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The spatial variability in the concentrations of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) in surface soils was studied on the basis of the analysis of 131 soil samples collected from the surface layer (0-20 cm depth) of the alluvial region of Beijing, China. The concentrations of total HCHs (including α-, β-, γ-, and δ-isomers) and total DDTs (i ncluding p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDE, and o,p'-DDT) in the surface soils tested were in the range from nondetectable to 31.72 μg/kg dry soil, with a mean value of 0.91, and from nondetectable to 5910.83 μg/kg dry soil, with a mean value of 32.13,respectively. It was observed that concentrations of HCHs in all soil samples and concentrations of DDTs in 112 soil samples were much lower than the first grade (50 μg/kg) permitted in "Environment quality standard for soils in China (GB15618-1995)". This suggests that the pollution due to organochlorine pesticides was generally not significant in the farmland soils in the Beijing alluvial region. In this study, the spatial distribution and trend of HCHs and DDTs were analyzed using Geostatistical Analyst and GS (513).Spatial distribution indicated how these pesticides had been applied in the past. Trend analysis showed that the concentrations of HCHs,DDTs, and their related metabolites followed an obvious distribution trend in the surface soils from the alluvial region of Beijing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the extent of cadmium (Cd) contamination in agricultural soil and its potential risk for people. Soils, rice, and vegetables from Chenzhou City, Southern China were sampled and analyzed. In the surface soils, the 95% confidence interval for the mean concentration of Cd varied between 2.72 and 4.83 mg/kg (P 〈 0.05) in the survey, with a geometric mean concentration of 1.45 mg/kg. Based on the GIS map, two hot spot areas of Cd in agricultural soils with high Cd concentrations were identified to be located around the Shizhuyuan, Jinshiling, and Yaogangxian mines, and the Baoshan and Huangshaping mines, in the center of the city. About 60% of the total investigated area, where the agricultural soil Cd concentration is above 1 mg/kg, is distributed in a central belt across the region. The critical distances, at which the soil Cd concentration were increased by the mining activities, from the mines of the soils were 23 km for the Baoshan mine, 46 km for the Huangshaping mine, and 63 km for the Shizhuyuan mine, respectively. These are distances calculated from models. The Cd concentrations in rice samples ranged from 0.01 to 4.43 mg/kg and the mean dietary Cd intake from rice for an adult was 191 μg/d. Results of risk indexes showed that soil Cd concentrations possessed risks to local residents whose intake of Cd from rice and vegetables grown in soils in the vicinity of the mine was 596 μg/d.  相似文献   

利用大流量主动采样器于2008年8月至2009年7月采集了西安城区大气样品,研究了大气中多环芳烃(PAHs)的季节变化特征.结果表明,西安大气中16种美国EPA优控的PAHs(∑PAHs)气固两相总浓度为37~620ng·m-3(年平均为195ng·m-3),具有明显的季节差异,依次为夏季(74ng·m-3)〈春季(106ng·m-3)〈秋季(213ng·m-3)〈冬季(360ng·m-3).气态PAHs以3~4环为主,颗粒态PAHs以5~6环为主.分子组成表明西安大气PAHs主要来自于燃煤和机动车尾气及生物质燃烧的复合源.应用BaP毒性当量因子及健康风险评价模型对西安城区成人和儿童进行PAHs健康风险评价,结果显示成人和儿童的日均暴露剂量分别为24.3×10-6mg·kg-·1d-1和5.6×10-6mg·kg-·1d-1,终身致癌超额危险度分别为7.5×10-5和1.7×10-5,可能造成成人和儿童的预期寿命损失分别约为467.6min和107.5min.  相似文献   

Chinapaddysoilsoccupyalandareaofabout3×107hm2andproduce44%oftotalcerealsofthestatewithalandportionof25%.Managementofpaddysoilscanbetracedbackto7000yearsB.P.andhaveledtoaparticularsoiltypeofanthropogenicwetlandsoilswithenhancedCstorageincomparisonwiththeu…  相似文献   

