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Competition among males to mate is generally associated with male-biased size dimorphism. In this study we examine mating behavior in the northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon), a species in which males are much smaller than females despite substantial competition among males to mate. Competition among males was a consequence of a male-biased operational sex ratio due to slightly higher female mortality from a birth sex ratio of 1 : 1, and, in 1 year, more synchronous and longer mating activity by males. Approximately one-third of both males and females appeared not to mate in a given year. Larger males were generally more likely to attempt mating, but size did not explain the variance in the number of aggregations in which individual males participated. Within aggregations, males that were successful at achieving intromission were larger than unsuccessful males in 1 of 2 years. Variation in condition (mass relative to length) and relative tail length were not generally useful predictors of either mating effort or success in males. Because large size was often advantageous to males, sexual size dimorphism appeared not to be a consequence of sexual selection favoring smaller males. Because sexual dimorphism was evident at birth, and both males and females matured sexually at about 4 years, sexual dimorphism was not simply a consequence of one sex growing at the maximum rate for longer. Female fecundity increased with size, and sex differences in size-fecundity relations may underly the pattern of sexual size dimorphism. However, because multiple mating by females is common, sperm competition is likely to be important in determining male reproductive success. Therefore, allocation of energy to sperm rather than growth may also prove to be an important influence on male growth rates and sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism may evolve as a result of both natural and sexual selection. In polygynous mammals, the main factor resulting in the evolution of large body size in males is the advantage conferred during competition for mates. In this study, we examined whether sexual selection acts on body size in mature fallow bucks (Dama dama) by examining how the following traits are inter-related: age, body (skeletal) size, body mass, prerut dominance rank, rut dominance rank and mating success. This is the first study to examine how all these factors are together related to the mating success of a large sexually dimorphic and polygynous mammal. We found that male mating success was directly related to body size, but not to body mass. However body mass was related to prerut dominance rank which was in turn strongly related to rut dominance rank, and thus there was an indirect relationship between mating success and body mass. Rut dominance rank was the variable most strongly related to mating success. Mating success among mature males was unrelated to age. We conclude that larger mature fallow bucks have advantages over other males when competing for matings, and sexual selection therefore continues to act on sexual size dimorphism in this species. Heavier fallow bucks also have advantages, but these are mediated through the dominance ranks attained by males before the rut.  相似文献   

Summary In the lek-breeding great snipe, male morphology, behaviour, and territory features were recorded for individually marked birds on two adjacent leks. Partial correlation sshowed that male mating success, expressed as the number of female solicitations and copulations, was negatively correlated with the distance of a display territory to the lek center and positively correlated with the number of displays per unit time given by a male. No other variables were directly correlated with male matin success. Thus, central males obtain more matings than peripheral males and successful males display more per unit time than do less successful males, independently of position on the lek. Central males were found to be older than peripheral ones and were present more often on the lek. Furthermore, central males had a larger number of white tail feathers, which are usea as visual signals in the displays, but this may be explained by the fact that these males were older. It is suggested that male great snipe are subject to sexual selection mainly in behavioural and vocal cues and that this may explain the absence of size and plumage dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

In many salmonid species, males exhibit morphological dimorphism associated with alternative mating behaviors. ”Precocious males” have a small body size with little or no development of sexual characters and adopt sneaking to gain access to females, while ”migratory males” of large body size and well-developed secondary sexual characters fight. We quantified selection on precocious male parr of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) under simulated natural conditions to examine the contribution of morphology to sneaking success. In contrast to the prediction that sneaking behavior favors small body size, we detected selection favoring relatively large body size for sneaking success. This selection pressure was caused by the dominance hierarchy within parr and may have been facilitated by indifference of dominant migratory males to parr. Unlike the secondary sexual characters exhibited by migratory male salmon, such as the hooked snout and humped back, no morphological characters other than body size contributed to the reproductive success of masu salmon parr. This non-contribution may have been responsible for the lack of development of sexual characters in precocious males. Received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 20 May 2000  相似文献   

Summary We examined associations among parasite infections, secondary sexual traits and testosterone in male red-winged blackbirds sampled at the start of the breeding season. Parasites quantified included ectoparasitic lice and mites and endoparasitic blood protozoans, nematodes, trematodes and cestodes. Secondary sexual traits that we quantified included body size, epaulet size and color, song repertoire size and song switching rate, and behavioral responses to male and female models. Overall we found few significant associations between parasites and secondary sexual traits, between secondary sexual traits and testosterone, or between parasites and testosterone. In addition, most parasite taxa appeared to infect birds independently, although the low prevalence (<50%) of many of the parasites meant that our sample sizes were too small to detect weak associations. Our most promising results were obtained for ectoparasitic mites, which tended to occur on birds uninfected with other parasites, on birds with longer epaulets, and on birds with higher levels of testosterone. Epaulet length and testosterone are both probable correlates of dominance in this species. Further research will be required to determine whether there is a causal link between the immunosuppressive effects of testosterone and the mite infections, and between testosterone, epaulet length and male mating success. Correspondence to: P. Weatherhead  相似文献   

