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The paper describes a model designed for analysing interrelated nitrogen (N) fluxes in farming systems. It combines the partial N balance, farm gate balance, barn balance and soil surface balance, in order to analyse all relevant N fluxes between the subsystems soil–plant–animal–environment and to reflect conclusive and consistent management systems. Such a system approach allows identifying the causes of varying N surplus and N utilisation.The REPRO model has been applied in the experimental farm Scheyern in southern Germany, which had been subdivided into an organic (org) and a conventional (con) farming system in 1992. Detailed series of long-term measuring data are available for the experimental farm, which have been used for evaluating the software for its efficiency and applicability under very different management, yet nearly equal site conditions.The organic farm is multi-structured with a legume-based crop rotation (N2 fixation: 83 kg ha−1 yr−1). The livestock density is 1.4 LSU ha−1. The farm is oriented on closed mass cycles.The conventional farm is a simple-structured cash crop system based on mineral N (N input 145 kg ha−1 yr−1). Averaging the years 1999–2002, the organic crop rotation reached, with regard to the harvested products, about 81% (6.9 Mg ha−1 yr−1) of the DM yield and about 93% (140 kg ha−1 yr−1) of the N removal of the conventional rotation. Related to the cropped area, the N surplus calculated for the organic rotation was 38 kg ha−1 yr−1 versus 44 kg ha−1 yr−1 for the conventional rotation. The N utilisation reached 0.77 (org) and 0.79 (con), respectively. The different structure of the farms favoured an enhancement of the soil organic nitrogen stock (35 kg ha−1 yr−1) in the organic crop rotation and caused a decline in the conventional system (−24 kg ha−1 yr−1). Taking account of these changes, which were substantiated by measurements, N surplus in the organic rotation decreased to 3 kg ha−1 yr−1, while it increased to 68 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the conventional system. The adjusted N utilisation value amounted to 0.98 (org) and 0.69 (con), respectively.  相似文献   

In central Mexico, it is common for farmers to retain useful trees in abandoned lands after maize cultivation, creating a park-like landscape of scattered trees for extensive livestock grazing, among other land uses (mature forests, secondary forests, and livestock grazing in secondary forests). Among these trees Acacia cochliancantha and Ipomoea arborescens are the most common species associated with this land use in the region. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of both tree species on soil N and P recycling. To this end, we measured N and P concentrations in leaves of both species; and the seasonal N and P (total and dissolved) content in the litter, and total N and P, inorganic N, and bicarbonate-extractable-P concentrations, and the N transformations in the soil, in samples collected under crown of Acacia and Ipomoea and in open areas. Trees of different species varied in their capacity to cycle N. The leaves of Acacia were richer in N than those of Ipomoea (29.7 and 25.0 mg N g−1, respectively), and nutrient resorption was higher in leguminous trees than in Ipomoea (by 20% in the case of N, and 35% in the case of P). Acacia trees had higher effects on soils than Ipomoea trees, like consistent increases of N concentrations (by 30% in the case of total N, and by 50% in the case of inorganic N) and transformations (N mineralization and nitrification in rainy season increases by a factor of 20 and 36, respectively). On the other hand, Ipomoea produced senescent leaves and accumulated forest litter with less P concentration (0.8 and 0.7 mg P g−1, respectively) in relation to Acacia (senescent leaves: 1.3 mg P g−1; litter: 1.1 mg P g−1), reflecting the lower availability of the nutrient in the soil. The total litter N and P pools decreased in the rainy season under crown of both species, as the dissolved P pool did. The total soil N and P concentrations did not change with sampling season. However, potential N transformations and bicarbonate P under both species were higher in dry season than in rainy season samples. Comparison with other land uses in the region suggests that the AcaciaIpomoea system cycles low quantity of nutrients, but there are no notable differences in the availability of P in the soils. These results demonstrate that scattered trees improve the N and P cycling following the discontinuation of agricultural practices, and the effects will vary depending on the tree species.