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Tetracycline antibiotics in the environment: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tetracycline antibiotics are one of the primarily antibiotics groups used for veterinary purposes, for human therapy and for agricultural purposes. Amongst the different antibiotics used, more attention is paid to tetracycline’s as it exhibits serious environmental problems including ecological risks and human health damages. Due to their extensive usage, most of the actual evidence suggests that tetracycline antibiotics are omnipresent compounds found in different ecological compartments. After medication, more than 70 % of tetracycline antibiotics are excreted and released in active form into the environment via urine and feces from humans and animals. Their highly hydrophilic character and low volatility have resulted in significant persistence in the aquatic environment. Very few studies describe the fate and toxicity of tetracycline antibiotics in the environment. Here, we review several important issues with regard to: (1) the toxicity of these compounds on aquatic and terrestrial organisms; (2) their estrogenic effects; (3) their behavior in different ecological systems and; (4) the by-products generated during water treatment. These antibiotics residues promote the development of antibiotic resistant microorganisms, which can induce adverse effect to human health by increasing the risk of certain infections. Based on recent research results, the occurrence of tetracycline antibiotics in the environment inhibits the growth of some terrestrial and aquatic species. Besides, the residual concentrations of such drugs could affect steroidogenic pathway and consequently may cause endocrine disruption of aquatic species. Most of the wastewater treatment plants are not capable of removing effectively the tetracycline antibiotics. Therefore, there is a need to develop alternative processes to remove them from waters. Advanced oxidation processes have been proposed as alternative methods to ensure higher degradation and mineralization of tetracycline antibiotics are present in waters.  相似文献   

王红强  吴振斌 《生态环境》2012,(7):1375-1379
水体富营养化日益严重,水华频繁爆发,如何有效控制水华,治理富营养化水体是目前水环境领域的研究热点和前沿。目前湖泊藻类控制技术主要有:物理方法、化学法、生物法,但是这些方法都有其固有的缺点。利用植物化感作用抑制有害藻类生长具有廉价、生态安全等优点近年来备受关注。化感作用就是生物体产生的生物活性物质即化感物质在生物体之间传递信息并导致生物体相互作用。归纳了国内外不同生活型水生植物化感作用研究的主要成果(包括已报道的抑藻水生植物种类、已从水生植物体内和种植水中分离鉴定得到的化感物质),以及化感物质的联合作用研究,讨论了化感物质的生态安全性。通过化感作用能有效控制引起水体富营养化的各种藻类生长,优化水生生物的组成结构。例如,水体中投放大麦秆可以增加无脊椎动物以及鱼类的数量,从而达到改善水生生态系统的目的。展望了植物化感作用用于水环境治理的发展前景。以期为利用植物化感作用控制水华的发生提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Conservation of the African Great Lakes: A Limnological Perspective   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The limnology of Lakes Malawi Tanganyika, and Victoria is discussed with the objective of examining how the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the lakes will determine the response of these ancient great lake ecosystems to human activities. Of the physical properties discussed, large dilution capacities and long flushing times can make the detection and removal of chemical pollutants in these lakes difficult. The outflows of all three lakes are small because of high evaporation losses, and as a result lake levels are responsive to climate changes that would alter evaporation:precipitation ratios. Increased nutrient input to these lakes will likely result in a decrease in the volume of oxygenated water and available fish habitat. Plankton community composition will also change, probably toward dominance by cyanobacteria. While the effects of eutrophication on fish production are difficult to predict, changes in plankton composition would almost certainly be accompanied by changes in fish community structure. Recent studies of water chemistry and plankton productivity in Lake Victoria provide evidence of possible eutrophication. Because land use has a diffuse but potentially large impact on these lakes, conservation strategies must take into account human activities within entire drainage basins. This requires cooperation between riparian countries and technological and financial input from the international community. An immediate need is the establishment of monitoring programs to determine the impact, real or potential, of human activities around the lakes.  相似文献   

冯辉霞  张婷  王毅  雒和明 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1578-1582
通过阐述化学发展与自然和人的关系,认为追求人与自然的和谐是整个世界的自然观的最高目标。从生态学角度研究了化学发展史,认为化学发展过程可分为原始生态化学时期、非生态化学时期和生态化学时期,提出了生态化学的新概念,认为生态化学针对传统化学的资源利用率低、环境污染严重的缺陷,提出了废物的减量化、无害化和资源化,并使原料利用率最大化;生态化学是站在对环境友好的高度,使环境资源的化学变换体系成为一种更有效的运行模式,对环境系统有更小的破坏作用,进而对改善环境质量做出贡献。因此,生态化学融被动处理污染的环境化学及主动出击的绿色化学为一体,是更加关注生态的先进理论。  相似文献   

