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Harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus Erxleben, 1777) comprise three populations based upon whelping areas in the Greenland Sea, White Sea, and Northwest Atlantic. The last comprises two subpopulations, one whelping in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (“Gulf ”) and one on the pack ice of the southern Labrador/northern Newfoundland coastal shelf (“Front”). A total of 40 female seals from the four whelping areas were collected during the 1990 and 1992 whelping seasons. DNA sequence variation was examined in a 307 bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Eleven variable nucleotide positions defined 13 genotypes: a significant fraction of the genotypic variance (F ST=0.12, or 0.09 as measured by Weir's coancestry coefficient θ) is attributable to differentiation between Northwest and Northeast Atlantic populations. There was no significant differentiation between the two whelping areas in the Northwest Atlantic, or between the Greenland Sea and White Sea. These findings suggest significant reproductive isolation exists between trans-Atlantic breeding populations. Received: 18 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 February 2000  相似文献   

The distribution of the phyllosoma larvae and free-swimming pueruli of the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus (von Siebold, 1824) has been studied off the south coast of Kyusyu Island. From 1992 to 1995, four research cruises were conducted on board the R.V. “Yoko-maru”. Cruises were mainly carried out over the new moon period between June and August along transect lines that cross the Kuroshio Current. In total, 89 later stage Form F phyllosoma (body lengths ≥20 mm) and 43 free-swimming pueruli of P. japonicus were caught; 94.4% of the later stage phyllosoma larvae were in the final stage. The phyllosoma were distributed widely in and south of the Kuroshio Current, where high-salinity (34.8) water exists at depths below about 80 m. Highest densities of the final phyllosoma larvae were observed in or near the  Kuroshio Current, and molting to the puerulus stage also occurred in the same area. Free-swimming pueruli were mainly sampled in and north of the Current. It is suggested that the pueruli of P. japonicus swim across the Kuroshio Current to settle in coastal areas. Received: 9 December 1996 / Accepted: 25 September 1998  相似文献   

Parma microlepis (Günther) were collected from Malabar, an urban location close to the centre of Sydney, Australia, and from Jervis Bay, a reference location 170 km south of the city centre. At each location, fish were collected from two sites separated by 100 to 200 m. The ultrastructure of normal liver tissue is described based on 20 female fish collected from Jervis Bay, where fish are known to be exposed to low levels of organochlorine contaminants. Alterations in the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, lysosomes and nuclei of hepatocytes were identified and quantified in the liver tissue of fish from this location and compared to alterations in 20 female fish collected from Malabar, where fish are exposed to higher concentrations of organochlorine pesticides such as DDT compounds. There were significant differences in the percentage of hepatocytes with swollen mitochondria (F = 124.025, df = 2, 2, P = 0.008) and atypical nuclei (F = 22.198, df = 2, 2, P = 0.043) between sites (100 to 200 m apart), but there were no clear differences between the percentage of structural alterations in the hepatocytes of P. microlepis from Jervis Bay and Malabar. Associations between liver morphology and the organochlorines aldrin, dieldrin, DDE and chlordane were examined using a Pearson correlation matrix. Significant correlations were detected between the percentage of hepatocytes with dilated endoplasmic reticulum and the concentrations of the pesticide aldrin (r = 0.600, df = 11, r crit(α = 0.05) = 0.553). Significant associations were also detected between the percentage of hepatocytes with disorganised endoplasmic reticulum and the concentrations of dieldrin and DDE residues in fish (r = 0.576, r = 0.567, respectively, df = 13, r crit (α = 0.05) = 0.514). However, there was little evidence that ultrastructural alterations in fish responded to increasing concentrations of these pesticides in a consistent dose-response manner. Received: 20 October 1998 / Accepted: 24 November 1999  相似文献   