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of nutrients within agricultural watersheds has received scant attention and is poorly understood compared to nutrient transport in surface and subsurface water flow pathways. Thus, we determined the deposition of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and sediment in a mixed land use watershed in south-central Pennsylvania (39.5 ha; 50% corn–wheat–soybean rotation, 20% pasture, and 30% woodland), in comparison with stream loads at several locations along its reach between 2004 and 2006. There was a significant difference in deposition rates among land uses (P < 0.05) with more P and N deposited on cropland (1.93 kg P and 10.71 kg N ha−1 yr−1) than pasture (1.10 kg P and 8.06 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and woodland (0.36 and 2.33 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Although not significant, sediment showed the same trends among land uses. A significant relationship was found between P in deposition and P in soil <10-m away from the samplers suggesting much of the deposited sample was derived from local soil. Samplers adjacent to the stream channel showed deposition rates (1.64 kg P and 8.83 kg N ha−1 yr−1) similar to those on cropland. However, accounting for the surface area of the stream, direct deposition of P, N, and sediment probably accounted for <3% of P and <1% of N and sediment load in stream flow from the watershed (1.41 kg P, 27.09 kg N, and 1343 kg sediment ha−1 yr−1 at the outlet). This suggests that strategies to mitigate nutrient and sediment loss in this mixed-land use watershed should focus on runoff pathways.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of waterways through delivery of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) from farmland is a problem in many countries. Loss of nutrients from grazed grassland via overland flow is well demonstrated, but the sources of these nutrients and the processes controlling their mobilization into water are not well understood. Much of the nutrient loss in overland flow from grazed pastures may be due to generally increased fertility of the soil–plant system (i.e. background or ‘systematic’ nutrient loss) rather than to immediate loss after fertilizer application [Nash, D., Clemow, L., Hannah, M., Barlow, K., Gangaiya, P., 2005. Modelling phosphorus exports from rain-fed and irrigated pastures in southern Australia. Aust. J. Soil Res. 43, 745–755]. The main aim of this study was to measure the effects of long-term (25 years) superphosphate (Ca(H2PO4)2 + 2CaSO4) fertilizer application (0–23 kg/(ha year)) on P and N in soil, plants, and potential background P and N movement in overland flow (generated using a rainfall simulator) from sheep-grazed pastures in southern Australia. Measurements were taken in autumn, under dry soil conditions, and in winter, under wet soil conditions, 12 and 15 months after the last fertilizer applications, respectively. Superphosphate application caused a strong increase in plant P, soil total P, Olsen P, and Colwell P; and a weaker increase in plant N, soil total N, and inorganic N (ammonium and nitrate). Soil P and N were concentrated in the surface 25 mm of soil. Soil water-extractable P, calcium chloride-extractable P, and calcium chloride organic P were in general only poorly associated with fertilizer application. The concentration of P and, to a lesser extent, the concentration of N in overland flow increased with increasing fertilizer application and showed strong seasonal differences (0.06–0.77 mg P/L and 0.6–5.5 mg N/L in autumn; 0.04–0.20 mg P/L and 0.4–1.7 mg N/L in winter). The P in overland flow was predominantly dissolved reactive P in autumn and particulate P in winter. The N in overland flow contained significant proportions of dissolved organic N, dissolved inorganic N (ammonium and nitrate), and particulate N. The concentrations of P and N in overland flow usually exceeded State water quality targets (<0.04 mg P/L and <0.90 mg N/L), suggesting that background losses of nutrients from these pasture systems could contribute to the eutrophication of waterways.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is becoming increasingly important in the cereal-based cropping system of the Nigerian Guinea savanna zone and this justifies research on its effects on soil N. Although soybean can obtain 50% or more of its N requirement from the atmosphere, the N contribution of the crop to the system depends on the amount of N contained in roots, haulms, and fallen leaves after grain harvest. At four sites in the northern Guinea savanna, the effects on N balance of P fertilizer and soybean varieties of different duration were tested. The varieties received P fertilizer at the rates of 0, 30, and 60 kg P ha−1. The total N accumulated aboveground at harvest averaged 104 kg N ha−1 in the early and medium varieties, and 135 kg N ha−1 in the late varieties. Across all varieties and sites, total N content was increased by 40–47% when P was applied. Apparent N harvest index averaged 85% but was not significantly affected by variety or P rate. When only grain was exported, the calculated N balance of the early and the medium varieties was −2.6 to −12.2 kg N ha−1 while the longer duration varieties had positive N balances ranging from 2 to 10.9 kg N ha−1. The N accrual was negative when P was not applied and ranged from 2.4 to 5.2 kg N ha−1 with P application. The interaction of variety and site on the N balance was significant at P<0.05. N balance at the southernmost site was −14.2 kg N ha−1 compared with 2.6–10 kg N ha−1 at the northern sites where N2 fixation was higher. The estimate of N balance is reduced when soybean haulms are exported. A positive N contribution by soybean is, therefore, possible in a soybean–cereal rotation when: (i) P is applied, (ii) the soybean variety is late maturing, and (iii) only grain is exported.  相似文献   

