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Biomarkers in feral fish can be a useful tool for environmental monitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Drawbacks, however, are that suitable fish species are not always available and that natural variations can bias the results. An alternative strategy is to use farmed fish placed in cages. There is, however, still a risk that factors other than pollution level could have an impact on the biomarkers and the observed responses in the fish. The present study evaluates the effects of feeding procedure on biomarkers in caged fish. Two feeding rations (2% and 8% weekly feeding) have been examined for a large number of biomarkers in caged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Significant effects of feeding rations were found on hepatic ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and catalase activity, PAH metabolites in bile, plasma ion concentrations and the presence of immature red blood cells. The influence on EROD activity and PAH metabolites seems to be caused by elevated uptake of pollutants when feeding ratios are higher. The effects on other biochemical and physiological variables are more likely caused by stress due to insufficient feeding. According to these results, valid comparison of fish groups in environmental monitoring requires standardized feeding levels.  相似文献   

In-situ caged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) studies reveal significant fish toxicity and fish stress in a river impacted by headwater acid rock drainage (ARD). Stocked trout survival and aqueous water chemistry were monitored for 10 days at 3 study sites in the Snake River watershed, Colorado, U.S.A. Trout mortality was positively correlated with concentrations of metals calculated to be approaching or exceeding conservative toxicity thresholds (Zn, Mn, Cu, Cd). Significant metal accumulation on the gills of fish stocked at ARD impacted study sites support an association between elevated metals and fish mortality. Observations of feeding behavior and significant differences in fish relative weights between study site and feeding treatment indicate feeding and metals-related fish stress. Together, these results demonstrate the utility of in-situ exposure studies for stream stakeholders in quantifying the relative role of aqueous contaminant exposures in limiting stocked fish survival.  相似文献   

Continuous, in situ monitoring of air, water and land quality is fundamental to most environmental applications. Low cost and non-invasive chemical sensor arrays provide a suitable technique for in situ monitoring. Their ability and performance under realistic conditions is discussed in this paper. Published studies report promising results despite a number of limitations that are associated with both the technology itself and its application in ever changing ambient conditions. Early investigations include the analysis of single substances as well as odour and wastewater organic load monitoring. Reported applications typically highlight the sensitivity of the currently available sensors to changes in temperature, humidity and flow rate. Two types of approaches are recommended to deal with these effects: either working under fixed experimental conditions or measuring the external parameters to numerically compensate for their change. The main challenge associated with the use of non-specific sensor arrays lies in establishing a relationship between the measured multivariate signals and the standards metrics that are traditionally used for quality assessment of gas mixtures. For instance, odour monitoring requires calibration against olfactometric measurements while investigations of wastewater samples still need to be correlated with organic pollution parameters such as BOD, COD or TOC. On the other hand, results obtained in the field have demonstrated how sensor arrays can be readily used as simple alarm devices or as early warning systems based on a general air/water quality index.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the response of three hepatic biomarkers in adult sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus 1758) caged at a wastewater outlet of an oil refinery with fish caged at a pristine site used as controls. The biomarkers that were investigated were the hepatosomatic index (HSI), 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity. In addition, we have measured the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and selected heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper and zinc) in sediment samples at the polluted site. Although the polluted site had high environmental levels of PAHs and heavy metals, there was no difference in hepatic EROD activity and HSI between fish caged at the polluted site and controls. On the other hand, GST activity was significantly lower in fish caged at the polluted site compared to controls. Our results point out that the studied biomarkers have limited use in environmental risk assessment studies, at least when caged adult sea bass is used as the sentinel species and complex toxicant mixtures are involved.  相似文献   

