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Effects of the ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) on conifers: a review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The current knowledge on conifer responses to enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation is mainly based on greenhouse or growth chamber experiments of one growing season in duration. However, the biomass losses observed in greenhouses do not occur in field-grown trees in their natural habitats. Moreover, the majority of the 20 conifer species studied have been 1-year-old seedlings, and no studies have been undertaken on mature trees. Fully grown needles, with their glaucous waxy surfaces and thick epidermal cells with both soluble and wall-bound UV-B screening metabolites, are well protected against UV-B radiation. However, it is not known whether these are sufficient protectants in young emerging needles or during the early spring period of high UV-B levels reflected from snow. In order to understand all the mechanisms that result in the protection of conifer needles against UV-B radiation, future research should focus on the epidermal layer, separating the waxes, cuticle and epidermal and hypodermal cells. Parallel studies should consist of wall-bound and soluble secondary metabolite analysis, antioxidant measurements and microscopic observations.  相似文献   

Effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on amphibian embryos have been investigated in a number of studies, but the effects on larvae have received less attention. We investigated the effects of UV-B radiation on the behaviour and growth of larvae of three amphibians (Rana arvalis, Rana temporaria and Bufo bufo) in two different experiments. First, we tested whether larvae of the three species actively avoid UV-B exposure if given a choice. We found no evidence for active avoidance of UV-B or changes in activity in the presence of UV-B in any of the species. Second, we assessed the effects of natural (1.25 kJm(-2)) and enhanced (1.58 kJm(-2)) UV-B radiation on the survival and growth of the three species and found that the exposure to UV-B radiation did not have any effect on survival rates of any of the species. However, UV-B radiation had a positive effect on the growth of R. arvalis and R. temporaria, whereas the growth of B. bufo tadpoles was unaffected by the UV-B treatments. Our results suggest that a short-term exposure to UV-B radiation does not induce any UV-B avoidance behaviour in tadpoles of these three species. Furthermore, unlike some previous studies, the results suggest that the young tadpoles of these species are not negatively affected by UV-B radiation. In fact, our results demonstrate that a moderate amount of UV-B radiation enhance tadpole growth rates in two of the three species.  相似文献   

Koponen PS  Tuikka A  Kukkonen JV 《Chemosphere》2007,66(7):1323-1328
In 1989, researchers discovered that amphibians, particularly frogs and toads from many parts of the world, appeared to be declining. In many ecosystems amphibians play a central role in ecosystem energy flow and nutrient cycling, and they act as keystone species. The recent increase in solar ultraviolet-B radiation (UVB, 280-320nm) has been thought to be one stressor responsible for the decline in amphibian populations. Along with other stressors, such as habitat destruction, anthropogenic influences and natural causes, UVB radiation could contribute to adverse effects among amphibians. Amphibians provide a good model for examining the effects of environmental stressors, because both lethal and sub-lethal responses are well documented in a range of studied xenobiotics in many species. In this experiment, the effects of UVB radiation on the accumulation and depuration kinetics of bisphenol A (BPA) were studied. Additionally, the accumulation was further modeled with correction for growth dilution. The results indicate that UVB radiation did not affect the toxicokinetics of BPA, and that the applied growth correction had only a negligible influence on the toxicokinetic estimations in this experiment. However, BCFs values calculated as k(u)/k(e) where closer to C(a)/C(w) calculated values when growth dilution was incorporated in the model. This method can be used in other experiments, where the growth dilution can affect toxicokinetic estimations.  相似文献   

