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Increased attention to ground water contamination has encouraged an interest in mechanisms of solute transport through soils. Few studies have investigated the effect of the initial soil water content on the transport and degradation of herbicides for claypan soils. We investigated the effect of claypan soils at initial field capacity vs. permanent wilting level on atrazine and alachlor transport. The soil studied was Mexico silt loam (fine, smectitic, mesic Aeric Vertic Epiaqualf) with a subsoil clay content, primarily montmorillonite, of >40%. Strontium bromide, atrazine, and alachlor were applied to plots; half were at field capacity (Wet treatment), and half were near the permanent wilting point (Dry treatment). Soil cores were removed at selected depths and times, and cores were analyzed for bromide and herbicide concentrations. Bromide, atrazine, and alachlor were detected at the 0.90-m depth in dry plots within 15 d after experiment initiation. Bromide was detected 0.15 m deeper (P < 0.05) in the Dry compared with the Wet treatment at 1, 7, and 60 d after application and >0.30 m deeper (P < 0.01) in the Dry treatment at 15 and 30 d after application; similar treatment results were found for atrazine and alachlor, although on fewer dates with significant differences. The mobility order of the applied chemicals was bromide > atrazine > alachlor. The atrazine apparent half-life was significantly longer in the Dry plots compared with the Wet plots. The retardation factor determined from the relative velocity of each herbicide to that of bromide was higher for alachlor than for atrazine. This study identifies the impact that shrinkage cracks have for different moisture conditions on preferential transport of herbicides in claypan soils.  相似文献   

Interactions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) with soil minerals, such as metal oxides and clays, involve various sorption mechanisms and may lead to sorptive fractionation of certain organic moieties. While sorption of DOM to soil minerals typically involves a degree of irreversibility, it is unclear which structural components of DOM correspond to the irreversibly bound fraction and which factors may be considered determinants. To assist in elucidating that, the current study aimed at investigating fractionation of DOM during sorption and desorption processes in soil. Batch DOM sorption and desorption experiments were conducted with organic matter poor, alkaline soils. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and UV-Vis spectroscopy were used to analyze bulk DOM, sorbed DOM, and desorbed DOM fractions. Sorptive fractionation resulted mainly from the preferential uptake of aromatic, carboxylic, and phenolic moieties of DOM. Soil metal-oxide content positively affected DOM sorption and binding of some specific carboxylate and phenolate functional groups. Desorptive fractionation of DOM was expressed by the irreversible-binding nature of some carboxylic moieties, whereas other bound carboxylic moieties were readily desorbed. Inner-sphere, as opposed to outer-sphere, ligand-exchange complexation mechanisms may be responsible for these irreversible, as opposed to reversible, interactions, respectively. The interaction of aliphatic DOM constituents with soil, presumably through weak van der Waals forces, was minor and increased with increasing proportion of clay minerals in the soil. Revealing the nature of DOM-fractionation processes is of great importance to understanding carbon stabilization mechanisms in soils, as well as the overall fate of contaminants that might be associated with DOM.  相似文献   

Seventeen different wastewater sludges were characterized using both chemical and organic matter fractionation methods (water extraction, Van Soest method, and acid hydrolysis) and 6-mo incubation studies to assess their decomposition in soil. Simple correlation and multiple factor analysis (MFA) were then performed to establish relationships between composition and C and N mineralization of sludges. Carbon and N concentrations covered a wide range of values, but organic carbon (C(o)) to organic nitrogen (N(o)) ratios were relatively low (from 5 to 19). Carbon and N were mainly distributed in the most soluble fractions of the Van Soest method and in the water-insoluble fraction at 100 degrees C. Carbon mineralization varied from 180 to 661 g C kg(-1) organic C added during the 168-d incubation. The addition of sludges led to different inorganic N dynamics: from -3.3 to +120.0 g N kg(-1) sludge organic C mineralized after the 168-d incubation. Fractionation studies showed that the most discriminating method was acid hydrolysis. Carbon mineralization was linked with the proportion of sludge N and C present in the lignin-like fraction (r = -0.68 and -0.65, respectively). Significant relationships were established between N mineralization and N(o) to C(o) ratio (0.88 < r < 0.95) and the C(o) to N(o) ratio of sludges, the C to N ratio of the soluble fraction obtained by the Van Soest method, the water-soluble fraction at 100 degrees C, and the C and N present in the acid-hydrolyzable fraction. Finally, multiple factor analysis also enabled establishing a sludge typology using five clusters based on composition and mineralization characteristics.  相似文献   

