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探讨了工业区大气污染对小学生肺功能的影响。在唐山市工业区和相对清洁区选取452名小学生为研究对象,进行肺功能的测定和问卷调查。用多元回归分析建立模型后,以实测值占预计值的百分比为统计量进行分析。调查结果显示小学生肺功能指标中MVV、V25污染区低于对照区,VC、FEV、V25、V50的异常率高于对照区,且与大气中SO2的浓度有关。  相似文献   

The relationships between the trace element content of vegetables, agricultural soil and airborne particulate matter were investigated in the greater industrial area of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. Most elements were found at concentrations normally observed in vegetables grown in uncontaminated areas, however, elevated concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cr and Mn were found particularly in leafy vegetables. The trace element content of agricultural soil was low, despite the airborne particulate matter that was highly enriched with Zn, Cd, Pb and Mn. Multivariate statistical analysis indicated that the compositional patterns of the vegetables, the soil and the atmospheric particulates were largely different. The dominant pathway for most trace elements to vegetable roots was from the soil, while trace elements in vegetable leaves appeared to originate mostly from the atmosphere. High accumulation due to atmospheric deposition was found for Pb, Cr and Cd, especially in leafy vegetables. Root vegetables were found to accumulate soil Cd more efficiently than the other trace elements.  相似文献   

Srivastava A  Som D 《Chemosphere》2007,69(3):458-468
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) have a potential to be distributed into different component of environment with varying persistence. In the current study fourteen HAPs have been quantified in the air using TO-17 method in an industrial area of Mumbai. The distribution of these HAPs in different environmental compartments have been calculated using multi media mass balance model, TaPL3, along with long range transport potential and persistence. Results show that most of the target compounds partition mostly in air. Phenol and trifluralin, partition predominantly into soil while ethyl benzene and xylene partition predominantly into vegetation compartment. Naphthalene has the highest persistence followed by ethyl benzene, xylene and 1,1,1 trihloro ethane. Long range transport potential is maximum for 1,1,1 trichloroethane. Assessment of human health risk in terms of non-carcinogenic hazard and carcinogenic risk due to exposure to HAPs. have been estimated for industrial workers and residents in the study area considering all possible exposure routes using the output from TaPL3 model. The overall carcinogenic risk for residents and workers are estimated as high as unity along with very high hazard potential.  相似文献   

Air pollution episodes in rural or semi-rural areas are strongly dependent upon wind directions relative to more or less distant industrial zones. At distances up to 80 km from emission sources acute episodes are observed which display pollutant levels of the same order of magnitude as the mean levels observed in industrial cities. It is shown that sulfur dioxide is an indicator of immissions of pollutant elements such as Br, As, Sb, Se, Cr and Zn.  相似文献   

We aimed at evaluating the effect of low-level air pollution on leaf area fluctuating asymmetry (FAA) and specific leaf area (SLA) of Salix alba L., taking into account other environmental factors. Cuttings were grown in standardized conditions in the near vicinity of air quality measuring stations in Belgium. Variability of SLA and FAA between measuring stations explained 83% and 7.26%, respectively, of the total variability. FAA was not influenced by air pollution or environmental factors such as shading, herbivory, air temperature and humidity. SLA was increased by an increase in shadow, while NOx and O3 concentrations had only a marginal influence. The influence of SO2 concentration was negligible. Although our data analysis suggests a relationship between SLA and NOx/O3 concentration, the absence of a straightforward relationship between FAA and SLA and air pollution still questions the usefulness of these bio-indicators for monitoring air pollution.  相似文献   

Nguyen HT  Kim KH  Kim MY  Kang CH  Shim SG 《Chemosphere》2008,71(11):2017-2029
The concentrations of total gaseous mercury (TGM) and its relevant environmental parameters were measured at a highly industrialized area in the Ban Wall industrial complex (BWIC) in An San city, Korea from March to May 2005. The mean concentrations of Hg measured during the entire study period were computed to be 6.32 ± 8.56 ng m−3 (range of 2.32–181 ng m−3; N = 1160). Due to the effects of strong man-made activities, the significantly high Hg concentration levels (e.g., at or above 10 ng m−3) comprised about 7.5% of all data with the mean of 21.8 ± 26.3 ng m−3 (N = 87). By separating the data into daytime and nighttime periods, the Hg values exhibited a notable daytime enhancement possibly due to strong man-made activities during working hours. The results of the correlation analysis indicated the possible relationship between the Hg concentration and the temperature as well as several pollutant species (e.g., NO2 and NOx). Evaluation of the Hg data in relation with the air mass transport pattern confirms that the Hg concentration levels in this industrial area are affected most eminently by local, rather than distant, pollution sources.  相似文献   

重庆主城区大气重污染形势的激光雷达探测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年1月12日-26日,利用大气超级站ALS300型激光雷达对重庆主城区大气进行了连续探测,分析了重污染形势期间的大气扩散条件及大气颗粒物时空分布等探测结果。分析表明,大气层结持续稳定,扩散条件差使得大气颗粒物浓度居高不下,大气能见度持续恶化;大气重污染期间PBL高度较低,平均为320~350m;大气颗粒物污染带处于100~400m高度范围;全国范围内异常的大气环流形势和重庆主城区独特的地形、气候特征是造成持续大气重污染形势的原因。  相似文献   

