组织的工作对海上安全和防止船舶污染起了积极的作用。在我国加强立法工作和引进管理技术的今天,了解该组织所做的工作是有必要的。  相似文献   

为了解我国城市和背景地区最新的气态单质汞(gaseous elemental mercury,GEM)水平,比较《关于汞的水俣公约》履约前后这些地区GEM来源和迁移规律的差异,本研究选择了1个城市监测站(淀山湖站)和1个背景监测站(哀牢山站),于2021年分别进行了为期1个月的GEM监测,同时使用潜在源贡献因子计算分析两地GEM的来源,并与履约前的结果进行比对。位于长三角地区的淀山湖站GEM浓度降幅大于位于我国西南的哀牢山站GEM浓度降幅,表明针对我国工业排放源超低排放的改造,获得了显著的履约成效。相对履约前,两地GEM的可能源区和传输形式没有显著改变,人为源排放仍然是影响两地GEM浓度的主要因素。本研究结果表明随着履约工作的逐步推进,我国城市和背景地区的GEM仍有下降的可能,长期在这些站点开展大气汞监测,可以为汞履约成效评估提供有效的数据支撑。  相似文献   

There are several questions coming from researchers and educators referring to the most efficient approaches for developing an environmental awareness; it is difficult to document which approach can generate increased sensitivity and behavioral changes for effective environmental protection. Therefore research and discussions on the issue are demanding.This paper presents observations concerning the sensitization process for environmental issues, initiated with environmental education classes. The educational work stimulated a group of Brazilian high school students to participate in an international distance learning course and convention (Global Environmental Youth Convention) about preventive environmental management. Both the course and convention were organized by Lund University in Sweden.During the distance course the high school students constructed and executed the project work. They decided to organize course content and prepare teaching materials on environmental issues for eight year old children. The project was presented in the convention.Among the results of this educational project it was observed that a very effective attitude can be obtained from an educational approach that sought a more affective link with nature. It was also observed that teenagers can be effective teachers and motivators of younger children.  相似文献   

海洋环境保护中的公众参与问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展的主体是公众,公众也是最终的受益者,因此可持续发展目标的实现在某种程度上取决于公众参与的方式与程度。可以说,公众参与程度已经成为衡量一个国家或者地区环境保护事业发达程度和环境管理水平高低的一个重要标志。相比之下,目前中国公众参与海洋环境保护的意识不强,参与的途径不多,方式也比较单一,同世界上一些先进国家相比,还有一定的差距。在中国海洋环境保护事业中,加强公众参与的力度,不仅有利于搞好环境保护和管理工作,也是符合国际惯例的。本文通过对公众参与涵义、意义与价值、在中国实行过程中存在的各种问题的论述,提出了提高公众参与有效性的相关建议。  相似文献   

医疗废物焚烧最佳可行技术的国际对比与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焚烧技术是医疗废物处理的主要技术之一。根据国际履约要求和国内医疗废物设施建设规划实施的要求,开展医疗废物焚烧最佳可行技术的研究和推广十分重要和迫切。本文在分析斯德哥尔摩公约秘书处编制的最佳可行技术导则中关于医疗废物焚烧最佳可行技术的基础上,结合我国国情,提出适合我国国情要求的最佳可行工艺和技术,提出包括工艺设备、关键材质选择、关键运行参数、关键操作要求等在内的最佳可行技术要求。  相似文献   

目的 为装备可靠性工程实施过程探索一种量化评估方法,改变现有可靠性工作要求不能通过量化评估直观反映装备可靠性工程完成情况的现状。方法 首先对装备可靠性工程中的可靠性管理、可靠性设计与分析、可靠性试验与评估、使用可靠性评估四个方面内容如何实施量化评估开展研究,解决评估工作的主要问题;其次明确评估基本要求,制定量化评估工作流程;最后以典型装备为评估对象,采用上述评估方法和流程为其开展可靠性工程实施过程量化评估工作。结果 通过本次量化评估,反映出该装备在可靠性工程实施过程较为完整和规范,同时也发现该装备可靠性工程实施过程中还需进一步提高和改善的工作项目。结论 通过对典型装备可靠性工程实施过程开展量化评估工作,可更直观地反映该装备可靠性工程实施成效,有针对性地提升型号装备整体质量与可靠性水平,以点带面,也可为同类型装备的可靠性工作提供更好的参考。  相似文献   