This work shows the applicability of two-dimensional (2D) (1)H-(13)C heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to the characterization of whole soils. A combination of different mixing times and cross polarization (CP) methods, namely Lee-Goldberg (LG)-CP and Ramp-CP are shown to afford, for the first time, intra- and inter- molecular connectivities, allowing for molecular assemblage information to be obtained on a whole soil. Our results show that, for the brackish marsh histosol under study, two isolated domains could be detected. The first domain consists of O-alkyl and aromatic moieties (lignocellulose material), while the second domain is comprised of alkyl type moieties (cuticular material). The role of these domains is discussed in terms of hydrophobic organic compound sorption within soil organic matter (SOM), including the possible effects of wetting and drying cycles.  相似文献   

Reducing surface and subsurface losses of herbicides in the soil and thus their potential contamination of water resources is a national concern. This study evaluated the effectiveness of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) residue (mulch cover) in reducing nonpoint-source contamination of applied herbicides from sugarcane fields. Specifically, the effect of mulch residue on herbicide retention was quantified. Two main treatments were investigated: a no-till treatment and a no-mulch treatment. The amounts of extractable atrazine [2-chloro-4-(isopropylamino)-6-ethylamino-s-triazine], metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one], and pendimethalin [N-(ethylpropyl)-3,4-dimethyl-2,6-dinitroaniline] from the mulch residue and the surface soil layer were quantified during the 1999 and 2000 growing seasons. Significant amounts of applied herbicides were intercepted by the mulch residue. Extractable concentrations were at least one order of magnitude higher for the mulch residue compared with that retained by the soil. Moreover, the presence of mulch residue on the sugarcane rows was highly beneficial in minimizing runoff losses of the herbicides applied. When the residue was not removed, a reduction in runoff-effluent concentrations, as much as 50%, for atrazine and pendimethalin was realized. Moreover, the presence of mulch residue resulted in consistently lower estimates for rates of decay or disappearance of atrazine and pendimethalin in the surface soil.  相似文献   

Soil organic C is often suggested as an indicator of soil quality, but desirable targets are rarely specified. We tested three approaches to define maximum and lowest desirable soil C contents for four New Zealand soil orders. Approach 1 used the New Zealand National Soils Database (NSD). The maximum C content was defined as the median value of long-term pastures, and the lower quartile defined the lowest desirable soil C content. Approach 2 used the CENTURY model to predict maximum C contents of long-term pasture. Lowest desirable content was defined by the level that still allowed recovery to 80% of the maximum C content over 25 yr. Approach 3 used an expert panel to define desirable C contents based on production and environmental criteria. Median C contents (0-20 cm) for the Recent, Granular, Melanic, and Allophanic orders were 72, 88, 98, 132 Mg ha(-1), and similar to contents predicted by the CENTURY model (78, 93, 102, and 134 Mg ha(-1), respectively). Lower quartile values (54, 78, 73, and 103 Mg ha(-1), respectively) were similar to the lowest desirable C contents calculated by CENTURY (55, 54, 67, and 104 Mg ha(-1), respectively). Expert opinion was that C contents could be depleted below these values with tolerable effects on production but less so for the environment. The CENTURY model is our preferred approach for setting soil organic C targets, but the model needs calibrating for other soils and land uses. The statistical and expert opinion approaches are less defensible in setting lower limits for desirable C contents.  相似文献   

Nonlinear isotherm behavior has been reported for the sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) in soil organic matter (SOM), but the exact mechanisms are unknown. Our objective was to provide insight into the sorption mechanism of HOCs in SOM by studying the sorption-desorption processes of naphthalene in a mineral soil, its humic fractions, and lignin. Additionally, humin and lignin were used for studying the effects of temperature and cosolvent on HOC sorption. All isotherms were nonlinear. The humin and lignin isotherms became more linear at elevated temperatures and with the addition of methanol indicating a condensed to expanded structural phase transition. Isotherm nonlinearity and hysteresis increased in the following order: soil humic acid (HA) < soil < soil humin. Of the samples, aliphatic-rich humin exhibited the largest degree of nonlinearity and had the highest sorption capacity for naphthalene. High nonlinearity and hysteresis in humin were most likely caused by its condensed structure. A novel aliphatic, amorphous condensed conformation is proposed. This conformation can account for both high sorption capacities and increased nonlinearity observed for aliphatic-rich samples and can explain many sorption disparities discussed in the literature. This study clearly illustrates the importance of both aliphatic and aromatic moieties for HOC sorption in SOM.  相似文献   

