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To establish a complete understanding of reproductive variability, larval supply and ultimately population demographics of a species it is important to determine reproduction across a broad spectrum of environmental conditions. This study quantified sexual reproduction of the brooding, gonochoristic sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile from populations across the shelf reefs of the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Histological sections of reproductive sponges collected at increasing distances from the coast were used to determine if numbers of reproductive sponges, reproductive output (using a reproductive output index), size at sexual maturity, and sex ratios varied according to their location (distance) from the coastline and therefore from influences of terrigenous/riverine discharge. Significantly higher proportions of reproductive sponges occurred with increasing distance from the coast. The proportion of all reproductive sponges (both male and female) on offshore reefs ranged from 77 to 90%, during November and December, the peak reproductive months of this sponge, compared to 47 to 50% for sponges occurring on coastal reefs. Levels of female reproduction increased with increasing distance from the coastline on two levels. First, oocytes from offshore sponges were significantly larger than oocytes from coastal sponges. Second, sponges from offshore reefs showed a reproductive index (proportions of oocytes, embryos and larvae mm−2) approximately 15 times higher than coastal reef sponges. Therefore, both numbers of oocytes, embryos and larvae in conjunction with larger oocytes contribute to a higher reproductive output index for offshore sponges. The production of spermatic cysts in males was consistent across the GBR. Sex ratios for coastal reef sponges showed a male bias while offshore sponges showed approximate equal sex ratios. The effect of terrigenous riverine input from coastal fluvial plains to the inner GBR is well established and is likely to contribute to the lower levels of reproduction associated with female sponges inhabiting coastal reefs of the central GBR.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies in the world’s oceans are ubiquitous and bring about episodic pulses of nutrients into the photic zone. Transient in nature, the role of eddy pumping in coastal enrichment via plankton production, and subsequent organic flux is not yet fully realised. In the context of a cyclonic cold-core eddy that propagates annually under the influence of the East India Coastal Current and enriches coastal waters in the western Bay of Bengal north of 16°N, a detailed study on zooplankton community structure along with phytoplankton composition and associated water quality was undertaken during April–May 2002 coinciding with the spring intermonsoon. Zooplankton samples were collected at 32 hydrographically different (salinity 24.5–35.6 PSU) GPS fixed locations representing bay-mangrove areas and nearshore waters (30 m) close to the River Godavari, which is one of India’s largest estuarine systems. During the study, the bay-coastal waters were typified by elevated nutrient levels (nitrate 10.73–22.04 μM), high salinity (27.98–35.52 PSU), and relatively low temperatures (30.63–31.40°C). Altogether, 95 zooplankton taxa were encountered with copepods forming the predominant population. Agglomerative Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (AHCA) and Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) based on Bray–Curtis similarity (PRIMER) analysis revealed appreciable alterations in zooplankton structure across bay-mangrove locations and coastal waters (Stress 0.11; ANOSIM test Global R: 0.94, = 0.1%). Similarity Percentage (SIMPER) analysis revealed zooplankton associations through “discriminating species” for each location (Kakinada Bay, Cluster I, 27.9 ± 3.0 PSU; upwelling band, cluster II, 35.5 ± 0.2 PSU; offshore waters, cluster III, 34.2 ± 0.4 PSU; mangrove outlets, cluster IV, 32.7 ± 1.3 PSU and mangrove creeks, cluster V, 33.5 ± 0.6 PSU). The index of multivariate dispersion (IMD) illustrated high variability in zooplankton standing stock for mangrove/sea locations relative to the bay. Concurrent observations on phytoplankton revealed the importance of diatoms (r: 0.640, ≤ 0.05). Within the eddy-generated band of upwelled water, a significant top-down control of diatoms by herbivorous zooplankton resulted in a comparative increase in abundance of dinophyceans. Based on zooplankton abundance data and species association patterns, it was possible to distinguish different zooplankton/copepod communities in accordance with mesoscale variability in physical, chemical and biological processes under tropical conditions. This was confirmed through canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) that represented coastal-offshore waters and the Bay environment in this area.  相似文献   