In modern society, science is considered to have a pivotal role in defining environmental risks and problems as well as proposing relevant solutions to them. However, even political action is needed, which is not the least apparent when it comes to transboundary environmental problems. Today, there is an urgent need to create ways for science and policy to co-operate to find acceptable international solutions to transboundary environmental problems.This article focuses on the relationship between science and policy within the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution (CLRTAP). The LRTAP convention is seen as one of the most science-based regimes that exist, and is considered by researchers as well as politicians an exemplary form of co-operation between science and policy. Within this convention the concept of critical loads (CL) of ecosystem and the interactive computer model of the regional acidification information system (RAINS) have served as important tools for connecting scientific knowledge to policy-making. Through an empirical investigation, the article shows that CL and RAINS have different meanings for the involved actors, which include heterogeneous views on the boundary between science and policy. However, this has not constrained but rather enabled co-operation. Through a flexible understanding of CL and RAINS, actors from different fields have been able to find and agree upon successful solutions.  相似文献   

As a party of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, China must submit its national implementation plan (NIP) for this convention. The strategy and action plan for reducing the release of dioxins in China are the most important components of the NIP. Three problems are key points for developing such strategy and action plan—what are the key sources for applying the best available technology/best environmental practice (BAT/BEP) to reduce the release of dioxins? How about the capacity for reducing the dioxins release from the key sources? Where are the areas of priority for applying BAT/BEP? This paper shows the efforts towards the solution of these problems. The list of key sources covering about half of the total dioxins release was determined considering four criteria. The capacity of key sources were estimated based on the difference between the emission factor corresponding to the actual situation in 2004 and that corresponding to the scenario that all key sources have been applied BAT/BEP to reduce the dioxins release. The priority analysis using the geographical information system (GIS) tool has revealed that castern provinces should be of high priority in the future reduction activities of dioxins release in China.  相似文献   

Carbon can be sequestered from the atmosphere to forests in order to lower the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. Tonne-years of sequestered carbon have been suggested to be used as a measure of global warming impact for these projects of finite lifetimes. It is illustrated here by simplified example cases that the objective of the stabilisation of the atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations expressed in the UN Climate convention and the tonne-year approach can be in contradiction. Tonne-years generated by the project can indicate that carbon sequestration helps in the mitigation of climate change even when the impact of the project on the CO2 concentration is that concentration increases. Hence, the use of the tonne-years might waste resources of fulfilling the objective of the convention. The studied example cases are closely related to the IPCC estimates on global forestation potentials by 2050. It is also illustrated that the use of bioenergy from the reforested areas to replace fossil fuels can in the long term contribute more effectively to the control of carbon dioxide concentrations than permanent sequestration of carbon to forests. However, the estimated benefits depend on the time frame considered, whether we are interested in the decadal scale of controlling of the rate of climate change or in the centennial scale of controlling or halting the climate change.  相似文献   

海洋环境监测方案是描述海洋环境监测工作内容的方案,内容是文字说明性质的。随着相关海洋环境监测软件系统对结构化的工作任务信息需求日益提高,必须考虑海洋环境监测方案任务标准化的实现方法。文中介绍了海洋环境监测方案任务标准化的原则,描述了实现过程,并给出了北海区海水监测方案任务标准化的实现示例,对未来海洋环境监测方案任务标准化的发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国行政复议法》将施行。针对县级环境保护行政执法人员认为自身没有复议权,该法的实施与已关系不大的偏面认识,通过分析执法工作现状,从清理文件与行政复议法规定要求衔接,增强责任感等方面提出要充分做好行政复议法实施前的各项准备工作。  相似文献   

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