This study aims at comparing the zooplankton abundance/biomass of two South African estuaries affected to a different degree by sewage pollution. In particular the hypothesis that microzooplankton may increase relative to mesozooplankton, as eutrophication increases, is tested for the first time in African estuaries. The survey was carried out during a whole-year cycle, including both open and closed phases. Results show that zooplankton abundance and biomass are higher in the Mdloti than in the Mhlanga, during both the closed (U=1, P<0.001, U=16, P<0.001) and the open phase (U=101, P<0.05, U=88, P<0.01). There were no significant differences in abundance/biomass between the different reaches of each estuary, during either their open or closed phase (1-way ANOVA, P>0.05). The different levels of dominance of the calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus hessei, which accounted for 53–64 and 86–97% of the total abundance in the Mdloti and the Mhlanga, respectively, suggests a shift in the zooplankton community structure. There was a lower microzooplankton abundance/biomass contribution to the total zooplankton in the Mhlanga (59.6–15.8%), compared to the Mdloti (99.1–96.5%). The highest microzooplankton contribution in the Mdloti was observed during the closed phase, while in the Mhlanga this occurred during the open phase. This suggests that eutrophication in the Mhlanga may impact negatively on the microzooplankton community. On the other hand the less affected Mdloti exhibits an opposite trend with an increased microzooplankton component.  相似文献   

An allozyme survey, using starch-gel electrophoresis, was carried out on eight populations of the Antarctic nemertean worm Parborlasia corrugatus (McIntosh, 1876) collected from locations around the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. These populations were separated by distances in the order of tens of kilometres. Genetic variation was estimated over 22 enzyme loci for all populations examined, giving an observed heterozygosity of 0.142. This was much lower than the expected heterozygosity (H e  = 0.201), and it was found that there was a significant deficiency of het‐erozygotes across four enzyme loci ( p ≤ 0.01). A more detailed examination of this deficiency of heterozygotes was undertaken for the six populations and six variable enzyme loci for which the most complete data sets existed. A significant deficiency of heterozygotes was found at the enzyme locus Odh-1 for four of the six populations examined ( p ≤ 0.01). Mean F is (0.240) indicated a significant ( p ≤ 0.01) within-population component of the heterozygote deficiency estimated for the six populations sampled, and this was mainly due to the␣Ap-1, Odh-1 and Pgm-1 loci. The mean F st value (0.036) was also significant ( p ≤ 0.01), indicating a degree of genetic differentiation between populations. The observed levels of genetic differentiation between populations of P. corrugatus and the significant heterozygote deficiencies were unexpected, because this species has been reported to have a long-lived planktotrophic larva. It is hypothesised that recruitment of P. corrugatus in the South Orkney Islands originates from genetically distinct populations located in the Weddell Sea and to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Shifts in the relative position of the Weddell Sea Front, Weddell–Scotia Confluence and Scotia Front, relative to the South Orkney Islands, provide a mechanism for variation in the origin of recruits over time. Received: 24 July 1997 / Accepted: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

In the shrimp Crangon crangon, an important fishery resource and key species in the southern North Sea, we studied temporal variations in size, biomass (dry weight, W) and chemical composition (C, N, protein and lipid) of eggs in an initial embryonic stage. Data from 2 years, 1996 and 2009, consistently revealed that egg size and biomass varied seasonally, with maxima at the beginning of the reproductive season (January), decreasing values throughout spring, minima in June–July, and a slight increase thereafter. This cyclic pattern explains why “Winter eggs” are on average larger and heavier than “summer eggs”. Using a modelling approach, we estimated the duration of oogenesis in relation to seasonally changing seawater temperatures. According to an additive model of multiple explanatory variables, the C content per newly laid egg showed in both years a highly significant negative relationship with day length (r2 = 0.38 and 0.40, respectively; P < 0.0001), a weak positive relationship with temperature (r2 = 0.08 and 0.09; P < 0.05), and a weak negative relationship with phytoplankton biomass (r2 = 0.11 and 0.12; P < 0.05) at the estimated time of beginning oogenesis. Phenotypic plasticity in initial egg size and biomass is interpreted as an adaptive reproductive trait that has evolved in regions with strong seasonality in plankton production and periods of larval food limitation. In contrast to biomass per egg, the percentage chemical composition remained similar throughout the reproductive period. Both the absolute and percentage values also showed significant interannual variations, which caution against generalizations based on short-term studies of reproductive traits of C. crangon and other species of shrimp.  相似文献   