Sexual selection has led to male morphologies and behaviours that either increase male attractiveness or their success in male–male competition. We investigated male traits under selection in the ant Hypoponera opacior, in which wingless males mate with pupal queens inside their natal colony and guard their partners for hours. The lack of female choice and fights among adult males makes this species an ideal study system to investigate sexual selection in the absence of these selective forces. We hypothesised that males, which emerge first and live longer, should have a higher mating success because of more mating opportunities, reduced competition and the ability to kill pupal competitors. We recorded the number and length of matings and tested whether these measures of male-mating success were associated with emergence order, lifespan and body size. Indeed, early emerged males mated more often and longer than their later-emerging rivals. Furthermore, longer-lived and larger males obtained more matings. Body size might be important because larger males either produce more sperm or perform better in mounting females. We found no evidence for a trade-off between body size and emergence time. Moreover, male removal manipulations revealed that males quickly adapt their guarding behaviour to changes in the competitive environment. Under reduced competition, males guarded their partners for shorter periods. In conclusion, these sib-mating ant males are under selection to develop fast, to live long, to be large and to be able to respond to the competitive situation in the nest.  相似文献   

Melanin-based ornaments are often involved in signaling aggression and dominance, and their role in sexual selection is increasingly recognized. We investigated the functions of a melanin-based plumage ornament (facial ‘mask’) in male Eurasian penduline tits Remiz pendulinus in the contexts of male–male aggression, mating success, and parental care. The penduline tit is a passerine bird with a unique mating system in which both sexes may mate with several mates in a breeding season, and one (or both) parent deserts the clutch. Our study revealed that mask size of males is more likely an honest signal used by females in their mate choice decisions than a trait involved in male–male competition. First, mask size increased with both age and body condition, indicating that the mask may signal male quality. Second, males with larger masks paired more quickly and had more mates over the breeding season than males with smaller masks. Third, we found no evidence that male mask size signals male–male aggression or dominance during competitive encounters. The increased mating success of large-masked males, however, did not translate into higher reproductive success, as nestling survival decreased with mask size. Therefore, we conclude that there is either no directional selection on male mask size or males with larger masks receive indirect, long-term benefits.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of relative parental investment on potential reproductive rates (PRRs) to explain sex differences in selectivity and competition in the dart-poison frog Dendrobates pumilio. We recorded the reproductive behavior of this species in a Costa Rican lowland rainforest for almost 6 months. Females spent more time on parental care than males, and `time out' estimates suggest that PRRs of males are much higher than than those of females, rendering females the limiting sex in the mating process. Males defended territories that provide suitable calling sites, space for courtship and oviposition, and prevent interference by competitors. Male mating success was highly variable, from 0 to 12 matings, and was significantly correlated with calling activity and average perch height, but was independent of body size and weight. Estimates of opportunity for sexual selection and variation in male mating success are given. The mating system is polygamous: males and females mated several times with different mates. Females were more selective than males and may sample males between matings. The discrepancy in PRRs between the sexes due to differences in parental investment and the prolonged breeding season is sufficient to explain the observed mating pattern i.e., selective females, high variance in male mating success, and the considerable opportunity for sexual selection. Received: 9 June 1998 / Received in revised form: 27 March 1999 / Accepted: 3 April 1999  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is common in polygynous species, and there is clear evidence that both intra-sexual competition and female preferences can drive the evolution of large body size in males. In contrast, sexual monomorphism is often argued to reflect a relaxation of male mate competition or an intensification of resource competition among females. Alternatively, it might imply opportunities for females to circumvent or counteract male mate competition in a polygynandrous mating system. We test the prediction that sexual monorphism is associated with polygynandry in the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu, Tayassuidae), a social ungulate closely related to the old-world suids. The genetic mating system in the Tayassuidae is unknown, but its sexual monomorphism presents a striking contrast to the strong size dimorphism found in most Suidae, so that a departure from the polygynous system common in Suidae would be noteworthy. We characterized genetic relationships among adults within herds in three geographically distinct populations, assigned parents to 75 offspring, and tested for skew in individual reproductive success. Parentage assignment data indicated that multiple males sire offspring within a herd, and in the population for which genetic data were most complete, 19% of parentage assignments were potentially sired by extra-herd males. Some litters have multiple sires, and neither males nor females monopolized reproduction, even in small herds. This result supports our prediction and suggests that sexual monomorphism may either select for or be an evolutionary consequence of a promiscuous mating system.  相似文献   