Lowland rice fields constitute a semi aquatic environment, which is potentially suitable for fish production. Little is known about the effect of fish on greenhouse gas emissions from integrated rice–fish systems. An experiment was carried out at the Bangladesh Agricultural University to assess the effect of the stocking of fish on methane emissions from rice fields. Common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) were stocked in a mixed culture and subjected to three different input regimes: (1) urea fertilization according to the recommendation of the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), (2) supplementary feeding at 2 × maintenance level and (3) an elevated feeding schedule where 4 × maintenance level was fed initially and 2 × maintenance level towards the end of the growth period. Rice only with urea fertilization according to BRRI-recommendation was included as the control. The presence of fish increased methane emissions in all three rice–fish treatments. Average emission over the cropping season was 34, 37, and 32 mg m−2 h−1 in the rice–fish treatments, respectively, and 20 mg m−2 h−1 in rice only. Apart from an increase in methane emission, a significant drop (p < 0.05) in floodwater pH and dissolved oxygen concentration was observed in the rice–fish plots. Both parameters were the lowest in the treatment where a higher feeding rate was provided. Due to the fish activity, floodwater in the rice–fish treatments was more turbid, as reflected in higher particulate inorganic matter (PIOM). An elevated level of dissolved methane was observed in the floodwater of the feed supplemented rice–fish plots. Methane emissions showed negative correlation with morning and afternoon pH of the floodwater (r = −0.46; r = −0.56, p < 0.001) and morning and afternoon dissolved oxygen level (r = −0.53; r = −0.46, p < 0.001). Positive correlations were recorded between morning and afternoon floodwater temperature (r = 0.49; r = 0.44, p < 0.001) and with air temperature (r = 0.54, p < 0.001). The results suggest that the stocking of fish has an increasing effect on methane emissions from rice fields.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the influence that residue and fertilizer management have on nutrient balances, soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, and crop yields of a flooded rice system in northeast Thailand (1992–1997) and a wheat–forage legume rotation in eastern Australia (1992–1998). Both soils had been subject to at least 18 years of cultivation and had lost up to 90% of the original labile (CL) and 85% of the total carbon (CT).For the rainfed rice cropping systems of northeast Thailand, a system is described in which small applications of leaf litter from locally grown trees are applied annually to rice paddy soils prior to transplanting. Annual applications of 1500 kg ha−1 of leaf litter from different locally grown shrubs for five seasons resulted in increases in rice grain yield in 1997 of between 20 and 26% above the no-leaf litter control. Nutrient balances, determined by the difference between the inputs (fertilizer and added leaf litters) and outputs (grain and straw), indicated net positive balances of up to 457 kg N ha−1, and 60 kg P ha−1, after five seasons of leaf litter applications. Sulfur and potassium balances resulted in net deficits of up to −13 kg S ha−1 and −52 kg P ha−1, where no leaf litter was applied and rice straw was removed following harvest. Soil carbon (C) concentrations increased significantly only where higher fertilizer rate and rice stubble retention were combined.The poor management of fertilizers and crop residues, and excessive cultivation has also resulted in large soil fertility losses in the grain growing areas of Eastern Australia. After five wheat and two legume/fallow crops, negative N balances of up to −303 kg ha−1 were calculated for the treatments where wheat stubble was not retained and bare fallow leys were used. The balance of nutrients such as K, which are contained in larger proportions in stubble, were found to be up to −362 kg ha−1 on the straw-removed treatments and up to +29 kg ha−1 on the straw-retained treatments. Forage legume leys resulted in short term increases in CL and the carbon management index (CMI).Sustainable farming systems require that crop yields are stable through the maintenance of soil fertility and the balance of nutrients in the system. Increases in soil C levels require sustained periods of balanced fertilization and residue retention.  相似文献   