There is a fast growing and an extremely serious international scientific, public and political concern regarding man's influence on the global climate. The decrease in stratospheric ozone (O3) and the consequent possible increase in ultraviolet-B (UV-B) is a critical issue. In addition, tropospheric concentrations of 'greenhouse gases' such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) are increasing. These phenomena, coupled with man's use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), chlorocarbons (CCs), and organo-bromines (OBs) are considered to result in the modification of the earth's O3 column and altered interactions between the stratosphere and the troposphere. A result of such interactions could be the global warming. As opposed to these processes, tropospheric O3 concentrations appear to be increasing in some parts of the world (e.g. North America). Such tropospheric increases in O3 and particulate matter may offset any predicted increases in UV-B at those locations. Presently most general circulation models (GCMs) used to predict climate change are one- or two-dimensional models. Application of satisfactory three-dimensional models is limited by the available computer power. Recent studies on radiative cloud forcing show that clouds may have an excess cooling effect to compensate for a doubling of global CO2 concentrations. There is a great deal of geographic patchiness or variability in climate. Use of global level average values fails to account for this variability. For example, in North America: 1. there may be a decrease in the stratospheric O3 column (1-3%); however, there appears to be an increase in tropospheric O3 concentrations (1-2%/year) to compensate up to 20-30% loss in the total O3 column; 2. there appears to be an increase in tropospheric CO2, N2O and CH4 at the rate of roughly 0.8%, 0.3% and 1-2%, respectively, per year; 3. there is a decrease in erythemal UV-B; and 4. there is a cooling of tropospheric air temperature due to radiative cloud forcing. The effects of UV-B, CO2 and O3 on plants have been studied under growth chamber, greenhouse and field conditions. Few studies, if any, have examined the joint effects of more than one variable on plant response. There are methodological problems associated with many of these experiments. Thus, while results obtained from these studies can assist in our understanding, they must be viewed with caution in the context of the real world and predictions into the future. Biomass responses of plants to enhanced UV-B can be negative (adverse effect); positive (stimulatory effect) or no effect (tolerant). Sensitivity rankings have been developed for both crop and tree species. However, such rankings for UV-B do not consider dose-response curves. There are inconsistencies between the results obtained under controlled conditions versus field observations. Some of these inconsistencies appear due to the differences in responses between cultivars and varieties of a given plant species; and differences in the experimental methodology and protocol used. Nevertheless, based on the available literature, listings of sensitive crop and native plant species to UV-B are provided. Historically, plant biologists have studied the effects of CO2 on plants for many decades. Experiments have been performed under growth chamber, greenhouse and field conditions. Evidence is presented for various plant species in the form of relative yield increases due to CO2 enrichment. Sensitivity rankings (biomass response) are agein provided for crops and native plant species. However, most publications on the numerical analysis of cause-effect relationships do not consider sensitivity analysis of the mode used. Ozone is considered to be the most phytotoxic regional scale air pollutant. In the pre-occupation of loss in the O3 column, any increases in tropospheric O3 concentrations may be undermined relative to vegetation effects. As with the other stress factors, the effects of O3 have been studied both under controlled and field conditions. Thboth under controlled and field conditions. The numerical explanation of cause-effect relationships of O3 is a much debated subject at the present time. Much of the controversy is directed toward the definition of the highly stochastic, O3 exposure dynamics in time and space. Nevertheless, sensitivity rankings (biomass response) are provided for crops and native vegetation. The joint effects of UV-B, CO2 and O3 are poorly understood. Based on the literature of plant response to individual stress factors and chemical and physical climatology of North America, we conclude that nine different crops may be sensitive to the joint effects: three grain and six vegetable crops (sorghum, oat, rice, pea, bean, potato, lettuce, cucumber and tomato). In North America, we consider Ponderosa and loblolly pines as vulnerable among tree species. This conclusion should be moderated by the fact that there are few, if any, data on hardwood species. In conclusion there is much concern for global climate change and its possible effects on vegetation. While this is necessary, such a concern and any predictions must be tempered by the lack of sufficient knowledge. Experiments must be designed on an integrated and realistic basis to answer the question more definitively. This would require very close co-operation and communication among scientists from multiple disciplines. Decision makers must realize this need.  相似文献   