The German Environmental Advisory Council evaluated German water protection policies in its last environmental report (2004) concluded that despite some great successes in this area there is still considerable need for action. Specifically, diffuse nutrient and chemical substances inputs remain an unsolved problem. The contamination of surface and groundwater with pharmaceuticals has been identified as an environmental risk increasing in pertinence. Pharmaceuticals and their metabolites are being detected in the whole aquatic environment, which they enter through sewage, soil contamination by agriculture, and waste storage facilities. Different pharmaceuticals have been tested for acute toxicity on various aquatic organisms, but almost nothing is known about chronic toxicity of these contaminants. This knowledge, however, is essential for estimating the ecotoxicological potential of pharmaceutical residues. In the opinion of the Environmental Council different strategies are necessary, to reduce the contamination of the environment with pharmaceuticals. Farmers should refrain from using pharmaceuticals for prophylactic purposes or from using hormonally or antibiotically active substances in livestock feed additives, so as to reduce inputs of veterinary drugs. As regards human medications, packaging should better correspond to appropriate dosage amounts, and environmentally responsible disposal measures should be followed. Still under discussion are a programme for the risk evaluation of existing pharmaceuticals and a ban on the use of sewage sludge in agriculture. In the future, improvement of sewage treatment facilities, for instances through membrane technologies, will offer further potential to reduce inputs of hazardous substances.  相似文献   

水环境中的微塑料及其生态效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塑料在日常生活中无处不在,随意丢弃的塑料会在各种作用下最终进入江河、湖泊、近海、深海、以及大洋甚至极地地区。在外界条件(如高温、风化、紫外线)影响下,大型塑料结构的完整性易遭到破坏而被逐渐分解成微小的塑料碎片,当其粒径小于5 mm时即可被称为微塑料。塑料中的某些添加剂,如壬基苯酚、多溴联苯醚、邻苯二甲酸盐、双酚A等会在塑料降解为微塑料的过程中释放到水环境中,从而威胁到水生生态系统的安全。微塑料粒径小,易被浮游动物误食或沿着食物链传递,在生物体内累积转移,对机体产生不可逆转的毒害作用。此外,微塑料还能作为某些污染物富集的载体,产生较强的复合毒性。因此水环境正面临着微塑料污染的威胁,如何治理已成为全球性的环境问题。本文对水环境中微塑料的来源与分布、微塑料的迁移和转化以及微塑料对水环境的影响进行了综述,并对水环境中的微塑料污染问题提出了一些解决方案,期望能为微塑料及其在水环境中的生态效应研究提供理论基础和数据支持。  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles (NP) are used in several applications, including their use as antimicrobial agents in textiles, personal care, and other domestic products. As such, there is a high potential for the release of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) in the aquatic environment. In aquatic ecosystems, nanomaterials are affected by abiotic factors, such as temperature, that alter their chemistry and influence their fate in the environment. Preliminary studies indicate that NP tend to form aggregates which are potentially more recalcitrant than unaggregated NP. These and other fate processes are largely dependent on both the characteristics of the NP and that of the environment. In this study, lab experiments were conducted to investigate the physicochemical properties and temperature solubility of AgNP (<100 nm) that may potentially influence the fate and behavior of AgNP in the aqueous environment. Results indicated that, under these tested conditions, AgNP may be transformed in size and thereby affect fate, bioavailability, and toxicity. In this study, a novel method was used to determine whether AgNP would form agglomerates, or behave as isolated particles, or dissolve when in aqueous media and under different environmental conditions. The new aspects evaluated in this study demonstrated that AgNP are transformed in both size and state under variable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Geologic processes strongly influence water and sediment quality in aquatic ecosystems but rarely are geologic principles incorporated into routine biomonitoring studies. We test if elevated concentrations of metals in water and sediment are restricted to streams downstream of mines or areas that may discharge mine wastes. We surveyed 198 catchments classified as "historically mined" or "unmined," and based on mineral-deposit criteria, to determine whether water and sediment quality were influenced by naturally occurring mineralized rock, by historical mining, or by a combination of both. By accounting for different geologic sources of metals to the environment, we were able to distinguish aquatic ecosystems limited by metals derived from natural processes from those due to mining. Elevated concentrations of metals in water and sediment were not restricted to mined catchments; depauperate aquatic communities were found in unmined catchments. The type and intensity of hydrothermal alteration and the mineral deposit type were important determinants of water and sediment quality as well as the aquatic community in both mined and unmined catchments. This study distinguished the effects of different rock types and geologic sources of metals on ecosystems by incorporating basic geologic processes into reference and baseline site selection, resulting in a refined assessment. Our results indicate that biomonitoring studies should account for natural sources of metals in some geologic environments as contributors to the effect of mines on aquatic ecosystems, recognizing that in mining-impacted drainages there may have been high pre-mining background metal concentrations.  相似文献   

