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Temporal variation in abundance of the microphytobenthos on an estuarine mudflat in Hong Kong was investigated over a 13-month period. Abundance, in terms of both cell counts and chlorophyll- a (chl- a) concentration, of the diatom-dominated assemblage was higher (peak at 47 mg chl- a m -2 in January) in the cooler months than in the warmer months (minimum at 11 mg chl- a m -2 in August). Variation in surface density (range: 0.25–1.9 individuals m -2) of the herbivorous mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris was also temporally variable, with a broadly inverse pattern to that of the microphytobenthos. Comparison of the relative abundance of diatom species in the gut and on the mud surface using Strauss' linear selectivity index suggests significant size-selective feeding by B. pectinirostris. Diatoms with maximum lengths >50 µm were selectively ingested whereas smaller species were rejected. This critical diatom length is close to the average distance between branchiospines of the fish's gills, suggesting their involvement in a physical sieving process that is responsible for the size-selective feeding. Significant differences in feeding pattern exist between adult (>80 mm standard length) and juvenile fish. As a result of seasonal variations in density and selective removal of the larger diatoms, B. pectinirostris exerts a significant impact on the abundance and structure of the mudflat microphytobenthos.  相似文献   

Rafting on floating objects is a common dispersal mechanism for many marine invertebrates. In order to identify adaptations to the rafting life style, we compared behavioural and metabolic characteristics of two isopods, the obligate rafter Idotea metallica and the facultative rafter Idotea baltica. In laboratory experiments, I. metallica showed low locomotive activity and a tight association to the substratum. Idotea baltica, in contrast, was more active with more frequent excursions in the surrounding water column. Oxygen consumption rates were similar in both species. Idotea metallica fed on zooplankton making this species widely independent of autochthonous food resources of the raft. Feeding rates and digestive enzyme activities were low in I. metallica. Reduced egestion rates may indicate slow gut passage and, thus, efficient resorption of nutrients. Efficient food utilization and the ability to accumulate high amounts of storage products, i.e. lipids, indicate a possible adaptation of I. metallica to low food availability or starvation. The feeding behaviour of I. baltica, in contrast, was more herbivorous and appeared wasteful and inefficient. Low lipid contents in I. baltica also indicate poor storage reserves. Thus, I. baltica requires a permanent access to food.  相似文献   

Environmental and Ecological Statistics - This paper evaluates behavioral adaptation models to climate change using South American agricultural data. This paper finds that the Ricardian model with...  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the following five nocturnal tenebrionid species was studied along a beach dune system: Phaleria provincialis Fauvel, Phaleria bimaculata Linnaeus, Halammobia pellucida Herbst, Xanthomus pallidus Curtis and Xanthomus pellucidus Mulsant. An integrated system of traps was used to sample the beetles during their active and resting phases. Environmental parameters were recorded locally during the experiments. Preference experiments were performed under controlled laboratory conditions. The aim of the study was to understand the environmental constraints influencing the species' spatial distribution and the mechanisms involved in zonal maintenance. The results indicate that beetles exploit chemical and physical gradients of the beach dune system; and the mechanisms used for zonal recovery and/or maintenance are based on behavioural responses to visual and environmental stimuli. Controlled laboratory experiments showed that sand salinity was a limiting factor for all five species. For the two Phaleria species, which had a relatively seaward distribution, sand moistures were also important. In contrast, for the two Xanthomus species, which were distributed more landwards, grain size was a regulating factor. In the present study gradients in beetle responses to different environmental factors were observed. Received: 16 October 1997 / Accepted: 23 November 1998  相似文献   

The reproductive potential of two harpacticoid copepods, Tachidius discipes and Paronychocamptus nanus, as measured by the intrinsic rate of natural increase, r m, has been studied. The influence of temperature on all factors used in the calculation of r mhas been taken into account. Generation time, which has also been determined in a third species, Nitocra typica, is the single factor which is most affected by temperature and which has the most pronounced effect on r m. Values of the reproductive potential differ considerably according to temperature, and thus to the time of the year; during the spring bloom more than half the reproductive potential is realized.  相似文献   