Continued world population growth results in increased emission of gases from agriculture, combustion of fossil fuels, and industrial processes. This causes changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Evidence is emerging that increased solar ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation is reaching the earth's atmosphere, due to stratospheric ozone depletion. Carbon dioxide (CO(2)), ozone (O(3)) and UV-B are individual climate change factors that have direct biological effects on plants. Such effects may directly or indirectly affect the incidence and severity of plant diseases, caused by biotic agents. Carbon dioxide may increase plant canopy size and density, resulting in a greater biomass of high nutritional quality, combined with a much higher microclimate relative humidity. This would be likely to promote plant diseases such as rusts, powdery mildews, leaf spots and blights. Inoculum potential from greater overwintering crop debris would also be increased. Ozone is likely to have adverse effects on plant growth. Necrotrophic pathogens may colonize plants weakened by O(3) at an accelerated rate, while obligate biotroph infections may be lessened. Ozone is unlikely to have direct adverse effects on fungal pathogens. Ozone effects on plant diseases are host plant mediated. The principal effects of increased UV-B on plant diseases would be via alterations in host plants. Increased flavonoids could lead to increased diseased resistance. Reduced net photosynthesis and premature ripening and senescence could result in a decrease in diseases caused by biotrophs and an increase in those caused by necrotrophs. Microbial plant pathogens are less likely to be adversely affected by CO(2), O(3) and UV-B than are their corresponding host plants. Changes in host plants may result in expectable alterations of disease incidence, depending on host plant growth stages and type of pathogen. Given the importance of plant diseases in world food and fiber production, it is essential to begin studying the effects of increased CO(2), O(3) and UV-B (and other climate change factors) on plant diseases. We know very little about the actual impacts of climate change factors on disease epidemiology. Epidemiologists should be encouraged to consider CO(2), O(3) and UV-B as factors in their field studies.  相似文献   

Mesocosms filled with dune sand were planted with graminoid (Calamagrostis epigejos, Carex arenaria) and herbaceous species (Carlina vulgaris, Galium verum). Strong effects of nitrogen addition on the vegetation were found within two to three years. The above-ground biomass of C. epigejos and C. arenaria increased at deposition rates between 10 and 80 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1). Both grasses were limited by N. In latter stages P limitation was suggested for C. arenaria. At high N-levels, C. epigejos dominated the vegetation within two years. C. vulgaris and G. verum declined drastically as a result of increased competition for light by the highly competitive grass C. epigejos. It is concluded that increased (ambient) N inputs are of major importance for the increased dominance of tall grasses in stable dune grasslands.  相似文献   

Motor vehicles emit a cocktail of pollutants; however, little is known about the effects of these pollutants on bryophytes located in roadside habitats. Six bryophyte species were transplanted to either a woodland or a moorland site adjacent to a motorway, and were monitored over seven months from autumn through to spring. All species showed an increase in one or more of the following near the motorway: growth, membrane leakage, chlorophyll concentration, and nitrogen concentration. The strongest effects were observed in the first 50-100 m from the motorway: this was consistent with the nitrogen dioxide pollution profile, which decreased to background levels at a distance of 100-125 m. It is hypothesised that motor vehicle pollution was responsible for the effects observed, and that nitrogen oxides had a key influence. The observed effects may lead to changes in vegetation composition with significant implications for nature conservation and management of roadside sites.  相似文献   

The impact on plant growth of the simultaneously changing factors of the global climate, rising tropospheric O3 concentrations and increasing UV-B radiation fluxes, has been tested in a combined glasshouse and growth chamber experiment. The saltmarsh grass species Elymus athericus was sequentially fumigated for two weeks with O3 and for another two weeks irradiated with UV-B (vv). Exposure to elevated UV-B did not negatively affect photosynthesis or plant growth. Fumigation with O3 had a depressing effect on net photosynthesis, the number and biomass of flowers, the number of leaves and the number of shoots. O3-induced damage only was observed in plants which had been fumigated during the last two weeks of the experiment. Since interactive responses were not observed, results suggest different primary target sites for O3 and UV-B within the plant.  相似文献   