Adaptive female choice is thought to have led to the evolution of nutritionally valuable nuptial gifts in many insect species. However, in several dance fly species, males offer and females accept “empty gifts” with no nutritional value. In the species studied here, Empis snoddyi Steyskal, males produce empty balloons comprised of hundreds of silk bubbles and form mating swarms that females approach to investigate males. Males within the swarm engage in agonistic interactions. The empty balloon has been hypothesized to be an indicator of male condition such that males with larger balloons are predicted to have higher mating success and be more successful in male-male interactions than males with smaller balloons. We examined the role of male body size and balloon size in the context of intersexual and intrasexual selection. We found that neither male body size nor balloon size affected the outcome of pairwise male-male interactions. Using multiple-regression techniques, we found significant linear selection for increasing male body size and decreasing balloon size associated with mating success, a surprising result given a positive relationship between male body size and balloon size. A visualization of selection showed the highest peak of male mating success for larger males with intermediate-size balloons. These results can be explained by a trade-off between long-range attraction of females using large balloons and close-range attraction of females via improved flying efficiency associated with smaller balloons. Both male body size and balloon size are important components in determining male mating success; however, the empty balloon does not appear to play a typical role as a sexually selected ornament. Received: 29 December 1997 / Accepted after revision: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

Sperm competition (the competition among the sperm of different males for fertilization of the eggs of a female) has been suggested to be an important component of sexual selection, but no general assessment has been made of this proposition. We used a meta-analytic approach to assess the extensive literature on paternity (the proportion of offspring in a focal nest sired by an attending male) in birds based on allozyme and molecular techniques. The relative variance in male mating success was on average increased by a factor of 4.6 over the variance in apparent male success. Males with more extravagant secondary sexual characters had higher paternity in their own nests than less adorned males. There was a weak effect of male age being positively associated with paternity in own nests. Male body size measured as the length of wing and tarsus was weakly positively associated with paternity in own nests. Male survival prospect was positively associated with paternity in own nests. Polygynous males generally had decreased paternity of their broods compared to monogamous males. Paternity of the resident male decreased with increasing population density and breeding asynchrony. The intensity of paternity guards such as within-pair copulation rate and mate guarding were not significantly related to extra-pair paternity. Sperm competition was thus an important component of sexual selection by increasing the variance in male mating success, and by being associated with the expression of secondary sexual characters, in particular in dense and asynchronously breeding populations of birds. Received: 12 February 1998 / Accepted after revision: 31 May 1998  相似文献   

Although external sexually dimorphic traits are commonly found in males of combtooth blenny species, little is known about the benefit they can convey to male mating success. Indeed, while female preferences for large males have been demonstrated in some species, the possible role played by dimorphic ornaments has been neglected. We now report on the tentacled blenny, Parablennius tentacularis, a species where males are characterized by bulb glands on the anal fin and both sexes exhibit a dark spot on the dorsal fin and orbital tentacles. Males are territorial, make nests in empty bivalve shells, and provide solitary parental care for the eggs. Using morphometric analysis and field collected data on male and female external features, nest characteristics and number of eggs in the nests, we have assessed the development of dimorphic traits in both sexes and male mating success. The results reveal that orbital tentacles of males are more developed and more variable in size than those of females. Larger males exhibit longer orbital tentacles and larger anal glands but do not necessarily occupy larger nests. Male mating success is significantly correlated with the inner nest surface area and with orbital tentacle size but not with body size. These results provide support for a primary role of male ornaments in enhancing blenny male mating success and are discussed in the context of mate choice for direct and indirect benefits.  相似文献   

Male costs and benefits associated with male display size in field populations of an Australian lekking Drosophila species were examined. Results suggested that male mating success increased with display size, since matings appeared to be more common in large displays, and since the probability of males encountering a female increased as displays contained more males. Female encounter probabilities did not increase once about 20 males or more were present on a display. Male size and fighting costs tended to increase with display size. The distribution of males among displays did not follow the ideal free distribution in the sense that each male did not have equal mating opportunity per unit time. Deviation from an ideal free distribution may have been due to female preference for mating in aggregations rather than with solitary males, since in a field experiment females were more willing for mating in an aggregation of five males than with solitary males. Received: 22 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 1 November 1997  相似文献   