随着水环境外污染源得到有效控制,底质污染逐渐成为人们关注的焦点.底质中的污染物尤其是难降解有机物可通过生物富集和生物放大等过程,进一步影响陆生生物和人类的健康.因此,对底质中难降解有机物的修复是目前所迫切需要解决的环境问题之一.基于异位修复成本较高易造成二次污染等缺点,文章针对难降解有机物污染底质,探讨了原位修复技术的研究进展,自然修复成本较低,对生态环境不产生干扰,但不适用于高浓度污染底质;植物修复操作简单,能有效防止污染底质再悬浮,但对高浓度难降解有机物耐受性较低;微生物修复适用范围广,修复效果较为显著,但菌体易流失,对环境的适应性较差.于是,固定化修复技术应运而生,固定化技术能解决传统的微生物修复存在的很多问题,但固定化载体的重复可利用性和再生性问题仍有待解决.文章最后对今后难降解有机物污染底质的研究方向进行了展望,由于污染底质多为复合污染,各取所长的联合修复技术将成为未来的研究热点.  相似文献   

常用农药助剂类产品对水生生物效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农药助剂是在农药制剂加工和使用中加入的除农药有效成分以外的其他辅助物质的总称。农药助剂在提高农药制剂药效、改善药剂性能、稳定制剂质量和降低活性成分危害等方面都起着相当重要的作用。几乎所有化学合成的农药原药都需添加农药助剂成为具有实际使用价值的农药制剂。农药助剂本身虽不具备对靶标生物的杀灭作用,但并不意味着其对环境或人体不具有危害性,部分现今仍在流通使用的农药助剂可导致健康危害,如致癌、致畸、致突变、危害神经系统,具有内分泌干扰作用等。截止目前,由于农药施用带来的农药助剂的危害问题很少引起研究人员关注,我国在农药助剂管理方面还是空白,亟需引起管理部门的重视并制订相关的防控法规。农药助剂种类繁多,我国习惯上将其分为非表面活性剂和表面活性剂两大类。本文总结了包括常用溶剂,非离子型、阳离子型和阴离子型表面活性剂在内的常用助剂对藻类、大型溞和鱼类等水生生物的急慢性毒性效应,并综述了烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚类助剂及其降解产物对水生生物的内分泌干扰效应。鉴于农药助剂对生态环境和人类的健康风险,本文还提出了我国农药助剂环境安全管理策略建议。  相似文献   

杨晓月  程和发 《环境化学》2021,40(2):436-449
金属(氧化物)纳米材料在生产和使用过程中,可以通过各种途径进入到水环境中,对水生生物、生态环境和人体健康产生威胁.理解纳米颗粒在水体中的环境行为,对于评估纳米材料的归趋及其对环境和人体的健康风险至关重要.本文概述了金属(氧化物)纳米颗粒的性质、来源和毒性危害,汇总了表征纳米颗粒浓度、粒径及形貌的分析方法与技术,分析了它...  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen species have the potential to acidify terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, but nitrate and ammonium are also critical nutrients for plant and microbial productivity. Both the ecological response and the hydrochemical response to atmospheric deposition are of interest to regulatory and land management agencies. We developed a non-spatial biogeochemical model to simulate soil and surface water chemistry by linking the daily version of the CENTURY ecosystem model (DayCent) with a low temperature aqueous geochemical model, PHREEQC. The coupled model, DayCent-Chem, simulates the daily dynamics of plant production, soil organic matter, cation exchange, mineral weathering, elution, stream discharge, and solute concentrations in soil water and stream flow. By aerially weighting the contributions of separate bedrock/talus and tundra simulations, the model was able to replicate the measured seasonal and annual stream chemistry for most solutes for Andrews Creek in Loch Vale watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park. Simulated soil chemistry, net primary production, live biomass, and soil organic matter for forest and tundra matched well with measurements. This model is appropriate for accurately describing ecosystem and surface water chemical response to atmospheric deposition and climate change.  相似文献   

汤鸿霄 《环境化学》1993,12(5):325-333
本文综述了当前环境水化学的发展趋势及其中苦干部分的研究动态与方向,例如:化学形态分布、酸化与风化、表面络合、沉积物质量评价、生态毒理、水陆交错带、水处理中的絮凝、膜分离、化学氧化、生物氧化和水质模式。离作者的若干观点及对环境水化学实验室近期研究方向的一些看法。  相似文献   