In order to increase the water and fertilizer use efficiency and decrease the losses of water and fertilizer solutes (N and P), it is necessary to assess the influence of level of fertilization and irrigation schedule on movement and balance of water and fertilizers in the root zone. With this goal, the reported study was undertaken to determine the effect of fertilization and irrigation schedule on water movement and fertilizer solute transport in wheat crop field in a sub-tropical sub-humid region. Field experiments were conducted on wheat crop of cultivar Sonalika (Triticum aestivum L.) during the years 2002–2003, 2003–2004 and 2004–2005. Each experiment consisted of four fertilizer treatments and three irrigation treatments during the wheat growth period. During the experiment, the irrigation treatments were: I1 = 10% maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of available soil water (ASW); I2 = 40% MAD of ASW; I3 = 60% MAD of ASW. The fertilizer treatments during the experiment were: F1 = control treatment with N:P2O5:K2O as 0:0:0 kg ha−1; F2 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 80:40:40 kg ha−1; F3 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 120:60:60 kg ha−1 and F4 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 160:80:80 kg ha−1. The results of the investigation revealed that low volume high frequency irrigation results in higher deep percolation losses than the low frequency high volume irrigation with different levels of fertilization for wheat crop in coarse lateritic soil, whereas different levels of fertilization did not significantly affect soil water balance of the wheat crop root zone during all the irrigation schedules. Level of fertilization and irrigation schedule had significant effect on nitrogen leaching loss whereas irrigation schedules had no significant effect on nitrogen uptake under different levels of fertilization. On the other hand, the leaching loss of phosphorus was not significantly influenced by the irrigation schedule and level of fertilization of wheat crop. This indicated that PO4–P leaching loss was very low in the soil solution as compared to nitrogen due to fixation of phosphorus in soils. From the observed data of nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency, it was revealed that irrigation schedule with 40% maximum allowable depletion of available soil water with F2 fertilizer treatment (N:P2O5:K2O as 80:40:40 kg ha−1) was the threshold limit for wheat crop with respect to nitrogen and phosphorus use, crop yield and environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Tropical peatland is a vast potential land source for biological production, but peatland is a major natural source of greenhouse gases, especially methane (CH4). It is important to evaluate the changes in greenhouse gas emissions induced by cultivation practices for sustainable agricultural use of tropical peatland. We investigated the effects of fertilizer application and the groundwater level on CH4 and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in an Indonesian peat soil. The crop cultivated was sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.), which can grow on tropical peat soil without drainage and yield great amounts of starch. CH4 emission through sago palm plants was first estimated by collecting gas samples immediately after cutting sago suckers using the closed chamber method. The CH4 fluxes ranged from negative values to 1.0 mg C m−2 h−1. The mean CH4 flux from treatment with macroelements (N, P, and K) and microelements (B, Cu, Fe, and Zn) applied at normal rates did not differ significantly from that of the No fertilizer treatment, although increasing the application rates of macroelements or microelements by 10-fold increased the CH4 flux by a factor of two or three. The relationship between CH4 flux and the groundwater table was regressed to a logarithmic equation, which indicated that to maintain a small CH4 flux, the groundwater table should be maintained at <−45 cm. The CO2 fluxes ranged between 24 and 150 mg C m−2 h−1, and were not significantly affected by either fertilizer treatments or the groundwater level. The inclusion of sago palm suckers in a chamber increased CH4 emission from the peat soil significantly. Thus, gas emissions mediated by certain kinds of palm plants should not be disregarded.  相似文献   

