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Mexico faces multiple water quality challenges, both in terms of the water supplied to the population as well as surface and underground water sources. Problems with drinking water supply affect the population in diverse ways, from associated health risks to high levels of intermittency in service to the poor perception of the quality of piped water – leading to high levels of bottled water consumption. In this text we explore the issue of drinking water quality in three contexts in the state of Jalisco: in Guadalajara, the state’s main urban area, in the peri-urban municipality of El Salto, and in the mid-sized city of San Juan de los Lagos. Our analysis explores drinking water regulations, the water quality monitoring undertaken by state and local authorities, access to information, as well as the actions and perceptions of water service providers. Looking at cases of indirect reuse of wastewater as well as groundwater sources with high levels of fluoride and arsenic, we argue that the foregrounding of water quality is key to illuminating social inequalities in access to water and in teasing out power relations prevailing in current hydrosocial regimes. We conclude that this hydrosocial cycle of drinking water is characterised by prioritising access to water for economic actors, facilitated by lax regulations and minimal enforcement, as well as by the systematic neglect by government authorities at all levels of the protection of watersheds and aquifers, and of water quality issues generally.  相似文献   

饮用水絮凝剂的应用现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对饮用水絮凝剂存在的问题,本文就国内外饮用水絮凝剂的研究,发展及应用情况进行了概述,并对絮凝剂今后的研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

气田水是天然气开采过程中采出的地层水,因其来源广泛、类型众多以及成分复杂等原因导致其很难达标处理,且容易对土壤、地表水以及地下水造成污染。因此,本文以川东地区气田水为研究对象,通过常规水质分析和GC-MS等技术手段对其进行全面分析,结果表明:①川东地区气田水特征污染物为氯化物、COD、SS、阴离子表面活性剂以及硫化物等物质;②根据其水质特性可以将川东地区气田水分为两类,一类是高矿化度、高含有机物气田水;另一类是高含硫、高含有机物气田水;③川东地区气田水中共有17种有机污染物,主要为烷烃类、醇类、酯类以及少量酸类等物质。  相似文献   

Accurate detection and identification of natural or intentional contamination events in a drinking water pipe is critical to drinking water supply security and health risk management. To use conventional water quality sensors for the purpose, we have explored a real-time event adaptive detection, identification and warning (READiw) methodology and examined it using pilot-scale pipe flow experiments of 11 chemical and biological contaminants each at three concentration levels. The tested contaminants include pesticide and herbicides (aldicarb, glyphosate and dicamba), alkaloids (nicotine and colchicine), E. coli in terrific broth, biological growth media (nutrient broth, terrific broth, tryptic soy broth), and inorganic chemical compounds (mercuric chloride and potassium ferricyanide). First, through adaptive transformation of the sensor outputs, contaminant signals were enhanced and background noise was reduced in time-series plots leading to detection and identification of all simulated contamination events. The improved sensor detection threshold was 0.1% of the background for pH and oxidation–reduction potential (ORP), 0.9% for free chlorine, 1.6% for total chlorine, and 0.9% for chloride. Second, the relative changes calculated from adaptively transformed residual chlorine measurements were quantitatively related to contaminant-chlorine reactivity in drinking water. We have shown that based on these kinetic and chemical differences, the tested contaminants were distinguishable in forensic discrimination diagrams made of adaptively transformed sensor measurements.  相似文献   

Willingness to pay for safe drinking water: Evidence from Parral, Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A referendum-format contingent valuation (CV) survey is used to elicit household willingness to pay responses for safe and reliable drinking water in Parral, Mexico. Households currently adopt a variety of averting and private investment choices (e.g., bottled water consumption, home-based water treatment, and installation of water storage facilities) to adapt to the existing water supply system. These revealed behaviors indicate the latent demand for safer and more reliable water services, which is corroborated by the CV survey evidence. Validity findings include significant scope sensitivity in WTP for water services. Further, results indicate that households are willing to pay from 1.8% to 7.55% of reported household income above their current water bill for safe and reliable drinking water services, depending upon the assumptions about response uncertainty.  相似文献   

Water is a natural resource key to human and environmental health. China has suffered serious contamination of its water sources in the past decade, which has had severe consequences on the water supplies of millions of residents. Frequent polluting accidents and the amount of wastewater discharged have caused concern for the safety of drinking water. Fortunately, those at various levels of government have realized the importance of protecting the sources of drinking water and confirmed a list of 175 nationally important sources. Measures have also been adopted to control water pollution, including infrastructural, physical, chemical, ecological, administrative, and legal measures. While helpful, some areas in need of more attention are rural water, groundwater, agricultural pollution, and domestic sewage. Based on the lessons learned from experiences in developed countries, we offer some suggestions for improving, inter alia, funding, legal construction, management, and awareness‐raising, as well as present proposals for the future protection of our sources of drinking water. Future work should focus on water quality standards, quantitative research, high technology and legislation.  相似文献   

