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酸梅属蔷薇科(Prunus mume)梅属多年生落叶小乔木植物,以果实清香味酸而得名。果实内含有柠檬酸、苹果酸和氨基酸以及维生素c等物质。酸梅具有生津止渴、安神、开胃健脾、消暑清热的功效,是目前国内外畅销的高级饮料。酸梅果加工成糖梅、  相似文献   

高氯酸盐是一种甲状腺毒素,它会干扰碘的吸收,阻碍甲状腺的产生,影响胎儿、儿童脑部的发育,甚至造成脑部的损伤。随着检测技术的发展,其在世界范围内的水体中陆续检出,牛奶、瓶装饮料、桶装水、土壤、植物中检出高氯酸盐也随后出现。文章参考大量文献,对高氯酸盐监测分析方法进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

正各种"妖艳动人"的冰淇淋、解乏提神的运动饮料、营养健康的植物蛋白饮料……仅靠西瓜、冰棍降暑的时代已经太LOW了,这些清凉饮品让夏季不再燥热。但消费者需要注意的是,别太迷信这些饮品的宣传语,不是所有人群都适合饮用,其功效作用也大多有限。别迷信植物蛋白饮料无添加、无色素、零胆固醇……相对于传统碳酸饮料,各种植物蛋白饮料如今成了饮料界"新  相似文献   

绿豆贡菊功能性饮料的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用感官评定和正交试验法对绿豆贡菊功能性饮料的工艺和配方进行了探讨,确定绿豆贡菊功能性饮料的最佳配方,即绿豆液用量6%、贡菊液用量O.25%、柠檬酸用量0.025%、阿斯巴甜用量0.012%。该产品为淡黄色、澄清饮料,其主要功能成分为黄酮类物质,含量为1.08%,饮料pH为4.6,适用于高血脂症、动脉粥样硬化患者和普通人群食用。  相似文献   

绿色植物饲料抓叶绿粉、由于它是由新鲜植物结一定机械T芝加工衡成,因而最大报废地探炼军植物参叶中的叶绿素和各种营养,与普通草粉相比,具有营养物质稳定、易与其它物质配合使用的特点。用绿色植物加工饮料可代替原饲料中需添加的大部分氨基酸和多维素,而且还有抗病因子,对促进家畜生长发育有着良好的作用。另外,在鱼的配合饲料中添加绿色植物。如桐树叶粉、黑耷草粉;苜蓿粉、花生叶粉等。可代替部分维生素、氨基酸和粗蛋白。绿色植物饲料强化剂,如松针粉、五加叶粉、人参叶粉等较强化饲料功效、促进动物生长、搞病方面具有良好的…  相似文献   

根据微生态学原理,在分析微生态饮料现状的基础上,提出微生态饮料是以微生态学为其理论基础的一类保健饮料的概念,并将其分为益生元素、益生菌类、合生素类,初步规定了其相关范畴。在此基础上,提出了加强理论研究、建立种质库和中试基地、改进工艺等相关的开发利用对策,以促进微生态饮料的进一步发展。  相似文献   

如今走进超市,越来越多的塑料制品琳琅满目。喝水的杯子,吃饭用的快餐盒,家里装酱油和醋的瓶子,五颜六色的饮料……塑料瓶外形美观、设计时尚、携带方便,很受人们的欢迎。很多人饮料喝完后,舍不得扔掉,瓶子留着装水或其他液体使用。但是你有没有注意到它底部那个小小的“三角”标志?你知不知道它们代表什么?会不会影响健康?  相似文献   

本饮料是利用苹果的“落地果”为原料 ,采用乳酸发酵的方法研制而成。其方法为原料加工、浸汁制备与灭菌、接种、发酵、过滤、灭菌、包装。本品除营养成分丰富外 ,还增加了乳酸发酵过程中产生的各种有益物质 ,具有爽快怡人的风味。 (CN 1 2 52 2 2 7.A)苹果乳酸发酵饮料  相似文献   

本方法是将鲜刺槐花加入其重量2倍的清水,在容器中加温,维持80℃~40℃浸渍8h后取其滤液,加入滤液重量5%的蔗糖、1%的蜂蜜、01%柠檬酸和005%山梨酸钾,经瞬时高温120℃灭菌,急冷至40℃下密封包装即为鲜刺槐花汁饮料。它营养丰富、花香浓郁、清香可口,是一种具有开发前途的纯天然绿色食品。鲜刺槐花汁饮料的制作方法  相似文献   