No-tillage (NT) is a method adopted to reduce erosion and particulate phosphorus (P) load from arable land to watercourses. However, it has been found to increase the loss of dissolved P with surface runoff, but the reasons for that have rarely been examined in detail. The objective of the present study was to determine the chemical factors explaining this response by investigating the impact of NT on the type and distribution of P reserves as well as on organic carbon (C) in the 0–35 cm topsoil layer of clay soil profiles (Vertic Cambisols). Soil samples were taken from two experimental fields (Jokioinen and Aurajoki) at 0–5, 5–20 and 20–35 cm depths in conventionally tilled (CT) and non-tilled (for 4–5 years) plots. The plots had been cultivated and fertilized according to the common field practices in Finland (15–18 kg P and 100–128 kg N ha−1 year−1).Inorganic and organic P reserves characterized by a modified Chang and Jackson fractionation procedure were not significantly affected by the cultivation methods. However, in the uppermost soil layer (0–5 cm) in NT of the Jokioinen field, the labile P determined by water extraction (Pw) increased significantly, whereas the increase in P extracted with acid ammonium acetate (PAAC) remained statistically insignificant. The increase in labile P coincided with a significant increase in organic carbon (C), which supports the theory that competition between organic anions and phosphate for the same sorption sites on oxide surfaces will enhance the lability of soil P. In the Aurajoki field with distinct soil cracking, Pw and PAAC were not affected by NT in the uppermost soil layer, but they increased in the deepest soil layer (20–35 cm) concomitantly with an increase in Al-bound P and organic C. However, the increases were not statistically significant. In both fields, soil acidification due to the repeated application of N fertilizers at a shallow soil depth as well as the accumulation of organic C lowered pH of the uppermost soil layer in NT compared to the deeper soil layers. The results indicated that even short-term NT can increase the labile P in clay soil. However, further studies are needed to assess the long-term changes in lability of surface soil P and, consequently, the possible need for readjustment of the fertilization level in NT.  相似文献   

Chlorella salina was successfully cultivated in secondarily treated domestic sewage effluent of salinity (14%) in an outdoor cultivation tank. Removal efficiencies of NH4+ -N, NO3 -N, and PO43− -P by this alga from secondarily treated sewage effluent were 89–100%, 35–66% and 100%, respectively. The high removal efficiencies of inorganic N and P means that this process can be used as a tertiary sewage treatment. The yield of the sewage-grown algae was 5.1 g m−2 day−1 for a retention time of 6 days. The high protein content (46.8%), relatively good amino-acid profile and low metal content enabled the use of algal biomass as feed supplement for the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). The food conversion ratios (FCR) of 5% and 10% sewage-grown algae supplemented fish food were better than on the control diet (i.e. artificial fish food alone), while the FCR of 20% sewage-grown algae supplemented fish food and live sewage-grown algae alone were inferior to that on the control diet. These results indicate that cultivation of C. salina in secondarily treated sewage effluent of high salinity can be used as a tertiary sewage treatment to remove inorganic N and P from secondarily treated sewage effluent to reduce pollution problems, and to produce algal protein suitable as a supplement for fish feed in aquaculture.  相似文献   

An understanding of the long-term changes in the nitrate contamination pattern of unconfined groundwater is critical to conservation of drinking water in rural areas supporting mixed land-use activities such as cropping, livestock farming, and residence. To examine the effect of different land-use activities on nitrate contamination, groundwater samples were collected monthly for 3 years (1997–1999) from 12 wells in rural areas with different land-use activities and analyzed for the concentrations and N isotopic ratios (δ15N) of nitrate. The characteristics of nitrate contamination clearly differed with land-use activities. The percentages of samples that had a nitrate concentration exceeding the national standard for drinking water (10 mg N L−1) were 0, 23, 43, and 67% for the uncontaminated natural area, cropping area, cropping-livestock farming complex area, and residential area, respectively. The range of δ15N values was between +1.4 and +4.5‰ for groundwater nitrate from the uncontaminated natural area. In the cropping area, the δ15N values were slightly different with the type of fertilizer applied to fields in the vicinity of the well, and the values ranged between +8.7 and +14.4‰ for the compost-applied area and between +4.5 and +8.5‰ for the area where urea was applied with compost. The δ15N values of the cropping-livestock farming complex area ranged from +1.0 to +17.7‰, probably resulting from mixed contamination sources (inorganic fertilizer and livestock manure). The well located closest to the livestock feedlot had relatively higher δ15N values, with a range between +8.7 and +17.6‰. In the residential area, a higher δ15N (most frequently above +10‰) of nitrate suggested that the major source of contamination was effluent from leaky septic tanks. Our data showed that unconfined groundwater is susceptible to land-use activities above the aquifers, and the impacts of the activities could be more precisely inferred from long-term data on the concentration and δ15N of nitrate. By determining the impacts, more effective (specific to contamination sources) measures for preventing groundwater quality could be implemented.  相似文献   