Budget changes, whether positive or negative, in water quality management agencies often mean a change in resources available for water quality monitoring. Many state agencies are currently facing monitoring budget cuts and, as a result, are reevaluating their monitoring programs. Such evaluations make use of a number of information sources, not the least of which are monitoring activities in other states. This article reports results of a survey of all fifty state water quality monitoring programs. Twenty questions were asked in the general areas of fixed-station monitoring, special studies, and biological monitoring. Each state was contacted by telephone at least twice during the survey. Fixed-station monitoring is conducted by 48 of 50 states. An average of 75 stations per state are sampled, generally on a monthly basis. There is a large variation in the way data are analyzed by the states; water quality indices and plots of concentration or loading over time are the most common methods. All but three states conduct special studies, but only seven repeat the studies on a regular basis. Special studies are generally problem specific as opposed to basin oriented. Biological monitoring is performed by 33 states; however, this is an area in which budget cuts are having a noticeable impact. In some cases, biological monitoring is being completely eliminated or suspended. Macroinvertebrate sampling is performed quarterly to biannualiy by 50% of the states; 75% of the states that sample macroinvertebrates do so annually. Periphyton sampling is performed by 33% of the states. Over 50% of the states are in the process of revising, or have revised, their monitoring program during the past five years. However, only four states had a detailed rationale and operating procedure for the entire monitoring system. Results of the survey are, therefore, averages of existing monitoring programs. Average results do not necessarily represent ideal situations, but do give an indication of how states are coping with their monitoring responsibilities.  相似文献   

The purpose of every water utility is to provide consumers with drinking water that is aesthetically acceptable and presents no risk to public health. Several studies have been carried out to analyze people's perception and attitude about the drinking water coming from their water distribution systems. The goal of the present study is to investigate the influence of water quality and the geographic location of consumers within a distribution system on consumer perception of tap water. The study is based on the data obtained from two surveys carried out in municipalities of the Quebec City area (Canada). Three perception variables were used to study consumer perception: general satisfaction, taste satisfaction and risk perception. Data analysis based on logistic regression indicates that water quality variations and geographic location in the distribution system have a significant impact on the consumer perception. This impact appears to be strongly associated with residual chlorine levels. The study also confirms the importance of socio-economic characteristics of consumers on their perception of drinking water quality.  相似文献   

The real amount of drinking water available per capita is a topic of great interest for human health and the economic and political management of resources. The global market of bottled drinking water, for instance, has shown exponential growth in the last twenty years, mainly due to reductions in production costs and investment in promotion. This paper aims to evaluate how much freshwater is actually consumed when water is drunk in Italy, which can be considered a mature bottled-water market. A Water Footprint (WF) calculation was used to compare the alternatives: bottled and tap water. Six Italian brands of water sold in PET bottles were inventoried, analysed and compared with the public tap water of the city of Siena, as representative of the Italian context. Results showed that more than 3 L of water were needed to provide consumers with 1.50 L of drinking water. In particular, a volume of 1.50 L of PET-bottled water required an extra virtual volume of 1.93 L of water while an extra 2.13 L was necessary to supply the same volume of tap water. These values had very different composition and origin. The WF of tap water was mainly due to losses of water during pipeline distribution and usage, while WF of bottled water was greatly influenced by the production of plastic materials. When the contribution of cooling water was added to the calculation, the WF of bottled water rose from 3.43 to 6.92 L. Different strategies to reduce total water footprint are discussed.  相似文献   

Healthy watersheds provide valuable services to society, including the supply and purification of fresh water. Because these natural ecosystem services lie outside the traditional domain of commercial markets, they are undervalued and underprotected. With population and development pressures leading to the rapid modification of watershed lands, valuable hydrological services are being lost, which poses risks to the quality and cost of drinking water and the reliability of water supplies. Increasing the scale and scope of programmes to protect hydrological services requires policies that harmonize land uses in watersheds with the provision of these important natural services. This article summarizes key attributes of hydrological services and their economic benefits; presents a spectrum of institutional mechanisms for safeguarding those services; discusses programmes in Quito (Ecuador), Costa Rica and New York City; and offers some lessons learned and recommendations for achieving higher levels of watershed protection.  相似文献   

