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“限塑令”对塑料袋回收利用影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对我国塑料袋回收利用的现状及案例调研显示,“限塑令”对塑料袋的回收利用具有促进作用;但“限塑令”实施的预期效果目前尚不明显。“限塑令”有待进一步推广,相应的回收利用体系也亟待建设与健全。  相似文献   

<正>白色污染2008年6月1日,"限塑令"正式实施。曾经大刀阔斧的"限塑令",在推行9年后,却面临名存实亡的窘境。媒体近日报道,一度有所遏制的塑料袋使用量,近年重新开始反弹。在菜场、超市、商场等消费场所,以及快递、外卖等消费服务环节中,塑料袋使用几乎无所不在,"限塑令"早已变为有偿使用塑料袋的"卖塑生意"。而一  相似文献   

"从2008年6月1日起,在全国范围内禁止生产、销售、使用超薄塑料购物袋,在所有超市、商场、集贸市场等商品零售场所实行塑料购物袋有偿使用制度,一律不得免费提供塑料购物袋。"国务院办公厅的一纸"限塑令"引发了全国的大讨论:购物袋有偿使用能否限住"白色污染"?"限塑令"在执行中又将遭遇怎样的挑战?谁为环保新政买单?告别了塑料袋的免费午餐时代,人们的生活将有何变化?传统的菜篮是否将重出江湖?  相似文献   

国家发改委副秘书长赵家荣前不久表示,发改委将继续会同有关部门,从强化地方政府责任、深入开展宣传、加大监督检查力度、完善相关政策等方面进一步完善和落实“限塑令”,其中包括研究利用价格税收杠杆来进一步限制塑料袋的生产和使用。  相似文献   

国家六部委发布通知集贸市场送塑料袋将受罚国家发改委等6部门近日通知,今年7月至8月将在全国集中开展限制生产销售使用塑料购物袋专项行动,禁止无偿或变相无偿提供塑料购物袋,对违反规定的商品零售场所经营者,特别是集贸市场开办者将给予处罚。我国"限塑令"实施已经3年。由于超薄塑料购物袋使用量最大,而且容易破损、不能重复利用,大多随  相似文献   

通过对"限塑令"实施一年来效果的分析,针对"限塑令"实施工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的整改意见。  相似文献   

北京市在1998年1月1日起,发布的《关于对废弃的一次性塑制餐盒必须回收利用的通告》、《关于禁止销售(使用)超薄型塑料袋的通告》正式实施后,通过广泛的宣传,有关部门组织对集贸市场的联合检查,超薄塑料袋的滥用得到一定遏制。一些市场自发地实行塑料袋统一制作和订购,收到一定效果在塑制餐盒回收方面,由7个塑制餐具生产厂家共同成立了回收组织,投资610万元建设了月处理量为200吨的再生处理厂,在市区设立了10个回收站,进行有偿回收。回收费从各个餐具生产企业按每月其产品在京销售量的比例进行征集,再定期向回收站支付。回收组…  相似文献   

“白色污染”所包含的内容要比我们目前遇到的视觉污染、土壤土质破坏、动物误食更为严重。如今,全面实施“限塑令”之后成效如何?还存在哪些问题,我们能够给政府部门和市民提供哪些建议和指导?带着这样的思考,复旦大学环境科学专业的同学们利用2008年暑假,将上海市杨浦区部分大卖场及商品零售场所使用塑料袋的情况作为一个课题,开始了社会实践。  相似文献   

"限塑令"实施后,环保购物袋作为一次性塑料购物袋的替代品大量进入市场,本文运用生命周期评价方法对聚乙烯、牛皮纸、淀粉基塑料、无纺布和棉布等环保购物袋的环保性能进行了比较研究,旨在为提高购物袋的环保性能提供有益参考.  相似文献   