Past research on nitrogen (N) inputs, losses and surpluses focused on separate components of grassland management, i.e., grazed or cut swards and the impact of fertiliser or slurry applications. In practice, however, grassland is both grazed and cut for conservation, and N fertiliser is supplied from both organic and inorganic sources. A whole systems approach was used to evaluate the effects of combinations of management strategies designed to reduce N losses on N budgets, and herbage and animal production in South West England. Three systems with contrasting N inputs were compared: CN, conventional mineral N application and broadcast slurry; TN, tactical mineral N application with slurry injection and the early housing of cattle; GC, a mixed grass/white clover sward with no mineral N addition and slurry injection. Comparisons were made on two contrasting soil types: a freely-draining sandy loam (Gleysol, Site 1), and a poorly drained clay (Luvisol, Site 2). 1 ha farmlets were grazed to a target sward height by beef cattle for a 5-year (Site 1) or a 4-year (Site 2) period. Herbage surplus to grazing requirements was cut for silage. On average, 185 kg N ha−1 was applied annually to treatment TN compared with 280 kg N ha−1 for CN. An additional 76, 102 and 67 kg N ha−1 was applied in slurry to treatments CN, TN and GC, respectively. Substantial reductions in N surpluses were achieved for both treatments TN and GC compared with treatment CN (N surpluses ha−1: 254, 168 and 119 kg at Site 1, and 247 kg, 190 and 73 kg at Site 2, for CN, TN and GC, respectively). The highest N input for treatment CN was associated with the greatest animal and herbage production. More land was required for grazing on treatment GC and less herbage was cut for silage so that self-sufficiency was not attained for winter fodder on this treatment. The early removal of cattle on treatment TN did not result in a significant increase in the amount of herbage cut for silage. It was concluded that the combinations of mitigation options used were successful in reducing N surpluses compared with the conventional N management system, but animal and herbage production was reduced.  相似文献   

We measured denitrification at 15 sites during 1 year in a agricultural catchment in Brittany, France. Our objective was to assess the relative importance of heterotrophic denitrification on the fate of excess nitrogen at the catchment scale, and to quantify the relative importance of riparian areas on the N2O emissions. Using the C2H2 inhibition technique, denitrification rate on soil core and denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) were each determined, for samples taken from two soil layers: 0–20 and 20–40 cm. Denitrification rates, ranging from 0 to 417 mg N m−2 d−1, were significantly higher in riparian areas than for hillslopes (median of 24.87 against 10.38 mg N m−2 d−1). However, since denitrification rates are significant in the hillslope and given that hillslope surface area is much greater (79% of catchment surface), this domain could be responsible for half of the overall denitrified nitrogen (N). Also, the 20–40 cm deep soil layer was found to account for more than 46% of the denitrification. The DEA indicates the potential for denitrifying activity by the soil under non-limiting conditions, measured values ranged from 76.48 to 530.63 ng N g−1 dry soil h−1. The ratio N2O/(N2O + N2) was about 60% with no clear spatial or temporal trends. Soil moisture appeared to be the main limiting factor for denitrification at the field scale. The results suggest that, for this catchment, denitrification is a major route for nitrogen removal, but a significant proportion of this removal occurs as N2O.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the impacts of rural land use on lowland streamwater phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations and P loads and sources in lowland streams. Based on weekly water quality monitoring, the impacts of agriculture on streamwater P and N hydrochemistry were examined along a gradient of rural–agricultural land use, by monitoring three sets of ‘paired’ (near-adjacent) rural headwater streams, draining catchments which are representative of the major geology, soil types and rural/agricultural land use types of large areas of lowland Britain. The magnitude and timing of P and N inputs were assessed and the load apportionment model (LAM) was applied to quantify ‘continuous’ (point) source and ‘flow-dependent’ (diffuse) source contributions of P to these headwater streams. The results show that intensive arable farming had only a comparatively small impact on streamwater total phosphorus (TP loads), with highly consistent stream diffuse-source TP yields of ca. 0.5 kg-P ha?1 year?1 for the predominantly arable catchments with both clay and loam soils, compared with 0.4 kg-P ha?1 year?1 for low agricultural intensity grassland/woodland