In recent decades, many changes have occurred in the approach to financing and operating water services in developing countries. The demand‐responsive approach is now adopted in many countries in a context of donor‐supported decentralization processes, which gives more responsibility to end users. However, the government's responsibility at different levels is enforced by the international recognition of the human right to water. This paper examines specific actions that build the role of local government authorities in this scenario. A collaboration between an international NGO and a rural district in Tanzania from 2006 to 2009 is used as an action research case study that is representative of local capacity‐building needs in decentralized contexts and rural areas. Three main challenges were detected: i) lack of reliable information; ii) poor allocation of resources in terms of equity; and iii) lack of long‐term community management support from the district. Two mechanisms were established: i) water point mapping as a tool for information and planning; and ii) a District Water and Sanitation Unit Support (DWUS) for community management. The results show how the framework provided by the goal of human right to water helps to define useful strategies for equity‐oriented planning and post‐project support at the local level.  相似文献   

The management of risk from disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water has become a critical issue over the last three decades. The areas of concern for risk management studies include (i) human health risk from DBPs, (ii) disinfection performance, (iii) technical feasibility (maintenance, management and operation) of treatment and disinfection approaches, and (iv) cost. Human health risk assessment is typically considered to be the most important phase of the risk-based decision-making or risk management studies. The factors associated with health risk assessment and other attributes are generally prone to considerable uncertainty. Probabilistic and non-probabilistic approaches have both been employed to characterize uncertainties associated with risk assessment. The probabilistic approaches include sampling-based methods (typically Monte Carlo simulation and stratified sampling) and asymptotic (approximate) reliability analysis (first- and second-order reliability methods). Non-probabilistic approaches include interval analysis, fuzzy set theory and possibility theory. However, it is generally accepted that no single method is suitable for the entire spectrum of problems encountered in uncertainty analyses for risk assessment. Each method has its own set of advantages and limitations. In this paper, the feasibility and limitations of different uncertainty analysis approaches are outlined for risk management studies of drinking water supply systems. The findings assist in the selection of suitable approaches for uncertainty analysis in risk management studies associated with DBPs and human health risk.  相似文献   

During disinfection, chlorine reacts with organic matter present in drinking water and forms various undesirable chlorinated by-products (CBPs). This paper describes a study of the spatial variability of human health risk (i.e., cancer effects) from CBP exposure through drinking water in a specific region. The region under study involves nine drinking water distribution systems divided into several zones based on their characteristics. The spatial distribution of cancer risk (CR) was estimated using two years of data (2006-2008) on various CBP species. In this analysis, trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) served as surrogates for CBPs. Three possible routes of exposure (i.e., via ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact) were considered for each selected compound. The cancer risk assessment involved estimating a unit risk (R(T)) in each zone of the selected distribution systems. A probabilistic analysis based on Monte Carlo simulations was employed. Risk assessment results showed that cancer risk varied between systems, but also within individual systems. As a result, the population of the same region was not exposed to the same risk associated with CBPs in drinking water. Unacceptable levels (i.e., R(T) > 10(-4)) for the estimated CR were determined for several zones in the studied region. This study demonstrates that a spatial-based analysis performed to represent the spatial distribution of risk estimates can be helpful in identifying suitable risk management strategies. Suggestions for improving the risk analysis procedure are also presented.  相似文献   

Ensemble of corrosion indices was combined to study the corrosion tendency of the drinking water supply at the University of Benin, Nigeria. The experimental results were analysed in terms of three corrosion indices-Langelier Index, Ryznar Index and Larson–Skold Index. According to the evaluation, the Langelier Index ranged from −5.569 to −3.684, Ryznar Index was between 13.340 and 16.418 while the Larson–Skold Index was between 1.191 and 31.750. Results indicated that the water may be corrosive. A regression of these indices on iron concentration (ppm) showed that Langelier Index, Ryznar Index and Larson–Skold Index have R 2 of 0.5868, 0.6577 and 0.7063, respectively. The positive correlation between iron levels and the corrosion indices suggested that iron levels were directly related to increase in corrosion tendency.  相似文献   

Tannery effluents and relevant ground water and soil samples collected from various tanning industries of Peshawar were analyzed for Na, Ca, K, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn by the AAS method. The metal concentration data for the three media are reported in terms of basic statistical parameters, metal-to-metal correlations and linear regression analyses. Metal distributions in the three media were quite divergent and showed non-normal distributions with high standard deviation and skewness parameters. Sodium exhibited the highest mean levels of 1,277mg/L, 881mg/L and 12,912mg/kg in the effluent, ground water and soil samples, respectively. Among other metals, Cr concentrations were 410mg/L, 0.145mg/L, 100mg/kg and Ca, 278mg/L, 64.8mg/L, and 2,285mg/kg in the effluent, ground water and soil samples, respectively. Some significant correlations were observed between effluent and soils in terms of Na, Cr, Ni, Co and Pb. The ground water-soil interrelationship suggested that Na levels in the soil and ground water were significantly correlated with each other (r=0.486, P<0.01). Similarly, Cr in the soil is strongly correlated with Ca in ground water (r=0.486, P<0.01). These results were duly supported by the linear regression analysis of data. The source identification studies conducted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA) evidenced that ground water and soil were being contaminated by the toxic metals emanating from the tannery effluents.  相似文献   