 Although oysters are commercially very important in Brazil, there is still much dispute about the number of Crassostrea species occurring on the Brazilian coast. The dispute is centered around C. brasiliana, considered by some authors to be a junior synonym of C. rhizophorae. In this paper we compared, by allozyme electrophoresis, sympatric and allopatric populations of the two putative species. Of the 17 loci analysed, five were diagnostic for the two species in sympatry (gene identity = 0.46 to 0.47), clearly demonstrating that they are distinct biological species. Heterozygosity (h) levels were high for both species (h = 0.24 to 0.28), and no heterozygote deficiencies were observed in any population (local inbreeding, F IS  = 0.141; P > 0.70). Levels of population structure in C. rhizophorae along 1300 km of coast were very low (population inbreeding, F ST  = 0.026; P > 0.15), indicating that the planktonic, planktotrophic larvae of these species are capable of long-range dispersal. Received: 14 January 1999 / Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

 Early development of the Antarctic sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri was examined under two differ-ent culture regimes: one to simulate development near-bottom (“demersal development”) and the other to simulate the development of embryos in the water column (“pelagic development”). When embryos of both treatments reached the hatching blastula stage at 5 d post-fertilization (−1.5 °C), the blastulae that had undergone demersal development evidenced significant differences (by ANOVA or suitable non-parametric comparison) in the following: a thicker blastoderm layer (12%, P < 0.001), higher ash-free dry weights (19%, P < 0.01), lower mass-specific respiration rates (50%, P < 0.001), higher incorporation rates of 35S-methionine into protein (23%, P < 0.003), and a differential pattern of protein synthesis. When embryos developed demersally, they remained in the jelly-coat material released with the eggs at spawning. Quantitative isolation of this jelly-coat material in S. neumayeri demonstrated that it contained a significant amount of organic matter, 115 ng ash-free dry mass per egg, equivalent to 17% of the egg's initial organic mass. Uptake of external nutrients during embryogenesis may be a significant component of the physiological energetics of this polar invertebrate by allowing the utilization of jelly-coat material released by a female during spawning. Received: 21 April 1999 / Accepted: 5 June 2000  相似文献   

Thirty-eight yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) were tagged with coded ultrasonic beacons between 6 March and 4 December 1996 near two buoys off the western coast of Oahu, Hawaii. Two to four tuna were captured, tagged, and released on the same day in as rapid succession as possible in an effort to tag members of the same school. Automated “listening” monitors attached to the buoys recorded when these marked individuals entered within a radius of ≤1.1 km of the buoys during a 13 mo period. Twenty-seven of the tuna returned to the site of tagging. The mean number of returns was 4.2 per tuna (max. = 17), and visits ranged from 1 to 910 min (median = 2.7 min, mean = 40.1 min). The intervals between successive returns varied from 1 to 257 d (median = 3.0 d, mean = 17.4 d). Seventy-three percent of the tuna returned together with tunas tagged on the same day, exceeding the frequency of returns of tuna tagged on another day or arriving alone. This social cohesion is supported by the pattern of return visits by five tuna tagged on 6 March at Monitoring Station R. Two or more of these tuna arrived together on 24 of 35 d when tagged tuna were detected. All five individuals visited R on 11 April, a month after tagging, three arrived together 5 mo later on 4 August, and three returned 6 mo later on 1 December 1996. Tuna often arrived at the same time of day, e.g. Individuals 1 and 3 visited R at 09:15 hrs on 12 April and at 09:00 hrs 8 mo later. The returns were also site-specific. The 22 tuna tagged at R made 182 return visits to R (92.4%) and only 15 visits to Monitoring Station K (7.6%), 10 km away. An allegiance of tuna to one school, a predilection for returning to the site of tagging, and precise timing when visiting sites, are consistent with tuna having migratory pathways consisting of “way-points” that are visited with temporal regularity. Received: 30 April 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   