In the lowlands of central Panama, the Neotropical pioneer tree Trema micrantha (sensu lato) exists as two cryptic species: "landslide" Trema is restricted to landslides and road embankments, while "gap" Trema occurs mostly in treefall gaps. In this study, we explored the relative contributions of biotic interactions and physical factors to habitat segregation in T. micrantha. Field surveys showed that soils from landslides were significantly richer in available phosphorus and harbored distinct arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities compared to gap soils. Greenhouse experiments designed to determine the effect of these abiotic and biotic differences showed that: (1) both landslide and gap species performed better in sterilized soil from their own habitat, (2) the availability of phosphorus and nitrogen was limiting in gap and landslide soils, respectively, (3) a standardized AMF inoculum increased performance of both species, but primarily on gap soils, and (4) landslide and gap species performed better when sterilized soils were inoculated with the microbial inoculum from their own habitat. A field experiment confirmed that survival and growth of each species was highest in its corresponding habitat. This experiment also showed that browsing damage significantly decreased survival of gap Trema on landslides. We conclude that belowground interactions with soil microbes and aboveground interactions with herbivores contribute in fundamental ways to processes that may promote and reinforce adaptive speciation.  相似文献   

Several harpacticoid copepod species are adapted to an epiphytic lifestyle. Previous studies on tropical seagrass meiofauna mainly focussed on the epiphytic communities and neglected the benthic component. The present study aims to document the benthic harpacticoid copepod communities sampled from different sediment depth horizons adjacent to five seagrass species in the intertidal and subtidal zone of a tropical seagrass bed (Gazi Bay, Kenya). Two benthic copepod communities could be identified mainly based on the tidal position of the samples: a first community was collected near the intertidal seagrasses Halophila ovalis and Halodule wrightii; a second community occurred near the subtidal seagrasses Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium and Halophila stipulacea. The first community was mainly determined by sediment characteristics (e.g. skewness), while the second community was split off based on organic matter content (% TOM), nutrient and pigment values. A subtle combination of horizontal and vertical niche segregation was reported for the dominant copepod families. Species of the families Thalestridae, Laophontidae and Diosaccidae were structured by tidal position and showed a strong preference for the subtidal zone. The opposite strategy, i.e. a clear preference for the intertidal zone, was found for copepods belonging to the families Paramesochridae and Canuellidae. In addition, Apodopsyllus africanus (Paramesochridae) was well-adapted to stress and was concentrated in the deeper sediment layers near the subtidal seagrasses. On the other hand, Canuellidae, as filter feeders, were concentrated in the upper centimetres of the sediment. The families Ectinosomatidae and Cletodidae did not show any vertical or horizontal segregation. On the species level, however, clear horizontal niche segregation was detected for the family Cletodidae. In addition to the reported ecological results, the study material was used to evaluate different niche definitions. We found tidal position to be the most important factor forcing harpacticoids to specialise. Sediment depth horizon was less powerful in dividing the families into different guilds (from specialists to generalists) based on standardised niche breadth. The present study documents the subtle habitat partitioning of co-existing species in a limited area and its role in sustaining high biodiversity in the community.  相似文献   

Climate, habitat, and species interactions are factors that control community properties (e.g., species richness, abundance) across various spatial scales. Usually, researchers study how a few properties are affected by one factor in isolation and at one scale. Hence, there are few multi-scale studies testing how multiple controlling factors simultaneously affect community properties at different scales. We ask whether climate, habitat structure, or insect resources at each of three spatial scales explains most of the variation in six community properties and which theory best explains the distribution of selected community properties across a rainfall gradient. We studied a Neotropical insectivorous bat ensemble in the Isthmus of Panama with acoustic monitoring techniques. Using climatological data, habitat surveys, and insect captures in a hierarchical sampling design we determined how much variation of the community properties was explained by the three factors employing two approaches for variance partitioning. Our results revealed that most of the variation in species richness, total abundance, and feeding activity occurred at the smallest spatial scale and was explained by habitat structure. In contrast, climate at large scales explained most of the variation in individual species' abundances. Although each species had an idiosyncratic response to the gradient, species richness peaked at intermediate levels of precipitation, whereas total abundance was very similar across sites, suggesting density compensation. All community properties responded in a different manner to the factor and scale under consideration.  相似文献   

