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Sixty leading members of the scientific, engineering, regulatory, and legal communities assembled for the PFAS Experts Symposium in Arlington, Virginia on May 20 and 21, 2019 to discuss issues related to per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) based on the quickly evolving developments of PFAS regulations, chemistry and analytics, transport and fate concepts, toxicology, and remediation technologies.  The Symposium created a venue for experts with various specialized skills to provide opinions and trade perspectives on existing and new approaches to PFAS assessment and remediation in light of lessons learned managing other contaminants encountered over the past four decades. The following summarizes several consensus points developed as an outcome of the Symposium:
  • Regulatory and policy issues: The response by many states and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to media exposure and public pressure related to PFAS contamination is to relatively quickly initiate programs to regulate PFAS sites. This includes the USEPA establishing relatively low lifetime health advisory levels for PFAS in drinking water and even more stringent guidance and standards in several states. In addition, if PFAS are designated as hazardous substances at the federal level, as proposed by several Congressional bills, there could be wide‐reaching effects including listing of new Superfund sites solely for PFAS, application of stringent state standards, additional characterization and remediation at existing sites, reopening of closed sites, and cost renegotiation among PRPs.
  • Chemistry and analytics: PFAS analysis is confounded by the lack of regulatory‐approved methods for most PFAS in water and all PFAS in solid media and air, interference with current water‐based analytical methods if samples contain high levels of suspended solids, and sample collection and analytical interference due to the presence of PFAS in common consumer products, sampling equipment, and laboratory materials.
  • Toxicology and risk: Uncertainties remain related to human health and ecological effects for most PFAS; however, regulatory standards and guidance are being established incorporating safety factors that result in part per trillion (ppt) cleanup objectives. Given the thousands of PFAS that may be present in the environment, a more appropriate paradigm may be to develop toxicity criteria for groups of PFAS rather than individual PFAS.
  • Transport and fate: The recalcitrance of many perfluoroalkyl compounds and the capability of some fluorotelomers to transform into perfluoroalkyl compounds complicate conceptual site models at many PFAS sites, particularly those involving complex mixtures, such as firefighting foams. Research is warranted to better understand the physicochemical properties and corresponding transport and fate of most PFAS, of branched and linear isomers of the same compounds, and of the interactions of PFAS with other co‐contaminants such as nonaqueous phase liquids. Many PFAS exhibit complex transport mechanisms, particularly at the air/water interface, and it is uncertain whether traditional transport principles apply to the ppt levels important to PFAS projects. Existing analytical methods are sufficient when combined with the many advances in site characterization techniques to move rapidly forward at selected sites to develop and test process‐based conceptual site models.
  • Existing remediation technologies and research: Current technologies largely focus on separation (sorption, ion exchange, or sequestration). Due to diversity in PFAS properties, effective treatment will likely require treatment trains. Monitored natural attenuation will not likely involve destructive reactions, but be driven by processes such as matrix diffusion, sorption, dispersion, and dilution.