The isopod Natatolana borealis Lilljeborg constructs U-shaped burrows in soft mud, the bore of which closely approximates the width of the occupant. Within artificial burrows, the isopods are largely quiescent and often adopt a position close to one of the burrow openings. Conditions within burrows constructed in the laboratory are moderately hypoxic [11.7 to 14.9 kPa (88 to 112 torr)], with isopods showing discontinuous irrigation behaviour (pleopod beating). Rates of oxygen consumption (measured at 10°C) are maintained approximately constant over a wide range of oxygen partial pressure (PO 2) due, in part, to a pronounced increase in pleopod beat rate. Values for the critical partial pressure of oxygen (Pc), the PO 2 at which can no longer be maintained independent of PO 2, were 2.0 to 3.3 kPa (15 to 25 torr). N. borealis can survive lengthy periods (65 h at 5°C) of anoxia, during which there is a significant reduction in the carbohydrate concentration and an increase in the l-lactate concentration of the tissues. The oxygencarrying capacity of the haemolymph of N. borealis was low. The haemocyanin showed a relatively high oxygen affinity [P50=0.39 kPa (2.99 torr) at 10°C at the in vivo pH of 7.80] and a pronounced Bohr effect (-1.22). These characteristics may be advantageous to a burrowing mode of life and also for the conditions likely to be encountered in fish carcasses into which they burrow en masse to feed.  相似文献   

In this paper a comparison is made between the growth and morphology of barred mudskippers (Periophthalmus argentilineatus) from six mangrove forests along the coast of Tanzania. The fish populations from unpolluted sites consisted of different size classes, whereas only small sized fish were present in the polluted Mtoni mangroves. Age estimation based on the examination of otoliths revealed that the mudskippers followed similar growth patterns in all sites with limited pollution. However, the age estimates from the polluted Mtoni site revealed an abnormal growth pattern. The occurrence of unilateral anophthalmia in the Mtoni mudskippers suggested that these fish were affected by pollutants during early development. The study showed that the presence of urban and industrial wastes from Dar es Salaam city, as indicated by isotopic enrichment, correlated with abnormal growth and developmental effects in mudskippers. We hypothesize that pollution might also affect fish species that use the mangroves as a temporary habitat.  相似文献   

To characterise some traits of the life strategies of Polycheles typhlops, a deep-sea small lobster usually encountered as by-catch within deep trawls in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Mediterranean Sea), we analysed the biochemical composition of the caudal muscles of 49 specimens collected in March and April 2007. Differences in the biochemical composition between females and males were weak, but relevant differences in protein (>90% of the organic C) and lipid (4–6%) contents were observed between developmental stages both in females and males. These differences are likely to be related to different food items and/or to the metabolic shifts associated with their reproduction. We argue that this deep-sea lobster could cover a relevant role in the meso-pelagic food webs and attract future commercial interest.  相似文献   

Plankton respiration is commonly measured in terms of oxygen uptake, usually employing the Winkler method, much less commonly the polarographic method. Both methods produce results that can be misinterpreted when H2O2 production and decomposition are ignored. This paper: (1) presents experimental evidence of significant H2O2 involvement during plankton incubation in dark bottles, (2) explains how results differ between the Winkler and polarographic methods in the presence of H2O2, (3) discusses how this difference is clouded by side issues of variability inherent in the Winkler technique and the use of different bottle sizes, and (4) shows that unexpected and variable results of light-/dark-bottle incubations can all be explained by a theory of H2O2 production and decomposition. During an initial period in the dark, when plankton respiration has been poisoned by mercuric chloride or chloroform, O2 increase can be measured with a polarographic oxy‐gen sensor (POS). The trend in O2 changes is linear for several days when only respiration is occurring, but curvilinear when there is concurrent O2 production. O2 production in the dark and H2O2 decomposition are one and the same process. Measurement of oxygen by Winkler analysis and POS produce different results when H2O2 is present because the former method measures oxidizing equivalent while a POS measures O2 pressure. A real difference in results between the two methods is prima facie evidence that H2O2 is involved. The synthesis of this new empirical evidence with diverse knowledge from various fields shows that the common practice of estimating gross community primary production from oxygen changes in light and dark bottles is based on untenable assumptions. Received: 15 April 1997 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

The formation of winter ice, and its movement with the tides, has had a major influence on the life-history parameters of shallow-water populations of the rhizomatous marine angiosperm eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Nova Scotia, Canada. In this region, and annual form of eelgrass inhabits intertidal and shallow subtidal mudflats and a perennial form is common in subtidal areas. Where lowtide water depth was greater than winter ice thickness (25 cm), ice movement removed much of the aboveground biomass from perennial ramets, but did not influence the density of ramets. Measurements of primary production showed that perennial plants allocated a greater proportion of their total production to below-ground structures than measured in all previous studies on eelgrass. Thus perennials are well anchored in the sediment, are more able to withstand removal by ice, and have reserves available for production of new leaves when ice melts. In the spring, seed germination was greatest in areas where ice had removed whole plants (or their aboveground parts) than among mature ramets which had survived winter intact. Survival of seedlings (new genets) was not affected by shading from the adult canopy, but a shading experiment showed that competition for light with mature ramets had a significant negative effect on morphology, growth and the allocation of seedling biomass to below-ground parts, thus reducing the ability of new genets to survive ice disturbance in the next winter. The annual form ofZ. marina was restricted to areas where low tide water depth was much less than winter ice thickness. Annual plants did not survive winter, had small investment in below-ground parts and high reproductive effort, and overwintered as seeds. The genetic status of the two forms and the restriction of the annual to very shallow water are discussed in the light of previous work on eelgrass  相似文献   