晋江流域表层土壤中有机氯农药分布特征及污染评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以网格法(12km×12km)采集晋江流域42个表层土壤代表性样品,并用GC-ECD内标法对土壤中的滴滴涕(DDTs)和六六六(HCHs)进行分析,揭示了研究区土壤中有机氯农药(OCPs)的残留水平、空间分布及来源.结果表明,晋江流域土壤中HCHs及DDTs的异构体或衍生物的检出率在81.0%~100%之间.OCPs、...  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have been a major environmental issue, attracting much scientific concern because of their nature of toxicity, persistence, and endocrine disrupting effects. Soil samples were collected from ten college school yards in Beijing in 2006 and analyzed to determine fifteen OCPs. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) were found to be the main pollutants, accounting for 93.70% of total OCPs, followed by hexachlorohexanes (HCHs) (2.25%) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) (1.82%). Content...  相似文献   

利用气相色谱法对采集于2013年5月、7月和11月的钱塘江(杭州段)表层水中10种有机氯农药(OCPs)残留进行了分析,初步明确其组成特征及来源,并对其健康风险进行了评价.结果表明,钱塘江(杭州段)水体中检出5种微量的OCPs,检出频率最高的是β-HCH和δ-HCH.14个采样点均有不同浓度检出,钱塘江干流∑OCPs的浓度范围在1.31~6.68 ng·L-1,属低污染水平,3条主要支流∑OCPs的浓度范围则是1.32~4.23 ng·L-1.钱塘江(杭州段)水体中OCPs污染空间分布各异,上游兰江点位及桐庐县、富阳市境内各点位总体浓度相对较高.通过特征组分比例可确认HCHs污染主要源于农田中使用有机氯类农药的降解残留及新的林丹污染输入,且非固定污染源输入.利用EPA推荐方法对通过饮水和皮肤接触途径摄入钱塘江水体中OCPs的健康风险进行评价:非致癌健康风险指数介于8.56×10-5~1.82×10-3,根据评价标准均未超标;致癌健康风险指数在3.96×10-8~1.93×10-7,均位于可忽略风险范围内.结果表明钱塘江(杭州段)作为饮用水水源,其水体中OCPs残留引起对人体产生的致癌、非致癌健康危害可忽略.  相似文献   

长江口南岸水体SPM和表层沉积物中OCPs的赋存   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用GC-ECD对长江口南岸14个采样点水体悬浮颗粒物(SPM)及表层沉积物进行了有机氯农药(OCPs)的测定,分析了其中HCHs和DDTs的赋存水平和形态分布.研究表明,OCPs的含量水平有DDTs>HCHs的趋势;悬浮物中污染物浓度高于表层沉积物.悬浮物中HCHs污染水平分布在6.24~14.75ng/g,平均值为12.27ng/g;DDTs的污染水平为3.36~25.66ng/g,平均值为16.37ng/g.而表层沉积物中HCHs含量为1.19~8.22ng/g,平均值5.92ng/g;DDTs的含量水平为4.96~14.94ng/g,平均值为8.92ng/g.研究区内OCPs的含量低于ER-M值,对环境生物具有潜在的危害性.  相似文献   

漓江桂林市区段表层沉积物有机氯农药分布特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对漓江桂林市区段沉积物中有机氯农药分析结果表明,沉积物中总OCPs为0.94~56.68ng/g(平均值13.77ng/g),在国内处于中等水平.上游蚂蝗洲附近和下游瓦窑受有机氯农药污染最为严重,中游河段污染较轻.18种检出的有机氯农药中,六氯苯含量最高,其次为HCHs,这与当地使用历史有关.(DDE+DDD)/DDT比值(平均值为2.79)表明DDT降解比较完全,DDE/DDD比值说明沉积物降解主要发生在厌氧条件下.同分异构体比例分析说明漓江市区河段HCH类农药以历史残留为主,而蚂蝗洲附近有大量林丹输入,需引起相关部门重视.  相似文献   