The consensus message from the Symposium participants is that PFAS present far more complex challenges to the environmental community than prior contaminants. This is because, in contrast to chlorinated solvents, PFAS are severely complicated by their mobility, persistence, toxicological uncertainties, and technical obstacles to remediation—all under the backdrop of stringent regulatory and policy developments that vary by state and will be further driven by USEPA. Concern was expressed about the time, expense, and complexity required to remediate PFAS sites and whether the challenges of PFAS warrant alternative approaches to site cleanups, including the notion that adaptive management and technical impracticability waivers may be warranted at sites with expansive PFAS plumes. A paradigm shift towards receptor protection rather than broad scale groundwater/aquifer remediation may be appropriate.  相似文献   

A US EPA directive and related technical protocol outline the information needed to determine if monitored natural attenuation (MNA) for chlorinated solvents is a suitable remedy for a site. For some sites, conditions such as complex hydrology or perturbation of the contaminant plume caused by an existing remediation technology (e.g., pump‐and‐treat) make evaluation of MNA using only field data difficult. In these cases, a deterministic approach using reactive transport modeling can provide a technical basis to estimate how the plume will change and whether it can be expected to stabilize in the future and meet remediation goals. This type of approach was applied at the Petro‐Processors Inc. Brooklawn site near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to evaluate and implement MNA. This site consists of a multicomponent nonaqueous‐phase source area creating a dissolved groundwater contamination plume in alluvial material near the Mississippi River. The hydraulic gradient of the groundwater varies seasonally with changes in the river stage. Due to the transient nature of the hydraulic gradient and the impact of a hydraulic containment system operated at the site for six years, direct field measurements could not be used to estimate natural attenuation processes. Reactive transport of contaminants were modeled using the RT3D code to estimate whether MNA has the potential to meet the site‐specific remediation goals and the requirements of the US EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Directive 9200.4‐17P. Modeling results were incorporated into the long‐term monitoring plan as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the MNA remedy. As part of the long‐term monitoring plan, monitoring data will be compared to predictive simulation results to evaluate whether the plume is changing over time as predicted and can be expected to stabilize and meet remediation goals. This deterministic approach was used to support acceptance of MNA as a remedy. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Using detailed mass balance and simple analytical models, a spreadsheet‐based application (BioBalance) was developed to equip decision makers with a predictive tool that can provide a semiquantitative projection of source‐zone concentrations and provide insight into the long‐term behavior of the associated chlorinated solvent plume. The various models were linked in a toolkit in order to predict the composite impacts of alternative source‐zone remediation technologies and downgradient attenuation processes. Key outputs of BioBalance include estimates of maximum plume size, the time frame for plume stabilization, and an assessment of the sustainability of anaerobic natural attenuation processes. The toolkit also provides spatial and temporal projections of integrated contaminant flux and plume centerline concentrations. Results from model runs of the toolkit indicate that, for sites trying to meet traditional, “final” remedial objectives (e.g., two to three orders of magnitude reduction in concentration with restoration to potable limits), “dispersive” mechanisms (e.g., heterogeneous flow and matrix diffusion) can extend remedial time frames and limit the benefits of source remediation in reducing plume sizes. In these cases, the removal of source mass does not result in a corresponding reduction in the time frame for source remediation or plume stabilization. However, this should not discourage practitioners from implementing source‐depletion technologies, since results from the toolkit demonstrate a variety of measurable benefits of source remediation. Model runs suggest that alternative, “intermediate” performance metrics can improve and clarify source remediation objectives and better monitor and evaluate effectiveness. Suggested intermediate performance metrics include reduction in overall concentrations or mass within the plume, reduction of flux moving within a plume, and reduction in the potential for risk to a receptor or migration of a target concentration of contaminant beyond a site boundary. This article describes the development of two key modules of the toolkit as well as illustrates the value of using intermediate performance metrics to evaluate the performance of a source‐remediation technology. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, significant time and money have been spent on better understanding and successfully applying bioremediation in the field. The results of these efforts provide a deeper un‐derstanding of aerobic and anaerobic microbial processes, the microbial species and environ‐mental conditions that are desirable for specific degradation pathways, and the limitations that may prevent full‐scale bioremediation from being successfully applied in heterogeneous subsur‐face environments. Numerous substrates have been identified as effective electron donors to stimulate anaerobic dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes, but methods of delivering these sub‐strates for in situ bioremediation (direct‐push injections, slug injections, high‐pressure injections, fracture wells, etc.) have yet to overcome the main limitation of achieving contact between these substrates and the contaminants. Therefore, although it is important (from a full‐scale remedia‐tion standpoint) to select an appropriate, low‐cost substrate that can be supplied in sufficient quantity to promote remediation of a large source area and its associated plume, it is equally im‐portant to ensure that the substrate can be delivered throughout the impacted plume zone. Failure to achieve substrate delivery and contact within the chlorinated solvent plume usually re‐sults in wasted money and limited remediation benefit. Bioremediation is a contact technology that cannot be effectively implemented on a large scale unless a method for rapidly delivering the low‐cost substrate across the entire source and plume areas is utilized. Unfortunately, many cur‐rent substrate delivery methods are not achieving sitewide distribution or treatment of the sorbed contaminant mass that exists in the organic fraction of a soil matrix. The following discussion sum‐marizes substrate delivery using an aggressive groundwater recirculation approach that can achieve plumewide contact between the contaminants and substrate, thus accelerating dechlori‐nation rates and shortening the overall remediation time frame. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A survey of experts in the application of natural attenuation was conducted to better understand how monitored natural attenuation (MNA) is being applied at chlorinated solvent sites. Thirty‐four remediation professionals provided general information for 191 sites where MNA was evaluated, and site‐specific data for 45 chlorinated solvent plumes being remediated by MNA. Respondents indicated that MNA was precluded as a remedy at only 23 percent of all sites where evaluated as a remedial option. Leading factors excluding MNA as a remedial approach were the presence of an expanding plume and an unreasonably long estimated remediation time frame. MNA is being used as the sole remedy at about 30 percent of the sites, and 33 percent are implementing MNA in conjunction with source zone remediation. The remaining sites are implementing MNA with plume remediation (13 percent), source containment (9 percent), or some other strategy (16 percent). © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, a soil removal action was completed at a former disposal pit site located in southern Michigan. This action removed waste oil, cutting oil, and chlorinated solvents from the unsaturated zone. To contain groundwater contaminant migration at the site, a groundwater pump‐and‐treat system comprised of two extraction wells operating at a combined flow of 50 gallons per minute, carbon treatment, and a permitted effluent discharge was designed, installed, and operated for over 10 years. Groundwater monitoring for natural attenuation parameters and contaminant attenuation modeling demonstrated natural attenuation of the contaminant plume was adequate to attain site closure. As a result of incomplete contaminant source removal, a rebound of contaminants above the levels established in the remedial action plan (RAP) has occurred in the years following system shutdown and site closure. Groundwater concentrations have raised concerns regarding potential indoor air quality at adjacent residential properties constructed in the past 9 to 10 years. The only remedial option available in the original RAP is to resume groundwater pump‐and‐treat. To remediate the source area, an alternate remediation strategy using an ozone sparge system was developed. The ozone sparge remediation strategy addresses the residual saturated zone contaminants beneath the former disposal pit and reestablishes site closure requirements without resumption of the pump‐and‐treat system. A pilot study was completed successfully; and the final system design was subsequently approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The system was installed and began operations in July 2010. As of the January 2011 monitoring event, the system has shown dramatic improvement in site contaminant concentrations. The system will continue to operate until monitoring results indicate that complete treatment has been obtained. The site will have achieved the RAP objectives when the system has been shut down and meets groundwater residential criteria for four consecutive quarters. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The migration of biogeochemical gradients is a useful framework for understanding the evolution of biogeochemical conditions in groundwater at waste sites contaminated with metals and radionuclides. This understanding is critical to selecting sustainable remedies and evaluating sites for monitored natural attenuation, because most attenuation mechanisms are sensitive to geochemical conditions, such as pH and redox potential. Knowledge of how gradients in these parameters evolve provides insights into the behavior of contaminants with time and guides characterization, remedy selection, and monitoring efforts. An example is a seepage basin site at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina where low‐level acidic waste has seeped into groundwater. The remediation of this site relies, in part, on restoring the natural pH of the aquifer by injecting alkaline solutions. The remediation will continue until the pH upflow of the treatment zone increases to an acceptable value. The time required to achieve this objective depends on the time it takes the trailing pH gradient, the gradient separating the plume from influxing natural groundwater, to reach the treatment zone. Predictions of this length of time will strongly influence long‐term remedial decisions. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Soil and groundwater contamination by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has been a significant concern to human health and environmental quality. Remediation of contaminated sites is crucial to prevent plume expansion but can prove challenging due to the persistent nature of PFAS combined with their high aqueous mobility. In this case study, we investigated the potential of colloidal activated carbon (CAC) for soil stabilization at the pilot scale, aiming to entrap PFAS and prevent their leaching from soil into groundwater. Monitoring of the site revealed the presence of two potential sources of PFAS contamination at concentrations up to 23 μg L−1 for ∑11PFAS in groundwater. After CAC application, initial results indicated a 76% reduction of ∑11PFAS and high removal rates for long-chain PFAS, such as perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid. A spike in concentrations was noticed 6 months after injection of CAC, showing a rebound of the plume and a reduction of treatment effectiveness. Based on long-term monitoring data, the treatment effectiveness for ∑11PFAS dropped to 52%. The rebound of concentrations was attributed to the plume bypass of the barrier due to the presence of high conductivity zones, which likely occurred because of seasonal changes in groundwater flow directions or the CAC application at the site. This demonstrates the need for a detailed and accurate hydrogeological understanding of contaminated sites before designing and applying stabilization techniques, especially at sites with high geologic and hydrologic complexity. The results herein can serve as a guideline for treating similar sites and help avoid potential pitfalls of remedial efforts.  相似文献   

The chlorinated solvent stabilizer 1,4‐dioxane (DX) has become an unexpected and recalcitrant groundwater contaminant at many sites across the United States. Chemical characteristics of DX, such as miscibility and low sorption potential, enable it to migrate at least as far as the chlorinated solvent from which it often originates. This mobility and recalcitrance has challenged remediation professionals to redesign existing treatment systems and monitoring networks to accommodate widespread contamination. Furthermore, remediation technologies commonly applied to chlorinated solvent co‐contaminants, such as extraction and air stripping or in situ enhanced reductive dechlorination, are relatively ineffective on DX removal. These difficulties in treatment have required the industry to identify, develop, and demonstrate new and innovative technologies and approaches for both ex situ and in situ treatment of this emerging contaminant. Great strides have been made over the past decade in the development and testing of remediation technologies for removal or destruction of DX in groundwater. This article briefly summarizes the fate and transport characteristics of DX that make it difficult to treat, and presents technologies that have been demonstrated to be applicable to groundwater treatment at the field scale.  ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation has recently been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an appropriate remedy for sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Because natural attenuation does not require active remediation, it is considerably less expensive than other groundwater remedies. However, as laid out in EPA's recently released guidance, careful, systematic evaluation of natural attenuation must be conducted to ensure that the remedial approach is appropriate for a given site. The guidance requires that data be collected to demonstrate that natural attenuation is occurring and a fate-and-transport model must be conducted to estimate the extent to which a contaminated plume will ultimately migrate. Finally, the proponent of natural attenuation must be prepared to conduct long-term groundwater monitoring to verify that natural attenuation is controlling plume migration and that human health and the environment are not adversely affected.  相似文献   