Phylogeographical study of the brown macroalga, Sargassum aquifolium using nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2, plastidal RuBisCo spacer, and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit-III revealed the populations in Southeast Asia to be homogeneous. On the other hand, genetic differences were detected between populations from Southeast Asia and western Pacific Islands/Guam, suggesting the presence of genetic break between these regions. This further suggests that populations of S. aquifolium may have survived east of Sunda Shelf during the Last Glacial Maximum and recent recolonization led to homogeneity of the populations in the Sunda Shelf region. Recolonization could be facilitated by year-round reproduction of the populations and dispersal of germlings on floating thalli by coastal currents. Restricted current flow across Maluku Sea and directional equatorial current flows could have isolated the Pacific Island and Guam populations from those of Southeast Asia. Our results support the presence of multiple refugia as the source of different lineages of S. aquifolium populations with a lack of secondary contact in the post-glacial dispersal between Southeast Asia and western Pacific as the mechanisms behind the phylogeographical patterns observed.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2006,190(1-2):41-54
A one-dimensional, two-layer lake model is used to simulate the daily temperature and oxygen profile of an English Lake in response to changes in wind, air temperature and radiation. The thermal model component derives from the TEMIX lake model originally developed by the Institute of Limnology in St. Petersburg [Mironov, D.V., Golosov, S.D., Zilitinkevitch, S.S., Kreiman, K.D., Terzhevik, A.Y., 1991. Seasonal changes of temperature and mixing conditions in a lake. In: Zilitinkevitch, S.S. (Ed.), Modelling Air–Lake Interactions. Springer-Verlag, pp. 74–90]. This paper describes the model's adaptation and its extension to incorporate dissolved oxygen to simulate periods of anoxia of short duration during summer stratification. The new oxygen model component, which is based on mass-balance principles, divides the lake into two layers in a similar way to the thermal model. Its primary purpose is to model periods of anoxia for use in studies of fish survival. The model has been tested over a 10-year period from 1991 to 1999 using daily weather data and fortnightly observations of chlorophyll a and secchi depth. Ten years of fortnightly oxygen measurements, together with 2 years of more detailed (hourly) oxygen data, indicate that simulated and observed oxygen levels are in reasonable agreement considering the sparseness of the chlorophyll observations. The balance between the relative effects of temperature and BOD on oxygen depletion is of particular importance to model accuracy.  相似文献   

通过唐菖蒲在石家庄不同大气环境中叶片的形态、叶绿素总量、细胞膜透性以及过氧化物酶活性的变化,研究了唐菖蒲对氟污染胁迫的生理生化反应及适应调节机理.结果表明:石家庄市各监测点的大气中均存在氟污染,其污染物浓度由高到低依次为:市热电厂>元南小区>棉七生活区>阳光公园;从严重污染区到清洁区,随着污染程度的减小,唐菖蒲的叶绿素含量显著增加,细胞膜相对电导率及过氧化物酶活性明显降低.初步分析显示,唐菖蒲可作为大气氟污染的指示植物.  相似文献   

The permeability to oxygen of the swimbladder of physoclistous fish is important because of the usually high oxygen content of the bladder. The oxygen permeability and guanine content of the swimbladder wall of the mesopelagic myctophid Ceratoscopelus maderensis (Lowe) were measured. The oxygen permeability was 0.0672 cm3 m/atm min cm2 and the guanine content was 73 g/cm2. Attention is drawn to the high rates of gas loss which would occur from a swimbladder with these characteristics and the problems of maintaining the gas content, especially at depth.  相似文献   

A mechanistic model of sedimentary oxygen demand (SOD) for hyporheic flow is presented. The permeable sediment bed, e.g. sand or fine gravel, is considered with hydraulic conductivity in the range $0.1 < K < 20$  cm/s. Hyporheic pore water flow is induced by pressure fluctuations at the sediment/water interface due to near-bed turbulent coherent motions. A 2-D advection–diffusion equation is linked to the pore water flow model to simulate the effect of advection–dispersion driven by interstitial flow on oxygen transfer through the permeable sediment. Microbial oxygen uptake in the sediment is expressed as a function of the microbial growth rate, and is related to the sediment properties, i.e. the grain diameter $(d_{s})$ and porosity $(\phi )$ . The model describes the significance of sediment particle size to oxygen transfer through the sediment and microbial oxygen uptake: With increasing grain diameter $(d_{s})$ , the hydraulic conductivity $(K)$ increases so does the oxygen transfer rate, while particle surface area per volume (the available surface area for colonization by biofilms) decreases reducing the microbial oxygen uptake rate. Simulation results show that SOD increases as the hydraulic conductivity $(K)$ increases before a threshold has been reached. After that, SOD diminishes with the increment of the hydraulic conductivity $(K)$ .  相似文献   