杜仲保健醋饮料的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了杜仲保健醋饮料的生产工艺,并通过正交试验,探讨了合理的配方和加工技术。  相似文献   

花生、大豆与芝麻复合乳饮料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了以花生、大豆和芝麻为主要原料,并按一定比例制备出以花生为主体风味的复合蛋白乳保健饮料的基本工艺流程,同时对获得良好风味的花生、大豆与芝麻复合蛋白乳饮料的基本工艺条件、操作要求及影响产品质量的因素也作了简要探讨与说明。  相似文献   

This note examines the second-order conditions of the Massel-Parrish (M-P) model of a beverage market in which a monopolist producer of beverages packaged in ‘private mould’ bottles has monopsony power in the market for the empty bottles. Customers pay only the shelf price if they return the empty bottle; and, the shelf price plus the forfeited deposit if they discard it. The analysis determines directional changes in the optimal shelf price, deposit levels, and unit sales resulting from changes in each of five demand and three supply parameters. Potential effects of current legislation requiring mandatory deposits on all beverage containers are also analysed.  相似文献   

分析了我国餐饮产业的特点与面临的问题,提出了餐饮业集群发展的战略选择.以安徽省芜湖市凤凰美食街为例,从餐饮产业集群发展形成的背景、区位依托、构成要素以及竞争优势等方面对餐饮业的集群发展进行了实证分析.  相似文献   

A social appraisal of the beverage container involves assessment of external costs. Analysis of available data shows that the returnable generates less external costs than the non-returnable, though refinement of the UK situation requires more detailed data. The ranking depends on the returnable's trippage rate, but it seems the returnable can achieve the trippage needed to make it socially preferable.  相似文献   

The Senior Advisory Group of the US government's Resource Conservation Committee is holding public hearing on two prominent materials conservation policy options - a national mandatory deposit system on beverage containers to eliminate ‘throwaways’, and a national system of ‘product charges’ on goods produced from virgin materials. A national hearing was held on 19 October 1977 to hear views on the controversial mandatory deposit issues, and is reported below.  相似文献   

This study reports on the biocultural dimensions of the tasat (Arenga obtusifolia Griff.) tree and its conservation by various informal institutions of the Adi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh, India. The study included 240 Adi community members (120 men and 120 women) residing in 12 villages of the East Siang and Upper Siang districts of Arunachal Pradesh. The study was conducted using personal interviews and participatory methods. Results indicated that the stem of tasat is used as a traditional food during droughts and in preparing an ethnic beverage. Tasat is being conserved by the Adi tribe in various habitats. Plant populations of tasat were observed relatively higher in Upper Siang than the East Siang district. The study found differences in the status of biocultural knowledge between genders and different age groups. Kebang and reglep are two indigenous institutions of men and women, respectively, and play leading roles in sustaining tasat plants in various habitats. Women of the Upper Siang district still maintain a knowledge network for diffusing biocultural knowledge related to tasat, among others, through a barter system. Changing land use patterns in agriculture affects tasat conservation. The value addition for tasat based products, and rewarding women who conserve tasat, can enhance the sustainability of tasat based on biocultural knowledge and institutions.  相似文献   

重量法测定含动、植物油和矿物油废水应注意的问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
废水监测中,用重量法测定污(废)水中的动、植物油和矿物油是常用方法之一。为了保证测试结果的准确性,减少误差,提高分析测试质量,作者以多年的实践经验结合塔里木油田采油厂生产污水和餐饮行业生活废水的测定,对测定两种不同含油类废水应注意的问题进行探讨。供同行在实际工作中参考。  相似文献   

The struggle for healthy eating is a nascent social movement that represents active resistance to the hostile food environments created by multinational food and beverage corporations. Using a political economy approach and leveraging Winson's [2013. The industrial diet: the degradation of food and the struggle for healthy eating. Vancouver: UBC Press] concepts of dietary regimes and the industrial diet, this paper will examine the strengths and limitations of Brazil's new dietary guidelines and discuss its role as a precursor to a new dietary regime that incorporates social justice and sustainability.  相似文献   

Packaging waste has become a focus for attention by policy‐makers in a number of countries. This article offers a simple policy measure — a packaging tax or levy — which serves the required aims of policy, namely: reducing waste at source; increasing the rate of recycling; and consistency with the polluter pays principle. The tax is illustrated in the context of beverage containers in the UK and Japan. The merits of the proposal are its simplicity and flexibility. The article suggests that the relevant environmental damages are captured by waste disposal costs and litter. Other life cycle impacts, such as emissions from energy use, could be included but only if there are not more efficient ways of regulating them.  相似文献   

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