多把钥匙开一把锁——看世界各地治理“白色污染”   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
要解决塑料袋带来的烦恼,我们不妨借鉴西方发达国家的“禁白”经验。自1989年起,丹麦、荷兰、美国、英国、法国、日本、意大利和德国等发达国家,在限制或禁止使用非降解塑料制品的同时,都制定出分步骤实施时间表。美国首先从立法的角度对塑料袋使用进行监管,近半数的州从1989年7  相似文献   

Whether to recycle the recyclable fraction in the MSW (municipal solid waste) or to incinerate it for energy recovery is a debating issue. In this paper we present a simple criterion to judge what type of waste components should be recycled or incinerated with energy recovery. According to the R1 formula presented by the waste framework directive (Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament), this paper calculates the energy performances of MSW waste-to-energy plants currently operated in Taiwan firstly. By using the assumed value of energy recovery efficiency and carbon emission costs, we compare the treatment methods between recycling (material recovery) and energy recovery by the cost and benefit analysis, and examine the suitability of recycling for waste fractions of paper, food waste, PET, PVC, and plastic bags/films under a variety of scenarios. The results show that food waste is more appropriate to be treated by recycling while plastic bags/films are suggested to be incinerated with energy recovery.  相似文献   

Since 2007, some supermarkets in Portugal have voluntarily abolished the free distribution of plastic bags, implementing a symbolic charge of €0.02 each at the same time that others still offer free plastic bags. This study assesses the influence of this voluntary measure on the reduction of plastic bags consumption, comparing clients from supermarkets that have adopted it with others who have free distribution. The reutilisation of bags reached 37% in supermarkets where customers pay a fee and was absent in supermarkets where plastic bags are free. Even the abstention of using bags, when clients buy only few products, is significantly higher in supermarkets where there are charges for plastic bags. The 2 cents charged has also induced a significant increase in optimal use of plastic bags since 52% of clients that pay for plastic bags use them so they are almost full, but only 17% do the same when they are free. Taken together, the different effects of charging for plastic bags represents a potential reduction of 64%. A mandatory tax on plastic bags is an important measure to reduce substantially the number of plastic bags consumed and to improve sustainability through the reduction of environmental, economic and social costs of pollution and waste management.  相似文献   

介绍了浙江省富阳市富伦造纸厂开发回收利用废弃牛奶盒、饮料盒的分离再利用技术,实现了不可降解废弃物的循环利用。分析了企业扩大再生产后遇到的问题,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