The biochemical composition of juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, exposed to sublethal concentrations of the water-soluble fraction of South Louisiana crude oil (0 to 2 504 ppb) for 21 d were examined. Although growth took place in all crabs, tissue content varied inversely with exposure concentration while percentage tissue water varied directly with exposure concentration. Total protein, lipid and RNA content of crabs exposed to crude oil were significantly less than that of control crabs by Day 21. DNA content was not significantly different from that of control crabs, suggesting that the difference in tissue content was due to differences in cell volume and not cell number. There were no consistent differences in the concentration of the major biochemical components, indicating that the relative contribution of each of the components remained stable during the period of sublethal stress. Ratios of RNA:DNA and protein:DNA decreased in exposed crabs and were positively correlated with scope for growth and observed growth. The ratios may be useful as indirect indicators of physiological condition. Analysis of lipid classes indicated that structural lipids in stressed crabs were less affected than were lipids used for energy storage. The changes in biochemical composition suggest that the pattern of energy utilization was altered in crabs exposed to crude oil. Growth in size without comparable growth in tissue resulted in decreased tissue content. Available energy was used for growth, with little being stored in lipid reserves.  相似文献   

Effects of artemether administration on liver and selected biochemical parameters were evaluated. Eighty albino mice were divided into four equal groups. Group 1 was given water which served as control, while groups 2, 3, and 4 were given 1.2, 2.4, or 4.8 mg kg?1 body weight artemether intramuscularly for five consecutive days. On day 6 all mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and blood was collected for analysis of alanine and aspartate transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, copper, and total proteins. Liver tissues were prepared for histological studies. It was found that the serum alanine and aspartate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase activities were higher in groups treated with artemether compared to control. The serum concentrations of copper and total proteins were lower than control. The histological features of liver tissues after administration of artemether showed histopathological alterations. These findings showed that artemether administration may have reversible adverse effects on mouse hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Density stratification and respiration lead to vertical gradients in dissolved oxygen in many aquatic habitats. The behavioral responses of fish larvae to low dissolved oxygen in a stratified water column were examined during 1990–1991 with the goal of understanding how vertical gradients in dissolved oxygen may directly affect the distribution and survival of fish larvae in Chesapeake Bay, USA. In addition, the effects of low oxygen on 24-h survival rates were tested so that results of behavior experiments could be interpreted in the context of risk to the larve. Naked goby [Gobiosoma bosc (Lacépède)] and bay anchovy [Anchoa mitchilli (Valenciennes)] larvae strongly avoided dissolved oxygen concentrations <1 mg 1-1, which were lethal within 24 h at 25 to 27°C. In addition, naked goby larvae, whose behavior was tested at a wider range of dissolved oxygen concentrations, also showed a reduced preference for an oxygen concentration of 2 mg 1-1, which leads to reduced survival during long-term exposures and to reduced feeding rates. There were no major differences in behavior or survival between the two species, or between the two age classes of naked gobies tested. Results suggest that behavioral responses to oxygen gradients will play a large role in producing marked vertical changes in abundance of feeding-stage larvae in Chesapeake Bay; mortality from direct exposure to low oxygen will likely be much less important in producing vertical patterns of larval abundance.  相似文献   

In summer 1997, gelatinous aggregates appeared in the Adriatic Sea, covering large areas of the northern basin. This study deals with the comparison between the biochemical composition of the sedimentary organic matter in summer, 1996 (when no aggregates appeared), and in summer, 1997 (during the appearance of aggregates). the biochemical composition of organic matter in surface sediments (determined in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phytopigments and nucleic acids) has been investigated in two areas along the coast of the NW-Adriatic Sea in order to characterize benthic processes during aggregate deposition on the sea floor. During mucilage accumulation, a significant increase of biochemical compounds was observed, and chlorophyll-a and carbohydrate concentrations doubled their concentrations. in contrast, protein concentrations decreased, so that overall biopolymeric carbon content (expressed as the sum of lipid, protein and carbohydrate carbon equivalents) did not display significant differences between sampling periods (1579.3 in June, 1996 1678.8 μgCg-1 and June, 1997). the protein to carbohydrate ratio decreased from 4.9 in June, 1996 to 1.8 in June, 1997. Mucilage production in June, 1997, modified significantly the biochemical composition of the sedimentary OM, thus affecting the potential availability of OM to benthic consumers. We hypothesise that the production of highly refractory composition of the sedimentary OM during mucilage accumulation might have an important biogeochemical implications.  相似文献   

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