Per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of stable compounds widely used in diverse applications. These emerging contaminants have unique properties due to carbon–fluorine (C–F) bonds, which are some of the strongest bonds in chemistry. High energy is required to break C–F bonds, which results in this class of compounds being recalcitrant to many degradation processes. Many technologies studied that have shown treatment effectiveness for PFAS cannot be implemented in situ. Chemical oxidation is a demonstrated remediation technology for in situ treatment of a wide range of organic environmental contaminants. An overview of relevant literature is presented, summarizing the use of single or combined reagent chemical oxidation processes that offer insight into oxidation–reduction chemistries potentially capable of PFAS degradation. Based on the observations and results of these studies, bench‐scale treatability tests were designed and performed to establish optimal conditions for the formation of specific free radical species, including superoxide and sulfate radicals, via various combinations of oxidants, catalysts, pH buffers, and heat to assess PFAS treatment by chemical oxidants. The study also suggests the possible abiotic transformations of some PFAS when chemical oxidation is or was used for treatment of primary organic contaminants (e.g., petroleum or chlorinated organic compounds) at a site. The bench‐scale tests utilized field‐collected samples from a firefighter training area. Much of the available data related to chemical oxidation of PFAS has only been reported for one or both of the two more commonly discussed PFAS (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and/or perfluorooctanoic acid). In contrast, this treatability study evaluates oxidation of a diverse list of PFAS analytes. The results of this study and published literature conclude that heat‐activated persulfate is the oxidation method with the best degradation of PFAS. Limited reduction of reported PFAS concentrations in this study was observed in many oxidation reactors; however, unknown mass of PFAS (such as precursors of perfluoroalkyl acids) that cannot be identified in a field collected sample complicated quantification of how much oxidative destruction of PFAS actually occurred.  相似文献   

A residential area that was formerly part of a silver factory site severely contaminated with chlorinated solvents was remediated using an in situ electro‐bioreclamation technique. Electro‐bioreclamation is a method for heating soil and groundwater combined with soil vapor and low‐yield groundwater extraction and enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). During the first two years of remediation in the source area (the intensive phase), a total of 80 kg of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was removed by heating combined with ERD. After another two years of ERD in the source and plume areas (the attenuation phase), the VOC concentrations were reduced to a level below 100 μg/L in groundwater. Given these satisfying results, electro‐reclamation in combination with ERD turned out to be a successful in situ remediation technique for removing VOCs. © 2006Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are fluorinated compounds and the active ingredient in aqueous film‐forming foam (AFFF). AFFF has been identified as a significant source of PFAS contamination in groundwater. PFAS are also present in many other industrial and consumer products and their manufacture and use has led to numerous contaminated sites. Human health risks have been identified with studies linking firefighter cancers to training facilities where AFFF was used. Given the widespread release of these compounds to the environment and their potential health risks, understanding their mobility characteristics is important. This article details the occurrence and behavior of these substances in groundwater systems to help guide the emerging fields of PFAS investigation and remediation. Background is presented on AFFF and PFAS source characteristics, including common industrial and consumer PFAS sources. In addition, chemical properties, sorption and retention parameters, and observed transformation properties of PFAS and related compounds are discussed. Finally, knowledge gaps are identified for future laboratory and field studies.  相似文献   

Making remediation and risk management decisions for widely‐distributed chemicals is a challenging aspect of contaminated site management. The objective of this study is to present an initial evaluation of the ubiquitous, ambient environmental distribution of poly‐ and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) within the context of environmental decision‐making at contaminated sites. PFAS are anthropogenic contaminants of emerging concern with a wide variety of consumer and industrial sources and uses that result in multiple exposure routes for humans. The combination of widespread prevalence and low screening levels introduces considerable uncertainty and potential costs in the environmental management of PFAS. PFAS are not naturally‐occurring, but are frequently detected in environmental media independent of site‐specific (i.e., point source) contamination. Information was collected on background and ambient levels of two predominant PFAS, perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate, in North America in both abiotic media (soil, sediment, surface water, and public drinking water supplies) and selected biotic media (human tissues, fish, and shellfish). The background or ambient information was compiled from multiple published sources, organized by medium and concentration ranges, and evaluated for geographical trends and, when available, also compared to health‐based screening levels. Data coverage and quality varied from wide‐ranging and well‐documented for soil, surface water, and serum data to more localized and less well‐documented for sediment and fish and shellfish tissues and some uncertainties in the data were noted. Widespread ambient soil and sediment concentrations were noted but were well below human health‐protective thresholds for direct contact exposures. Surface water, drinking water supply waters (representing a combination of groundwater and surface water), fish and shellfish tissue, and human serum levels ranged from less than to greater than available health‐based threshold values. This evaluation highlights the need for incorporating literature‐based or site‐specific background into PFAS site evaluation and decision‐making, so that source identification, risk management, and remediation goals are properly focused and to also inform general policy development for PFAS management.