新疆阿瓦提县废旧地膜回收利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿瓦提县地膜的过量使用使当地土壤环境逐渐恶化,严重污染了农村环境,并影响了农机作业质量的提高。通过分析2011年阿瓦提县地膜使用相关数据及地膜回收利用情况,提出了阿瓦提县地膜回收利用的优化对策:加大对"白色污染"危害性的宣传,提升广大农民群众的生态文明意识;发展废旧地膜回收利用企业,拓宽回收渠道;制定优惠政策,加大支持力度,促进废旧地膜回收利用;从农艺上防治和减少地膜残留;采取人工和机械回收相结合的措施,加大残留地膜回收力度。  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to investigate the reduction of plastic bag usage at supermarkets. Many behaviors leading to potential damage to the environment may be unintentional. This study applied a dual motivation model to plastic bag usage and examined the effects of an intervention aimed at promoting pro-environmental behavior. A voice prompt intervention was implemented in Japanese supermarkets. In the first (control) week, shoppers were given free plastic bags by the cashier. In the second (intervention) week, cashiers asked shoppers whether they wanted plastic bags. We collected observational and questionnaire measures of variables that predicted free plastic bag usage during the intervention. The results supported a dual motivation model of behavioral change. The voice prompt decreased the usage of plastic bags by both discouraging unintentional usage and encouraging an intentional reduction in usage. Possibilities for interventions designed both to attenuate unintentional motivation and to promote intentional motivation are considered.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of municipal promotion and education (P&E) investments on the recycling rates of recyclables found in Ontario's residential waste stream. Using panel data collected from 223 Ontario municipalities between 2003 and 2012, this study examines whether investments in recycling P&E lead to an increase in household recycling. Investments in recycling promotion and education have been characterized as a policy best practice and is promoted as one of the primary drivers of resource conservation and sustainability in Ontario. Focus is placed on analyzing: (a) the relationship between P&E expenditures and recycling rates in the province, (b) the relationship between municipal recycling rates and P&E investments at different funding levels and (c) the impact of locality on promotion and education efficacy. The results of the statistical regressions indicate that investments in recycling P&E do not increase municipal recycling rates, necessitating a re-evaluation of existing policy and management practices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Artificial substrates were designed using rock filled polyethylene bags which were perforated with holes. The substrates trapped waterborne sediment and detritus which enhanced microhabitat complexity. Colonization was compared in side-by-side tests with multiple plate samplers in mountain streams ranging from second to seventh order. After 41 days the bag samples contained more sediment and detritus and more animals than did multiple plates. Plastic bags exceeded multiple plate samples by a factor of nearly 8 for individuals and 1.5 for taxa expressed as numbers/sampler. Although detritus amounts differed significantly between samplers, catch composition was similar in habitat preference and functional groups. Most taxa were “lotic erosional” or “lotic erosional-depositional” detritivores. The plastic bags better represented the streambed fauna judged by their greater similarity to dip net samples. Bag samplers had 4.5 × the colonization area of multiple plates, hence would be expected to support more species. Catch/m2 of colonization area was not significantly different between samplers. Functionally the plastic bags act as detritus retention devices, offering a diverse, highly dynamic microhabitat for colonization. Results are interpretable in terms of research on microdistribution of stream benthos and the river continuum model. This study supports the conclusion that stream benthos abundance and diversity are related to the amount of detritus. Maximum diversity and numbers of individuals occurred in samples from third and fourth order streams. Grazers reached peak abundances in the same streams where the continuum model predicts P>R Shredders reached maximum abundances in third and fourth order streams where the riparian canopy was greatest. Predator abundance changed little with stream size. Although bag samples required more sorting time, the samplers are catch effective, inexpensive, and adaptable.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is a compact and ‘land-hungry’ city where recycling has become an important measure for treating waste and reducing the demand on the limited landfills. The objectives of this paper are to extend the model of recycling attitude and behaviour to explain the relationship between perceived policy effectiveness and recycling behaviour. Previous studies on recycling attitude and behaviour had widely adopted the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the norm activation model (NAM), and drawn policy implications from them. Nevertheless, little research has been conducted to investigate the role of perceived effectiveness of policy measures in predicting recycling behaviour. To address this, a model that integrates the TPB and NAM was proposed in this study, and a street survey was conducted to investigate the case. The results illustrate that recycling intention is influenced by subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, moral norms, and awareness of consequences, as well as a newly proposed construct, namely perceived policy effectiveness. The study proved self-reported recycling behaviour (direct behaviour) and support for policy measures (indirect behaviour) are influenced by recycling intention. All in all the Government should provide more recycling bins, guidelines on recycling activities, and should accent what it has been doing to facilitate and encourage recycling.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of recycling depends upon efficient functioning of secondary material markets. This paper focus on the role that price volatility can play in slowing investment and market development. However, a statistical analysis of the relative volatility of secondary and primary material prices does not confirm the widely-held belief that relative price volatility is higher in secondary than in primary materials, at least at national levels.An econometric estimation of the determinants of plastic recovery volumes in Seattle contributes to the literature in four ways: the use of monthly (as opposed to annual) data; the use of local (as opposed to national) data; the use of an explanatory variable to reflect price volatility; and, the focus on plastics, which have not been examined previously. Some tentative conclusions can be made: the results generally support the principal hypothesis that price volatility has a negative effect on recovery of secondary materials; in addition, and consistent with previous studies, price elasticities are low and insignificant; and finally, policy factors are clearly important. The concluding section treats the economic and policy implications of market inefficiency in secondary material markets.  相似文献   

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