This study quantifies metal concentrations in washed and unwashed feathers of feral pigeons (Columba livia). The material was collected in two different sites: Goiania (capital of Goiás State), with high anthropic activities, and Jataí (a city in Goiás), with low anthropic activities. Results revealed that metals such as Pb, Cr, and Cd were deposited in the feathers originating from air and soil (exogenous process). Other metals such as Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, which are part of the tissue constitution of a living being, were absorbed through the pigeons' diet (endogenous process). There was a statistically significant difference between mean values of Cd, Pb, and Cr in the three collection sites. The order of metal concentrations were Civic Square > Zoo > Jataí, which shows highest levels of metal contamination in anthropic environments. Significant differences between Cd, Pb, and Cr in washed and unwashed feathers suggest that metal concentrations are directly related to exposure time due to exogenous sources. We concluded that it is possible to quantify and monitor metal levels in the environment by analyzing the feathers of urban feral pigeons. Furthermore, unwashed feathers were especially efficient to investigate endogenous and exogenous absorption of the metals in our study.  相似文献   

Offshore geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2), known as offshore carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), has been under active investigation as a safe, effective mitigation option for reducing CO2 levels from anthropogenic fossil fuel burning and climate change. Along with increasing trends in implementation plans and related logistics on offshore CCS, thorough risk assessment (i.e. environmental impact monitoring) needs to be conducted to evaluate potential risks, such as CO2 gas leakage at injection sites. Gas leaks from offshore CCS may affect the physiology of marine organisms and disrupt certain ecosystem functions, thereby posing an environmental risk. Here, we synthesize current knowledge on environmental impact monitoring of offshore CCS with an emphasis on biological aspects and provide suggestions for better practice. Based on our critical review of preexisting literatures, this paper: 1) discusses key variables sensitive to or indicative of gas leakage by summarizing physico-chemical and ecological variables measured from previous monitoring cruises on offshore CCS; 2) lists ecosystem and organism responses to a similar environmental condition to CO2 leakage and associated impacts, such as ocean acidification and hypercapnia, to predict how they serve as responsive indicators of short- and long-term gas exposure, and 3) discusses the designs of the artificial gas release experiments in fields and the best model simulation to produce realistic leakage scenarios in marine ecosystems. Based on our analysis, we suggest that proper incorporation of biological aspects will provide successful and robust long-term monitoring strategies with earlier detection of gas leakage, thus reducing the risks associated with offshore CCS.  相似文献   

The applicability of a low resolution (8 cm-1) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) gas analyser with an absorption path length of 3 m was evaluated for the on-line monitoring of organic solvent mixture emissions in a flexographic ink manufacturing plant. The on-line monitoring revealed that the highest variations of solvent concentrations, up to three decades, occurred in the exhaust air. The FTIR analyser with a dynamic range of four decades covers well the concentration ranges typically found in the exhaust air and in the workroom air of ink manufacturing plants. The average emission rate of solvent mixture based on a sampling period of two days was 1.8 kg h-1 consisting of mainly ethanol (70%), ethyl acetate (15%) and propan-2-ol (11%). The detection limits of the analyser for the solvent compounds ranged from 0.3 to 4.3 mg m-3 and the measurement uncertainty was less than 10% in the concentration range of 8-15,000 mg m-3. These characteristics make the apparatus appropriate for most industrial hygiene applications. An FTIR spectrophotometer, equipped with an multipoint sampling unit, facilitates rapid identification of solvent components, real-time display of concentration data relevant to workroom air and environment monitoring as well as process control. Furthermore, the on-line concentration information enabled a rapid selection of representative sampling locations. The spectrophotometer is transportable, rugged and relatively simple to calibrate even in a hostile industrial environment.  相似文献   