Seagrass beds are often considered to be important nurseries for coral reef fish, yet the effectiveness of these nursery functions (refuge and food availability) at different juvenile stages is poorly understood. To understand how the demands of juvenile fish on seagrass nursery functions determines the timing of ontogenetic habitat shifts from seagrass beds to coral reefs, we conducted visual transect survey and field tethering and caging experiments on three different sizes of the coral reef fish Pacific yellowtail emperor (Lethrinus atkinsoni) during its juvenile tenure in seagrass beds at Ishigaki Island, southern Japan. The study showed that although the number of individual L. atkinsoni juveniles decreased by >90 % during their stay in the seagrass nursery, the shelter and/or food availability functions of the nursery, at least for a juvenile size of approximately 5 cm total length (TL), provided the best survival and growth option. The timing of ontogenetic migration to coral reefs of larger fish (>8 cm TL) was attributed to foraging efficiency for larger food items in different habitats. Overall, the function of the seagrass bed nursery changed with juvenile body size, with marginally higher survival and significantly greater growth rates during early juvenile stages in seagrass beds compared to coral reefs. This would contribute to the enhancement in the number of individuals eventually recruited to adult populations.  相似文献   

The community structure of soft-bottom infauna is described for the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, Central America, with special reference to the relationship between diversity and a tropical estuary. Of the 205 species of invertebrates collected in July, 1980, polychaetes comprised 58.6% by number of species and 68.1% by number of individuals. Density ranged from zero to 8 744 m-2 with a mean of 1 269 m-2 per station, and biomass ranged from zero to 10.986 g m-2 with a mean of 2.010 g m-2. Numerical analysis indicated considerable faunal homogeneity, characterized by polychaetes. Five major polychaete feeding guilds were recognized. From measures of diversity we concluded that the soft-bottom community of the Gulf of Nicoya was not rich for a tropical estuary. Physical processes (riverine runoff and frontal systems) mainly influenced community structure and function in the lower Gulf whereas biological processes (predation) seemed to prevail in the upper Gulf.Southern California Ocean Studies Consortium Contribution No. 23  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,183(1):47-65
Human modification of land-cover has been a leading cause of floral and faunal species extirpation and loss of local and global biodiversity. As natural areas are impacted, habitat and populations can become fragmented and isolated. This is particularly evident in the mountainous areas of southwestern China that support the remaining populations of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Giant panda populations have been restricted to remnants of habitat from extensive past land use and land-cover change. Households are a basic socio-economic unit that continues to impact the remaining habitat through activities such as fuelwood consumption and new household creation. Therefore, we developed a spatio-temporal model of human activities and their impacts by directly integrating households into the landscape. The integrated model allows us to examine the landscape factors influencing the spatial distribution of household activities and household impacts on habitat. As an example application, we modeled household activities in a giant panda reserve in China and examined the spatio-temporal dynamics of households, the landscape, and their mutual interactions. Human impacts are projected to result in the loss of up to 16% of all existing habitat within the reserve over the next 30 years. In addition, we found that accessibility largely controls the spatial distribution of household activities and considerable changes in management and household activities will be required to maintain the current level of habitat within the reserve.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to a finite-difference model of functioning of a pelagic community inhabiting the upper 0 to 200 m layer of the tropical waters of the ocean. The model was developed on the basis of original data, obtained mainly on the 44th cruise of the R.V. Vityaz in the western Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Changes in the system are studied in time (up to 100 days, with 1 day intervals) and in depth (from surface to 200 m depth, with 10 m intervals). The state of the system in the upwelling zone, assumed to be characterized by a homogeneous vertical distribution of all its elements, is regarded as initial. The system then develops with time while it moves with the water flow. The model was realized on a BESM-3M computor. The computations yielded a pattern of changes in time of the biomass of the elements (expressed in calories), and a pattern of their vertical distribution at different instants. The vertical distribution pattern of the major elements of the model shows a rather close correlation with their observed distribution in the ocean at the corresponding instant.  相似文献   