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a remedial approach for completing the remediation of an aquifer contaminated with 1,1,2‐trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon‐113) and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (TCA). In 1987, approximately 13,000 pounds of Freon‐113 were spilled from a tank at an industrial facility located in the state of New York. The groundwater remediation program consisted of an extraction system coupled with airstripping followed by natural attenuation of residual contaminants. In the first phase, five recovery wells and an airstripping tower were operational from April 1993 to August 1999. During this time period over 10,000 pounds of CFC‐13 and 200 pounds of TCA were removed from the groundwater and the contaminant concentrations decreased by several orders of magnitude. However, the efficiency of the remediation system to recover residual Freon and/or TCA reduced significantly. This was evidenced by: (1) low levels (< 10 ppb) of Freon and TCA captured in the extraction wells and (2) a slight increase of Freon and/or TCA in off‐site monitoring wells. A detailed study was conducted to evaluate the alternative for the second‐phase remediation. Results of a two‐year groundwater monitoring program indicated the contaminant plume to be stable with no significant increase or decrease in contaminant concentrations. Monitored geochemical parameters suggest that biodegradation does not influence the fate and transport of these contaminants, but other mechanisms of natural attenuation (primarily sorption and dilution) appear to control the fate and transport of these contaminants. The contaminants appear to be bound to the soil matrix (silty and clay units) with limited desorption as indicated by the solid phase analyses of contaminant concentrations. Results of fate and transport modeling indicated that contaminant concentrations would not exceed the action levels in the wells that showed a slight increase in contaminant concentrations and in the downgradient wells (sentinel) during the modeled timeframe of 30 years. This feasibility study for natural attenuation led to the termination of the extraction system and a transaction of the property, resulting in a significant financial benefit for the original site owner. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The potential application of enhanced in situ bioremediation (EISB) for treatment of a plume containing high concentrations of 1,2‐dichloroethane (1,2‐DCA), as well as lower concentrations of other chlorinated ethanes, chlorinated methanes, and chlorinated ethenes was evaluated through the implementation of four field trials. The field trials confirmed that EISB is an effective technology for treating multiple contaminants, with estimated mass removal rates on the order of several kilograms per day and groundwater concentration reductions nearing 100 percent of the initial concentrations. The field trials also demonstrated that engineering controls could be effectively used to overcome potential inhibitions related to high concentrations of 1,2‐DCA. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A sulfuric acid leak in 1988 at a chloroethene‐contaminated groundwater site at the Naval Air Station Pensacola has resulted in a long‐term record of the behavior of chloroethene contaminants at low pH and a unique opportunity to assess the potential impact of source area treatment technologies, which involve acidification of the groundwater environment (e.g., Fenton's‐based in situ chemical oxidation), on downgradient natural attenuation processes. The greater than 75 percent decrease in trichloroethene (TCE) concentrations and the shift in contaminant composition toward predominantly reduced daughter products (dichloroethene [DCE] and vinyl chloride [VC]) that were observed along a 30‐m groundwater flow path characterized by highly acidic conditions (pH = 3.5 ± 0.4) demonstrated that chloroethene reductive dechlorination can continue to be efficient under persistent acidic conditions. The detection of Dehalococcoides‐type bacteria within the sulfuric acid/chloroethene co‐contaminant plume was consistent with biotic chloroethene reductive dechlorination. Microcosm studies conducted with 14C‐TCE and 14C‐VC confirmed biotic reductive dechlorination in sediment collected from within the sulfuric acid/chloroethene co‐contaminant plume. Microcosms prepared with sediment from two other locations within the acid plume, however, demonstrated only a limited mineralization to 14CO2 and 14CO, which was attributed to abiotic degradation because no significant differences were observed between experimental and autoclaved control treatments. These results indicated that biotic and abiotic mechanisms contributed to chloroethene attenuation in the acid plume at NAS Pensacola and that remediation techniques involving acidification of the groundwater environment (e.g., Fenton's‐based source area treatment) do not necessarily preclude efficient chloroethene degradation. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Chlorinated ethenes such as trichloroethene (TCE), cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene (cis‐1,2‐DCE), and vinyl chloride along with per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been identified as chemicals of concern in groundwater; with many of the compounds being confirmed as being carcinogens or suspected carcinogens. While there are a variety of demonstrated in‐situ technologies for the treatment of chlorinated ethenes, there are limited technologies available to treat PFAS in groundwater. At a former industrial site shallow groundwater was impacted with TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride at concentrations up to 985, 258, and 54 µg/L, respectively. The groundwater also contained maximum concentrations of the following PFAS: 12,800 ng/L of perfluoropentanoic acid, 3,240 ng/L of perfluorohexanoic acid, 795 ng/L of perfluorobutanoic acid, 950 ng/L of perfluorooctanoic acid, and 2,140 ng/L of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid. Using a combination of adsorption, biotic, and abiotic degradation in situ remedial approaches, the chemicals of concern were targeted for removal from the groundwater with adsorption being utilized for PFAS whereas adsorption, chemical reduction, and anaerobic biodegradation were used for the chlorinated ethenes. Sampling of the groundwater over a 24‐month period indicated that the detected PFAS were treated to either their detection, or below the analytical detection limit over the monitoring period. Postinjection results for TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride indicated that the concentrations of the three compounds decreased by an order of magnitude within 4 months of injection, with TCE decreasing to below the analytical detection limit over the 24‐month monitoring period. Cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride concentrations decreased by over 99% within 8 months of injections, remaining at or below these concentrations during the 24‐month monitoring period. Analyses of Dehalococcoides, ethene, and acetylene over time suggest that microbiological and reductive dechlorination were occurring in conjunction with adsorption to attenuate the chlorinated ethenes and PFAS within the aquifer. Analysis of soil cores collected pre‐ and post‐injection, indicated that the distribution of the colloidal activated carbon was influenced by small scale heterogeneities within the aquifer. However, all aquifer samples collected within the targeted injection zone contained total organic carbon at concentrations at least one order of magnitude greater than the preinjection total organic carbon concentrations.  相似文献   

At many sites, long‐term monitoring (LTM) programs include metals as chemicals of concern, although they may not be site‐related contaminants and their detected concentrations may be natural. At other sites, active remediation of organic contaminants in groundwater results in changes to local geochemical conditions that affect metal concentrations. Metals should be carefully considered at both types of sites, even if they are not primary contaminants of concern. Geochemical evaluation can be performed at LTM sites to determine if the monitored metals reflect naturally high background and, hence, can be removed from the analytical program. Geochemical evaluation can also be performed pre‐ and post‐treatment at active remediation sites to document the effects of organics remediation on metals and identify the processes controlling metal concentrations. Examples from both types of sites are presented in this article. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A bench‐scale treatability study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of alkaline ozonation on removing per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) present in groundwater at a former industrial site in Michigan. The study involved testing the PFAS‐impacted groundwater under alkaline ozonating conditions under a range of experimental conditions, including modifying pH, hydrogen peroxide‐to‐ozone molar ratio doses, length of ozonation pretreatment times, and sampling techniques. PFAS‐spiked samples were used to determine if inorganic ions such as fluoride (F?), sulfate (SO42?), formate (HCOO?), acetate (CH3COO?), and trifluoroacetate (CF3COO?) were generated or if there were decreases in total organic fluorine resulting from PFAS treatment. The results from all tests indicate that decreases in PFAS concentrations were due to a combination of removal and destructive mechanisms with enhanced removal under acidic pH ozonation pretreatment conditions. Short‐chain PFAS concentrations increased during the experiments followed by an overall decrease in concentration under continuous alkaline ozonation conditions. Reductions in concentrations in perfluorooctane sulfonic acid of 75–97% were observed. Reductions in concentrations were also observed in other PFAS such as 6:2 FTS, PFHxS, PFOA, and PFNA. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that alkaline ozonation has been performed on PFAS‐impacted water while monitoring a larger suite of PFAS analytes in addition to destruction byproducts. Treatment of PFAS under the conditions discussed in this paper suggests that alkaline ozonation may be a viable remediation option for PFAS‐impacted waters.  相似文献   

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