I use 10 years of data from a long-term study of lek-mating long-tailed manakins to relate the social network among males to their spatial and genetic structure. Previously, I showed that the network connectivity of young males predicts their future success. Here, I ask whether kinship might shape the organization of this “young-boy network”. Not surprisingly, males that were more socially distant (linked by longer network paths) were affiliated with perch zones (lek arenas) that were further apart. Relatedness (r) among males within the network decreased as social distance increased, as might be expected under kin selection. Nevertheless, any role for indirect inclusive fitness benefits is refuted by the slightly negative mean relatedness among males at all social distances within the network (overall mean r = −0.06). That is, relatedness ranged from slightly negative (−0.04) to more negative (−0.2). In contrast, relatedness in dyads for which at least one of the males was outside the social network (involving at least one blood-sampled male not documented to have interacted with other banded males) was slightly above the random expectation (mean r = 0.05). The slight variations around r = 0 among males of different categories likely reflect dispersal dynamics, rather than any influence of kinship on social organization. Relatedness did not covary with the age difference between males. These results, together with previous results for lack of relatedness between alpha and beta male partners, refute any role for kin selection in the evolution of cooperative display in this lek-mating system. This contribution is part of the special issue “Social Networks: new perspectives” (Guest Editors: J. Krause, D. Lusseau, and R. James).  相似文献   

M. G. Hoskin 《Marine Biology》1997,127(4):647-656
 In south-eastern Australia, the prosobranch gastropods Morula marginalba (Blainville), Cominella lineolata (Lamarck) and Bedeva hanleyi (Angas) have similar fine-scale distributions, but appear to possess very different dispersal capabilities due to contrasting modes of larval development. M.marginalba produce planktonic larvae, whereas C. lineolata and B. hanleyi undergo direct development in benthic egg capsules and emerge as crawling juveniles. To test for possible effects of contrasting life histories on levels of genetic variation within and among populations, a survey was conducted of allozyme variation at six polymorphic loci in 8 to 9 local populations of each species. Collections of snails were made between June 1992 and November 1993. Sampling ranges spanned between 162 and 180 km of coast. Regardless of larval type, proportions of single-locus genotypes in each collection were consistent with the recruitment of offspring which had been generated through random mating. However, genotypic diversity was lower in those species that undergo direct development. Loci surveyed in C. lineolata and B. hanleyi were polymorphic (i.e. frequency of most common allele <95%) in fewer populations than those examined for M.␣marginalba (P <0.001) and, where polymorphisms occurred, also possessed significantly fewer alleles (P <0.001). Consequently, average levels of expected heterozygosity were greater in populations of M. marginalba than in those of either of the other species (P <0.001). Genetic variation among populations, expressed as the standardised variance in allele frequencies (F ST ), was inversely related to expected larval dispersal capability. The nine collections of M. marginalba showed little overall differentiation (F ST  = 0.017; P <0.001), reflecting the ability of planktonic larvae to interconnect local populations, and so limit divergence due to drift and natural selection. In contrast, there were high levels of allelic heterogeneity among the nine collections of C. lineolata (F ST  = 0.523; P <0.001) and eight collections of B. hanleyi (F ST  = 0.140; P <0.001). These data imply that for species which undergo direct development, local populations are effectively closed and evolve largely independent of one another. Received: 3 May 1996 / Accepted: 12 July 1996  相似文献   

The anemone Amphianthus inornata is found at bathyal depths living on colonies of the gorgonian Acanella arbuscula. Previous studies of the morphology and reproductive stage of this anemone, during different times of the year, have indicated that it reproduces sexually on a seasonal basis. A small proportion of the study population were also reported to be undergoing asexual reproduction by fission. The anemone Kadosactis commensalis is also bathyal, but lives mainly on the holothurian Paroriza prouhoi. Previous morphological studies have indicated that K. commensalis is a protandrous hermaphrodite that exhibits non-seasonal sexual reproduction only. In the present study, allozyme electrophoresis was used to examine the prevalence and genetic consequences of asexual reproduction in a population of Amphianthus inornata from 2 200 m in the Rockall Trough, North Atlantic Ocean. Genetic evidence, from five randomly selected polymorphic enzyme loci, for asexual reproduction in this species was weak. Exact tests indicated that genotype frequencies did not differ significantly from those expected under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. F IS (correlation of homologous alleles with reference to local population, assuming random mating) values also did not differ significantly from zero, and observed heterozygosity (H o =0.446) and genotypic diversity (G o =17.0387) were very similar to Hardy–Weinberg expected frequencies (H e =0.446; G * e =17.0010). Evidence suggests that the contribution of asexual reproduction to recruitment in the study population of A. inornata is low. For a single population of K. commensalis from 4 850 m on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, North Atlantic Ocean, the hypothesis that inbreeding due to reduced occurrence of outcrossing between anemones on a single holothurian host was examined by electrophoresis of ten randomly selected enzyme loci. Single-locus genotypic frequencies were significantly different from expected frequencies for one locus P≤ 0.05, hexokinase-1 (Hex-1)]. F IS values were significantly different from zero for two enzyme loci (Hex-1 and Hex-2, P≤ 0.01 and P≤ 0.05, respectively), and the overall observed heterozygosity was lower than the expected heterozygosity (H o =0.125, H e =0.140). The hypothesis of inbreeding could not be rejected by the present study, although sample size was small (N=55), leading to possible bias in tests of significance. Genetic variation in A. inornata was higher than that recorded for most eukaryotes, although interlocus sampling error for only five loci is high. High genetic variability has been found in other sea anemones, and has been related to high longevity and mixed reproductive modes. Genetic variation in K. commensalis was in the higher range of that found in other eukaryotes, and is not unusual for anemones. Received: 5 August 1996 / Accepted: 11 December 1996  相似文献   