Recently introduced microwave plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (MP-AES) represents yet another and very important addition to the existing array of modern instrumental analytical techniques. In this study, an attempt is made to summarize the performance characteristics of MP-AES and its potential as an analytical tool for environmental studies with some practical examples from Patancheru and Uppal industrial sectors of Hyderabad city. A range of soil, sediment, water reference materials, particulate matter, and real-life samples were chosen to evaluate the performance of this new analytical technique. Analytical wavelengths were selected considering the interference effects of other concomitant elements present in different sample solutions. The detection limits for several elements were found to be in the range from 0.05 to 5 ng/g. The trace metals analyzed in both the sectors followed the topography with more pollution in the low-lying sites. The metal contents were found to be more in ground waters than surface waters. Since a decade, the pollutants are transfered from Patancheru industrial area to Musi River. After polluting Nakkavagu and turning huge tracts of agricultural lands barren besides making people residing along the rivulet impotent and sick, industrialists of Patancheru are shifting the effluents to downstream of Musi River through an 18-km pipeline from Patancheru. Since the effluent undergoes primary treatment at Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) at Patanchru and travels through pipeline and mixes with sewage, the organic effluents will be diluted. But the inorganic pollutants such as heavy and toxic metals tend to accumulate in the environmental segments near and downstreams of Musi River. The data generated by MP-AES of toxic metals like Zn, Cu, and Cr in the ground and surface waters can only be attributed to pollution from Patancheru since no other sources are available to Musi River.  相似文献   

Monitoring chronic impacts of nearshore pollution on fish in Atlantic marine systems is challenging due to the mobility and seasonal nature of most habitat use. We evaluated Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) as a potential indicator of pollution across a gradient of contaminated sites in the Saint John River Estuary, New Brunswick, Canada. Fish returning from offshore in the spring showed no differences in length, weight, or condition factor between sites, but a graded response in condition factor appeared gradually, consistent with levels of contamination. Gonad size peaked in early June, however no differences in GSI were found among sites. By September, most fish collected were young of the year, with a significant bias towards female juveniles at the exposed site. These results indicate that Atlantic silverside are locally resident during their onshore period, and demonstrates their potential as a sentinel species. Sampling should focus on early June prior to the full moon to ensure maximal exposure periods before spawning, or in late October to evaluate growth as fish grow rapidly prior to offshore movement.  相似文献   

The design of environmental monitoring programs is frequently hampered by a lack of objective, quantitative criteria for evaluating alternative monitoring variables. In this paper we describe two such criteria, which we call samples required — the number of samples required to detect a given change in value — and information imparted — the amount of environmental information revealed by the monitoring variable. We then use these criteria to evaluate fin erosion in winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) and Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) as marine environmental monitoring variables. Two methods for determining the samples required use contaminated and reference areas to estimate the sample statistics of a hypothetical impacted population. The first method is based on the overall difference in the proportions of diseased fish in the reference and hypothetical populations. The second treats the proportion of diseased fish in individual trawls as the variate and determines the samples required based on the mean and variance of the reference and contaminated populations. We use both methods to predict the number of trawls needed to detect an increase of 200% in fin erosion in the reference population. The first method had greater statistical power but assumes spatially homogeneous populations. The second method accounts for environmental patchiness. For Dover sole it predicted 1661 trawls would be needed to detect the 200% increase. An estuarine winter flounder population would require 74 trawls, and an oceanic winter flounder population would require 142.5 trawls. It appears that fin erosion in winter flounder may be a useful indicator of environmental contamination, but several stipulations apply. Migration may inflate the number of diseased fish observed in the reference population, and a more detailed etiology of the disease is required, including an understanding of what contaminants are responsible for manifestation of the disease.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, lead levels decreased significantly in most marine biota from the Baltic Sea, the Kattegatt and the Skagerrack and in terrestrial biota from south and central Sweden, analysed in the National Swedish Environmental Monitoring Programme. In herring and cod liver, the decrease was 4.2-7.1% annually 1981-2003 and in perch liver and guillemot eggs analysed since the middle of the 1990s the decrease was 10-13%. In kidneys of young starlings from south and central Sweden, lead levels decreased 6.2-12% annually and the annual decrease in liver and kidney from young moose was 8.8% and 6.5%, respectively. In northern Sweden, lead levels decreased in pike liver by 2.8% between 1969 and 1994 and in reindeer liver by 3.5% annually while a significant increase (5% annually 1981-1994) has been detected in arctic char. In some marine biota, there were indications of a larger decrease during the last ten years compared to the whole period. The large decline in lead emission to the atmosphere during the last twenty years, mainly because of decreasing use of leaded gasoline has obviously resulted in decreasing lead levels in biota.  相似文献   