长江口潮滩表层沉积物中PCBs和OCPs的分布   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
对长江口潮滩表层沉积物中的多氯联苯(PCBs)和有机氯农药(OCPs)进行GC-ECD测试,结果表明PCBs含量分布在0.19~18.95ng/g,平均值为2.70ng/g,其分布随采样点的位置变化显著:排污口附近出现最大值,离排污口越远,即受排污影响的程度越小,其含量越低.OCPs含量在1.25~36.01ng/g,平均值为8.50ng/g,分布特征与PCBs相似,表明了它们来源的相似性.研究区内PCBs和OCPs的含量低于ER-L值,尚未对生物造成显著的负面影响.  相似文献   

在宁夏银川市东郊设施蔬菜基地共采集49个表层土样,采用气相色谱质谱联用检测方法,分析了土壤中16种邻苯二甲酸酯(Phthalate esters,PAEs)化合物含量,并对其污染分布、污染特征进行了评价,同时对美国EPA和欧盟优先控制的6种PAEs进行了人体暴露的健康风险评价.结果表明,银川市东郊设施蔬菜基地土壤中16种邻苯二甲酸酯化合物(∑16PAEs)的含量范围为2.123~17.271 mg·kg~(-1),平均值和中位数分别为5.120和4.324 mg·kg~(-1).土样中DMP、DEP、Dn BP、DIBP和DEHP的检出率为100%.其中,DMP、Dn BP和DEHP是研究区土壤中PAEs污染物的主要组成部分,DMP、Dn BP和DEHP分别占∑16PAEs总量的46.03%、26.55%和10.32%,三者之和占∑16PAEs的82.79%,占美国EPA 6种优先控制污染物水平的86.16%.对人体健康风险评价表明,研究区6种优先控制化合物对人体产生的非致癌风险均1,未超过EPA推荐的非致癌水平,表明非致癌风险在可接受范围之内.对于DEHP单体,居民通过饮食途径的致癌风险为(0.779±1.370)×10-5,超过EPA推荐的致癌水平,应引起一定的重视,而BBP和DEHP其它非饮食途径的致癌风险都在可接受范围,不会对人体健康产生危害.  相似文献   

Seventeen topsoil samples (9 urban, 4 suburban, 3 rural and 1 background) were collected in/around Harbin, a typical city in northeast of China, to measure concentration levels of organocholrine pesticides (OCPs) in topsoil of Northeastern China in 2006. Hexachlorohexanes (HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were detected in soil samples with mean concentrations (in pg/g dry weight (dw)) of 7120, 5425, and 1039, respectively. The mean concentrations for other OCPs were very low, 4.8 pg/g dw for chlordane and 3.3 pg/g dw for endosulfan. Source identification analysis reveals that all OCPs found in soil samples were due to historical use of these chemicals or from other source regions through long- and short-range atmospheric transport. DDT was mainly used in the rural sites, whereas the sources of HCB, chlordane and endosulfan were mainly in the urban area. HCH was found almost equally in both urban and rural area. Soil concentrations of all detected OCPs, except HCHs, in and around Harbin were much lower than those in the southeast of China, which is expected since the use of these OCPs in the former was much lower than that in the latter, however higher HCH concentrations in and around Harbin than those found in most places of the Southeast China is not expected. It is suggested that high HCH concentration in soil of Northeast China was most likely due to long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) from Southeast China and the cold condensation process.  相似文献   

The distribution and sources of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in air and surface waters were monitored in Nairobi City using triolein-filled semipermeable membrane devices (SP-MDs).The SPMDs were extracted by dialysis using n-hexane,followed by cleanup by adsorption chromatography on silica gel cartridges.Sample analysis was done by GC-ECD and confirmed by GC–MS.Separation of means was achieved by analysis of variance,followed by pair-wise comparison using the t-test (p≤0.05).The total OCPs r...  相似文献   

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