Patterns of environmental change in the biosphere include concurrent and sequential combinations of increasing ultraviolet (UV-B) and ozone (O(3)) at increasing carbon dioxide (CO(2)) levels; long-term changes are resulting mainly from stratospheric O(3) depletion, greater tropospheric O(3) photochemical synthesis, and increasing CO(2) emissions. Effects of selected combinations were evaluated in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. New Yorker) seedlings using sequential exposures to enhanced UV-B radiation and O(3) in differential CO(2) concentrations. Ambient (7.2 kJ m(-2 )day(-1)) or enhanced (13.1 kJ m(-2) day(-1)) UV-B fluences and ambient (380 microl l(-1)) or elevated (600 microl l(-1)) CO(2) were imposed for 19 days before exposure to 3-day simulated O(3) episodes with peak concentrations of 0.00, 0.08, 0.16 or 0.24 microl l(-1) O(3) in ambient or elevated CO(2). CO(2) enrichment increased dry mass, leaf area, specific leaf weight, chlorophyll concentration and UV-absorbing compounds per unit leaf area. Exposure to enhanced UV-B increased leaf chlorophyll and UV-absorbing compounds but decreased leaf area and root/shoot ratio. O(3) exposure generally inhibited growth and leaf photosynthesis and did not affect UV-absorbing compounds. The highest dose of O(3) eliminated the stimulating effect of CO(2) enrichment after ambient UV-B pre-exposure on leaf photosynthesis. Pre-exposure to enhanced UV-B mitigated O(3) damage to leaf photosynthesis at elevated CO(2).  相似文献   

The effects of clouds (amount, type and height) on the surface UV-B radiation have been investigated at Qena, Egypt (26°17′, 32°10′, 96 m asl) using 2 years data (2004–2005) carried out by South Valley University (SVU)-meteorological research station. Thus, the characteristics of cloud's statistical property during the study period were employed to evaluate the general feature of the region of this study. However, ≈86% of all the observations were ⩽2 octas and the overcast conditions (8 octas) were very rarely over the study region (only 0.2% of all cases). These observations included 10% low-level clouds, 3.16% mid-level clouds and 7.59% high-level clouds. The dominated types of these clouds are stratocumulus (8.9%) and cirrus (5.8%).The hourly values of cloudless sky UV-B radiation (UV-B0) and consequently the cloud modification factor (CMF) were estimated. An empirical model was developed for CMF as a function of the amount of cloud at low- and mid-level and high-level clouds. The correlation coefficients were equal to 0.985 and 0.987, respectively. In addition, a general expression of the CMF for situations those are considered as the effect of different clouds was found. The efficiency of this model has been tested in combination with a cloudless sky empirical model using independent data set. For this purpose, the hourly values of UV-B at selected cloudless and cloudy days were estimated. A good agreement was observed between the measured and the predicted values of our model. The mean value of the correlation coefficients of these selected days was 0.98.In addition, the attenuation of UV-B radiation could be determined by considering low- and mid-level and high-level clouds. The reduction of UV-B radiation as a function of cloud amount was non-linear for the both cases. At cloud amount of 100%, UV-B radiation was reduced by 83% on average by the high-level clouds.  相似文献   

Although terrestrial vegetation has been exposed to UV-B radiation and ozone over the course of evolutionary history, it is essential to view the effects on vegetation of changing levels of these factors in the context of other features of climate change, such as increasing CO(2) levels and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. Much of our understanding of the impacts of increased UV-B and ozone levels has come from studies of the effects of each individual factor. While such information may be relevant to a wider understanding of the roles that these factors may play in climate change, experience has shown that the interactions of environmental stresses on vegetation are rarely predictable. A further limitation on the applicability of such information results from the methodologies used for exposing plants to either factor. Much of our information comes from growth chamber, greenhouse or field studies using experimental protocols that made little or no provision for the stochastic nature of the changes in UV-B and ozone levels at the earth's surface, and hence excluded the roles of repair mechanisms. As a result, our knowledge of dose-response relationships under true field conditions is both limited and fragmentary, given the wide range of sensitivities among species and cultivars. Adverse effects of increased levels of either factor on vegetation are qualitatively well established, but the quantitative relationships are far from clear. In both cases, sensitivity varies with stage of plant development. At the population and community levels, differential responses of species to either factor has been shown to result in changes in competitiveness and community structure. At the mechanistic level, ozone generally inhibits photosynthetic gas exchange under both controlled and field conditions, and although UV-B is also inhibitory in some species under controlled conditions, others appear to be indifferent, particularly in the field. Both factors affect metabolism; a common response is increased secondary metabolism leading to the accumulation of phenolic compounds that, in the case of UV-B, offer the leaf cell some protection from radiation. Virtually no information is available about the effects of simultaneous or sequential exposures. Since both increased surface UV-B and ozone exposures have spatial and temporal components, it is important to evaluate the different scenarios that may occur, bearing in mind that elevated daytime ozone levels will attenuate the UV-B reaching the surface to some extent. The experimentation needed to acquire unequivocal effects data that are relevant to field situations must therefore be carried out using technologies and protocols that focus on quantification of the interactions of UV-B and ozone themselves and their interactions with other environmental factors.  相似文献   