对铜的 3条谱线 (2 49.2 nm、2 61 .4nm,3 2 4.8nm ) ,铅的 2条谱线 (2 83 .3 nm、2 1 7.0 1 nm )以及锌的 2条谱线(3 0 7.6nm、2 1 3 .9nm ) ,共 7条谱线的灵敏度、检测限、线性范围进行了归纳性总结 ,并对多种共存元素可能存在的干扰情况进行了研究 ,认为利用元素不同分析谱线的分析灵敏度差异 ,根据被测元素在样品消解液中含量 ,选择合适的谱线进行分析 ,既降低工作强度 ,又能获得满意结果  相似文献   

In environmental monitoring, environmental impact assessments and environmental audits, topographical maps play an essential role in providing a means by which the locations of sampling sites may be selected, in assisting with the interpretation of physical features, and in indicating the impact or potential impact on an area due to changes in the system being monitored (e.g., spatially changing features such as wetlands). Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are hereby presented as a rapid method for monitoring spatial changes to support environmental monitoring decisions and policies. To validate the GNSS-based method, a comparison is made of results from a small-scale topographic survey using radio-based real-time kinematic GNSS (GNSS-RTK) and total station survey methods at Jack Finnery Lake, Perth, Australia. The accuracies achieved by the total station in this study were 2 cm horizontally and 6 cm vertically, while the GNSS-RTK also achieved an accuracy of 2 cm horizontally, but only 28 cm vertically. While the GNSS-RTK measurements were less accurate in the height component compared to those from the total station method, it is still capable of achieving accuracies sufficient for a topographic map at a scale of 1:1,750 that could support environmental monitoring tasks such as identifying spatial changes in small water bodies or wetlands. The time taken to perform the survey using GNSS-RTK, however, was much shorter compared to the total station method, thereby making it quite suitable for monitoring spatial changes within an environmental context, e.g., dynamic mining activities that require rapid surveys and the updating of the monitored data at regular intervals.  相似文献   

Although octachlorostyrene (OCS) was never used as a commercial product, it may be produced during incineration and combustion processes involving chlorinated compounds. Its environmental spreading was evaluated through the analysis of several representative samples. OCS could not be measured in soil samples collected from urban and rural areas or sediments, but was present (up to 5.41 ng/g dry weight) in industrial soil collected near chemically polluted areas. For aquatic biota samples, the OCS concentrations in freshwater mussels ranged from <0.01 ng/g wet weight (ww) to 0.18 ng/g ww (mean 0.06 ng/g ww) and similar levels could be measured in 11 freshwater fish species from Belgium and Romania. A higher OCS contamination level was found in shrimps (mean 0.08 ng/g ww) compared to marine fish (mean 0.02 ng/g ww for bib and 0.01 ng/g ww for sole and whiting, respectively). OCS could also be measured in 19 harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) liver samples with a mean value of 1.90 ng/g ww. According to these data, it could be computed that the biomagnification factor for OCS was one order of magnitude lower than that of HCB in the fish-porpoise food chain. The mean OCS concentrations in blue tits (Parus caeruleus) eggs and great tits (Parus major) adipose tissue were 1.24 ng/g ww and 3.24 ng/g ww, respectively. OCS could be measured in different tissues of hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), with the highest concentrations found in adipose tissue (mean 0.34 ng/g ww) and liver (mean 0.39 ng/g ww). In contrast, only low concentrations of OCS could be measured in human adipose tissue (up to 0.38 ng/g ww) and liver (up to 0.05 ng/g ww), while it could not be detected in human brain or lung. The relationship between the concentrations of OCS and HCB was also discussed for each species.  相似文献   