Bacterial bioabsorption of nickel from industrial cooling water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three bacterial strains tolerant to the presence of 100 mg litre(-1) nickel ions were isolated from a water reclamation system. Each organism was tested for ability to accumulate nickel at the above-mentioned concentration. The organism capable of maximum nickel accumulation was identified as an Enterobacter sp. and intracellular nickel deposition by this microorganism was determined using energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and transmission electron microscopy. A metal-staining technique for light microscopy was developed. Further studies revealed that growth and glucose utilisation by this isolate was inhibited in culture by nickel.  相似文献   

Measurements of hydrocarbon (HC) emissions generated by the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara City (MAG) are presented in this work. Based on measurements in the course of distribution, handling, and consumption, an estimated 4407 tons/yr are released into the atmosphere. The three most important contributors to LPG emissions were refilling of LPG-fueled vehicles and commercial and domestic consumption. The MAG shows a different contribution pattern of LPG emission sources compared with that of the metropolitan area of Mexico City (MAMC). These results show that each megacity has different sources of emissions, which provides more accurate strategies in the handling procedures for LPG to decrease the impact in O3 levels. This work represents the first evaluation performed in Guadalajara City, based on current measurements, of the LPG contribution to polluting emissions.  相似文献   

In summer, high levels of ozone (O3) are frequently measured at both Galicia and Northern Portugal air quality monitoring stations, even exceeding the limit values imposed by legislation. This work aims to investigate the origin of these high O3 concentrations by the application of a chemical transport modelling system over the northwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula. The WRF–CHIMERE modelling system was applied with high resolution to simulate the selected air pollution episodes that occurred simultaneously in Galicia and North Portugal and in order to study both the contribution of local emission sources and the influence of transboundary pollution. Emission inputs have been prepared based on the development of the Portuguese and Galician emission inventories. The obtained results for O3 have been evaluated and validated against observations. Modelling results show possible contribution of the transboundary transport over the border of two neighbour regions/countries, indicating that the O3 episode starts over the urban and industrialised area of North coast of Portugal, reaching the maximum peaks over this region; at the same time, O3 levels increased over Galicia region, where lower concentrations, but still high, were observed. These results pointed out that air quality management should not be driven by political boundaries and highlight the importance of joining efforts between neighbouring countries.  相似文献   

Since emission regulations in Korea concentrate mainly on the limitation of pollutant concentration in the stack gas, it is difficult to achieve a desirable air quality in a heavily industralized city like Ulsan. To ensure a suitable air quality in the future, a total emission control method is proposed with a stack height formula of H = 10.6 q0.5, where H is the stack height (m) and q is the SO2 emission rate (m3 h−1 reduced to 0°C). The total emission permitted can be allocated to industries
  • 1.(1) at an uniform reduction rate,
  • 2.(2) by the formula Q = aQo0.925, where Q is the emission allowed (g s−1), a is a constant, and Qo is the emission before control (g s−1), or
  • 3.(3) by using a linear programming technique.
The above three approaches were evaluated using the TCM 2 air quality model. In order to achieve the air quality goal set for the area, the first approach requires 38.7 % reduction of SO2 emission from industries, the second 53.3 %, and the third 4.3 %. The linear programming method is found to be very economical, but there are some administrative difficulties in enforcement.  相似文献   

Three kinds of plant leaves, Chinese white poplar, arborvitae and pine needles were evaluated as a biomonitor for air pollution studies. Thirty-two trace elements have been determined by using relative and the K0 methods of instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). The results indicated that Chinese white poplar leaves are a good biomonitor in particular seasons and the pine needles are better than arborvitae for yearly monitoring. Air pollution in Beijing city using poplar as a biomonitor for 46 sampling sites was evaluated. The results indicate some sites are seriously polluted by some elements. In general, northeast in Beijing is a clean area and southwest is relatively polluted.  相似文献   

An estimation of hydrocarbon emissions caused by the consumption of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City (MAMC) is presented. On the basis of experimental measurements at all points of handling, during the distribution process, and during the consumption of LPG in industrial devices and domestic appliances, an estimated 76,414 tons/year are released to the air. The most important contribution is found during the domestic consumption of LPG (70%); this makes the control initiatives available to the consumer. By developing a control program of LPG losses, a 77% reduction in emission is expected in a 5-yr period. The calculated amounts of LPG emissions when correlated with the consumption of LPG, combined with information from air samples from the MAMC, do not point to LPG emissions as the most important factor contributing to tropospheric ozone in the air in Mexico City.  相似文献   

The development and application of a three dimensional regional air dispersion model to the Kwinana industrial area is described. Spatial variation in the flow and variations in surface roughness are incorporated and the model results are shown to be in close agreement with visual observations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Total suspended particles (TSP) were collected in Lumbini from April 2013 to March 2016 to better understand the characteristics of carbonaceous...  相似文献   

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