水体作为环境污染因子的最终归宿,不仅容纳了越来越多的有毒物质,而且由于水体的立体性,水生生物极易受到多种因子的复合污染,易造成潜在的生态和健康风险。其中,重金属和持久性有机污染物因分布广、难降解且毒性效应复杂等特点,对水生生态易造成潜在危害而受到广泛的关注。环境污染往往是以混合物的形式联合存在,而联合毒性作用的相关研究较少。因此,本文围绕近年来典型重金属和全氟化合物的单一毒性,以及复合污染对水生动物的联合毒性作用进行了综述,现有的研究结果表明,复合污染对生物体存在联合毒性作用,可能表现为单一元素毒性作用、协同作用或拮抗作用,并对存在的问题和今后的关注重点进行了探讨,以便为未来的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Aquatic biodiversity is one of the most essential characteristics of the aquatic ecosystem formaintaining its stability and a means of coping with any environmental change. The entire stretch of the Mothronwala swamp has rich riparian vegetation for providing conducive environment for the growth of aquatic organisms. The present work has been undertaken to study the bio-physico-chemical characteristics of the swamp. The data on physico-chemical environmental variables (temperature, total dissolved solutes, size and composition of substratum, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity chlorides, and hardness) have been given under the present contribution. A total of 16 genera of aquatic insects belonging to orders Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata and Phylum Mollusca represented the macroinvertebrates of Mothronwala swamp. The fresh water swamp of Mothronwala is under threat due to human interference and other anthropogenic activities. Some of the natural and anthropogenic environmental problems of the Mothronwala swamp have been identified and the ameliorative measures for the protection of aquatic environment and the conservation measures for the swamp have been suggested. The qualitative study revealed the present status of the aquatic biodiversity of the swamp and also about the physico-chemical parameters, which would be very helpful for policy makers to take precautionary measures to save the swamp.  相似文献   

我国环境化学研究的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘静宜  金龙珠 《环境化学》1994,13(5):371-381
本文综合介绍了二十年来我国环境化学研究的发展概况。在环境分析化学方面包括了环境分析监测方法、标准参考物质、环境分析方法、形态分析、采样技术与分析测试仪器化等方面。环境污染化学包括了有关大气、水体和土壤环境中化学问题的研究,着重对大气污染物表征、迁移和转化、化学模式和重金属、有机物的水环境化学、水环境中金属烷基化以及土壤中农药等环境化学研究。有关污染生态效应中的化学集中介绍了硒与地方病环境因素关系有  相似文献   

大宝山矿水外排的环境影响:Ⅲ.综合治理对策   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
大宝山外排酸性矿水对下游水生生态系统及周边农村地区农业生态系统带来严重影响,并可能已危及当地人民的健康。文章根据大宝山矿所在地区的实际情况,对大宝山矿区及周围地区生态退化和环境污染的综合治理途径进行探讨,提出:(1)必须走系统整治的路径才能做到既治标又治本;(2)治理污染源是整个治理方案的关键环节;(3)为了使深受污染之害的矿区周边人民尽快脱离危险,近期最迫切的治理地段是受矿水严重污染的农田,尤其是重污染区一上坝村;(4)在治理方法上,必须将化学治理、生物治理与工程治理相结合;(5)为了更好地实施各项治理工程,可考虑运用经济杠杆,以便有效地筹集足够的矿山治理资金;(6)着眼于未来更严格的环境质量标准,建立水质的生物预警系统;(7)目前制约大宝山矿地区生态环境治理的主要瓶颈之一是缺乏适合中国国情的高效低投入治理技术,政府应考虑提供研究经费支持相关的应用基础研究和技术开发,以便能加快治理的步伐。  相似文献   

大量缺乏毒性信息的化学品最终进入环境水体,对人类及生态生物产生潜在的危害与风险。提高化学品生物毒性测试与评估技术的通量和效率,是实现毒害化学物质环境与生态健康风险防控的关键。作为一种可以实现高通量测试的脊椎动物模型,斑马鱼胚胎测试在化学品的毒性评估中应用广泛。随着组学技术的发展,毒理基因组学可有效提取毒害化学品致毒过程中干扰生物学通路的信息。这些机制信息可用于对单物质或复合污染物生物毒性的筛选和预测。本文综述了不同斑马鱼胚胎测试技术在化学品毒性筛选评估管理与水环境复合污染毒性监测中的发展和应用,详细介绍了一种新型斑马鱼胚胎简化转录组学技术的方法流程和优势,并探讨了综合斑马鱼胚胎毒性测试、行为分析和组学等不同测试技术在化学品毒性测试、环境监测与评价中的应用前景。  相似文献   

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