Dark septate endophytes (DSE) are widely distributed in plant roots grown in stressful habitats, especially in heavy metal-polluted soils. But little is known about the physiological interactions between DSE and plants under heavy metal stress. In the present study, the growth, Cd content, and physiological response of Zea mays L. to a root-colonized DSE, Exophiala pisciphila, were analyzed under Cd stress (0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg) in a sand culture experiment. Under high Cd (10, 20, and 40 mg/kg) stress, the DSE colonization in roots increased the maize growth, kept more Cd in roots, and decreased Cd content in shoots. The DSE colonization improved the photosynthesis and induced notable changes on phytohormones but had no significant effect on the antioxidant capability in the maize leaves. Moreover, there were significant positive correlations between the gibberellic acid (GA) content and transpiration rate, zeatin riboside (ZR) content, and photosynthetic rate in maize leaves. These results indicated that the DSE’s ability to promote plant growth was related to a decrease on Cd content and the regulation on phytohormone balance and photosynthetic activities in maize leaves.


Phthalic acid esters (PAEs) are one kind of persistent organic pollutants. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of diethylphthalate (DEP) and di(2-ethyl)hexylphthalate (DEHP) with different concentrations (0, 30, 50, 100, and 200 mg L?1) on early seedling growth of Cucumis sativus L. Physiological, biochemical, and ultrastructure of seedling leaves were examined for 7-day exposure. The three antioxidant enzymes’ activities was stimulated at low-DEP treatments and decreased under higher levels (>200 mg L?1) compared to the controls. Furthermore, MDA and H2O2 gradually enhanced with the elevation of DEP and DEHP concentration. Significant impact on the chloroplast and mitochondrion was visible, possibly as a consequence of free radical generation. DEP induced bigger and more starch grains in chloroplasts than DEHP. This study concluded that the effects of DEP and DEHP on cucumber seedlings represented the adverse impacts of DEP and DEHP on the ecosystem and agricultural production. The environmental harm caused by DEP was severer than DEHP.  相似文献   

The effects of exposing plants of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newman and Polypodium vulgare L. to 60 nl litre(-1) (122 microg m(-3)) NO(2) for 37 weeks were investigated in a closed chamber fumigation system. There was no effect of NO(2) on the numbers of fronds produced for any species at any time during the exposure period. However, at the end of the study, there was a lower dry weight yield of green shoots of D. filix-mas and P. scolopendrium and a higher yield of green shoots of P. vulgare for plants in the NO(2) treatment as compared to control plants. These differences in shoot dry weights were not accompanied by an effect of NO(2) exposure on total plant dry weights.  相似文献   

Approximately 35 species representing 14 tree genera have been evaluated for responses to UV-B radiation in North America. The best representation has been in the conifers where some 20 species representing three genera have been studied. Overall, about 1/3 of these have demonstrated some deleterious response to UV-B. However, most negative impacts have been observed under controlled environment conditions where sensitivity may be enhanced. Therefore, it seems unlikely that expected levels of ozone depletion will result in direct losses in productivity. However, the role that ambient or enhanced levels of UV-B may play in forest ecosystem processes is more difficult to access. One possible indirect response of forests to changes in UV-B radiation levels could be via alterations in plant secondary metabolites. Increases in phenolics and flavonoids that enhance epidermal UV-screening effectiveness may also influence leaf development, water relations or ecosystem processes such as plant-herbivore interactions or decomposition.  相似文献   