Scale is emerging as one of the critical problems in ecology because our perception of most ecological variables and processes depends upon the scale at which the variables are measured. A conclusion obtained at one scale may not be valid at another scale without sufficient knowledge of the scaling effect, which is also a source of misinterpretation for many ecological problems, such as the design of reserves in conservation biology.This paper attempts to study empirically how scaling may affect the spatial patterns of diversity (tree density, richness and Shannon diversity) that we may perceive in tropical forests, using as a test-case a 50 ha forest plot in Malaysia. The effect of scale on measurements of diversity patterns, the occurrence of rare species, the fractal dimension of diversity patterns, the spatial structure and the nearest-neighbour autocorrelation of diversity are addressed. The response of a variable to scale depends on the way it is measured and the way it is distributed in space.We conclude that, in general, the effect of scaling on measures of biological diversity is non-linear; heterogeneity increases with the size of the sampling units, and fine-scale information is lost at a broad scale. Our results should lead to a better understanding of how ecological variables and processes change over scale.  相似文献   

Hargrave CW  Hambright KD  Weider LJ 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1226-1235
Based on the premise that ecosystems with more species will function at more efficient rates, declining biodiversity is expected to alter important ecosystem functions, goods, and services across the globe. However, applicability of this general hypothesis to genetic or clonal richness in assemblages composed of few species is understudied. This illustrates the need to expand the focus of biodiversity-ecosystem-function experiments across all levels of biological diversity (including genetic). To explore this generality, we manipulated intraspecific (clonal) and interspecific (species) richness of a primary consumer, Daphnia, and measured assemblage feeding rate and total resource consumption. Our results showed that greater clonal richness had no effect on Daphnia feeding, and greater species richness decreased feeding-related effects of Daphnia. This suggests that multiclonal Daphnia assemblages may be no more efficient at consuming resources than monocultures, and that monocultures of Daphnia may consume resources more efficiently than more species-rich assemblages. The inhibitory effect of increasing richness observed in this study resulted from chemical and mechanical interference among some of the Daphnia taxa. This suggests that consumer-mediated ecosystem functions could be reduced when assemblages include taxa equipped with adaptations for interference competition.  相似文献   

Flux measurements of carbon dioxide and water vapor above tropical rain forests are often difficult to interpret because the terrain is usually complex. This complexity induces heterogeneity in the surface but also affects lateral movement of carbon dioxide (CO2) not readily detected by the eddy covariance systems. This study describes such variability using measurements of CO2 along vertical profiles and along a toposequence in a tropical rain forest near Manaus, Brazil. Seasonal and diurnal variation was recorded, with atmospheric CO2 concentration maxima around dawn, generally higher CO2 build-up in the dry season and stronger daytime CO2 drawdown in the wet season. This variation was reflected all along the toposequence, but the slope and valley bottom accumulated clearly more CO2 than the plateaus, depending on atmospheric stability. Particularly during stable nights, accumulation was along lines of equal altitude, suggesting that large amounts of CO2 are stored in the valleys of the landscape. Flushing of this store only occurs during mid-morning, when stored CO2 may well be partly transported back to the plateaus. It is clear that, for proper interpretation of tower fluxes in such complex and actively respiring terrain, the horizontal variability of storage needs to be taken into account not only during the night but also during the mornings.  相似文献   