on similar soil types. In contrast, intensive livestock farming on heavy clay soils resulted in dramatically higher stream diffuse-source TP yields of 2 kg-P ha?1 year?1. The streamwater hydrochemistry of the livestock-dominated catchment was characterised by high concentrations of organic P, C and N fractions, associated with manure and slurry sources. Across the study sites, the impacts of human settlement were clearly identifiable with effluent inputs from septic tanks and sewage treatment works resulting in large-scale increases in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) loads and concentrations. At sites heavily impacted by rural settlements, SRP concentrations under baseflow conditions reached several hundred μg-P L?1. Load apportionment modelling demonstrated significant ‘point-source’ P inputs to the streams even where there were no sewage treatment works within the upstream catchment. This indicates that, even in sparsely populated rural headwater catchments, small settlements and even isolated groups of houses are sufficient to cause significant nutrient pollution and that septic tank systems serving these rural communities are actually operating as multiple point sources, rather than a diffuse input.  相似文献   

Dietary modifications in dairy cattle have been reported as a useful strategy to alter the composition of manure. Many reports have been published on how changes in dietary crude protein content and forage-to-concentrate ratio reduces animal nitrogen (N) excretion, but little information exists about the effect of diet modification on nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) emission when the subsequent slurry is applied on grassland. Two diets differing in forage:concentrate ratio (high forage or HF diet, 75:25; low forage or LF diet, 55:45) were tested to detect the improvement of N use efficiency in milk and the reduction of urinary and fecal N excretion. Triticale silage and barley grain were used as the main forage and concentrate sources in the diets. The subsequent slurries were characterized for N and ammonium-N content (NH4+-N) and applied on grassland in order to study total and pattern of emission of N2O and NO.The HF diet reduced the voluntary dry matter intake of the cows, N intake and urinary and fecal N excretion. However, the reduction of N intake did not improve the N use efficiency in milk (NUE) (21.0%) and did not reduce N excretion per unit of milk produced (15 g N l−1) due to the lower milk yield. Slurries were similar in N content but differed in NH4+ content, being lower in HF. Therefore, different slurry amounts were needed to be applied on grassland to reach the correct fertilisation rate (120 kg NH4+-N ha−1). Total emissions of N2O (5.8 and 5.0 kg N2O-N ha−1) and NO (507.2 and 568.6 g NO-N ha−1), and the pattern of emissions were not affected by dietary treatments. When fertilisation management depends on the collected volume to empty the slurry pit, higher N2O and NO emissions per kg of slurry could be expected from LF slurry. Nevertheless, if slurry is applied following recommendation rates, N2O and NO emission per unit of milk produced might be slightly lower from LF slurry. Grass yield (1.5 t dry matter ha−1) and N uptake (50 kg N ha−1) did not vary due to the applications of different slurries, and was attributed to low rainfalls. The correct management of the slurries on grasslands may justify an adequate nutritional strategy of dairy herds from an environmental and productive point of view.  相似文献   

Labile soil C and N play vital roles in soil–plant nutrient dynamics, especially in the low input cropping system and are vulnerable to perturbation. Surface (0–0.15 m) soils from three land clearing methods (slash and burn, bulldozed non-windrowed and bulldozed windrowed) and each with two cropping systems (5-and 4-year cropping/2-year cassava fallow) were collected in the humid forest ecosystem of Nigeria.The soils were analysed for total C and N, microbial biomass C and N (SMB C and N), particulate organic matter C and N (POM C and N), water-soluble C, potentially mineralizable N (PMN) and mineral N. The size of the labile C and N and their relative contributions to the organic C and total N differed significantly among land clearing methods, irrespective of the cropping system. Soils under slash and burn had a significantly (p > 0.05) higher particulate organic matter C, N (10.80 and 0.16 g kg−1, respectively) and microbial biomass C and N (1.07 and 0.12 g kg−1) compared to the bulldozed windrow, regardless of the cropping system. Four years cropping/2-year cassava fallow resulted in a significant higher labile C and N, relative to 5-year cropped plots across the land clearing methods. Effect of the treatments on the concentration of PMN and mineral N mirrored the SMB N and POM N. However, the quantity of most of the labile C and N pool and crop yield obtained from the slash and burn and bulldozed non-windrowed treatment did not differ significantly. Hence, bulldozed non-windrowed clearing could be a viable alternative to slash and burn in the case of large-scale farming in ensuring reduced losses of soil organic matter and nutrient during land clearing in the humid tropics.  相似文献   