The distribution of moisture, degradable C, and N after direct injection of slurry can affect the turnover and plant availability of slurry N. This study examined effects of injection method, soil conditions, and slurry properties on the infiltration of several slurry components under practical conditions. The water retention capacity of 22 pig and cattle slurries was quantified by dialysis at -0.016, -0.047, and -0.100 MPa. All slurries followed the relationship: relative water loss = 1/(1 + aVS[volatile solids]), indicating that retention of liquids in the slurry injection zone can be predicted from slurry VS and soil water potential. Two-disc injection and harrow tine injection were simulated (no slurry applied) in five trials. Two trials indicated that disc injection resulted in higher permeability compared with harrow tine injection. In a separate experiment, soil moisture and dissolved ions were monitored in and around injection slits amended with pig or cattle slurry. Moisture gradients, which were recorded with small printed-circuit-board (PCB) time-domain-reflectometry (TDR) probes, were temporally stable and reestablished following rainfall. Slit sections with pig and cattle slurry containing 13C-acetate and 15N-ammonium showed a shift in the 13C to 15N ratio of the injection zone within 24 h, which was explained by removal of dissolved C and/or retention of NH4+. Cattle slurry was more concentrated around the injection slit than pig slurry, and greater contact between slurry and soil was obtained with harrow tine injection. The heterogeneity of slurry C and N distribution after direct injection should be accounted for in models describing slurry N turnover.  相似文献   

Interactions of carbamazepine in soil: effects of dissolved organic matter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pharmaceutical compounds (PCs) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) are co-introduced into soils by irrigation with reclaimed wastewater. We targeted carbamazepine (CBZ) as a model compound to study the tertiary interactions between relatively polar PCs, DOM, and soil. Sorption-desorption behavior of CBZ was studied with bulk clay soil and the corresponding clay size fraction in the following systems: (i) without DOM, (ii) co-introduced with DOM, and (iii) pre-adsorption of DOM before CBZ introduction. Sorption of the DOM to both sorbents was irreversible and exhibited pronounced sorption-desorption hysteresis. Carbamazepine exhibited higher sorption affinity and nonlinearity, and a higher degree of desorption hysteresis with the bulk soil than the corresponding clay size fraction. This was probably due to specific interactions with polar soil organic matter fractions that are more common in the bulk soil. Co-introduction of CBZ and DOM to the soil did not significantly affect the sorption behavior of CBZ; however, following pre-adsorption of DOM by the bulk soil, an increase in sorption affinity and decrease in sorption linearity were observed. In this latter treatment, desorption hysteresis of CBZ was significantly increased for both sorbents. We hypothesize that this was due to either strong chemical interactions of CBZ with the adsorbed DOM or physical encapsulation of CBZ in DOM-clay complexes. Based on this study, we suggest that DOM facilitates stronger interactions of polar PCs with the solid surface. This mechanism can reduce PC desorption ability in soils.  相似文献   

Mobility of dissolved organic matter (DOM) strongly affects the export of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from soils to surface waters. To study the sorption and mobility of dissolved organic C and P (DOC, DOP) in soil, the pH-dependent sorption of DOM to samples from Ap, EB, and Bt horizons from a Danish agricultural Humic Hapludult was investigated and a kinetic model applicable in field-scale models tested. Sorption experiments of 1 to 72 h duration were conducted at two pH levels (pH 5.0 and 7.0) and six initial DOC concentrations (0-4.7 mmol L(-1)). Most sorption/desorption occurred during the first few hours. Dissolved organic carbon and DOP sorption decreased strongly with increased pH and desorption dominated at pH 7, especially for DOC. Due to fractionation during DOM sorption/desorption at DOC concentrations up to 2 mmol L(-1), the solution fraction of DOM was enriched in P indicating preferred leaching of DOP. The kinetics of sorption was expressed as a function of how far the solution DOC or DOP concentrations deviate from "equilibrium." The model was able to simulate the kinetics of DOC and DOP sorption/desorption at all concentrations investigated and at both pH levels making it useful for incorporation in field-scale models for quantifying DOC and DOP dynamics.  相似文献   