Several morphological, physiological and ecological experiments on the general biology of small juveniles (drained body weight=0.09 to 17.34 g) of Actinopyga echinites (Jäger 1833) (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) were conducted between August 1991 and July 1992 at Bise reef flat, Okinawa, southern Japan. Supplementary experiments were carried out at the laboratory. The experiments were designed with a view to potential stock enhancement projects of A. echinites and other commercially exploited tropical sea cucumbers of the coral reef zone. During the enclosure experiments, the average percentage of drained body weight to fresh body weight of the juveniles was 48.3%. The specimens displayed a growth rate of 1500% during the 11-mo period. Their drained body weight increased from 0.87 to 12.82 g. The juveniles' internal and skeletal morphology differed considerably from the morphology of adult A. echinites. Two new types of skeletal spicules were discovered. Individual growth of all spicule types monitored differed notably, and shrinkage was observed for the two newly discovered types. Relative frequency of the spicule types within the skeletons changed with increasing body weights of the individuals. The juveniles of A. echinites displayed a strong habitat preference for plate-like substrate types such as eroded limestone or dead coral plates. Skeletons of Acropora spp. were accepted at a much lower rate. Weight-frequency distributions of the specimens on varying substrate types and between various times of the day showed significant differences. Cryptic behaviour of the juveniles was observed at all times of the day. Natural mortality of the holothurians, excluding predation and minor dislodgement effects, was low at 0.6% mo–1. When predation effects were introduced to the experiments, mortality reached a rate of 0.3% mo–1. The average percentage of predation effects within the natural mortality total was 76.8%. Juvenile A. echinites exhibited a maximum short-distance migration speed of 9 cm h–1. This was two orders of magnitude slower than the speed observed in adults (900 cm h–1) when differences in total body length were taken into consideration. The holothurians had two activity peaks during the 4-h periods monitored, around sunrise and sunset, respectively.  相似文献   

Graff P  Aguiar MR  Chaneton EJ 《Ecology》2007,88(1):188-199
Isolating the single effects and net balance of negative and positive species effects in complex interaction networks is a necessary step for understanding community dynamics. Facilitation and competition have both been found to operate in harsh environments, but their relative strength may be predicted to change along gradients of herbivory. Moreover, facilitation effects through habitat amelioration and protection from herbivory may act together determining the outcome of neighborhood plant-plant interactions. We tested the hypothesis that grazing pressure alters the balance of positive and negative interactions between palatable and unpalatable species by increasing the strength of positive indirect effects mediated by associational resistance to herbivory. We conducted a two-year factorial experiment in which distance (i.e., spatial association) from the nearest unpalatable neighbor (Stipa speciosa) and root competition were manipulated for two palatable grasses (Poa ligularis and Bromus pictus), at three levels of sheep grazing (none, moderate, and high) in a Patagonian steppe community. We found that grazing shifted the effect of Stipa on both palatable grasses, from negative (competition) in the absence of grazing to positive (facilitation) under increasing herbivore pressure. In ungrazed sites, belowground competition was the dominant interaction, as shown by a significant reduction in performance of palatable grasses transplanted near to Stipa tussocks. In grazed sites, biomass of palatable plants was greater near than far from Stipa regardless of competition treatment. Proximity to Stipa reduced the amount of herbivory suffered by palatable grasses, an indirect effect that was stronger under moderate than under intense grazing. Our results demonstrate that facilitation, resulting mainly from protection against herbivory, is the overriding effect produced by unpalatable neighbors on palatable grasses in this rangeland community. This finding challenges the common view that abiotic stress amelioration should be the predominant type of facilitation in arid environments and highlights the role of herbivory in modulating complex neighborhood plant interactions in grazing systems.  相似文献   