Bonzongo JC  Donkor AK 《Chemosphere》2003,52(8):1263-1273
In the past two decades, a great deal of attention has been paid to the environmental fate of mercury (Hg), and this is exemplified by the growing number of international conferences devoted uniquely to Hg cycling and its impacts on ecosystem functions and life. This interest in the biogeochemistry of Hg has resulted in a significant improvement of our understanding of its impact on the environment and human health. However, both past and current research, have been primarily oriented toward the study of direct impact of anthropogenic activities on Hg cycling. Besides a few indirect effects such as the increase in Hg methylation observed in acid-rain impacted aquatic systems or the reported enhanced Hg bioaccumulation in newly flooded water reservoirs; changes in Hg transformations/fluxes that may be related to global change have received little attention. A case in point is the depletion of stratospheric ozone and the resulting increase in solar UV-radiation reaching the Earth. This review and critical discussion suggest that increasing UV-B radiation at earth's surface could have a significant and complex impact on Hg cycling including effects on Hg volatilization (photo-reduction), solubilization (photo-oxidation), methyl-Hg demethylation, and Hg methylation. Therefore, this paper is written to provoke discussions, and more importantly, to stimulate research on potential impacts of incoming solar UV-radiation on global Hg fluxes and any toxicity aspects of Hg that may become exacerbated by UV-radiation.  相似文献   

Fisheries for arctic freshwater and diadromous fish species contribute significantly to northern economies. Climate change, and to a lesser extent increased ultraviolet radiation, effects in freshwaters will have profound effects on fisheries from three perspectives: quantity of fish available, quality of fish available, and success of the fishers. Accordingly, substantive adaptation will very likely be required to conduct fisheries sustainably in the future as these effects take hold. A shift to flexible and rapidly responsive 'adaptive management' of commercial fisheries will be necessary; local land- and resource-use patterns for subsistence fisheries will change; and, the nature, management and place for many recreational fisheries will change. Overall, given the complexity and uncertainty associated with climate change and related effects on arctic freshwaters and their biota, a much more conservative approach to all aspects of fishery management will be required to ensure ecosystems and key fished species retain sufficient resiliency and capacity to meet future changes.  相似文献   

Although ozone has been shown to reduce the growth of individual species and to alter the composition of simple species mixtures, there is little understanding of its long-term effects on species dynamics and composition in real communities. Intact turfs of calcareous grassland were exposed to four different ozone regimes in open-top chambers over three consecutive summers. Treatments provided a mean seasonal AOT40 ranging from approximately zero to 15 ppm h. Cumulative ozone exposure was a significant factor in compositional change, but only explained 4.6% of the variation. The dominant grass species (Festuca rubra) showed a consistent decline in cover in the high ozone treatment over time and the forb Campanula rotundifolia was lost from all three ozone treatments. The frequency of some species (Galium verum and Plantago lanceolata) increased with ozone exposure. Long-term effects of ozone on species composition in chalk grassland may be a function of both the sensitivity of individual species and the response of the dominant species.  相似文献   

In order to probe into the enzymological mechanism for the regulation of lanthanum chloride (LaCl3) on flavonoid synthesis in plants under enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, the effects of LaCl3 (20 and 60 mg l?1) on the content of flavonoids as well as the activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), cinnamate-4-hydroxylase (C4H), 4-coumarate?:?coenzyme A ligase (4CL), and chalcone synthase (CHS) in soybean seedlings under enhanced UV-B radiation (2.6 and 6.2 kJ m?2 day?1) were investigated. Enhanced UV-B radiation (2.6 and 6.2 kJ m?2 day?1) caused the increase in the content of flavonoids as well as the activities of PAL, C4H, 4CL, and CHS in soybean seedlings. The treatment of 20 mg l?1 LaCl3 also efficiently increased these indices, which promoted the flavonoid synthesis and provided protective effects for resisting enhanced UV-B radiation. On the contrary, the treatment of 60 mg l?1 LaCl3 decreased the content of flavonoids as well as the activities of C4H, 4CL, and CHS in soybean seedlings except increasing the activity of PAL, which were not beneficial to the flavonoid synthesis and provided negative effects for resisting enhanced UV-B radiation. In conclusion, enhanced UV-B radiation caused the increase in the flavonoid synthesis by promoting the activities of PAL, C4H, 4CL, and CHS in soybean seedlings. The treatment of LaCl3 could change flavonoid synthesis in soybean seedlings under enhanced UV-B radiation by regulating the activities of PAL, C4H, 4CL, and CHS, which is an enzymological mechanism for the regulation of LaCl3 on flavonoid synthesis in plants under enhanced UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

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