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Feeding a growing population exceeding 1 billion is a big challenge to the Chinese government and has partly led to the self-sufficient policy in grain production and supply for decades. However, the efforts to push grain production everywhere have resulted in not only deterioration of the environment but also stagnation or even reduction in farmers' income as production costs continue to increase. This situation might be worsening after China's accession to the WTO that provides market access for bulk commodity imports. A sustainable development in Chinese agriculture depends on diversification, or structural adjustment, that allows Chinese farmers to fully utilize their comparative advantage in production of labor-intensive goods. Past experience has shown that diversification has contributed more than a half of the growth in Chinese agriculture during the reform period and reduced stresses on the environment at the same time. It is likely to contribute even more to Chinese agriculture in the future an  相似文献   


Feeding a growing population exceeding 1 billion is a big challenge to the Chinese government and has partly led to the self-sufficient policy in grain production and supply for decades. However, the efforts to push grain production everywhere have resulted in not only deterioration of the environment but also stagnation or even reduction in farmers' income as production costs continue to increase. This situation might be worsening after China's accession to the WTO that provides market access for bulk commodity imports. A sustainable development in Chinese agriculture depends on diversification, or structural adjustment, that allows Chinese farmers to fully utilize their comparative advantage in production of labor-intensive goods. Past experience has shown that diversification has contributed more than a half of the growth in Chinese agriculture during the reform period and reduced stresses on the environment at the same time. It is likely to contribute even more to Chinese agriculture in the future and in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   

南京都市农业发展与资源环境承载力协调性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨都市农业发展与资源环境承载力之间相互作用规律,对推进都市农业发展、解决城市发展中的资源环境问题和促进区域可持续发展都具有重要意义。在科学构建都市农业发展与资源环境承载力评价指标体系基础上,借助耦合度模型,以南京市为例,对两者耦合协调关系进行实证研究。结果表明:2000~2015年南京市都市农业发展与资源环境承载力总体均呈上升态势,两者呈正相关,资源环境承载力每提高1%,南京都市农业发展水平相应增加0.746%;两者耦合协调度在2000~2007年处于失调阶段,2008~2015年转变为协调阶段,2015年协调度为0.673,处于初级协调,目前耦合协调度处于资源环境承载力滞后型。南京市应该立足资源环境基础,科学规划都市农业发展格局;转变资源开发与环境保护模式,确保都市农业可持续发展;加大政策扶持力度,促进都市农业发展与资源环境承载力协同优化。  相似文献   

中国农业可持续发展的现实路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为中国可持续发展总体战略的重要组成和优先领域,农业可持续发展是我国现代农业发展的理性抉择和根本出路。农业可持续发展的实质是谋求农业生态系统中各要素及其相关各系统之间、系统与外部环境之间的有序化与整体性持续运作,其核心是保持农业系统的良性循环和生产力的可持续性。当前我国现代农业可持续发展的困境和挑战主要表现为:农业经营制度的先天不足和设施装备的落后使得农业发展根基不牢;人力、资本及科技等要素的缺失导致农业发展支撑力量严重不足;耕地和水资源短缺成为制约农业持续发展的瓶颈;农业生产与市场需求的结构性失衡及农产品质量安全问题使得最终产品难以满足社会需求。从可持续发展理念出发,本文认为中国特色现代农业发展的现实路径应立足于中国现实的资源及社会约束条件,着重从以下几个方面入手,即重视人力资本培育;大力推进农业合作化;加快农村金融创新;提升农业科技水平;发展劳动密集型农业;践行生态农业理念。  相似文献   

Urban Agglomeration is an inevitable outcome of urbanization and industrialization, and a main form of urban development. Based on the analysis of urbanization and urban system situation, this paper will discuss the integration of urban agglomeration development, using the urban area of Cheng (Chengdu)-Yu (Chongqing) Urban agglomeration (CYUA) as a case study. By means of industries, population and spatial integrations, the function, strength and competition of CYUA will be improved and this urban agglomeration will transit from a budding state to a growing and mature one in future. The sustainable development of CYUA will depend on countermeasures, such as accelerating industrialization and urbanization, building a traffic network and express roads, strengthening the ability of self-sufficiency, enlarging the ecological construction and environmental protection, and establishing the synergetic institution of cross districts.  相似文献   