Reduction of migration of fecal coliforms (FC) and streptococci (FS) by limiting the leaching in effluent-irrigated soil was tested in lysimeters packed with quartz sand without or with added biosolids compost or with one of two clayey soils. The 200-L, 70-cm-deep lysimeters were either planted with a Eucalyptus camaldulensis or an Oroblanco citrus tree (in the sand only), or not planted. The Eucalyptus was irrigated with oxidation pond effluent (OPE) and the Oroblanco with mechanical-biological treatment plant effluent (MBTPE). The leaching fraction (LF) ranged from 0.2 to about 1.0, and the residence time (RT) from under 1 to 40 d. The Eucalyptus was also tested under intermittent leaching (RT 11-20 d) and deficit irrigation (without leaching for about 6 mo) regimes. Under MBTPE irrigation there was little or no leaching of FC and FS. Under OPE irrigation at LF 1 without a Eucalyptus there was little or no bacterial leaching at irrigation rates below 40 L d(-1) per lysimeter (RT > or = 0.8 d). Bacterial counts in the leachate were substantial in the presence of a Eucalyptus tree under LF 0.2 and intermittent leaching regimes, and when sand-packed unplanted lysimeters received OPE effluent at >45 L d(-1). Bacterial recovery peaked at LF 0.2, at up to 45% of the input level. At LF 1 (RT 0.6-2.8 d) and with intermittent leaching the recoveries were minute. Bacterial counts in the washout from the deficit-irrigated lysimeters were typical of nonpolluted soils. The bacterial concentration and recovery patterns in the leachate mostly matched the organic carbon (OC) load in the irrigation water, and its concentration and bioavailablity in the leachate. We related the leaching patterns of the fecal bacteria to their relative reproduction and die-off rates, and to the dependence of their regrowth on available carbon sources.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction field experiments were conducted on soil contaminated with 0.39 to 8.7 Bq/g of 137Cs to determine the capacity of five plant species to accumulate 137Cs and the effects of three soil treatments on uptake. The plants tested were redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L. var. aureus); a mixture of redroot pigweed and spreading pigweed (A. graecizans L.); purple amaranth (A. cruteus L.) x Powell's amaranth (A. powellii S. Watson), referred to here as the amaranth hybrid; Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.]; and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata). For control plants, the concentration ratios (CR) of 137Cs were greatest for redroot pigweed and the amaranth hybrid, with average CR values of 1.0 +/- 0.24 and 0.95 +/- 0.14, respectively. The lowest value was for Indian mustard at 0.36 +/- 0.10. The soil treatments included (i) application of NH4NO3 solution to the soil after plants had matured, (ii) addition of composted manure to increase organic matter content of the soil, (iii) combination of the manure and ammonium solution treatments, and (iv) controls. The ammonium solution gave little overall increase in accumulation of 137Cs. The use of composted manure also had little influence, but the combination of the composted manure with application of ammonium solutions had a distinctly negative effect on plant uptake of 137Cs. On average the fraction of 137Cs taken up from the soil was reduced by 57.4 +/- 1.2% compared with controls. This was the result of release of competing ions, primarily Ca, from the manure and was observed across all five plant species tested. The application of ammonium solution took place in the last two weeks before harvest. The reduction of plant 137Cs content, by addition of the ammonium solution, as it interacted with the manure, indicates that substantial quantities 137Cs can be released from the shoots of plants as a result of sudden changes in soil solution chemistry.  相似文献   

Irrigation with treated wastewaters as an alternative in countries with severe water shortage may influence the sorption of pesticides and their environmental effects, as wastewater contains higher concentrations of suspended and dissolved organic matter and inorganic compounds than freshwater. We have examined the sorption behaviour of three highly hydrophobic pesticides (the herbicide pendimethalin and the insecticides α-cypermethrin and deltamethrin) on a Mediterranean agricultural soil using the batch equilibration method. We considered wastewater, extracts from urban sewage sludge with different dissolved organic carbon contents, and inorganic salt solutions, using Milli Q water as a control. All pesticides were strongly retained by soil although some sorption occurred on the walls of the laboratory containers, especially when wastewater and inorganic salt solutions were used. The calculation of distribution constants by measuring pesticide concentrations in soil and solution indicated that pendimethalin sorption was not affected whereas α-cypermethrin and deltamethrin retention were significantly enhanced (ca. 5 and 2 times, respectively) when wastewater or salt solutions were employed. We therefore conclude that the increased sorption of the two pesticides caused by wastewater cannot be only the result of its dissolved organic carbon content, but also of the simultaneous presence of inorganic salts in the solution.  相似文献   

