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一2003 年3 月,教育部下发了《教育部办公厅关于印发〈中小学生环境教育专题教育大纲〉的通知》(教基厅[ 2003] 3 号)文件。对于有着960 万平方公里国土,13 亿人口的泱泱大国而言,这是一件关系到进一步把资源管理和环境保护这一基本国策变为学校教育实践的大事,从国民环境教育的角度讲,《中小学生环境教育专题教育大纲》的颁布实施,为我国实施可持续发展战略提供了新的基础保障。对于全国矢志不渝的环境工作者而言,这是一件莫大的喜事!从1 9 73 年全国第一次环保工作会议,周恩来总理亲手启开我国环保宣传教育工作的大幕到今天,我们整整跋涉…  相似文献   

This paper examines how some of the principles of environmental education have been taken up in environmental strategies and activities in Victoria, Australia. The focus is upon the efforts of the State Government-funded Victorian Environmental Education Council (VEEC) to encourage the development of environmental education in sectors and organizations outside the formal education sector and not usually associated with either the environment or education. The relative success of initiatives fostered in marginalized community sectors and in the private industry sector are discussed. Following the abolition of the VEEC (late 1993) with a change of government, questions are raised about the sustainability of environmental reform agendas in the public political domain. In view of the fragility of sympathetic political environments, it is argued, that for environmentally sustainable development a broader commitment to social justice and social change must be fundamental to environmental education principles and processes to both include all sections of the community and, also, to actually change who makes decisions and how and where they are made.Jeannie Rea lectures in environmental policy and polities at Victoria University of Technology, Victoria, Australia. She was the Trades Hall Council representative on the Victorian Environmental Education Council and worked with others, on a publication chronieling exemplary environmental education projects in Victoria.  相似文献   

Intractable industrial legacies present new challenges to governance. Amongst the persistent organic pollutants, now managed internationally under the Stockholm Convention, hexachlorobenzene (HCB) stands out in all three classes of chemicals (pesticides, industrial chemicals and unintended by-products). This paper introduces twelve interdisciplinary papers contributing to our understanding of decision-making processes using a case study of HCB and industry-community relations in Sydney's industrial heartland. In this collection, authors align new political theory and emerging management theory, and they analyse the case study from several disciplines. Disputes such as that over HCB destablilise the political/administrative/technoscientific regime that is the modern state. Citizens engage in 'sub-political' processes which require recognition of what Ulrich Beck and others have termed 'individualisation'. This sees decision-forming and decision-making functions push outwards into community-driven structures. There we find new styles of public participation, resolution of asymmetries between knowledge and expertise, and new corporate behaviour.  相似文献   

从学院师资队伍建设的现状,看到与学院实现"跨跃式"发展目标的差距。针对学院总 体发展目标,提出师资队伍建设规划目标和全面提高师资队伍素质的对策。  相似文献   

我国体制转轨时期,面对当前的腐败,究其原因除了腐败本身具有的顽固性尚未得到根本遇制外,缺少科学的廉政考核体系也是一个重要原因.本文从我国公务员康政概念开始,通过一系列指标体系的测量,充分利用现代科技不断进行制度和方法的创新,不断完善我国公务员康政考核的指标体系.  相似文献   

我国企业突发环境应急预案编制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出当前企业突发环境应急预案编制过程中存在的主要问题。对加强编制人员素质、做好风险源和风险物质管理,明确做什么、谁来做、怎么做,实现事件分级、预警级别、应急响应和信息报告等提出了建议。对强化实用性、完整性、规范性、可行性、衔接性的评估、规范现场处置六个程序和细化专项预案七项内容等方面进行研究,提出符合国家法律、法规要求、规范性的企业突发环境事件应急预案编制方法。  相似文献   

据悉,由于产品价格大幅回落、企业效益大幅下滑、产成品库存增加较多,国内部分行业产能过剩的现象已开始显现。目前,我国钢铁行业产能已大于市场需求1.2亿吨,还有在建能力7000万吨、拟建能力8000万吨;电解铝行业产能已高达1030万吨,闲置能力就有260万吨;铁合金行业现有产能2213  相似文献   

丙烯酸聚氨酯涂层在我国典型大气环境下的老化历程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨丽霞  李晓刚  张三平 《环境技术》2006,24(6):19-22,25
本文采用交流阻抗测试技术、傅立叶红外测试技术研究了丙烯酸聚氨酯涂层在我国典型大气环境(武汉、拉萨)下户外降解规律,分析了其降解机理,比较了不同地区的环境老化强度,并探讨了丙烯酸聚氨酯涂层降解过程中电化学等效回路模型的转换问题.结果表明:(i)随曝露时间的延长,涂层的孔隙率增加、孔隙结构增大,体系由一个时间常数特征转为两个时间常数特征,涂层内逐渐形成了腐蚀性离子通往基底金属的通道,基底金属发生腐蚀,随金属腐蚀产物的增加,金属/溶液双电层电容逐渐被具有弥散效应的电容元件替换;(ii)丙烯酸聚氨酯涂层抗蚀性能的降低主要由涂层内高分子链节的断裂所致,随曝露时间的延长,在仲酰胺处发生断裂,生成了新的基团伯酰胺;(iii)丙烯酸聚氨酯涂层在拉萨地区的降解速率较武汉地区快.  相似文献   

The loss of biodiversity is a mounting concern, but despite numerous attempts there are few large scale conservation efforts that have proven successful in reversing current declines. Given the challenge of biodiversity conservation, there is a need to develop strategic conservation plans that address species declines even with the inherent uncertainty in managing multiple species in complex environments. In 2002, the State Wildlife Grant program was initiated to fulfill this need, and while not explicitly outlined by Congress follows the fundamental premise of adaptive management, 'Learning by doing'. When action is necessary, but basic biological information and an understanding of appropriate management strategies are lacking, adaptive management enables managers to be proactive in spite of uncertainty. However, regardless of the strengths of adaptive management, the development of an effective adaptive management framework is challenging. In a review of 53 State Wildlife Action Plans, I found a keen awareness by planners that adaptive management was an effective method for addressing biodiversity conservation, but the development and incorporation of explicit adaptive management approaches within each plan remained elusive. Only ~25% of the plans included a framework for how adaptive management would be implemented at the project level within their state. There was, however, considerable support across plans for further development and implementation of adaptive management. By furthering the incorporation of adaptive management principles in conservation plans and explicitly outlining the decision making process, states will be poised to meet the pending challenges to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

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