Samples of the Antarctic octopus Pareledone turqueti were taken from three locations on the Scotia Ridge in the Southern Ocean. The genetic homogeneity of these populations was investigated using isozyme electrophoresis. Whilst panmixia appeared to be maintained around South Georgia (F ST = 0) gene flow between this island and Shag Rocks, an island only 150 km away but separated by great depths, was extremely limited (F ST = 0.74). These results are examined with respect to the discontinuous distribution of P. turqueti throughout Antarctica. An estimate of effective population size was also calculated (N e = 3600). Received: 7 March 1997 / Accepted: 27 March 1997  相似文献   

The predation impact of the two chaetognaths Eukrohnia hamata and Sagitta gazellae on mesozooplankton standing stock were investigated in three depth layers during two 24 h stations occupied in the vicinity of Marion Island in late austral summer (April/May) 1986. The zooplankton community at both stations was dominated by small copepods (Oithona spp., Microcalanus spp.), which accounted for >95% of total zooplankton abundance. Chaetognaths comprised <2% of total zooplankton abundance. E. hamata constituted >95% of the total chaetognath stock. The general trend in both species was decreasing abundance with increasing depth, which appeared to be correlated to the distribution of copepods (r 2 = 0.45; P <0.05). Gut-content analysis showed that copepods (mainly Oithona spp., Calanus spp. and Rhincalanus gigas) and ostracods were the main prey of both species, accounting for 87 and 61% of the total number of prey in E. hamata and S.␣gazellae stomachs, respectively. In the guts of S.␣gazellae, pteropods (Limacina spp.) and chaetognaths were also well represented. The mean number of prey items (NPC) for E. hamata ranged from 0.02 to 0.06 prey individual−1 which corresponds to an individual feeding rate (Fr) of between 0.05 and 0.12 prey d−1. For S.␣gazellae, the NPC values were higher, varying between 0.04␣and 0.20 prey individual−1, or between 0.15 and 0.76 prey d−1. The daily predation impact of the two chaetognaths was estimated at between 0.3 and 1.2% of the copepod standing stock or between 7 and 16% of the daily copepod production. Predation by S. gazellae on chaetognaths accounted for up to 1.6% of the chaetognath standing stock per day. Received: 26 November 1996 / Accepted: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

All other things being equal, the lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of iteroparous and semelparous individuals should scale with the number of breeding seasons. Deviations from this relationship may occur for many reasons, including age- or size-related fecundity or life history trade-offs, which may differ between sexes. We used 19 brood years of DNA parentage analysis in a small (N = 4–143 year−1) wild, unexploited population of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to compare the LRS of individuals that spawned only once [“one time spawners” (OTS), N = 355 male, 371 female] to those spawning twice [“repeat spawners” (RPS), N = 13 male, 49 female]. Female RPS had nearly twice the LRS of female OTS (1.17 offspring per female vs 0.91 offspring per female), whereas male RPS had nearly three times the LRS of male OTS (1.54 offspring per male vs 0.57 offspring per male). Female RPS produced slightly more adult offspring during their second breeding season than their first (0.78 vs 0.82 offspring per female); however, male RPS produced all of their adult offspring in their second breeding season (0 vs 1.54 offspring per male). The additional growth in body size of males between breeding seasons may give them an advantage in their second breeding season, but the lack of offspring produced in their first season suggests a trade-off between survival and future reproduction that was not expressed in females.  相似文献   