Productivity of mangrove ecosystems is compromised by anthropogenic activities including over-exploitation of wood. This study set out to understand how different wood harvesting regimes have affected the biodiversity of a tropical ecosystem and to identify relationships between the heavy metal concentrations in the mangrove sediments and tree felling. Soil samples were collected and plant diversity studies carried out on seven sites in the mangrove. Physico-chemical, chemical and mineralogical analyses were done on soil samples and plant population structure, species richness, evenness and diversity index at these sites were calculated. Results showed that soils across sites were characteristically clayey and acidic, with high organic matter content. Minerals identified included quartz, gibbsite, goethite, hematite and kaolinite. Heavy metal concentrations were higher in Sites 6 and 7 with a longer history of anthropogenic activity. There were strong negative correlations between the duration of logging and NO3-N (r = ?0.838, p = 0.019), total N (r = ?0.837, p = 0.019), NH4 +-N (r = ?0.844, p = 0.017), Mg = (?0.789, p = 0.035), K (r = ?0.819, p = 0.024), and Na (r = ?0.988, p = 0.002). Sites which had experienced logging for longer periods (sites 3, 6, and 7) had lower nutrient content and lower values for species richness and diversity index. Logging in mangrove ecosystems could alter soil characteristics, decreasing plant diversity and abundance. Logging dynamics around mangrove ecosystems should be considered in the wider strategy for management and conservation of similar mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

The study of successional gradients may help to understand the relative influence of habitat structure and competition on territory characteristics. Here, we evaluate the effects of vegetation cover, conspecific and heterospecific densities, and distance to the nearest neighbor on territory size, shape, and overlap in insectivorous birds. We studied these effects along a gradient of postfire habitat regeneration in which foliage cover and densities of focal species varied several-fold. We delineate 197 territories (minimum convex polygons) of the shrub-dwelling Dartford warbler (Sylvia undata) and 255 of the syntopic Sardinian (Sylvia melanocephala), subalpine (Sylvia cantillans) and melodious (Hippolais polyglotta) warblers at three plots in NE Catalonia (Spain and France) in 1987–2005. After accounting for the effect of the number of locations used to delineate polygons, generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) showed a reduction in territory area of the Dartford warbler as conspecific density increased and distance to nearest neighbor decreased, in accordance with the contender pressure hypothesis for territory size regulation. Heterospecific density was not included in the final model of territory size and the effect of habitat structure was marginal. Territory roundness was positively correlated with its size and with conspecific density, probably in relation to energetic constraints, and negatively with heterospecific density. Territorial exclusion was almost complete among Dartford warblers, whereas interspecific territory overlap was extensive and tended to increase with heterospecific density and with structural diversity along the gradient. Our results support the hypothesis that Mediterranean warbler coexistence derives from ecological segregation and not from interspecific territoriality.  相似文献   

Bai Y  Wu J  Xing Q  Pan Q  Huang J  Yang D  Han X 《Ecology》2008,89(8):2140-2153
Understanding how the aboveground net primary production (ANPP) of arid and semiarid ecosystems of the world responds to variations in precipitation is crucial for assessing the impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. Rain-use efficiency (RUE) is an important measure for acquiring this understanding. However, little is known about the response pattern of RUE for the largest contiguous natural grassland region of the world, the Eurasian Steppe. Here we investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of ANPP and RUE and their key driving factors based on a long-term data set from 21 natural arid and semiarid ecosystem sites across the Inner Mongolia steppe region in northern China. Our results showed that, with increasing mean annual precipitation (MAP), (1) ANPP increased while the interannual variability of ANPP declined, (2) plant species richness increased and the relative abundance of key functional groups shifted predictably, and (3) RUE increased in space across different ecosystems but decreased with increasing annual precipitation within a given ecosystem. These results clearly indicate that the patterns of both ANPP and RUE are scale dependent, and the seemingly conflicting patterns of RUE in space vs. time suggest distinctive underlying mechanisms, involving interactions among precipitation, soil N, and biotic factors. Also, while our results supported the existence of a common maximum RUE, they also indicated that its value could be substantially increased by altering resource availability, such as adding nitrogen. Our findings have important implications for understanding and predicting ecological impacts of global climate change and for management practices in arid and semiarid ecosystems in the Inner Mongolia steppe region and beyond.  相似文献   