Oxytetracycline sorption to organic matter by metal-bridging   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The sorption of oxytetracycline to metal-loaded ion exchange resin and to natural organic matter by the formation of ternary complexes between polyvalent metal cations and sorbent- and sorbate ligand groups was investigated. Oxytetracycline (OTC) sorption to Ca- and Cu-loaded Chelex-100 resin increased with increasing metal/sorbate ratio at pH 7.6 (OTC speciation: 55% zwitterion, 45% anion). Greater sorption to Cu- than Ca-loaded resin was observed, consistent with the greater stability constants of Cu with both the resin sites and with OTC. Oxytetracycline sorption to organic matter was measured at pH 5.5 (OTC speciation: 1% cation, 98% zwitterion, 1% anion). No detectable sorption was measured for cellulose or lignin sorbents that contain few metal-complexing ligand groups. Sorption to Aldrich humic acid increased from "clean" < "dirty" (no cation exchange pretreatment) < Al-amended < Fe(III)-amended clean humic acid with K(d) values of 5500, 32000, 48000, and 250000 L kg(-1) C, respectively. Calcium amendments of clean humic acid suggested that a portion of the sorbed OTC was interacting by cation exchange. Oxytetracycline sorption coefficients for all humic acid sorbents were well-correlated with the total sorbed Al-plus-Fe(III) concentrations (r(2) = 0.87, log-log plot), suggesting that sorption by ternary complex formation with humic acid is important. Results of this research indicate that organic matter may be an important sorbent phase in soils and sediments for pharmaceutical compounds that can complex metals by the formation of ternary complexes between organic matter ligand groups and pharmaceutical ligand groups.  相似文献   

Interaction of Cu with dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important physicochemical process affecting Cu mobility in soils. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DOM from anaerobically digested dewatered sludge and sludge compost on the sorption of Cu on an acidic sandy loam and a calcareous clay loam. In the presence of DOM, Cu sorption capacity decreased markedly for both soils, especially for the calcareous soil. The Cu sorption isotherms could be well described by the Freundlich equation (r2 = 0.99), and the binding intensity parameter of soils in the presence of sludge DOM was lower than compost DOM. An increase in DOM concentration significantly reduced the sorption of Cu by both soils. Within the Cu and DOM concentration range studied, the decrease in Cu sorption caused by sludge DOM was consistently greater than that of compost DOM. This might be attributed to the greater amount of hydrophobic fraction of DOM in the compost. Moreover, the reduction of Cu sorption caused by DOM was more obvious in the soil with higher pH. In addition, the sorption of Cu increased with an increase in pH for both soils without the addition of DOM, while Cu sorption in the presence of DOM was unexpectedly decreased with an increase in pH at a pH >6.8. This implied that DOM produced by sludge or other C-enriched organic wastes heavily applied on calcareous soils might facilitate the leaching loss of Cu because of the formation of soluble DOM-metal complexes.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to determine how the application of a mulch cover (a mixture of household biocompost and woodchips) onto heavy metal-polluted forest soil affects (i) long-term survival and growth of planted dwarf shrubs and tree seedlings and (ii) natural revegetation. Native woody plants (Pinus sylvestris, Betula pubescens, Empetrum nigrum, and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) were planted in mulch pockets on mulch-covered and uncovered plots in summer 1996 in a highly polluted Scots pine stand in southwest Finland. Spreading a mulch layer on the soil surface was essential for the recolonization of natural vegetation and increased dwarf shrub survival, partly through protection against drought. Despite initial mortality, transplant establishment was relatively successful during the following 10 yr. Tree species had higher survival rates, but the dwarf shrubs covered a larger area of the soil surface during the experiment. Especially E. nigrum and P. sylvestris proved to be suitable for revegetating heavy metal-polluted and degraded forests. Natural recolonization of pioneer species (e.g., Epilobium angustifolium, Taraxacum coll., and grasses) and tree seedlings (P. sylvestris, Betula sp., and Salix sp.) was strongly enhanced on the mulched plots, whereas there was no natural vegetation on the untreated plots. These results indicate that a heavy metal-polluted site can be ecologically remediated without having to remove the soil. Household compost and woodchips are low-cost mulching materials that are suitable for restoring heavy metal-polluted soil.  相似文献   