Evolution of male weapons or status signals has been hypothesized to precede evolution of female mating preferences for those traits. We used staged male fights among three species of Malaysian stalk-eyed flies (Diptera: Diopsidae) to determine if elongated eye span, which is preferred by females in two sexually dimorphic species, influences contest outcome. Extreme sexual dimorphism, with large males possessing longer eye span than females, is shared by Cyrtodiopsis whitei and C. dalmanni. In contrast, C. quinqueguttata exhibits a more ancestral condition – short, sexually monomorphic eye stalks. Videotape analysis of 20-min paired contests revealed that males with larger eye span and body size won more fights in the dimorphic, but not monomorphic, species. To determine if males from the dimorphic species use eye span directly to resolve contests, we competed male C. dalmanni from lines that had undergone artificial selection for 30 generations to increase or decrease eye span. We found that eye span, independently of body size, determines contest outcome in selected-line males. Furthermore, in both dimorphic species, the average encounter duration declined as the eye span difference between contestants increased, as expected if males use eye span to assess opponent size. The number of encounters also increased with age in dimorphic, but not monomorphic, species. Selected-line males did not differ from outbred males in either fight duration or number of encounters. We conclude that exaggerated male eye stalks evolved to influence both competitive interactions and female mating preferences in these spectacular flies. Received: 20 July 1998 / Received in revised form: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

The mating system of the Australian lycaenid butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras, is highly unusual compared to most other Lepidoptera. Characteristics of this system, which has been termed an ’explosive mating strategy,’ include the formation of an intensely competitive mating aggregation of males, a highly male biased operational sex ratio, a lack of discrimination and mate choice by both sexes, a high variance in male mating success, and female monogamy. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that multiple mating by males imposes physiological costs resulting in smaller spermatophores, and that this results in a fitness cost to females. We found that male J. evagoras transferred only 2.2% of their eclosion weight during their first mating, consistent with the hypothesis that males of monandrous species produce a relatively small investment. The wet weight of the ejaculate declined by an average of 27% at the second mating and the dry weight by 29%, and an intermating interval of 5–9 days was needed for the ejaculate to return to the size at the first mating, regardless of male size or age. Wet ejaculate mass increased proportionally with male size, though dry mass was proportionally larger in smaller males. Ejaculate mass tended to increase with male age at both first and second matings. Female characteristics, in general, did not affect ejaculate mass, although the wet weight of the ejaculate was positively associated with female weight at the second mating. Copulation duration increased from 2.4 h to approximately 3 h at the second mating, and to over 4 h at the third and fourth matings. Fecundity was positively correlated with female size but not with mating history, copulation duration, or any other characteristics measured for either males or females. Female longevity declined significantly as the number of times the male partner had previously mated increased. We conclude that despite the small male investment in ejaculate, the costs of multiple mating may nonetheless be significant, as indicated by the reduction in ejaculate mass, an increase in copulation duration, and reduction in female lifespan with increasing mating number. Received: 22 January 1999 / Received in revised form: 28 July 1999 / Accepted: 18 September 1999  相似文献   

Summary Over five hundred adult longhorn milkweed beetles, Tetraopes tetraophthalmus, were individually marked and their copulatory success followed for one month in a pasture of Asclepias syriaca in northern Indiana, USA. Migration of beetles from the field site was greatest from areas of low population density. Dispersal was significantly greater for males experiencing low copulatory success; a similar but nonsignificant trend was observed for females. Large males, which displayed greater site tenacity than small males, copulated more frequently than small males because of their ability to displace small males from females. Both large and small males demonstrated a preference for large females in laboratory tests. Male preference in combination with aggressive displacement of small males results in size-assortative mating which was much stronger under conditions of high population density. It contributes to variance in male reproductive success since female size is known to be correlated with fecundity and offspring viability. Variance in copulatory success is similar for males and females, suggesting that both sexes experience similar intensities of sexual selection with respect to this component of reproductive success. Futhermore, comparison of this with other studies suggests that the intensity of sexual selection among males is positively correlated with the variance in body size which appears to be under both stabilizing and directional sexual selection in males but not in females.  相似文献   