The spatial, diel and tidal variability in the abundance of piscivorous fishes and their teleost prey, and the dietary composition of predatory fishes were investigated in beds of Heterozostera tasmanica within Port Phillip Bay, Australia, from September 1997 to February 1998. Predatory and prey fish assemblages were sampled from beds of H. tasmanica at three locations during each combination of diel (day and night) and tidal (high and low) cycles. Pelagic and benthic crustaceans represented >60% by abundance of the diets of all predatory fishes. Seven species, 54% of all predatory fishes, were piscivorous. These piscivores consumed individuals from seven families, 36.8% of the fish families being associated with seagrass. Western Australian salmon, Arripis truttacea (Arripidae) (n = 174) and yank flathead, Platycephalus speculator (Platycephalidae) (n = 46) were the most abundant piscivores. A. truttacea consumed larval/post-larval atherinids, gobiids and sillaginids. P. speculator consumed late-juvenile/adult atherinids, clinids and gobiids. While the abundances of piscivores varied between locations (P < 0.001) and diel periods (P = 0.028), the relative differences in piscivore abundance between sites and diel periods were not consistent between tides. The abundances of A. truttacea varied in a complex way amongst sites, diel period and tidal cycle, as shown by a three-way interaction between these factors (P = 0.026). Only during diurnal periods at St. Leonards was the abundance of A. truttacea significantly higher during high than low tides (P < 0.001). During the other diel periods at each site, the abundance of A. truttacea did not vary. P. speculator was significantly more abundant nocturnally (P = 0.017). The abundance of small (prey) fishes varied significantly amongst sites (P < 0.001). During the day, the abundance of small fishes did not vary between high and low tides (P = 0.185), but their nocturnal abundance was greater during low tide (P < 0.001). Atherinids (n = 1732) and sillaginids (n = 1623) were the most abundant families of small fishes. Atherinids were significantly more abundant nocturnally (P = 0.005) and during low tides (P = 0.029), and varied significantly amongst sites (P < 0.001). Sillaginids varied significantly only amongst sites (P < 0.001). Seagrass beds provide a foraging habitat for a diverse assemblage of predatory fishes, many of which are piscivorous. Anti-predator behaviour and amongst-location variability in abundances of piscivorous fishes may explain some of the diel and tidal, and broad-scale spatial patterns in small-fish abundances. Received: 23 July 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Patagonian toothfish populations in the Atlantic and western Indian Ocean Sectors of the Southern Ocean (SO) were analysed using partial sequences of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene and seven microsatellite loci. Both haplotype frequency data (F ST>0.906, P<0.01) and microsatellite genotype frequency data (F ST=0.0141–0.0338, P<0.05) indicated that populations of toothfish from around the Falkland Islands were genetically distinct from those at South Georgia (eastern Atlantic Sector SO), around Bouvet Island (western Atlantic Sector SO) and the Ob Seamount (western Indian Ocean Sector of the SO). Genetic differentiation between these populations is thought to result from hydrographic isolation, as the sites are separated by two, full-depth, ocean-fronts and topographic isolation, as samples are separated by deep water. The South Georgia, Bouvet and Ob Seamount samples were characterised by an identical haplotype. However, microsatellite genotype frequencies showed genetic differentiation between South Georgia samples and those obtained from around Bouvet Island and nearby seamounts (F ST=0.0037, P<0.05). These areas are separated by large geographic distance and water in excess of 3,000 m deep, below the distributional range of toothfish (<2,200 m). No significant genetic differentiation was detected between samples around Bouvet Island and the Ob Seamount although comparisons may have been influenced by low sample size. These localities are linked by topographic features, including both ridges and seamounts, that may act as oceanic “stepping stones” for migration between these populations. As for other species of deep-sea fish, Patagonian toothfish populations are genetically structured at the regional and sub-regional scales.