Management of water quality in drinking water catchments is of ongoing, high importance as nitrate concentrations are often still very high. We analysed the Augsburg catchment in Germany, a unique example where a result-oriented approach has been implemented. We investigated the historical evolution of the water protection programme, the result-oriented payment contracts with farmers, and farmer satisfaction with the contracts, based on interviews with the water utility and farmers as well as an analysis of the literature. Today, the water protection programme has been successfully implemented, and a significant reduction of nitrate concentration was achieved due to the following factors: (1) investment of non-negligible amounts of money for high compensation and remuneration payments, (2) different contract options, (3) farmers’ participation in the negotiation process for result-oriented payment contracts, (4) involvement of “outside” people and institutions in negotiation processes, (5) anticipation of starting a programme when nitrate levels were still far below legislative thresholds, and (6) a political and legislative framework allowing direct decisions by a water supplier.  相似文献   

A method for quality screening is suggested to detect volatile impurities in inorganic coagulants that are used for drinking water treatment. Static headspace gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detection (HS–GCMS) is sensitive and selective to detect volatiles in low concentrations. This study has discovered that volatile organic impurities are detectable in ferric and aluminium-based coagulants which are used for drinking water treatment. For ferric chloride, 2-propanol was detected at a level of 17–24 μg ml−1, acetone at 0.7–1.7 μg ml−1, 1,1,1-trichloroacetone at 0.02–0.04 μg ml−1, trichloromethane at 0.01–0.02 μg ml−1 and toluene at 0.01–0.12 μg ml−1. For ferric chloride sulfate, acetone was detected at a level of 0.12 μg ml−1, 1,1,1-trichloroacetone at 0.06–0.08 μg ml−1, trichloromethane at 0.13–0.23 μg ml−1, bromodichloromethane at 0.04–0.06 μg ml−1 and dibromochloromethane at 0.04–0.05 μg ml−1. For aluminium hydroxide chloride, only trichloromethane was detectable, but below the method detection limits (MDL). Although the concentrations of these impurities in commercial coagulants are low, this observation is important and should have impact on water industries for them to pay attention to the chemicals they are using for drinking water production.  相似文献   

This paper presents a qualitative assessment of the participatory water management strategies implemented at the community level in rural Mali through a water supply project — The West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI) — coordinated by World Vision International, a non‐governmental and humanitarian organization. Data for the study were generated through a combination of primary and secondary sources in three villages. Results of the study indicate that while community‐based rural water supply is a positive step in responding to the needs of rural Malians, the installation of boreholes with hand pumps informed merely by consultative participatory approaches and limited extension involvement will not necessarily proffer sustainable rural water supply in the region. A “platform” approach to rural water supply management that can mobilize the assets and insights of different social actors to influence decision making at all stages, including the design and choice‐of‐technology stages, in water supply interventions is instead advocated.  相似文献   

Potable and equitable drinking water (DW) is a fundamental human right and essential for human health. This study is conducted to assess the groundwater and jar water quality of the roadside restaurants and tea stalls used for drinking by the local people around the Gazipur City area in Bangladesh. Water samples from 173 restaurants and tea stalls are collected. The physico-chemical and biological parameters are analyzed according to the guidelines and standards. The results illustrate that the color, EC, and Mn of 41%, 80%, and 62% of the samples, respectively, exceed the WHO and Environmental Conservation Rules (ECR) standards. In addition, E. coli and total coliform exceeding the threshold standards are found in 47% and 64% of the water samples, respectively. The contamination of DW by fecal coliforms is confirmed and supported by prior studies, which indicates that the DW supplied in restaurants and tea stalls are unsafe because of the possible presence of pathogens. These may cause potential health hazards to consumers from various water-borne diseases. Poor sanitation, unhygienic practices, and improper disposal of wastewater are responsible for the microbial contamination of DW. So, the authorities in charge of these places should take the right regulatory steps, such as regular sanitation inspections, DW quality monitoring, hand-washing practices, and better sanitation in these places.  相似文献   

In the examination of the implementation of rural drinking water facilities, not enough attention has been paid to analyzing the socioeconomic and political relationships that affect the effective utilization of the facilities, particularly as these relate to women in rural society. This paper suggests that much of the difficulty in instituting the utilization of safe water supply sources has to do with the rather low economic status of women—the main water collectors. Poverty consigns women to long periods of work in activities or jobs that bring little reward. This makes it difficult to effectively digest the messages delivered by program staff and limits the extent of usage of the safe water facilities.  相似文献   

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