Male-biased size dimorphism is usually expected to evolve in taxa with intense male–male competition for mates, and it is hence associated with high variances in male mating success. Most species of pycnogonid sea spiders exhibit female-biased size dimorphism, and are notable among arthropods for having exclusive male parental care of embryos. Relatively little, however, is known about their natural history, breeding ecology, and mating systems. Here we first show that Ammothella biunguiculata, a small intertidal sea spider, exhibits male-biased size dimorphism. Moreover, we combine genetic parentage analysis with quantitative measures of sexual selection to show that male body size does not appear to be under directional selection. Simulations of random mating revealed that mate acquisition in this species is largely driven by chance factors, although actual paternity success is likely non-randomly distributed. Finally, the opportunity for sexual selection (I s), an indirect metric for the potential strength of sexual selection, in A. biunguiculata males was less than half of that estimated in a sea spider with female-biased size dimorphism, suggesting the direction of size dimorphism may not be a reliable predictor of the intensity of sexual selection in this group. We highlight the suitability of pycnogonids as model systems for addressing questions relating parental investment and sexual selection, as well as the current lack of basic information on their natural history and breeding ecology.  相似文献   

Summary I studied the mating strategies of razorbills Alca torda, a monogamous colonial seabird, during 1987–1989 in Wales, U.K. The outstanding feature of the study population's mating system was the performance of most copulations in mating arenas outside the colony. Females visited the arenas and sometimes accepted extra-pair copulations (EPCs), and males aggressively competed for EPCs. During the fertilizable period of most females, the arenas resembled leks because they contained no resources except mates, and males contributed only sperm to extra-pair females. Typical of leks, the operational sex ratio was strongly male-biased, and male mating success was highly skewed. To examine the potential for sexual selection to operate in this system, I correlated male EPC success with variables that could be associated with male-male competition and/or female choice. The frequencies of three behaviors (interference of copulation attempts, fights won against other males, and EPC attempts), accounted for 62% of the variance in EPC success and were strongly intercorrelated, with interference explaining most of the variance in a multivariate test. EPC success was not correlated with body size, age, paired status or either of two estimates of the time spent in the arena. The hypothesis that male EPC success was determined by active female choice was tested by examining the relative success (EPCs per attempt) of males. Relative success was not correlated with any of the three behaviors associated with absolute success, or with age, body size or attendance, suggesting that male-male competition, mainly in the form of copulation interference, is the principal correlate of EPC success. These findings in a monogamous species illustrate that EPC is a secondary mating system of razorbills in which sexual selection operates. The existence of this system outside the colony raises the possibility that lekking for EPCs may also occur within the nesting territories of other monogamous, colonial species but is hidden by competition for nests and breeding partners.  相似文献   

Field studies demonstrate that natural populations of a group of water striders (Heteroptera: Gerridae) that share a common mating system are characterized by weak assortative mating by size and by large sizes of mating males and females relative to single individuals. This study presents an experimental assessment of the components of mating that may contribute to these mating patterns. The effects of male and female body size on each of three components of mating were studied in three water strider species in the laboratory. Large females of all three species mated more frequently, copulated for longer and were guarded longer than small females. Large males mated more frequently than small males in all three species, and also guarded females for longer in the two species where the average of mate guarding was long. However, we found an antagonistic effect of male size on copulation duration: small males copulated for longer than large males in all three species. We show that the combined effects of these size biases mimic the mating patterns found in the wild, e.g. weak and variable assortative mating, and stronger and less variable size ratios of mating versus non-mating females relative to males. We suggest that the antagonistic effects of male size on copulation and guarding duration may be a key source of interpopulational variation in assortative mating and sexual selection on male size. Further, neither spatial or temporal covariation in size, nor mechanical constraints, caused the assortative mating observed here in this group of water striders. Some combination of male and female choice (either active or passive forms) of large mates and male-male exploitation competition for mates play potentially important roles in producing population level assortative mating in water striders. Received: 17 March 1995/Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

Parker's seminal work brought attention to the possibility of postmating sexual selection by non-random fertilization success. Mechanisms for these processes are still only partly understood and there is clearly a need for more studies of intraspecific variation in sperm precedence. Here, we report results from an experimental study of the variation in fertilization success between males of the water strider Gerris lacustris. Genital morphology, male body size, and copulation duration were examined as possible correlates of paternity. The significance of guarding duration was also analysed. Only male genital morphology was correlated to fertilization success. This is one of the first studies showing a relationship between male genital traits and fertilization success, supporting the view that sexual selection may be responsible for the rapid and divergent evolution of genital structures in animals with internal fertilization. The fertilization success of last males varied considerably after double matings with a short mating interval (10 min). Last-male priority ranged from 0 to 100% and usually one of the males involved fertilized almost all the eggs. After double matings with a short mating interval, the proportion of eggs fertilized by the last male averaged 0.68 and was greater than 0.5. In contrast, the average fertilization success was biased towards the first male when the matings were more spread out over time (24 h). These results do not support earlier suggestions of a widespread last-male sperm priority in water striders. Received: 28 July 1998 / Received in revised form: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 28 March 1999  相似文献   

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