Root-surface phosphatase activities were measured in natural and semi-natural shrublands across an European climatic gradient of temperature and rainfall including Wales (WL), Denmark (DK), Netherlands (NL), Hungary (HU), Italy (IT) and Spain (SP). In each site a warming experiment was conducted since 1999 or 2001 by means of passive night-time warming using reflective curtains that covered the vegetation at night. The treatments increased yearly average soil temperatures around 0. 8 degrees C in most of sites. Root-surface phosphatase activity values ranged between 56 mg PNP g(-1) h(-1) in IT and 3.5 mg PNP g(-1) h(-1) in HU. Warming had no effect on root-surface phosphatase activity across the sites and only in Hungary a slight increase was detected. Plants at Mediterranean sites (IT, SP) showed a higher root-surface phosphatase activity than plants at temperate sites (WL, NL, DK). We suggest it might be an adaptation of plant species evolved under Mediterranean climate that allows them a) to compensate in wet period for the decrease in phosphatase activity, and thus P uptake, during drought periods, and/or b) to benefit from soluble organic P flushes following the frequent drying-rewetting episodes experienced by soils in Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

We generated a mass-balance model to figure out the food web structure and trophic interactions of the major functional groups of the Ethiopian highland Lake Hayq. Moreover, the study lay down a baseline data for future ecosystem-based investigations and management activities. Extensive data collection has been taken place between October 2007 and May 2009. Ecotrophic efficiency (EE) of several functional groups including phytoplankton (0.8) and detritus (0.85) was high indicating the utilization of the groups within the system. However, the EE of Mesocyclops (0.03) and Thermocyclops (0.30) was very low implying these resources were rather a ‘sink’ in the trophic hierarchy. Flows based on aggregated trophic level sensu Lindeman revealed the importance of both phytoplankton and detritus to higher trophic levels. The computed average transfer efficiency of 11.5% for the first four trophic levels was within the range for highly efficient African lakes. The primary production to respiration (P/R) ratio (1.05) of Lake Hayq indicates the maturity of the ecosystem. We also modeled the food-web by excluding Tilapia and reduced phytoplankton biomass to get insight into the mass balance before Tilapia was introduced. The analysis resulted in a lower system omnivory index (SOI = 0.016) and a reduced P/R ratio (0.13) that described the lake as immature ecosystem, suggesting the introduction of Tilapia might have contributed to the maturity of the lake. Tilapia in Lake Hayq filled an ecological empty niche of pelagic planktivores, and contributed for the better transfer efficiency observed from primary production to fish yield.  相似文献   

In the asperillo dune system, Southwest Spain, lichen vegetation covering the dune sand, has a low species diversity but is an important component of the perennial vegetation, providing stability, nutrients, and moisture to the soil layer. The Asperillo dunes harbour (1) natural ecosystems, (2) disturbed systems affected by forestry activities where the natural vegetation is eliminated, and (3) pine forest resulting from afforestation withPinus pinea since the end of the 1940s where the composition and abundance of the lichen flora has been drastically changed. Our hypothesis was that the lichen species composition and distribution are influenced by the type and period of human intervention. To test this hypothesis a 1.2 km × 1.1 km area, which includes zones with different degrees of conservation and perturbation, consisting of five different habitats, was selected: well preservedJuniperus woodland,Pinus pinea plantations with dense scrub, dense scrub,P. pinea plantations cleared from scrub, and pioneer scrub in recent pine afforestation. In each area, randomly located 5m × 5 m homogeneous plots were sampled. In each plot the cover of shrub and lichen species was recorded. The first results show that lichen cover is higher in the most preserved areas,Cladonia mediterranea being the dominant species under theJuniperus phoenicea canopy. The lichen community changes in composition and abundance depending on the time elapsed since the last perturbation.  相似文献   

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