Field measurements of N2O emissions from soils are limited for cropping systems in the semiarid northern Great Plains (NGP). The objectives were to develop N2O emission-time profiles for cropping systems in the semiarid NGP, define important periods of loss, determine the impact of best management practices on N2O losses, and estimate direct N fertilizer-induced emissions (FIE). No-till (NT) wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)-fallow, wheat-wheat, and wheat-pea (Pisum sativum), and conventional till (CT) wheat-fallow, all with three N regimes (200 and 100 kg N ha(-1) available N, unfertilized control); plus a perennial grass-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) system were sampled over 2 yr using vented chambers. Cumulative 2-yr N2O emissions were modest in contrast to reports from more humid regions. Greatest N2O flux activity occurred following urea-N fertilization (10-wk) and during freeze-thaw cycles. Together these periods comprised up to 84% of the 2-yr total. Nitrification was probably the dominant process responsible for N2O emissions during the post-N fertilization period, while denitrification was more important during freeze-thaw cycles. Cumulative 2-yr N2O-N losses from fertilized regimes were greater for wheat-wheat (1.31 kg N ha(-1)) than wheat-fallow (CT and NT) (0.48 kg N ha(-1)), and wheat-pea (0.71 kg N ha(-1)) due to an additional N fertilization event. Cumulative losses from unfertilized cropping systems were not different from perennial grass-alfalfa (0.28 kg N ha(-1)). Tillage did not affect N2O losses for the wheat-fallow systems. Mean FIE level was equivalent to 0.26% of applied N, and considerably below the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change mean default value (1.25%).  相似文献   

The use of mining substrates for recultivation purposes is limited due to their low organic matter (OM) contents. In a 1-yr laboratory experiment we evaluated the stabilization of biowaste compost added to a humus-free sandy mining soil to examine the suitability of compost amendment for the formation of stable soil organic matter (SOM). The stabilization process was characterized by measuring enrichment of OM and nitrogen in particle size fractions obtained after dispersion with different amounts of energy (ultrasonication and shaking in water), carbon mineralization, and amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). During the experiment, 17.1% of the organic carbon (OC) was mineralized. Organic carbon enrichment in the < 20-micron particle size fraction at the beginning of the experiment was in the range of natural soils with similar texture. Within 12 mo, a distinct OC redistribution from coarse into fine fractions was found with both dispersion methods. The accumulation of OC was more pronounced for the size separates obtained by ultrasonication, where the carbon distribution between 0.45- to 20-micron particle size fractions increased from 30% at the beginning to 71% at the end of the experiment. Dissolved organic carbon contents ranged between 50 and 68 g kg-1 OC and decreased during the incubation. In conclusion, the exponential decrease of carbon mineralization and the OC enrichment in the fine particle size fractions both indicated a distinct OM stabilization in the mining soil.  相似文献   

The uptake of 109Cd and 65Zn and their stable isotopes by ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), grown on two different soil types, was investigated in climatically controlled growth chambers at 9 and 21 degrees C. The soils were treated with 0 and 4% organic matter (pig [Sus scrofa] manure) and spiked with 109Cd and 65Zn before sowing. The organic matter addition resulted in increased uptake of the 109Cd, Cd, and Zn by ryegrass, but the uptake of 65Zn was decreased. The latter effect was ascribed to isotopic dilution of 65Zn as the amount of stable Zn in the plant tissues increased with the organic matter addition. The effect of temperature was more pronounced than that of organic matter addition, and the uptake of both 109Cd and 65Zn and their stable isotopes was higher in ryegrass grown at 21 degrees C than that grown at 9 degrees C. Results from fractionation and speciation analysis of soil cadmium and zinc were correlated with plant uptake, and there was a good consistency between observed plant uptake and the physico-chemical forms of cadmium and zinc in soil and soil solution presumed to be plant available.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is to investigate processes causing the observed spatial variation of total mercury (THg) in the soil O horizon of watersheds within the Superior National Forest (Minnesota) and to determine if results have implications toward understanding long-term changes in THg concentrations for resident fish. Principal component analysis was used to evaluate the spatial relationships of 42 chemical elements in three soil horizons over 10 watersheds. Results indicate that soil organic carbon is the primary factor controlling the spatial variation of certain metals (Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Cd, Sn, Sb, Cu, and As) in the O and A soil horizons. In the B/E horizon, organic carbon appeared to play a minor role in metal spatial variation. These characteristics are consistent with the concentration of soil organic matter and carbon decreasing from the O to the B/E horizons. We also investigated the relationship between percent change in upland soil organic content and fish THg concentrations across all watersheds. Statistical regression analysis indicates that a 50% reduction in age-one and age-two fish THg concentration could result from an average 10% decrease in upland soil organic content. Disturbances that decrease the content of THg and organic matter in the O and A horizons (e.g., fire) may cause a short-term increase in atmospherically deposited mercury but, over the long term, may lead to decreased fish THg concentrations in affected watersheds.  相似文献   

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