Urea is an important source of ammonia (NH3) emissions to the atmosphere from agricultural soils. Abatement strategies are necessary in order to achieve NH3 emission targets by reducing those emissions. In this context, a field experiment was carried out on a sunflower crop in spring 2006 with the aim of evaluating the effect of the N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) in the mitigation of volatilized NH3 from a urea-fertilised soil. Ammonia emission was quantified, using the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method, following application of urea with and without the urease inhibitor NBPT. Urea and a mixture of urea and NBPT (0.14%, w/w) were surface-applied at a rate of 170 kg N ha−1 to circular plots (diameter 40 m). The soil was irrigated with 10 mm of water just after the application of urea to dissolve and incorporate it into the upper layer of soil. Over the duration of the measurement period (36 days) three peaks of NH3 were observed. The first peak was associated with hydrolysis of urea after irrigation and the others with the increase of ammonia in soil solution after changes in atmospheric variables such as wind speed and rainfall. The total NH3 emission during the whole experiment was 17.3 ± 0.5 kg NH3–N ha−1 in the case of urea treated soils and 10.0 ± 2.2 kg NH3–N ha−1 where NBPT was included with the urea (10.1 and 5.9%, respectively, of the applied urea–N). The lower NH3 emissions from plots fertilised with urea + NBPT, compared with urea alone, were associated with a reduction in urease activity during the first 9 days after inhibitor application. This reduction in enzymatic activity promoted a decrease in the exchangeable NH4+ pool.  相似文献   

We investigated nitric oxide (NO) fluxes at a summer and a winter sheepfold in the Baiyinxile livestock farm, near Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, which are a typical feature of the regional husbandry. Using a manual static opaque chamber/chemiluminescence measuring system, we intermittently observed fluxes in the summer sheepfold between May 28th and September 26th 2005 and in both winter and summer sheepfolds between March 8th and October 18th 2006. During these periods, mean NO emissions (±S.E., in terms of mass of nitrogen) were 124.0 ± 28.7, 134.6 ± 23.3 (summer sheepfold) and 214.4 ± 79.6 μg NO–N m−2 h−1 (winter sheepfold), respectively, and thus, three magnitudes higher than observed steppe NO emissions in the same region. The NO fluxes were not significantly different between the 2 years, but in summer they were much higher than in spring (p < 0.05). Temperature and moisture of the faeces layer significantly regulated the NO fluxes (p < 0.01). The direct NO emission factor (EF) for faeces and urine excreted in the sheepfolds was 0.7 g NO–Nemitted kg−1 Nexcreted, which was almost 37 times lower than a recently reported N2O EF. We estimated the total NO emission from the sheepfolds of the Baiyinxile livestock farm to be 1.82 ± 0.43 tons NO–N year−1, which accounts to approximately 12.3% of the total NO emission from this steppe region. With the rapid increase of livestock numbers, sheepfold NO emissions may further increase and contribute to high N deposition in confined areas around sheepfolds.  相似文献   

Nitrates leaching from agricultural land in Hamadan, western Iran   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nitrogen (N) is vital for plant and microbial growth and rather large amounts are required by most arable and horticulture plants. High nitrate (NO3) levels of water supplies have been attributed to leaching from the soil and into water systems. In the arid and semi-arid regions, irrigation water carries NO3 into groundwater. This study was conducted to investigate NO3 pollution of groundwater in Hamadan, western Iran. The water samples were mostly taken from domestic and community wells. In this area, the drinking water supply comes mainly from groundwater sources. Nitrate concentrations in the well samples varied from 3 to 252 with the average of 49 mg l−1. Results showed that of 311 wells, 196 (63%) had levels less than 50 mg l−1 and 115 (37%) had levels in excess of the 50 mg l−1 NO3. Agriculture is the dominant land use in the area and application of N fertilizers clearly has an impact on groundwater. If agricultural losses remain stable, it could be expected that the concentration of NO3 in groundwater will reach or exceed the international recommendations for drinking water (50 mg l−1) in the future. Irrigation with high NO3 groundwater can minimise the requirement for N fertilizers. To maintain yield increase and minimise NO3 pollution of the groundwater, best management practices, for N fertilizer use should be applied and excessive fertilizer application prevented.  相似文献   

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