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that marine fish larvae in the advanced stages of starvation would show increased density (ρ = mass volume−1) from water loss due to osmoregulation failure. Changes in larval buoyancy are currently attributed to swim bladder regulation and protein synthesis or catabolism. Osmoregulation-related changes in density is an alternative mechanism, the importance of which remains untested in the laboratory and the influence of which on vertical distributions is unknown. We provide evidence that loss of osmotic control is a plausible mechanism for increased density of larval cod (Gadus morhua L.). Furthermore, our results show that this mechanism is not restricted to larvae in the advanced stages of starvation. “Relative” larval densities are estimated using a modified density gradient. We use a gravimetric method to separate the effects of nutrition from osmoregulation failure. We assessed the importance of sampling strata on estimates of larval density. Proportional sampling within three depth strata (stratified sample) produced the least biased method for determining the “average” density of a population of larvae in laboratory culture. Larvae sampled from the bottom third of the culture tank were significantly more dense then those sampled from the surface. This was true for larvae of all ages. The average change in density from hatching till death from starvation for larvae sampled in the surface stratum was nominal (Δρ = 5.0 × 10−4 g cm−3), while the change for those sampled from the bottom stratum was large (Δρ = 3.8 × 10−3 g cm−3). These large density differences suggest that larvae sampled from the bottom stratum were either osmotically stressed or were facultatively changing their density via regulatory pathways. Preliminary observations suggest that vitality is lower amongst those larvae which are sampled near the bottom. The small change in average density of larvae sampled from the surface stratum was due to starvation. The density differences we observed between “osmotically stressed” and “starving” larvae could readily have been misconstrued as differences in feeding and growth experienced by individual larvae. The potential bias of increased density from osmoregulation failure must be considered as a factor in experimental designs developed to assess the effect of fed and starved treatments on buoyancy for larvae of all ages. The simple bioassay we describe may prove useful both as a means of assessing larval condition and as a mechanism for evaluating factors affecting larval vertical distributions in the field. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 3 February 1997  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was used to investigate the genetic structure of the coral reef fishes Stegastes nigricans, Epinephelus merra and Acanthurus triostegus around New Caledonia. Each species was sampled from each of three sites in the ≃1000 km circumference of the lagoon of New Caledonia. Allelic variation was recorded for each species at 14, 13 and 17 loci, respectively, and heterozygosity diversity (H s) was 0.082, 0.065 and 0.116, respectively. Analysis of genetic differentiation between sites produced inconsistent results between species, with spatial heterogeneity in two species (S. nigricans, F st  = 0.038; A. triostegus, F st = 0.049) and homogeneity in one species (E. merra, F st = 0.000). Hydrological and climatic data from the lagoon suggest that the eastern and western sides of the lagoon are isolated, since they lie in water masses of different origin. This may explain the genetic differentiation and restricted gene flow found at a local scale for S. nigricans and A. triostegus. Homogeneity in populations of E. merra is discussed in relation to its low genetic diversity and its reproductive behaviour. Received: 23 April 1997 / Accepted: 25 September 1997  相似文献   

B. Rinkevich 《Marine Biology》2000,136(5):807-812
“Gardening” of denuded coral reef habitats is a novel restoration approach in which sexual and asexual recruits are used. The present study aimed at the evaluation of the potentiality for restoration use of different types of small fragments subcloned from the Red Sea coral species Stylophora pistillata. In situ short-term (24 h, 45Ca method) and long-term (1 year, alizarin Red S vital staining) experiments revealed high variation (up to 70%) in growth rates between up-growing branches of a specific genet, and that tip ratios in dichotomous branches (n = 880) differ significantly between newly formed and older branches, further emphasizing the within-colony genetic background for spatial configuration. Small, isolated branches (<4 cm) revealed high survivorship (up to 90%, 1 year) and up to 20–30% (1 year, single- vs. dichotomous-tip branches, respectively) growth, showing that small-sized branches are suitable for restoration purposes. Results differed significantly between genets. Total length added for dichotomous-tip branches was in general at least twice that recorded for single tips of a specific genet. Restoration protocols may be applied either by sacrificing whole large colonies via pruning high numbers of small fragments or, by pruning only a few small branches from each one of many genets. An in situ “nursery period” of approximately 8 years is predicted for S. pistillata small fragments. Received: 17 August 1999 / Accepted: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

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