In an effort to combat rising groundwater tables andexpanding saline lakes, saline water has been disposedof into the aquatic environment, despite there beinglittle information as to the environmental effects.Monitoring of the effect of saline lake water disposalon aquatic macroinvertebrates and water quality wasconducted in the Barwon River, south west Victoria,Australia, in association with toxicity tests. Thedisposal of saline lake water was associated withchanges in macroinvertebrate community structure.Contrary to expectations, increases in electricalconductivity (a measure of salinity) was not the onlywater quality parameter associated with saline waterdisposal. An experiment was conducted where thetoxicity of saline lake water was compared to that ofa prepared solution of the same electricalconductivity. Toxicity was greater in the saline lakewater than the prepared solution. The results suggestthat saline water disposal is impacting onmacroinvertebrate fauna but electrical conductivity isnot the only factor responsible. These results haveconsequences for both management of aquatic resourcesand for monitoring programs which are discussed.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物在中国的环境监测现状   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40  
论述了持久性有机污染物在中国的监测现状,包括检测方法、标准值以及污染现状等,内容涉及空气、水、沉积物、土壤和生物等介质。提出了中国在此领域存在的问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

论建设项目"三同时"验收监测的性质与作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了我国建设项目"三同时"管理制度的技术支持工作--"三同时"验收监测,分析论述了"三同时"验收监测的性质与作用.  相似文献   

Environmental occurrence of CECs poses a great threat to both aquatic life and human health. The aim of this study was to optimize and validate SPE/LC-(ESI)MS-MS method for simultaneous quantitative monitoring of two sub-classes of CECs (pharmaceuticals and hormones) and to estimate the concentrations of select CECs in environmental water samples. For all the tested analytes, recoveries in laboratory reagent water were greater than 81%. Average percent (relative standard deviation) RSD of the analytes in recovery, repeatability, and reproducibility experiments were ≤?10%. Determination coefficients (r2) of primidone, diclofenac, testosterone, and progesterone were estimated to be 0.9979, 0.9972, 0.9968, and 0.9962, respectively. Limits of detection (LOD) for primidone, diclofenac, testosterone, and progesterone were 4.63 ng/L, 5.36 ng/L, 0.55 ng/L, and 0.88 ng/L, respectively. Limits of quantification (LOQ) for primidone, diclofenac, testosterone, and progesterone were 14.72 ng/L, 17.06 ng/L, 1.766 ng/L, and 2.813 ng/L, respectively. Average recoveries in environmental water and wastewater samples were greater than 74% and RSD were ≤?7%. Trace levels (68.33–125.70 ng/L) of primidone were detected in four environmental water samples, whereas diclofenac was not detected in any of the tested sample. Trace levels of progesterone were observed in two environmental samples (16.64 –203.73 ng/L), whereas testosterone was detected in STP inlet sample (178.16 ng/L).  相似文献   

A method has been developed for concurrent analysis of C2-C7 hydrocarbons and C2-C5 oxygenated volatile organic compounds (o-VOCs) including alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and ethers. A multi-bed, Peltier-cooled adsorbent trap, consisting of Carboxen 1000 and Carbopack B, was used to acquire one sample per hour. Upon injection the sample was split in an approximately 50:50 ratio between a 50 m aluminium oxide (Al2O3) porous layer open tubular (PLOT) column and a 10 m LOWOX column. Eluents from each column were then analysed using flame ionisation detection (FID). Regular calibration of the system was performed using a standard cylinder mixture at the parts per billion by volume (ppbV) level for non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) and a permeation tube method for the oxygenated species. The system is fully automated with NMHC detection limits between 1 and 10 parts per trillion by volume (pptV) and o-VOC detection limits between 10 and 40 pptV.  相似文献   

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