自然保护区与周边社区的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立保护区是应对生物多样性锐减的主要措施,然而保护区内部及其周边社区则受到保护区管理工作不同程度的影响。针对这个问题,本文以海南铜鼓岭国家级自然保护区为例,主要采用发放问卷的方式,调查了与该保护区相邻的9个自然村内的172位当地农民。结果表明,54.8%的被调查者认为保护区对其家庭和生活的正面影响大于负面影响,正面影响主要包括增加就业机会、发展旅游业提高收入和保护生态环境,而负面影响主要包括限制资源的利用、忽视其生存利益和野生动物的严重破坏。因此,建议保护区的社区管理工作应加强以下几方面:将旅游收益按照贡献量合理分配给当地社区,为当地社区开发新的替代性经济来源,加强对周边社区在管理政策、具体措施、生态服务功能等方面的环保教育,建立社区共管制度,最终实现生物多样性保护和当地社区经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国农业与农村可持续发展的核心问题是农民收入问题。只有切实提高农民的收入水平。才能有效地增加农民购买力,从而增加农业生产资料的投入。进而保证粮食增产。我国农业与农村可持续发展存在的两个矛盾是小农经济与市场经济社会化的矛盾以及小农经济与科技化之间的矛盾。面临的两个分离是家庭经济与集体经济的分离以及传统供销合作社与农民利益的分离。增加农民收入的规模经济论与乡镇企业论的确有成功的典范.但是。对我国更多的农村地区来讲.不具有普遍意义。我国农业和农村可持续发展的关键有两个.一是符合区域特色的区域农业专业化.二是通过专业合作社的制度创新.将分散的家庭组织起来.以解决家庭小生产与大市场之间的巨大矛盾。  相似文献   

区域可持续发展的品牌经济机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化和过剩经济条件下,区域可持续发展必须建立在个人与企业持久发展的基础之上。发达国家的发展现实说明.品牌企业具有强大的竞争力。以品牌经济为基础上的区域经济能够有效保障个人与企业的持久发展。随着品牌竞争日益剧烈。品牌的资源配置功能日益突出。目前的可持续发展策略,更多的是从通过收费、税收和排放标准等限制角度进行实施。随着政府从资源配置参与型向资源配置干预型角色转换。要求采取新的可持续发展策略.即发挥企业的积极主动性,发展品牌经济。研究表明,晶牌经济具有追求可持续性的内在动机,能够促进物种与环境保护.以及有效就业的稳定增长。实施品牌经济战略,不仅实现当代人的发展。而且更有利于后代人的发展。  相似文献   

我国农业可持续发展的水问题及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着我国人口增长和经济发展,水资源问题日益突出,农业用水问题成为农业可持续发展中的焦点问题.文章从探讨我国水资源与农业可持续发展的关系入手,分析了我国水资源严峻的现实及其存在的主要问题,并提出了解决我国农业可持续发展中水问题的对策建议;加强管理,建立系统的管理体制;依靠科技,提高水资源利用率;增加投入,打好水资源高效利用的基础;实施虚拟水贸易,缓解水资源短.  相似文献   


The Clean Development Mechanism, a flexibility mechanism contained in the Kyoto Protocol, offers China an important tool to attract investment in clean energy technology and processes into its electricity sector. The Chinese electricity sector places centrally in the country's economy and environment, being a significant contributor to the acid rain and air pollution problems that plague many of China's cities and regions, and therefore a focus of many related energy and environmental policies. China's electricity sector has also been the subject of a number of economic analyses that have showed that it contains the highest potential for clean energy investment through the Clean Development Mechanism of any economic sector in China. This mechanism, through the active participation from investors in more industrialized countries, can help alleviate the environmental problems attributable to electricity generation in China through advancing such technology as wind electricity generation, clean coal technology, high efficient natural gas electricity generation, or utilization of coal mine methane. In this context, the Clean Development Mechanism also compliments a range of environmental and energy policies which are strategizing to encourage the sustainable development of China's economy.  相似文献   

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